
including MPGD - Indico

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including MPGD - Indico
R&D muoni
Stato dell’arte
• Il gruppo ha appena cominciato il lavoro
– Prospettiva: preparazione workshop
• Definizione temi del workshop
• Analisi stato dell’arte
– Si vorrebbe proseguire con WG successivamente
Lavoro preliminare
• Dalla presentazione di M. Abbrescia
• Definizione degli argomenti:
– New running conditions and new requirements
from physics, consequences for muon detection
– System longevity, upgrades foreseen,new
detectors and R&D
– Electronics (front-end and trigger),trigger
algorithms, alignment
Theme (talk) #1
• New running conditions and new requirements from physics,
consequences for muon detection
• focus on muon detectors requirements from operating
conditions after LS2 and the HL-LHC physics program
– final integrated luminosity and accumulated radiation, increased
instantaneous luminosity, pile-up, etc.
– predictions for correlated (beam-induced) and uncorrelated
(cavern) background
– consequences for detector functioning, required time
resolution, and off-line track reconstruction
– adequacy or deficiencies of the existing systems performance
(extrapolated), and potential improvements
– new/better signal/track reconstruction algorithms possible with
improved detectors
M. Abbrescia
Muon System Preparatory Group
Theme #2 – one or two talks
• System longevity, upgrades foreseen, new detectors and
relative R&D
• System longevity of the muon systems (talk 2a?)
– Muon detector problems after LS2, actions to keep the
performance stable, possible improvements using new
– Chambers reaching rate limits, high occupancy, high dead time;
– Chambers aging due to radiation or accumulated charge
• Upgrades with new detectors (talk 2b?)
Replacing old detectors by new ones
Extending muon system coverage with new detectors
R&D for new detector types (including MPGD)
Experimental facilities needed for this R&D
M. Abbrescia
Muon System Preparatory Group
Theme #3
• Electronics (front-end and trigger), alignment
• effect of increased radiation and higher collision rates
on front-end electronics and trigger systems
radiation damage, single-event upsets
readout electronics bandwidth limitations
electronics upgrades
trigger performance, sharpness of trigger threshold, purity
hitting maximum allowed trigger rates
increasing the complexity of low-level trigger algorithms –
requiring increased trigger latency
– alignment – optical systems and alignment-using-tracks
– radiation damage to sensor electronics
M. Abbrescia
Muon System Preparatory Group
• Conseguenze dei nuovi parametri operativi
– Rate del presente trigger di m ~140 kHz
– Rate altissimi nella small wheel (~15 kHz/cm2)
– Frequenti buffer overflow nell’elettronica degli MDT
• Piani di ATLAS
– NSW installata per fase 1
• Progettata per essere utilizzata anche per HL-LHC
– Rifacimento del trigger di livello 0/1
• Latenza piu’ lunga e diversa struttura del trigger
• Implica il rifacimento di gran parte dell’elettronica
– Sia delle camere di trigger che di quelle di precisione
– Trigger con MDT?
• Due possibili stategie
– Mantenere la presente accettanza
• Difficile mantenere le performance attuali
• Problemi dovuti all’aumento di rate ed alle limitazioni in
termini di rate trigger
– Incrementare la copertura in avanti per i m
• Fino ad h = 4.0
• Nuove tecnologie considerate
– Possibili nuove idee (imaging calorimeter with µ tagging)
Sinergie attuali e possibili
• PRIN proposti
– Micromegas e GEM
• ATLAS, CMS, Compass
• Proposta preliminare per Call CSN 5
– RPC e DT, in fase di definizione
• TDR NSW in fase di approvazione
• Attivita’ troppo avanzata per Call CSN5
– Inizio della costruzione
– PRIN attualmente in discussione
• Capofila Paolo Bagnaia
• L’attivita’ comprende ATLAS, CMS, Compass
• RPC e trigger upgrade
– Slides di Giulio Aielli e Riccardo Vari
RPC upgrade plans
• Phase 0
– Installation of the BME/BOE chambers
– Include some R&D and innovation concerning the gas gap and the
FE electronics
• Phase 1
– It has been proposed an RPC system to cover the transition region
– To be installed in the BIS7-BIS8 region
– Due to the small available space and the higher background an
R&D project has been started in continuity with the BME/BOE work
– This system if confirmed is scheduled for installation in 2018.
– Awaiting ATLAS endorsement to apply to funding agencies
– Proposed by Roma2, Bologna, MPI. Interest from Roma1, Michigan
and USTC
Phase 2 RPC plans
• In phase 2 the barrel will withstand a rate much higher than the design
value so both the trigger and the detector will need to enhance
– In the LOI we proposed to profit from the trigger electronics replacement
to introduce a TOT based readout. The idea is to improve the special
resolution to a few mm, allowing a sharper 20 GeV muon threshold. This
will be done without modifying the existing chambers (which is anyway
– However the present RPC system will need an increased redundancy with
respect to the 3/4 +1/2 majority scheme to be able to operate to a slightly
lower efficiency on the old system
– We propose to extend the concept of the BIS type chambers (developed
for the transition region), to the full inner barrel.
• This will require a strong R&D to:
– Finalize the new RPC readout chip
– Study an eco-friendly and (possibly) inexpensive gas mixture, following the
CERN pressing requirements
– Improve the detector mechanical structure to exploit the few centimeter
thickness available space
– Improve the detector materials for very long term operation
Importante per il rivelatore attuale!!!!
NSW trigger concept
sTGC PAD trigger logic
Trigger con le micromega
Al momento non ci sono gruppi italiani interessati a questa parte
Fly UP