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IDIFO Teachers Formation on Modern Physics
Marisa Michelini, Alberto Stefanel, Lorenzo Santi
PERG, University of Udine – via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine – Italy
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Site of the project: http://www.fisica.uniud.it/URDF/laurea/index.htm; e-learning platform: http://idifo.fisica.uniud.it/uPortal/render.userLayoutRootNode.uP
Università degli
Studi di Udine
In collaborazione con
Angelini Leonardo (UniBA), Serio Carmine (UniBAS), Levrini Olivia (UniBO), Bonanno Assunta (UniCAL), Marzoli Irene (UniCAM), Gambi Cecilia e Straulino Samuele (Firenze), Robotti Nadia (UniGE), Rossi Pier
Giuseppe e Magnoler Patrizia (UniMC), Giliberti Marco Alessandro (UniMI), Corni Federico (Modena e Reggio Emilia), Mineo Sperandeo Rosa Maria e Fazio Claudio (UniPA), De Ambrosis Anna (UniPV), Guerra
Francesco (UniRM-La Sapienza), Altamore Aldo (UniRM-Tre), Bochicchio Mario e Longo Antonella (UniSalento), Montalbano Vera A (UniSI), Oss Stefano (UniTN), Leone Matteo (UniTO), Peressi Maria (UniTS),
Michelini Marisa e Santi Lorenzo (UniUD), Andrea Vacchi e Fabbri Franco (INFN – nazionale - Comunicare Fisica), Della Torre Silvia (Sezione INFN TS), Pauletta Giovanni (Gruppo Collegato INFN UniUD).
Piano Lauree
The main fall in motivation levels with regard to scientific studies in
Italy has been collaboratively answered through the national project
(Scientific Degree Project—PLS). Master IDIFO is a project in this
framework for in-service teacher formation, a project focused on
Didactic Innovation in Physics Education and Guidance, carried out by
Udine PER Unit in collaboration with 20 Italian universities. It offers
educational innovation, science learning laboratories, formative
orientation (problem solving) and teacher training on Modern Physics
topics for in-service teachers. It implements a model for teacher
training, with an aim to develop formal thinking and to relate
associated connection between Computer Science-Mathematics and
Physics on Modern Physics topics.
The activities such as educational and experimental workshops in
presence, training teachers at a distance and in presence, conducting
exhibitions, designing Inquiry Based Learning materials, activities for
the orientation training in physics, informal education through
conceptual laboratories (CLOE) and use of ICT to overcome the
conceptual nodes in physics, teaching laboratories using problem
solving and Prevision-Experiment-Comparison strategies and in-depth
analysis of learning processes in educational innovation are achieved.
(1) Michelini M ed (2010). Progetto IDIFO. Proposte Didattiche sulla Fisica Moderna. Strumenti per
una didattica laboratoriale. vol. 1, p. 1-296, PASIAN DI PRATO (U):LITHOSTAMPA, ISBN: 978-8897311-04-0
Michelini M ed (2010). Formazione a distanza degli insegnanti all’innovazione didattica in fisica
moderna e orientamento. Contributi di una comunità di ricerca in didattica della fisica a un progetto
di formazione a distanza: strategie e metodi. vol. 1, p. 1-159, PASIAN DI PRATO (U):LITHOSTAMPA,
ISBN: 978-88-97311-01-0;
Michelini M ed (2010). Progetto IDIFO. Fisica Moderna per la Scuola. Materiali, aspetti e proposte
per l’innovazione didattica e l’orientamento. vol. 3, p. 1-339, PASIAN DI PRATO (U):LITHOSTAMPA,
ISBN: 978-88-97311-02-7
IDIFO4 activities are in three areas:
 In presence Workshops conducted in Friuli Venezia Giulia
and in the other sites cooperating
 Teacher education at a distance and in the presence by
offering the courses of the Master M-IDIFO4 (156 credits of
which 138 cfu 90 cfu in the presence and distance), the CPIDIFO4 and the individual modules of the educational
proposal, which can be attend as auditors,
 National Summer School for Talents (SENT) aimed at
students of classes IV and V of the upper secondary school.
