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PROGETTO ALTER-MOTIVE: Overview and focus on the LCA Approach on Biofuels ALTERMOTIVE NATIONAL WORKSHOP (wp7) S.Donato Mse, 01-10-2010 Sandro FURLAN ALTER-MOTIVE progetto europeo (UE-IEE) “DERIVING EFFECTIVE LEAST-COST POLICY STRATEGIES FOR ALTERNATIVE AUTOMOTIVE CONCEPTS(AAT) AND ALTERNATIVE FUELS(AF)” Coordinatore: Technische Univ. Wien Partecipanti: 13 università, centri di ricerca, ecu (Furlan) Durata: 30 mesi (10/2008 ÷03/2011) Risultati attesi: Analisi economica, energetica, ambientale di AAT & AF Proposte per strategie di diffusione AT&AF Analisi di Casi Studio di progetti pilota 2 Task per ecu Report sull’evoluzione dei consumi energetici, parco veicoli, fiscalità trasporti in ITALIA (WP2) Analisi critica letteratura su LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS Costruzione di DB WTT/TTW su emissioni bio carburanti (WP3) Analisi progetti pilota a livello locale per diffusione AAT/AF(WP4) Survey su “Most effective policies” (WP5) SEMINARIO SU AF E TRASPORTI SOSTENIBILI (WP7) 15-06-2010, S.Donato (c/o ecu) Contributi attesi: r&m: analisi energetico/ambientale, costi, prospettive diffusione dell’impiego di alghe nella produzione di biocarburanti eni (Donegani) biocarburanti e valutazione ambientale Audience: Studenti Master, ricercatori (Politecnico MI/TO, Uni BO, CNR, Donegani), produttori biofuels 3 OPPORTUNITA’ ACCESSO A TUTTI I DATI DEL PROGETTO: WWW.ALTER-MOTIVE.ORG CONFRONTO DI ESPERIENZE su biocarburanti, progetti pilota, analisi NETWORK CON 13 UNIVERSITA’ –CENTRI RICERCA EUROPEI TU, Austr. Mob. Res. (Austria); ECN (Olanda); Wuppertal Inst, IREES (Germania); AEOLIKI (Cipro); BSREC (Bulgaria); RHONEALPE ENERGIE-ENVIRONNEMENT (Francia); CRES (Grecia); KISE (Polonia); Chalmers Univ.(Svezia); CEEETA (Portogallo); Ecological Council (Danimarca) 4 Environmental assessment LCA for quantifying environmental impacts (e.g. global warming) of products and services LCA according to ISO standard 14040 Balance of all in- and outputs according to defined system boundaries and functional unit Improvement and comparison of production processes Framework of LCA Goal and scope definition Inventory analysis Interpretation Impact assessment 5 5 LCA – Goal and scope definition PRIMARY PATHWAY Biofuel supply chain SECUNDARY PATHWAYS Auxiliary energy / utilities supply chains WELL-TO-TANK WELL-TO-WHEEL Cultivation / Biomass production Biomass residues Energy crops Biomass provision Biofuel production Biofuels 1st/2nd generation Distribution to end user TANKTOWHEEL e.g. land use (set aside, fallow) seeds, fertiliser, pesticides, diesel fuel land machinery Mobile use e.g. auxiliary energy collection / treatment / storage diesel fuel / auxiliary energy transport e.g. auxiliary energy / utilities plant(de-)construction/infrastructure e.g. surplus energy / by-products and their credits e.g. auxiliary energy treatment / storage diesel fuel / auxiliary energy transport e.g. engine manufactoring /infrastructure 6 Source: IE Leipzig, 2007 System boundary - LCA 6 Environmental assessment LCA – Inventory analysis INPUT Energy and mass flows e.g. mineral oil coal natural gas ores water salts ... PRIMARY PATHWAY Biofuel supply chain Cultivation / Biomass production Biomass residues Energy crops Biomass provision Biofuel production Biofuels 1st/2nd generation Distribution to end user Mobile use Source: DBFZ / IE Leipzig, 2007 OUTPUT Emissions SECUNDARY PATHWAYS Auxiliary energy / utilities supply chains e.g. land use (set aside, fallow) seeds, fertiliser, pesticides, diesel