
Team unIti - e

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Team unIti - e
Cavallotto Edoardo
Bergese Giacomo
Bounous Andrea
Gallea Luca
Martinasso Matteo
Trivero Emanuele
Target Group
Our target group is the employers that work in FIAT and in
the industries that operate with the last one.
The problems related with this target group is the traffic
congestion that every day is created by the worker in the
Mirafiori zone.
Target Group
Population Structure
From 0 to 14
From 15 to 19
From 20 to 39
From 40 to 64
From 65 to older
The data that we’ve collected from our questionary(about
400 people) indicate that lot of people that work and live
inside Turin, particularly in Mirafiori, travel by car or by
bus from their home to their work place.
This diagram was made with the data collected.
Problem Identification
Usage of Traffic System
Company/School Bus
Private Car
Two wheels
More than 50% of
people use a Private
Car for travelling, 10%
make use of Public
transport and 25% go
on foot.
Urban of surface
This inequality of mobility cause, in the peak hours, a
important problem of traffic congestion and an increment
of the rate of air pollution.
Problem Solving
We tried to design a solution that can resolve principally the
congestion problem, going against city and suburban
drivers, through the creation of park sharing points with a
collaboration of GTT, public transport service of Turin.
Problem Solving
This project expect the creation of rest zones where the
driver can leave his car, in total safety, and there he has
the opportunity to make use of a bus line that move from
this parking zone to the industrial area.
In addition to this he can find in this parking zone some
useful service all at his fingertips like Bike-Sharing,
newsstand and a cafè.
Problem Solving
The most suitable areas are the FIAT sheds near the
“Cittadella della mobilità”, near Corso Orbassano and
the field between bypass road of Mirafiori Sud and Corso
Unione Sovietica.
On the base of Mobility Diagram we can say that if every car
were filled in the parking would be a decrease in the air of:
Problem Solving
The probable dimension of a car park are 1500 m2.
A car park generally have an area of 7,56 m2, so a
building of 1500 m2 can hold 180 cars.
We imagine a car park of 3-4 floors that can have
540-720 places.
For the price of the ticket we have to talk with the agency
that contribute with the project.
Fly UP