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ATG - Inaf
MA05 Overview
A. Zacchei
on behalf of MA05
INAF-OATs Workshop
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
MA5 @ OATs ~ ATG
 “MA5” at OATs basically corresponds to a group (the
Astrophysical Technologies Group – ATG) having a
35+ years history (and evolution)
 ATG composition: 34 (11 permanent) from Sept 2013
 ATG deals with a continuum of activities covering
from telescope/instrumentation control to data
archiving through data handling, management,
processing, storage and retrieval (e.g. VO); infrastr.
 Direct involvement in projects at the national and
(especially) international level
► Projects mean resources for OATs: funds (6-8 M€),
infrastructure (OATs LAN, Lightnet, 96-core “IGI” cluster)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Additional information
 ATG supported INAF-SI, the INAF Information
Systems Unit (2004-11) with ~1.5M€/yr budget
 ATG will support the INAF Unita’ Organizzativa della
direzione Scientifica-ICT (funding TBD)
 ATG represents INAF in national IT organisations and
Italy in international IT organisations at both the
technical and «political» levels
 ATG is active in the provision/update/support of IT
infrastructure for OATs (e.g. Lightnet, SSI)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Talks organization
• MA05 can be divided in four main area, three has been
selected to be presented at this workshop with the most
representative projects performed during 2012:
– Ground Based telescope
• V. Baldini: Espresso@FDR  Control electronics
• G. Cupani: Espresso@FDR  data Analysis Software
– Space based projects
• D. Tavagnacco  Planck 2013 results
– Archive and VO:
• C. Knapic: Archive System: IA2 status and international perspective
• M. Molinaro: VO: status and new evolutions.
– HPC and HTC (GRID)
• BUT those are NOT the only projects in which MA05 is
involved (as usual we are overcommitted …).
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Ground Based Telescope
ESPRESSO: Fiber-fed, cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph which can be
operated with one or up to 4 Unit Telescopes of ESO’s Very Large Telescope. CoPI: Stefano Cristiani --> 150K 2014 – 100K 2015
WPs leaded by INAF-OATs:
Software system engineer (P. Di Marcantonio)
Instrument control software (P. Di Marcantonio)
Observation software (R. Cirami)
Data analysis software (V. D’Odorico)
Final design completed
DA Library (DAL) development
Nine partial releases are foresee before May 2015 (gradually implementing all the recipes)
Four releases between the Provisional Acceptance Europe and the Provisional Acceptance Chile are
Obviously releases will contain an updated version of the DAL design document and DAL validation and
test document.
Other INAF-OATs people: M. Mannetta, V. Baldini, P. Santin, G. Cupani, S.
Galeotta, S. Cristiani.
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Ground Based Telescope
• BATMAN @ TNG: Digital Micromirror Devices (DMD) based multi-slit
optical breadboard spectrograph. Development of control software and
electronics at INAF-OATs. To be installed at TNG at the end of 2013.
Tecno-PRIN INAF (budget 65 K€) in collaboration with LAM (Marsiglia).
• EST (European Solar Telescope), joined in the SOLARNET FP7
project, waiting for funding.
• E-ELT: “Progetto Premiale T-rex” (HIRES).
• SVAS (le stelle vanno a scuola): Automation of the C14
telescope@basovizza, founds: 3k + 15k (from MIUR)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Space based projects
Euclid – activities - funding
Project Office for the SGS: F.Pasian, A.Gregorio, O.Mansutti, C.Vuerli
SGS System Team: M.Frailis, C. Vuerli + new ASI contract
SDC-IT: A.Zacchei, M.Frailis + new ASI contract
+ eventually (post-2015), staff currently full-time on Planck:
M.Maris, D.Tavagnacco, G.Maggio, Thomas Vassallo
SGS OU-LE3: S. Borgani, A. Biviano, M. Nonino, M. Viel et al. + new ASI contract
Galaxy clustering SWG: S. Borgani, P. Monaco, M. Viel
Clusters of galaxies SWG: A. Biviano, S. Borgani, O. Cucciati, G. De Lucia, M. Girardi, M. Nonino
Galaxy evolution: O. Cucciati, G. De Lucia, P. Monaco
Cosmological simulations SWG: S. Borgani, G.De Lucia, P. Monaco, G. Murante, M. Viel
Italian funding for Euclid comes from:
INAF and Universities (salaries of permanent staff) and ASI
ASI funds allocated for Italian institutes are 3.3 M€ in 3 yrs (Aug 2012 – Aug 2015):
SGS will receive ~ 1058 K€
INAF-OATs will receive ~ 495 K€ (249 K€ already received)= 8.5 FTE (AdR)+ travel (limited)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Space based projects
Planck LFI DPC
LFI-DPC, A. Zacchei, A. Gregorio, M. Frailis, M. Maris, S. Galeotta, D.
Tavagnacco (PhD), G. Maggio (Borsa), T. Vassallo (Borsa).
We are still in operations that will continue till October 2013.
First public delivery take place in March 2013 (Tavagnacco will summarize the
results), next public delivery is expected in middle 2013 (polarization + 8
surveys …). Updated delivery is in discussion (middle 2015).
Current planck founds dedicated to the LFI DPC (INAF-OATs) are covered by
“LFI FaseE2 Missione Scientifica e analisi Dati” contract. and its extension (till
April 2014) current contract provided to the DPC 670k euro.
We are discussing with ASI a new contract that will covers the DPC needs till
the end of 2015.
