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Francesco Di Serio (born in 1965) graduated with honours in Agricultural Science at the University
of Naples (1991) from which he obtained the Ph.D. degree in Plant Virology discussing a thesis on
viroids in 1995.
1995-1998 (4 years). Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (CSIC-UPV) Valencia,
Spain. Supervisor: R. Flores. funds: EMBO short term fellowship and Spanish Ministry of
Education. Research activity: Molecular characterization of viroid-like RNAs from diseased fruit
1998-1999 (1 year). Friedrich Miescher Institute (Novartis Research Foundation) Basel,
Switzerland. Supervisor: F. Meins. Funds: Friedrich Miescher Institute. Research activity: posttranscriptional gene silencing.
The association of F. Di Serio with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) initiated in 1999
with a non-permanent position as a Researcher at the CNR Institute of Plant Virology (IVV), to be
formalized by a permanent position as a Researcher in 2001. Starting from 2007 F. Di Serio is
Principal Investigator at the CNR-IVV.
Invited Researcher at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (Novartis Research Foundation) Basel,
Switzerland. Supervisor: F. Meins. i) in 2000 (2 months) funds: Friedrich Miescher Institute . ii) in
2003 (3 months), funds: EMBO Short term fellowship. iii) in 2007 (3 weeks), funds: Friedrich
Miescher Institute. Research activity: Post-transcriptional gene silencing and role of gene silencing
in plant-virus interaction.
Invited Researcher at the Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP, CSIC-UPV)
Valencia, Spain. Supervisor: R. Flores. . i) 2004-2008 (nenerally two weeks per year), funds:
bilateral projects CNS/CSIC. ii) 2010 (1 month and 2 weeks), funds: CNR Short term mobility
fellowship). Research activity: Interference of viroid-derived small RNAs with host DNA
methylation and role of RNA silencing during Citrus tristeza virus infections.
Invited Researched at Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP, CSIC-UPV)
Valencia, Spain. Supervisor: Dr. J.A. Darós. 2013-2014 (6 weeks), funds: CNR Short term mobility
fellowship. Research activity: Role of RNA methylation in virus and viroid infection.
Research activity of F. Di Serio has been prevalently addressed to fruit tree diseases and particularly
to viroid diseases. He contributed to establish the etiology of apple, cherry and peach diseases
caused by previously unknown infectious agents. F. Di Serio identified and characterized previously
unknown viroids, viroid-like RNAs and double stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) of viral origin from fruit
trees. In particular, he described a new viroid species that causes a severe disease in apple trees
(Apple dimple fruit viroid), reporting its spread in Italy and Lebanon. Moreover, F. Di Serio
contributed to characterize several new virus species with dsRNA genome (mycoviruses) and
viroid-like RNAs with ribozimatic activity, likely of fungal origin. During post-doctoral
experiences he studied gene silencing, showing for the first time that molecular mechanisms
involved in RNA silencing mediated by sense transgenes is at least in part similar to that mediated
by antisense trangenes. In the same period, he contributed to understand the role of β 1,3-glucanase
in plant-virus interaction. In the last few years, F. Di Serio developed innovative detection methods
and studied spread and epidemiology of viroids. He studied viroid pathogenesis, revealing the
molecular mechanisms involved in the elicitation of peach calico disease by Peach latent mosaic
viroid. In the last few years, after demonstrating the role of RNA silencing in restricting viroid
accumulation and trafficking, he is developing experimental systems to further dissect the role RNA
silencing and epigenetic modifications in plant-viroid interaction. He also extended his research
activity to the characterizarion of new viruses and viroid-like RNAs by next generations sequencing
F. Di Serio authored or co-authored about 60 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals, 14
book chapters, 1 review in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (by John Wiley & Sons), e about 100
communications to international and national congresses. He delivered seminars in several national
and international research institutes.
In 2012, F. Di Serio obtained the national scientific qualification to function as full professor in
Plant Pathology and Entomology (disciplinary sector 07/D1) and as associate professor in
Molecular Biology (disciplinary sector 05/D1) and Genetics and Microbiology (disciplinary sector
Co-supervisor of two PhD Theses and three Master of Science Theses. He delivered seminars and
lectures in the frame of several university courses, and, in 2008, a training course on viroids (one
week) for the staff of the Hungarian Central Agriculture Service in Budapest.
In 2008 F. Di Serio became member of the “Viroid Study Group” of the International Committee on
Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) and since October 2011 is Chair of the Group.
In 2010/2011, he has been member (expert) of the working group on “Solanaceous Pospiviroids” in
the frame of the Plant Health Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and contributed
to the preparations of the “Scientific Opinion on the assessment of the risk of solanaceous
pospiviroids for the EU territory and the identification and evaluation of risk management options”,
published by the PLH panel in EFSA journal 2011, Vol. 9(8):2330.
In 2012, he is member of the working group on “Chrysanthemum stunt viroid” in the frame of the
Plant Health Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and has contributed to teh
preparations of the “Scientific Opinion on the risk to plant health posed by Chrysanthemum stunt
viroid for the EU territory, with identification and evaluation of risk reduction options”, published
by the PLH panel in EFSA Journal 2012, Vol. 10(12):3027.
