Purificazione di proteine umane da animali • • • • Basse rese Difficili da purificare Costoso Possibilita’ di malattie How can we synthesise human proteins? • Use bacterial cells • Human gene lacks • Bacterial promoter • Bacterial terminator • Bacterial ribosome binding site • Cannot deal with introns Dealing with introns DNA RNA Protein RNA Reverse transcriptase DNA Protein Expression in E. coli Advantages • • • • • Inexpensive Easy to manipulate Well characterized Grows quickly rProtein up to 50% total protein and Disadvantages • • • • • • • • Post-transcriptional modification Post-translational modification Poor folding Proteolysis N-terminal Methionine Complicated purification Lack of efficient secretion Possible toxicity E. coli Expression Vector Promoter Selectable Marker E. coli Promoters Weickert, et al., 1996 E. coli Expression Vector Promoter SD AUG Stop Transcriptional Terminator Repressor Selectable Marker Ori What if expression is low? Optimizing Expression • Examine codon usage – – – – Decrease message stability Premature termination of transcription Premature termination of translation Frameshifts, deletions, and misincorporation Codon Frequency in E. coli What if expression is low? Optimizing Expression • Examine codon usage • • • • • Minimize GC at 5’ Add terminator Add fusion and/or tags Growth conditions Combined approach Expression of Fusion Proteins • Increase expression • Ease of purification • Ease of detection • Increase solubility • Increase stability Examples of Fusions/Tags • • • • • • Hexahistidine-tag GST MBP CBP/Intein Arg-tag S-tag • • • • • • Ni affinity GSH Amylose Chitin Ion-Exchange RNAse Insoluble Proteins • • • • • • • • • • • • • Growth Temp Media Expression rate Chaperones Coexpression of subunits Express as polymer Redox potential Periplasmic expression Fusion Tags Express as a fragment Denature and renature Combined approach Improving Protein Stability • • • • • Protease inhibitors Protease-minus host Periplasmic expression Growth temperature Combined approach MANIPOLAZIONE DELL’ESPRESSIONE GENICA NEI PROCARIOTI -PROTEINE DI INTERESSE TERAPEUTICO E COMMERCIALE POSSONO ESSERE PRODOTTE IN E. coli CON TECNICHE DNA RICOMBINANTE -PROMOTORE -SEQUENZE LEGANTI I RIBOSOMI ( 6-8 nt Seq. di Shine Dalgarno) -NUMERO COPIE DEL GENE CLONATO -LOCALIZZAZIONE FINALE PROTEINA -STABILITA’ PROTEINA IN CELLULA OSPITE GENI IN PROCARIOTI POSSONO AVERE -ESPRESSIONE COSTITUTIVA -ESPRESSIONE REGOLATA (es. lac operon) NELLA PRODUZIONE DI PROTEINE ETEROLOGHE IN BATTERI VENGONO UTILIZZATI SPESSO PROMOTORI FORTI E REGOLABILI UNA PRODUZIONE CONTINUA PROVOCA: -INIBIZIONE FUNZIONI CELLULA -PERDITA ENERGIA -PERDITA PLASMIDE Bottlenecks to efficient protein expression in E. coli l Inefficient transcription No or little protein synthesized u Promoter choice and design l Inefficient translation No or little protein synthesized u Codon usage u Transcript stability u Transcript secondary structure l Inefficient folding (cytoplasmic or periplasmic) Aggregation or degradation u Improper secondary, tertiary or quaternary structure formation u Inefficient or improper disulfide bridge formation u Inefficient isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl bonds l Inefficient membrane insertion/translocation l Toxicity Cell death Aggregation or degradation Folding chaperones in de novo folding J K K TF J ATP 3' 5' GrpE ATP GrpE ADP ADP Native Aggregate ADP ATP GroEL GroES GroEL-GroES co-expression and low temperatures improve leptin folding However, this strategy does not always work PROTEINE DI FUSIONE -PER EVITARE DEGRADAZIONE DI PICCOLE PROTEINE ETEROLOGHE QUESTE VENGONO PRODOTTE COME PROTEINE DI FUSIONE CON UNA PROTEINA STABILE DELL’ORGANISMO OSPITE. -I DUE cDNA DEVONO ESSERE FUSI MANTENENDO LA CORRETTA CORNICE DI LETTURA cDNA di interesse MCS MBP o GST PROMOTORE REGOLABILE cDNA di interesse GST o MBP UTILIZZATE PER PURIFICAZIONE MCS MBP o GST SITO DI TAGLIO PER PROTEASI PROTEINA DI INTERESSE INDUZIONE DI ESPRESSIONE PROTEINA DI FUSIONE (PROMOTORI