
Giacomo Del Chiappa - Università degli Studi di Brescia

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Giacomo Del Chiappa - Università degli Studi di Brescia
Giacomo Del Chiappa
Personal details
Current academic position: Assistant Professor in Marketing (Tenured)
Date and place of birth
22 April 1974, Figline Valdarno (FI)
Education: 2003 - PhD in “Marketing and Business Administration”, University of MilanoBicocca (Italy).
2002 - (March – June) Visiting scholar, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
2000 - Bachelor degree in Economics and Bank, University of Siena (110/110 cum
Academic and Research Experiences
Lecturer in “Tourism Marketing and Management”, “Destination Management”, Marketing and
Management, Economics and Management of SMEs (University of Sassari), Marketing,
International marketing, Business Communication (University of Milano-Bicocca).
Main Other experiences
2011 – till now
Member of Scientific Committee – The Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
2011 – till now
Expert for the project “Réseau de veille en tourisme” – Université du Québec
a Montréal.
Best Paper Award
Bregoli, I. e Del Chiappa, G. Destination governance and internal branding as
antecedents of destination brand development: an exploratory study on Edinburgh”, in
“Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management: Conference
Proceedings”, Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-24, 2011, Istanbul, ISBN: 978-975-518-329-9.
Winner of the best paper Award (categoria Marketing e Management).
Editorial Board Membership
Member of the Editorial Board of “Tourism Analysis”
Referee for scientific Journal
Finanza, Marketing e Produzione
Mercati e Competitività
Tourism Analysis
Current Issues in Tourism
ENTER - eTourism Present and Future Services and Applications
Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice
International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Tourism Management Perspectives
Journal of Cultural Heritage
International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
International Journal of Tourism Research
International Chapters Book
Del Chiappa, G. Italian Online Buyers’ Perceptions of the topic of disintermediation
and User Generated Content, Forthcoming in M. Kozack (eds) Emerald.
Del Chiappa, G, Meleddu, M, Pulina M. Cruise Tourism Development. A community
Perspective, Forthcoming in M. Kozack (eds), Emerald
Del Chiappa, G. e Bregoli, I. Destination branding development: linking together
supply-side and demand-side perspectives. In Tsiotsou, R. H. and Goldsmith, R. E.
(Eds). Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services. Emerald. ISBN 9781780520704.
Del Chiappa, G. Community integration: A Case Study of Costa Smeralda, Italy.
Forthcoming in Fayos-Sola, E., Silva, J. and Jafari, J. (Eds). Tourism strategies:
Development, Governance, Climate Chang. Bingley: Emerald. ISSN: 2042-1443.
Del Chiappa, G. Assessing the competitiveness of meeting destinations: an empirical
investigation in Italy, Forthcoming in ATLAS Book Series.
Papers in International Journal
Khalilzadeh, J., Del Chiappa, G., Jafari, J. and Zargham, H. Methodological
Approaches to Job Satisfaction Measurement in Hospitality Firms, Forthcoming in
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managamenent.
Pulina, M., Meleddu, M. and Del Chiappa, G. Residents’ choice probability and tourism
development, Tourism Management Perspectives, 5, 57-67
Presenza, A., Del Chiappa, G. & Sheean L. Residents’ Engagement and Local Tourism
Governance in Maturing Beach Destinations: Evidence from an Italian Case Study,
Forthcoming in Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.
Presenza, a. e Del Chiappa, G. Entrepreneurial strategies in leveraging food as a tourist
resource. A cross-regional analysis in Italy, Forthcoming Special Issue of Journal of
Heritage Tourism.
Bregoli, I. e Del Chiappa, G. Coordinating Relationships among destination
stakeholders: evidence from Edinburgh (UK). Forthcoming in Tourism Analysis.
Del Chiappa, G. e Presenza, A. The use of network analysis to assess relationships
among stakeholders within a tourism destination. An Empirical Investigation on Costa
Smeralda-Gallura (Italy), Forthcoming in Tourism Analysis.
Del Chiappa, G., Ladu, G. Meleddu, M. e Pulina, M. Investigating the degree of
visitors’ satisfaction in a museum. Anatolia: an International Journal. ISSN 13032917.
