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Diapositiva 1 - World Digital Library Project Site
29-30 October 2014
Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento italiano - Museo Centrale del Risorgimento
The Italian content in WDL. A cultural path through History
Patrizia Martini
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries - ICCU
Italian Institutions in WDL (1)
 Casanatense Library, Roma;
 CEDAC (Educational Documentation Centre of Circus Arts), Verona;
 Estense Library, Modena;
 Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas
(ILIESI)of CNR, Roma;
 Library of the National Academy of the Lincei and of the Corsini
Family, Roma;
 Library of the National Monument of Grottaferrata;
 Medicea Laurenziana Library Firenze;
Italian Institutions in WDL (2)
Municipal Library Intronati, Siena;
National Central Library of Firenze;
National Library, Napoli;
Riccardiana Library, Firenze;
University Library Alessandrina Roma;
University Library, Napoli;
University Library, Padova;
University Library, Sassari
15 Libraries and cultural Institutions have
provided 54 digital works
Dioscorides Pedanius, of
Of Medical Substances
(De materia medica)
National Library of Naples
National Library of Naples
Psalter of Frederick II,
(Psalterium et cantica
Bella of Merwanha
Shelomò of Carcassona
(Ketubbah – Contratto di
matrimonio tra Shelomò,
figlio di Zare di Carcassona
e Bella del fu … Merwanha
Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos
Illuminator Grassi, Giovannino de',
Grassi, Salomone de‘
On Plants
(Historia Plantarum )
Riccardiana Library of Florence
University Library of Sassari
1000 CE - 1200 CE
500 CE - 699 CE
910 CE - 1005 CE
Nilus, the Younger, Saint
Greek Codex from the Abbey
of Grottaferrata
Library of the National Monument of
1235 CE - 1237 CE
Magna Carta
CE - 1350 CE
Book of the Passion of Saint
Margaret the Virgin, with the Life of
Saint Agnes, and Prayers to Jesus
Christ and to the Virgin Mary (Liber
passionis beatae Margaritae virginis.
Leggenda di S. Agnese; Preghiera dei
sette verbi di Cristo; Preghiera alla
Vergine inemerata; Preghiera a Maria
Riccardiana Library of Florence
1300 CE - 1499 CE
1275 CE - 1299 CE
Treatise of the World's Creation
(Tractatus de creatione mundi )
Casanatense Library
1395 CE - 1400 CE
1313 CE - 1450 CE
Dante Alighieri,
Illustrator Boccaccio, Giovanni,
The Divine Comedy
(La divina commedia )
Riccardiana Library of Florence
Municipal Library Intronati
Augustine, Saint,
Bishop of Hippo
City of God
(De civitate Dei)
Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius
Seven Books of the Saturnalia
(Macrobii Theodosii Illustrissimi
Saturnaliorum Libri VII)
Ventura, Niccolò di Giovanni
di Francesco
The Defeat of Montaperti
(La sconfitta di Monte
Illuminator Apollonio di Giovanni,
Scribe de' Ricci, Niccolò d'Antonio,
Bucolics, Georgics, and the
(Bucolicon, Georgicon, Aeneis)
Bracciolini, Poggio, Bruni,
Leonardo, Manetti, Giannozzo,
Micheli del Padovano, Francesco,
Collection of Speeches and
Latin Epistles by Renaissance
(Orationes et epistulae)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Municipal Library Intronati
1442 CE - 1443 CE
1400 CE - 1499 CE
1442 CE
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
On Medicine
(Cornelius Celsus De
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Giovanni, di Paolo,
Municipal Library Intronati
Municipal Library Intronati
Riccardiana Library of Florence
CE - 1460
Archimedes, Illustrator
Piero, della Francesca, Translator
Jacobus Cremonensis,
On the Sphere and the Cylinder; On the
Measurement of the Circle; On Conoids
and Spheroids; On Spirals; On the
Equilibrium of Planes; On the Quadrature
of the Parabola; The Sand Reckoner
(De sphaera et cilindro ; Dimensio circoli ; De
conoidibus et sphaeroidibus ; De lineis
spiralibus ; De planorum equilibriis ;
Quadratura parabolae ; Arenarius)
Riccardiana Library of Florence
1450 CE - 1500 CE
1450 CE - 1499 CE
Dante Alighieri,
Minor Works of Dante Alighieri (Rime)
Municipal Library Intronati
Illuminator Crivelli, Taddeo, Giorgio
d'Alemagna, Girolamo da Cremona,
