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The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
and Supply Chains
22 March 2016
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)
• Contesto
• Casi sindacali
• Risorse
 Chi ha sentito parlare delle Linee Guida dell’OCSE
per le Imprese Multinazionali (prima di essere
invitato a questo seminario)?
 Chi ha usato le Linee Guida dell’OCSE per le
Imprese Multinazionali?
- Prevedono (non vincolanti) raccomandazioni in tema di Condotta
Responsabile del Business per MNEs basate su standard internazionali
- Firmate dai governi (46) – no dalle MNEs
- Applicabili a MNEs registrate o presenti in paesi che hanno firmato
le Linee Guida, ovunque queste MNEs operano, così come per le MNEs
che operano nel territorio di questi paesi
- Coprono controllate così come fornitori, investitori e altri business
partners di queste MNEs
- Applicabili a tutte le tipologie di lavoratori: impiegati, somministrati,
temporanei e lavoratori stagionali (avanzamento nel 2011 Update)
- Includono la responsabilità per le MNEs di adottare la dovuta diligenza
- Hanno un meccanismo per il trattamento dei reclami – I Punti di Contatto
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies
1. «Le Linee Guida sono raccomandazioni
congiunte indirizzate dai governi alle imprese
multinazionali. Esse forniscono principi e
standard di buone pratiche coerenti con le leggi
in vigore e con gli standard internazionali
riconosciuti.» (Chapter I, paragraph 1)
Capitoli delle Linee Guida
X .
Concetti e Principi
Principi Generali
Divulgazione di Informazioni
Diritti Umani
Occupazione e Relazioni Industriali
Lotta alla Corruzione, all’istigazione alla corruzione
e alla concussione
Interessi del consumatore
Scienza e Tecnologia
– Adhering
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
Republic of Korea
United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand
Overview –
Adhering Countries
– Adhering
Costa Rica
Overview –
Adhering Countries
– Adesioni in discussione
• Ukraine (nella fase di firma), Kazakhstan
– Negoziazioni per diventare membri dell’ OCSE
• Russia (sospesa)
– “Maggiore impegno” (i.e., cooperando con)
• China, India, Indonesia e South Africa
– Non propensi a firmare in tempi brevi
Overview – NCPs
Punti di Contatto Nazionali
- Ai Governi che sottoscrivono le Linee Guida viene richiesto
di istituire i Punti di Contatto Nazionale (PCN) per
risolvere questioni connesse all’applicazione delle Linee
Guida, inclusa la gestione di casi/istanze di violazione delle
Linee Guida
- Meccanismo delle istanze: caratteristiche tipiche
- Sindacati e ONG possono presentare istanze contro
le MNEs per il loro coinvolgimento in casi di violazioni
delle Linee Guida in tutto il mondo
- Il PCN offre un forum per il dialogo e per la
risoluzione dei problemi attraverso la mediazione
Overview – NCPs
Punti di Contatto Nazionale
- Aventi sede nei paesi che aderiscono:
» Non aventi sede nel perimetro OCSE
– Completamente sostenuti dai governi (TU Guide, P.6,
FIGURE 1.2),
• Maggioranza basata all’interno dei governi:
– Italia: Monopartito, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE);
Comitato PCN composto da governo, sindacati e associazioni
– UK: Bipartito: Dipartimento Business/Dipartimento per lo
Sviluppo Internazionale e Multi-stakeholder Board;
– Francia: Struttura tripartita: governo, sindacati e datori.
