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Progetto COMENIUS “Let’s be artistis in mathematics” Advent calendar I CIRCOLO DIDATTICO “LEONARDO DA VINCI” TRAPANI Plesso “Giovanni Verga” Classe 3^ B INS. BOMMARITO RITA DIR.SCOL. ANNAMARIA CAMPO REFERENTE ETWINNING-COMENIUS INS.FRANCESCA MINAUDO Il nostro calendario dell’Avvento Our Advent Calendar THE PROJECT Our Advent calendar is a diorama that is a setting on a small scale that recreates the scene of a kitchen. The creation of the Advent calendar will encourage pupils to use their skills in Mathematics, under Geometry, Measure, of Arithmetic, putting in connection with the artistic and creative, but also technology, computer science, the study of its territory from point of view of customs and traditions. You will need: a box Fancy paper for the inside Paper parquet floor Paper bricks for the exterior Beige cardboard for the hood 25 boxes matches 25 buttons for drawers Kitchen utensils and various furnishings in miniature White lace for the curtain Red and white lace for the window and the hood red ribbon Sheets of A4 paper Computer, printer, camera, scissors, glue, colors, ruler. Content: Mathematics: The numbers The metric system: Measurements of length, capacity, weight The solid figures and plane Art: the diorama Italian: regulatory text Technology and Computer: Materials and tools Microsoft Office Word Searching the Internet Sicilian language and culture: The traditional sweets Inside the 25 drawers put the recipes of sweets and some candy typical of Sicily Trapani: the Cannameli with essences of carob, mint, strawberry, cinnamon, anise. Pupils involved: n ° 21 pupils in the class 3 B Teacher: Ins. Bommarito Rita Cosa ci serve What we need METTIAMOCI ALL’OPERA Let's get to work and take measures Per prima cosa prendiamo le misure Riportiamo le misure e tagliamo la carta Measure and cut the paper M e r r y C h r i s t m a s