
Italian Digital Library

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Italian Digital Library
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes ICCU
Italian Digital Library
What, When, Where
and How?
Dott. Luciano Scala – General Director for
Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Italian Digital Library - BDI
a programme promoted by
General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural
coordinated by
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian
Libraries and for Bibliographic Information
and with the participation of
Public, University, Local corporations, Ecclesiastic,
Research, and School Libraries, and Cultural
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
BDI started in 2001 after a Study of Feasibility.
A Guide Committee was established with the aim
to set up large scale digitisation facilities as well
as to give availability of the integrated platform
for cultural heritage collections.
The main objectives are:
1. to indicate programs and collections to be digitised;
2. to create a network for online accessibility of cultural
material and digital preservation.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale
The Internet Culturale portal offers an
integrated access system to the digital and
traditional resources of libraries, and cultural
institutions, promotes and enhances
knowledge and availability of Italian cultural
heritage to a national and international level.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
National Library Service- SBN
The SBN catalogue is the collective OPAC
(Online Public Access Catalogue) of Italian
libraries, which comprises about 2.900
public libraries belonging to the State, local
bodies, universities, public and private
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
National Library Service- SBN
SBN also offers the possibility to search by document
typologies, using specific channels such as: Ancient
Books (monographic publications starting from the 15th
century to 1830), Modern Books (monographic
publications starting from 1831, as well as journals, the
latter with no date restrictions), Music (manuscript
music, printed music and music librettos), Graphic
material, Cartography.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
National Library Service- SBN
in figures
Libraries in the network: 2897
Nodes: 61
Records: over 10 million
Locations: about 46 million
Accesses on the OPAC: 100 million
Bibliographic searches: 20 million
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
1.Historical catalogues:
• Scanning and online publication of 215
historical catalogues preserved in 35
public libraries with more than 6 million
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
• Digitisation of 10.000 musical documents with 1,5
million images in all (manuscripts and printed music,
librettos, fashion plates, letters, historical records,
musical revues), preserved in important Italian
libraries, conservatories, academies, public and private
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
Availability of precious and famous Music collections:
• Central National Library in Rome, National Libraries in Turin and
Venice, and the Estense di Modena;
• the Augusta in Perugia, and the Mai in Bergamo civic libraries;
the Museo Internazionale di Bologna, the music conservatory
Cherubini in Florence and S. Pietro a Majella in Naples;
• the Accademia Filarmonica romana, and the Accademia di Santa
• The Capitolo Lateranense in Rome.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
• In the musical digital collection section within the Internet culturale
portal (www.internetculturale.it) are available manuscript sources with an
high level historical value: from the miniated medieval codices which
includes the Corali della congregazione di S. Domenico di Perugia to
the very famous 57 e 59 codices by Palestrina (Capitolo Lateranense); from
the 17th Century scores by Alessandro Stradella (Modena) to the Antonio
Vivaldi’s autograph (Turin); from the sonatas corpus by Domenico
Scarlatti of the Contariani’s collection (Venice) to the sacred
compositions’ collections coming from the religious congregations of
Rome (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma).
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
• Among the digitised sources an important place is taken by the
musical collection by the Conservatorio S. Pietro a Majella di
Napoli: over 3.500 volumes selected among the most precious
and significative manuscripts from the historical library
belonging to the musical institute. To be mentioned the
numerous autograph scores by Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti,
Verdi and by the most important authors of the 18th Century in
Naples as Cimarosa, Paisiello, Pergolesi and Jommelli.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
• Is now in progress a project (which will be closed in the 2007) with
the expectation of the “digitalisation” of 280.000 supports (wax
rolls, disks, tapes, CDs, and videos) preserved in the Discoteca di
Stato - Museo dell’Audiovisivo. More than 10.000 audio-hours are
already digitised.
It is the most important public Italian collection of audio and
audiovisual documentation, shared into collections concerning the
Italian popular traditions, historical voices, theatre, concerts and
conferences records promoted by the Discoteca di Stato, together with
the current audio materials on all the music environment.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
2. Music manuscripts and documents:
An illustrative view, which will be enriched with the conclusion of many
digitisation projects involving important institutions:
• the Archivio Storico Ricordi (preserved in the Biblioteca Nazionale
Braidense in Milan), based on varied documentary sources (theatre
materials, epistolary documents, musical serials, audio records, videos,
sketches, fashion plates, autograph manuscripts, photos, scores etc.) and
on important personalities on the Italian musical culture (Verdi and
Puccini among all);
• the Istituto musicale Boccherini in Lucca;
• the Casa della Musica di Parma.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
• Musical Heritage in Trentino (Provincia autonoma
di Trento);
• Niccolò Paganini: a virtual route connected to
his figure and to Genova (Regione Liguria, Comune di
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
• Gioacchino Rossini’s Musical documents
digitisation (Fondazione Gioacchino Rossini, Comune di
• Arturo Toscanini Project (Comune di Parma);
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
• S. Pietro a Majella, 2.5oo manuscripts and with
700.000 images of the 18th and 19th Century in Naples
and Virtual S. Pietro a Majella;
• Girolamini’s Project, 55.000 images (Archivio Musicale
della Congregazione dell’Oratorio di Napoli – Monumento
Nazionale dei Girolamini Napoli) ;
• Music Archive of the Abbazia di Montecassino
50.000 images (Abbazia di Montecassino – Frosinone).
