
Smart City

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Smart City
Smart City: a reference
Dino Giuli
University of Florence
New age of wide and fast innovation
• Technology-based innovation is becoming a powerful
driver of local eco-systemic evolution and associated
increase of competitiveness of single territories.
• Effective pro-activity of single territories is purposely
required, looking for the exploitation of their specific
vocation and contributing to innovation processes, while
valuing fruitful connections among the local and global
• Research&Technology advancements are key areas of
such pro-activity in innovation processes.
New models for socio-economic
• New social-economic models are emerging mainly
targeting a real, diffuse and essential human wellbeing, also as a way for a stable economic
• Consequent effects on quality of human life should be
individually and socially perceivable and wide beneficial
in the socio-territorial context.
• Such a type of evolution requires also the development
of specific knowledge and know-how by Universities
and Research bodies, as well as valuing of a virtuous
interdisciplinary and transcultural approach.
Smart Cities: conceptual approach (1)
• Research and innovation for Smart City
development is targeting the diffuse deployment and
access of new basic smart systems and services to
enhance common human well-being in urban
• This implies enhancements in terms of new
intelligent infrastructures and associated basic
services to be made widely and commonly available
in the urban areas.
• Such basic evolution is also expected to ground a
new and stable socio-economic territorial
Smart Cities: conceptual approach (2)
• ICT innovation and exploitation is a key
technological factor in the City smartening
• Smartness is thus targeting development and wide
deployment and usage of “new intelligent utilities
and essential services” according to the basic
human and social needs of urban life
• Applications copying with basic needs of “social
innovation” are included
• Contextual fundamental requirements are thus
faced, for significantly enhancing ecological, social
and economic sustainability of urban essential
well being
Smart City & Communities:
Smartness basic factores
New complex intelligent systems (Smart Systems) for
essential/vital infrastructures and services to be widely
made available for enhance common well being in the
Advancement and prompt exploitation of the
new technologies which enable the systemic
approach in the various city life application.
Diffuse exploitation of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) as transversal support for instrumental
systemic connection and integration, as well as for the
instrumental intelligence to be valued in specific
application sectors.
Private-public partnership and social proactivity to ground multidisciplinary research and
innovation, project development, educational
and professional training, as needed for the
Smart City development
First of all targeted “smartness” implies tuned enhancement and exploitation of
human intelligence and cultural basis
Smart City Application sectors
Basic and Infrastructural Utilities
Water resources
Waste management
Transportation and logistics
ICT Infrastructures
Health, Safety and Security
Territorial security
Private and public local living places and contexts
Home-place living
Work-place living
Cultural heritage
Landscape, natural and urban
Common out-door living places for
free-time and private life
Citizenship, social inclusion and education
Government and Justice
Welfare and social inclusion
Human and
physical factors
Basic infrastructural utilities
Health, Safety and Security
Private and public living
places and contexts
Citizenship, Social inclusion,
Education and Socio-cultural
Well being needs
Social and Human
relational factors
Fig. A: SMART CITY & Communities: Macro-typing of the essential well-being factors
Basic infrastructural utilities
Health, Safety and Security
Private and public living
places and contexts
Citizenship, Social inclusion,
Education and Socio-cultural
Well being needs
Fig. B: SMART CITY & Communities: Macro-typing of the infrastructures as basic target of
the smartening process
Smart-City joint-venture basic actions for
the associated territorial development
– Focused matching of specific local social, cultural and economic
– Focused matching of specific scientific, technological, industrial
local vocation/potentiality
– Valuing outer national and foreign experiences, also exploiting
direct international co-operations by a glo-cal approach
– Empowering shared local structures for applied research and
innovation in co-operative projects
– Involving Municipalities and other Public Administrations through
suitable structures joint supporting short circuits for effective
innovation by their direct co-operation with Enterprises, Social
communities, Universities and Research bodies
– Territorial development of Living Labs for locally grounding
innovation processes, to feed the needed tuned social
participation and the socio-cultural evolution
Smart City & Communities:
Factors and actors of their territorial development
Smart City and
Territorial well-being
Social-Cultural Capital
Universities and
Living knowhow
capital renewing and
through a glocal
Capitals & Bodies
SMART CITIES: Significant requirements of the
“Research-Innovation-Exploitation (RIE)”
territorial processes
• Flexible ICT system and service integration through the network
• System certification, quality of services, accountability,
evolutionary business models
• Cooperation among Enterprises, Universities &
Research bodies, Public Administrations, Local communities
• Enabling & Exploiting fruitful co-operative assets at different scales:
- Local (innovation, direct exploitation)
- National (research, innovation, national Smart City
- European (research, innovation, EU Smart City pilots
• Short circuits for incisiveness and fastness of such RIE processes
P. A. Innovation Wedging Body (PAIW)
 Specific P. A. body to promote and address the development of required
innovation processes inside the involved Public Administrations (P.A.)
 Progressively enhancing P.A. internal skills, culture and organization for fast and
proficient exploitation of innovation.
 Purposely acting in the needed various application and in diffferent sectors of
Smart City: Territorial involvement of Enterprises
 Joint venture in strategic research and education
 Promotion of international co-operation
 Main contribution to short-term innovation processes
 Creativity and fastness in innovation
Joint structures  Local laboratories/centers participated by single or
for research
networked Enterprises, Universities and Research
and innovation
 Promotion of knowledge human resource
 Connection with Living Labs
 Working-out of the needed actions for involvement of
public and private funding bodies
 Local, regional and national supporting policies
 Financial services for venture capital accessing
Smart City: Territorial development of Living
Labs (L.L.)
A Living-Lab typically constitutes an experiential environment where users are
immersed in a creative social space for sustaining anticipatory design and
validation of innovations aimed at Smart City living.
Industrial innovation
Supporting user and stakeholders’ participation in
industrial innovation processes in a liveable
experimental environment.
P. A. Innovation
Supporting user and stakeholders’ participation in P.
A. innovation processes.
Innovating professional and
craftsmanship abilities
Supporting competence evolution and new
experiential, professional creative spaces opened for
Socio-cultural evolution
Supporting access to cultural and social lived
experiences, to extend awareness of innovation
Open demonstrative assets
Demonstration of quality and liveability of innovative
products, services and habitats, to contribute to
territorial promotion in a glo-cal context.