• Minoranza fuori dai governi (gruppo di esperti indipendenti)
– Danimarca, Olanda, Norvegia
Overview – NCPs
Presentazione Casi (TU Guide p.8 (1.11), p.50 5.4)
– No meccanismo delle istanze all’OCSE
– Istanze presentate con i Punti di Contatto Nazionali
• Se la violazione ha luogo in un paese che ha sottoscritto le Linee
Guida – il caso dovrebbe essere esaminato dal PCN del paese
– E.g., violazione che coinvolge una MNE Italiana in Francia
» PCN Francese
– E.g., violazione che coinvolge una MNE Francese in Italia
» PCN Italiano
• Se la violazione ha luogo in un paese che non ha sottoscritto le Linee
Guida – il caso dovrebbe essere esaminato dal PCN del paese di
– E.g., violazione che coinvolge una MNE Italiana in Bulgaria
» PCN Italiano
Trade union cases
179 trade union cases (1 per month)
Trade union cases
– Utilizzo sindacale delle Linee Guida
• 179 casi sindacali (1 al mese)
- Rifiuto del riconoscimento al diritto di associazione e alla
contrattazione collettiva
Vittimizzazione dei dirigenti sindacali/iscritti al sindacato
Minaccia di delocalizzare la produzione durante
Mancata consultazione sugli impatti occupazionali durante i
processi di ristrutturazione
Utilizzo eccessivo di contratti di impiego precario
(temporaneo e/o somministrato) per ridurre i diritti ed il
riconoscimento dei sindacati
Difetto di adeguata informazione per la contrattazione
Trade union cases
Trade union cases
– Trade union use of the Guidelines
• 179 trade union cases (1 per month)
– By NCP
Trade union cases
– Trade union use of the Guidelines
• 179 trade union cases (1 per month)
– By Host Country
Trade union cases
– Trade union use of the Guidelines
• 3 Italian cases
– (Only TU case in China)
Trade union cases
UNI contro G4s
– Organizzazione Sindacale: UNI Global Union
– Multinazionale: G4S: sicurezza
– Paese di origine: UK
– Paesi ospitanti: DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal
Paese di origine PCN: UK
– Problematiche: diritti sindacali/retribuzioni/condizioni di lavoro
– Disposizioni: diritto alla rappresentanza sindacale (IV 1.a),
sviluppo sostenibile (II. 1)
– Ruolo del PCN:
• Fornire una mediazione professionale esterna
– 11 Dicembre 2008: accordo: DRC, impegno a realizzare elezioni
sindacali; Mozambique, chiarificare problematiche inerenti lo
statuto dei diritti dei lavoratori; Malawi, aumento del pagamento
del lavoro straordinario almeno al 100% del salario normale e
accordo sul diritto alla comunicazione; Nepal, il pagamento del
fondo previdenza deve essere fatto su base mensile
– 16 Dicembre 2008: UNI e G4s sottoscrivono un Accordo Quadro
Globale (Global Framework Agreement).
Trade union cases
IUF contro Unilever
– Trade union: IUF
– MNE: Unilever (food - Brooke Bond and Lipton’s tea factory)
– Home country: UK
– Host country: Pakistan (Khanewal)
» Home country NCP: UK
– Issue: precarious work/abusive use of temporary
contracts/agency work (22 v 723):
– Provisions of the Guidelines: right to organise (V. 1a)
– NCP Role:
• Provided professional external mediation
• Led to an agreement between IUF and Unilever
“1. The IUF and Unilever have agreed there will be a significant change in the
model of employment at Khanewal based on a combination of directly employed
permanent labour in non-seasonal manufacturing and contract agency workers
(labour engaged through third party service providers) for ancillary, nonmanufacturing and seasonal positions.
2. Under the terms of this agreement, Unilever will establish 200 permanent
positions at Khanewal. This is in addition to the existing 22 positions at this
facility…” http://www.bis.gov.uk/files/file49308.doc
Trade union cases
UNI Global Union and ITF v Deutsche Post DHL
– Trade unions: UNI Global Union and ITF
– MNE: Deutsche Post DHL
– Home country: Germany
– Host countries: Colombia, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam
» Home country NCP: Germany
– Issue: Anti-union campaigns; retaliation against trade unions;
infringements of the rights to join a trade union and to engage in
collective bargaining; failure to do due diligence
– Provisions of the Guidelines: IV.1., IV.2., IV.6., V.1a, V.1b
– NCP Role:
• NCP itself provided mediation
• Led to an agreement between UNI Global Union and ITF and
Deutsche Post DHL, which included provision for follow-up:
“The NCP considers that the number of direct contacts of the complainants with the
respondent could be increased to three monthly meetings, so that the
complainants could raise issues of concern regarding labour relations in a more
direct way… The NCP will receive reports on these meetings in the next two
Trade union cases
UAW v Nissan
– Trade union: UAW
– MNE: Nissan
– Home countries: Japan, France (Renault) and the Netherlands
