

by user









Activate background knowledge
• Write in Italian and in
English the keywords
related to the topic
• You can work in pair.
Glossario del filmato
Carta della terra
10 anni dopo la Conferenza Internazionale di Rio de Janeiro 1992
Come la Dichiarazione dei Diritti dell’Uomo
Riflessioni che invitano a rispettare la terra, la vita e i sistemi ecologici
Rispetto della biodiversità
Patrimonio naturale in pericolo
Richiamo alla responsabilità delle scelte
Modelli di produzione e di consumo che hanno causato molti danni all’ambiente
Estinzione di molte specie
Divario tra paesi ricchi e paesi poveri
1 Miliardo e 300.000 persone vivono con meno di un dollaro al giorno
1/3 della popolazione mondiale non ha accesso all’acqua potabile
Le grosse multinazionali hanno fatturati superiori al PIL di interi stati
Il 25% della popolazione, quella dei paesi sviluppati, consuma l’85% delle risorse non rinnovabili
I paesi sviluppati producono i 2/3 delle emissioni di gas serra
Vi sono grandi cambiamenti climatici, riscaldamento del pianeta
Guerre, conflitti armati
Comunità sostenibile
Rispetto dell’ambiente, della giustizia e della civiltà.
Movie glossary
Access: accesso
Ascending curve: curva ascendente
Biodiversity: biodiversità
Carbon Dioxide: anidride carbonica
Consumption: consumo
Damage: danno
Declaration of Human Rights /Human Rights Declaration: Dichiarazione dei Diritti dell’Uomo
Desertification: desertificazione
Developed country: paese sviluppato
Divide: divario
Ensure: assicurare, garantire
Environment: ambiente
Environmental: ambientale
Extinction of an animal species: estinzione di una specie animale
Fuel: combustibile
Greenhouse effect: effetto serra
Gross national product: prodotto interno lordo
Harvest: raccogliere
Ice core: carota di ghiaccio
Natural heritage: patrimonio naturale
Pollution: inquinamento
Provision: rifornimento
Recall to responsibility of choices: richiamo alla responsabilità delle scelte
Resource: risorsa
Sustainable development: sviluppo sostenibile
Warming: riscaldamento
A sustainable use of the Earth (1)
A "sustainable" activity is one that you
believe you can continue indefinitely
into the future. Or at least for seven
generations (roughly 200 years).
Leading scientific societies say that the
future promises irreversible
environmental degradation and
continued poverty for much of the world
unless we control human population and
change patterns of human activity.
"The future of our planet is in the
balance," said a 1992 statement issued
jointly by the Royal Society of London
and the U.S. National Academy of
"The next 30 years may be crucial,"
these scientific societies said 7 years
Task N°1:
Make a list of
the keywords
related to “A
sustainable use
of the Earth (1)”.
Then check with
your partner.
Task N° 2: complete
What is:
a sustainable activity?
What is:
a main risk for the future?
What is:
a possible solution for the
future of Earth?
Task N°3:
Answer true or false to the following statements. If they are
false, correct them.
1. A sustainable activity can continue for about 200 years. T-F
2. There will be poverty and degradation in much of the world in
the future. T-F
3. It is necessary to control human population if we want to
protect the future of our world. T-F
4. The next 7 years will be crucial for the future of the world.
5. Some models of the human activity must be changed to stop
degradation and poverty. T-F
Which of the following words and
phrases refer to the text you have just
A sustainable use of the Earth (2)
Nella figura sono
rappresentate graficamente
le variazioni previste per la
metà di questo secolo nelle
temperature medie annuali.
Le variazioni sono
ipotizzate sulla base dei
valori di temperatura
odierni nel caso in cui vi sia
un aumento totale nelle
atmosferiche dei gas serra
equivalente ad un aumento
annuo di anidride carbonica
Fonte: Hadley Centre for
Climate Prediction and
It is particularly important that the so-called "developed" countries change their ways. As
the 1992 joint statement said, "Developed countries, with 85 percent of the world's gross
national product and 23 percent of its population, account for the majority of mineral and
fossil-fuel consumption. One issue alone, the increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide,
has the potential for altering global climate with significant consequences for all
countries. The prosperity and technology of the developed countries, however, give them
the greater possibilities and the greater responsibility for addressing environmental
Fill in the text with the following words:
It is particularly important that the so-called ........... countries
change their ways. As the ..... joint statement said, "Developed
countries, with .... percent of the world's gross national ........ and
23 percent of its population, account for the ........ of mineral and
fossil-fuel consumption. One issue alone, the increases in atmospheric
carbon ......., has the potential for altering global ....... with
significant consequences for all countries. ... prosperity and
technology of the developed ........., however, give them the
greater possibilities ... the greater responsibility for addressing
environmental ........."
•Anidride carbonica
•Carbon dioxide
•Assi cartesiani
•Cartesian axis
•Parti per milione
•Parts per million
•Misure dirette
•Direct measure
•Carota di ghiaccio
•Ice core
•Curva ascendente
•Ascending curve
•Andamento prima dell’industrializzazione
•Trend before industrialisation
•Andamento dopo l’industrializzazione
•Trend after industrialisation
Look at the graph and, using the words in the rectangles, describe how the
temperature of the Earth has changed between 1960 and 1985.