Brida, J. G, Del Chiappa, G, Meleddu, M. and Pulina, M. (2012), A comparison of
residents’ perceptions in two cruise ports in the Mediterranean, Forthcoming in
International Journal of Tourism Research.
Del Chiappa, G. How do meeting organisers choose convention sites based upon
different types of meetings?. Event Management: an International Journal, 16(2), pp.
157-170. ISSN: 1525-9951.
Brida, J. G., Del Chiappa, G., Meleddu, M. and Pulina, M. The perceptions of an island
community towards cruise tourism: A factor analysis. Tourism: An International
Inderdisciplinary Journal. ISSN: 1332-7461.
Del Chiappa, G. Sixth World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality
and Leisure. Conference note in Anatolia – An International Journal of Tourism and
Hospitality Research, pp. 1–2. ISSN 1303-2917 print/ISSN 2156-6909 online.
Del Chiappa, G. First International Conference on Tourism Management and
Development (TMSD 2011). Conference note in Anatolia – An
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, pp. 1–2. ISSN 1303-2917
print/ISSN 2156-6909 online.
Del Chiappa, G. Modern Hospitality & Tourism Development Conference. Conference
note in Anatolia – An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, pp.
1–2. ISSN 1303-2917 print/ISSN 2156-6909 online.
Pulina, M., Meleddu, M., Del Chiappa, G. and Brida J. G. (2012) Cruise Tourism
Externalities and Residents’ Support: A Generalized Ordered Logit Analysis",
Economics e-Journal. ISSN 1864-6042.
Del Chiappa, G. Internet versus travel agencies: the perception of different groups of
Italian online buyers. Forthcoming in Journal of Vacation Marketing. Doi:
10.1177/1356766712466613ISSN 1356-7667.
Kazeminia, A., Del Chiappa, G. Jafari, J. Seniors’ Travel Constraints and their Coping
Strategies, accepeted with revision in Journal of Travel Research.
Del Chiappa, G., Grappi, S., Romani, S. The perfect tourist? An Empirical Examination
of the Practice of Responsible tourism, sotto referaggio nella rivista Journal of
Sustainable Tourism. ISSN 0966 – 9582.
Khalilzadeh, J. Jafari, J., Del Chiappa, G. and Zargham, H. Methodological Approaches
to Job Satisfaction Measurement in Hospitality Firms, accepted with revisions in
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managamenent.
National chapter book
Del Chiappa, G. La competitività e l’attrattività delle destinazioni congressuali italiane:
un’analisi empirica. In V. Asero, R. D'Agata e V. Tomaselli (a cura di). Turismo e
territorio: analisi empiriche ed approcci metodologici McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN:
Paper in National Journal
Del Chiappa, G., Ladu G, Meleddu, M. e Pulina M., Analysing the factors influencing
visitors' satisfaction at a museum: the role of socio-demographic characteristics,
motivations and visit experience. Mercati & Competitività.
Del Chiappa, G. Il ruolo della marca nella gestione delle destinazioni turistiche”,
Economia e Diritto del terziario, n. 3.
Proceedings of International conferences (with ISBN)
Baggio, R. and Del Chiappa, G. Tourism destinations as digital business ecosystems. In
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2013. Vienna, Austria:
Pinna, M. and Del Chiappa, G (2013). Consuming Food and Beverage at the airport:
analogies and differences among business and leisure tourists, accepted paper In
Andreani, J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the XIII International Conference
Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia: Marketing Trends Association.
ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G., Gallarza, M.G. and Zaragoza Viguer, A. (2013) Cruise Tourism
Development in Valencia (Spain): Stakeholders’ views and residents’ attitude, accepted
paper in Andreani, J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the XIII International
Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia: Marketing Trends
Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Presenza A., Del Chiappa (2012), The use of local gastronomy in the restaurant's
activities and strategies. An exploratory analysis in the Italian context, in Proceedings
First Enlightening Tourism Conference, 13-14 September, Napoli, pp. 179-192. ISBN:
Del Chiappa, G., Alarcón-del-Amo, M. e Lorenzo, C. Internet versus travel agencies: a
latent gold segmentation in the context of Italy. 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in
Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Fethiye, Turkey, 24-29 April.
