
La fisica del we del quark top a cdf - INFN

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La fisica del we del quark top a cdf - INFN
La nuova macchina al GSI:
descrizione e potenzialita`
Sandra Leone
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Layout of the Accelerator Complex
The existing GSI facility (blue):
 linear accelerator UNILAC
 heavy-ion synchrotron SIS18
 the fragment separator FRS,
 the storage ring ESR
The new project (red):
 the double-ring synchrotron
 high-en. storage ring HESR
 collector ring CR,
 new experiment storage ring
 super-conducting fragment
separator Super-FRS and
several experimental stations.
The present UNILAC/SIS18
complex serves as injector for
the new double-ring synchr.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
The present and future facility
The future facility extends the present ring system,
which is used as injector.
The core of the new system is a high energy doublering system. The first ring rapidly accelerates beams
to 100 Tm rigidity using fast-cycling superconducting
magnets (4T/s) and 2T maximum magnetic field
The second ring accelerates at a slower rate (  1T/s)
to above 200 Tm using high-field cosine-theta type
iron-free superconducting magnets (RHIC type).
The double ring system is the key to the parallel
operation between ion and hadron beams
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Physics opportunities:
1) intense secondary beams (  1-2 GeV/u) of short lived nuclei
for studies in nuclear structure physics , nuclear astrophysics
and fundamental simmetries and interactions;
2) intense secondary beams of antiprotons ( 15 GeV/c ) for
studies of quark and gluon degrees of freedom in hadrons
extending the reach for hadronic states (resonances) up to and
well above the region of (bound) charmed quarks
3) high-energy beams of heavy nuclei (20-30 GeV/u) for nucleusnucleus collisions and studies of dense nuclear matter
4) intense, short (50 nsec) pulses of ion beams at medium energy
( 1 GeV/c) for studies of (macroscopic) bulk matter at elevated
temperatures (  10 - 100 eV), pressures (Gbar) and densities ( 5
- 10 rnormal).
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
GSI complementary to RHIC and LHC
A schematic phase diagram
of strongly interacting
matter. The net baryon
density is the density of
baryons minus the density
of antibaryons. Nuclear
matter exists in different
phases as function of temp.
and density.
The entire high-density area of the phase diagram is unexplored. At very
high densities and low temperatures, beyond the deconfinement transition, a
new phase is expected, where the quarks are correlated and form a color
superconductor. At the ‘critical point’ the deconfinement/ chiral phase
transition is predicted to change its character. The research program at the
new facility at GSI aims for the exploration of the high-density area of the
phase diagram. This approach is complementary to the investigations
performed at the CERN-SPS, the RHIC facility at Brookhaven, USA, at the
future LHC facility (ALICE project) at CERN.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Science motivation for the antiproton beam:
1) extended spectroscopy of charmonium and more
detailed understanding of the confinement potential;
2) the role of gluons through searches for and studies
of gluonic hybrids (and possibly glueballs) involving
charmed quarks;
3) the extension of studies of meson properties in the
nuclear medium into the charmed sector and related to
that, the question of chiral simmetry restoration;
4) the study of multi-hyperon nuclear states.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Quark gluon dynamics in the charm sector:
Hidden Charm
e.g.< 5 x 109 J/psi/Year
Glueballs and Charmed Hybrids
(cc) in Nuclear Matter
Charmonium spectroscopy
(& confinement)
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
Open Charm
e.g.< 2.5 x 109 D-pairs /Year
Structure of charmed Hadrons
D-Nucleus interaction
CP Violation
Standard Model
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Studies with antiproton beams
Mass range of hadrons
accessible at the HESR
with antiproton beams.
The figure indicates
the antiproton
momenta required for
spectroscopy, the
search for charmed
hybrids and glueballs,
the production of D
meson pairs and the
production of  baryon
pairs for hypernuclear
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
The energy range covered by
the former Low Energy
Antiproton Ring (LEAR) at CERN
is indicated by the arrow.
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Antiprotons production, acceleration and storage
50 MeV Proton Linac for proton injection. To obtain an antiproton
production rate of 1.6 x 107 s-1. Total length < 20m.
SIS18 as Proton Energy and Intensity Booster: to boost the proton
energy to 1 GeV and have 2x1013 protons per SIS100-cycle.
Proton and antiproton acceleration in SIS100: accelerate protons to
the antiproton production energy of 28 GeV and also accelerate the
antiproton beam (after cooling and accumulation at about 3 GeV) to
the desired energy for experiments in HESR. Stochastically cooled
antiprotons in the NESR are rebunched and injected into SIS100 in
reverse direction. Accelerated antiproton bunches are transferred to
Antiproton production and separation: iridium or copper target, 3mm
diameter x 50mm length. Beam: 2x1013 protons in one 24ns bunch.
Antiproton beam after target: 3GeV, 7x107 antip in one 45ns bunch
Max luminosity for HESR: 2x1032 cm-1 s-1. Energy: 3 - 15 GeV (max.
magnetic rigidity 50 Tm) Circulating antiprotons:  2 x 1012
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
SIS100/200: two rings synchrotron facility
Schematic layout of
the two-ring
synchrotron facility.