– Host country: US (Canton, Mississippi)
» Host country NCP: US
– Issue: Anti-union campaigns; reprisals against trade unions;
violations of the right to join a trade union and to engage in
collective bargaining
– Provisions of the Guidelines: IV.1., IV.2., IV.6., V.1a, V.1b
– NCP Role:
• Offered professional external mediation
– Nissan refused to come to mediation
• The NCP published a Final Statement with the following
"The U.S. NCP recommends that Nissan North America,
Inc., in cooperation and with guidance from Nissan
corporate headquarters in Japan, conduct corporatewide labor rights review processes, consistent with the
recommendation of the Guidelines, in particular the
Supply chain case
NGO v Nissan
– German Member of Parliament
– MNEs: Kik Textilien, C&A and Karl Rieker
– Home country: Germany
– Host country: Bangladesh (Tazreen Fashion Ltd)
» Host country NCP: Germany
– Issue: 112 workers killed and hundred more injured in a factory
fire; failure to address identified health and safety issues
(omission); failure to conduct due diligence; inadequate training;
purchasing practices
– Provisions of the Guidelines: II.A.11, II.A.12. 1V.I, IV. 2. IV.5.,
– NCP Role:
• Accepted part of the complaint
• Offered mediation to Kik and Karl Rieker
• Transferred the case to Brazil for C&A
– Agreement with Karl Rieker
– No agreement with Kik
Supply chain case
Applying the concepts: Bangladesh
- German NCP (case filed - 13/05/2013)
- German Member of Parliament/NGO
- Tazreen Factory Fire (24 November 2013)
- Case against:
- C&A
- Karl Rieker
Investor case
Coalition of NGOs v Dutch Pension Fund (ABP) and its
Pension Manager APG
– NGOs: Lok Shakti Abhiyan, KTNC Watch, Fair Green Global Alliance
– MNE: Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO)
– Home country: South Korea
– Host country: Odisha, India
– Investors/minority share-holders: Pension fund ABP and its asset
manager All Pension Group (APG) (0.8%)
– Home country: The Netherlands
» NCP: Netherlands
– Issue: Displacement of 22,000 protected peoples, forced land
acquisitions, human rights violations
– Provisions of the Guidelines: II.A12 (linked to adverse impacts)
– Request: investors to use their leverage with POSCO to address
human rights impacts
Case against investors
Coalition of NGOs v Dutch Pension Fund (ABP) and its
Pension Manager APG
» Home country NCP: Netherlands
– NCP Role:
• Provided a forum for dialogue
• Led to a joint agreement between the parties on issues and
next steps including continued dialogue.
NCP Findings
- “…the Guidelines are applicable to financial institutions and
to investors, including minority shareholders. The NCP finds
that the term “business relationship”, as referred to by the
Guidelines, is applicable to financial relationships…. The fact that
the term “business relationship” is not specifically defined for
various types of financial relations does not mean that the
Guidelines do not apply to them... “
Trade union cases
Trade union experience
- Mixed experience:
- High rate of success with well
functioning NCPs
- NCPs have common rules
- visible, transparent, accountable, impartial,
predictable and equitable
- No common performance
- seek advice from GUFs/TUAC
- Key obstacles to success
- Other legal proceedings (parallel proceedings)
- Companies refusing to participate in mediation
- Lack of ‘consequences’
- (Need to grow teeth – e.g. Canada)
-Trade Union Guide
- Arabic
- Burmese
- Chinese
- French
- German(DGB)
- Italian (CGIL, CISL, UIL)
- Japanese (RENGO)
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish (LO-Sweden)
Submitting a Complaint
The NCP Complaints Process
(Trade Union Guide, Part 4.1, Page 40)
– Stage 1: Initial Assessment
– Stage 2A: Conciliation/Mediation
– Stage 2B: Examination if mediation is refused or fails
• Most but not all NCPs
» Not US, Australia, Switzerland
– Stage 3: Final Statement/Report
Submitting a Complaint
Trade Union Guide: Page 40
Submitting a Complaint
The NCP Complaints Process
(Trade Union Guide, Part 4.1, Page 41)
Submitting a Complaint
(Trade Union Guide, Part 4.1, Page 41)
Stage 1: Initial Assessment
Submitting a Complaint
(Trade Union Guide, Part 4.1, Page 42)
Stage 2A: Conciliation/Mediation
At the 2011 update it was agreed that providing mediation was the
core function of NCPs
Submitting a Complaint
(Trade Union Guide, Part 4.1, Page 42)
Stage 2A: Conciliation/Mediation
Submitting a Complaint
Stage 2A: Conciliation/Mediation (TU Guide, Part 4.1, P. 42)
Submitting a Complaint
Stage 2B: Examination (TU Guide, Part 4.1, P. 44)
Submitting a Complaint
Stage 3: Final Report/Statement (TU Guide, Part 4.1, P. 46)
(p, 47-49)
– Who are the complainants?