Del Chiappa, G., Ladu, G. Meleddu, M. e Pulina, M. Investigating the degree of visitors’
satisfaction in a museum. 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and
Leisure, Fethiye, Turkey, 24-29 April.
Del Chiappa, G. Meleddu, M. e Pulina, M. How do Residents Perceive Social, Economic
and Environmental Externalities? A Cruise Port of Call Case Study. 2nd Interdisciplinary
Tourism Research Conference, Fethiye, Turkey, 24-29 April.
Del Chiappa, G e Dall’Aglio S. Travelers’ e-rating and e-complaints about hotel services: an
empirical analysis on a 3S Italian tourism destination. 2th Hospitality and Tourism Marketing &
Management Conference 2012, Corfu.
Del Chiappa, G. e Dall’Aglio S. Factors influencing travellers’ e-ratings and ecomplaints about hotel services: Insights from an Italian tourism destination. In Fuchs,
M., Ricci, F. e Cantoni, L. (Eds), Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2012. Vienna, Austria: Springer. ISBN 978-3-7091-1141-3.
Del Chiappa, G e Abbate, T. Resident’s perceptions and attitudes toward the cruise
tourism development: insights from an Italian tourism destination. In Andreani, J. C. e
Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the XII International Conference Marketing Trends,
Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia: Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-29532811-2-5.
Presenza, A. e Del Chiappa, G. Enhancing the competitiveness of restaurants through
the use of local eno-gastronomic resources. A cross regional analysis in Italy. In: “Atlas
Annual Conference, “Landscape and tourism: the dualistic relationship”, September
21-23, Latvia: Valmiera, pp. 32-37. ISBN: 9789-9846-33220.
Bregoli, I. e Del Chiappa, G. Destination governance and internal branding as
antecedents of destination brand development: an exploratory study on Edinburgh, in
“Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management: Conference
Proceedings”, Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-24, 2011, Istanbul, ISBN: 978-975-518-329-9.
(Awarded as the best paper of the conference).
Del Chiappa, G. Disintermediation of hotel reservations: the perception of different
groups of Italian online buyers”. In Proceedings of TTRA Europe and AFM Conference
2011 “Creativity and innovation in tourism.” Archamps: Avril 11-13. ISBN 978-91633-8548-3.
Del Chiappa, G. Trustworthiness of Travel 2.0 applications and their influence on
tourist behaviour: an empirical investigation in Italy. In Law, R., Fuchs, M e Ricci, F.
(Eds). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011. Vienna, Austria:
Springer. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G. Awareness, use and attitude of the tourism enterprises towards the web
2.0: and empirical analysis on the Italian Hospitality sector. In Andreani, J. C. e
Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the XI International Conference Marketing Trends,
Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia: Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-29532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G., Presenza, A. The network analysis approach in analysing a tourist
destination an Empirical Study on Costa Smeralda-Gallura. In Proceedings of “The
2011 Athens Tourism Symposium”, 2-3 February, 2011, Athens. ISBN 978-960-674611-6.
Del Chiappa, G. e Bregoli, I. Destination governance and branding: The Portofino Case
Study. In Proceedings of “The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium”, 2-3 February, 2011,
Athens. ISBN 978-960-6746-11-6.
Del Chiappa, G. Meeting typologies and convention site selection criteria: an empirical
analysis on the Italian Meeting Industry. In Andreani, J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds).
Proceedings of the X International Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. ParisVenice: Venezia: Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G., Grappi, S., Romani, S. The responsible tourist’s behaviour: an
empirical analysis in Italy. In Andreani, J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the X
International Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia:
Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G. Il processo di costruzione della marca di una destinazione
congressuale, in J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the IX International
Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia: Marketing Trends
Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Proceedings of National conferences (with ISBN)
Fortezza, F. e Del Chiappa G. Il wedding-based tourim come leva di valorizzazione
territoriale. In Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings of XXIV Convegno annuale
di Sinergie “Il territorio come giacimento di vitalità per l’impresa”, 18-19 ottobre 2012 Università del Salento (Lecce). ISBN 978-88-907394-0-8.
