
Cloud computing - Web Design John Cabot University

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Cloud computing - Web Design John Cabot University
John Cabot University
Le nuove tecnologie come
vantaggio competitivo
della piccola impresa
Stefano Gazziano
28 Maggio – 2 Agosto 2012
[email protected]
Stefano Gazziano
your instructor
• First programming with punching cards, 1978, Univac
1100, Physics, La Sapienza Univ, Rome Italy
• First personal web page June 1994, ICSI, UC Berkeley,
Calif. USA (wayback machine listed it in 1996, there was no wayback
machine in 1994  )
• JCU Faculty since 1999
• Univ. Rome, Univ. Glasgow UK, Georgia Tech Atlanta
USA, Univ California Berkeley 1994, ENI, OECD, EC,
other private industry, ENEA, consultant in web
reputation management.
[email protected]
Il Programma – 1
• Cloud computing per i sistemi informativi aziendali ed il
lavoro in gruppo
Cos’è il “cloud” un esempio immediato in classe
Offerta attuale e tendenze del “Cloud”
Risparmi ed efficienza
Sicurezza e tutela dei dati aziendali
• Presenza in rete: sito Web
Una delle componenti
Sviluppo e usabilità del sito
Piattaforme online
Strumenti per la gestione dei contenuti
Aggiornamento del sito da parte di personale non ICT
Ottimizzazione e posizionamento sui motori di ricerca
[email protected]
Il Programma – 2
• Piattaforme di commercio elettronico “pay-per-use”
– Integrazione dei servizi di vendita con la piattaforma online
– Servizio all’utenza in rete (online CRM)
– Post vendita e assistenza clienti
• Banner pubblicitari
– Servizi ”pay per click” “pay per impression”, Google Adwords
e Adsense
• Marketing digitale (newsletter e DEM, canali e-mail, sms,
mms, fax e sondaggi, con analisi statistiche, comparative e
di performance; campagne di acquisizione utenti, concorsi e
giochi online per incrementare gli iscritti al database,
programmi di incentivazione e fidelizzazione.
[email protected]
Il Programma - 3
– Promozione aziendale su Web
• Regole ed esperienze
• Blog, social network, comunità di utenti
• Quale piattaforma per quale paese ?
– (Orkut, Facebook, Badoo, QQ, Twitter, Vkontakte,
Linkedin, …. … …)
[email protected]
Il Programma – 1
let’s start
• Cloud computing per i sistemi
informativi aziendali ed il lavoro in
– Offerta attuale e tendenze del “Cloud”
– Risparmi ed efficienza
– Sicurezza e tutela dei dati aziendali
– Cos’è il “cloud” un esempio immediato in
[email protected]
Cloud computing:
lavorare direttamente su Internet
• Sometimes called simply “the Net,” the Internet
is a worldwide system of computer networks—a
network of networks hence Internet, in which
users at any one computer can get information
from any other computer
• The Internet uses a portion of the total resources
of the currently existing public
telecommunication networks. Technically, what
distinguishes the Internet is its use of a set of
protocols called TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol).
[email protected]
An Intranet
• An intranet is the use of Web technologies to create a
private network, usually within one enterprise.
• It is typically a complete LAN, or several intraconnected LANs
• Intranets are used for:
work-group activities
the distributed sharing of projects within the enterprise
Controlled access to company financial documents
use of knowledge management, research materials,
online training, and other information that requires
distribution within the enterprise.
[email protected]
Intranet v/s Internet
[email protected]
• Connect several intranets via the Internet, by adding
a security mechanism and some additional
• They form a larger virtual network that allows
remote users (such as business partners or mobile
employees) to securely connect over the Internet to
the enterprise’s main intranet.
• Extranets are also employed by two or more
enterprises (suppliers & buyers) to share information
in a controlled fashion, and therefore they play a
major role in the development of business-tobusiness electronic commerce and Supply Chain
[email protected]
Intranet v/s Internet, 2
• X disk
PC Lab is here
JCU facilities
• FTP area
intranet to internet
• web
sites (e.g.
Rest of the World
(your laptop is here, at home)
[email protected]
Local v/s Network
• Local = on your machine(e.g.C:/programs)
• Local Network = « Intranet »
• X: shared disk (user permissions,
• O: temporary area (cleared periodically)
• Accessible only from within JCU premises
• Network, a.k.a. « cloud »
• Google docs
• MS Office 2010 (near future)
[email protected]
The World Wide Web
• Runs on the Internet, Intranet, Extranet
• Uses the Hypertext Protocol (HTTP)
• We just call it the Internet, but it is a
subset of it
[email protected]
Files on the Web
[email protected]
[email protected]
Web server and web browser
are different
[email protected]
Real systems are a bit more
complex, yes...