• What is their interest/standing?
– Which enterprises (MNE and local) are involved?
• What is their relationship (subsidiary, supplier,
– Which National Contact Point(s) are you
submitting the case to?
– What are the violations of the Guidelines and
where did the violations take place?
– Which paragraphs of the Guidelines have been
– What evidence are you providing?
– What are you asking the NCP to do?
Key Resources
-Trade Union Guide
- Arabic
- Burmese
- Chinese
- French
- German(DGB)
- Italian (CGIL, CISL, UIL)
- Japanese (RENGO)
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian Spanish
- Swedish (LO-Sweden)
Key Resources
(See Part 5 of the Trade Union Guide)
- TUAC web site on trade union cases and NCP
– OECD Watch web site on NGO cases:
- OECD web site: http://mneguidelines.oecd.org
Closing Vote
Closing Vote on the OECD MNE Guidelines
Do you think the OECD MNE Guidelines are:
– Useful for your work? Yes or No
• More useful than you thought at the start? Yes or No
• Less useful than you thought at the start? Yes or No
Key Resources
(See Part 5 of the Trade Union Guide)
- TUAC web site on trade union cases and NCP
– OECD Watch web site on NGO cases:
- OECD web site: http://mneguidelines.oecd.org
Key Concepts –
determined by impact
Responsibility of an enterprise determined
by its adverse impacts
– Not determined by the level of control or equity
– Not determined by an enterprise’s ’sphere of influence’
– Determined by its adverse impact – baseline
» Impacts can occur in the supply chain,
can involve contract workers or any
other types of business relationships
(TU Guide, Page 17)
Key Concepts Responsibility
for Adverse
Key Concepts –
Corporate Responsibility
to Respect
Enterprises have a responsiblity to respect
human rights
– The corporate responsibility to
respect human rights
- Enterprises should
Avoid violating the human rights of others (including workers)
and address such adverse impacts when they occur (Chapter IV,
Human Rights)
Know and show that they are respecting human rights (and
the OECD Guidelines) by undertaking human rights due
Key Concepts Corporate Responsibility
to Respect
Chapter IV: Human Rights
1. «Respect human rights, which means they should avoid infringing on
the human rights of others and should address adverse human rights
impacts, with which they are involved.”
37.«(…) Respect for human rights is the global standard of
expected conduct for enterprises independently of States’
abilities and/or willingness to fulfill their own human rights
obligations, and does not diminish those
obligations.»(Commentary on Human Rights, paragraph 37)
38. «A State’s failure either to enforce relevant domestic laws or
to implement international human rights obligations or the
fact that it may act contrary to such law or international
obligations does not diminish the expectation that enterprises
respect human rights.(…).» (Commentary on Human Rights,
paragraph 38)
Key Concepts adverse human rights
1. «Respect human rights, which means they should avoid infringing on
the human rights of others and should address adverse human rights
impacts, with which they are involved.”
39. «In all cases and irrespective of the country or specific context of enterprises’
operations, reference should be made at a minimum to the internationally
recognised expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights, consisting of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the main instruments through which
it has been codified: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and
to the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the 1998 ILO
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.» (Commentary on
Human Rights, paragraph 39)
40.«(…) Depending on circumstances, enterprises may need to consider additional
standards. For instance, enterprises should respect the human rights of individuals
belonging to specific groups or populations that require particular attention….In this
connection UN instruments have elaborated further on the rights of indigenous
peoples; persons belonging to national, or ethnic, religious and linguistic
minorities; women; children; persons with disabilities; and migrant workers
and their families.» (Commentary on Human Rights, paragraph 40).
Key Concepts due diligence
Key Concepts due diligence
(TU Guide, FIGURE 2.5, Page 22)
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