bradamante_stato_compass - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
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bradamante_stato_compass - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
COMPASS: STATO DELL'ESPERIMENTO E DELL’ANALISI F. Bradamante • SITUAZIONE GENERALE • RUN 2004 • PROGETTI PER IL 2006 • STATO ANALISI CSN1 21/9/2004 CSN1 Assisi 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante SITUAZIONE GENERALE Minute del SPSC e del RB SPSC - 27 aprile The Committee congratulates the Collaboration on the substantial progress achieved in detector performance and data analysis since it last reviewed the experiment. The Committee strongly supports the COMPASS request for adequate beam time in 2004, and considers that further data taking after the shutdown year 2005 is essential if the experiment is to achieve all its aims. The Committee considers it very important that the Collaboration continue to work with the highest priority towards the achievement of a measurement of ∆G/G as quickly as possible. The Committee will complete its recommendations concerning the proposed plans presented by COMPASS for its 2004 data taking at its next meeting when a clearer picture of progress this year overall is available. The Committee asks the Collaboration for a detailed running strategy for data taking after 2005. RB - 27 maggio The status of COMPASS / NA58 was reviewed. Substantial progress has been made by the collaboration, whose highest priority is an accurate measurement of DG/G. A hadron run has been proposed during 2004, but the decision on this has been deferred to the next SPSC meeting. CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante SITUAZIONE GENERALE CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante SITUAZIONE GENERALE Preparazione del meeting dell’SPSC di Villars: soft&hard session 24/25 September 3 talk COMPASS muon physics after 2005 [beyond 2010] (contributo di Trieste) hadron physics after 2005 (contributo di Torino) future physics beyond 2010 e sette invitati COMPASS in preparazione, tre riunioni dedicate; 25 giugno, 2 luglio, 29 luglio CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 Nuovo 2004: GEM-11 BMS-6 W45 (2 st) Cinderella, etc… Non ancora installati: Si cold stations (run adronico) Miglioramenti/completamenti: ECAL2, BMS, RICH, Straws, MM… DCS, DAQ Spettrometro stabile … Detector trips : R/O Errors : CSN1 21/9/2004 Straws, PDs, MMs MTV err, evb crashes, Hotlink conn, Richcntr, etc… F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - problemi maggiori spettrometro RICH methane missing pressure Reason: switch-over electro pneumatic valve did not work Actions taken: 1) air pressure increased; 2) 4 bottles in a row Water disaster on SM2 Reason : Cooling water hose broken Action taken : Hose replaced, new hoses ordered. Replacement of all hoses at latest in the 2 weeks stop in October. Lost target polarization Reason : apparent missing water pressure in BA82 Action taken : Processor reset. Report written. Gas alarm Reason : malfunction of the SDC mobile flammable gas detector (air pump) Action taken : detector to be replaced with a standard one. CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - Silicon cold station Reason: Detectors cracked during cool down Actions taken in Munich: Slower cool down Improved ELMB monitoring Many tests at Munich Plans Will arrive mid-September Get cold System operational at CERN in September Setup of cold system in beam in October Use Water filter from Cryogroup CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 120% 100% SPS septum SPS septum SM2 H2O leak & poln loss poln loss Scrubbing&25ns 80% SPS Eff. 60% COMPASS Eff. 40% 20% ½ intensity P1A 19.5. 28.5. P1B 9.6. 18.6. 25.6. P1C 2.7. 9.7. 16.7. 23.7. P2A 30.7. 6.8. 13.8. P2B 20.8. 27.8. P2C 3.9. 10.9. 17.9. 24.9. 