
Differences between Private and public art: Medici Edition

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Differences between Private and public art: Medici Edition
Art History 259
Quinn Hosler
Prof. Sara Galletti
Medici Villas
Giusto Utens, Villa Medicea di Castello, c. 1599
Giusto Utens, Villa Medicea di a Poggio a Caiano, c. 1599
Paintings of Power in Villa of
Poggio a Caiano
Andrea del Sarto and Alessandro Allori, Tribute to Ceasar.
Villa Medicea, Poggio a Caiano (Florence). c. 1520
Franciabigio, The Triumph of Cicero. Villa Medicea,
Poggio a Caiano (Florence). c. 1520
Vertumnus and Pomona
Pontormo, Vertamnus
and Pomona. Villa
Medicea, Poggio a
Caiano (Florence).
c. 1519-21
Fountains of Villa di Castello
Fountain of Hercules and Antaeus, designed by
Niccolò Tribolo from c. 1543; bronze figures by
Bartolomeo Ammannati, 1559-60, Villa Medici, Castello.
Fountains of Villa di Castello
Fountain of the Labyrinth, designed by
Niccolò Tribolo,c. 1545; bronze figure
of Florence by Giambologna, 1572,
Villa Petraia (formerly Castello)
Fountains of Villa di Castello
Castello: Medici Villa Int:
Villa Castello The Grotto,
animal fountain, c. 1540
Botticelli and the Medici
Botticelli, Primavera; Allegory of Spring, c. 1478
Botticelli and the Medici
Botticelli, Birth of Venus, c. 1482
Botticelli and the Medici
Botticelli, Venus and Mars, c. 1483
Works Cited
Natali, Antonio. Andrea Del Sarto. New York: Abbeville Press Publishers, 1999.
Botticelli, Sandro. "Birth of Venus." Villa di Castello, 1482.
Poletti, Federico. Botticelli. Masters of Art. Edited by Sandro or Botticelli Munich ; London:
Prestel, 2011. Clark, David L. "Botticelli's Venus and Mars and Other Apotropaic Art for
Bedrooms." Aurora: The Journal of the History of Art 7 (2006): 1-18.
"Castello: Medici Villa Int: Villa Castello the Grotto, Animal Fountain." 1540.
Fulton, Christopher B. An Earthly Paradise : The Medici, Their Collection and the
Foundations of Modern Art. Arte E Archeologia ; 28. [Florence, Italy]: L.S. Olschki, 2006.
Gobbi, Grazia. The Florentine Villa : Architecture, History, Society. The Classical
Tradition in Architecture. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge, 2007.
Tribolo, Niccolo, 1500-1550. "Fountain of Hercules (Hercules & Antaeus - Top by
Ammanati)." Villa di Castello, near Florence, 1552.
Tibolo, Nicolo, 1500-1550. "Fountian of Hercules." Villa di Castello, near Florence,
Works Cited
Lazzaro, Claudia. The Italian Renaissance Garden : From the Conventions of Planting,
Design, and Ornament to the Grand Gardens of Sixteenth-Century Central Italy. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1990.
Gibbons, Leslie Aaron Key. "Lorenzo De'medici: An Investigation into the Development
and Continuance of Family and Cultural Honor." M.A.,
University of Missouri - Kansas City, 2008.
The Medici, Michelangelo, & the Art of Late Renaissance Florence. Medici,
Michelangelo, and the Art of Late Renaissance Florence. Edited by Cristina Acidini
Luchinat, Chicago Art Institute of, Arts Detroit Institute of and Strozzi Fondazione Palazzo
New Haven [Conn.]; Detroit: Yale University Press; in association with the Detroit Institute
of Arts, 2002.
Kempers, Bram. Painting, Power and Patronage : The Rise of the Professional Artist in
the Italian Renaissance. Kunst, Macht En Mecenaat. English. London: Allen Lane the
Penguin Press, 1992.
Hollingsworth, Mary. Patronage in Renaissance Italy : From 1400 to the Early Sixteenth
Century. London: John Murray, 1994.
Hollingsworth, Mary. Patronage in Sixteenth-Century Italy. London: John Murray, 1996.
Works Cited
Botticelli, Sandro. "Primavera." Galleria degli Uffizi, 1478.
Fraciabigio, with additions by Alessandro Allori. "Return of Cicero to Rome." Villa medicea
(Poggio a Caiano, Italy), 1520 (with additions by Allori in 1578-82).
Botticelli, Sandro. "Venus and Mars." Villa di Castello, 1483.
Pontormo, Jacopo. "Vertumnus and Pomona." Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano,
Pontormo, Jacopo. "Vertumnus and Ponoma (Detail)." Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano,
Utens, Giusto. "Villa Di Castello.” 1599.
Pontormo, Jacopo. "Villa Di Poggio." 1599.
Andrea del Sarto, with additions by Alessandro Allori. "Villa Medicea (Poggio a Caiano,
Italy)." 1520 (with additions by Allori in 1578-82).
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