Stato dell’esperimento MEG e richieste di sblocco s.j. • Completamento criostato: finestre sottili, guarnizioni, supporto PMT (200 K€ in C.A.) + ri-presentazione richiesta di ulteriori 110 PMT (170 K€ di C.A.) • Prototipi finali del trigger e produzione di massa (100 K€ C.A.) • Calibrazioni: a)sorgenti alfa, b) assorbimento neutroni in Nickel, c)ulteriori possibilita’ (80 K€ in Inv.) • Elettronica per il timing counter (2 K€) Presentazione al contrario !: 1) timing counter, 2)calibrazioni, 3) trigger, 4) criostato, 5) PMT A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 1 1) Timing counter: beam test Frascati (nov 04) Beam focus sx=2.5 mm sy= 3.0 mm 5 mm Beam Geom. Select A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 2-electron veto 2 Risoluzione temporale misurata A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 3 Validation test in COBRA (dec 04) Pulsed Laser 101 ps From COBRA center 105 cm 25 cm 19.5º B A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 98 ps 21.5 B 4 Prototipo per la misura del tempo con discriminazione a due soglie LLTh 1 DLY DL 3 & S_In DH 4 2 HLTh Realizzazione di un modulo di elettronica NIM a 8 canali A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 5 APD Ci siamo accordati per la fornitura di 1100 APD Hamamatsu nuovi attraverso CMS-PSI al costo di 70 CHF ciascuno. I 1100 sono gia’ stati consegnati al PSI e verranno presto provati a Genova. A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 6 2) Calibrations: alpha sources spots on wires (test in LP: oct 04) • Sorces at different distances seen by each PMT: unique feature • Made at Genova INFN • electrodeposited ( solution) on a gold-plated W wire • 0.5 mm spots 12.4 cm apart (2 PMTs) • Wire thickness: 50 (alpha range ~40 ) • Wire suspended with springs LP Front face Lateral face –Wires A,B = 100 Bq/source (LP front face) –Wires C,D = 30 Bq/source (LP back face) •A Czech Republic firm can provide a suitable wire in which Am on foils is attached to wires by thermocompression 7 8 •The ring radius depends on the Rauleigh scattering length •The best value for reproducing the radius is 20 cm •In contrast with previous estimates! •Reflection ? ...we must improve the simulation and detector understanding A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 9 Small displacement of the two front wires LXe GXe 10 PMT alpha direction 11 Charge vs Cos in LXe Front Face Data MC 12 LXe/MC New PMTs 4 front sources Old PMTs 13 LXe/MC 4 front sources After applying QEs 14 Towards the final calorimeter 70 kHz photons with E>5 MeV from muon radiative decay @ R() 3x10**7. Total sources rate O(15 KBq @ 5 MeV) 15 Po half-life=138 days Trigger was changed several times … 16 AMERICIUM WIRE-SOURCES World-wide search (from 2003...): • ISOTRAK-AEA TECHNOLOGY • ISOTOPE PRODUCTS • LEA-CERCA • NORTH AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC • FRAMATOME • ETC. all of them refused to consider this custom-made product....! too difficult, too long development, too expensive, etc. Finally: found a factory, Czech republic, Prague working on ionization smoke detectors and electrostatic charge eliminators (8 people.....) accepted to perform a R&D for our special request. UP and DOWN SUCCESS !: Production method by “thermocompression”. Liquid Nitrogen tests at ENEA. VERY IMPORTANT FOR FUTURE CRYOGENIC LIQUID DETECTORS unique feature ! A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 17 WIRE SOURCES FOR FINAL CALORIMETER 15 WIRES, 5 DOT-SOURCES PER WIRE 150 cm total wire length 12.4 cm distance between Am dots Central Dot 20.0 cm distance between Mark and First Dot Am dots Reference Mark Wire of 100 micron diameter Material: gold plated steel or tungsten Total length 150 cm Spacing of dot-sources 12.4 cm Linear dimension of dots 1-2 mm Activity 200 Bq per dot A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 18 rather narrow energy-spectra possible mounting on special supports and screws A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 19 b) 9 MeV gamma line from neutron capture on Nickel:Experimental set-up - Am-Be source (20000 n/s); - Polyethylene; - Nickel plates 30 x 30 cm2 (0.5 cm and 0.25 cm thickness) - 20 x 20 x 36 cm3 NaI detector -MCA ORTEC (2048 channels) - NIM electronics. A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 20 γ-line from n-capture on Ni, I, Al, H2; natural radioactivity Tl, K; Am/Be source K 1.46 MeV H2 Am/Be 2.2 MeV 4.4 MeV & 1st escape Tl I 2.6 MeV 6.8 Mev Ni 8.54 MeV & 1st escape Al 7.7 MeV Ni 9 MeV Black: Am/Be source and 1 cm Ni Red: no Am/Be source Green: no Am-Be source, no Ni (Gotta Beam on) A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 21 THERMAL NEUTRON CAPTURE ON NICKEL D + H He + n Q = 3.27 MeV Potentialities : D + 3H 4He + n Q = 17.59 MeV • switchable on-off • frequent (s, m,...) stability checks • system out of the calorimeter • Ni and Xe, prompt and delayed signals • probably: visible signal at full beam intensity • time reference Open problems: • monitoring from calorimeter back • only at one location ? • some dispersed neutrons and radioactivity • test of the method at high beam intensity • useful test with the “large prototype” (already foreseen....., with Am/Be source) 2 neutron generator (Pavia ?) 