REGOLABILI) TRASFORMAZIONE IN BATTERI Promotore “lac” gene MalE Proteina di fusione MBP pMAL cDNA di interesse Resina con legato maltosio Eluizione Proteina di fusione purificata pGEX GST comes from Schistosoma mansoni •IPTG induction tac •High level expression GST Foreign gene PURIFICATION OF GST FUSION PROTEINS PURIFICATION • EASY • AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY PURIFICATION DETAILS • GROW SAY 1L CULTURE TO MID LOG PHASE • ie OD260 = 0.4 – 0.7 • SPIN DOWN CELLS • SONICATE IN PRESENCE OF PROTEASE INHIBITORS • POUR LYSATE OVER GLUTAHIONE SEPHAROSE BEADS IN A COLUMN GLUTATHIONE SEPHAROSE glutathione SEPHAROSE FUSION PROTEIN FOREIGN PEPTIDE GST FUSION PROTEIN BOUND TO GLUTATHIONE SEPHAROSE FOREIGN PEPTIDE GST glutathione SEPHAROSE PURIFICATION • WASH COLUMN EXTENSIVELY • ELUTE WITH REDUCED GLUTATHIONE • RESULTS IN PURE GST FUSION PROTEIN COMPETITIVE ELUTION WITH GLUTATHIONE SEPHAROSE RESULT OF AFFINTY PURIFICATION AND REMOVAL OF GST MOIETY pure fusion protein + glutathione foreign peptide + GST protease dialyse pure fusion second glutathione column pure foreign peptide in flow through GST sticks pQE VECTORS (Qia Express) • Hex-histidine tag system • Produce peptides with 6 histidines fused to N or C terminus • Allows Nickel Chelate Affinity Chromatography pQE VECTORS (Qia Express) • Promoter – – – – engineered from phage T5 + lac operator 2 operator sites IPTG inducible Expression in host containing multiple copies of pREP4 which has lacI pQE VECTORS (Qia Express) • Interaction between Ni2+ resin called NTA is very strong and chemically resilient – every Ni2+ binds 2 his residues in a nonconformation dependent manner – therefore resists strong denaturants eg 6M guanidium HCl pQE VECTORS (Qia Express) • Elution – competitive with imidazole O N N N Histidine N N Imidazole pQE VECTORS (Qia Express) • Removal of His tag? – not necessary usually – many hundreds of proteins purified with no effect on structure – not immunogenic PROTEINE DI INTERESSE TERAPEUTICO IN PROCARIOTI: -RISCHIO CONTAMINAZIONE VIRALE NULLO -RISCHIO ALLERGIE NULLO (vengono prodotte proteine umane) PRODUZIONE DI INSULINA UMANA IN E. coli -70 MAIALI PER 1 PAZIENTE PER UN ANNO -E. Coli NON SA MODIFICARE premRNA EUCARIOTICI E PRODURRE MODIFICHE POST-TRASCRIZIONALI SINTESI INSULINA IN CELLULA PANCREATICA CATENA A CATENA B 30 aa 21 aa Unite da ponti S-S ESONE 2 ESONE 1 PREPROINSULINA PEPTIDE SEGNALE PROINSULINA FORMA S-S INSULINA IN APPARATO DEL GOLGI UN ENZIMA RIMUOVE 33aa PRODUZIONE DI INSULINA RICOMBINANTE IN BATTERI -Plasimidi separati codificano per Catena A e B -promotore trp e alcuni codoni iniziali trp -seq per il trp sono eliminate con trattamento con bromuro di cianato -catene mescolate assieme e tramite un processo chimico si formano legami S-S PRODUZIONE ORMONE DELLA CRESCITA UMANO IN E. Coli -Peptide di 191 aa -Carenza provoca nanismo -GH da animali non è efficace sull’uomo -80 ipofisi di cadaveri umani per un paziente per un anno (alto rischio infezioni) PRODUZIONE DI GH RICOMIBINATE IN BATTERI SALMONELLA • Expression host • Live vaccine delivery SALMONELLA • Salmonella is itself a pathogen – S.typhi causes typhoid • It is possible to vaccinate aganst with attenuated strains • Attenuated Salmonella can persist in the gut and disseminate • Induces mucosal & systemic cellular & humoral responses • It has potential to be engineered as one shot, multivalent vaccines SALMONELLA • Recognises E.coli promoters and origins of replication – therefore existing vectors can function • Several ways of attenuating Salmonella have been discovered EXPRESSION SYSTEMS MOST USE PLASMIDS – PROBLEMS • INSTABILITY • TOXICITY • pIP-pET DUAL PLASMID • NirB-ANAEROBIC INDUCIBLE • BALANCED LETHAL pIP-pET DUAL PLASMID foreign antigen pL T7 promoter c1ts pIP T7 RNA polymerase pET AmpR kanR c1ts= l repressor active 28°C, inactive at 37°C pL = l left promoter pTECH VECTORS • THESE USE THE NIRB PROMOTER • NIRB ENCODES NADH-DEPENDENT NITRITE REDUCTASE • NIRB INDUCED IN ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS