
CINEL_ginevra_2013 - Indico

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nuclear power






CINEL_ginevra_2013 - Indico
Vigonza (Padova) – Italia
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
A Bit of History
• Strumenti Scientifici CINEL founded in Padua at the
beginning of 70's. Technical partnership with Italian
Institute for Nuclear Physics of Legnaro (INFN-LNL Italy)
• Since the mid of 80’s CINEL already connected with the
major Italian nuclear physics research sites and started
crossing the frontiers getting contracts and starting
collaborations with CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
• Following years see the production of apparatuses and
components for Synchrotron Light Sources Facilities and
Nuclear and Accelerator Physics laboratories, still getting
benefits from collaboration with INFN-LNL Italy
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Main Activities
Particle Accelerator components: Resonant Cavities, Beam
Diagnostics, Linac Modules, Vacuum Chambers
• Synchrotron Light Sources Facilities: X-ray Monochromators,
Mirror Chambers, High precision slits, Front Ends and Photon
Beam Lines.
• Cad 3D Design and System integration
• R&D: Partnership with the Customer
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Main Features of the Delivered
• ± 10 µm machining tolerances
• Several motors are usually installed (Stepper Motors, Piezo
Actuators etc) driving mirrors actuation mechanisms
• Very small resolutions required, below 0.2 µrad angular
resolution and 0.05 µm linear resolution
• High density: actuators stacks “miniaturization”
• UHV environment
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• Design tools: N. 6 workstations provided with: AUTOCAD and
PRO- Engineer up to CREO 2 version 3D Cad Software
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• Machining Centers and milling machines with working strokes
up to x=4000, y=1200 and z=2000
• CNC Turning machines for work pieces up to a diameter of 800
mm and a length of 3000 mm
• One turning milling machine (turn with auxiliary motorized
• Spark erosion machines: drill machine for holes down to 0.3 mm
on 150 mm thick copper blocks, EDW machines to cut up to 300
mm of thickness
• Grinding machine
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• GTAW and SMAW welding machine (current 300-400 A)
• MIG and MAG welding machine
• Ultrasound washing pool with 3 stages (warm bath with
detergent, tap water for first rinsing, demineralized water for
final rinsing). Useful dimensions: 1500 x 1000 x 1200 (h) mm
• Brazing Furnace
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• Two complete dry pumping groups (Varian Try-Scroll forevacuum
pump, Varian HT300 turbo pump, Varian Starcell 500 ion pump) with
associated pressure gauges
• Two Residual Gas Analyzer MKS Microvision Plus
• Two Backout units with Gefran temperature controllers up to 15 kw
power divided into 10 areas
• Two Helium leak detectors: Pfeiffer HLT 265 - Pfeiffer HLT 560
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• Perthometer Mahr M2; measuring range up to 100 µm and
resolution of 12 nm
• Ultrasound thickness gauge: Panametrics 26XDTL-93-M,
measuring range from 0.5 mm up to 500 mm (depending on
material), resolution 0.01 mm
• Height Gauge: Micro-Hite. Measuring range up to 800 mm,
resolution of 0.001 mm, accuracy 0.003 mm
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• MAGNETOSCOP for magnetic permeability measurements
• Laser Interferometer Renishaw ML10 Gold. Linear measurement,
range is up to 40 m
and the resolution is 0.001 µm; Angular
measurement the range is up to 10° with a resolution of 0.1
• 3D Zeiss Measuring Machine, Zeiss Accura 2 with VAST XT Gold
sensor. Working volume 1200x900x800 mm; resolution 1.6 µm +
L /333 (mm), Max weight load (gross) 400 Kg
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
TAV All Metal Vacuum Furnace
Working space: 450 x 450 x 800 mm
Max operat. Temp 1400 °C
Max weight load (gross) 280 Kg
High Vacuum 1 x 10 mbar or Ar-Ni partial pressure
(10 mbar max)
3D Zeiss Measuring Machine
Zeiss Accura 2 with VAST XT Gold sensor
Working volume 1200x900x800 mm;
resolution 1.6 µm +L /333 (mm),
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
• The first premises, the head quarter of the company, is 2000 m². It is arranged in
order to separate the workshop area from the welding and from the mounting
and testing areas. It is now operative a second premises of 500 m².