In 2014, as a “visiting scientist” at EFSA, F. Di Serio contributed to the preparation of the
“Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Citrus tristeza virus”, published by the PLH panel
in EFSA Journal 2014, Vol. 12(12):3923.
Since June 2012 F. Di Serio is member of the International Council for the Study of Virus and other
Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops [ICVF]
Reviewer of scientific articles for the following international journals (ISI Journals): Archives of
Virology, Annals of Applied Biology, BMC Microbiology, BMC Plant Biology, Cellular
Microbiology, Journal of Plant Pathology, Journal of Phytopathology, , Journal of General
Virology, Journal of Virological Methods, European Journal of Plant Pathology, Frontiers in
Virology, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, Molecular Plant Pathology, Nucleic Acid
Research, Phytopathology, Plant Disease, Plos Pathogens; Virus Research; Viruses; (Non ISI
Journal): Australasian Plant Disease Note.
Reviewer of editorial proposal of a sicentific book for the Academic Press/Elsevier
Reviewer of international research projects: EUPHRESCO (European Phytosanitary Research
Coordination), funded by ERA-NET, European Union; ii) research projects funded by German
Research Fundation.
F. Di Serio is member of European Society of Virology (ESV), European Society of Plant Science
(EPSO), Società Italiana di Virologia (SIV), Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale (SiPAV). Since
2010 is member of the directive staff of SIPaV.
CNR Dipartimento Agroalimentare award 2008 in Memory of D. Mariotti and A. Leone for the
research activity: Viroids: Plant pathogens and molecular implements for dissecting trafficking,
structural-functional relationships and pathogenicity of non-coding RNAs in plants. (25.000 euro).
CNR award for the research activity realized in 2005 (2000 euro).
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Workshop on Viroids and Satellite RNAs
(IWVdS), Beijing · China, August 23rd‐25th, 2013. A satellite workshop of the Internazional
Congress of Plant Pathology 2013 (ICPP, 2013)
Member of the Organizin Committee of the “11th National Congress of the Italian Society for
Virology”, Orvieto (Tr), Italy, September 17-19, 2012.
Co-autor of the Patent: Corredo diagnostico e metodo per il rilevamento di infezioni da fitovirus
nelle produzioni vivaistiche. Titolare Università degli Studi di Bari. Inventors: Barbarossa L., Di
Serio F., Gallitelli D., Martelli G.P., Minafra A., Papanice M., Saldarelli P., Saponari M., Savino V.
Extension: Italy. N. Brevetto 0001355079, Date 2009.
1. Minoia S., Navarro B., Delgedo S., Di Serio F., Flores R. (2015) Viroid RNA turnover:
characterization of the subgenomic RNAs of potato spindle tuber viroid accumulating in infected
tissues provides insights into decay pathways operating in vivo. Nucleic Acids Research (in
2. Di Serio F., Flores R., Verhoeven J.T., Li S.F., Pallás V., Randles J.W., Sano T., Vidalakis G.,
Owens R.A. (2014). Current status of viroid taxonomy. Archives of Virology 159: 3467-3478.
3. Minoia S., Carbonell A., Di Serio F., Gisel A., Carrington J.C., Navarro B., Flores R. (2014).
Specific ARGONAUTES bind selectively small RNAs derived from potato spindle tuber viroid
and attenuate viroid accumulation in vivo. Journal of Virology 88: 11933-45. doi:
4. Chiumenti M., Torchetti E.M., DI Serio F., Minafra A. (2014). Identification and characterization
of a viroid resembling Apple dimple fruit viroid in fig (Ficus carica L.) by next generation
sequencing of small RNAs. Virus Research 188: 54-59. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2014.03.026
5. Gambino G., Navarro B., Torchetti E.M., La Notte P., Schneider A., Mannini F., Di Serio F.
(2014). Survey on viroids infecting grapevine in Italy: identification and characterization of
Australian grapevine viroid and Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2. European Journal of Plant
Pathology 140: 199–205. Doi: 10.1007/s10658-014-0458-x
6. Minoia S., Navarro B., Covelli L., Barone M., Garcia-Becedas M.T., Ragozzino A., Alioto D.,
Flores R., Di Serio F. (2014). Viroid-like RNAs from cherry trees affected by leaf scorch disease:
further data supporting their association with mycoviral double-stranded RNAs. Archives of
virology 159: 589-593.
7. Di Serio F., De Stradis A., Delgado S., Flores R., Navarro B. (2013). Cytopathic effects incited by
viroid RNAs and putative underlying mechanisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 3: 288, doi:
8. Tessitori M., Rizza S., Reina A., Causarano G., Di Serio F. (2013). The genetic diversity of Citrus
dwarfing viroid populations is mainly dependent on the infected host species. Journal of General
Virology, 94: 686-692.
9. Flores R., Serra P., Minoia S., Di Serio F., Navarro B. (2012). Viroids: from genotype to
phenotype just relying on RNA sequence and structural motifs. Frontiers in Microbiology 3: 113, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00217.
10. Torchetti E.M., Navarro B., Di Serio F. (2012). A single polyprobe for detecting simultaneously
eight pospiviroids infecting ornamentals and vegetables. Journal of Virological Methods 186:
141-146, doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.08.005
11. Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E., Delgado S., Flores R., Di Serio F. (2012). Viroids: how to
infect a host and cause disease without encoding proteins. Biochimie 94: 1474-1480.
