Seminario Prezioso Macerata 2009 terza parte
Vantaggi di questa metodologia • Aggiorna in continuo il dataset • Permette di visualizzare subito gli effetti delle scelte politiche sul territorio • Combina l’approccio spaziale con quello territoriale pesando e integrando indicatori diversi • Fa emergere le differenze di interpretazione del dato alla scala sub-regionale • Supera i confini amministrativi per trovare aree reali di cooperazione transnazionale Come si territorializza questa scala: le tipologie territoriali UE FUA_TYPO URBAN-RURAL TYPOLOGY aggregation 0. No special function 2. Regional/Loca l 3. Transnational / National 1,2,3 High urban influence with No special function High urban influence with Regional/Local functions High urban influence with Transnational or National functions 4,5,6 Low urban influence with No special function Low urban influence with Regional/Local functions Low urban influence with Transnational or National functions Class 1 - High urban influence, with Mega functions Class 2 - High urban influence, with Transnational or National functions Class 3 - High urban influence, with Regional/Local functions Class 4- High urban influence, with no special function Class 5- Low urban influence with Transnational or National functions Class 6 - Low urban influence with Regional/Local functions Class 7 - Low urban influence with no special functions 4. Mega High urban influence with Mega functions Polycentric territorial base at NUTs 2 and 3 Nuove politiche regionali Utilizzando in forma cooperativa i Fondi Strutturali 2007-2013 si può ottenere: •Coniugare crescita e sviluppo; •Una strategia globale nei confronti dell’UE integrando nel territorio le dimensioni solciali-economico-ambientali . Questo si chiama identità = unità di paesaggio (da individuare a scala regionale e transregionale); •Scelte sostenibili che creino un reale cambiamento nell’approccio macroeconomico europeo gestendo congiuntamente questa fase di transizione (riforme economiche UE: ICT, HC vs l’esclusione sociale) •Promuovere e disegnare un nuovo trans-regional European Spatial Development Perspective 2007 (ESDP) per puntare ad uno sviluppo equilibrato e policentrico attraverso la coesione sociale ed economica, il mantenimento attivo delle risorse naturali e del patrimonio identitario culturale, una competitività territoriale più equilibrata e perequata La performance in I&R Lista delle politiche dedicate all’I&R Bridging digital divided Technological\innovative dissemination for the enterprises and institutions Innovation Support to transregional cooperative projects Use/development of environmental friendly techologies R&D Human Capital Age Economic development Employment Transport/network Natural Resources Climate Public Healt Quality certification and assessment tools R&D infrastructures Support to BAT Development of recycling technologies of waste Supply of education Human capital internationalisation Reinvolvement of aging people Support leisure Social integration Child protection Poverty reduction Policies dissemination for transparency and efficency of burocracy Cultural integration Support Local productive identity Promotion of a global enterprise culture New business/service instruments Inflation control Internationalisation of good and services Homogeneisation of enterprise costs Support enterprise creation Support employer mobility Support equal opportunities Development of telecomunication networks Development of energy networks Increase of phisical accessibility Use of renovable resources Active Protection of Natural resources Reduction of Natural Resources consumption Natural hazard prevention Energy policies Flexible Mechanisms Climate Active Protection Social Programme Financing Safety Support Welfare L’interazione Globale/Locale Le politiche dedicate Homogeneisation of enterprise costs Employment Support enterprise creation Support employer mobility Support equal opportunities Transport/network Natural Resources Climate Public Healt Development of telecomunication networks Development of energy networks Increase of phisical accessibility Use of renovable resources Active Protection of Natural resources Reduction of Natural Resources consumption Natural hazard prevention Energy policies Flexible Mechanisms Climate Active Protection Social Programme Financing Safety Support Welfare La qualità Le politiche dedicate alla Qualità Innovation Bridging digital divided Homogeneisation of enterprise costs Technological\innovative dissemination for the enterprises and institutions Support enterprise creation Support to transregional cooperative projects Employment Support employer mobility Use/development of environmental friendly techologies Support equal opportunities Quality certification and assessment tools R&D infrastructures R&D Development of telecomunication networks Support to BAT Transport/network Development of energy networks Development of recycling technologies of waste Increase of phisical accessibility Supply of education Human Capital Human capital internationalisation Use of renovable resources Reinvolvement of aging people Active Protection of Natural resources Support leisure Age Natural Resources Social integration Reduction of Natural Resources consumption Child protection Natural hazard prevention Poverty reduction Energy policies Policies dissemination for transparency and efficency of burocracy Climate Flexible Mechanisms Cultural integration Climate Active Protection Support Local productive identity Promotion of a global enterprise culture Economic development Social Programme Financing New business/service instruments Public Healt Safety Inflation control Internationalisation of good and services Support Welfare