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The HSE demonstrated a multilayered and differentiated epidermis with all epidermal layers including stratum corneum. . Schematic of three-dimensional tissue construction. (A) A thin, acellular layer of collagen is first constructed; it provides an attachment substrate for the cellular collagen. (B) A collagen gel embedded with human dermal fibroblasts is layered onto the acellular layer. (C) While submerged in medium for 7 days, dermal fibroblasts remodel the collagen matrix, causing it to contract away from the walls of the insert. The contracted collagen forms a plateau. (D) Keratinocytes are then added to the center of the plateau of contracted collagen and allowed to attach to the collagen to create a monolayer that will form the basal layer of the tissue. (E) Tissues are raised to an air-liquid interface to initiate stratification. Keratinocytes stratify and differentiate and form a suprabasal layer that mimicsin vivo skin both morphologically and biochemically. (F) Further exposure to the air-liquid interface and additional feedings with cornification medium results in an increase in the thickness of the spinous and cornified layers of the tissue. FABRICATION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF HUMAN SKIN CANCER The tissue microenvironment is defined by the complex network of intercellular interactions that are mediated by physical attachment (as in direct cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions) and by biochemical signals mediated by soluble molecules (Hagios et al., 1998). The adhesive cues in 3D tissues and is required to maintainn normalization of tissue architecture and homeostasis. Cancer is a disease of altered tissue architecture and that neoplastic progression is a consequence of abnormal interactions between tumor cells and their tissue microenvironment. (As a result, it is essential to study the impact of the tissue microenvironment on cancer progression in human tissues that incorporate 3D tissue context so that they faithfully mimic their in vivo counterparts. Monolayer, 2D culture systems do not generate the spatially organized, 3D structures that are seen in vivo and have been of limited use in studying complex cellular responses) To recapitulate the precancerous stages of progression of skin cancer, 3D tissue models must be constructed to reflect alterations in cell-cell interactions that could propel the tissue towards a neoplastic fate (Margulis et al., 2005). This has been accomplished by developing tissue models in which the fate of potentially malignant cells can be mapped by mixing normal keratinocytes with genetically-marked (with β-galactosidase) tumor cells at varying ratios to mimic precancerous conditions. Carcinoma cell lines can be grown as pure cultures at an air-liquid interface to simulate a carcinoma in situ, or they can be grown as mixtures with normal keratinocytes to mimic an earlier stage of epithelial dysplasia. Previous studies with different SCC cell lines indicate that tumor cells may either be maintained as individual cells within the tissue (Javaherian et al., 1998), or they may undergo intraepithelial expansion (Vaccariello et al., 1999). LA GUARIGIONE DELLE FERITE E’ UN PROCESSO COMPLESSO CHE COMPRENDE DIVERSE FASI E RICHIEDE L’INTERVENTO COORDINATO DI NUMEROSI TIPI DI CELLULE. LE DIVERSE FASI DEL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE Formazione della cicatrice Il processo di riparazione avviene in tre stadi. Dopo una iniziale fase acuta che comporta formazione del coagulo e quindi invasione di cellule infiammatorie all’interno dell’area danneggiata, vi è una fase proliferativa durante la quale si forma matrice tissutale connettivale molto vascolarizzata (neo-angiogenesi). Intermediate wound healing events • Mesenchymal cell chemotaxis and proliferation • Angiogenesis • Epithelisation • 2-4 days after injury • Mediated by cytokines Intermediate wound healing events Mesenchymal cell chemotaxis and proliferation • Fibroblasts- migration and proliferation • Smooth muscle Angiogenesis- reconstruction of vasculature Stimulate: High lactate, acidic Ph, low O2 tension . Endothelial cell migration and proliferation DURANTE LE PRIME FASI DEL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE, IL TESSUTO DI GRANULAZIONE E’ CARATTERIZZATO DA UN’INTENSA ATTIVITA’ ANGIOGENETICA. I CAPILLARI NEOFORMATI SONO DESTINATI A SCOMPARIRE NELLE FASI SUCCESIVE DI FORMAZIONE DELLA CICATRICE (FASE FIBROGENETICA). Intermediate wound healing events Epithelisation • Partial thickness- Cells derived from wound edges and epithelial appendages. • Incisional wound: cellular migration over less then 1 mm. Wound sealed in 24-48h. • • • • Cellular detachment Migration Proliferartion differentiation Late wound healing events Collagen synthesis • 3 helical polypeptide chains • Lysine and proline hydroxylation Required for cross-linking Late wound healing events Collagen synthesis • 3-5 days post injury • Primarily by fibroblasts • Maximum synthesis rate 2-4 weeks • Declines after 4 weeks • Type 1 collagen most common ( 80-90% of skin collagen) • Type 3- seen in early phases of wound healing Wound contraction • Mechanism- cell mediated processes, not requiring collagen synthesis • Myofibroblasts- fibroblasts with myofilaments in cytoplasm • Appear in wound day 3-21 • Located in periphery- pull wound edges together. • Contractures- contraction across joint surface Terminal wound healing events • Remodeling- turnover of collagen. Type 3 replaced by type 1 • Day 21- net accumulation of wound collagen becomes stable • Wound bursting strength- 15% of normal. • Week 3-6- greatest rate of increase • 6 weeks- 80-90% of eventual strength. • 6 months maximum strength ( 90% ). Process continues for 12 months FABRICATION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL WOUND HEALING MODEL OF HUMAN SKIN In vitro studies of wound re-epithelialization have often been limited by their inability to simulate wound repair as it occurs in humans. For example, wound models using skin explants or monolayer, submerged keratinocyte cultures demonstrate limited stratification, partial differentiation, and hyperproliferative growth culture systems have been helpful in studying keratinocyte migration in response to wounding. However, they have been of limited use in studying the complex nature of keratinocyte response during wound repair, as these cultures do not provide the proper tissue architecture to study the in vivo wound response HSE can be adapted to study wound repair in human epithelium simulating the chronology of events that occur during re-epithelialization in human skin and allowing direct determination of the key response parameters of wounded epithelium including cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, growth-factor response, and protease expression. (A) A wound is generated through the full thickness of a human skin equivalent (HSE) and the excised tissue is removed. (B) The wounded tissue is placed on a second, contracted collagen gel. (C) Keratinocytes undergo migration to close the wound gap. (D) Keratinocytes have restored epithelial integrity, have closed the wound gap, and undergo stratification.