fuel land machinery e.g. auxiliary energy collection / treatment / storage diesel fuel / auxiliary energy transport e.g. auxiliary energy / utilities plant(de-)construction/ infrastructure e.g. surplus energy / by-products and their credits e.g. CO2 CH4 N 2O SO2 NOX CO particles ... e.g. auxiliary energy treatment / storage diesel fuel / auxiliary energy transport e.g. engine manufactoring / infrastructure OUTPUT main / by-products 7 7 100 100 80 80 60 60 00 Source: DBFZ / IE Leipzig, 2007, diverse Studies Natural Naturalgas gas Diesel Diesel Gasoline Gasoline 140 140 1st gen. biofuels FT-fuel (ligno. residues) FT-fuel (ligno. residues) FT-fuel (ligno. crops) FT-fuel (ligno. crops) DME (lignocellulosic) DME (lignocellulosic) Bio-SNG (lignocellulosic) Bio-SNG (lignocellulosic) Biogas (maize silage) Biogas (maize silage) 180 180 NExBTL (rape seed NExBTL (rape seedoil) oil) NExBTL (palm NExBTL (palmoil) oil) 160 160 Rapeseed seedoiloil Rape Soya Soyaoiloil Palm Palmoiloil Biodiesel (rape) Biodiesel (rape) Biodiesel (soya) Biodiesel (soya) Biodiesel (palm) Biodiesel (palm) Biodiesel (sunflower) Biodiesel (sunflower) Biodiesel (tallow) Biodiesel (tallow) Bioethanol (cereals) Bioethanol (cereals) Bioethanol (maize) Bioethanol (maize) Bioethanol (sugar Bioethanol (sugarbeet) beet) Bioethanol (ligno. Bioethanol (ligno. residues) Bioethanol (ligno. crops) Bioethanol (ligno. crops) GHG emissions [gCO2-eq./km] GHG emissions [gCO2-eq./km] Environmental assessment Global warming potential 200 200 fossil references 120 120 2nd gen. biofuels EMPA/ESU, 2007 EMPA/ESU, 2007 EUCAR/CONCAWE/JRC, EUCAR/CONCAWE/JRC,2006 2006 IE, 2004-2007 IE, 2004-2007 IFEU, 2004-2007 IFEU, 2004-2007 VIEWLS, 2005 VIEWLS, 2005 ZSW, 2004 ZSW, 2004 40 40 20 20 8 8 Wide range in LCA results (1) 16% GHG savings per v-km 63% GHG savings per v-km Concawe, et al., 2008. 9 Wide range in LCA results MJ (2) saved PE / km -3 -2,5 -2 -1,5 -1 -0,5 0 0,5 EtOH sugar cane * EtOH lignocellulose * ? EtOH sugar beets * EtOH Molasse * EtOH wheat * EtOH corn * EtOH potatoes * ETBE lignocellulose * ? ETBE sugar beets * ETBE wheat * ETBE potatoes * Biodiesel sunflowers Biodiesel rapeseed Biodiesel animal grease ? Biodiesel canola Biodiesel soy beans Biodiesel coconuts Biodiesel cooking grease and oil ? Vegetable oil rapeseed Vegetable oil sunflowers Biomethanol lignocellulose * MTBE lignocellulose * ? DME lignocellulose BTL lignocellulose Biogas cultivated biomass Biogas wastes GH2 gasified lignocellulose ? Primary energy GH2 fermentation wastes Greenhouse effect ** -300 -250 Quirin, et al., 2008. -200 -150 -100 g saved CO2-equiv. / km -50 0 LH2 gasified lignocellulose ** 50 10 Biomass yield is a key parameter – depends on crop, agronomic practices, soil type, topography, climate... GJ/ha/yr 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 Wood, commercial forest USA, low estimate 2 Wood, commercial forest USA, high estimate 3 Above-ground maize USA (grain+stover), avg 1985-87 4 Alamo Switchgrass Texas USA, avg 5 exp. plots, 1993-94 5 Above-ground maize Iowa USA (grain+stover), record 1994 6 Alamo Switchgrass Alabama USA, avg exp plots, yr 2-6 7 Eucalyptus Aracruz Brazil, 80000 ha avg, 1986-91 8 Above-ground sugarcane biomass world avg, 1987 9 Eucalypt Aracruz, max commercial stand, 1986-91 10 Above-ground sugarcane Zambia, 10k ha 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 dry t/ha/yr 11 IPCC, 1996. Key Variables in LCA Studies Allocation of co-product credits Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions Soil carbon sequestration 12