12. Torchetti E.M., Navarro B., Trisciuzzi V.N., Nuccitelli L., Silletti M.R., Di Serio F. (2012). First
report of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid in Argyranthemum frutescens in Italy. Journal of Plant
Pathology 94: 451-454.
13. Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E., Delgado S., Flores R., Di Serio F. (2012). Small RNAs
containing the pathogenic determinant of a chloroplast-replicating viroid guide degradation of a
host mRNA as predicted by RNA silencing. The Plant Journal 70: 991-1003.
14. Hajizadeh M., Navarro B., Bashir N.S., Torchetti E.M., Di Serio F. (2012). Development and
validation of a multiplex RT-PCR method for the simultaneous detection of five grapevine viroids.
Journal of Virological Methods 179: 62-69.
15. Torchetti E.M., Navarro B., Di Serio F. (2011). First record of Citrus exocortis viroid infecting
Solanum jasminoides in Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (4, Supplemental): S4.76 (Disease
16. Navarro B., Bacu A., Torchetti M., Kongjika E., Susuri L., Di Serio F., A. Myrta (2011). First
record of Pear blister canker viroid on pear in Albania. . Journal of Plant Pathology 93 (4,
Supplemental): S4.70. (Disease note).
17. Carrieri R., Barone M., Di Serio F., Abagnale A., Covelli L., Garcia Becedas M.T., Ragozzino A.,
Alioto D. (2011). Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and cherry leaf scorch: two similar diseases
associated with mycoviruses and double stranded RNAs. Journal of Plant Pathology 93: 485489.
18. Gambino G., Navarro B., Vallania R., Gribaudo I., Di Serio F. (2011). Somatic embryogenesis
efficiently eliminates viroid infections from grapevines. European Journal of Plant Pathology
130: 511–519.
19. Ruiz-Ruiz S., Navarro B., Gisel A., Peña L., Navarro L., Moreno P., Di Serio F., Flores R. (2011)
. Citrus tristeza virus infection induces the accumulation of viral small RNAs (21- 24-nt) mapping
preferentially at the 3'-terminal region of the genomic RNA and affects the host small RNA
profile. Plant Molecular Biology 75: 607-619.
20. Hajizadeh M., Navarro B., Bashir N.S., Di Serio F. (2010). Multiple viroid infections in Iranian
grapevines. Journal of Plant Pathology 92 (Supplement): S4.121. (Disease note).
21. Yesilcollou S., Minoia S., Torchetti E.M., Kaymak S., Gumus M., Myrta A., Navarro B., Di Serio
F. (2010). Molecular characterization of Tukish isolates of Pear blister canker viroid and
assessment of the sequence variability of this viroid. Journal of Plant Pathology 92: 813-819.
22. Di Serio F., Martínez de Alba AE, Navarro B, Gisel A, Flores R. (2010) RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase 6 delays accumulation and precludes meristem invasion of a nuclear-replicating
viroid. Journal of Virology 84: 2477-2489.
23. Navarro B., Silletti M.R., Trisciuzzi V.N. and Di Serio F. (2009) Identification and
characterization of Potato spindle tuber viroid infecting tomato in Italy. Journal of Plant
Pathology 91: 723-726.
24. Navarro B., Pantaleo V., Gisel A., Moxon S., Dalmay T., Bisztray G., Di Serio F. and Burgyan J.
(2009) Deep sequencing of viroid-derived small RNAs from grapevine provides new insights on
the role of RNA silencing in plant-viroid interaction. PLoS ONE 4: e7686,
25. Di Serio F, Gisel A, Navarro B, Delgado S, Martínez de Alba Á-E, Donvito G. and R. Flores
(2009). Deep sequencing of the small RNAs derived from two symptomatic variants of a
chloroplastic viroid: implications for their genesis and for pathogenesis. PLoS ONE 4: e7539,
26. Davino S., Di Serio F., Polizzi G. and M. Tessitori (2008). First report of cucumber mosaic virus
infecting Solanum jasminoides in Italy. Plant Disease 92: 1585 (Disease note).
27. Di Serio F. and R. Flores (2008). Viroids: Molecular implements for dissecting RNA trafficking
in plants. RNA Biology 5: 128-131.
28. Covelli L., Kozlakidis Z., Di Serio F., Citir A., Açıkgöz S., Hernández C., Ragozzino A., Coutts
R.H. and R. Flores (2008). Sequences of the smallest double-stranded RNAs associated with
cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry diseases. Archives of Virology 153:759-62.
29. Rodio M.E., Delgado S., De Stradis A., Gómez M.D., Flores R. and F. Di Serio. (2007) A viroid
RNA with a specific structural motif invades the shoot apical meristem and inhibits chloroplast
biogenesis. Plant Cell 19: 3610-3616.
30. Di Serio F. (2007). Identification and characterization of Potato spindle tuber viroid infecting
Solanum jasminoides and S. rantonnetii in Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 89: 297-300.
31. Choueiri E., El Zammar S., Jreijiri F., Hobeika C., A. Myrta and F. Di Serio (2007). First report
of Apple dimple fruit viroid in Lebanon. Journal of Plant Pathology 89: 304 (Disease note).
