First look into sbottom and gluino reconstruction
First look into sbottom and gluino reconstruction Massimiliano Chiorboli University and INFN Catania SUGRA parameters m0 m1/2 tan b A0 200 GeV 100 GeV 2 0 sign m ~ g ~ bL ~ bR ~ q Massimiliano Chiorboli m (GeV) 299.2 275.0 309.3 > 300 SUSY 1.3 nb tot ~g,~q 1 nb m (GeV) ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 20 ~ 10 LSP 273.4 94.5 95.0 44.5 Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Decay chain and event topology ~ pp ~q ~g bb ~ 0 b 2 Event final state: ~ 10 p • 2 high pt isolated leptons OS b ~ 20 ~g ~ 10 • 2 high pt b jets • missing Et ~ b p Massimiliano Chiorboli b Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Events production SPYTHIA (PYTHIA 6.136) CMSJET 4.703 3 fb-1 Signal SUSY bkg ~ g~ g 1’088’000 ~ q~ g ~ q~ q 2’005’000 ~ ~ g 28’000 ~ ~ q 51’000 Massimiliano Chiorboli 531’000 ~ ~ 65’000 ~~ tt 72’000 SM bkg tt 1’860’000 Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Events selection at least 2 isolated leptons with pt>15 GeV and |h|<2.4 at least 2 b-jets with pt>15 GeV and |h|<2 ~ q~ g ~ g~ g ~ q~ q ~ ~ q ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~~ tt tt Massimiliano Chiorboli Events 27’228 54’216 3’765 48 165 10 400 1’302 % 1.4 5.0 0.7 <0.1 0.6 10-4 0.5 <10-4 Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Reconstruction of ~ 20 ~ 10 invariant mass of e+e- and m+m due to kinematics, the distribution shows an edge SUSY tt ~ 0 2 ~ 0 1 Massimiliano Chiorboli ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 10 is forbidden Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Reconstruction of ~ 20 ~ 10 85929 Subtracting invariant mass of OSOF pairs eliminate SM and combinatorial bkg Massimiliano Chiorboli SUSY tt Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 0 0 ~ ~ M( 2 ) M( 1 ) estimation ~0 ~0 Mmax M( 2 ) M( 1 ) M( ~ 20 ) M( ~ 10 ) 50.90 0.39 GeV (50.5 GeV) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Sbottom reconstruction signal bkg M ~10 p~ 0 1 2 M p 45 GeV M 52 GeV Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Sbottom reconstruction (II) reconstructed neutralino combined with the most energetic b-jet, assuming M1 known Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Sbottom reconstruction (III) Assuming M(10) = 44.5 GeV ~ M( brec ) 265.0 37.0 GeV (275.0) At the moment, no jet energy correction Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction combination of the reconstructed sbottom and a bjet ~ 10 % of the selected events have >2 b-jets the b-jet closest to the reconstructed sbottom is chosen ~ angle (bb) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction (II) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction (III) ~ angle (brec b - jet) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction (IV) Cut on this angle to select the b-jet coming from the gluino cos 0.4 cos 0.8 Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction (V) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Sbottom and gluino after cuts (cos > 0.8) M(~ grec ) 295.2 39.8 GeV (299.2) ~ M(brec ) 263.1 31.7 GeV (275.0) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 ~ ~ M( g ) - M( b ) evaluation no cut cos 0.4 Massimiliano Chiorboli cos 0.8 Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 ~ ~ M( g ) - M( b ) evaluation (II) ~ ~ M(grec ) M(brec ) 21.5 4.5 GeV (24.2) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Dependence from 1 M( ) ~0 10 mass assumed to be known Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Results within 3 fb-1 M(~ 20 ) M(~ 10 ) 50.90 0.39 GeV ~ M(brec ) 263.1 31.7 GeV for M(~ ) 0 1 true ~ ~ M(brec ) M(b) true 1.6 M(~ 10 )assumed M(~ 10 ) true M(~ grec ) 295.2 39.8 GeV for M(~ ) 0 1 true M(~ g rec ) M(~ g ) true 1.6 M( ~ 10 ) assumed M( ~ 10 ) true ~ ~ M(grec ) M(brec ) 21.5 4.5 GeV Massimiliano Chiorboli indipenden t from M(~ 10 ) Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Future plans Scanning the mSUGRA parameters plane Including the jet energy correction Improving the cuts Studying this decay chain as a benchmark channel for the b-tagging Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Gluino reconstruction M(~ g rec ) 295.2 39.8 GeV (299.2) Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001 Sbottom reconstruction Assuming M(10) = 44.5 GeV ~ M( brec ) 265.0 37.0 GeV (275.0) At the moment, no jet energy correction Massimiliano Chiorboli Catania CMS Week 20/06/2001