eg GUT & TISSUES pTECH VECTORS Khan made this vector GST NirB promoter tetanus toxoid pTECH AmpR Oral immunisation, single dose in mice -protected against Salmonella Tetanus toxin BALANCED – LETHAL SYSTEM • OTHER SYSTEMS DESCRIBED CARRY ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE-UNDESIREABLE • THESE VECTORS COMPLEMENT LETHAL DELETION IN HOST • GENE FOR B-ASPARTATE SEMI-ALDEHYDE DEHYDROGENASE OR asd • asd MUTANTS HAVE ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT FOR DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID (DAP) A CONSTITUENT OF THE CELL WALL • THERE IS NO DAP IN MAMMALS Balanced Lethal foreign gene trc promoter pYA292 asd asd complements asd D host & is thus stable Heterologous Expression in Yeast • • • • • Codon usage is closer to human Glycosylation of exported proteins Purification of proteins from the medium Ease of transformation Ease of growth EXPRESSION IN PICHIA PASTORIS PICHIA PASTORIS • USES ALCOHOL OXIDASE 1 (AOX1) PROMOTER • AOX1 IS INDUCIBLE BY METHANOL AND GENE IS EXPRESSED AT VERY HIGH LEVELS • THERE ARE THREE BASIC STEPS STEP1 • CLONE GENE OF INTEREST INTO SHUTTLE VECTOR DOWNSTREAM OF AOX1 PROMOTER IN E. coli TT gene of interest HIS4+ AOX1 promoter 3’ AOX1 STEP2 • TRANSFORM HIS- PICHIA PASTORIS YEAST WITH PLASMID. SELECT FOR HIS+ STABLE INTEGRANTS DISRUPTED IN THE AOX1 LOCUS STEP2 TT gene of interest HIS4+ AOX1 promoter 3’ AOX1 P.pastoris chromosome INTEGRATION 3’ AOX1 pAOX1 gene of interest TT 3’ AOX1 • Pichia pastoris production of single-chain antibody fragments (scFv) • A CASE STUDY 1. PLACE scFv cDNA in vector pPIC9K pPIC9K PLACE scFv cDNA in vector pPIC9K pAOX1 scFv cDNA a-mating type secretion signal ALL RECOMBINANT STEPS DONE IN E.coli His 6 tag scFv expression in P. pastoris 2. Transform HIS- P. pastoris by electroporation Select on minimal media 3. Check medium for product after methanol induction. POSITIVE scFv expression in P. pastoris 4. Large scale up • 5 litres capacity stirred reactor • 4L medium plus 400 ml starter culture • Grow 17h @ 30oC in glycerol • Dense • Keep pH stable @ 6.0 • Induce 48 h with methanol • Harvest culture medium • Adjust pH to 7.4 and Affinity Purify by Nickel Chelate Chromatography YIELDS • For scFV antibody 250 mg per L OTHER EXAMPLES • highest yield – tetanus toxin frag C (INTRACELLULAR) – a amylase (SECRETED) 12g per L 2.5g per L CAN WORK ON INDUSTRIAL SCALE YIELDS PRODUCT YIELD g per L ENZYMES Invertase 2.3 a amylase 2.5 ANTIGENS Pertussis Antigen P60 3.0 Tetanus toxin fragment C 12.0 HIV gp120 1.25 Tick antigen 1.5 CYTOKINES TNF 10.0 Interferon alpha 0.4 PROTEASES Carboxypeptidase B 0.8 ANTIBODIES Rabbit single chain Fv 0.25 ADVANTAGES OF EXPRESSION IN P. pastoris • EUKARYOTE- some post-translational modification • MICRO-ORGANISM – easy to manipulate – cheap • YEAST – advanced molecular genetics • HIGH YIELDS Molecular Farming 1. A new field where plants and animals are genetically engineered to produce important pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other valuable compounds. 2. Plants may possibly be used as bioreactors to mass-produce chemicals that can accumulate within the cells until they are harvested. 3. Soybeans have been used to produce monoclonal antibodies with therapeutic value for the treatment of colon cancer. Molecular Farming 4. Plants have been engineered to produce human antibodies against HIV 5. Pharmaceuticals has begun clinical trials with herpes antibodies produced in plants. 