Diapositiva 1
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Tecnologie Biomediche Corso di Laurea Specialistico in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Corso di Laurea in Igiene Dentale SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO IN SCIENZE MEDICHE SPERIMENTALI E CLINICHE PHD in EXPERIMENTAL PERIODONTOLOGY Coord: Prof. M. Baldoni DOTT. ALBERTO BALDINI Scholarship HEART FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD SAN PELLEGRINO TERME BERGAMO ITALY CLINICA QUARENGHI 17-23 MAY 2010 Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Dipartimento di Neuroscienze e Tecnologie Biomediche Cattedra di Clinica Odontoiatrica U. O. di Odontostomatologia Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Corso di Laurea in Igiene Dentale Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Orale Dottorato di Ricerca in Parodontologia Sperimentale Direttore: Prof. Marco Baldoni _______________________________________________________________ CLINICA ODONTOIATRICA PHD IN EXPERIMENTAL PERIODONTOLOGY Stem cells Strategies of regenerative medicine Directed Differentiation Biomimetic Scaffold to make Bioartificial Tissues Biomimetic Scaffold to induce regeneration from resident cells Vats A, Tolley NS, Polak JM, Buttery LDK. Stem cells: sources and applications. Clin Otolaryngol 27:227232;2002 Stocum DL. Stem cells in regenerative biology and medicine. Wound Rep Reg 9:429-442; 2001 Past 2002-2006 Tissue Engineering: Development of New Strategies for Periodontal and Alveolar Bone Regeneration by Using Haematopoietic-Derived Mesenchymal Cells in Animal and Human. Evaluation of Systemic Effects Presentato a valere sul FIRB e ammesso al contributo MIUR con Decreto Direttoriale n. 2 del 24/07/2002 STUDY PROTOCOL DOSSIER PTC – MSC ODONTO Alveolar bone regeneration in human by using hard tissue engineering with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells – Clinical study. Present 2007 Formulazione del brevetto Autorizzazione all’utilizzo sull’uomo Future 2008…… TISSUE ENGINEERING AND MESENCHIMAL STEM CELLS: SPERIMENTAL PROTOCOL OF PERIODONTAL TISSUE REGENERATION Regeneration of cranium facial tissues: bone tissue and dental tissue. • Application in bone tissue regeneration • Application in dental pulp regeneration • Application in radicular cementum regeneration. • Application in enamel regeneration. Periodontology Oral Surgery PERIODONTAL DISEASE The Periodontal Disease The Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation that provokes the distruction of the periodontal tissues of support of the tooth, caused by particularly bacterias pathogen in the dental plaque that organize on the dental and periodontal surfaces . (Sanz & Quirynen 2005) Italian Society of Periodontology 2007 The Periodontal Disease Caso clinico Donna di 2 2 anni PPD=2,6 CAL=2.1, BOP: presente in maniera generalizzata. Malattia Parodontale da lieve a grave Paziente cardiopatico sec Lindhe. Trattamento parodontale non chirurgico laser-assistito Pre-Op After 3 months After 6 months The Periodontal Disease SEVERE PERIODONTITIS IN 5 ,15 % OF POPULATION WHO 2000 Pre-Op Pre-Op After 6 After 6 Before Laser Pre-Op Pre-Op After 6 6 After 6 ““ PERIODONTAL DISEASE Parodontite aggressiva in un paziente uomo di 56 anni. BIBLIOGRAFIA: RANNEY R.R. Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases, Adv. Dent. Res. 1991. SOCRANSKY S, ANNE S & HAFFAJEE D. Periodontal microbial ecology, Periodontol 2000. “ INNOVATIVO APPROCCIO GENETICO E MICROBIOLOGICO ALLA DIAGNOSI E ALLA TERAPIA DELLA MALATTIA PARODONTALE: RUOLO DELL’IGIENISTA TRA CLINICA E RICERCA “ BACTERIAS AND PERIODONTAL DISEASES BIBLIOGRAFIA: [Loesche et al., 1982]; [Haffajee et al., 1988].. CUTRESS HUNTER PB, HOSKINS DI. Comparision . f the eriodontal Index (PI) and Community Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) . LYONS SR, GRIFFEN AL, LEYS EJ. Quantitative real-time PCR for Porphyromonas gingivalis and total bacteria.. “ INNOVATIVO APPROCCIO GENETICO E MICROBIOLOGICO ALLA DIAGNOSI E ALLA TERAPIA DELLA MALATTIA PARODONTALE: RUOLO DELL’IGIENISTA TRA CLINICA E RICERCA “ GENETIC Genoma umano Alleli Polimorfisimi genetici Diploide = 23 coppie di cromosomi Periodontal Disease 22 cromosomi autosomici 1 cromosomi sessuali XX nelle femmine XY nei maschi conseguenze biologiche IL-1α, IL-1β,IL-1RN, IL-10, TNF-α e COX2 INTERLEUKINA-1 citochina secreta da cellule del sistema immunitario BIBLIOGRAFIA: KINANE DF, SHIBA H, HART TC. The genetic base of periodontits. KORNMAN K.S, CRANE A. The interleukin-1 genotype as a severity factor in adult periodontal diseas. KREBS D, HILTON D. SOCS: physiological suppressors of cytokine signaling. The Periodontal Disease In Italy about the 60% of the population is affected by Periodontal disease (moderate and mild ) and about 10-14% shows (severe forms of periodontal diseases ). These last forms grow-up in the age from 5 0 and 70 years . Italian Society of Periodontology 2007 PERIOMEDICINE PERIO-MEDICINE Reports from clinical studies randomized informationed an improvement of systemic inflammation after non surgical periodontal therapy. The Periodontal disease can increase the systemic inflammatory load contribute to the inflammatory cronic disease like all the chronic pathologies (Atherosclerosis) Two Hypothesis : 1) The bacterias that cause the periodontal disease penetrate in the gingival tissues and then in systemic blood. 