Marco dell’Avogadro Russi, Franco dei,
Patron Borso d'Este, Duke of Ferrara,
Modena, and Reggio
Bible of Borso d’Este
(Biblia latina )
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan,
Illuminator Matteo, da Milano,
Scribe Martinus, Antonius
Concerning Virgins and Other Works
(De virginibus seu potius opera varia)
Calderino, Domizio,
Commentaries by Domizio
Calderini on Works by Juvenal,
Statius, Ovid, and Propertius
(Commentarii in satiras Iuvenalis;
In silvas Statii; In Sappho Ovidii; In
Propertii loca interpretatio; Ex libro
Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus
The Rubrics of the First Book of
Lactantius Firmianus's On the Divine
Institutes Against the Pagans Begin
…(Lactantii Firmiani de diuinis
institutionibus aduersus gentes rubrice
pmi libri incipiunt)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Estense Library, Modena
1455 CE - 1461 CE
University Library of Naples
1460 CE - 1467 CE
Municipal Library Intronati
1488 CE - 1490 CE
1467 Bibliotheca
Corviniana 1478 CE
Zacchi da Volterra, Gabriello,
Illuminator Gigantibus, Gioacchino di Giovanne de
Poem Concerning the Departure of the Magi
(Carmen de profectione Magorum)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
1475 Vatican
Engraver Buckinck,
Arnold Sweynheim,
(Clavdii Ptholemei
Alexandrini philosophi
University Library of Naples
15 OCTOBER 1489 CE
Ficino, Marsilio
Three Books on Life
(Ficini De triplici vita)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Associated name Sinibaldi, Antonio,
Verazzano, Alessandro
Illuminator Attavanti, Attavante,
The Bible. First Volume of the Bible
(Biblia. Bibliorum Tomus I )
Associated name Sinibaldi, Antonio,
Verazzano, Alessandro
The Bible. Second Volume of the Bible
(Tobia et quidam alii libri Veteris
Testamenti Bibliorum Tomus II)
Appianus, of Alexandria Scribe Fatarius, Carolus Hylarii
Translator Decembrio, Pier Candido,
History of Rome
(Appiani Alexandrini Historia Publio Candido interprete Ac
praeterea Anonymi Compendium historiae ab excessu
Constantini usque ad Ioannem XXIII)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
1491 CE - 1499 CE
1489 CE - 1490 CE
1490 CE - 1516 CE
Associated name Sinibaldi, Antonio, Verazzano, Alessandro
Illuminator Gherardo, di Giovanni del Fora, Monte, di
Giovanni del Fora,
Psalms of David. Third Volume of the Bible
(Psalterium David Bibliorum Tomus III)
1492 First voyage
of Columbus
Sangallo, Giuliano da,
Contributor Pecci, Giovanni Antonio,
Attavanti, Attavante,
Sangallo’s Sienese Sketchbook
(Taccuino senese )
Municipal Library Intronati
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
1500 CE - 1510 CE
Associated name Taio Samuel
Author Quiricus, Barcinonensis
Compiler Isidore, of Seville, Saint
Five Books of the Sentences
(Caii, vel Taionis, Caesaraugustanae urbis episcopi,
cognomento Saorohelis, vel Samuhelis [...] Sententiarum
libri V, quibus praemittitur Epistola noncupatoria)
Medicea Laurenziana Library,
Ammannati, Bartolomeo,
Treatise on Architectural
Design (Trattato di arte
edificatoria )
Belluzzi, Giovan Battista,
Treatise on Field Fortifications
(Trattato delle fortificazione di Terra )
Riccardiana Library
of Florence
1511 CE - 1592 CE
Sahagún, Bernardino de
General History of the Things of New Spain by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún:
The Florentine Codex
(Historia general de las cosas de nueva España)
Medicea Laurenziana
Library, Florence
Riccardiana Library
of Florence
1540CE - 1554 CE
1518 CE - 1521 CE
1577 CE
1610 CE
1553 CE - 1499 CE
1584 CE
Bruno, Giordano,
The Ash Wednesday Supper
(La cena de le Ceneri)
Lucian, of Samosata
Translator Guidolotto, Livio
Dialogues of the Gods (Dialogi
deorum )
Municipal Library Intronati
Cartographer, Prunes, Mateus,
Nautical Chart of the
Mediterranean Basin
University Library of Sassari
Library of the National Academy
of the Lincei and of the Corsini
Family - (ILIESI) – CNR
Galilei, Galileo
The Starry Messenger Showing Forth Great and
Truly Wonderful Sights, as Well as Suggesting
to Everyone, but Especially to Philosophers,
Things to be Pondered
(Sidereus nuncius magna longeque admirabiblia