•Carbon dioxide concentration
•Ascending curve
•Cartesian axis
•Trend between 1960 and 1985
•Parts per million
•Average level
•Direct measure
•Actual level
A sustainable use of the Earth (3)
What kinds of changes are needed? A group of Swedish scientists has described
4 conditions that are essential for sustainable use of the Earth. A worldwide
movement, called The Natural Step, is promoting these four conditions,
especially among business organizations. The four "system conditions" necessary
for sustainability are stated succinctly in the following slides.
Condition n°1
Substances mined from
the Earth's crust must
not systematically
increase in air, water,
soil, or living things.
This means that fossil
fuels and metals must
not be produced at a
faster pace than their
slow redeposit and
reintegration into the
Earth's crust.
Condition n°2
Substances created by
humans must not
systematically increase
in air, water, soil, or
living things. This
means that substances
must not be produced
at a faster pace than
they can be broken
down and integrated
back into the cycles of
Condition n°3
The physical basis for
productivity and diversity
of nature must not be
diminished. This means
that we cannot harvest or
manipulate ecosystems in
such a way that their
productivity and diversity
are systematically
Condition n°4
There must be a fair and
efficient use of resources
in meeting human needs.
This means that basic
human needs must be met
efficiently, effectively,
and fairly; it also means
that the satisfaction of
basic human needs must
take precedence over the
provision of luxuries.
Complete the following sentences:
1) Substances mined from the Earth’s crust must not
……………… too fast in environment.
2) Substances created by humans must not
…………….. too fast in the envinronment.
3) Diversity of nature must not be
……………………in ecosystems.
4) There must be an efficient use of ………………….
in meeting human needs.
Match the following short definitions
and one of the 4 system conditions
necessary for sustainibility:
A) use of fossil coal
B) protection of dolphins
1) Substances mined from
the Earth's crust must not
systematically increase in air,
water, soil, or living things.
2) Substances created by
humans must not
systematically increase in air,
water, soil, or living things.
C) protection of drinking water
D) production of plastics
E) controled use of petroleum
F) respect for state health
G) respect for biodiversity
H) production of pesticides
3) The physical basis for
productivity and diversity of
nature must not be
systematically diminished.
4) There must be a fair and
efficient use of resources in
meeting human needs.
Working in 4 groups, try to relate your everyday life to one of
the four conditions for sustainable use of the Earth. At the
end, each group will present the result of the task in plenary.
My everyday life and sustainibility
Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken
globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United
Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every
area in which human impacts on the environment.
Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development, and the Statement of principles for the
Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more
than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de
Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.
The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was
created in December 1992 to monitor and report on
implementation of the agreements at the local, national,
regional and international levels.
The full implementation of Agenda 21 was strongly
reaffirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development
held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August to 4
September 2002.
There are common factors, which it was clear from the beginning should be
present in any Local Agenda 21 process:
It's not just an environmental strategy. Integrated
sustainability plans have to consider social and economic
issues too.
It should involve the whole community - or at least the
widest cross-section possible with the resources available.
It should build consensus - bringing people together instead
of the old, confrontational ways of working.
The first step is to gather information about local
conditions and priorities - finding out what people are really
concerned about.
Then, actions can be identified. No organisation or sector of
the community has a monopoly on good ideas.
It's important to find ways of measuring progress so we can
be sure our actions are working.
Task n°10
On december the third in
our school we will take part
in a conference about Local
Agenda 21 in Gorizia.
Listen what the experts will
say and write a short report
in English.
Please, explain which are
the most important factors
that people in Gorizia can
do to promote a sustainable
use of local environment.
Ecological footprint (1)
The simplest way to define ecological footprint would be to call it the
impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically
productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to
assimilate the wastes generated. More simply, it is the amount of the environment
necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular
TASKS N° 11 AND 12
Using old newspapers
draw a large footprint
and use it as a poster:
write inside a short
sentence or a nice
slogan for promoting
Use computer and search in
Internet the site:
Here you can answer to the
ecological footprint quiz. At
the end write your personal
footprint in the poster done at
task n°11.
TASKS N° 11 AND 12
Using old newspapers
draw a large footprint
and use it as a poster:
write inside a short
sentence or a nice
slogan for promoting
Use computer and search in
Internet the site:
Here you can answer to the
ecological footprint quiz. At
the end write your personal
footprint in the poster done at
task n°11.
Ecological footprint (2)
Humanity's Footprint
Today, humanity's Ecological Footprint is already over 30 percent larger
than what the world can offer. This means we are overusing the planet
and liquidating its ecological assets. Examples of our overuse include
deforestation, collapsing fisheries, and the build-up of heat-trapping
carbon in the atmosphere. At the same time, a significant percentage of
the world's people do not have enough resources to meet basic survival
As you can see in
the graph, the
ecological footprint
in the world is
increasing: can you
explain why?
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