Percezioni e atteggiamento della comunità locale rispetto allo sviluppo del turismo
crocieristico: il caso di Olbia. Proceedings of the IX Annual Conference of Società
Italiana di Marketing (SIM) “Marketing Internazionale ed Effetto Country of Origin”,
ISBN: 978-88-907662-0-6.
La competitività delle destinazioni congressuali: un’analisi empirica. In Asero, V.,
D’Agata, R. e Tomaselli, V. (a cura di). Turisti per caso?...Il turismo sul territorio:
motivazioni e comportamenti di spesa. ISBN 978-88-7796-849-4.
International chapter book
Del Chiappa, G. Merchandising et innovation technologique: le Visual Store Check©”,
in A. Fady, V. Renaudin, D. Vyt, Merchandising, 6° ed., Vuibert, Paris.
National book
Del Chiappa, G. Costi di transazione e relazioni interorganizzative: una rassegna
critica, UTET Libreria, Torino.
Del Chiappa, G. Sviluppo aziendale e relazioni interorganizzative, UTET Libreria,
National chapter book
Del Chiappa, G. La direzione per obiettivi nelle aziende ospedaliere”, in A. Di
Gregorio, La misura della performance degli operatori del Sistema Sanitario
Nazionale, Mediserve, Napoli.
Del Chiappa, G. Sistema informativo aziendale e cambiamento culturale”, in Silvio M.
Brondoni (a cura di), Il sistema delle risorse immateriali di impresa: cultura d’impresa,
sistema informativo e patrimonio di marca, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino.
Del Chiappa, G. La compressione del time-to-market nella concorrenza d’impresa”,
parte II, in E. Rancati e G. Del Chiappa, La“time-based competition” nella gestione
d’impresa, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino.
Paper in National Journal
Del Chiappa, G. La rappresentazione analitica della produzione nel pensiero di P.
Saraceno e G. Ceccanti”, Impresa Progetto , on-line journal, DITEA – Dipartimento di
Del Chiappa, G. La compressione del time-to-market nella concorrenza d’impresa”,
Esperienze d’Impresa, n. 2.
Del Chiappa, G. La time-based competitive knowledge nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti:
la dimensione interna e interorganizzativa”, in Economia e Diritto Del Terziario, n. 1.
Paper in International journal
Alarcón-del-Amo, M., Lorenzo, C. and Del Chiappa, G., Adoption of social networking
sites by Italian. Forthcoming in Information Systems and E-Business Management.
Alarcón-del-Amo, M., Lorenzo, C e Del Chiappa G. Profiling a latent segmentation of
social networkers, under revision in International Journal of Marketing Research.
Proceedings in National conferences (with ISBN)
Lorenzo-Romero, C. Del Chiappa, G. and Alarcón-del-Amo, M. The users adoption and
usage of social network sites: an empirical investigation in the context of Italy,
accepted paper in In Andreani, J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the XIII
International Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia:
Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5.
Del Chiappa, G., Alarcón-del-Amo, M. e Lorenzo, C. Why Social Networking Sites are
Used by Italian People?. Paper for the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference
“Marketing to Citizens: going beyond customers and consumers”, Lisbona, 22-25, May, 2012. ISBN:
Del Chiappa, G. Di Gregorio, A. Merchandising e innovazione tecnologica: tra
marketing e organizzazione. in J. C. e Collesei, U. (Eds). Proceedings of the V
International Conference Marketing Trends, Paris-Venice. Paris-Venice: Venezia:
Marketing Trends Association. ISBN 978-2-9532811-2-5
Academic conferences and speeches
2006 (con A. Di Gregorio), “Merchandising e innovazione tecnologica: tra marketing e
organizzazione”, V International Conference “Marketing Trends”, January 20-21, University
Cà Foscari, Venice.
