
Marketing - ITCS Maria Lazzari

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Marketing - ITCS Maria Lazzari
2 stagiste AIESEC lo scorso anno al Lazzari
• Yolanda Canto (Veracruz – Messico)
• Isha Gandhi (Sydney - Australia)
• affiancate per le 6 settimane alle docenti di inglese (5) e
di spagnolo (3) - gennaio/febbraio 2014
• principalmente con classi del triennio
(Isha, 1 ora la settimana in 18 classi =18 ore;
Yolanda, 1 o 2 ore per tutte le classi = 18 ore)
• Ciascuna ospitata da 2 famiglie di studenti o docenti
(2 famiglie hanno prolungato da 2 a 4 settimane)
Programma per Yolanda
Geografia fisica e politica del Messico
Le località turistiche
Il confronto sulla quotidianità in Messico ed in Italia
La gastronomia e gli orari
I rapporti economici tra Messico ed altri Paesi
La frontiera tra Messico e Stati Uniti
Il Narcotraffico
Le feste tipiche
Il tema della morte
L'influenza della cultura americana nello stile di vita messicano
Il ruolo della donna in Messico
Le differenze nella società messicana
Le espressioni colloquiali messicane
Visione del film “Nosotros los nobles”
With Yolanda
“Querida Yolanda:
nuestra experiencia contigo ha sido muy
positiva porque nos ha permitido conocer
mejor a tu País, tu cultura y tus costumbres.
Nos ha impresionado conocer las diferentes
condiciones sociales y, en particular, el papel de
la mujer en relación a la italiana. Platicando
(como dices tú) contigo hemos mejorado
nuestra pronunciación y enriquecido nuestro
vocabulario.¡Ojalá puedas realizar todos tus
proyectos! Esperamos verte pronto aquí en
Un abrazo,
los alumnos de 5°A y de 5°B
Programma di Isha
• Weekly talking with the students
• Issues: History and politics of
Australia + Institutions, The Stolen
Generation,, Multiculturalism,
Marketing, Tourism
• Layout: Powerpoint presentations
with images and graphs or videos,
encouraging students to give their
own thoughts/opinions on issues
History of Australia/ The Stolen Generation
• James Cook
Australia on
6th May, 1770
• Governor Burke introduced the
concept of “Terra Nullius” so
that Aboriginals could not sell
or assign land as their “own”.
• They believed that if a child was taken while
young (from its community) the kids would grow
up without being influenced by their original
• Children would then fit into white society
Australian Institutions
• In 1901, six
British colonies
agreed to join
together and
become states
of a new nation
• Because of the large distance
between Australia and
Britain, the monarch is
permitted to appoint a
Governor-General who can
exercise the monarch's
powers in their absence.
• Quentin Bryce
• The British
monarch is also
the Australian
monarch, and
Australia's head
of state.
The way of life,
especially the
general customs
and beliefs, of a
particular group
of people at a
particular time
Changes in education
Culinary tastes
Changing media
Cultural diversity
The existence
of several
cultures within
a society
(e.g. Sydney)
MARKETING + case study
profits, sales,
repeat sales,
brand awareness,
brand recognition,
market share,
market growth,
brand equity
Rhythm of Bollywood!
In my opinion this
experience has helped us
with our English because
we have practised our
listening skills and we
have tried to
communicate with a
mother tongue speaker.
I really liked this project, we
have learnt things about life
in Australia, marketing,the
history of Australia.. we have
had the opportunity to meet
Isha and if we want, we can
keep in touch with her 
Figura 1: 5AR - 26
Figura 2: 3B - 23
Figura : 3D - 26
“Quando ci hai parlato dell’Australia e
della tua cultura mi sono innamorata di
Sydney! “;
“E’ stato grande incontrare Isha perché
voglio imparare il più possibile altre
lingue, pensieri e culture”;
“Questa esperienza ci ha aiutato a capire
una cultura diversa e come accettare
persone che hanno culture diverse”;
“ Abbiamo potuto imparare meglio la
lingua viva e dialogare con Isha,
imparando cose dell’Australia, della sua
cultura, stile di vita, storia, e esperienze
“Un modo diverso e divertente di
imparare l’inglese”;
“E’ stato un progetto bello ed
importante per me”;
“E’ stato bello parlare con qualcuno di
un altro paese, di un altro continente…
un’opportunità incredibile, la migliore di
we recommend this challenging
experience to everybody and we look
forward to hosting someone else from
abroad next year.
Parole di Isha alla partenza
• “Thank you so much to the most fantastic students of
Maria Lazzari. This has been the most unforgettable
experience and I cherish every second spent with you.
Your kindness has been overwhelming. Especially to my
host families but also to every single person I’ve met
along the way- friends, teachers and AIESECers.
• Italy has become my home- this is thanks to all of you.
Of course the food was great, the cities were great, but
the best part of being here was YOU. Thank you for
your letters, kind words, gifts and heart-warming
farewell I wish you all the best for your future. We’ll
meet again very soon, I’ll absolutely be returning here
to visit you all”.
Parole di Isha in FB (7 Sept 2014)
• If I hadn't gone to Italy, I wouldn't have experienced the
most precious 8 weeks of my life.
• The entire experience was shaped by my host families. I
learned that compassion and acceptance can go a long
way. A complete stranger was to come and live with them
- I couldn't wrap my head around this, because it’s not a
common concept in my environment. My host families
took care of me as their own daughter/sister, and they
were incredibly patient. Their immeasurable kindness
taught me more than words can express.
• Marty,Chiara,Massimo,Fabiola,Carolina,Letiziaand Giulia.
My students, teachers and friends fromAIESEC Venezia each of you also played a significant role during those 8
weeks. Team #aiesecvenezia you were so well organized
and ensured I was content throughout - couldn't have
gone on a better project!
Fly UP