Cooperative network for developing and sharing Smart
City “evolutionary test-beds”
Policy support
Public Bodies
Scientific Bodies
Smart City & Communities: relevant transversal
actions and factors for their development
 Related social-economical planning of the
territorial eco-systemic development
 Public-Private partnership along with
applied research/innovation/exploitation
short circuits
 Exploitation of new business models
 Social pro-activity for tuned social-cultural
evolution according to the targeted
territorial eco systemic development
 National & International co-operation and
joint-ventures within a glo-cal framework
 Standardization and cyber-scurity
 Social ethics as a grounding factor for
the Smart City new development
 Joint systematic enhancement of the
psycho-physical and relational wellbeing in the social and community
 Net-Living Education
Composition and integration of virtual Infrastructures,
platform, data and sw as a service
Software as a service
sw tools
Knowledge &
base- production
Autonomous Applications
Net-centric &
opportunity data
Proprietary Data
Big Data Mgmt.
Open Data
Shareable Data
Virtual and Shareable IT infrastructures
Computing Hosting
Autonomous IT platform
Internet basic services
Private/local Network
Communications infrastructures & basic services
Public Access
Reserved Access
Networked terminals, sensors, remote sensing subsystems, actuators
Communications infrastructures and basic services
• Enhancement of broadband and mobile communications networks
• Evolution of Internet basic services
• Network service integration
• Enhancement of communication service quality (throughput,
reliability, security, resilience, etc.)
• Multimediality
• Integration and personalization of push and pull communications
• Wide territorial availability and accessibility of the enhanced
networked intelligent periphery (1)
Personalized Networking of peripheral intelligent enduser devices and subsystems are among the main
drivers of the current evolution
Involved Peripherals
• Intelligent terminals and devices for human interaction (fixed and mobile)
• Physical digital identifiers, sensors, remote sensing subsystems, remote
networked intelligent periphery (2)
Personalized Networking of peripheral intelligent enduser devices and subsystems are among the evolution
main drivers of the current evolution
Valuable evolutions
• Exploitation of the increasing network distribution of embedded data
sourcing, storing and computing capabilities, in the peripheral end-user
terminal and personal subsystem
• Enhancement of intelligent peripheral usability
• Contextual evolution of:
“Internet of Things”
ii. Local and micro wireless networking
iii. “Cyber-physical distributed systems” (for monitoring, control, automation and
optimization of physical instrumental processes)
Network virtualization
- Network Functions Virtualisation, Network as a service,
network operating system
- Application and Network mutual awareness: context (and
network-) aware applications and application-aware
- Expected Benefits for network operators, service
providers, infrastructure providers and customers
- Optimization and resource orchestration for cost
reduction, energy efficiency, flexible demand matching
NETWORK VIRTUALIZATION: Next generation service overlay network
Applications and Services
Context data
Next Generation Service Overlay Network
Service Discovery
Content Delivery
QoS Negotiation
and Enforcement
Underlying Networks
Adaptive Service
Service Context
User Context
Device Context
Network Context
Context data
Content-centric Networks
Communities psychophysical and relational
Smart Communities:
Benessere psico-fisico e relazionale
Nel contesto della Smart City, le Smart Communities (SCm) si configurano come
ambienti operativi innovativi, incisivamente concorrenti al sistematico sostegno allo
sviluppo di un benessere perseguito in termini di “innovazione sociale” ai livelli
Nel benessere essenziale da perseguire, sono contemplati infatti anche i bisogni
connessi con fattori di carattere psico-fisico, psico-sociale e relazionale, che
emergono negli stessi contesti di vita sociale ordinaria, potendo essi condizionare
notevolmente la qualità della vita individuale,
ma anche la produttività delle
persone e delle organizzazioni, come pure la relativa sicurezza.
La sicurezza ha peraltro particolare rilievo particolarmente in ambiti di attività e
relazione umana, che per loro natura possono dar luogo a forti criticità di carattere
psico-fisico e relazionale e conseguenti rischi per la vita delle persone.
Smart City & Communities: SALUTE (1)
Sistemi “smart” mirati ad elevare la qualità e rendere più efficiente la gestione,
fornitura e accessibilità dei servizi sanitari, corrispondono chiaramente ad una
esigenza sociale vitale, naturalmente sentita. Miglioramenti attesi riguardano lo
sviluppo e la valorizzazione di innovazioni inerenti relativi strumenti, metodi,
processi operativi e organizzativi, per l’efficacia dell’assistenza sanitaria
(diagnosi, terapia e prevenzione). Simile sviluppo è anche da perseguire in
ambito socio-sanitario.
Smart City & Communities: SALUTE (2)
L’innovazione mirata a Sistemi e Comunità ‘intelligenti’ è da ricerca e
sviluppare progressivamente con un processo necessariamente continuo
valorizzante anche le evoluzioni delle nuove possibili tecnologie. Il loro
supporto potrà essere valorizzabile per:
•un sistematico monitoraggio e controllo e una ottimale gestione delle attività,
•l’ottimizzazione dell’integrazione, fornitura
complessivamente erogati ai singoli pazienti,
•l’adeguata interoperabilità, la cooperazione e integrazione funzionale delle diverse
strutture e dei vari operatori sanitari,
•una maggiore efficienza complessiva , che si traduca in riduzione dei costi unitari dei
servizi sanitari, con una loro adeguata accessibilità, fruibilità e connessa capacità di
pronto intervento sul proprio territorio, mentre viene garantito il livello di qualità,
predeterminato e da assicurarsi, per l’efficacia e la sicurezza degli stessi servizi sanitari.
•miglioramento benessere dei pazienti,
•miglioramento del benessere degli operatori sanitari nel contesto lavorativo
Appendice B:
Smart City evolution within a glo-cal
Asset glo-cal a livello generale
Cooperazione scientifica
e universitaria
Joint ventures tra città
University proactivity in Smart City glo-cal
Appendice C:
NET-Living Education (NLE)
Ambiente fisico e sociale di
vita umana
Ambiente strumentale distribuito per la
connessione “intelligente” in rete digitale
Persone e cose in
postazione fissa in
Vita umana
mediata dalla
della vita
Persone e cose
mobili in rete
Persone e cose non
connesse in rete
Vita umana
Spazi di vita umana: “naturale” e “mediata dalla rete”
Caretteristiche e processi per i living
space in rete
Processi per i living space in rete
Caratteristiche per il living space in rete
Networked-Living skill needs
Net-University Living Lab
Enabling innovation processes for Networking-Living enhancement.
and use of
tools and
processes for
University NLE actions
Multidisciplinary scientific
Validation and diffusion of first-level
NLE module
NLE Scientific Interdisciplinary
Second-level NLE module (2 yrs)
NLE cooperative community
Validation and diffusion of second-level
NLE module
Supporting technical team
Co-operation with secondary Schools
First-level NLE module (3 yrs)
Towards NET-Living Education
Smart City
and living
and evolution
Appendice D:
Smart City and Communities applications
sectors and related objectives
1. Macrosettori
Basic and infrastructural utilities
1.1 Energy
Main objective in this sector is the advancement of smart infrastructures for integrated
production and distribution of energy. This implies smart management of distributed
production and delivery of energy from different and spread sources, while pursuing
also its generation by renewable ones. Actually the Smart Grids innovative approach
is contributing to such a type of development. Quality targets are mainly connected
with significant improvements of: efficiency; cost-sustainability; eco-sustainability;
autonomy; reliability; general availability and accessibility.