2008 Il processo di costruzione della marca di una destinazione congressuale, (The brand building
process of a convention destination), International Conference “Marketing Trends”, January
20-21, Cà Foscari University, Venice
2009 (con Simona Romani & Silvia Grappi), “The responsible tourist’s behaviour: an empirical
analysis in Italy”, VIII International Conference “Marketing Trends”, ESCP-EAP, Paris,
January 15-17.
2009 (con Simona Romani e Silvia Grappi), “The perfect tourist? An Empirical Examination of
the Practice of Responsible tourism”, speech to The Consumer Behaviour in Tourism
Symposium 2009, 15-19 Dicembre, Università di Bolzano, Brunico.
2010 “Meeting typologies and convention site selection criteria: an empirical analysis on the
Italian Meeting Industry”, IX International Conference, “Marketing Trends”, January 21-23,
Cà Foscari University, Venice.
2010 How do meeting organisers choose convention sites based upon different types of
meetings?. An empirical analysis of the Italian Meeting Industry, Global Event Congress IV
– Event & festival research, UK Centre for Event Management, Leeds, 14-16 July.
2010 “Destination governance and branding: The Costa Smeralda Case Study ”, VII convegno
annuale della Società Italiana di Marketing “ Marketing & sales oltre la crisi. Assetti
organizzativi e opzioni strategiche per riconquistare il mercato”, 23-24 settembre, Facoltà di
Economia “G. Fuà”, 23-24 settembre, Ancona.
2010 “Type of meeting and destination selection criteria”, paper presented to the 7th ATLAS
Business Tourism Conference, Estoril, Portugal, 14-17, November.
2011 “Awareness, use and attitude of the tourism enterprises towards the web 2.0: and empirical
analysis on the Italian Hospitality sector”, paper for X International Conference, “Marketing
Trends”, 21-23 January 2011, ESCP-EAP, Paris.
2011 “Trustworthiness of Travel 2.0 applications and their influence on tourist behaviour: an
empirical investigation in Italy”, ENTER2011 Conference “eTourism: Present and Future
Interaction”, January 26-28, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria.
2011 (con Ilenia Bregoli), “Destination governance and branding: The Portofino Case Study ”,
The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium, 2-3 February, 2011, Athens, Greece.
2011 (con Angelo Presenza), Tourist Destination and network's analysis approach. An empirical
study on Costa Smeralda-Gallura, The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium, 2-3 February,
2011 • Athens, Greece
2011 “Disintermediation of hotel reservations: the perception of different groups of Italian online
buyers”, TTRA Europe Conference, Archamps, 11-13 April.
2011 Sustainable Destination Development and community-based tourism: the Costa Smeralda
Case Study, UNWTO forum “Tourism and Science: bridging Theory and Practice”, 1-3
June, Algarve – Vilamoura.
2011 Sustainable tourism development and community-based tourism: issues and challenges,
Insights from Italy, First International Conference on Tourism Management and Sustainable
Tourism, 28-29 September 2011 - Islamic Azard University, Marvdasht.
2011 User Generated Content and its influence on tourists’ choices: how do tourists make hotel
reservations online?, “Modern Hospitality and Tourism Development”, Teheran, 2 October.
Non – academic conferences and speeches
2006 intervento al Convegno di Federcongressi “Obiettivi, strategie e azioni per la promozione
dell’Italia Congressuale”, Palazzo del Turismo di Riccione, 19 maggio – relazione “Il ruolo
del brand nella promozione della destinazione congressuale” (The role of brand in
promoting meeting destination).
2009 “Per non buttar via tempo e denaro – risultati di una ricerca su come gli organizzatori
scelgono dove organizzare un convengo in base alla tipologia” (How do meeting organisers
chose convention site based upon type of meeting? Empirical evidences) seminario alla BTC
(Borsa del Turismo Congressuale), 12 Novembre, Roma.
2009 “Come si sceglie una destinazione congressuale? (The convention site selection process)
Risultati di un’indagine empirica sulla Meeting Industry Italiana”, Convegno Italcongressi,
5-6 febbraio, Bergamo.
