New Programming Period 007-2013
NEW PROGRAMMING PERIOD 2007-2013 WHAT IS CHANGED • The in closing INTERREG III is become the OBJECTIVE 3 of the new programming period • The area of transnational cooperation is changed as you can see in the following table INTERREG III B OBJECTIVE 3 CADSES CEUS (Central Eastern Europe) SEES (Southern Western Europe) MEDOCC ARCHIMED Alpine Space MED (Mediterranean Space) Alpine Space In particular each area is identified as follows… EU cooperation area: Germany, Italy (regions of the Alpine Space and Emilia Romagna), Repubblica Ceca, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Repubblica Slovacca, Slovenia Other cooperation area: Moldavia and Ucraina EU cooperation area: Greece, Italy (Adriatic regions, Lombardia, Trentino Alto Adige), Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Repubblica Slovacca Other cooperation area: Moldavia, Ucraina and probably some Turkish regions EU cooperation area: France, Italy (all Italian regions except for Valle d’Aosta e Trentino Alto Adige), Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Malta Other cooperation area: Slovenia, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and Egypt This cooperation area is the same of the past programming period (2000-2006) NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY IPA and ENPI funds have been instituted to promote the cooperation with no UE country Instrument of Pre Adhesion CE regulation n°1085/2006 • It is the substituted of Phare, ISPA, SAPARD and CARDS • It aims at helping the beneficiary country to conform itself at the EU standards Beneficiary country: Croazia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia Erzegovina, ex Repubblica Jugoslava, Serbia and Montenegro NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY IPA and ENPI funds have been instituted to promote the cooperation with no UE country European Neighbourhood and Partenariat Instrument CE regulation n°1638/2006 • It is the substituted of MEDA funds • It aims at helping the beneficiary country to create a zone of prosperity an good neighbourhood Beneficiary country: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cis Jordan, Gaza, Ucraina, Moldavia, Bielorussia, Giorgia, Armenia, Arzebaijan THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION