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Settimana 21 No. 38, 27 Maggio 2013
La Stampa, 24-05-2013, Nordcorea: Lettera personale Kim Jong-Un a presidente cinese, Un inviato nordcoreano ha consegnato oggi una lettera personale del numero uno del regime, Kim JongUn, al presidente cinese Xi Jinping.
Agi China 24, 24-05-2013, Il sogno del costituzionalismo, Il futuro delle riforme in Cina è diventata una questione trasversale che in questi giorni preoccupa tanto riformisti quanto conservatori.
Agi China 24, 24-05-2013, Aviaria: confermato contagio aereo, Il virus H7N9 dell'influenza aviaria si trasmette non solo attraverso un lungo contatto, ma anche per via aerea. E' la scoperta di un
team di ricercatori dell'Universita' di Hong Kong che segna un importante risultato nell'identificazione del virus e dei suoi modi di trasmissione, ancora in parte oscuri.
China Files, 24-05-2013, Corea del Nord - Apertura al dialogo, su consiglio cinese, La Corea del Nord dice di essere pronta a colloqui per risolvere le tensioni nella penisola coreana. Parola di
Choe Ryong-hae, emissario di Kim Jong-un a Pechino. Una visita che cerca di ricucire i rapporti tra i due alleati non più vicini "come i denti alle labbra", secondo la definizione di Mao.
Il Sole 24 Ore, 24-05-2013, Se il taxi a Pechino trasporta l'inflazione, Il gran consiglio della municipalità, 25 tra avvocati, politici e rappresentanti di categoria , ha deciso: la "corsa base" dei
taxi della capitale può essere aumentata.
Il Sole 24 Ore, 24-05-2013, Cambia la geografia del lusso: «osservata speciale» la classe media in Cina e Giappone, Negli ultimi tre anni il mercato del lusso aveva stupito tutti con una crescita
a due cifre, dimostrandosi anticiclico rispetto alla crisi economico-finanziaria innescata nel settembre 2008 dal crack Lehman Brothers.
Agi China 24, 24-05-2013, Cina-Pakistan: cooperazione su crisi energetica, Dopo la tappa indiana, il premier cinese Li Keqiang è a Islamabad "per rafforzare l'amicizia e la cooperazione tra i due
alleati" di vecchia data.
China Files, 24-05-2013, Il Dragone rallenta, giù le borse, Ieri il crollo della borsa di Tokyo ha trascinato in basso le borse di mezzo mondo. Un'occasione per "spurgare" i mercati, spiega il broker
Niccolò Mancini a China Files. Il pretesto? il rallentamento della produzione industriale in Cina, pronta a una difficile transizione economica dopo anni di crescita gonfiata
Agi China 24, 24-05-2013, Cannes: Jia Zhangke mostra il cuore noir della Cina, "Questo è il mio film più selvaggio". Così Jia Zhangke ha definito la sua ultima fatica, "A touch of sin", in gara alla
66ma edizione del Festival di Cannes, che segna il ritorno in scena della Cina, illustre esclusa delle ultime due edizioni.
Reuters, 24-05-2013, Italy railways picks arrangers for 4.5 bln euro debt programme, Italy's state railways Ferrovie dello Stato said on Friday it has mandated Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole,
UniCredit and JP Morgan to arrange a medium-term note programme worth up to 4.5 billion euros ($5.8 billion).
Reuters, 24-05-2013, Bad loan writedowns at Italy banks seen at 19 bln euros in 2013-think tank, Writedowns on bad loans held by Italian banks will total 19 billion euros ($24.51 billion) this
year and 48 billion euros in the three years to 2015, according to a report by think tank Prometeia released on Friday.
Reuters, 24-05-2013, Loro Piana rides high through recession in ultra-luxury sector, Italian luxury firm Loro Piana expects double-digit sales growth to continue in 2013 as it expands its niche
in the ultra-luxury sector, its chief executive told Reuters on Friday.