6. The reasons that using plants may be more cost-effective than bacteria: a) Scale-up involves just planting seeds. b) Proteins are produced in high quantity. c) Foreign proteins will be biologically active. d) Foreign proteins stored in seeds are very stable. e) Contaminating pathogens are not likely to be present. Molecular Farming Edible Vaccines a) b) c) d) e) People in developing countries have limited access to many vaccines. Making plants that produce vaccines may be useful for places where refrigeration is limited. Potatoes have been studied using a portion of the E. coli enterotoxin in mice and humans. Other candidates for edible vaccines include banana and tomato, and alfalfa, corn, and wheat are possible candidates for use in livestock. Edible vaccines may lead to the eradication of diseases such as hepatitis B and polio. For the last decade, scientists have known how to genetically engineer a plant to produce a desired protein. The two most common tools used to do this are: Cut out the selected region of the plasmid. Infect the plant with the agrobacteria and grow it in a medium. Agrobacteria have a circular form of DNA called plasmids. The plasmids are easily manipulated because they naturally havegene. two “cut” Grow the plant like Add the desired a regular crop. points where a gene can be taken out and replaced with one of the scientist’s choice. DNA is coated on microscopically tiny gold beads that are placed in a vacuum chamber. The gene gun then allows compressed gas to expand, pushing the beads down until they hit a filter. The DNA then flies off of the beads down into the tissue, where some will enter a nucleus and become incorporated. Growing plants is much cheaper than producing vaccines. The plants that produce the edible vaccines could be grown in third world countries. Advantages Agricultural products can be transported around the world relatively cheaply. Plants are already regularly used in pharmaceuticals, so there are established purification protocols. Plants can’t host most human pathogens, so the vaccines won’t pose dangers to humans. Plants are living organisms that change, so the continuity of the vaccine production might not be guaranteed. If the vaccines were grown in fields or on trees, security would become a big issue. Disadvantages The dosage of the vaccines would be variable. For example, different sized bananas would contain different amounts of vaccine. The edible vaccines could be mistaken for regular fruits and consumed in larger amounts than might be safe. Glycosylation patterns in plants differ from those in humans and could affect the functionality of the vaccines. Why HEK.EBNA Cells? The Principle EBNA-1/ori-P based expression in Human Embryonic Kidney (293) cells (293 stably transformed with EBNA-1 gene) EBNA-1 protein drives episomal replication of ori-P containing plasmids integrated Ad5 E1a/E1b fragment in HEK 293 cells enhances transcription of CMV promotor driven transgene The cell line is available from ATCC and, until recently, also from Invitrogen Why HEK.EBNA Cells? Advantages • In comparison to other eukaryotic expression systems the HEK.EBNA Expression System is rapid: from gene to protein in 4-6 weeks • The cells can be grown adherently and in serum-free suspension culture • It can be applied to generate stable cell lines (pools/ clones) and in transient mode on small and large scale • In transient mode not only secreted and membranebound, but also intracellular proteins can successfully be expressed HEK.EBNA Expression Vectors HpaI EcoRV ScaI MluI Am picillin OriP pRS5a ColE1 6372 bps Bs aM1 DraIII SV40-EM-Zeocin BGHpA CMV • Basic vector (also Gateway™ adapted) • Can be decorated with N- or C-terminal tags, heterologous leader sequences • Co-expression of e.g. GFP via IRES element • Selectable marker for generation of stable cell line SacI StuI XhoI NheI Commercially available HEK.EBNA vectors: pREP4 and pCEP4 (Invitrogen) A Transient Transfection Run….. 25 10 9 Cell density after addition of 1.4 l transfection mix 20 8 Cell density after addition of 5 l growth medium 7 15 6 5 10 4 3 5 2 1 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time [h] cell density product titer 140 160 180 product titer [mg/l] cell density [ x 10 5 cells/ml] Cell density in 3.6 volume prior to transfection ….in Multiparallel Fashion Cell/Supernatant Harvest and Cell Lysis Secreted product in supernatant or Cell concentration Cell concentrate Super natant Intracellular product: Cell concentrate + Lysis buffer Released product in cleared lysate Cell debris Clear Lysate