
impact on secondary roads - Pilot4Safety

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impact on secondary roads - Pilot4Safety
Pilot4Safety is supported by funding from the
DG MOVE of the European Commission under
grant agreement: MOVE/SUB/2010/D3/3001/SI2.560087/PILOT4SAFETY
The Pilot4Safety project and its
impact on secondary roads
Adewole Adesiyun - Carlo Polidori
Rome, 14 June 2011
Project Information
PILOT4SAFETY – Pilot Project for Common EU Curriculum
for Road Safety Experts: Training and
Application on Secondary Roads
♦ DG MOVE project
♦ Duration: 24 months
♦ Start: 1 June 2010
♦ Total cost: € 1.329.526 – EU Contribution 50%
♦ Webpage: http://pilot4safety.fehrl.org
Project Information
Coordinator: FEHRL
Partners: ASTRAL Lazio; CDV Czech Republic; Generalitat de
Catalunya; Region of Central Macedonia; Randers
Associates: AIT Austria; BASt Germany; BRRC Belgium
Subcontractors: Ing. Carlo Polidori
COWI Denmark
Faculty of Engineering – University “Roma TRE”
Faculty of Engineering – University of Catania
Publication of the Directive 2008/96/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council on road
infrastructure safety management
Art 1. Field of Application:
(TEN-T Network = “the road network
identified in Section 2 of Annex I to Decision
No 1692/96/EC” = a part of EU Highways)
La Direttiva si applica solo alla rete TEN-T, cioè su una parte delle autostrade
The “Pillars” of the Directive
Art. 3 - Road safety impact assessment-RIA
Art. 4 - Road safety audit-RSA
Art. 5 - Safety ranking and management of the road network in
Art. 6 - Road safety inspection
Art. 9 - Appointment and training of auditors
Member States shall ensure ….. training curricula for road safety
auditors are adopted by 19 December 2011.
Concept and Objectives of the Pilot4Safety Project
Pilot4Safety aims to overcome this “barrier”, by using a part
of the Directive as a template for safety application on
regional roads
•Direct “cross” participation of regional Road Authorities,
•Involvement of organisations with large experience in road
safety training courses
•Application of RSA, RSI on some road stretches identified
by each regional Authority as a priority in terms of safety.
Il progetto Pilot4 Safety intende superare questo ostacolo adottando una parte della
Direttiva come modello per la gestione della sicurezza nelle strade regionali
Pilot4Safety è in linea con gli orientamenti politici della Commissione
Pilot4Safety: Task 5 – RSA Training Session Id. P.0.1
Che ha tra I suoi obiettivi la promozione della applicazione della
Direttiva anche alle reti stradali secondarie, in particolare attraverso
lo scambio delle migliori pratiche
Pilot4Safety: Task 5 – RSA Training Session Id. P.0.1
Scheme of the initiative
Pilot4Safety has an external reference group composed
of other European regions, International Associations
dealing with road safety and other stakeholders.
The Reference Group will be invited to provide comment and
advice on the project deliverables which will be taken into
consideration in the final recommendations
Pilot4Safety è seguito da un Reference group esterno, costituito da altre
Regioni Europee, Associazioni per la sicurezza stradale e vari stakeholders che
forniscono I loro commenti alle varie fasi del progetto
Project progress:
Curricula and Manual
Analysis of the basic material
…taking into account
the development of
the 2 curricula
Project tasks
Task 2: Development of common curricula for RSA and RSI
experts (structured list of arguments, each one with a certain number of
training hours) - Completed
Task 3: Training tools (Manual with a general road safety part , plus
2 specific RSA and RSI sections) – Completed
Task 4: Common agreement (international agreement for the
mutual acceptance of the certificates issued by FEHRL)- Completed
Project Tasks
Task 5: Training of 2 technicians for each regional road
Authority – RSA Training Completed ; RSI in progress
Task 6 and 7 : 1 RSA and 1 RSI in each participating region
with at least one foreign expert per team – Starts in July
Task 8 : Evaluation and recommendations – 2012
International agreement (5 EU Regions) about the
extension of the Directive to the secondary roads
Common standards for training auditors and inspectors
Recommendations for a common certification procedure
Pilot4Safety is supported by funding from
the DG MOVE of the European Commission
under grant agreement:
Thank you for your attention!
Interested in being involved in the Pilot4Safety
reference group? Send an email to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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