[email protected]
Cloud computing
[email protected]
Cloud Computing : software as
a service
[email protected]
Cloud computing types
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
From system to services
The « Cloud » is a group of serves,
software, storage, processes,
applications, data bases, data …
Somewhere on the Net someone
knows where they all are
[email protected]
Cloud computing
Does that rememeber you of something ?
Perhaps the « mainframes of the ’70s ??
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
The mainframe is distributed over the Net
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Is a major concept about using storage and
processing power from computers and servers
distributed overall the world, and linked by the
a.k.a « The Grid »
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Users (usually companies) are no more owners of their servers, but
rather access a number of services available online with no need to
maintain and manage the underlying infrastructure
Applications and data are no more stored on local computers but
« in the cloud », on a number of servers in different locations and
interconnected by a high bandwiodht network, crucial to the
efficiency of the system.
Access to services is usually made via a web application, a browser.
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Cloud computing is a concept close to « power grid »
Computing power and storage is offered as « pay per
use » by specialized companies
As a matter of fact, companies do not need their own
computers any more, but rely on a service company,
which guarantees computing power and storage « on
demand » .
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Depending on the apoproacapproach, three « cloud
computing » types may be listed:
Internal cloud
external private clouds
public clouds
This is what is known as « elastic computing capacity ».
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
There are already many IT systems « in the cloud » and many APIs to use
API from Amazon, Amazon EC2 is one of the most popular.
Many tools are compatible with Amazon EC2 APIs.
Eucalyptus, Open system enabling the creation of on-premise Infrastructure as a
Service clouds, with no requirements for retooling the organization's existing IT
infrastructure or for introducing any specialized hardware.système libre utilisant de la
virtualisation Xen et le langage Java.
egEclipse is a framework that allows users and developers to access arbitrary
computing infrastructures (video).
DotRiver. fully Open Source integrated desktop virtualization product in the market
today. Offers total control of your workstations, Whatever their type, their configuration,
their use, organization or technical architecture, “whatever your needs and for all of your
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Optimizes costs compared to traditional systems, allows the development of shared
applications with no need of dedicated machines « in-house ».
Actually, costs depend on the duration of the service used : no investments (human
resources or machines) nécessite aucun investissement préalable (homme ou machine).
The elasticity of the cloud also allows for evolutive services, which means load increase
can be supported.
As an example, Salesforce.com, (Wikipedia) a pioneer in cloud computing now has a
customer base of more than 100,000 companies, serving millions of employees, with few
thousands servers (1000 on March 2009).
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Secure access to applications between client and remote
General security of company network.
Data on a cloud service are generally safer than on a local
storage. It is anyway possible to store sensible data within
the company protected areas, on an Intranet or Extranet.
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Technology : The virtual machine
Virtualization means to use a single computer like many
computers at the same time.
Software emulates
Hardware =
Total flexibility
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Case study : Microsoft Azure
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Case study : Amazon Elastic Computing
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing
John Cabot University
Cas d’etude : ENEA Grid
Mars 25-26
[email protected]
Cloud computing by Telecom Italia
[email protected]
aruba cloud.it
[email protected]
Google docs
[email protected]
Google docs: let’s try it
Google Docs is a free, Web-based word
processor, spreadsheet, presentation,form, and
data storage service offered by Google. It
allows users to create and edit documents
online while collaborating in real-time with
other users.
[email protected]
Google docs: a simple cloud
• Use a gmail account (preferred, register now
if you do not have one)
• Send me a mail to
[email protected]
• Wait for the invitation to access the file
• Follow my instructions in class
[email protected]
Il Programma – 1b
Presenza in rete: sito Web
Una delle componenti
Sviluppo e usabilità del sito
Piattaforme online (Wordpress)
Strumenti per la gestione dei contenuti (CMS)
Aggiornamento del sito da parte di personale
non ICT
– Ottimizzazione e posizionamento sui motori di
[email protected]
[email protected]
Il Programma – 2
• Piattaforme di commercio elettronico “pay-per-use”
– Integrazione dei servizi di vendita con la piattaforma online
– Servizio all’utenza in rete (online CRM)
– Post vendita e assistenza clienti
• Banner pubblicitari
– Servizi ”pay per click” “pay per impression”, Google Adwords
e Adsense
• Marketing digitale (newsletter e DEM, canali e-mail, sms,
mms, fax e sondaggi, con analisi statistiche, comparative e
di performance; campagne di acquisizione utenti, concorsi e
giochi online per incrementare gli iscritti al database,
programmi di incentivazione e fidelizzazione.
[email protected]
Il Programma - 3
– Promozione aziendale su Web
• Regole ed esperienze
• Blog, social network, comunità di utenti
• Quale piattaforma per quale paese ?
– (Orkut, Facebook, Badoo, QQ, Twitter, Vkontakte,
Linkedin, …. … …)
[email protected]
Fly UP