• Location: Vigonza (Padua) Italy
• Strumenti Scientifici CINEL S.r.l. is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Superconducting QWR Cavities with
helium tank for Alpi Accelerator
Complex (LNL-INFN)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
RFQ Injector for Lead Ion Facility, Fe360 copper plated, electrodes in CuZr. (Cern)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Copper plated RFQ (GSI Darmstadt)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Channeling Goniometer for SPS
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
RF Planar Hybrid Couples
(CLIC Project, CEA Saclay)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
3 db X-Band Hybrids (CLIC
RF Power-load (CLIC Project)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
DTL Linac (H- ion beam, 160 MeV energy)
prototype for Linac4 (Cern)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Cavity Beam Position Monitor
resolution diagnostic for FEL
electron beam
A novel electromagnetic design and a new
manufacturing process for the cavity BPM
(Beam Position Monitor), NIM A 662, Issue
1, January 2012
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (Napoli). SCL Proton Linac for Protontherapy; 3D forged
OFE copper. General Tolerances: ± 0.02 mm and ± 0.01 mm in the “nose” (curvature) area;
Frequency 2.998 Ghz, current ~ 150 µA, duty cycle 0.1 %, Energy ~ 30 Mev ÷ 62 Mev
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics
IFMIF EVEDA CW RFQ (module N. 16 in the picture,
brazed). 175 MHz from 0.1 MeV to 5 MeV, 125 mA,
1.6 MW total power
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Italian Institute for
Physics. (LNL-INFN)
CW Injector for High
Intensity Proton Beam Linac.
3D forged OFE copper; 6
modules, 7 m total length, brazed
Tolerances: ± 0.02 mm all over
the length
Design Parameter:
Energy: 0.08 ÷5 Mev
Frequency 352.2 Mhz;
Current 40 mA;
2 Modules tested at full power at
Saclay (2012) (XXVI Linac
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
Courtesy of F. Grespan LNL-INFN
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
Italian Institute for Nuclear
Physics. (LNL-INFN)
RFQ CW Injector for High
Intensity Proton Beam Linac.
3D forged OFE copper; 6
modules, 7 m total length, brazed
Tolerances: ± 0.02 mm all over
the length
Design Parameter:
Energy: 0.08 ÷5 Mev
Frequency 352.2 Mhz;
Current 40 mA;
2 Modules Tested at full power at
Saclay (XXVI Linac Conference,
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
End Cell
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
ESRF Storage Ring HOM damped
Resonant Cavity, 352.2 Mhz frequency
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Particle Accelerator Components
• ANKA Synchrotron Strahlungsquelle (Karlsruhe, Germany)
• Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron - LNLS (Sao Paolo, Brazil)
• Center for Advanced Technology - INDUS-1 and INDUS-2 (Indore, India)
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Synchrotron Light Sources Instrumentation
Monochromators, Mirror Chambers, Beam Lines, Ancillary Components
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Synchrotron Light Sources Instrumentation
Mirror Chamber
Bruker ASC
Kirkpatrick Baez Mirror System
Up to 8 motors installed
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Synchrotron Light Sources Instrumentation
Front End
Diamond Light Source
I20 Canted Wiggler Front-end
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Synchrotron Light Sources Instrumentation
ESRF (European Synchrotron
Radiation Facility)
Laue Laue Monochromator
for ID11 Beamline
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
Interaction Cern-Company
• RF tests on structures for construction validation.
Implementation of RF tests on factory site
Giuseppe Valeriano Lamanna
CLIC Workshop 2013
CERN 31-01-2013
www.cinel.com www.cinel-gas.com
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