2010 “Governance, branding e posizionamento delle destinazioni turistiche”, (Destination
governance, branding and positioning) intervento al convegno “I servizi turistici del Garda
di fronte alla competizione globale e a nuovi modelli di consumo: quali politiche per lo
sviluppo di un sistema integrato” patrocinato Ministero del Turismo e AIDEA – titolo della
relazione “ Gargnano sul Garda, 29 marzo 2010.
2010 “Tipologie di meeting e criteri di scelta della destinazione congressuale”, (Convention site
selection criteria and types of meetings), Meeting industry in Sardegna – conferenza
dinamica di progettazione e forum sulle strategie di sviluppo, 28-29 ottobre, Cagliari.
2010 “Disintermediare intermediando: tecnologie, attività e strategie per lo sviluppo del canale di
vendita diretto online” (How to disintermediate: technologies, activites and strategies for
increasing the hotel reservations through the official web-site), intervento alla BTO (Borsa
del Turismo Online), 18-19 novembre, Firenze.
2011 Gli elementi chiave per essere una destinazione di successo (The key competitive factor for
a meeting destination), Sicilia Convention Bureau Masterclass, 10-12 febbraio, Catania.
2011 Il turismo responsabile secondo gli italiani: cosa si pensa e cosa si fa, (The responsible
tourism in Italy: attitude and behaviour), Festival Scirarindi – sezione Ecoturismo, Cagliari,
22 October.
2011 Online booking, rating e e-complaint management nel settore alberghiero, WHR (Web Hotel
Revenue seminar), Roma, 22 Novembre.
Seminar in PhD program
“La rappresentazione analitica della produzione nel pensiero di G. Ceccanti e P. Saraceno”
(Production in the reserach of G. Ceccanti and P. Saraceno), PhD program “Economia e
Organizzazione delle Imprese” – “Economia e Gestione delle Aziende e Amministrazioni
Pubbliche”, Faculty of Economics, University Tor Vergata (Roma) - 29 novembre 2006.
Research Project
2001 Partecipazione al Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (COFIN) 2001 “Il
sistema delle risorse immateriali di impresa: cultura d’impresa, sistema informativo e
patrimonio di marca” (The intangibles assets: culture, information system and brand equità)
(coordinatore nazionale: Prof. Silvio M. Brondoni, Università degli Studi di MilanoBicocca) per l’Unità di Ricerca Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
2003 Partecipazione al Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (COFIN) 2003
“Cultura di network, performance e dinamiche competitive” (Network culture, performance
and cometitiveness) (coordinatore nazionale: Prof. Silvio M. Brondoni, Università degli
Studi di Milano-Bicocca) per l’Unità di Ricerca Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
On going reserach project
Del Chiappa, G. Crouch. G. Experimental analysis of the choice of convention site for
associative meeting;
Del Chiappa, G. Jafari, J, Kazeminia, A, Senior Tourists’ Behaviour
Khalilzadeh, J. Jafari, J., Del Chiappa, G. and Zargham, H. Job satisfaction in the hospitality
Del Chiappa, G., Kazeminia, A. Ecotourists’ behaviour: motivations and willingness to pay
Del Chiappa, G. Kozack, M. Khalilzadeh, J. Motivation, emotions and risks in destination
choice: a snapshot on Iranian tourist demand;
Del Chiappa, G. Kozack M. Consumers’ bargaining behavior;
Del Chiappa, Alarcón-del-Amo, M. e Lorenzo, C. The attitude and adoption of travel agencies
toward WEB 2.0;
Del Chiappa, G, Velcovska, S. Consumer's perceptions and attitude toward quality label in food
sector. an international comparison
Hofacker, C. Del Chiappa, G. Family decision making and information search behavior: an
empirical analysis in the tourism sector
Tsiotsou, R, Del Chiappa G. Tribal marketing in a WEB 2.0 context.
Del Chiappa, G. Saura I, Gallarza, M. Value experience assessment.
Del Chiappa, G. Cruise tourism development and community perspectives. Progetto di ricerca
multiuniversitario. Università coinvolte: Università di Messina (Tindara Abbate), Cagliari
(Giuseppe Melis), Catania (Marco Galvagno), Venezia (Francesca Checchinato), Valencia
(Martina Gallarza), Waikito (Anne Zahra).
