
Conference presentation

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Conference presentation
Opening Conference
of BIA project
Cluj-Napoca, 14 – 15 septembrie 2011
Between 14 and 15 of September 2011, „Septimiu Mureşan” Police
School Cluj-Napoca hosted the official launch of the project “Setting – up the
center of excellence for initial and continuous training on professional stress
management and duty weapons using tactics, based on transfer of innovation
from partner countries (BIA Project)”
At the Conference took part representatives of the 3 partners:
General Inspectorate of Romanian Police – deputy of General Inspector of
Romanian Police, chief superintendent Mr. Alexandru TANCO;
Bereitschaftspolizeiprasidium Baden-Wurttemberg –chief superintendent
Mr. Hans-Jorg BARTH – coordinator of German experts; Ministero
dell’Interno – Dipartamento della Pubblica Sicurezza – Direzione Centrale
Instituti d’Istruzione şi Direzione Centrale di Sanita – quaestor Mr. Edoardo
MARCELLI – coordinator of Italian experts, dr. Francesco DE MARCO –
shooting expert and dr. Daniela GIUSTI – stress management expert, as well
as representatives of the project direct beneficiary, which is our school:
chief superintendent Mr. Laurenţiu STOICA – Director/coordinator of project
team, chief superintendent Mrs. Simona Daboc – chief accountant, senior
inspector Mrs. Mădălina GREAB – legal adviser, senior inspector Mr.
Cristian COBLIŞAN – acquisitions expert, inspector Mrs. Alina RAUS dissemination and visibility. Also we were honored by the presence of Mr.
sub-prefect of Cluj county, professor dr. Vasile COZMA, as well as of many
local personalities, police personnel among territorial units, but also from
educational institutions of MAI, with local media representatives.
On the occasion of this Conference, took place on the 14 and 15 of
September, also two meetings of the working groups regarding the BIA
Work Plan, the project management and implementation.
financed by Lifelong
Learning Programme,
subprogram, aims both
increasing the safety
level of the community
in the context of Police
the safety degree of the
operational staff during
their missions.
The target group for the activities which will run in this project, is
represented, on short term by: police constables and teachers from all the
police schools in Romania, and on long term by: police officers and
students from educational police units from partner countries.
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