0% P1A CSN1 21/9/2004 P1B P1C P2A P2B P2C F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - statistica Longitudinal Running Mode • P1A: 111+ and 108- runs • P1B: 44+ and 41- runs • P1C: 201+ and 201- runs with 232 runs ½ intensity 146+ and 140- runs corrected for intensity • P2A: 83+ and 87- runs • Sum: 384+ and 376- runs 760 runs in total Transversal Running Mode • 13.8 – 18.8: 80 runs with spin up in up cell • 19.8 – 25.8: 72 runs with spin down in up cell 152 runs in total vs. 760 longitudinal, i.e. 20% so far a fine agosto … CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - run adronico Da fascio m a fascio adroni Date : Oct.4, 8am – Oct.19, 4pm. Activities in the hall Removal of the solenoid and the DR Installation of hadron run detectors Cedars, Veto Box, Primakoff hodo, Beam killers, Installation of cold silicon stations Removal of 3He/4He, Warm-up, El. Cables, Pipes, Target material Removal, re-installation of warm stations, re-cabling, alignment, etc… Replacement of SM2 hoses , Instillation of RW Tests and Calibrations (with beam) Cedars – final tests needed, ECAL2 – calibration to be done RICH – first tests with hadrons RICH – test of the APV read-out CSN1 21/9/2004 with 25 ns beam with e- beam hadron beam C4F10 required F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - run adronico SCHEDULA SPS CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante RUN 2004 - run adronico Planning Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Date 10/4 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 10/26 Beam 10/5 10/6 10/7 25ns --- 25ns --- 25ns--- 25ns --- 25ns Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 158GeV --- 158GeV --- 158GeV Beam Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue M2 Beam Polarized Target removal Pol Target Silicon installation and tests Silicons Hadron det. ----------- Detector installation ------------- Calib Calibra t Install Tests Cedars RICH RICH ECAL cal. RICH C4F10 removal e- SPIN 2004 Due settimane per tutte le operazioni Schedula stretta 14 giorni in totale per fisica adronica CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PROGETTI PER IL 2006 Possibili opzioni di run: • adronico (Primakoff / central production) • muoni protone (NH3) • muoni deutone (6LiD) CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PROGETTI PER L’UPGRADE DELLO SPETTROMETRO - dal 2006 Dai meeting del TB New PTM D. Panzieri Rich Wall Torino, Dubna ECAL1 and ECAL2: completition Protvino RICH1 : proposal for MAPMT read-out Trieste, Torino RICH1 : proposal for APV-based R/O TUM, Saclay, Trieste (supp. log.) Large size Drift Chamber Saclay SciFi: additional station Warsaw Si: new cold station Munich (TUM) S. Dalla Torre DAQ upgrade CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante MAGNETE COMPASS dicembre 2003: firmato il MoU CERN/DAPNIA/COMPASS: finalizzazione della strumentazione test completi 2004: consegna a Saclay test di vuoto, raffreddamento, campo massimo, omogeneita’,… consegna al CERN 2005: installazione, tests, magnetic measurements, polarization CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante MAGNETE COMPASS - 2 Accordo tra OD/COMPASS/CEA finalizzato Piani per test comuni OD/CEA a Saclay pronti Trasporto a Saclay: ~ fine settembre Test conclusi: solenoide + dipolo + coils completamente assemblati CSN1 21/9/2004 ~ 5 settimane dopo l’arrivo a Saclay F. Bradamante ECAL1 e ECAL2 OLG A GAMS ECAL1 LxH Hole OLGA GAMS : 3.97 x 2.86 m2 : 1.07 x 0.61 m2 : 143 x 143 mm2 : 38.2 x 38.2 mm2 28 2.86 20 75 16 8 44 3.97 ECAL2 GAMS LxH Hole GAMS Mainz P/S : 4.40 x 1.97 m2 : 38.2 x 38.2 cm2 : 38.2 x 38.2 mm2 : 75 x 75 mm2 : 38.2 x 38.2 mm2 Mainz 36 P/S 1.97 26 12 24 52 68 4.40 CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante ECAL: produzione centrale From Donskov, Fut. Phys@compass, 2002 ECAL1 WAD Decadimento ηη -> 4γ D i s t a n c e ECAL1 GAMS ECAL2 Acc 16 m 34 m - 0.18 11 m - 34 m 0.36 Desiderabile aumentare l’accettanza per con un “Wide Angle Electromagnetic Calorimeter” prima di SM1 (Acc ~ 0.95) CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante ECAL: DG 2006 180 mrad 2003 39 mrad CSN1 21/9/2004 D 0 * D 0 + π0 (simile a D±* D0 + π± ) selezionando π0 2γ in ECAL F. Bradamante Large size Drift Chamber Struttura come DC1/2/3. Cella: 7mm 9mm (OK per flusso). Dimensioni: Lint/lint = 2.89m/2.06m, Lext/lext = 3.36m/2.56m DC1 DC2 Straws Lay-out previsto ~ 200mrd PTM COMPASS Mecanica OK Electronica: da decidere … Planning : 2006 possibile DC4 