
Mediterranean Wedding Festival - TC

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Mediterranean Wedding Festival - TC
Mediterranean WEDDING festival
Under the patronage of the
Prime Minister of Malta
& Minister for Tourism
Dr. Lawrence Gonzi KUOM, LL.D., MP.
Mediterrenean Wedding
Fashion Festival –3rd. – 6th.July 08
Because this sector is a business due to Malta
traditions. Malta is a romantic destination, 365
churches, there’s a good import wedding
market, has great religious traditions
A suitable romantic landscape for an event to
entertain public and Malta’s guests in a
comparison among different Mediterranean
cultures, a mix between past and present.
A date of international relevance for the market
worldwide, dealing in wedding and nuptial
sectors. It will realize suitable synergies with
other events organized in the same period on
Malta, to develop together all the shows and the
participation of public and final consumer.
The core-business (concept b2b) consists into
the presentation of new trends to professional
operators of this sector, coming from
international trades: boutiques, importers, chain
Exhibitors will present their collections both in
suggestive booths and in a separate catwalk,
that can be attended on invitation only.
The Sponsor Museum &
Previews for 2009
Here you are some short descriptions of eventual “Soirées” to be organized and held
some particular context , during the Meditterrenean Wedding Festival – July 2008
The Main sponsor of Meditterrenean Wedding Festival will be reserved a
“museum” inside a prestigious hotel during the fashion fair. This space could
be even a shop (a commercial point exclusively reserved to the clients of the
Hotel and tourist in Malta for the time of this exclusive event!!)
Palazzo Parisio
The Sponsor will support – a part from its own “Museum” – the launch of the
bridal brands participating in the further session: each company will be given
the opportunity to show in one item exclusively realized for MWF
…….and the winner will gain a special award: his free to second session of
Meditterrenean Wedding Festival
The Westin Dragonara Resort
Le Méridien Hotel
The Palace Hotel
Programme Format
The Core business of the Showcase is the presentation of finished
brand new collections (B2B)
The exhibitors are the well-known brands coming from the most
qualified countries of Mediterranean Area: France, Spain, Italy,
Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Lebanon, Israel.
15 Designers coming from all over the world will represent the link
between actual Griffes and vintage Griffes, accomplishing the task to
complete the offer of Meditterrenean Wedding Festival
The Meditterrenean Wedding Festival will welcome junior and
senior designers, manufacturing: accessories, underwear coordinates,
cocktail wear, wedding collections, jewellery, shoes, beachwear….
Programme Format
WELCOME to Meditterrenean Wedding Fashion Festival
A Cocktail to welcome the Exhibitors and the Press of Meditterrenean Wedding
Festival Meditterrenean Wedding Festival the night of the inauguration day:
some entertainment programme (music, animation,..) or a static show of some
items of the exhibitors’ collections in an artistic choreography.
This is simply a sophisticated occasion to offer a private moment to the guests of
Meditterrenean Wedding Festival, and to give them visibility to the specialized
LA QUINTA Malta will involve local personalities, will include the welcome event in
the programme of the show, giving it visibility and advertising.
Programme Format
Collateral events outside “Show can be open to the public :they can
consist in a “vintage” défilé of wedding dresses from private
wardrobe, presented together with designers’ creations (past and
future) or with an exhibitor’s item (past and present) or also the
combination of designer-exhibitor (present and future)
Griffes will profit of a Gala on invitation only (Palazzo Parisio), agreed
with a Sponsor
Catering service will be offered during representations to the VIPs,
press, special clients, sponsor and exhibitors of Meditterrenean
Wedding Festival
Everybody knows that creativity is the secret of fashion life.
Mediterranean style in wedding proposals is highly appreciated all
over the world.
A prize to a young designer means recognize this value.
A Gala with catwalk in a young and amusing context, at the presence
of entrepreneurs of the sector and technical press
Format to be discussed with the location involved
Charity Gala Dinner
Charity Gala Dinner under the auspices of :
The President of Malta
A high profile event (a dinner) with a social intent (donation to a national
VIP, high society and Governmental Representatives, press, broadcast,
the beneficiary and…sponsors with their articles to be sold out at 50%.
