
From Pittori et al., (2009)

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From Pittori et al., (2009)
The INTEGRAL Galactic sky
The transient γ-ray sources
7th AGILE Workshop  7th INTEGRAL year
...and 7th year crisis?  actually not,
..a new science prospect is emerging...per se
and also due to SWIFT, AGILE and FERMI
• INTEGRAL and its capabilty
• The IBIS Galactic Sky
• The MeV-GeV connection
P. Ubertini, on behalf of the IBIS Survey Team
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
INTEGRAL overview
 IBIS optimised for imaging
 SPI optimised for spectra
Credit: ESA
 IBIS and SPI are the main
 IBIS is the primary survey
 Wide FOV (30x30 degrees)
 ISGRI detector mainly operates
17-600 keV
 Sensitivity <0.5mCrab for deep
 JEM-X and OMC are the Monitors
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
IBIS: hunting new g-ray sources …
and, now monitoring weak old known
 Takes advantage of the large FOV (~1000sq deg) for multiple
source detection also in complex region (Galaxy Centre etc)
 Unbiased search of the IBIS datasets: 6+ years of operations
 Looking for weak persistent sources only visible on long
timescales: spans a duration of > 1600 days100Ms (with no
basic systematic errors!.. i.e. 4.5s limit averall)
 Looking for transient sources on various timescales (s to y)
 Follow-up of new sources in other waveband (25-30% are
 Overall analysis of all the sources: Spectra, timing, states
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
What we get now…
What we promised in ‘93…
17-30, 30-60, 40-100 colours but also 100-300
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
The soft gamma-ray sky according to IBIS…
About 700 sources in the IBIS Sky,
complementary to the BAT Sky
18-60 keV band
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
Source populations form IBIS up to 100 keV
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
The source populations above 100 keV is different!
the IBIS Sky is populated with about 90
sources..continously increasing
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
INTEGRAL/IBIS light curve
At the
IBIS sensitivity (<0.1 mCrab in the plane)
and energy band (17-1000 keV) the HMXBs is
to be the emerging GALACTIC population
a few LMXBs are discovered every year, most in
the bulge  difficult to be identified unless for
the presence of timing signatures….. See recent
example such as the millisec pulsar
Remind me the yesterday Dave
IGRJ 17511-3057
talk on MW observations
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
The INTEGRAL/SPI sky in 4 years
(Petry et al., 2009)
Analysis of the first 4 years of
INTEGRAL Data using a
maximum-likelihood fit technique
has been performed. Spectra
have been extracted in the
0.025-1.0 MeV band for SPI
and 25-600 keV for IBIS IBIS
Plot shows position of the source
from SPI input catalogue in 3
different energy bands.
Thick black square indicate the
20 Brightest sources
investigated via time-averaged
Enlarged plot shows the Galactic
Centre region.
The 20 sources clearly
detected up to 200 keV include
14 XRBs, 2 PWNs and 4 AGNs
8 sources are detected 200
keV, Crab and Cyg X-1 above
600 keV
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma, Sept. 30 2009,
Page 9
3 example of source reported by Petry et al., 2009 as
from SPI and IBIS average data on 4 years:
2 PSR/PWN and a µqso selected from AGILE sources
list (Pittori et al., 2009)
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
Cyg X-3
1) Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
NSs in HMXBs: Examples of important
unexpected INTEGRAL discoveries
and possible association with Gamma ray source
1. the highly absorbed (mostly transient) binary systems as
a new class of HMXB: slow pulsar (100-1000s period) in
a giant cocoon (Nh often >23)
2. the Super-giant Fast X-ray Transients: a new (sub)
class of super-giant HMXB (wind accretion in blobs?)
IGR J174544-2619
2 hr flare
IGR J16318-4848
Walter et al., A&A 411, L427, 2003
V. Sguera et al., ApJ 646, 453 2006
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
AX J1841.0-0536 (from Sguera et al.,2009)
• SFXT hosting a 4.7 s NS as compact object
Sguera et al. 2009
most of the time in quiescence
Lx~1034 erg s-1
occasionally fast soft g-ray
Lx~1037 erg s-1
Lasting from a few hours to a
few days
Based on spatial proximity and similar flaring behaviour Sguera et al., 2009,
proposed the SFXT AX J1841.0-0536 as best candidate counterpart of
3EG J1837-0423, to date.
Also, the 2 SFXTs IGR J20188+3647 and IGR J11215-5952 could be
associated to AGILE transient in Cygnus and to EGRET EGR 1122-5946,
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
INTEGRAL-SWIFT Sinergy: monitoring of SFXTs and
search for new onesthe long term properties & the quiescent
2005Aug 30
Sidoli et al. 2008
2007 Feb 09
Comparison of 5 SFXTs
light curves during
bright flares
Romano et al. 2007
2008 Apr 08
Sidoli et al. 2009a
8 days of monitoring
with Swift/XRT
2008 Mar 31
Sidoli et al. 2009a
Common features:
-outburst length > hours
2008 Jul 05
Romano et al. 2009a
-multiple peaked structure
-dynamic range ~ 1000
2008 Aug 13
Sidoli et al. 2009b
From Sidoli, X-ray Astronomy 2009,
Bologna, 7-11 September 2009
Sidoli et al. 2008b, 2009b
, , Page 14
The periodic IGRJ11215-5952, a text book example:
one outburst every 165 days Swift observations
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,Sept. 30 2009,
Unidentified (very) high energy sources:
a promise for the (INTEGRAL) future!
