
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno

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III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno
L'Architettura del
software di ATLAS
Presentata da Laura Perini - Milano
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
ATLAS Software
The ATLAS experiment has been involved until this Spring in
a large amount of studies that have lead to the publication of
the "ATLAS Detector and Physics Performance Technical
Design Report"
The work needed to achieve all the results needed for this
huge document has been performed using a consolidated
version of the ATLAS software based mainly on Fortran code
and GEANT3 simulated data
After completion of the TDR we are now in the position of
starting the realization of the new software, based on OO
technologies, which will bring us, in several steps, to the
experiment start-up and data taking
To ease this transition process and assess the status of early
developments, the ATLAS management has setup a
Computing Review Committee, that has given its
recommendations in February 1999
Following those recommendations, a new structure, based
on several software groups, has then been put in place, with
the global aim of including all the previous expertise in the
new software developments, as well as to attract people to
work with the new OO techniques
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
ATLAS Architecture
In June, an Architecture Task Force (ATF) group has been
setup, with the mandate of " specifying the global
architecture of ATLAS computing, in a way that provides a
unified execution framework for data access, reconstruction,
simulation, analysis and event display "
The taskforce has a composition taken from a large base in
the collaboration " so as to ensure that the architecture will
be one with broad support "
Hopefully, with its findings, the group will also provide an
architecture which is the right one for the experiment...
This group has not yet provided a final report (which is due
by the beginning of November), hence there is nothing
definitive that can be stated today on what the architecture
will look like
What can be reported here are the main issues that has
been taken into account and addressed in this first part of the
analysis and design process and the motivations behind
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
To come up with its first design, the ATF has followed
the Unified Software Development Process (USDP) of
Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson (same as GEANT4),
using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to draw the
necessary diagrams
In the meetings, a certain number of issues have been
considered, including e.g.
- Report and studies of other architectures, both for new
generation experiments like CDF/ BaBar (AC++) and for future
experiments like LHCb (Gaudi)
- Analysis and assessment of ATLAS specific needs and
identification of most demanding areas for software
, the roles of persistent and transient data
, the definition of the Event Data Model
, the Detector Model and its description
, the compatibility with the on-line Event Filter
, the languages and scripting
, the importance of prototyping work
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
The development in analysis and design which is
currently under study is use-case driven
The use-cases are based on the wishes and
requirements of the ATLAS community, in particular
the Detectors and Physics Communities
It is felt that this approach is the best suited to
- convey the relevant information about new software
strategies and development process to the large,
non-expert world of ATLAS researchers
- attract people to work on tasks that they have
considered relevant and important, instead of
imposing book-style exercises
The implementation of the ATLAS global architecture
(namely the core software framework) will be carried
on by a dedicated group, with the goal of having a
functional system by June 2001
III Workshop sul Software e Calcolo Moderno - Martina Franca - Ottobre 1999
Materiale di Background
Computing Action Plan:
trasparenze presentate a ATLAS plenary di
da Web ATLAS home page
- Plenary: Agenda….
ATF, QCG update: plenary di settembre
stessa via in web….
Physics TDR naturalmente: da Web home page...
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