Anybody in Malta can participate: art galleries, jewelleries, industries of
furniture, travel agencies, gifts shops, exhibitors of MWFWF with their
dresses…offering a sell on 50% discount to final consumer, to guests,
to people keen to buy for organizing their next wedding!
Due to a National interest, the sponsor should be the Malta Tourism
Authority, or if MWFWF will get a sole main sponsor, this event will be
called Malta Community Chest Fund Charity Gala Dinner under the
auspices of The President of Malta
It can also be proposed as an auction version.
H.E. Dr Edward Fenech-Adami K.U.O.M., B.A., LL.D
Startegic Locations
and Exhibiting Venues
Exhibiting area: Mediterranean Conference Centre – B2B
Starwood International Hotels & Resorts – Westin Dragonara Resort &
Spa and Le Méridien - a permanent show of the Sponsor
Palazzo Parisio – Charity Gala & Fashion Designer’s Catwalk – Synergy
with Miss World Malta
Fashion & Political Celebrity
Participating in the
Meditterrenean Wedding Fashion
Festival July 2008
Gabriella Carlucci was born on February 28, 1959, in Alghero. She is married with Lawyer
Marco Catelli, and is mother of Matteo, born in 1996.She received her degree with honours
and a 110/110 valuation from the University of Rome, Department of Foreign Languages
and Literatures. During her academic years, she particularly specialised in English,
German and Spanish, and submitter her final thesis in North American Literature of the
1930s, which was published later on. She also obtained a second degree specialising in
conservative restoration. In 1983 she began her television career, being an host and a TV
journalist, with the show named “Portobello”, where she was in charge of external relations.
She presented the most famous Italian music festivals for the music: “Azzurro”, “Festival
bar”, “Cantagiro”, in 1988 and 1990 “Sanremo Festival”. Then she worked both for RAI and
Mediaset (Fininvest) with the productions “Cocco”, “Giallo”, “Luna di Miele”, “Piccolo
Grande Amore” and “Buona Domenica”. She conducted important soirées like “David di
Donatello” and “Donna sotto le Stelle”. Since 1998 she chose to continue conducting, on
Rete 4, “Mela Verde”, a program discovering the most particular Italian tastes in agriculture
and environment.
In 1993 she founded a fashion clothing atelier: prêt a porter, wedding dresses and
In 1994, answering a Silvio Berlusconi invite, she joined Forza Italia, a conservative party,
with a particular focus on her professional field: or rather the Entertainment system. After
two years, she became chief of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Entertainment for
Regione Lazio. In 1999 she founded and became director of the Forza Italia National
Department for Entertainment (web site http://web.tiscali.it/spettacolo2000).Thanks to her
political devotion to Forza Italia’s actions, Gabriella Carlucci ran and was elected
Congresswoman in the region of Puglia in 2001 with 33.887 votes.
Since her election as Congresswoman in the Italian Parliament, Gabriella Carlucci’s
interests shifted to the moral and social problems affecting the young Italian population.
She realized that in order to have a strong voice she needed to create a network and in
2004, together with other congresswomen, founded an association named “Valori and
Libertà” (Values and Liberty) which, among its main objectives, focuses on the spreading
of Christian ethics, morals and values, with particular attention to the young, who are the
easier victims of a growing materialistic and atheistic society .“Valori and Libertà” is
organized through a capillary system of support on the national territory focusing on
initiatives promoting cultural, moral and ethical seminars, also organized on-site in the
public and private schools to promote moral ethical and religious teachings. The
association currently counts 10.000 members and is supported by private funding.
Gabriella Carlucci
TV Moda Celebrity
Jo Squillo nasce artisticamente nel 1979 con il gruppo femminile
"Kandeggina Gang". Il primo 45 giri si chiama: "Sono cattiva/Orrore", il
secondo, inciso nel 1981, "Skizzo Skizzo/Energia Interna" cui segue
l'album "Girl senza paura". Nel 1982 esce il 45 giri "Africa", dedicato a
Nelson Mandela; l'anno successivo è la volta di "Avventurieri". Nel 1984
esce l'album "Bizzarre", seguito dal 45 giri "Roulette/My love" (1985), e da
una rielaborazione dei "Carmine Burana".
