
The Wall Street Crash

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The Wall Street Crash
The Wall Street Crash
A good way of making money during the
1920 was to buy stock and shares
 Their prices constantly went up
(salivano) > investors kept them for a
short period and then sold them at a good
 Stocks and shares were often bought
(comprate) on the margin, that is
(cioè) on credit
 Therefore (perciò) it was easy for
investors to make money
On September 3 the stock market
reached an all time high (record
storico) but in the weeks that followed
prices began todecline
 On October 24 around 13,000,000 shares
were sold (furono vendute)
 Consequently (di conseguenza) prices
fell (si abbassarono) because sellers
tried to find people who wanted to buy
their shares
 So many shares were now under-priced
But people continued to buy shares
(16,000,000 were sold).
 However (tuttavia), the market had
lost (aveva perso) 47 per cent of its
 Signs of the Great Depression > people
needed (avevano bisogno) at least
2,000 dollars a year to live and 60% of
US families earned less than this
 The very rich lost money and the majority
of people had serious economical
problems. In fact they could not buy
consumer goods
No buying meant (significava) that
shops went bust (fallirono)
 Unemployment (la disoccupazione)
grew (cresceva) more and more
because companies were forced (furono
costrette) to close
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