1.2 Water resources
In this case smartness aims at the systemic improvement of the network for water
collection and distribution, through smart management and control capabilities, as
well as at improving physical infrastructures, for enhancing: efficiency; water saving
use; water purity. Purity for drinkable water has to account for specific enhancements
aimed at safety requirements.
1.3 Food
In this case smartness is referred to the chain of production, distribution and conservation of the
agriculture, farm and fishery food products, as well as to the final processes for cooking and
eventual conservation of those foods thus made ready for direct eating. Enhancing processes
and control of the entire chain is to be aimed at reducing costs and improve safety and quality of
Advisable criteria are:
− assuring local common availability of consumable basic foods with the general quality level
and with the minimum cost to be assured for them
− exploiting in addition local products and/or capabilities, included the related distinctive cuisine
capabilities, to make high value food available as locally distinctive and attractive factor.
The latter criterion, while being one of the factor of local pleasant living, is indeed one of the
attractiveness factors also for outer city incomers.
1.4 Waste Management
In this sector, smartness aims at improving tools, systems and processes for: i) operating,
control and management needed for collecting, transportation, processing, transformation and
disposal of material (solid, liquid, gaseous) wastes; ii) allowing specific monitoring, control and
management as needed for risk reduction of dangerous wastes; iii) waste recycling for energy
production and new material production.
Basic objective is to improve compliance with eco-sustainability requirements.
1.5 Transportation and logistics
Since dealing with Cities, we have to refer mainly to local ground transportation.
However, further connections for transportation are also to be included: i) those
for air, sea and river transportation which are directly accessible by the urban
area livers and incomers; ii) connections with transportation routes and services
at regional, national and international level. Public and private transportation, of
both people and goods, are to be accounted for. Smartness of said
transportation basically relies on the related system and service evolution based
on the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) approach. It implies innovation for
joint smartness of: the transportation means, the transportation infrastructures,
the transportation service management, the associate assistance services
directly provided to the related end-users. Basic objectives are improving quality
of transportation in terms of efficiency, security and eco-sustainability. These
requirements are particularly important and demanding in urban areas. A specific
similar approach for the latter objectives is also to be pursued for the smartness
of the logistics services to be associated with transportation of goods. Quite
demanding requirements are posed in urban area for this type of services too.
Smartness of transportation thus prospected also enables contextual evolution
towards extended smart mobility services needed to support valuable and
pleasant direct-experiencing of urban life.
1.6 Communications & Information Infrastructures (1)
Proficient exploitation of Information and Communication technologies and systems is a basic
requirement for all communication and information services to be generally made available to
people, enterprises, Public Administrations, other organizations and communities in the City. A
specific proficiency of ICT systems is required, since it is typically a determinant factor for many
Smart City application sectors among those included in this appendix. Such requirements imply
that a conformal innovative development and systematic deployment of the Communications &
Information infrastructures and of the associated basic services, be made widely available and
shareable within urban areas.
An important target to be thus pursued is the infrastructural enhancement of communications, in
terms of wide availability and accessibility, as well as of enhanced quality and multimediality of
their basic services. It includes also evolution towards enhanced integration of broadcast,
telephony and interactive (internet) communications, aimed also at integration and
personalization of “push” and “pull” end-services. Current and expected significant
enhancements refer also to broadband communications, wireless and mobile communications,
as well as associate enhancement of integrated communication services and Internet-based
Joint relevant evolution is the enhancement, wide availability and accessibility of ICT platforms,
as network-shared virtualized resources and composable services supporting basic telematics,
information and computing services. This has to ground infrastructurally the development and
diffuse provision of quality enhanced ICT applications in different fields, which can also be made
directly deployable by customers, for self-use and/or self-provision of personalized end-services.
Evolution of these platforms according to the “Cloud Computing” paradigm, is a tuned ongoing
approach for such an objective.
1.6 Communications & Information Infrastructures (2)
Enhancement of system infrastructure and capabilities is also pointed out by
pursuing systematic exploitation of networked displaced sensors and remote
sensing subsystems, as well as of networked remote actuators. ICT platform
adaptation for structural networking and operational inclusion of such a peripheral
instrumental environment is to be exploitable also to allow real-time remote
observation and control of physical/artificial real processes, as also made viable by
evolution of the “Cyber-Physical Systems”, valuing also advancements based on
the “industrial internet” paradigm. In this context further specific system capabilities
can actually be exploited through the enhancements which are made viable by the
“Internet-of things” approach. The latter one allows indeed networking,
identification, tracing and eventually associated sensing of “things”, included human
All the latter capabilities, which refer to system embedding of advanced networked
peripheral instrumentation, play an important role in Smart City application sectors,
particularly for the “Basic and infrastructural utilities” and “Health, Safety, Security”,
dealt with in other sectors.
1.6 Communications & Information Infrastructures (3)
Further system enhancing capabilities can be exploited through the “Big-Data” approach. It
refers to the fast increase of large amount of data which can be made accessible through the
network (internet). Also the production of “open-data”, for their free access, as it is going to be
widely pursued by Public Administration for their free access, is contributing usefully to related
service advancements. The “Big-Data” approach is based on the concept that so large amount
of data, once made shareable and available through the network, can be transformed in
knowledge-bases, which often can become a new, quite-effective and irreplaceable source of
knowledge. Associating proficient analytical models and tools, with high computing
instrumental capabilities, makes feasible analysis of such large data bases (Big-data), to
extract the related knowledge bases effectively. This approach is already considered and
pursued as important way to develop new knowledge for supporting scientific research
advancements. It can conveniently be adopted also in Smart Cities, they being a proper and
evolutionary context for relevant “Big Data” applications. In the Smart City context, systematic
extraction of such knowledge-bases is indeed instrumentally enabled by the city smartening
approach. Making them effectively available substantially provides knowledge on the dynamics
of the local ecosystem, for many contexts of human and social life in the City. Contextually
specific knowledge can thus be provided also on the efficiency and efficacy of the systems
and services which are aimed at basically supporting the needed quality of City life.