Lay-out 2002 dopo SM2 ..... PTM SMC CSN1 21/9/2004 DCs: 3 Straws: 1 1/2 2x1/2 F. Bradamante Upgrade DAQ - per 2006 Hardware consolidation Replace many ROBs and EVBs Exchange old S-links, etc. Infrastructure,… Bandwidth upgrade : goal is to reach 100 MB/network link I/O software Network components Filter farm Aim : reduce hadron run data by an order of magnitude Speed : 100-200 ms/event Proposed : Blade-server rack with 300 CPUs. CSN1 21/9/2004 Software DAQ software upgrades Filter upgrades Online software improvements Resources needed DAQ consolidation and Network : 335 kSF Filter farm : 720 kSF Manpower TMU not enough: help req F. Bradamante RICH1 maPMT PRINCIPLE photon detectors in the central region : maPMT (HAMAMATSU R7600-M16-03) ~ 600 maPMT CSN1 21/9/2004 cathode replaced by a maPMT panel F. Bradamante RICH1: APV read-out Partendo dall’idea di A. Colavita: Configurare il chip APV per leggere il RICH Parametri APV modificabili Segnale campionato tre volte Expected time resol : ~100 ns Catena R/O: APV SGADC Gesica Stato Carte prototipo pronte Tests in EHN2 a fine luglio Test da continuare settembre/ottobre CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante STATO ANALISI CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante ANALISI - ISTITUTI Freiburg 17 kSi2k GridKa 45 kSi2k TUM 26 kSi2k CERN production site! 120 kSi2k Dubna & Protvino 43 kSi2k Saclay/Lyon (27 kSi2k) Torino 28 kSi2k Trieste 45 kSi2k 1 Pentium IV 3GHz ~ 1 kSi2k CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PRIMI RISULTATI DI FISICA (run 2002) presentati a Parigi, a DIS04, … • A 1d • high pT • Collins asymmetry ma ovviamente molto lavoro anche sugli altri canali: • DG/G da open charm • produzione di L con PT longitudinale e trasversa • Dq • produzione di r e f • asimmetria di Chan • ricerca di pentaquark (S , q+) e sui dati 2003 e 2004 -- CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante attivita’ di analisi 2004 / 2005 COMPASS TORINO Le attivita’ di analisi sono/saranno principalmente rivolte a: simulazioni MC in configurazione trasversa; l’analisi dei dati trasversi con produzione di lambda; simulazioni MC per effetto Primakoff; l’analisi dei dati del run adronico (in particolare Primakoff); l’analisi dei dati longitudinali 2002-2003-2004 con produzione di lambda e relativi MC COMPASS TRIESTE finalizzazione analisi dei dati 2002 con polarizzazione trasversa per la misura delle asimmetrie di Collins e Sivers analisi dei dati con polarizzazione trasversa 2002-2004 per la misura di asimmetrie nella produzione di adroni, incluse produzioni MC relative, in collaborazione con Bonn Erlangen sviluppo/mantenimento software generale software RICH Primi test (indipendenti) di tools Grid: Torino: uso hardware per produzione MC Trieste: uso Alien per “catalogo”/accesso dati MC CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante DG/G: OPEN CHARM - SIGNAL & FoM ¾·2002 (25 “days”) 1 week(30) 2004 (5 “days”) FoM(*) ~ 120 FoM ~ 112 (*)FoM=S/(1+B/S) CSN1 21/9/2004 FoM2004 ~ 4.5 · FoM2002 F. Bradamante OPEN CHARM CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante HIGH pt High-pt Analysis Sonja Hedicke, Universität Freiburg, Analysis Meeting, CERN, August 2004 •Data Selection •Xcheck on 2003 data •Q2 > 1 GeV2 asymmetries with some systematics •2002 data vs MC •Gluon kinematics CSN1 21/9/2004 m m' P g q q F. Bradamante HIGH pt Consecutive and global configuration md hh ALL 1 A *d D 2 PT fDPB A *d Nu Nd w wi 1 i i i Nu Nd 2 2 2 PT wi wi i i Targetpolarisation PT ≈ 0.5 Strahlpolarisation PB ≈ 0.8 Dilutionfaktor f ≈ 0.4 Depolarisationsfaktor D ≈ 0.6 CSN1 21/9/2004 N u N d N u' N d' N N N' N' d u d u events w w i i i i , with w fDPB ' ' Nu N d 2 2 w w i i i i N u' N d' without Q2 cut Q2 > 1 GeV2 2002 111953 6823 2003 255313 22470 F. Bradamante HIGH pt PGF and Background PGF DIS L.O. QCDCompton resolved Photon at low Q2 need agreement between data and MC to entangle the contributions of the different subprocesses MC studies, comparison with 2002 data CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante HIGH pt First ALL measurement from p + p p0 + X, h ~ 0 ALL ~ DG DG G G pQCD NLO predictions based on GRSV