S. Braccini: VIRGO-CRYO activities (10
Io ILIAS - STREGA MEETING Fulvio Ricci Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma La Sapienza & I.N.F.N. Sezione di Roma 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting The VIRGO-CRYO tasks The final goal of VIRGO-cryo is the construction of full scale prototype of a suspended test mass at cryogenic temperatures The final goal is reached by merging the activity of task C1 and C3 during the last (4th) year of the project Task C1 : main activity ==>>the cryogenic payload ( lower part) -->> “Roma La SAPIENZA” Task C3 :main activity ==>>the cryogenic super-attenuator (upper part) -->> “INFN PISA” There are several items in common between C1 and C3 also during the first part of the project : for example the development of sensor and actuators at low temperature, the simulation software 12th May2004 Io ….. Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting VIRGO C r yogen i c s Ne tw o r k Frossati G., Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands Gammaitoni L., INFN Perugia Gennai A., INFN Pisa Giazotto A., INFN Pisa Giordano G., LNF INFN, Frascati Guidi G., INFN Firenze/Urbino Hello P., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS La Penna P., EGO Losurdo G., INFN Firenze/Urbino Majorana E., INFN Pisa Marchesoni F., INFN Perugia Martelli F., INFN Firenze/Urbino Mazzoni M., INFN Firenze/Urbino Milano L., INFN & University Federico II, Napoli Palomba C., INFN Roma Passaquieti R., INFN & University of Pisa Passuello D., INFN Pisa Perniola B., INFN Firenze/Urbino Punturo M., INFN Perugia Puppo P., INFN Roma Rapagnani P., INFN & University La Sapienza, Roma Ricci F., INFN & University La Sapienza, Roma Stanga R., INFN Firenze/Urbino Vetrano F., INFN Firenze/Urbino Vicere' A., INFN Firenze/Urbino Vocca H., INFN Perugia Acernese F., INFN & University Federico II, Napoli Babusci D., LNF INFN, Frascati Barone F., INFN Napoli & University of Salerno Barsuglia M., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS Bizouard M.A., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS Brisson V., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS Braccini S., INFN Pisa Bradaschia C., INFN Pisa Brocco L., INFN & University La Sapienza, Roma Calloni E., INFN & University Federico II, Napoli Cattuto C., INFN Perugia Cavalier F., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS Cella G, INFN & University of Pisa Cuoco E., INFN Firenze/Urbino Dattilo V., INFN Pisa Davier M., LAL-Orsay IN2P3/CNRS DeWaard A., Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands De Rosa R., INFN & University Federico II, Napoli Di Fiore L., INFN Napoli Di Virgilio A., INFN Pisa Dominici P., INFN Firenze/Urbino Eleuteri A., INFN & University Federico II, Napoli Ferrante I., INFN Pisa Fidecaro F., INFN Pisa Frasca S., INFN & University La Sapienza, Roma Frasconi F., INFN Pisa Contact persons: Fulvio Ricci ([email protected]) Stefano Braccini ([email protected] ) 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting R&D on Cryogenics 1) Study of the refrigeration system - noise - refrigeration power 2) Suspension compatibility: thermal conduction and acoustic quality factor Q measurements 3) Sensors at low temperatures - accelerometers and position sensing devices - actuators 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Liquid helium Refrigerators hybrid system ILIAS activity of the Gravitational Wave group of the University of Rome La Sapienza & INFN Roma 1 L. Brocco, S. Frasca, G. Martinelli, M Perciballi, C. Palomba, P. Puppo, P. Rapagnani, F. Ricci, E. Serrani The main R&D activities to achieve the realization of a full cryogenic suspension (task C1) are focused on a) Modification of a cryogenic facility hosting a new PTR refrigeration system for the mirror cooling b) Low temperature monitor of the additional noise generated by the refrigeration system c) Heat absorption measurements of the mirror substrates d) Development of sensors and actuators for the position control of the mirror that are compatible with the cryogenic environment e) Design and construction of a suspension last stage protype for a cryogenic environment 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting An alternative way to cool down without liquid helium: the new generation of Cryocoolers First stage A "low frequency” Pulse Tube Refrigerator (PTR) or "G-M style" pulse tube cryocooler, is a variant on a Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler. PTR operate at low frequencies, typically <5 Hz. They use a conventional oil-flooded G-M compressor and a valve set near the cold head to convert the continuous flow of helium from the compressor to a low frequency pressure wave. The cold head itself has no moving parts. Because of their low frequency and high pressure ratio (up to 5:1), these cryocoolers are best suited to low temperature applications, and are competitive with GM cryocoolers at temperatures below about 65 K. Typical efficiencies are in the range of 4 to 9% of Carnot cycle. 