Consequently proper specific models and analytical tools can be exploited also for prediction
of the local ecosystem dynamics, as needed to support short/medium/long-term development
planning, at both the general and sectoral levels.
The latter services, referred to “Big-data”, can typically be integrated within the ICT platforms
for Smart Cities, copying with related requirements for: i) interoperation and data sharing; ii)
distributed, shared and high-performance computing support.
1.6 Communications & Information Infrastructures (4)
The ICT infrastructures and systems, outlined in this paragraph are to be
considered as a specific and important background enhancement for the Smart
City basic needs. It has to be viewed as a strong enabler of evolution for
enhancing also other types of information services, needed by people,
enterprises and other organizations, acting as end-users or providers, in their
autonomous activities. Therefore such innovation is to be considered as an
important general factor for the socio-economic development of the City territory.
It is also to be accounted that internet-based systems and services are
continuously evolving. Those assets which favour an evolutionary approach are
therefore to be preferred. In this concern internet evolution, as promoted in
“Future Internet” international programs, is quite relevant, especially for expected
infrastructural and system enhancements, included those referred to: privacy,
security, interoperability, standardization, reliability, resilience, trust,
accountability, legality compliance, cost-tracing, , flexibility for compliance with
different business models, personalization, usability, etc.
2 Macrosector: Health, Safety and Security
Even this Smart City application field is targeting innovation and development of
systems and services which are to be considered quite essential for people life in the
City. Effective services for Health, Safety and Security are indeed naturally strongly
felt needs, typically with expectance of a high level of specific protection by people.
Their enhancement implies resorting to smart systems providing such type of
services as needed both for the operators and citizens. Quality improvements in
terms of both efficacy and efficiency of such services, is thus searched for. However,
particular attention is to be posed to efficiency to account for unavoidable limitations
of the economic resources which can effectively made available for their sustaining.
Main application sectors are below highlighted.
2.1 Health
Sistemi “smart” mirati ad elevare la qualità e rendere più efficiente la gestione, fornitura e
accessibilità dei servizi sanitari, corrispondono chiaramente ad una esigenza sociale vitale,
naturalmente sentita. Miglioramenti attesi riguardano, da un lato, lo sviluppo e la
valorizzazione di innovazioni inerenti relativi strumenti, metodi, processi operativi e
organizzativi, per l’efficacia dell’assistenza sanitaria (diagnosi, terapia e prevenzione). Ha
uno specifico rilievo anche lo sviluppo di nuovi approcci medico-transazionali mirati ad
accelerare il trasferimento clinico delle innovazioni.
Dall’altro lato, si devono considerare gli avanzamenti che sono particolarmente necessari e
strategici per aumentare in generale l’efficienza di sistemi e servizi sanitari. Sistemi
“intelligenti” innovativi, che ricorrono sistematicamente a soluzioni basate sulla tecnologia
dell’informazione e della comunicazione sono da impiegare sia per supportare:
− un sistematico monitoraggio, controllo e gestione delle attività,
− l’ottimizzazione dell’integrazione, accesso e fornitura dei servizi finali erogati al paziente,
− l’adeguata interoperabilità e integrazione funzionale delle diverse strutture e dei vari
operatori sanitari,
− una maggiore efficienza, che si traduca in riduzione dei costi unitari dei servizi sanitari,
con una loro adeguata accessibilità, fruibilità e connessa capacità di pronto intervento
sul proprio territorio, mentre viene garantito il livello di qualità, predeterminato e da
assicurarsi, per l’efficacia e la sicurezza degli stessi servizi sanitari.
2.2 Territorial security (1)
In questo settore si prospetta l’impiego di specifici sistemi “intelligenti”, finalizzati
ad un significativo aumento del livello di sicurezza sul territorio urbano. La
sicurezza in questo contesto è principalmente da riferire a gravi rischi per la
salute e la vita umana, nonché a rischi di gravi danni materiali, connessi a
disastri naturali, a gravi azioni terroristiche e criminali, nonché a gravi incidenti
causati dall’uomo. In questi casi sono richiesti sistemi “intelligenti”, con soluzioni
ampiamente basate sulle tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione,
per diverse azioni, quali: monitoraggio, sorveglianza e controllo delle situazioni,
prevenzione, gestione degli interventi in emergenza. Questo implica che varie
caratteristiche di base dei sistemi rispondano meglio a requisiti di
interoperabilità, integrazione funzionale, affidabilità, flessibilità. E’ implicita una
conforme efficace evoluzione delle soluzioni e risorse necessarie per
l’organizzazione degli interventi e la comunicazione sociale. In questo contesto
sono da includere diversi settori di applicazione per la sicurezza, come di
seguito indicato.
2.2 Territorial security (2)
Le “Infrastrutture Critiche” costituiscono uno degli ambiti importanti per la sicurezza
territoriale. Includono in particolare le infrastrutture delle utilities di base, riguardanti
Energia, Risorse idriche, Trasporti, Comunicazione e Informazione. Lo sviluppo di
“Smartness” per le esigenze della sicurezza di tali infrastrutture e dei relativi sistemi,
deve anche essere accompagnata da una conforme evoluzione di soluzioni intelligenti
per le funzioni di controllo e gestione connessa all’erogazione dei relativi servizi finali.
Per lo sviluppo di soluzioni strumentali basate sulle tecnologie ICT che corrispondano
ai necessari requisiti di intrinseca sicurezza e dei relativi servizi informativi nei diversi
ambiti applicativi delle Smart Cities. A questo riguardo è necessario rispondere ai
requisiti trasversali di sicurezza delle relative infrastrutture fisiche e logiche, riferibili a
cyber-security e privacy.
Altri sistemi sono richiesti per aumentare il livello di sicurezza nel campo della
criminalità di ogni genere, incluso il terrorismo. Gli atti terroristici possono peraltro
includere come obiettivo dette infrastrutture critiche. Rischi particolarmente gravi si
pongono per le aree urbane, a causa dell’alta densità di popolazione. I luoghi molto
affollati e gli eventi di grande richiamo possono infatti determinare situazioni ad alto
rischio che richiedono soluzioni appositamente mirate.
2.2 Territorial security (3)
Per la sicurezza della popolazione, sistemi specifici devono altresì garantire il
monitoraggio, la prevenzione e la gestione delle emergenze causate da disastri
naturali (per es. quelli idrogeologici e sismici). Allo stesso modo sistemi appositi
devono consentire di contrastare i rischi associati all’inquinamento ambientale.