Del Chiappa, G. Gallarza, M. Complimenting behavior online: towards a preliminary
Pulina, M, Del Chiappa, G., Meleddu, M. Assessing consumers’ satisfaction in health system.
Del Chiappa, G., Douglas, M, Sport-event based tourism
Del Chiappa, G., Fotiadis, A. Rural Tourism
Del Chiappa, G. Gudergan, S. Consumers’s delight and complaing over social media, Revenue
management and choice modeling
Del Chiappa, G. Mistillis, N, The Alignment Between Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Strategy and Business Strategy of Professional Conference Organizers
Training activities
Teaching units: “Relational marketing”, “Strategic marketin” and “Destination
marketing and sustainable tourism” courses included in the training project
“Gallura’s sustainable tourism”, Project of Itinera and faculty of Economics –
University of Sassari.
Teaching units: “The disintermediation of tourism products” “Customer sastifaction)
and “Revenue Management” delivered to tourist organizations of Toscana, Project of
Econstat and Toscana Promozione.
Teaching units: “Destination Managament” delivered to tourist organizations of
Toscana, Project of Econstat and Toscana Promozione.
Teaching Units: “Customer Satisfaction” and “Relational marketing” for corse of
“Hotel Receptionist” and “Hostess for meeting”, Project of Itinera and Faculty of
Economics – University of Sassari.
Teaching Unit: “Marketing” in the Master in “Storia, Cultura e Turismo in Area
Mediterranea”, Marsala.
Teaching Units: “Marketing for hospitality sector” and “Organization of tourism
organizations), Hospitality School - Arzachena.
Teaching Units: “Marketing” in the Master “Conservazione e restauro”, “Marketing
e management dei Beni Culturali” e “Organizzazione di Eventi Artistici e Culturali”,
Palazzo Spinelli – Firenze
Teaching Unit: “Marketing”, Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale di Torino.
Teaching Units: “Customer satisfaction”, “Project management” and “Strategic
planning” delivered to clerical employees and executives of the municipalities of
Sassari, Tempio e Cagliari”. Project of Galgano Spa, Milano.
International teaching activities
Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Centre for Entrepreneurship- teaching
units: “Trustworthiness of Travel 2.0 applications and their influence on tourist
Behaviour”, “Meeting types and convention site selection criteria” and “Destination
governance and internal branding as antecedent of destination competitiveness” –
Erasmus Teaching program.
University of Budapest, Lecture in Marketing e management delle organizzazioni
University of Castilla La-Manca, Lecture in Online marketing and online consumer
University of Valencia, Lecture in tourism marketing and management
International role in conferences
The “2011 Athens Tourism Symposium”, chairman for the session on “Destination
Workshop on “Economics and Management of Leisure, Travel and Tourism”, the
Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) member panelist.
Chairman nel convegno “Personalizzazione dei contenuti e marketing multimediale
per le destinazioni e le imprese turistiche”, track “Strategie di rete nel settore
alberghiero e dei servizi”, IFITT Chapter Italy, 1 dicembre, Firenze.
the XII International Marketing Trends Conference – Venice, chairman for the
session on consumer Behaviour.
Administrative duties
Representative for International Relations (Erasmus student and Erasmus Teaching
program) for the Degree in Tourism marketing and management (Faculty of
Economics), Olbia.
Research carried out with patronage or grant
“Meeting typologies and convention site selection criteria: an empirical
analysis on the Italian Meeting Industry”, proceedings of IX
International Conference, “Marketing Trends”, January 21-23, Cà
Foscari University, Venice. Research with patronage of
“The competitiveness of Italian meeting destinations: an empirical
analysis”. Research carried out with the patronage and grant of
Turismo FVG, Confindustria Trieste and The Office
Member of the research group on “National Identity, Country Brand
Equity and the Attitude Evaluation of “Made in China”: The Impact
Mechanism of the Mega Event - Grant No. 71072152, Sponsored by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Principal
Investigator: Prof. Jiauxn HE, East China Normal University, China
Date: August, 2012
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