The cooperative
Activities: the following typologies of activities
The project includes an offer of teachers formation on
three levels, all certified by the University of Udine:
individual training modules for teachers of 3 credits; an
annual training program in a graduate course of 18 cfu
(CP-IDIFO); a two-year Master of 60 credits (M-IDIFO).
It is activated at the University of Udine University, the II level
Master Degree in "Innovation in Physics Education and Guidance"
(M-IDIFO) proposed as a joint initiative of the Research Unit in
Physics Education of the University 20 and research centers.
The teaching is divided into the following areas:
MP - Modern Physics and in particular quantum and relativistic
FCCS - Physics and Communication in Contexts of Science,
RTLM – Lab with on-line sensors and modeling,
OR- Formative guidance
S & M - Tools and Methods
SPER - Experimental teaching at school
FIN - Preparation of the final examination (Thesis)
The Summer School on Modern Physics was organized by PERG of
the University of Udine from 23 to 28 June 2013, in order to offer to
excellent students attending courses on topics of Electromagnetism
and Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics which, Condensed Matter
Physics and Superconductivity .
The activities of the Summer School include:
conferences and seminars, taught by teachers at universities and
research institutions collaborating on the project IDIFO4 and experts
in the field of teaching of modern physicsL. Are:
- conceptual paths of quantum
mechanics, electromagnetism,
mass and energy
- didactic experimental lab
- activities of numerical
simulation, modeling and
problem solving,
The activities will include advanced laboratory experiments:
Diffraction and Polarization optics; Mass and energy in
classical and modern physics; speed of light; resistivity as a
function of T superconductors, metals and semiconductors;
Phenomenology of superconductivity; EM induction; Hall
effect; Experiment by Frank and Hertz; ratio e/m for the
electron; Ramsauer effect.
It is a short training course that mutuate the activities of the Master MIDIFO4.
The Project Work should include an activity of experimental teaching
or at a distance with boys secondary school or other teachers in
training on the issues of the Units for at least 6 hours.
 The exhibit GEI, consisting of over 250
experiments on different areas of basic physics,
will be provided free of charge in whole or in
part in school applicants
The labs are based on the involvement of teachers in the codesign of learning interventions, based on the exploration of
problem situations, the implementation of these
interventions, with the monitoring of students' learning
personally engaged in activities (hands-on and minds-on)
based on strategies and methods qualified by extensive
experiments in educational research on active learning.
They differ in the duration of the preparatory stages of
experimentation and evaluation are developed on different
themes of physics both classical and modern physics.
PLS Laboratories - Teaching lab - 6-10 h of general education and
characterizing 4-6 h of instructional design, 16-8 h
experimentation in the classroom with students, 4-6 h of data
analysis and processing;
LabIDIFO4 – Formative Labs - 14 hours of general education and characterizing, 5 hours of instructional design,
6 hours of experimentation in the classroom with students and 5 h of data analysis and processing.
 KIT optical Polarization. Developed
within the framework of projects. Will
be made available to schools 20 kit.
Each kit is organized with simple
experiments that allow you to explore
the states of polarization of laser
brushes that interact with polaroid and
birefringent crystals.
Schede didattiche associate ne fanno uno strumento originale,
semplice e significativo per la costruzione delle basi della MQ.
the context of the European project and
the Project IDIFO have been made ​10
They will be made ​available both for
teachers in formation and in the initial
The following types labs have shorter length to suit individual interventions with the boys:
LabEXPLO – Explorative activities of an operational with students in special and informal contexts (exhibitions, workshops dedicated) 3 - 6 hours
CLOE – Conceptual Labs of Operative Exploration – Activities with students of conceptual exploration for base school (1-3 ore).
Each module / Laboratory is an educational offer usable independently and integrated into courses Postgraduate (CP-IDIFO4) and Master (MIDIFO4) institutionalized. Each location offers modules cooperating laboratory in charge of their project or this project for PLS paths
Specialization and Master IDIFO.
The educational kits will be made available with teaching
cards for the experimental exploration strategy with PEC,
brochures learning pathways, suitable to children; Directions
to the teacher; material for the experiments proposed for
the study of the following topics: A) optical polarization; B)
thermal phenomena; C) magnetic and electromagnetic
phenomena; D) fluids in balance
For more INFO
CIRD - tel.++ 39 0432 558211- Fax++, 0432 558230
[email protected]
[email protected]
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