In ogni caso, i sistemi “intelligenti” qui prospettati per una maggiore sicurezza
territoriale devono includere gli strumenti indispensabili per la pianificazione delle
azioni mirate all’attenuazione del rischio. Questa pianificazione riguarda quindi
linee di azione per la prevenzione in ambito urbano e nel connesso territorio,
nonché modalità programmate per configurare e attuare modalità di pronto
intervento e soccorso in situazioni di emergenza (incluse quelle che richiedono
anche l’intervento sanitario e della forza pubblica)
Macrosector 3: In-door and out-door local living places
3.1 Home-place living
L’innovazione tecnologica inerente nuovi materiali, arredi, strumenti e, in particolare, la
valorizzazione delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, consentono di
accrescere significativamente la qualità della vita nell’ambiente domiciliare. Particolarmente
incisivo a questo riguardo è l’avanzamento tecnologico corrente inquadrabile nel campo
della “Domotica” e della Smart Home.
Azioni innovative sono mirate in particolare allo sviluppo del supporto strutturalmente
necessario per:
− semplificare le attività domestiche e migliorarne l’efficienza
− incrementare la sicurezza dell’ambiente casalingo
− migliorare la vivibilità e la gradevolezza dell’ambiente casalingo
− ottimizzare e rendere più vivibile, in ambito familiare, l’accesso casalingo ai servizi di
Comunicazione & Informazione per le diverse esigenze personali/familiari (vita familiare,
svago, relazioni esterne, lavoro)
− agevolare la vita e l’assistenza socio-sanitaria domiciliare delle persone con limitate
capacità fisiche e autonomia (con particolare riferimento alle necessità di persone con
disabilità e malati cronici).
3.2 Work-place living
In questo ambito si prospetta l’evoluzione di sistemi “intelligenti” a supporto delle attività
lavorative, in considerazione delle diverse esigenze e corrispondenti soluzioni per le diverse
tipologie di luogo e di finalità del lavoro, nonché alle diverse competenze e funzioni che esso
richiede. Ciò implica processi di innovazione a livello strumentale e organizzativo che rispondono,
da un lato, alle esigenze di crescita della produttività e qualità della produzione. Allo stesso tempo
devono rispondere all’esigenza che la qualità del luogo di lavoro si concili con le esigenze di
buona vivibilità, includenti la riduzione di effetti negativi dello stress e la conformità con i requisiti
per la salute e la sicurezza degli addetti.
Soluzioni specifiche sono perseguibili per il lavoro in ufficio e per il lavoro domiciliare. Altre
soluzioni possono riguardare i luoghi di attività commerciale.
Esigenze più stringenti si pongono per i luoghi di servizio diretto e assistivo delle persone,
particolarmente per quelli riguardanti l’assistenza sanitaria e socio-sanitaria.
Soluzioni più varie possono richiedersi per i luoghi di lavoro all’aperto. Un caso è quello dei
lavoratori con impiego itinerante. Un altro caso è quello dei lavoratori nei cantieri.
Soluzioni particolari, talvolta indispensabili, sono da applicare per i luoghi di produzione per
l’industria manifatturiera. Requisiti significativi di sicurezza possono porsi per questi ultimi tipi di
luogo e di lavoro. In alcuni casi si manifestano anche contestuali esigenze per la sicurezza della
popolazione locale, come per il rischio ambientale derivante da particolari impianti industriali
all’interno o nelle vicinanze di aree urbane intensamente popolate. Situazioni assimilabili, seppur
ancor più particolari, riguardano i luoghi di assistenza medica per malattie contagiose, ancor più
in situazioni epidemiche.
3.3 Associate evolution of building & architecting
The development along the Smart City roadmap is necessarily to be accompanied by
definition and deployment of conformed innovative solutions for architecting, and
construction of new buildings, as well as for incisive and diffuse enhancement of the
structural/functional asset of existing buildings, in the urban area. These types of
intervention have primarily to allow effective structural exploitation and integration of the
various smart infrastructures, systems and basic services prospected for Smart City
development. For this process specific exploitation of further innovative technologies is
also needed, as of those referring to production and use of new materials. In the same
context enhancing both eco-sustainability and cost-sustainability is a key requirement.
Primary objective to be targeted is to find and apply those solutions which are viable for
their fast, cost-effective and significantly beneficial deployment in existing buildings.
Parallel actions can conveniently be prospected to support also advanced urban
planning as made viable through the Smart City approach. City smartness, thanks to the
basic and pervasive instrumental support it provides, enables indeed also a quite
enhanced capability of knowing urban living situation in progress. Therefore this
capability is expected to support enhancement of the analysis and synthesis capabilities,
for more proficient urban management & planning.
3.4 Cultural heritage
Smart solutions, based on advanced technology, can provide significant support to
recover, diagnose, restore, conserve, make known and pleasantly liveable, the
cultural (material/immaterial) heritage of the City and its connected territory. Pieces
of art-work, included historical buildings and archaeological places, have often a
great relevance and significance within such a heritage. Enhanced specific tools
and assets can conveniently support smart communication, presentation and
liveability of such heritage, through both physical assets (ex.: museums) and
immaterial ones (ex.: based on digital multimedia representation, communication
and processing)
Smart enhancements in this sector are valuable also as a factor of territorial
amenity and attractiveness.
3.5 Landscape, natural environment and urban adornment
Characteristics of landscape, natural environment and urban adornment, within the City
and its connected territory, are important territorial factors for local amenity and liveability.
Maintaining/enhancing their quality calls for resorting to proficient smart solutions. Smart
tools and systems are purposely needed to monitor and control their status and to detect
those artificial or natural factors which are going to, or may, degrade landscape and
natural environment quality (eventually the related status for safety too). This control
capability is to be accompanied by specific policies which allow resorting to proficient
actions to counteract such degradations.
Local landscape and environment have intrinsic mutual linkage with: the local agriculture
development and eco-sustainability; the local ecology; the local culture as historically
evolved. Landscape and natural environment conservation (especially when they are
particularly amenable), as well as their improvement (especially when it is potentially
significant or just indispensable), are to be included among the important factors for
territory pleasant living and attractiveness, as well as for conservation and socioeconomic exploitation of the local cultural heritage. In this context, also smart solutions
and actions for finding, recovering and making archaeological sites liveable are
Furthermore, a specific conformed approach have to be prospected for sea-land coast
areas, with particular reference to those directly connected with the City. In this case
pertaining actions refer mainly to the coast landscape, as well as to near-coast sea
pollution (affecting people safety, sea ecology and fishery production).
