Genoa, Italy
Grace Araujo Mappa This is where Genoa is located Genoa e situata nel Nord Italia. Il Cibo Genova is known for the amazing pasta and wine served at the restaurants. Pasta al Pesto (Pasta with Pesto) Pansotti al sugo di noci (Pansotti with walnut sauce) Minestrone (soups with vegetables, fish, meat and pesto) Pasta al pesto e troffie Minestrone Pansotti al sugo di noci La pietra miliare nella storia One of the most religious places to visit in Genoa is the San Lorenzo Cathedral Another famous place to visit in Genoa is the Piazza de Ferrari which is known as the heart of the city because of it’s famous fountain. La Storia Genoa is the sixth largest city in Italy (Genova e la sesta citta piu grande in Italia) Genoa has a population of 608,676 It is known as “la superba” because of its amazing past Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. Le Persone famose Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. Claudio Gora was also born in Genoa, Italy. He was an Italian actor and film director. Sabrina Salerno is a very well known person in Genoa for singing, acting and modeling. L’arte Genoa is famous for its art and is known as the birthplace of Ligurian school (sono pittori stranieri) A famous painting by Gregorio de Ferrari Le Festiva’ Genoa celebrates many festivals that receive a lot of participation. Antiqua- This festival is an antique art display which is held at Fiera di Genova In June, Genoa has a popular festival called La Regata delle Antiche Repubbliche Marinare which is a boat race held every four years since 1956.