polarized PDFs scale uncertainty of 65% ’03 data not included CSN1 21/9/2004 negative ALL difficult to accommodate in the framework of pQCD ! F. Bradamante HIGH pt CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante DG/G CON TUTTI I DATI DEUTERIO 2002-2004 LE PREVISIONI SONO s(DG/G) = 0.24 da open charm s(DG/G) = 0.05 da high pT all Q2 s(DG/G) = 0.16 da high pT Q2>1 CSN1 21/9/2004 resolved ssyst ? F. Bradamante PRODUZIONE ESCLUSIVA ρ e f |t ’| < 0.5 GeV2 7.5 < W < 16 GeV Q2 > 10-3GeV2 CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PRODUZIONE ESCLUSIVA ρ e f • 16 % of total 2002 statistics • no MC corrections yet CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PRODUZIONE ESCLUSIVA ρ and f ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS pT > 0.15 GeV CSN1 21/9/2004 Q2> 0.05 GeV2 F. Bradamante PRODUZIONE ESCLUSIVA DI ρ High precision measurement of spin density matrix element If SCHC -> 2002 data (only) CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante NUOVI RISULTATI 4 OTTOBRE per SPIN2004 CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante Bressan A Results from COMPASS experiment (invited talk) Schill C Measurement of the gluon polarisation ΔG/G at the COMPASS experiment. Peshekhonov D Inclusive spin-dependent asymmetry A1(x,Q2). Pagano P Measurements of Collins and Sivers asymmetries at COMPASS. Joosten R Tranversity signals in two pion correlation at COMPASS Ferrero A Spin observables in the μ N → μ' Λ X and μ N → μ' antiΛ X reactions at COMAPSS. Alexakhin V Longitudinal polarization of Lambda and antiLambda hyperons in deepinelastic scattering at COMPASS. Friedrich J Transverse Lambda polarisation at COMPASS. Neyret D Results on exclusive ρ0 production from COMPASS at CERN Gautheron F The COMPASS polarized target. Koivuniemi J Polarization build up in the large COMPASS 6LiD target CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PUBBLICAZIONI CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PRESENTAZIONI A CONFERENZE (INFN) - F. Bradamante, 2004 Int'l conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2004), Bloomington, USA, May 23-28 2004, Plenary invited talk: "First Physics from COMPASS" - F. Bradamante, Advanced Studies Institute "Symmetries and Spin" (SPIN-PRAHA-2004), Prague, Czech Republic, July 5-10, 2004, invited talk: ”The COMPASS experiment at CERN” - F. Bradamante: International School of Nuclear Physics - 26th Course Erice, 16-24 September 2004 "Highlights from the COMPASS experiment at CERN" - M. Colantoni: COMPASS Workshop on "Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy", Paris, March 1-5 2004: ”Pion polarizabilities and diffractive scattering @ Compass” - M. Colantoni: Advanced Studies Institute "Symmetries and Spin" (SPIN-PRAHA-2004), Prague, Czech Republic, July 5-10, 2004: ”Measurement of electric and magnetic polarizabilities with Primakoff reaction @ COMPASS spectrometer” - A. Ferrero: BORMIO 2004, XLII International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, January 25 - February 1 2004: ^ÓLambda polarization @ COMPASS^Ô - A. Ferrero: Advanced Studies Institute "Symmetries and Spin" (SPIN-PRAHA-2004), Prague, Czech Republic, July 5-10, 2004: ”Soft hadronic interactions in the COMPASS experiment” CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante PRESENTAZIONI A CONFERENZE (INFN) (cont.) - A. Martin: COMPASS Workshop on "Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy", Paris, March 1-5 2004: "Measurement of Transversity at COMPASS" - A. Martin: SIF, Brescia, Settembre 2004” “Misura della trasversalita’ al CERN e a RHIC” - A. Mielech: INPC 2004, Goteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 3 “Determination of the gluon polarisation in COMPASS” Conferenze future: - A. Bressan: SPIN2004, Plenary invited talk, "Physics results from COMPASS" - A. Ferrero: SPIN2004 "Lambda polarization @ COMPASS" - A. Kotzinian: SPIN2004 "Sivers effect in the target fragmentation region of SIDIS" - P. Pagano: SPIN2004 "Measurements of Collins and Sivers asymmetries at COMPASS" - F. Tessarotto: RICH2004 - .... CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante CSN1 21/9/2004 F. Bradamante