3 • Intensities from 106 n/s to 108 n/s • Typical pulse rate and pulse width 10 Hz and 1 μs • Time separation of direct from delayed reactions • Single pulse mode A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 9 MeV Nickel γ-line NaI 20 x 20 x 36 cm3 Polyethylene 3 cm 20 cm 22 0.25 cm Nickel plate Richieste sblocco 50 K€ (C.A.) per Sviluppo e produzione sorgenti Am su filo Rivelatore a Si per misura posizione sorgenti alfa Scheda MCA Rimpiazzo LiI per sfere Bonner Fogli di Boro, Polietilene, Nickel NaI da 3” con buco per alloggiamento Am/Be Elettronica lenta per lettura NaI A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 23 c) ULTERIORI POSSIBILITA’ 500 KV PROTON ACCELERATOAND LITIUM TARGET FOR A 17.6 MEV GAMMA LINE 3 7Li (p,)48Be [P.R. 73, 666 (1948), N.P. 21 1 (1960), Zeitschrift f. Physik A351 229 (1995)] Potentialities : • a unique nuclear reaction with a high energy -line (10 KeV) • obtainable : 106 /s (isotropic) at 440 KeV resonance (Ip 50 A) • from LiF target at COBRA center; ’s on the whole cal. entrance face • energy and position calibration; shower properties; all over LXe cal. • possibly: rather frequent use Open problems: • compatibility with normal beam and target ? • project for easiness of target-tube mounting • accelerator/COBRA, which position and distance ? • p-beam divergence and protons on target; p29 MeV/c • 500 KeV and criticality of an air-insulated accelerator • is a post-acceleration possible ? A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 24 PREVIOUS e EXPERIMENT 1982 !! A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 25 NOW: GLAST SPACE EXPERIMENT CRYSTAL CALORIMETER CALIBRATION 180 cm target-pipe It is the old VDG of the Crystal Ball experiment ! ! they have some problems: old device, max. VDG p-energy is 400 KeV out of resonance: -rate reduced by factor 5000 Stiamo discutendo sui possibili modi per l’approvvigionamento di un acceleratore adatto ai nostri scopi A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 26 3) Trigger La progettazione del PCB per le schede di tipo1 e’ entrata nella fase di routing delle connessioni, avendo quindi gia’ controllato lo schema elettrico e i footprints. La progettazione del PCB per le schede di tipo2 e’nella fase di verifica degli schemi elettrici. Con il finanziamento legato allo sblocco in oggetto, procederemo in marzo alla produzione dei PCB ed al loro montaggio per verificare le schede finali. A Luglio completeremo il test delle schede finali al PSI (milestone del trigger) e quindi potremo procedere alla produzione di massa. + contingency A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 27 4) Cryostat: designs ready; tenders and procurements organization Tenders have been organized in three parts: 1. Conventional part Finanziato nel 2004 (200 K€) 2. Cold and warm windows O. 3. Purchasing of the cold sealing O. Totale offerte e stima circa 160 K€ 4. PMTs supporting structure S. The tender procedure has been completed for the conventional part. SIMIC has won the tender for the best price and for other reasons. This company is going to purchase a low magnetic permeability stainless steel (<1.008) and will perform the cold test at the company. We visited the company to warn them about the project difficulty, remarking our requirements in term of level of cleanness and tightness written in the tender technical specification. The company, if it will receive in time the cold and warm window and the cold sealing, estimated a fabrication time of 10th month. A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 28 Cold and warm windows • FEA studies are in progress. • Honeycomb structure has been discussed with manufacturing companies We are trying to subdivide the fabrication and qualification of the window to be able to maintain the cost as low as possible We have separated the following activities. • Mechanical test ( Mech. Dept Univ of Pisa) • Test box and welded parts (Mechanical design INFN (Pisa) manufacturing with proper company) • Tooling and molds are going to be designed by INFN (Pisa) • Honeycomb structure (Composite aerospace company) A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 29 FEA studies are in progress 200000000 180000000 160000000 max