The Washington Post, 24-05-2013, Appeals court says Berlusconi headed illegal operation to avoid taxes on movie rights, Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi on Thursday called “surreal”
the judicial reasoning behind an appellate court’s decision to uphold his guilty verdict and four-year jail term in a tax fraud case.
The Washington Post, 24-05-2013, Berlusconi looms large in Rome’s mayoral election, even though he’s not a candidate, The vote is very much a test of Berlusconi’s enduring political
influence and voter sentiment over the uneasy national government made up of his center-right forces and the center-left that was formed following inconclusive February elections.
The Washington Post, 26-05-2013, Pope hails priest martyred by Mafia, decries mobsters for criminal rackets like prostitution, Pope Francis paid tribute to a courageous priest murdered by
the Sicilian Mafia as a martyr and urged mobsters on Sunday to abandon their evil ways, particularly the exploitation of people in trafficking rackets such as prostitution.
China Daily, 27-05-2013, China to enhance AU partnership, The destiny of the African Union and African continent are intertwined, and China will closely work with the AU to further enhance
the partnership, according to a high level Chinese official.
China Daily, 27-05-2013, China, Germany issue joint statement, vow to deepen co-op, China and Germany have agreed to deepen cooperation and coordination in various fields, according to a
joint statement issued Sunday during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Germany.
China Daily, 27-05-2013, China, EU to hold talks on trade disputes, The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Sunday that it will start negotiating with its EU counterparts in Brussels next week
regarding recent trade frictions.
China Daily, 27-05-2013, China's energy demand to peak in 20 years: expert, China will see its energy demand peak between 2030 and 2035 on the back of expanding industrialization and
urbanization, Zhong Ziran, chief engineer of the Ministry of Land and Resources, forecast on Saturday.
China Daily, 27-05-2013, Small not seen as so beautiful by banks, The term "client sinking" is the new parlance, meaning that rather than nurturing high-profile large companies, the industry is
looking to medium, small and micro businesses, said Ba Shusong, a banking expert with the Development Research Center under the State Council, China's cabinet.
1 week change(%)
1 month change(%)
YTD change(%)
CSI 300 Index
Hang Seng Index
May 22, 2013 – New home prices rose at a slower pace in Chinese cities in April as the government's recent tightening measures started to take effect, of a statistical pool of 70 major Chinese cities, 67 saw home prices
increase in April from a month earlier, with the highest growth rate at 2.1%, down from the 3.2% in March. According to the China Daily.
May 23, 2013 – HSBC China May flash PMI was 49.6 VS 50.4 final April reading.
1 week change(bps)
1 month change(bps)
YTD change(bps)
7 Day Repo
1 year Deposit Rate
7 Years Government Bond
Demand Deposit Rate
May 20, 2013 – The PBOC postponed the close of the interbank market due to a liquidity squeeze among Chinese banks.
May 21, 2013 – The PBOC sold 9 billion RMB of 28-day repo agreements at 2.75% and 10 billion RMB of 91-day PBOC bills at 2.9089%. There are 158 billion RMB of open market operation instruments which matured this week.
May 23, 2013 – The PBOC offered 5 billion RMB of 28-day repo agreements and 6 billion RMB of 91-day PBOC bills, the rate was unchanged. The PBOC injected a net 128 billion RMB into the financial system this week .
1 week change(%)
1 month change(%)
YTD change(%)
RMB up 0.31%
RMB up 0.88%
RMB up 1.61%
RMB up 0.14%
RMB up 0.75%
RMB up 1.59%
EUR up 0.82%
EUR down 0.73%
EUR down 3.09%
May 20, 2013 – CNY rose 0.05% to 6.1389 per dollar which is a 19-year high.
May 21, 2013 – PBOC increased the daily fixing by 0.14% to 6.1911 per dollar today, a new 19-year high.
Source: China Market Weekly Update provided by AZ Investment Management
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