
Driver somatic mutations identify distinct disease

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Driver somatic mutations identify distinct disease
Driver somatic mutations identify distinct disease entities
within myeloid neoplasms with myelodysplasia
by Luca Malcovati, Elli Papaemmanuil, Ilaria Ambaglio, Chiara Elena, Anna Gallì,
Matteo G. Della Porta, Erica Travaglino, Daniela Pietra, Cristiana Pascutto, Marta
Ubezio, Elisa Bono, Matteo C. Da Vià, Angela Brisci, Francesca Bruno, Laura
Cremonesi, Maurizio Ferrari, Emanuela Boveri, Rosangela Invernizzi, Peter J.
Campbell, and Mario Cazzola
Volume 124(9):1513-1521
August 28, 2014
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
Representation of unsupervised hierarchical clustering analyses including somatic mutations
and current classification features according to WHO criteria within MDS without excess blasts.
Luca Malcovati et al. Blood 2014;124:1513-1521
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
Survival and risk of leukemic evolution of patients with MDS classified according to the clusters
resulting from the unsupervised analysis including WHO classification criteria and mutation
Luca Malcovati et al. Blood 2014;124:1513-1521
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
Relationship between mutation pattern and disease phenotype in TET2, SRSF2, and ZRSR2mutated myeloid neoplasms with myelodysplasia.
Luca Malcovati et al. Blood 2014;124:1513-1521
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
Mutation pattern in MDS and MDS/MPN with thrombocytosis.
Luca Malcovati et al. Blood 2014;124:1513-1521
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
Algorithm illustrating the classification process based on morphologic and genetic criteria
identified by the unsupervised clustering analyses.
Luca Malcovati et al. Blood 2014;124:1513-1521
©2014 by American Society of Hematology
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