principal ( Pa ) 140000000 120000000 100000000 80000000 60000000 40000000 20000000 0 0,0003 0,0004 0,0006 0,001 thickness ( m ) cerniera max princ-thickness membrane theory 200000000 0,0005 180000000 0,00045 160000000 0,0004 140000000 max principal ( Pa ) max displacement ( m) 0,00035 0,0003 0,00025 0,0002 0,00015 120000000 100000000 80000000 60000000 0,0001 40000000 0,00005 20000000 0 0,0003 0,0004 0,0006 thickness ( m ) incastro max cerniera max displ-thickness A, Baldini, Roma 1displ-thickness Febbraio 2005 0,001 0 0,0003 0,0004 0,0006 thickness ( m ) Incastro max princ-thickness membrane theory 0,001 30 Honeycomb structure discussed with manufacturing company Honeycomb structure Two facing of .7 mm CFRP. (intermediate high module CF with Epoxy space approved) Core aluminum honeycomb perforated This area is reinforced Bolted area A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 Internal welded foil .3 mm or less welded on external Frame necessary to test the window prior the final welding on the cryostat body. 31 Honeycomb structure has been discussed with manufacturing company Using thin facing material makes difficult to obtain high tolerance, even if we use a flex core material, not available in perforated aluminum. This area is reinforced Precision must been obtained on this side for this reason the honeycomb must rest on the mold on this side A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 32 Cold joints: interaction with the factory Modification of bolts position and number We asked a seal no-magnetic A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 33 Cold joints A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 Pisa 30-December-2004 34 Struttura di supporto dei PMT: disegno pronto A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 35 4) PMTs 1st generation R6041Q 2nd generation R9288TB 3rd generation R9288ZA 228 in the LP (2003 CEX and TERAS) 127 in the LP (2004 CEX) 111 In the LP (2004 CEX) Not used yet in the LP Rb-Sc-Sb Mn layer to keep surface resistance at low temp. K-Sc-Sb Al strip to fit with the dynode pattern to keep surface resistance at low temp. K-Sc-Sb Al strip density is doubled. 4% loss of the effective area. 1st compact version QE~4-6% Under high rate background, PMT output reduced by 10 -20% with a time constant of order of 10min. Higher QE ~12-14% Good performance in high rate BG Still slight reduction of output in very high BG Higher QE~12-14% Much better performance in very high BG A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 36 Situazione PMT Attualmente • 290 ZA (Pisa) • 110 TB + 4 ZA + 230 OLD (Tokyo) Previsioni • 40 ZA rimpiazzo OLD (Tokyo) • 400 ZA nuovi (nuovo finanziamento giapponese) Totali • 840 ZA e TB : nessuno spare A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 (110 ZA = 170 K€) 37 Dal MoU di MEG Appendix 1. INFN contribution to the different subdetectors Item LXe cryostat 400 PMTs test and purchase 600 Timing counter 700 Splitters 100 Trigger 400 Total A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 Cost (K€) 2200 38 Stime di costo aggiornate Previsioni Assegnazioni Risparmi LXenon Trigger • PMT • Criostato Timing counter 500 K€ -100K€ 200 K€ (criostato) 160 K€ (supporto + finestre) -40K€ • APD + fibre (interno) • PMT (100: esterno) (160) 130K€ -30 K€ (315) 135 K€ -180 K€ • Scintillatore 50 K€ • Calibrazione 100 K€ • Meccanica Risparmio totale 60 K€ -225K€ (rispetto ai 700 K€) • Prototipi • Sistema completo 100+160 K€ -100 K€ Splitters • Sistema completo 115 K€ +15 K€ TOTALE MoU 2200 K€ Assegnato 1155 K€ Previsto finale 1750 K€ Risparmio 450 K€ Non previsti: Software 22.5 K€ Calibrazioni 50 K€ PMT A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 40 K€ 170 K€ 242.5 K€ 39 Fine A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 40 Zener diodes in the last two ampl. stages of the base presently installed T=-108ºC PMT with Zener 41 Zener problem at low temperature •Positive pulses with total positive charge are seen! (rate ~300 Hz @ V>20 mV) •The problem is present ONLY at liquid Xe temperature: disappears during warm-up •The pulse is not present when the Zener diodes are removed 42 Several Zener diode types tried Seller Brand Package Distrelec FairChild Glass Farnell Phillips plastic RS On semicond plastic RS Phillips Ceramic Original ... plastic RS Vishay sinter gl. 43 Results: FairChild 68+75 5 Hz 75+75 200 Hz (75//75)x2 3 Hz 44 What next ? •Work in closer contact with Hamamatsu: find a solution with them (test more diodes?) • Test bases in clode for longer periods • We could survive with this behaviour (only a low percentage of the events are affected) but we want to solve it before PMTs delivery • Different base schemes ? A, Baldini, Roma 1 Febbraio 2005 45