32. Attard D., Afechtal M., Agius M., Matic S., Gatt M., Myrta A. and F. Di Serio (2007). First report
of Pear blister canker viroid in Malta. Journal of Plant Pathology 89 (suplemental): S71 (Disease
33. Lolic, B., Afechtal, M., Matic, S., Myrta, A. and F. Di Serio,(2007). Detection by tissue-printing
of pome fruit viroids and characterization of Pear blister canker viroid in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Journal of Plant Pathology 89: 369-375.
34. Rodio M.E., Delgado S., Flores R. and F. Di Serio (2006). Variants of Peach latent mosaic viroid
inducing peach calico: uneven distribution in infected plants and requirements of the insertion
containing the pathogenicity determinant. Journal of General Virology 87: 231-240.
35. Di Serio F., Daros J.A., Ragozzino A. and R. Flores (2006). Close structural relationships between
two hammerhead viroid-like RNAs associated with cherry chlorotic rusty spot disease. Archives
of Virology 151:1539-49.
36. Flores R., Delgado S., Rodio M.E., Ambrόs S., Hernández C. and F. Di Serio (2006). Peach latent
mosaic viroid: not so latent. Molecular Plant Pathology 7: 209-222
37. Z. Kozlakidis, L. Covelli, Di Serio F., Citir A., Acikgoz S., Hernandez C., Ragozzino A., Flores
R. and R. H. A. Coutts (2006). Molecular characterization of the largest mycoviral-like doublestranded RNAs associated with Amasya cherry disease, a disease of presumed fungal aetiology.
Journal of General Virology 87: 3113-3117
38. Hernández C., Di Serio F., Ambrόs S., Daròs J.A. and R. Flores (2006). An element of the tertiary
structure of Peach latent mosaic viroid RNA revealed by UV irradiation. Journal of Virology 80:
39. Flores R., Hernández C., Martínez de Alba A.E., Daròs J.A. and F. Di Serio (2005). Viroids and
Viroid-host interactions. Annual Review of Phytopathology 43: 117-139
40. Covelli L., Coutts R.H.A., Di Serio F., Citir A., Açıkgöz S., Hernández C., Ragozzino A., and
Flores R. (2004). Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya, two names for a single disease
associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs. I. Characterization of
the four components of a new species of genus Chrysovirus. Journal of General Virology 85:
41. Coutts R.H.A., Covelli L, Di Serio F., Citir A., Açıkgöz S., Hernández C., Ragozzino A., and
Flores R. (2004). Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry disease, two names for a single
disease associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs. II.
Characterization of a new species of genus Partitivirus. Journal of General Virology 85: 33893397
42. Hassan M., Rysanek P. and Di Serio F. (2003). First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop
stunt viroid infecting peach trees in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease 87: 1537.
43. Malfitano M., Di Serio F., Covelli L., Ragozzino A., Hernández C., e Flores R. (2003). Peach
latent mosaic viroid variants inducing peach calico (extreme chlorosis) contain a characteristic
insertion that is responsible for this symptomatology. Virology 313:492-501.
44. Alioto D. Zaccaria F., Covelli L., Di Serio F., Ragozzino A. and R.G. Milne (2003). Light and
electron microscope observations on chlorotic rusty spot, a disorder of cherry in Italy. Journal of
Plant Pathology, 85: 215-218.
45. Di Serio F., Rubino L, Russo M and G.P. Martelli (2002). Homology-dependent virus resistance
against Cymbidium ringspot virus is inhibited by post-transcriptional gene silencing suppressor
viruses. Journal of Plant Pathology 84: 121-124.
46. Di Serio F., Malfitano M., Alioto D., Ragozzino A. and R. Flores (2002). Apple dimple fruit
viroid: sequence variability and its specific detection by fluorescent RT-PCR in the presence of
apple scar skin viroid. Journal of Plant Pathology 84: 27-34.
47. Di Serio F., Schob H., Iglesias A., Tarina C., Bouldoires E. and F. Meins (2001). Sense- and
antisense-mediated gene silencing in tobacco is inhibited by the same viral suppressors and is
associated with accumulation of small RNAs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 6506-6510.
48. G. Bucher L. , Tarina C. , Heinlein M., Di Serio F., Meins F. and V. A. Iglesias (2001). Modified
tobacco mosaic virus expressing an enzymatically active class I ß-1,3-glucanase from tobacco
results in enhanced local lesion symptoms. The Plant Journal 28: 361-369
49. Di Serio F., Malfitano M, Ragozzino A., Desvignes C. and R. Flores (2001). Apple dimple fruit
viroid: fulfillment of Koch postulates and symptom characteristics. Plant Disease 85: 179-182.
50. Desvignes J.C., Grasseau N., Boyè R. Cornaggia D., Aparicio F., Di Serio F. and R. Flores
(1999). Biological properties of apple scar skin viroid: isolates, host range, different sensitivity of
apple cultivars, elimination, and natural transmission. Plant Disease 83: 768- 772.
51. Di Serio F., Malfitano M., Randles J.W. and R. Flores (1999). Detection of peach latent mosaic
viroid in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 28: 80-81.
