RICH2007 Workshop in Trieste only thanks to the
Autostanding contributions, cont: Claudia Bianchet •Concert RICH2007 Workshop in Trieste only thanks to the contribution of many colleagues from I.N.F.N., Sezione di Trieste and University of Trieste Mauro Giugovaz •Finantial manegement the whole INFN Trieste involved: Warm thanks to the director Andrea Vacchi and to all the colleagues Roberto Baccomi + Claudio Azzan, Riccardo Iacovelli •Logistic at the Workshop site INFN Institute: nothing without central support! Roberto Gomezel •Network connections Support from several Public Institutions and Sponsors (see RICH2007 opening) Secretatiat during RICH2007 days Paola Dessenibus (TheOffice) Cristina Miletti (INFN, Padova) Donatella Pierluigi (INFN, Frascati) Antonio Silvestri (INFN, Bari) Important support and help from the LOC colleagues Autostanding contributions: Benigno Gobbo •Web page Indico •graphics (poster inclided!) Andrea Bressan •Abstract submission, Abstract booklet Dealing with slide files during sessions Elena Rocco Stefano levorato Stefano takekawa Federica Sozzi Erica Novacco •Workshop secretariat over 1 y •Social programme (tours, dinners) •Visa ,Accomodation •Coffee, lunches … in a world almost everything and alway SMILING! Autostanding contributions, cont: Claudia Bianchet •Concert RICH2007 Workshop in Trieste only thanks to the contribution of many colleagues from I.N.F.N., Sezione di Trieste and University of Trieste Mauro Giugovaz •Finantial manegement the whole INFN Trieste involved: Warm thanks to the director Andrea Vacchi and to all the colleagues Roberto Baccomi + Claudio Azzan, Riccardo Iacovelli •Logistic at the Workshop site INFN Institute: nothing without central support! Roberto Gomezel •Network connections Support from several Public Institutions and Sponsors (see RICH2007 opening) Secretatiat during RICH2007 days Paola Dessenibus (TheOffice) Cristina Miletti (INFN, Padova) Donatella Pierluigi (INFN, Frascati) Antonio Silvestri (INFN, Bari) Important support and help from the LOC colleagues Autostanding contributions: Benigno Gobbo •Web page Indico •graphics (poster inclided!) Andrea Bressan •Abstract submission, Abstract booklet Dealing with slide files during sessions Elena Rocco Stefano levorato Stefano takekawa Federica Sozzi Erica Novacco •Workshop secretariat over 1 y •Social programme (tours, dinners) •Visa ,Accomodation •Coffee, lunches … in a world almost everything and alway SMILING!