
Gabriel Anthony Agostini Portia Connie Louise Silva Gatt Mila Jinks

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Gabriel Anthony Agostini Portia Connie Louise Silva Gatt Mila Jinks
Although most of us can point to a person in our lives
whom we consider wise, we are using a human
standard to measure wisdom. True wisdom, however,
comes from God and enables us to live as intended by
our Creator. Jesus teaches us to seek a childlike faith so
that we are able to readily accept the truth, which sets
us free.
We welcome into our Christian Family
Gabriel Anthony Agostini
Portia Connie Louise Silva Gatt
Mila Jinks
Olivia Rose Zucchet
May God Bless and guide these little ones
through the faith and example of their parents,
godparents and family.
In response to the global refugee crisis, Cardinal
Thomas Collins has launched “Project Hope,” a
special emergency appeal. This 100-day campaign
aims to raise $3 million in order to settle 100
refugee families in the Archdiocese of Toronto as
soon as possible. The effort will also require 100
volunteer committees to assist with settlement
services. To make a donation to support the
appeal, visit: www.archtoronto.org or call (416)
934-3411. You can also donate through our parish
with a cheque made payable to NAME OF
SPONSORSHIP. We continue to pray for all those
suffering, mindful of our call to welcome the
stranger in our midst. Those interested in assisting
with volunteer committees should contact the
Office for Refugees at (647) 780-0827
Today there will be a second collection.
Catholic Women’s League
Meeting will be held on Tues. Sept. 22, 2015
Mass at 7:30 pm Meeting to follow.
Save the Date:
will be held on Sat. Nov. 7 & Sun. Nov. 8.
First Communion and Confirmation
MOVIE NIGHT: Thurs. Sept. 24
If your child attends St. Margaret Mary School or
Our Lady of Fatima School, Registration forms for
the Candidates may be picked up at the Rectory
We will present THE 13th DAY. Based on the
memoirs of Lucia Santos, the movie dramatizes
the true story of the three young shepherds who
experienced six apparitions of OUR LADY
between May and October 1917. Join us in
viewing what many consider to be the best movie
ever made on the occurrences at FATIMA.
Refreshments will be served.
Catechism classes for children who are in Grade 2
or Grade 7 or 8 and attend a Public or Private
School have begun Saturday, September 19. If
you have not already enrolled your child, please
visit the office this week.
Our Annual Luncheon & Fashion
Show will be held on Thursday
October 8 at Universal Event Centre,
6250 Highway 7, Woodbridge
Tickets are $60.00 per person which
includes a delicious lunch, door
prizes and more!
Tickets may be picked up from the office, or after
Masses at the Church. Come and enjoy a
wonderful afternoon!
We are in the process of forming a team of
catechism teachers. We need a number of people
to teach and prepare our students from public and
private schools for the reception of the sacrament
of Confirmation next spring. Also, we are looking
for volunteers to help youngsters celebrate a
special Liturgy of the Word at the beginning half
of our weekly Masses at 5:00 pm on Saturdays and
11:00 am on Sundays. Anyone preparing to
become a teacher in our Catholic schools should
take this opportunity to gain experience and
receive a pastoral recommendation.
Il santo battesimo ci ha inseriti nella morte del
Signore, ci ha resi conformi
al suo sacrificio. Questa è la
radice della nostra esistenza
cristiana, la sua sorgente
profonda: il frutto deve
essere l’umiltà, l’esistenza
che ne sgorga deve essere
un’esistenza donata nel
servizio. È questo un punto
centrale della vita cristiana.
In essa, e dunque nella Chiesa, la logica delle
“precedenze” è completamente rovesciata: il primo
è colui che si fa il servo di tutti, come Gesù, il cui
primato è stato posto dalla sua obbedienza ed
immolazione sulla croce. La vera dignità è nella
possibilità offerta all’uomo di imitare l’umiltà del
Verbo Incarnato. Una conseguenza sconvolgente:
il piccolo è il “sacramento” di Gesù e quindi in lui
accogliamo il Padre.
Mercoledi 23 Settembre nella
nostra Chiesa di Santa
Margherita Maria avremo una
solenne celebrazione in onore di
San Padre Pio.
Ecco il programma:
7:00PM - Santo Rosario
7:30PM – Santa Messa solenne
Invitiamo,quindi, tutti I devoti di San
Padre Pio di partecipare a questa annua
festivita` con sempre maggiore devozione
ed entusiasmo !
St. Padre Pio Prayer Group
Will hold a Dinner & Dance on Sunday November
29, 2015 at Embassy Grand Convention Centre,
8800 The Gore Rd, Brampton.
Antipasto bar at 1:30pm Come and enjoy!
Tickets are $75.00 per person, $35.00 for children
12 and under. For tickets, call
Miriam 905 851-5494 or Vittoria 905 264-3976 or
Rita Bruno 416 524-4281
In risposta alla crisi globale dei rifugiati, il
cardinale Thomas Collins ha lanciato il “Progetto
Speranza”, uno speciale appello d'emergenza.
Questa campagna di 100 giorni si propone di
raccogliere 3 milioni di dollari per poter assistere
100 famiglie di rifugiati dell'Arcidiocesi di
Toronto al più presto possibile. Lo sforzo
richiederà anche 100 comitati di volontari per
assistere con i servizi di integrazione. Per fare una
donazione per sostenere l'appello, visita:
www.archtoronto.org o chiama il numero (416)
934-3411. Puoi anche donare attraverso la nostra
parrocchia con un assegno intestato a NOME
RIFUGIATI. Continuiamo a pregare per tutti
coloro che soffrono, memori della nostra chiamata
ad accogliere gli stranieri in mezzo a noi. Coloro
che sono interessati a dare aiuto con i comitati di
volontari devono contattare l'Ufficio per i rifugiati
al numero (647) 780-0827
Oggi ci sarà una seconda raccolta di offerte.
Holy Hour will resume every Friday beginning on
Friday October 2 at 6:30 pm. Please join us!
The next Healing service will resume on Friday
December 11 following the 7:30pm Mass.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Catholicism 101
Season 4
Mon. Sept. 21 @7:30pm
Topic: St. Michale the ArcangelDefend us in Battle
This course is designed for adults who would like
to deepen their understanding of the Catholic
faith. Come and be amazed!
Fly UP