52. Di Serio F., Daros J.A., Ragozzino A. and Flores R. (1997). A 451-nucleotide circular RNA from
cherry with hammerhead ribozymes in its strands of both polarities. Journal of Virology 71:
53. Flores R., Di Serio F. and Hernandez C. (1997). Viroids: The non coding genomes. Seminars in
Virology 8: 65-73.
54. Di Serio F., Aparicio F., Alioto D., Ragozzino A. and Flores R. (1996). Identification and
molecular properties of a 306 nucleotide viroid associated with apple dimple fruit disease.
Journal of General Virology 77: 2833-2837.
55. Di Serio F., Flores R. and Ragozzino A. (1996). Cherry chlorotic rusty spot: description of a new
virus-like disease from cherry and studies on its etiologic agent. Plant Disease 80: 1203-1206.
Other International Journals
56. Di Serio F., Torchetti E.M., Flores R., Navarro B. (2012). The role of plant viroids in diseases –
new developments. CAB Reviews: Perspective in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and
Natural Resources 7: 1-9, doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR20127006.
57. Malfitano M., Alioto D., Di Serio F., Ragozzino A. and R. Flores (2004). Experimental evidence
that Apple dimple fruit viroid does not spread naturally. Acta Horticulturae 657: 367-371.
58. Hassan, M., Rysanek, P. and F. Di Serio (2004). Mixed infection of Peach latent mosaic viroid
and Hop stunt viroid in the Czech Replublic. Acta Horticulturae 657:397-400.
59. Di Serio F., Alioto D., Ragozzino A. and R. Flores (1998). Both the small circular RNAs and the
double-stranded RNAs associated with chlorotic rusty spot disease of sweet cherry are also found
in sour cherry with similar symptoms. Acta Horticulturae 472: 291-297.
60. Di Serio F., Alioto D., Ragozzino A., Giunchedi L. and Flores R. (1998). Identification of apple
dimple fruit viroid in different commercial varieties of apple grown in Italy. Acta Horticulturae
472: 595-601.
61. Marcone C., Di Serio F. and Ragozzino A., 1995. Peach rosette: a disease associated with
mycoplasma-like organisms. Acta Horticulturae 386: 471-479.
62. Di Serio F., Ragozzino A. and Alioto D., 1995. Viroid-like RNAs associated with some Apricot
fruit disorders. Acta Horticulturae 386: 551-553.
Book Chapters
1. Owens R.A., Flores R., Di Serio, F., Li S-F., Pallás V., Randles J.W., Sano T., Vidalakis G.
(2012). Viroids. In: Virus Taxonomy: Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy
of Viruses. (Eds: Andrew M.Q. King, Michael J. Adams, Eric B. Carstens, Elliot J. Lefkowitz),
Elsevier Academic Press, London, UK, pp. 1221-1234. ISBN : 978-0-12-384684-6
2. Di Serio F., Malfitano M., Alioto D., Ragozzino A., Flores R. (2011). Apple dimple fruit viroid.
In: Virus and virus-like diseases of pome and stone fruits. (Eds: Ahmed Hadidi, Marina Barba,
Thierry Candresse, Wilhelm Jelkmann) APS press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp: 49-52 (ISBN:
3. Fores R., Di Serio F., Hernández C., Barba M., Hadidi A. (2011). Peach latent mosaic viroid and
its diseases incited in infected peach plants. In: Virus and virus-like diseases of pome and stone
fruits. (Eds: Ahmed Hadidi, Marina Barba, Thierry Candresse, Wilhelm Jelkmann) APS press, St.
Paul, MN, pp: 219-224 (ISBN: 978-0-89054-396-2).
Flores R., Daros J.A., Hernandez C., Di Serio F. (2011). Viroids. In: Encyclopedia of Life
[doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0000434.pub3] (Actualization of previous versions published in
1999 and 2006, publication n. 9 and 16 in this list, respectively) /Online ISBN: 9780470015902).
Flores R., Di Serio F., Navarro B., Duran-Vila N., Owens R.A. (2011). Viroids and viroid
diseases of plants. In: Studies in Viral Ecology, Volume One: Microbial and Botanical Host
Systems. (Ed: Christon J. Hurst) John Wiley & Sons, pp: 311-346 (ISBN: 978-0-470-62396-1).
Di Serio F., Navarro B. (2010). Detection and identification of viroids damaging potato and fruit
trees. In Elelmiszerbiztonság megítélési módszerei II (Methods to evaluate food safety. II) (Ed:
Ambrus Arpad) Edison House Holding Zrt, Dabas, Hungary, pp:1075-1136 (ISBN 978-96388947-1-7).
Di Serio F., Rodio M.E., Delgado S., De Stradis A., Gómez M.D., Flores R. 2008. Molecular and
developmental alterations elicited by a chloroplastic viroid. In: Biology of Plant-Microbe
Interactions, Volume 6 (Paper 67). (Eds: M. Lorito, S.L. Woo. and F. Scala) International
Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul, MN (ISBN: 978-0-9654625-5-6).
Flores R., Carbonell A., Gago S., Martínez de Alba A.E., Delgado S., Rodio M.E., Di Serio F.,
2008. Viroid-host interactions: A molecular dialogue between two uneven partners. In: Biology of
Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 6 (Paper 53). (Eds: Lorito M., Woo. S.L. and Scala F.)
International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul, MN (ISBN: 978-09654625-5-6).