Both rings have a
circumference of
1083.60 m with six
straight sections.
Tunnel cross-section for the
two-ring synchrotron facility.
The tunnel is located at a
depth of 24 m.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
The goal of the first synchrotron ring (B = 100 Tm) is to
achieve intense pulsed (1012 ions/pulse) uranium (q = 28+)
beams at 1 GeV/u and intense pulsed (2.5 × 1013 ) proton
beams at 29 GeV.
Both, heavy-ion and proton beams can be compressed into
50 ns bunches required for the production and subsequent
storage and efficient cooling of exotic nuclei and
antiprotons. The short intense ion bunches are also
required for plasma physics experiments.
The 200 Tm ring can provide high-energy ion beams with
maximum energies around 30 GeV/u for Ne10+ beams and
close to 23 GeV/u for fully stripped U92+ beams.
The maximum intensities that are possible in this mode are
5 x 1010 ions per second.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Collector Ring CR
Collection and Fast Stochastic
Cooling of Radioactive Ion
Collection and Fast Stochastic
Cooling of Antiproton Beams
Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry with
Radioactive Ion Beams
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
New Experimental Storage Ring
Layout of the storage
ring NESR with its
various components for
beam manipulations,
beam cooling and
internal experiments. In
the lower straight
section collisions with
electrons circulating in
an electron storage ring
can be studied.
The NESR can be supplied with highly-charged heavy ions
from SIS18 and with exotic nuclei from Super-FRS.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
HESR ring for antiproton studies
Layout of the High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) with the electron
cooler and a typical almost hermetic detector system at the
internal (gas-jet) target position. Electron-beam cooling for
antiprotons (up to 15 GeV/c) is a technological challenge, given the
large beam energy range.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Key parameters
and features of
the proposed
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Primary beam parameters from the SIS100/200
facility for the different research fields
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Schematic of parallel operation in the proposed facilities
A radioactive ion beam (blue) for fixed target experiments is
produced with a slowly extracted primary beam from SIS200. In
parallel, a proton beam (brown) produces antiprotons in the target.
These are collected and subsequently cooled in CR/NESR, accelerated
in SIS100, and fed into HESR for experiments.
Additionally, at a very low repetition rate a bunched beam for plasma
physics (green) may be provided.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
About 9.5 years since
beginning (2001)
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Cost estimate
The estimate of the total cost of the facility is 675 MEur.
Of these: 225 MEuro for civil construction and infrastruct.
265 MEuro for accelerator components and
185 MEuro for instrumentation and detectors.
These costs include all manpower costs for commercial activities, in
particular civil construction and fabrication by industry of various
components and sub-systems, including installation, some testing and
quality assurance.
The cost does not include redirected manpower from GSI (120 FTE
positions on average for the duration of facility construction) and new
(permanent and temporary) staff (140 FTE) for engineering design,
procurement, assembly, on-line testing and commissioning and for
project management.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Status of approval (05.02.2003)
“Federal Research Minister Edelgard Bulmahn presented
her plans:...
...Together with European partners, the Gesellschaft
für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt is to
develop further its equipment in a phased approach and
become a leading European physics centre.
At least 25% of the costs amounting to €675 million
are to be shouldered by foreign partners. “
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Italian contributions to the proposal
Research with Rare Isotope Beams, Nuclei Far From
Universita` di Catania, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro,
INFN Sezione Padova (Italy), Università di Padova (Italy),
Università di Torino
Research with Antiprotons - Hadron Spectroscopy and
Hadronic Matter:
University of Ferrara, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro,
Università di Torino, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions – Compressed Baryonic
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
From Fundamentals to Applications – Quantum
Electrodynam., Strong Fields, Ion-Matter Interactions:
Universita`di Ferrara, Universita` di Siena
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Present situation
Two international collaborations already formed, PANDA working
on the HESR antiproton beam , CBM for ion beam studies.
PANDA (Proton-antiproton at Darmstadt)
spokesperson: Ulrich Wiedner, Uppsala,
deputy spokesperson: Paola Gianotti, LNF
Involved Nations:svezia, italia, germania, olanda, polonia, gran
bretagna, austria
Italian groups:torino (2 gruppi INFN + politecnico), alessandria,
pavia, trieste, genova, ferrara, frascati, brescia e catania
Physics program:
Il programma di fisica di PANDA e' piuttosto vasto, comprende
spettroscopia del charm, ricerca di stati esotici (ibridi e glueballs)
fisica ipernucleare e nucleare.
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
Conceptual Design Report for the GSI Future project,
W.F Henning “Hadrons and Nuclei: Concept for the Future
K. Beckert et al, “An accelerator complex for Antiprotons
at GSI”
P. Gianotti, private communications
Sandra Leone, INFN Pisa
GR1, Roma 1/4/2003
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