2) The periodontal bacterias can produce an intense inflammatory local answer with sistemic effects. PERIODONTAL DISEASE PERIOMEDICINE Adverse Pregnancy Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascolar Disesase PERIODONTAL DISEASE PERIOMEDICINE Adverse Pregnancy Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascolar Disesase ADVERSE PREGNANCY ADVERSE PREGNANCY La Malattia Parodontale puo’ aumentare il rischio di parto prematuro e di nascita di neonati sottopeso. Due ipotesi: 1) Le donne con malattia parodontale hanno frequentemente episodi di batteriemia e i batteri attivano una cascata di conseguenze infiammatorie a livello della placenta e del feto con rischio di parto prematuro e nascita bambini sottopeso. 2) La malattia parodontale determina la produzione generalizzata di citochine che avendo attivita’ proinfiammatoria provocano contrazioni uterine. PERIODONTAL DISEASE PERIOMEDICINE Adverse Pegnancy Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascolar Disesase DIABETES MELLITUS The subjects with diabetes have frequently associated gengivitis and diabetes. The association is transitive: the control of oral biofilm and inflammatory factors can improve the level of glicemic control, some inflammatory cytokines as IL- 6,TN alfa seem cause envelope of insulino-resistance. PERIODONTAL DISEASE PERIOMEDICINE Adverse Pegnancy Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascolar Disesase CARDIOVASCOLAR DISEASES INCIDENCE CDV DISEASE The Cardiovascolar Diseases represent also today the most important cause of death in the world, cause the 44% of all the deaths. In particular Coronary heart disease is in Italy the most important cause of death 28%. Bahekar A. Singh S. The prevalence and incidence of coronary heart disease is significantly increased in periodontitis. American Heart Journal 2007 FACTORS OF RISK OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE Smoke Genetic Predisposition Scarce Oral Hygiene Feeding (Obesity) Bacterial Infection Diabetes( risk increased of 3 times) Tonetti 2008 SIDP FACTORS OF RISK OF CARDIOVASCOLAR DISEASE Smoke Metabolic Factors Hypertension Stress Bacterial Infection Genetic Factors Marker inflammation of blood Feeding (Obesity) Cholesterolemy World Health Statistics 2006 FACTORS OF RISK OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE Smoke Genetic Predisposition Scarce Oral Hygiene Feeding (Obesity) Bacterial Infection Diabetes( risk increased of 3 times) Tonetti 2008 SIDP SMOKE The Smoke is one of the most important risk of factors for the Periodontal disease. G.R.Persson; 2008 , Cardiovascular disease and periodontitis: an update on the associations and risk; J. of Clinical Periodontology GENETIC PREDISPOSITION The Periodontal disease envelopes in a severe way in genetic subjects with predisposition . The genetic suscectibility is caused from: low efficacy of the immune system imperfect regolation of the inflammatory answer Michalowicz 1991 et Shapira 2005 SCARCE ORAL HYGENE A great importance in cause the periodontal disease is given from style of life particularly to the habits of oral hygene . Palmer 2005 THE FEEDING(OBESITY) The risk of periodontal disease increase three times in subjects with index of body between 25 and 29,9 . In obese subjects ,the adipocites produce inflammatory cytokines . (Saito 2007) BATTERIC INFECTION Either in CVD disease and Periodontal disease have been found some bacterial species like A. Actinomicetemcomitans, P.Gingivalis, P.Intermedia e T. Denticola. Sharp A. , Klein E. Periodontal Infection and coronary heart disease: role of periodontal bacteria and importance of total pathogen burden in the coronary event and periodontal disease. Intern Med 2006 DIABETES Studies have showed how in patients with the diabetes disease is easier to have gingivitis and periodontal disease. The risk for a diabetic subject to fall ill of periodontal disease is three times easier in confront to a non diabetic subject. Emrich 1991 et Yalda 1994 The Periodontal disease is a Risk factor for CVD ? • In the last 15 -20 years the concept of risk is changed in the clinical practice. • The traditional factors of CVD risk even if are very important in primary prevention they don’t find in percentage of 10-15% of