Flores R., Daros J.A., Hernandez C., Di Serio F., 2006. Viroids. In: Encyclopedia of Life
Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester http://www.els.net/ [doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0004279]
(Actualized in 2011, see also publication n. 4) (ISBN: 0-470-01590-X).
Di Serio F., Malfitano M., Alioto D., Ragozzino A., Flores R. 2003. Apple Dimple Fruit Viroid.
In: Viroids (Eds: Hadidi A., Flores R., Randles J.W. and Semancik J.S.). Csiro pubblishing,
Australia pp:146-150. (ISBN: 978-0-643-06789-9).
Rubino L., Di Serio F., Martelli G.P., 2003. Viroid-like RNAs. In: Viroids (Eds: Hadidi A.,
Flores R., Randles J.W. e Semancik J.S.). Csiro pubblishing, Australia, pp:76-86 (ISBN: 978-0643-06789-9).
Pallás V., Amari K., Gomez G., Sabanadzovic A.G., Di Serio F., 2003.Viroids of stone fruits:
incidence and diseases in the Mediterranean. In: Virus and Virus-like disease of stone fruits, with
particular reference to the Mediterranean region. Options Méditerranéennes Serie B n.45 (Eds:
Myrta, Di Terlizzi and Savino), pp: 129-133 (ISBN: 2-85352-272-5)
CAB International, 2001. Apple dimple fruit viroid (original text by F. Di Serio). In: Crop
Protection Compendium, Wellingford, UK: CAB International (ISBN: 0 85199 568 3; ISSN
CAB International, 2001. Peach latent mosaic viroid (original text by F. Di Serio). In: Crop
Protection Compendium, Wellingford, UK: CAB International (ISBN: 0 85199 568 3; ISSN
CAB International, 2001. Apricot ring pox and cherry twisted leaf diseases (original text by F. Di
Serio). In: Crop Protection Compendium, Wellingford, UK: CAB International (ISBN: 0 85199
568 3; ISSN 1365-9065)
Flores R., Daros J.A., Hernandez C. and Di Serio F., 1999. Viroids. In: Nature Encyclopedia of
Life Sciences, Nature publishing group, London, www.els.net. (Actualized in 2006 and 2010, see
also publication n. 9 and 4).
Proceedings e Abstracts published in scientific journals (with ISSN o ISBN)
Navarro B., Gisel A., Flores R., Di Serio F., 2013. Dissection of viroid-host interplay by deep
sequencing of small RNA libraries and degradome analyses. Journal of Plant Pathology, 95 (4,
supplmental): S4.28 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Navarro B, Gisel A, Delgado S, Flores R, Di Serio F (2013). Viroids may elicit down-regulation
of host gene expression via RNA-silencing.. CHIH WU PING LI HSUEH PAO, vol. 43 , p. 307
(ISSN: 0412-0914).
Torchetti EM, Navarro B, Di Serio F (2012). Simultaneous detection of eight pospiviroids
infecting ornamentals and vegetables by a single polyprobe. Journal of Plant Pathology, 94 (4,
Supplemental): S4.53 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Nassar E., Choueiri E., Minoia S., Di Serio F., Djelouah K. 2012. First survey on pome fruit
viruses in Lebanon. Petria, 22 (3), 2012: 191 (Abstract), Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, 3-8 June, Rome,
Italy (ISSN 1120-7698).
Delgado S., Navarro B., Minoia S., Di Serio F. and Flores R., 2012 .Peach latent mosaic viroid:
Further insights on a determinant associated with peach mosaic. Petria, 22 (3): 300 (Abstract).
22nd International Conference on Virus and Other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, 3-8
June, Rome, Italy. ” (ISSN 1120-7698).
Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E., Delgado S., Flores R., Di Serio F., 2012. Peach latent mosaic
viroid: Data supporting the involvement of RNA silencing in peach calico (extreme chlorosis).
Petria, 22 (3): 299 (Abstract). 22nd International Conference on Virus and Other
Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, 3-8 June, Rome, Italy (ISSN 1120-7698).
Torchetti E.M., Birch C., Cooper M., Masters C., Arocha Y., Di Serio F. and Michelutti R., 2012.
Detection and identification of pear blister canker viroid occurring in pear trees in Canada. Petria,
22 (3): 123-459, Proceedings of the 22nd “International Conference on Virus and
OtherTransmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops” (ISSN 1120-7698).
Tulipano A., Navarro B., Di Serio F., Flores R., Gisel A., 2011. Identification of Small Circular
RNA Structures. In: BITS 2011 VIII Annual meeting of the Italian BIoinformatics Society. CNR,
Pisa, Italia, 20-22 Giugno 2011, p. 157-158 (ISBN: 978-884673069-5).
Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E., DelgadoS., Flores R. and Di Serio F., 2011. Involvement of
RNA silencing in plant response to infectious non-coding RNAs. In: Proccedings of the joint
meeting AGI-SIBV-SIGA. Cittadella di Assisi (PG), 19 - 22 /09/2011, p. 7.03 (ISBN: 978-88904570-2-9).
Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E., DelgadoS., Flores R. and Di Serio F., 2011. Molecular
dissection of the pathogenicity determinant of a chloroplastic viroid and potential Role of RNA
silencing in pathogenesis. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (4, supplmental): S4.18 (ISSN: 11254653).
