Presentazione di PowerPoint - Agenzia delle dogane e dei Monopoli
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Presentazione di PowerPoint - Agenzia delle dogane e dei Monopoli
WCO- IPR WORKSHOP ON COUNTERFEITING AND BORDER MEASURES Rome, 19÷20 October 2004 A practical training seminar for Customs officers enforcing Intellectual Property Rights Fight Against Counterfeiting - legislation: new national and community measures opeational instructions - results D.ssa Cinzia Bricca – Head of the Central Anti Fraud Service Regulation (EC)1383/2003 Entered into force on July st 1 , 2004 Broadens the scope of the legislation (art.2) in order to protect also the rights related to: a. plant variety b. protected designation of origin, and geographical indication c. geographical designations The new legislative measures aim at preventing introduction, release for free circulation, export, re-export, entry into a free zone or in a free warehouse as well as for a suspensive procedure, of “counterfeit or pirated goods” Defines the conditions of the intervention of customs authorities that may suspend the release of the goods or detain them for the period necessary to ascertain that goods are counterfeit or pirated (art. 4 commi 54 e 55) Financial Law 350/2003 To strengthen the fight against counterfeiting, the national legislation (financial law for year 2004), provides for the establishment of a multi-media databank for collection of characteristic data idoneous for identification of goods to be protected art.4 comma 54. Per potenziare la lotta alla contraffazione e per tutelare la specificità dei prodotti, l’Agenzia delle dogane può sottoscrivere con gli operatori, su loro richiesta, convenzioni per la raccolta in una banca dati multimediale dei dati caratteristici idonei a contraddistinguere i prodotti da tutelare, senza oneri aggiuntivi a carico dello Stato. La raccolta dei dati di cui al presente comma ed il relativo trattamento è attività di rilevante interesse pubblico ai sensi della normativa sulla protezione dei dati personali, essendo diretta all’applicazione delle disposizioni la cui esecuzione è affidata alle dogane 55. Con determinazione dirigenziale, adottata entro sessanta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della presente legge, sono stabilite le modalità tecniche di attuazione delle disposizioni di cui al comma 54. An administrative decision dated February 28th, 2004, establishes that the multimedia databank is placed at the Customs Agency and is feeded with data contained in the protection requests already submitted by the holders of the intellectual property rights. Financial Law 350/2003 ….Once fully running, the databank will be feeded with the protection requests submitted electronically through the customs system E.D.I. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). In order to make possible the protection of the goods, the right holders shall at least provide their detailed technical description and the name and address of a contact person. (art. 4 comma 55) (art. 4 comma 55) Financial Law 350/2003 Minimum data required may be integrated with data on: a) b) c) Art. 4 comma 80. L’autorità amministrativa, quando accerta, sia all’atto dell’importazione o esportazione che della commercializzazione o distribuzione, la violazione di un diritto di proprietà intellettuale o industriale, può disporre anche d’ufficio, previo assenso dell’autorità giudiziaria e facendone rapporto alla stessa, il sequestro della merce contraffatta, e, decorsi tre mesi, la distruzione, a spese, ove possibile, del contravventore; è fatta salva la conservazione di campioni da utilizzare a fini giudiziari. The production and movement of goods, more specifically: name of the importer, exporter, holder of the goods; place of manufacturing; itinerary followed packaging and transport modalities arrival and departure dates The value of the goods The type of fraud, more specifically: comparison of technical specifications of genuine and suspected goods countries of manufacturing and itineraries followed by suspected goods Art. 4, comma 80, of the Financial Law for year 2004, allows, subject to prior authorisation of the judicial authority, the destruction of goods seized by the customs for violation of an intellectual property right, after three months from the seizure, provided that samples of the goods are collected for judicial purpose. UE seizures and items 1999÷2003 8.000 100000000 items 90000000 7.000 seizures 80000000 6.000 70000000 5.000 60000000 4.000 50000000 40000000 3.000 30000000 2.000 20000000 1.000 10000000 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Italian seizures/items 1999÷2003 300 40000000 35000000 items 250 seizures 30000000 200 25000000 150 20000000 15000000 100 10000000 50 5000000 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 International cooperation: OMD/INTERPOL/WIPO/COMPANIES ASSOCIATION JOINT INIZIATIVE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST COUNTERFEITING DYNAMIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS PLANNING OF PARTICIPATIONS IN ORDER TO SUPPORT THE FIGHT TO THE COUNTERFEITING Thanks for your attention …. More infos: AGENZIA DELLE DOGANE UFFICIO ANTIFRODE CENTRALE 00143 ROMA, Via Mario Carucci,71 – Telefono +39 (0)6.5024.6135 – Fax +39 (0)6.5095.7300 e-mail: [email protected] made by Nicola Antonio Laurelli [email protected] 10/2004