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Presentazione di PowerPoint
Information Literacy support and research strategy skills
Mary Joan Crowley
DISG Library, Engineering Faculty,
Sapienza, University of Rome
* all images uploaded for educational purposes
Sapienza University of Rome libraries serving:
103,000 students
3,071 PhD students
4000+ Faculty
4300+ Admin, technical
and hospital staff
• 11 Faculties, 63
departments, 2
university hospitals
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
Sapienza’s library system
•59+ Faculty and
Department libraries
• 1.7million print
monographs and thousands
of print journals
• 20000+ full-text, 24/7
online journals, e-books,
data bases, etc.
• 25.000+ rare books
• Sapienza Digital Library
• PADIS – Online PhD thesis
Information Literacy support and skills
for PhD research students
• Good IT skills alone are insufficient for constructing good
• The scope of this module is to give postgraduate students an
introduction to Information Literacy as applied to PhD research
and to develop the relevant skills that will enhance the quality of
their research as well as their career opportunities in a
knowledge and innovation based economy.
• This training module will be in English.
• This six week programme conisists of six 2 hour ‘hands on’
workshops which enable students to build their research skills,
research methods, academic writing in English and web
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
Information literacy
• Information literacy is knowing when and why
you need information, where to find it, and how
to evaluate, use and communicate it in an
ethical manner
(source) : Information Literacy Competence Standards for higher Education
ACRL, 2000
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
CILIP : http://www.cilip.org.uk (accessed 20-02-2014)
A need for information
The resources available
How to find information
The need to evaluate results
How to work with or exploit results
Ethics and responsibility of use
How to communicate or share your
How to manage your findings
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
League of European Research Universities
• At the forefront
• Informed
• Innovative
• Disseminate research
in high ranked journals
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• http://ec.europa.eu/res
PhD candidates at Sapienza
la presenza di una pagina web, nel sito del Dipartimento cui
afferisce il Corso di dottorato, indicante chiaramente l’attività
scientifica e didattica dell’ultimo anno, le pubblicazioni dei
dottorandi ed una breve relazione annuale sull’attività svolta
da ciascun dottorando;
•Source: http://www.uniroma1.it/sites/default/files/regolamenti/DR_regolamento_modificato_0.pdf
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• la disponibilità di specifiche e qualificate strutture
operative e scientifiche per l'attività di studio e di
ricerca dei dottorandi, ivi inclusi, relativamente alla
tipologia del corso, laboratori scientifici, un
adeguato patrimonio librario, banche dati e
risorse per il calcolo elettronico;
• http://www.uniroma1.it/strutture/biblioteche
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• la previsione di attività, anche in comune tra più
dottorati, di formazione disciplinare e
interdisciplinare e di perfezionamento linguistico
e informatico nonché nel campo della gestione
della ricerca e della conoscenza dei sistemi di
ricerca europei ed internazionali, della
valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca e della
proprietà intellettuale.
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
Language learning support
• The Boaga and DISG libraries have access (10) to
CapturatOr – an online English language learning
• Self-paced
• B1 & B2
• 50-hour module
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• Ogni studente di dottorato dispone di un proprio
indirizzo mail messo gratuitamente a disposizione
da “Sapienza”.
• Rappresentanza dei Dottorandi, elezioni 7 marzo,
2014 - http://www.disg.uniroma1.it/
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• Dopo la discussione della tesi, il dottore di ricerca
ha l’obbligo di depositare copia della stessa, in
formato elettronico, nella banca dati d’Ateneo che
ne cura la trasmissione presso le Biblioteche
nazionali di Roma e di Firenze.
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
Sapienza University of Rome libraries serving:
• http://w3.uniroma1.i
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
103,000 students
3,071 PhD students
4000+ Faculty
4300+ Admin, technical
and hospital staff
• 11 Faculties, 63
departments, 2
university hospitals
BIXY – off campus access
• http://w3.uniroma1.it/biblioteche/proxy.htm
[email protected] / password della
posta elettronica
[email protected] / password della
posta elettronica.
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• NILDE is an online service that allows libraries
to request and supply documents in a reciprocal
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
IEEE http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/dynhome.jsp?tag
IEEE is the world's largest professional association
dedicated to advancing technological innovation and
excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its
members inspire a global community through IEEE's
highly cited publications, conferences, technology
standards, and professional and educational activities.
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
INSPEC : http://www.theiet.org/resources/inspec/
• http://tv.theiet.org/channel
• http://www.theiet.org/reso
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
• The Inspec database is
an invaluable information
resource for all scientists
and engineers, that
contains 14 million
abstracts and specialised
indexing to the world's
quality research literature
in the fields of physics
and engineering.
Web of Science & Scopus & Google Scholar
• Database of (peer-reviewed) literature and quality
web sources with smart tools to track, analyze and
visualize research
• http://scholar.google.it/
• http://www.scopus.com/
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
TUTORIALS – Scopus - Search tips
• Field codes
• Searching affiliations and references
• Choosing search terms
• Finding plurals
• Using Boolean operators
• Finding phrases
• Using proximity operators
• Finding variations of a word (wildcards)
• Searching with stop words
• Finding accented and special characters
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
Boolean Operators
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr7LscBEYC8
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Zei_azjX0
PhD DISG - mary joan crowley
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