3.6 joining and experiencing common real life in the City (1)
In this context we refer to the smart support that can allow effective, pro-active and
pleasant common real living in the City, according to personal needs, interests and
preferences. This applies differently to: i) citizens ii) the various types of City new incomers
(ex.: short staging workers, long staging workers and students, immigrants, tourists).
Such type of support can proficiently be provided by specific integrated “Infomobility
services”, based on ad-hoc ICT systems. Personal mobility is indeed implied for a real living
of the City. Therefore infomobility services, while include those services needed to endusers for intelligent transportation, are specifically expected to copy widely also with the
following information service requirements for City personalized mobile living: service
personalization through both “pull” and “push” end services; support for decision making;
support for task and mobility pre-start planning, as well as for re-planning during mobility
(also through the support of networked locating sensors). Front-end service transparence
and usability is also required. It is appropriate, in the City, to resort to an unitary integrated
system for such a purpose, while making possible also joint vehiculation of marketing and
commerce services, as it can be needed and directly provided by the pertaining commercial
operators in the City.
For citizens, this smart support essentially pertains to experiencing City living for personal
and social activities such as shopping, entertainment, sport, body care, joining cultural and
social events in the related living places, etc.. Current regular mobility for work and school
activities are herewith not highlighted since typically calling for the transportation services
3.6 joining and experiencing common real life in the City (2)
Above services are of interest also for short/long-staging incoming workers, but
including services for lodging search. Analogously it holds for long-staging
incoming students, but including services for their specific City living needs.
For immigrants, specific needs are connected with immigrations rules and their
access to assistance services for their local hosting.
The prospected services take on a still more specific configurations for tourists
(see also next par. C7), by including a stricter connection also with information
services supporting transportation.
3.7 Tourism
In many cases “Tourism” is, currently or potentially, a significant resource for the economy of the
City and its connected territory. Sometimes it can also needs proper ways for a common
equilibrated life in the same territory for residents and tourists.
As already singly pointed out, various qualifying City features can become distinctive
attractiveness factors for its territory, significantly exploitable for tourism development. They are
primarily to be referred to the local characters of: landscape and natural environment, cultural
heritage, food, common City life. Therefore, smart solutions already prospected for their
improvement concur to sustain tourism development .
Smart solution and actions are to be considered also for planning tourism development, by
accounting also for its impact in the overall City liveability when it is relevant. This has typically
more relevance in specific seasonal periods, when large presence of tourist occurs. In this
cases it can anyway be advisable and convenient that such a presence becomes more regularly
distributed during the year. Smart policies which can promote that approach are advisable. In
specific cases, the increase of tourist presence in low seasons, also for long staging can
purposely and conveniently be promoted. This can meet requirements of elderly work-retired
people, of other regions and countries, especially if the local climate in the touristic site is
comparatively quite better in the same season. For the latter approach assistance and social
inclusive services should locally be set too, to be provided to such long-staging tourists, tuned to
their local living needs. In this latter context, specific needs of foreign long-staging tourists can
be accounted for also by promoting their local connection and participation in specific
Macrosector 4: Citizenship, social inclusion and cohesion, education and
socio-cultural evolution
Specific smart public assets have to be developed and deployed also in this field, to enhance
services needed for meeting related basic social needs of citizens. This is also an
indispensable requirement for both sustaining and exploiting locally effective socio-economic
It is expected that the needed smartness in this field be widely grounded on appropriate
network-based information & communication services made commonly available and usable
by citizen. For this purpose, those basic advancements of Communication &Information
infrastructures, as generally prospected in par.1.6, are an enabling needed factor.
Such services, purposely provided through ICT systems, have strictly to comply with
important requirements to be accounted by those subjects (included Public Administrations)
which are in charge of their provision. Requirements include: efficacy and efficiency;
extensive accessibility and usability;
provision of additional direct assistance in the unavoidable cases of insufficient usability for
particular end-users; easy and transparent integration of the needed composition of services
to be jointly provided by different social actors.
Applications in this field can imply also to support both setting and operation of proactive
relations within specific social communities. Social networking through Internet is a useful
mean for that. However, joint resorting also to experiential and direct living assets can result
as being quite proficient. In this concern also the support of Living Labs., set and made
available within the territory, can be appropriate for the said objective. That refers to an
extended concept of Living Lab., how specifically pointed out in the next Sect. 4. Specific
sectors to be included for applying these approaches, are below pointed out.
4.1 Governmement and justice (1)
“Government” is first to be considered with reference to those administrative
services provided by Public Administrations and accessed by citizens, to exercise
their public rights and duties. Same type of services, delivered to enterprises and
other organizations, are included. Among the relevant front-end processes there
are: declarations, taxations, certifications, authorizations, access to assistance
services, etc.. Resorting to on-line (e-government) services for such purpose is to
become an ordinary common approach. However, this enhancement should be
accompanied by utmost reduction of complexity of bureaucracy. In this concern, low
complexity is also to be considered as a territorial attractiveness factor (especially
for business and investment). Contextual efficient interoperability among different
Public Administration bodies (and their information systems) is an additional basic
requirement for that.
Making effective the above approach, while allowing construction of high-quality
related information bases, can enable joint resorting of analytical tools and methods
which enhance support for control and planning, to improve management of Public
Administrations, as well as of the pertaining public-institutional policies.
4.1 Governmement and justice (2)
Participation of citizens at the processes for working out the legislative and
administrative actions of Government is a perspective which in many cases is
increasingly promoted. This evolution is typically pursued by purposely
exploiting social networking through Internet. This is tuned with an emerging
view which is targeting a more effective democracy, through “e-democracy”.
Actually a more extended participation of citizen to the Government processes
is an objective to be pursued, aiming at increasing efficiency, efficacy, public
awareness and acceptance of Governmental actions. Suitable assets,
including network based services, are actually prospectable for such a
purpose, by fitting the related requirements for optimally supporting:
communications, information, knowledge and constructive working-out, with the
needed involvement of different social actors.
4.1 Governmement and justice (3)
“Justice” is an important public service which can remarkably benefit from the
intensive exploitation of the smart approach, based on advanced ICT systems.
