
Oggi è il dodici febbraio, duemilaquindici

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Oggi è il dodici febbraio, duemilaquindici
Oggi è il dodici febbraio,
 Da fare ora: Etichetta le stanze e i mobili
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
 Ripassiamo:Le stanze e i mobili puzzle
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary
through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
 http://wps.prenhall.com/wl_italiano_percorsi_1/80/20
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, acquire the
vocabulary in the bedroom and practice prepositions to describe where items are
in relation to other furniture.
 Label all vocabulary handouts!- due tomorrow
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary
through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary
through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
Carnevale roots lie in ancient festivals celebrated
by the Romans and even the ancient Egyptians.
The word Carnival (which comes from carnem
levare, Latin for to remove meat) became
associated with the Lenten season during the
Middle Ages, when, after many unsuccessful
attempts to eradicate the festival completely, the
Church finally assimilated Carnival into the
Christian calendar as the last festival before Lent,
which is traditionally honored by abstaining from
eating meat.
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary through
a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
Carnival festivities include
masquerades, parties, dancing,
theatrics, and acrobatics. The
excitement winds up to Mardi Gras
(French for Fat Tuesday). Some
communities, in fact, call the entire
festival season; Mardi Gras rather
than Carnival
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
In Venice, Carnevale first gained
widespread popularity in the 18th
At parties to celebrate Carnevale everyone
wore a mask. Because everyone was
disguised, divisions between social classes
blurred and Venetian nobility seized this
opportunity to mingle with the lower classes
and roam the casinos and theaters
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
Leggiamo -p.106 about Carnevale
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
Mi chiamo __________________
Da fare ora: Etichetta le stanze e i mobili
Oggi è il tredici febbraio,
 Da fare ora: Esercizio B: Rispondete alle domande
Dove metti i vestiti sporchi?
Dove mette i libri?
Quali sono le due cose per eliminare i raggi di sole
Dove lavora mamma a casa?
Dove metti i vestiti bagnati?
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house
vocabulary through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
 Label all vocabulary handouts!
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary
through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
 Non c’è 
SWBAT show knowledge of furniture and rooms in the house, house vocabulary
through a quiz, learn about Carnevale in Italia.
SWBAT recall activities to describe in which room they
must be done, utilize prepositions of place and acquire
Valentine’s day vocabulary.
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