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
LSPE – Large Scale Polarization Explorer
• Analysis of polarized emission in the microwaves over large sky
regions on angular scales of 1°-10°band channel
– Detection of B modes of cosmological origin
– SWIPE (Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer) and STRIP
(STRatospheric Italian Polarimeter)
– Q band channel
– W band channel
40 GHz
90 GHz
Duties & Responsibilities
WP 4720: Data Acquisition and Storage (A. Zacchei)
WP 4730: Quick Look Analysis (A. Zacchei)
Dep. Physics Univ. Trieste
WP 4710: On board Software (A. Gregorio)
• Funds: 70 K
• Launch End 2014 (TBC)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Customizable Instrument WorkStation (CIWS)
• Bando TECNO-INAF 2010
• A reusable software system for processing, quick-look analysis and
archiving of raw data acquired from telescopes and auxiliary data
• OATs: responsible of the Data Access Subsystem (DAS) Lead by
M. Frailis
• The DAS system provides:
– a Data Definition Language in XML (formalized in the XML Schema
– automatic mapping of the user defined types (in the DDL) to the
database schema (support for several DBMSs)
– a C/C++ and Python API to store, query and retrieve the data
• A post-degree fellowship started on mid-January 2013 (S. Sartori)
• This work is strictly related with LSPE.
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Unita’ Organizzativa della Direzione Scientifica : ICT
Approved from “ INAF - Consiglio di Amministrazione” on 18/06/2013
Person in Charge: R. Smareglia
Evolution of SI (Sistemi Informativi) lead by F. Pasian
Coordination of ICT
– International Coordination
Horizon 2020
Infrastructure ( es. for ESFI)
International Activity ( es. VO, Grid )
– National external Coordination
– National Coordination
“Commissione calcolo” + “Gruppo esecutivo di coordinamento”
Network, Computing, Archive, Software …
Coordination of internal ICT ( system manager), software ( licenses like IDL )
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
SKA  Phase 1 & 2 (3 years)
TM - Telescope Manager
DSH – Dish Local Monitor & Control
Telescope Manager, one of the major work package elements identified for the pre-construction
phase, is responsible for the monitoring of the entire telescope, the engineering and operational status
of its components and sub-systems.
LFAA – Low Frequency Array
CSP – Central Signal processor
Lead by India ( Yashwant Gupta, NCRA) + India, South Africa, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, Portugal, Germany
INAF lead: (OATs)  Local Monitor and Control package
INAF involved also  System Engineering + Observation Manager
INAF  OA Trieste ( Archive & Control Groups) (~40%), OA Catania, OA Teramo, IRA
Budget: 260 K€ (Stage 1, 1 year, 09/2013-09/2014 ), 860 K€ (Stage 2, 2 years 09/2014-09/2016)
Dish, includes all activities necessary to prepare the procurement of the SKA dishes, including local
monitoring & control of the individual dish in pointing and other functionality, their feeds, necessary
electronics and local infrastructure.
Lead by Australia (Carole Jackson, CSIRO) + China, South Africa, UK, Swden, Australia, Canada, Italy, Portugal, Germany
INAF lead: (OACT + China )  Local Monitor and Control package
INAF  OA Catania, OA Teramo, OA Trieste ( Instrumentation & Control Group), IRA
Budget : Stage 1: 6 FTE + 70 kEuro (material & travel) // Stage 2: 12 FTE + 140 kEuro (material and travel)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
IA2 & VO budget & personal
2013 / K€
2014 / K€
IA2 (FFo)
2 years 
3 years 
GAPS (premiale)
5 years 
2013 / K€
2014 / K€
2 years 
VObs.it (FFo)
1(TI) + 6(TD/Ass/Borsa) + 2+1(Borse)
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
• ER-flow: FP7 project for the porting of astrophysical applications on
SSP (SHIWA simulations platform) and on the European DCI (since
1/9/12). 94 K€ (75 Castelli contr.)
• EGI (European Grid Infrastructure)
– FP7 EGI-InSPIRE until 30/4/13: project objectives achieved (VisIVO,
HPC, HTC, A&A use cases, A&A requirements)
– Coordination of a VT (Virtual Team) for CTA dedicated to the study of
technological solutions for Science Gateways, SSO authentication and
Identity Federation (from 7/1/13 to 7/7/13). In close collaboration with
EGI and IGI.
• IGI (Italian Grid Infrastructure): in standby waiting for the completion
of the migration procedure to the GARR
• CTA: Development of Science Gateways and of the SSO (SingleSign-On) authentication system for the whole CTA collaboration. In
tight coordination with OACt and with other partners/institutes
involved in the project.
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
Ma05 Critical issues
1. Flow of funding for long-term projects needs to be ~
constant («holes» are unacceptable! especially if
contracts renewed yearly)  need INAF as a «buffer»
2. Continuity/career for staff; overcommittment
3. Electronics lab
4. Logistics is a problem !
growth occurring (Euclid, IA2, etc.)
to improve interactions between ATG staff
to improve interactions with Scientific staff
5. Computing facilities: procurement / maintenance
6. Difficulties in recruiting staff with computer skills
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
last year
MA05 Permanent staff needs
• Need recruiting plan !
• For MA5/OATs the following would be needed in
the next 5-6 years: Now 4-5 yrs
– 1 I Lev Ricercatore (to compensate retirements)
– 2 II Lev Ricercatori/Tecnologi (career path for expert
staff – one position for MA5 since 1992 !!)
– 4 III Lev Ricercatori/Tecnologi (keep skilled personnel,
guarantee support for INAF services, guarantee
continuity within international projects, …)
– 2 CTER (electronics lab needed e.g. for ESPRESSO +
system administration for superclusters)
last year
INAF-OATs WorkShop – Trieste - 21 June 2013
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