 INTEGRAL deep sky maps are (and will
remain) robust and unique to allow
detection of yet un-identified very
high energy sources fm COS-B,
Persistent = normal pulsars and ms
radio pulsars
Variable = micro-quasar/pulsar binaries
Extragalactic sources (variability
studies: gain ~ time, not sqrt(time) )
Hermsen et al., 2006
QSO 0241 +622
 Need typically 10 Ms on plane for weak
3EG J0229+6151
LSI +61 303
 Recent example is LSI +61 303 the
Microquasar MeV-GeV-TeV old
EGRET/ COS-B source seen by
INTEGRAL and now at higher energy
very variable!!
3EG J0241+6103
Egret contours
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
MicroQSOs: time resolved spectarl observation
LSI +61 303 a Be in a HMXB
20 – 95 keV images form IBIS:
“OFF” (phase 0.8 – 1.3)
“ON” (phase 0.3 – 0.8)
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
LSI +61 303,
“ON” (phase 0.3 – 0.8)
45 – 95 keV
45 – 205 keV
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
HE and VHE results: still non trivial
MAGIC (Albert et al.,2006& 2009) reported
the system shows regular outburst at
TeV energies in phase Φ = 0.6-0.7
NO signal at periastron (Φ ~ 0.275).
NO indication of spectral variabilty
along the orbit of the compact object
NO flux variability on timescale down to 30
VERITAS confirms this result (Cacciari et
al., 2008)
AGILE: From Pittori et al., (2009) source
flux consistent with EGRET
FERMI: observations covering ~ 8 months
period (Abdo et al., 2009), indicate that
variability is consistent with the binary
period, i.e. modulation at 26.6±0.5 d
reported for the first time above 20 MeV.
The light curve shows a broad peak after
periastron as well as a smaller peak just
before apastron.
NO significant spectral change with orbital
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
The IBIS/AGILE connection April ‘09
MKN 421
PSR J1826-1334
LSI +61303
Cyg X-3
PSR J1509-5850
PSR J1420-6048
3C273 & 3C279
Eta Car
Vela PSR
3C 454.3
From Pittori et al.2009
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
The Cyg X-3 case
Strong soft gamma emitter
IBIS error box is 0.2 arcmin
(1000 σ), AGILE 0.4 deg,
distance 4,7 arcmin.. Gamma ray
position need to be refined  no
other IBIS counterpart within
error box…time signature essential
Cyg X-3
Average spectra fit 2 power law,
one with exp cut-off
From Pittori et al.2009
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
Hard X-ray emission from Eta Carinae
Tavani M. et al, ApJ accepted
From Tavani et al., 2009
From Leyder et al., 2008
From Tavani et al., 2009
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
AGL J2032+4102 ?=CYG X-3
Transition from the ultra-soft to the Hard state observed
The ultrasoft state
apparently precedes the
emission of a jet, which is
apparent in the radio and
hard X-ray domain -> one
more case of disk-jet
coupling! -> Gamma-rays??
Beckman et al, 2007 A&A
During the ultrasoft state, the soft X-ray spectrum is
well-described by an absorbed (NH = 1.5 × 1022 cm−2)
black body model, whereas the X-ray spectrum above 20
keV appears to be extremely low and hard (Ѓ ≃ 1.7).
During the transition, the radio flux rises to a level of > 1
Jy, and the soft X-ray emission drops by a factor of ∼ 3,
while the hard X-ray emission rises by a factor of ~14 and
becomes steeper (up to Ѓ ~ = 4).
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
IGR J17354-3255 and AGL J1734-3310
Agile detection  γ-ray tarnsient source
AGL J1734-3310 (Bulgarelli et al., 2009)
consisten with the INTEGRAL source IGR J
17354-3255 (Kuulkers et al. 2009).
Swift ToO (Vercellone et al., 2009) and
Chandra follow-up (Tomsick et al., 2009)
have been performed  2 sources reported
CHANDRA also detect 2 sources in the
IBIS error circle.
Spectra, luminosity and variability suggest
the variable source as a HMXB.
Typical case solved with a LONG INTEGRAL
observation, resulted in a narrower error box excluding
one of the two X-Ray counterpart  IBIS error box to
1.4 ’ confirm the Vercellone et al., 2009 and Tomsick
et al., 2009a association.
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
INTEGRAL and SWIFT: counterparts and surveys
 Continue strong and excellent collaboration on observations of GRB, SGR,
AGN and follow-up observations of new IGR/SWIFT sources.
 Swift and INTEGRAL have complementary capabilities
• concentrates on galactic plane
• broad gamma-ray energy coverage
• fine spectroscopy
• deep hard X-ray observations within selected
 Swift
• all-sky coverage with high duty cycle
• sensitive UV/optical and X-ray telescopes
• rapid response
Pietro Ubertini, Frascati Workshop 2009 , May 25-30,
Cross-correlation of new BAT/SWIFT AGNs (148) versus
IBIS/INTEGRAL CAT 3 AGNs (154):60 sources
new IBIS data indicates ~ 200 AGNs
Pietro Ubertini, Frascati Workshop 2009 , May 25-30,
205 significant sources detected above 100 MeV
For 16 of the LAT sources there is an
IBIS detection (+200 Uupper limit).
These are:
10 AGN,
2 HMXB, MicroQsos
2 Unidentified, 1 possible Eta Carinae
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
IBIS sources (20-100 keV) versus LAT bright sources
Indicate AGILE detection
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
 Thanks….
» MORE to Come!!!!
Pietro Ubertini, 7th AGILE Workshop, Roma,September 30
Fly UP