spectacula pandens, suspiciendaque proponens
vnicuique praesertim vero philosophis)
University Library
of Padua
Galilei, Galileo
Contributor Castelli, Benedetto
Works of Galileo Galilei, Part 3, Volume
5, Astronomy: Observations and Related
Calculations about the Medicean
(Osservazioni e calcoli relativi ai Pianeti
Galilei, Galileo
Works of Galileo Galilei, Part 4: Astronomical
Works, that is, all that Appertains to the
Copernican System, and to the Project on
Longitudes, Volume 1, Astronomy
(Opere Astronomiche, cioe tuttocio che appartiene at
Sistema Copernicano, e al Progetto sulle Longitudini,
Tomo 1, Astronomia)
National Central
Library of Florence
1598 CE - 1610 CE
National Central
Library of Florence
1610 CE - 1642 CE
National Central
Library of Florence
Galilei, Galileo
Works of Galileo Galilei, Part
2, Volume 13, Floats:
Fragments and First Drafts
Related to the Treatise "Of
Things that Float on Water"
(Frammenti e primi abbozzi
relativi al trattato “Delle cose
che stanno su l’acqua”)
National Central
Library of Florence
Galilei, Galileo
Works of Galileo Galilei,
Part 4, Volume 2,
Astronomy: Dialogue
Concerning the Two
Chief World Systems
(Dialogo sopra i Massimi
sistemi del Mondo)1
National Central
Library of Florence
National Central
Library of Florence
1619 CE
1614 CE - 1615 CE
1611 CE - 1612 CE
Galilei, Galileo
Works of Galileo Galilei,
Part 1, Volume 16, Records
Galilei, Galileo, Creator Guiducci, Mario
Works of Galileo Galilei, Part 3,
Volume 12, Astronomy: Discourse on
the Comets Produced by him at the
Florentine Academy During his Very
(Discorso sulle comete fatto da lui
nell’Accademia fiorentina nel suo
medesimo consolato)
1618 CE - 1623 CE
Galilei, Galileo
Works of Galileo Galilei, Part
3, Volume 15, Astronomy:
The Assayer
(Il Saggiatore)
National Central
Library of Florence
1623CE - 1633 CE
Galilei, Maria Celeste
Works of Galileo Galilei,
Part 1, Volume 13, Familiar
Correspondence: Letters
from Women to Galileo
Galilei Lettere di donne a
Galileo Galilei)
National Central
Library of Florence
Annotator Galilei, Galileo
Author Rocco, Antonio
Philosophical Exercises
by Antonio Rocco
(Lettere di donne a Galileo
National Central
Library of Florence
Tasso, Torquato,
Illustrator Piazzetta, Giovanni
Jerusalem Delivered
(La Gerusalemme liberata di
Torquato Tasso con le figure di
Giambatista Piazzetta)
Paoli, Paolo Antonio
Engraver Cardon, Antoine-Alexandre-Joseph Fiorillo,
Johann Dominik Marra, Francesco la Volpato, Giovanni
Remains of the Antiquities Existing in Puteoli, Cumae,
and Baiae
(Avanzi delle antichità esistenti a Pozzuoli Cuma e Baia.
Antiquitatum Puteolis Cumis Baiis existentium reliquiae)
University Library
of Naples
1768 CE
1756 CE
Vanvitelli, Luigi
Engraver Morghen Filippo, Nolli Carlo, Orazi Niccolò,
Pozzi Rocco
Design Statement for the Royal Palace of Caserta to
their Holy Royal Majesties Carlo, King of the Two
Sicilies and of Jerusalem. Infante of Spain, Duke of
Parma and of Piacenza, Great Hereditary Prince of
Tuscany and of Queen Maria Amalia of Saxony
(Dichiarazione dei disegni del Reale Palazzo di Caserta
alle Sacre Reali Maesta di Carlo Re delle Due Sicilie e di
Gerus. Infante di Spagna Duca di Parma e di Piacenza
gran prencipe ereditario di Toscana e di Maria Amalia di
Sassonia Regina)
University Library
of Naples
1819 CE - 1821 CE
February, 1 1780 CE
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor,
Creator Brichieri Colombi, Giovanni
Edict Prohibiting Traveling Shows
Throughout Tuscany
Documentation Centre
of Circus Arts
Documentation Centre
of Circus Arts
University Library
of Naples
University Library
of Naples
1745 CE
Grand Extraordinary Surprising Spectacle
(Grandioso Straordinario Sorprendente
Leopardi, Giacomo
1789 French
1835 CE
1830 CE
Gozzini, Vincenzo,
Engraver Lasinio, G. Paolo
(Giovanni Paolo),
Portrait and Sketch of
Alessandro Guerra
(Alessandro Guerra)
Documentation Centre
of Circus Arts
Feminine Elegance: Fortnightly Fashion Review, Number 1-10
(Eleganze femminili, rivista quindicinale di mode, No. 1-10)
University Library
1911 CE
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