12th May2004 Second stage Benefit - Ideal for applications that require efficient operation -No moving parts in cold head. -Minimal vibration, low acoustic noise. - High stiffness cold head allows mounting of heavy loads without extra structural support - High efficiency. 2 to 3 times higher efficiency than GM cryocoolers for loads load temperatures between 55 and 120 K. Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting PTR Integration in the Rome cryogenic facility PTR ready for cooling Cold head of Pulse Tube Refrigerator Vacuum chamber for 12th May2004 hosting the payload Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting The Rome cryogenic facility: acoustic insulation of the compressor station for PTR 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting First cooling test with PTR and a mirror sample: the thermal contact resistance 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Elastic dissipation study at low temperature: the case of CaF2 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Experiment setup • Scheme – Ring down method • Excitation – Hammer • Transducer – PZT on suspension • CaF2 sample 50 x 25 mm • Multiple loop suspension of NbTi Setup side view 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Results on a small sample of CaF2 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Work to be done - PT Refrigeration system : noise characterization to be completed in the low frequency region -In 8 weeks from now, we will start to set up the installation that includes the vibration compensation system -( we hope in the financial support of INFN Commissione II) - New mirror suspension to reduce the thermal resistance which will be coupled to an elastic holder at 4K - Q measurements on CaF2 sample of 10 cm in diameter. -Parallel activity: study of an alternative design based on sub-cooled superfluid helium (at pressure of 1 bar) 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Vibration measurements performed on the CRYOMECH refrigerator with piezo-accelerometers at low temperature 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Displacement noise of the cold stage Vertical displacement 12th May2004 Io Sensor noise Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Horizontal displacement Vibration free cryostat: modification of the Rome cryogenic facility Conceptual scheme 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting C3 TASK To build an anti-seismic mirror suspension with mechanical performance similar to VIRGO Superattenuators and equipped with items for the extraction of the heat absorbed by the mirror because of the impinging beam (< 1 W) 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting C3 task Main Idea: Superattenuator mechanical filters coupled with high thermal conductivity stripes not affecting mechanical performances Al / Cu ~ 40 cm ~1 m Z 30 cm 1 cm 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting Y x C3 task l=60 cm Preliminary tests of strips has been already performed 1x1x70 cm Aluminum Set of stripes Parallel to Y KY = 2.4 N/m Parallel to X KX = 11.4 N/m Rotation around Z KZ = 3.5 N/m Rotation around X KX = 3.0 N/m Negligible Stiffness, Negligible effects on Q (measured) Enough thermal conductivity at 4 K (on paper) 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting C3 task Two possible strategies COLD FINGER COLD FINGER Cryostat Very Soft Joint 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting C3 task Possible Improvement (valid for both strategy) A Superattenuator of reduced size (Prototype assembled for tests at Pisa INFN laboratories) The new system exhibits less cryogenic incompatible items (no magnets, no glue, no viton,…..) and could be used at 4 K with minor modifications 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting C3 task Conclusions -We need to clarify the contribution of the various institution to the VIRGO cryo tasks -Specific meetings have to be organized -The experimental activity is already started at least in two labs -- Cooling strategy, excess noise and thermal resistance have been identified to be the preliminary topic of this R&D acivitys 12th May2004 Io Fulvio Ricci ILIAS-STREGA meeting