Luigi M., Navarro B., Siletti M.R., Torchetti E.M., Costantini E., Luison D., Mangiaracina P.,
Trisciuzzi V.N., Altieri L., Tomassoli L., Di Serio F. and Faggioli F., 2011. The Potato spindle
Tuber Viroid Threat: Studies on its detection, characterization, transmission, diffusion, risk
assessment and control strategies in the fram of the “PSTVd-free” project. Journal of Plant
Pathology, 93 (4, supplemental): S4.17 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Gambino G., Navarro B., Vallania R., Gribaudo I. and Di Serio F., 2011. Efficient elimination of
viroids from grapevines by somatic embryogenesis. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (4,
supplemental): S4.33 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Hajizadeh M., Navarro B., Bashir N.S., Torchetti E.M. and Di Serio F., 2011. Multiplex RT-PCR
for detecting five viroids infecting grapevine. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (4, supplemental):
S4.35 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Torchetti E.M.,, Navarro B., Trisciuzzi V.N., Silletti M.R. and Di Serio F., 2011. Identification
and characterization of Chrysanthemim stunt viroid infecting Argyranthemum frutescens in Italy.
Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (4, supplemental): S4.60 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
15. Torchetti E.M., Navarro B., Trisciuzzi V.N., Silletti M.R. and Di Serio F., 2011. Mixed viroid
infections of Solanum jasminoides in Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (4, supplemental):
S4.61. (ISSN: 1125-4653).
16. Navarro B., Gisel A., Rodio M.E, Delgado S., Flores R., Di Serio F., 2011. Disección molecular
del determinante patogénico de un viroide cloroplástico y papel potencial en patogénesis del
DE VIROLOGÍA, vol. 14, p. CO/93 (ISSN: 1133-0384).
17. Torchetti E.M., Navarro B., Cillo F. and Di Serio F., 2010. Synergistic interaction between Potato
spindle tuber viroid and Cucumber mosaic virus in tomato. Journal of Plant Pathology, 92 (4,
supplemental): S4.103 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
18. Delgado S., Navarro B., Minoia S., Gentit P., Di Serio F., Flores R. (2010). Towards dissecting
the structural determinant of Peach latent mosaic viroid inducing mosaic symptoms. Julius-Kühn
Archiv 427, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Virus and other Graft
Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops: 92-95 (ISSN 1868-9892; ISBN 978-3-930037-67-4).
19. Barone M., Covelli L., Di Serio F., Carrieri R., Garcia Becedas M.T., Ragozzino A. and Alioto,
D., 2010. Close similarities between Cherry chlorotic rusty spot disease from Italy and Cherry leaf
scorch from Spain. Julius-Kühn Archiv 427, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on
Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops: 122-126 (ISSN 1868-9892; ISBN
20. Lolić B., Matić S., Đurić G., Hassan M., Di Serio F. and Myrta, 2010. A. Pome fruit viruses in
Bosnia and Herzegovina Julius-Kühn Archiv 427, Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops: 245-247 (ISSN 18689892; ISBN 978-3-930037-67-4).
21. Di Serio F., Afechtal M., Attard D., Choueiri E., Gumus M., Kaymak S., Lolic B., Matic S.,
Navarro B., Yesilcollou S. and Myrta A., 2010. Detection by tissue printing hybridization of Pome
fruit viroids in the Mediterranean basin. Julius-Kühn Archiv 427, Proceedings of the 21st
International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops: 357-360
(ISSN 1868-9892; ISBN 978-3-930037-67-4).
22. Tulipano A, Navarro B, Di Serio F, Flores R, Gisel A (2010). Sequence analysis of deep
sequencing data of viroid-derived small RNAs in plants. In: Conference Proceedings of VII
Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society. Bari, 14-16 Aprile (ISBN: 978-88-6194079-6).
23. Di Serio F., Gisel A., Navarro B., Delgado S., Martínez de Alba Á.E., Donvito G. and Flores R.,
2009. Deep sequencing of viroid-derived small RNAs accumulating in peach plants infected by
Peach latent mosaic viroid. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91 (4, supplemental): S4.33 (ISSN:
24. Navarro B., Silletti M.R., Trisciuzzi V.N. and Di Serio F. (2009). Identification and
characterization of Potato spindle tuber viroid infecting tomato in Italy. Journal of Plant
Pathology, 91 (4, supplemental): S4.75 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
25. Donvito G., Di Serio F., Maggi G., Gisel A., 2009. Emboss on gLite-Grid. In: BITS 2009 Sixth
Meeting Bioinformatics Italian Society. Genova, Italy, 18-20 March 2009 (ISBN: 978-88-7388225-1).
26. Navarro B., Lenzi P., Sannino L., Scotti N., Cardi T., Flores R., Di Serio F., 2008. Transplantomic
expression in Nicotina tabacum of a non-protein-coding viroid RNA. In: Proceedings of the 52nd
Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress. p. E.13 (ISBN: 978-88-900622-8-5).