subjects with cardiovascolar events. F. D’Aiuto SIDP 2008 RELATIONSHIP WITH PERIODONTAL DISEASE AND SYSTEMIC DISEASES CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Gingival Inflammation Periodontal Patogens Inflammatories Mediators IL-1, IL-6, TNF Batteremy Inflammation Immune response Liver (C- reactive protein, fibrinogen) I batteri inducono l’aggregazione piastrinica, invadono l’endotelio. Dottorato di Ricerca in Parodontologia Sperimntale Coordinatore: prof. M. Baldoni (heart ,brain etc) Anticorpi contro batteri , gli antigeni cross-reattivi sensibilizzano i linfociti T REVIEW Cardiovascular disease and periodontitis (Persson 2008) Periodontal disease and C-reactive protein associated cardiovascular risk (F. D'Aiuto, D.Ready, S. Tonetti 2004) Periodontal pathogens in atheromatous plaques. (F. Cairo, C. Gaeta, W. Dorigo, M. R. Oggioni, C. Pratesi, G. P. Pini Prato, G. Pozzi 2004) Severe periodontitis in young adults is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis (F. Cairo, S. Castellani, A. M. Gori, M. Nieri, G. Baldelli, R. Abbate and G. P. Pini-Prato 2007) Systemic markers of inflammation in periodontitis (Loos BG 2005) PERIO-CVD Periodontal disease and Health : consensus report of the Sixth European workshop on Periodontology “Evidence suggests that having periodontitis contributes to the total infectious and inflammation burden and may contribute to cardiovascolar events and stroke in suscheptible subjiects.The impact of Periodontal therapy must be further investigated”. Kinane D.,Bouchard P.2008 J.Clin Periodontology 2008;35 (suppl 8);333-337. New technologies in Periodontal disease • Non surgical therapy in Periodontal therapy -Microbiological Test -Laser-therapy Linea Guida Sezione Parodontologia Clinica Odontoiatrica Università Milano Bicocca 2001 New technologies in Periodontal disease • Non surgical therapy in Periodontal therapy -Microbiological Test(PCR Real Time) -Laser-therapy Linea Guida Sezione Parodontologia Clinica Odontoiatrica Università Milano Bicocca 2001 Patogens bacterias present in periodontal disease. • Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans • Porphyromonas gingivalis • Prevotella intermedia • Bacteroides forsythus • Fusobacterium nucleatum • Peptostreptococcus micros • Spirochete (Treponema Denticola) • Altri MICROBIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS Pasteur BJ et al. Journal of Bacteriology 2001; 183:3770-3783 Molecolar Exam Cotti M., Corvino E. ,Gaeta C., Orrù G., La parodontite giovanile da Actinobacillus Actinomicetemcomitans.Diagnosi molecolare con identificazione dei genotipi virulenti .Atti del Simposio SIOCMF “Diagnostica e terapia nel cavo orale del paziente pediatrico”,Cagliari 26-27 Aprile 2002,suppl. Doctor Os,Anno XIV n.1 Gennaio 2003, pp.12-13 PCR Quantitative Real-time Fluorescent probe DNA of pathogen bacteria Bond probe -DNA = fluorescent The PCR amplifies the number of molecules of bacterial DNA increase of the fluorecent Morrison TB et al. Biotechniques 1998; 24:954-958 INTEGRATED PERIODONTAL TEST Test analitico microbiologico e genetico integra i dati dell’esame obiettivo test microbiologico BIBLIOGRAFIA: CORVINO E, GAETA C, POZZI G,. Virulence factor of periodontal pahogens: act. actinomycetemcomitans, porp. gengivalis, prev.intermedia LASER The word LASER is the meaning of “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” New technologies in Periodontal disease • Non surgical therapy in Periodontal therapy -Microbiological Test -Laser-therapy Linea Guida Sezione Parodontologia Clinica Odontoiatrica Università Milano Bicocca 2001 Baldini A.,Monguzzi R., Tredici G.,M.Baldoni IADR Honolulu 12 Marzo 2004 Pre-trattamento Laser Cardiopatic Patient 63 aa * batterio individuato Specie batterica Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Conta batterica ** conta batterica elevata *** conta batterica molto elevata Neg. Enterococcus faecalis Neg. Tannerella forsythensis 2x107 Porphyromonas gingivalis 1.5x10 Prevotella intermedia Conta batterica *** *** 6 1.6x10 7 *** Treponema denticola 8x108 *** Fusobacterium nucleatum 5.5x10 Micromonas micros Carica totale *** 7 8.5x10 * 2 Non 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rilevat1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 a Terapia Parodontale non chirurgica laserassitita -Test microbiologico Protocollo Terapeutico laser-assistito Protocolli di igiene domiciliare Controlli periodici (TPS) PCR a 12 mesi Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Neg. Enterococcus faecalis Neg. Tannerella forsythensis 2,75 Porphyromonas gingivalis 1,47 Prevotella intermedia 3,98 Treponema denticola 1,77 Fusobacterium nucleatum Neg Micromonas micros 3,71 Periodontal Diagnosis Microbiological evaluation and control CVD Patient Laser Therapy Periodontal Treatment Thank you for attention