Cycles Data Sheet Student Name_________________________________ Cycle # ____________ Final Consant Deletion Syllables Phonological Targets Target Words Session #1 Session #2 2 syllables 3 syllables Final________ Final________ Final________ Final________ Final________ Final________ Initial Consonant Deletion Possible Targets: f,n,m,p,k,t. Can combine 2 sounds per group. No voiced obstruents-b,d,g,v,z) Initial_______ Initial_______ Initial_______ Initial_______ Initial_______ Initial_______ Backing Initial /t/ and /d/ Glides Possible Targets: b,d,f,g,h,l,m,n,p,t. No /s/ or other stridents (f,v,z,sh,ch,dz). They will be targeted with blends Initial /w/ Final /t/ Initial /y/ Fronting ./f/. Only target glides if 70% or higher on testing Final /f/ Initial /f/ Initial /k/ and /g/ Final /k/ Cluster Reduction I/M/F __________ I/M/F __________ I/M/F __________ I/M/F __________ I/M/F __________ I/M/F __________ Gliding Possible Targets: -ts, -ps, -ks, sp, sn, st, sk, sl, sm Initial /l/ Initial /r/ Developed by Katie Yeh, MA CCC-SLP 2010 Session #3