The significant improvement of justice system efficiency, which can thus be
expected, is particularly relevant. It can indeed allow improvement of:
organization and management, document management and front-end public
services. Significant improvement of efficiency is expected in terms of reduction
of juridical proceeding duration and related cost. Such improvement is beneficial
for its following effects:
- it allows better assurance of public rights for justice
- consequently also a more ethical behaviour is indirectly enforced inside
society (even locally)
- the territory is thus made more attractive (also for business development and
4.2 Welfare and social inclusion
Questo settore si riferisce ad esigenze primarie delle categorie sociali che
soffrono o rischiano l’esclusione sociale e che impongono il ricorso ad
un’assistenza sociale conforme, attribuendo ad essa una valenza “civica”.
Servizi “intelligenti” appositi devono quindi essere concepiti ed erogati per
migliorare il sostegno all’inclusione di varie categorie sociali, che possono
comprendere: persone diversamente abili; immigrati da inserire nella vita
sociale e lavorativa; giovani disoccupati; adulti che hanno perso il lavoro;
famiglie povere; ragazzi che hanno abbandonato la scuola e sono da reinserire
in processi di formazione; orfani, persone che necessitano di assistenza sociosanitaria; detenuti ed ex-detenuti.
Ciò comporta il ricorso a: servizi in rete dedicati; integrazione in specifiche
comunità (reali e/o virtuali): assistenza personale diretta (soprattutto ove
divenga indispensabile).
4.3 Ageing (1)
L’invecchiamento della popolazione pone un problema specifico nella società
moderna. La rilevanza sociale della popolazione anziana cresce con l’aumento
della durata della vita media. In molti paesi avanzati la percentuale della
popolazione che supera i 65 anni d’età sta crescendo notevolmente e spesso, in
varie nazioni, già supera notevolmente quella dei giovani in età minorile.
L’approccio abituale risulta inadeguato ad affrontare i loro bisogni e contrastare la
loro esclusione sociale, per incrementare il loro benessere e la loro
valorizzazione nella società. La forma attuale di welfare che è principalmente
adottata è il ricorso al pensionamento in base all’età. Nel contempo la perdita
anticipata dell’occupazione lavorativa, prima di raggiungere la copertura
pensionistica, sta emergendo come ulteriore tendenza negativa. Interrompere o
ridurre drasticamente l’attività produttiva della persona tende a divenire un fattore
di accelerazione e non ritorno verso l’esclusione sociale della popolazione più
anziana. Questo è di per sé un elemento che danneggia il benessere e la vitalità
di tali persone, contribuendo anche ad accelerare il loro declino fisico, psicofisico
e sociale. In questa condizione, anche i problemi psicologici possono pertanto
aggravarsi più rapidamente.
4.3 Ageing (2)
Per porre argini a tale rapida decadenza è opportuno considerare le azioni che possono
tenere conto di specifici fattori che incidono sul benessere della popolazione anziana, ma
anche tradursi in benefici per la società nel suo complesso, ovvero:
- l’esperienza degli anziani dovrebbe essere valorizzata e fruita socialmente, per quanto
possibile e benefico, come capitale sociale di conoscenza
- tale utilizzo richiede l’individuazione e adozione di modalità adeguate per il loro specifico
inserimento sociale e lavorativo, in termini rinnovati, tipicamente graduati con l’avanzamento
dell’età e comunque vantaggiosi anche per la società
- l’enucleazione e l’animazione di spazi lavorativi e sociali virtuosi di integrazione
intergenerazionale, soprattutto con i giovani, può essere particolarmente appropriata per tali
- a questo riguardo sono molto importanti soluzioni che prevedano strumenti e servizi che
facilitino l’integrazione sociale e il mantenimento di autonomia di vita ed attività mentale
degli anziani
- un’apposita loro formazione, che coinvolga anche le relative famiglie, come pure altre
specifiche comunità sociali, può essere importante per il mantenere ad adeguato livello la
loro inclusione sociale
- è da promuovere la loro familiarità con servizi e strumenti digitali che devono essere
appositamente adattati, per loro esigenze di comunicazione, informazione, inserimento in
specifiche smart communities, socializzazione e svago.
4.3 Ageing (3)
Conseguenti azioni e servizi devono pertanto mirare ai seguenti benefici:
- migliorare e prolungare nel tempo il benessere sociale degli anziani, rendendoli
allo stesso tempo più proattivi, anche come capitale umano ancora valorizzabile
per l’intera Società
- contribuire a ritardare la loro perdita di autonomia e capacità fisica e psicofisica
- ridurre di conseguenza i relativi costi del welfare, principalmente connessi a
bisogni di assistenza socio-sanitaria.
Anche riuscendo a ritardare l’emergenza di bisogni di assistenza socio-sanitaria,
questi crescono comunque con l’età, particolarmente per effetto di malattie e
deficit fisico a carattere cronico. In base alla situazione socio-sanitaria personale
e alle esigenze di cura, tipici luoghi di base per ricevere tale assistenza possono
essere (tipicamente in via progressiva) l’abitazione, il ricovero semiresidenziale
e quello residenziale. Strumenti e servizi “intelligenti” appropriati si prospettano
anche per consentire, con costi sostenibili, una migliore vivibilità di tali ambienti,
secondo le esigenze socio-sanitarie specifiche degli anziani, mantenendo nel
contempo la continuità del sostegno per il loro inserimento nel contesto sociale,
per quanto e come risulta perseguibile.
4.4 School
Un importante obiettivo è l’innovazione nell’educazione nella Scuola, fino alla scuola superiore inclusa.
La sua evoluzione “intelligente” deve andare incontro a esigenze e ad opportunità che emergono come
conseguenza dei correnti rapidi processi di innovazione che stanno trasformando la società.
Uno dei fattori rilevanti è certamente lo sviluppo della Società dell’Informazione e della Conoscenza,
alimentata dalla diffusione e l’evoluzione delle tecnologie ICT. Questo ha peraltro un impatto crescente
sugli strumenti e metodi per la formazione (e-learning).