27. Di Serio F., Silletti M.R., Trisciuzzi N., Guario A, Percoco A. and Lillo A.2007. Identification and
characterization of Potato spindle tuber viroid infecting ornamental Solanaceae in Italy. Journal
of Plant Pathology, 89 (3, supplemental): S16 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
28. Afechtal M., Lolic B., Matic S., Attard D., Myrta A. and Di Serio F. 2007. Identification and
charaterization of Pear blister canker viroid in Malta and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of
Plant Pathology, 89 (3, supplemental): S27 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Afechtal M., Choueiri E., El Zammar S., Jreijiri F., Hobeika C., Myrta A. and Di Serio F. 2007.
Identification and characterization of Apple dimple fruit viroid in Lebanon. Journal of Plant
Pathology, 89 (3, supplemental): S27 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Rodio M.E., Delgado S., Flores R. and F. Di Serio (2005). Peach calico disease: characterization
of peach latent mosaic viroid variants containing insertions with different pathogenic properties.
Journal of Plant Pathology 87 (4, special issue): 304 (ISSN: 1125-4653).
Rodio M.E., De Stradis A., Delgado S., Flores R. and F. Di Serio (2005). Interactions between
peach latent mosaic viroid variants causing peach calico disease and the natural host: cellular and
molecular studies. Journal of Plant Pathology 87 (4, special issue): 280-01 (Abstract) (ISSN:
Rodio M.E., De Stradis A., Delgado S., Flores R. and F. Di Serio (2004). A specific insertion
found in a viroid RNA inhibits choroplasr differentiation. European Journal of Biochemistry
271 (Supplement S1), p. 54, (ISSN: 0014-2956, doi: 10.1111/j.1474-3833.2004.4119.x).
Tessitori M., La Rosa R. , Di Serio F., Albanese G. and Catara A., 2002. Molecular
characterization of a viroid associated with citrus dwarfing in Italy. Proceedings of 15th Conf.
IOCV, pp. 387-389.
Di Serio F., Malfitano M., Alioto D. and Ragozzino A., Desvignes J.C. and Flores R., 2001.
Apple dimple fruit: a new viroid disease found in Italy. Proceedings of 5th Congress of the
European Foundation for Plant Pathology, pp: 246-248 (ISBN: 0-85199-568-3).
Di Serio F., Rubino L, Russo M and Martelli G.P., 2001. Homology-dependent virus resistance
against Cymbidium ringspot virus is inhibited by Potato virus Y infections. Proceedings of 5th
Congress of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, pp: 468-470 (ISBN: 0-85199-5683).
National Journals:
1. F. Faggioli F., E. Costantini E., F. Di Serio F., Luison D., Luigi M., Navarro B., Silletti M,R,,
Tomassoli L., Torchetti E., Trisciuzzi N. (2013). Protocollo diagnostico per Potato spindle
tuber viroid (PSTVd). Petria 23: 397-424.
2. Di Serio F., Navarro B. (2010). Viroidi: una classe di patogeni emergenti ancora poco nota.
Protezione delle colture, n. 4: 2-8.
3. Silletti M.R., Navarro B., Bozzano G., Trisciuzzi V.N., Di Serio F. (2009). Un viroide minaccia
il pomodoro e la patata. Informatore Agrario, n. 11: 89-90.
4. Di Serio F., Silletti M.R., Trisciuzzi V.N., Guario A., Percoco A., Lillo A.R. (2007). Diagnosi
del viroide del tubero fusiforme della patata in Solanacee ornamentali. Informatore
Fitopatologico, n. 12: 82-85.
5. Alioto D., Covelli L., Zaccaria F., Di Serio F., Vitale F., Ragozzino A., 2005. La malattia delle
macchie clorotico-rugginose del ciliegio: una fitopatia ad eziologia complessa osservata nei
ciliegeti campani. Informatore Fitopatologico, n.3, 45-51.
6. Di Serio F., Alioto D., Ragozzino A., 2000. Segnalazione in Campania di un focolaio
d'infezione del viroide della maculatura crateriforme della mela sulle cvs Annurca and Starking
Delicious. Informatore Fitopatologico, n. 6, 53-56.
7. Di Serio F. and Ragozzino A., 1996. Sintomatologie associate al viroide del mosaico latente del
pesco riscontrate in Campania. Informatore Agrario, n.11, 75-77.
8. Di Serio F. and Ragozzino A., 1995.Indagini sulla presenza del viroide del mosaico latente del
pesco (PLMVd) in Campania. Informatore fitopatologico, 9: 57-61.
National Book chapter:
9. Barba M., Martelli G., Tomassoli L., Gallitelli D., Di Serio F., Pasquini G. Virosi e
Fitoplasmosi. In: Il Pomodoro (Ed: V. Magnifico), Bayer CropScience, Bologna, pp. 220-235
(ISBN: 978-88-96301-06-7).
National Monographies and Proceedings:
10. Di Serio F., 2000. Il punto sulla natura, struttura, replicazione e classificazione dei viroidi. Atti
Giornate Fitopatologiche, Vol 1, pp: 3-14 (ISBN: 88-491-1883-X).
11. D'Errico F.P., Di Serio F. , Ragozzino A.., 1993. Avversità, fitofagi e malattie del garofano
(Afrogola,Italy), pp. 76.
12. Di Serio F., 2002. I viroidi: patogeni subvirali alla frontiera della vita. In: II Congresso della
Società Italiana di Virologia. Cortona, 17-19 September 2002.
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