Dopo qualche anno di silenzio, nel 1988 Jo Squillo torna con l'album "Terra
Magica" seguito dalla raccolta "Tracce 80/90". Il grande successo arriva nel
1991 al Festival di Sanremo, dove si presenta in coppia con Sabrina
Salerno, per cantare il brano "Siamo donne". L'anno successivo esce
l'album "Movimenti", che contiene il fortunato brano "Me gusta il
movimento", presentato a Sanremo nel 1992. Nel 1993 pubblica l'album
"Balla Italiano". E' di quegli anni la partecipazione al film "Gole Ruggenti" di
Pierfrancesco Pingitore e ai programmi televisivi: "Il grande gioco dell'oca"
su Rai 2, "Sanremo Giovani '93" su Rai 1 e "Caccia al Ladro" su Canale 5,
con Paolo Bonolis. Nel 1995 esce il CD "Non vedo l'ora" e conduce il suo
primo programma di moda, "Kermesse", su Rai 1. Nel 1997 presenta "La
città delle donne", trasmesso da Rai International ed è con Mike Bongiorno
nel programma "Una città per cantare", su Rete 4. Nel 19'97 esce il CD
singolo "A natural woman" seguito nel 1998 dalla raccolta "Siamo donne e
altri successi". Dal 1999 conduce "Tv Moda" su Rete 4 e da questa
esperienza nasce il canale satellitare 'Tv Moda', visibile in chiaro su Sky, la
prima tv dedicata a moda, a viaggi, costumi e stili di vita. In campo
discografico, nel 2000 esce il CD Singolo "Donne al sole"; nel 2001 "Do
You remember '70" contenente motivi famosi negli anni Settanta.
Fashion Houses and Companies
participating in the B2B Wedding
Fashion Exhibition at the – MCC
Meditterrenean Conference
Centre Valletta
International Fashion Designers
participating in the Meditterrenean
Wedding Festival
01983 563885
Elsa Gary
K Couture
Edward Arsouni
Meditterrenean Wedding
Festival International Fashion
Meditterrenean Wedding
Festival International TV – Radio
& Web MODA
Prospective Technical
The wedding is linked to various complementary sectors:
Jeweler (Swarowsky)
Furniture and house complements (Berloni-Zucchi)
Travels (agencies, cruisers)
Services (agencies for single, hair-dressing and make-up, hotels,
Modeling, choreography and stage management
This is an ambitious event, very fashionable and sparkling. It
consists in a catwalk of three themes: past, present, future. Vintage,
branded and design wedding gowns…together! 360° catwalk on
invitation only.
The content is interesting for the press, for the market, for general
Vintage gowns could be put a disposal by Maltese women, keeping
their bridal dress in the wardrobe. Direction and catwalk must be
professional, and a jury must assist choosing the best of each theme
La Quinta (Malta) Ltd.
Head Office for Mediterranean
Countries Network.
La Quinta (Malta) Ltd.
Event Consultants & Company
Tony Coleiro M.B.A., F.I.H., F.S.M.M.A., C.C :
Arthur Douglas Turner
Dr. Doreen Turner Bilocca LL.D., Dip. Can., M.C.J.& P., Dip. Tax., I.F.S.P.
CEO & Managing Partner – La Quinta (Malta) Ltd.
F.C.C.A., B.A. (Hons) Accty., A.C.I. (Arb.), F.I.A., C.P.A., A.M.I.T.
Chartered Public Accountant & Auditor, Tax & Global M & A Consultant
(Malta) Ltd. – Financial Director
Legal Consultant La Quinta (Malta) Ltd. – Company Secretary
Maria Anna Zerbini
Sue Rossi
Giovanni Corrieri
Events Manager La Quinta Srl.
Fashion & Creative Business Consultant
Aviation & Destination Management Consultant
La Quinta
Corso Plebisciti, 15,
20129 Milano, Italia
Tel. +39 02 7385353
[email protected]
Sede for: Albania; Algeria; Cyprus; Egypt; Gibraltar; Greece: Lebanon;
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Monaco; Morocco; Portugal, Tunisia & Israel
13, Curate Fenech Street,
Birzebbugia BBG 03, Malta
Tel. +356 9933 3088; +356 21 651368; +356 21 417889
Fax. +356 21 650913; +356 21 662034
[email protected]
[email protected]
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