Altro fattore importante è connesso con l’evoluzione culturale che si richiede, continuamente spinta
dall’intensità e dalla rapidità dei vari processi di innovazione che trasformano il contesto socioeconomico. Questo comporta che i processi di conoscenza e apprendimento scolastico debbano
rispondere sempre più ai seguenti requisiti:
- sia acquisita dagli studenti una solida conoscenza di base, come capitale personale stabile, che risulta
essere la più valida per consentire progressivamente anche un più agevole accesso ad ulteriori specifici
indirizzi di formazione, in considerazione anche delle flessibilità che l’occupazione lavorativa può
richiedere sempre più nel corso della vita, per effetto dei continui e rapidi processi di innovazione e delle
connesse trasformazioni del contesto sociale ed economico
- gli studenti acquisiscano propensione ed efficaci metodi per la formazione continua, anche attraverso
l’auto-apprendimento oltre che all’apprendimento assistito
- l’acquisizione di conoscenze specifiche da parte di studenti, che siano orientate ad una
specializzazione professionale, sia basata anche su esperienze che si inseriscono più direttamente nei
correnti contesti di innovazione
Servizi e strumenti digitali per la comunicazione e l’informazione sono certamente uno strumento
importante per la formazione. In questo ambito un’evoluzione è necessaria per migliorare l’efficacia dei
metodi di apprendimento e dei servizi erogati. Un significativo ambito evolutivo sono gli spazi che si
aprano alla sperimentazione di nuova creatività, che possono coinvolgere istintivamente gli studenti e
stimolarne apprendimento e sviluppo di nuove capacità.
4.5 University (1)
L’Università è un soggetto fondamentale per alimentare, con nuove conoscenze e
con giovani e qualificate risorse umane, i processi d’innovazione per un nuovo
sviluppo. Essa è quindi chiamata a svolgere un ruolo importante per lo sviluppo
delle Smart Cities, con apporti che si adattino ai caratteri peculiari dei loro
processi di innovazione e modelli di sviluppo. Ciò che richiede corrispondenti
azioni universitarie per un conforme adeguamento del proprio approccio, sia al
proprio interno , sia verso l’esterno, e in particolare con il proprio territorio. A
questo riguardo è significativo il risultato di un recente censimento sull’intensità e
qualità dello sviluppo delle Smart Cities negli USA. Esso evidenzia che le prime
cento città della relativa graduatoria non sono metropoli e sono quasi tutte sedi di
qualificate università.
In effetti, l’azione dell’Università è particolarmente necessaria per: la coltivazione
di conformi basi scientifiche arricchite dai necessari apporti multidisciplinari; la
loro contestualizzazione nei nuovi modelli di sviluppo socio-economico di
riferimento, in connessione anche a nuove esigenze e nuovi indirizzi a livello
applicativo; un approccio educativo collegato a processi di innovazione, in
cooperazione con il mondo esterno e particolarmente con la propria Città,
mirando ad agevolare il necessario e importante inserimento dei giovani in tali
processi di innovazione; lo sviluppo di conformi e incisive collaborazioni a livello
nazionale e internazionale, valorizzabili anche in joint ventures internazionali,
basate su un approccio “glo-cal” dello sviluppo delle Smart Cities.
4.5 University (2)
Nel contesto didattico ha rilievo l’adeguamento dei percorsi formativi, volto ad
assicurare, in prima istanza, una solida preparazione di base. Essa risponde anche
all’esigenza di agevolare incisivi successivi percorsi, di formazione continua ed
anche di conversione, che la rapidità e continuità delle innovazioni e delle connesse
trasformazioni socio-economiche impongono sempre più nel corso della vita
lavorativa. La contestuale preparazione più professionalizzante è opportuno che si
rivolga in modo diretto a specifici contesti di corrente innovazione che corrispondono
anche a reali opportunità lavorative. Il ricorso a nuovi strumenti e metodi, che lo
sviluppo della Società, dell’Informazione e della Conoscenza rende o potrà rendere
disponibili per la ricerca e l’apprendimento, è certamente altro ambito importante di
azione per l’innovazione della didattica e della ricerca universitaria.
In suddetto contesto hanno rilievo alcune iniziative che ha in corso l’Università di
Firenze. Il 7/05/2013 nell’ambito del Festival dell’Europa ha avuto luogo il workshop
internazionale “Smart Università along with Smart City – For a new Eco-system Glocal Evolution” [2]. Esso ha focalizzato un quadro di riferimento per lo sviluppo delle
Smart Cities, con il quale si allinea quanto esposto nel presente capitolo. In tale
quadro è approfondita anche la connessione con l’apporto dell’Università.
Come primo fall-out del workshop si prospettano possibilità per cooperazioni
internazionali con primi collegamenti attivati con il contesto pan-arabo e cinese.
Nel frattempo è in corso una iniziativa all’interno dell’Università di Firenze, per una
specifica joint-venture “Città e Università di Firenze” che si ritiene opportuno
prospettare, anche per lo sviluppo della Smart City nella stessa città.
4.6 Communication and social-cultural evolution (1)
I caratteri e gli incisivi effetti della continua innovazione e della conseguente continua
trasformazione, che vengono a prospettarsi per il contesto socio-economico, con lo
sviluppo della Smart City, impongono necessariamente una parallela e armonica
evoluzione socio-culturale sul medesimo territorio. L’evoluzione socio-culturale deve
portare una adeguata e diffusa consapevolezza e proattività sociale, in quanto essa
è indispensabile per percorrere la strada di continuo cambiamento che le linee per il
nuovo sviluppo impongono.
La complessità di questa evoluzione eco-sistemica, oltre a mettere a frutto le notevoli
potenzialità delle nuove tecnologie, richiede una forte crescita di coesione sociale,
attraverso anche una base culturale sintonicamente evolvente e socialmente diffusa.
La necessità di evoluzione socio-culturale si associa anche alla crescita di
importanza del “saper vivere” e dell’esigenza di sua valorizzazione strutturale per un
nuovo sviluppo.
A questo riguardo hanno indubbiamente primario rilievo conformi processi educativi
nella scuola e nelle università, rivolti quindi ai giovani. Tuttavia l’evoluzione socioculturale deve avere come target l’intera cittadinanza, tenendo conto della dinamica
culturale necessariamente richiesta per la continuità e rapidità dei processi di
innovazione. In questo quadro risulta pertanto motivata anche l’attivazione di LivingLab che, mentre supportano la partecipazione sociale ai processi di innovazione,
possono svolgere una funzione di supporto allo sviluppo socio-culturale,
promuovendo e valorizzando anche la contestuale attivazione di specifiche Smart
4.6 Communication and social-cultural evolution (1)
Molto importante è anche il supporto ad azioni sistematiche ed incisive di
“comunicazione sociale”, aventi detto carattere e finalità culturale, rivolte alla
popolazione nel suo insieme. Un contributo determinante può essere fornito quindi
anche dai vari “media” che si orientino in misura e forma adeguata a questo tipo di
comunicazione. Tuttavia si richiede un approccio incisivo e convergente, da parte
sia delle pubbliche istituzioni, sia del mondo produttivo e, in definitiva, anche degli
operatori dei vari “media”, che possa condurre a un’efficace comunicazione socioculturale per dette finalità.
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