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2001 - 2006
3. The Italian Literature Classics
• Whole digital reproduction of the impressive series “Scrittori
d’Italia”, edited by Laterza Publishing House and launched by
Benedetto Croce in 1910: 179 literary works in 288 volumes with
135.000 images in all, which realize a sheer “monument” to the
Italian cultural and publishing tradition of the Twentieth Century.
• The Italian Library created by the Dipartimento di Italianistica e
Spettacolo dell’Università “La Sapienza” which digitised in image
and text format 1600 works from the origins of literature until the
beginning of the 20th Century;
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
• Descriptive sources and regulations of the ITALIANO
CORPUS Digitale of texts from 16th to 19th Century
(Accademia della Crusca);
• Text travels (Dipartimento di Italianistica e Spettacolo dell’Università
degli Studi di Roma) hypertexts on the life of important writers:
from Dante to Manzoni in addition to the ones already
realized on Petrarca, which purpose the complete works of 9
• Vulgaris incunabula
• Plutei’s collection (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana)
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
4. Manuscript documents and museums’
objects in scientific area:
• Galileoteca Institute and Museum of History of Science in Florence,
the archive includes either over 300 Galileo’s digital collection documents
(some of them very ancient and particularly precious) as well as the
Vitrum Collection;
• Science Itineraries in Tuscany, offer access to major scientific and
technological centres in Tuscany.
As all locations have been catalogued both geographically (18 itineraries)
and thematically (2 Biographies) it is possible to reach them as part of a
geographical context and by typology. (Regione Toscana e IMMS di Firenze);
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
4. Manuscript documents and museums’
objects in scientific area:
• Mathematical Texts Project (Società Matematica
Italiana and promoted by the Biblioteca Digitale della
Scienza Italiana);
• Leonardo da Vinci’s itineraries;
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
2001 - 2006
5. Serials digitisation:
• Digitisation of 67 historical before 1860 serials preserved in the
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea
in Rome and the Universitaria di Pisa, with more than 400.000 images in
• Creation of a database in the Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte of
Italian historical serials, for a total of 115 specialized serials’
mastheads, for about 900.000 scans. The overall number of digitised
historical serials amounts to 182, and the scans are about 1,5 million.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
6. Photos digitisation:
• Frontoni’s collection (Museo del Cinema, Fondazione
M.A. Prolo, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia/SNC
Cineteca Nazionale, Regione Piemonte);
• Sommariva’s collection (Biblioteca Braidense di
• Pannunzio’s collection (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
di Firenze).
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
7. Very recent income
• Creation in the Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte,
of a digital archive of 670 RARE volumes about Rome
with 159.000 scans in all;
• Mare Magnum Project: the digitization of a universal
bibliography set up of 111 manuscript volumes, by the
Biblioteca Marucelliana of Florence, published from the
Fifteenth and the Eighteenth Centuries: the realization of
a dream longed for 260 years.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Digitised Collections
in progress
8. New thematic areas:
• The Italian Philosophy of the Humanism and Renaissance,
to realize a dynamic web application and a MAG scheme on the
Italian writers of the Humanism and Renaissance (ICCU)
• Cartography materials digitisation an online Catalogue for the
Biblioteca Marciana cartographic and graphic documents
• Oenogastronomic routes in the Italian regions (Consorzio
BAICR Sistema Cultura);
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Techological developements
• A modelling environment for integrated
heritage database applications –Pinakes;
• ReMI - Software application for an
integrated management of music heritage
(text, sound and image) within the Italian
• 3D engineering (regione Emilia Romagna);
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale
Documents and places of cultural interest are
available in the Internet Culturale section
Cultural Routes which includes:
• Exibitions
• Cultural-Tourist Routes
• 3D Itineraries
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale – Cultural Routes
24 digitised exhibitions, (available in 4 languages: Italian,
English, French, and Spanish) complete with texts and
images, specific reviews on the most important Italian
writers like Manzoni, D’Annunzio, Calvino, Saba,
Ungaretti, Bassani.
Photographic exhibitions recreating atmospheres and
images lost in time, expositions summarizing projects for
the promotion of the national cultural heritage realized in
the last years by various public libraries.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale – Cultural Routes
Cultural-tourist routes
Itineraries which conjugate cultural contents with scientific
information on institutions, documents, and objects. The
first three thematic routes illustrate:
• Grand Tour in Tuscany made by English and French
travellers between the late 17th century and the beginning
of the 19th century,
• the major scientific and technological centers in Tuscany,
• the witnesses of Piemont’s culture and history.
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale – Cultural Routes
3D itineraries
3D routes which offer users the opportunity to visit
virtual spaces, rebuilt with the help of the latest
technologies. Visitors will be able to go around the:
• Galileo Gallery to know the unique “scientific
sanctuary” erected in honor of Galileo Galilei in 1841;
• Opera on stage. A virtual excursion in musical
theater, a visit through the history of opera music,
from the beginning of the 17th century until today
from the Museo della Casa della Musica di Parma;
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
Internet culturale – Cultural Routes
3D itineraries
• Dante and his time, an itinerary which goes along life
and works of the Great Poet Dante Alighieri.
• Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in 3D, faithful
three-dimensional reconstruction of the ancient
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence,
extraordinary architectural work designed by
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities – General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Institutes - ICCU
General Direction for Library Heritage and Cultural Activities
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for
Bibliographic Information – ICCU
Internet Culturale
Museums, libraries and archives online:
MICHAEL service and other international initiatives
Rome, 4-5 December 2006
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