The environment needs you!
ISTITUTO D’ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE “S.G. BOSCO” Viadana (MN) - ITALY The environment needs you! What we are What we do Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius LICHENS AND ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION 2008-2010 OUR SCHOOL We are a vocational/technical school and we provide courses for young (14-18 years old) and adult students. WE PROVIDE MORNING AND EVENING COURSES IN AGRICULTURE, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGIES, TOURISM, SOCIAL SERVICES. MORNING COURSES ARE TAKEN BY YOUNG PUPILS (14 -18 YEARS OLD). EVENING COURSES ARE TAKEN BY ADULTS INTERESTED IN ACHIEVING AN ITALIAN DIPLOMA OR IN SPECIALIZING THEMSELVES AND GETTING A BETTER JOB. EVENING COURSES STARTED THREE YEARS AGO. Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius Courses are both theoretical (Italian, History, Mathematics, English...) and practical. Our labs: IT; Mechanical; Electrical; Chemical; Agricultural farm / green house; Training stages Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER IT lab Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Mechanical lab Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Electrical lab Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Applications of renewable energies Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Chemical lab Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Agricultural farm / green house Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WHAT WE OFFER Social Services: training stages Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius WE DO ..... ACTIVITIES TO INVOLVE STUDENTS Recyclable - waste collection PAPER TINS PLASTIC Energy saving (at school, at home) Environment conventions Researches Projects Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius photovoltaic panels Class 1AM Diversified collection of plastic paper and cardboard caps connected also with a provincial competition that has the aim of awakening the students for a civic sense and for the precious value of a diversified collection in daily life. Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius Classe 1 AA Research about atmospheric pollution according to the following list of contents: Definition; Which are the main air polluting substances; Which are the monitoring systems; The lichens cans serve as bio indicator of the environment’s quality; The possible actions to reduce air pollution; What is the Kyoto protocol. Which are the protocols published about the environmental theme; Which are the following agreements between the nations; EUROPEAN procedures. Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius Classe 2AA Research about the breathing system diseases caused by air pollution , according to the following list of contents 1) Scheme about the breathing system 2) What is a disease 3) The diseases of the breathing system 4) Which are the causes of the diseases 5) The main diseases of the breathing system 6) Classification of the disease according to the cause Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius Classe 3AA Research about the Healthy nutrition, aware consumption, recyclable-waste collection Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius IN ACTION settimana 1 ° 2a 3° 4a 5° RISPARMIA ENERGIA Riduci di 1° la temperatura (10 punti) Chiudi porte e finestre nelle stanze riscaldate (5 punti) Fai una doccia veloce invece di un bagno (5 punti) Pensa prima di aprire il frigorifero. Non lasciare la porta aperta (1 punto) Spegni le luci quando possibile (1 punto) Non lasciare la televisione, lo stereo o il computer in standby. Spegnili (5 punti) RICICLA Riponi il vetro nei contenitori per il vetro (1 punto) Riempi la tua bottiglietta al mattino invece di acquistarne una nuova (1 punto) Riutilizza la borsa per la spesa (5 punti) Vai a piedi, usa la bicicletta o i trasporti pubblici per recarti a scuola (1 punto) Altre attività…. Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius 6a PROPOSALS FOR THE NEXT MONTHS - Energy consumption of the school, family monitoring (light, gas) - Diseases of the breathing system caused by voluntary habits (nicotine addiction) Suggested Methodology Preparation of questionnaires with the help of the students Giving out questionnaires with the help of other classes and families Collection and description of data Confrontation with similar surveys Draft of suggestions for correcting erroneous habits Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius School year 2009_2010 PAPER RECYCLING PROJECT Renewable energies Partenariato Multilaterale Comenius