
Educazione Stradale classe IV A a.s. 2009 -2010

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Educazione Stradale classe IV A a.s. 2009 -2010
I.C. Via G. Palombini, 39 Roma
“Children in the conquest of the road”
Class IV A
Plesso “E. Salgari”
Teachers: G. Marinelli - L. Tripodi - A.Peccolo
School year: 2009-2010
Here we are…..
Abdur Bapary Rejby
Asole Vittoria
Coppini Siria
Corsetti Andrea
Denni Marco
Fedeli Leonardo
Frate Daniele
Mania Ludovica
Marchetti Asia
Mastrantonio Davide
Mecozzi Camilla
Meucci Samuele Maria
Salib Veronica
Sansone Francesca
Teodori Marina
Together with an expert we play and learn the rules of driving behavior
We imagine to be on the road ...
We divide into groups: pedestrians…..
How much traffic! We need a policeman!
Now we know better….
the colours of the traffic lights
Per me il semaforo è rosso
e passare proprio non posso.
Con il giallo sai che devi fare?
Ti devi fermare.
Con il verde posso passare,
i veicoli si devono fermare.
... and how to behave on pedestrian crossings.
We are pedestrians, we must be careful!
In the traffic ...
There was an accident!!!
How can we help?
WHAT CAN WE DO?...We discuss it.
We observe, being careful about our security,
and we keep calm.
It ‘s important to be able to give first aid!
Do not move the injured person and verify whether he is
Does he answer questions? Is he breathing?
Is his heart beating?
If you want to
save someone,
call an
Call the 'one-one-eight’ and answer exactly
the questions of the operator.
Fly UP