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Presentazione di PowerPoint
Intersistemi Group
Intersistemi Italia spa: The Group Leader, it has been working for 30 years
in Information Technology
Geosystems srl: leader in the Geographic Information systems (GIS) field
CSA srl: economic and statistical research
inMEDIA technologies srl: specialized in innovative technologies on
multimedia devices and digital communication.
Evolvo srl: production of IT systems for Health industry and telemedicine
DDCOM srl: specialized in networking (wireless networks, optical fiber, wired
connections),ICT infrastructures (Data Center) and in technological
equipments such as photovoltaic systems, CCTV and anti-intruder
Business Areas
ICT Health care and
ICT Business
Network and
ICT Infrastructures
Multimedia Systems
The Group Leader
Intersistemi has been operating in Information Technology since the 80’s and it has
currently a staff of over 250 highly qualified specialists; thanks to years of well estabilished
experience, it is widely recognized for its fast technological evolution and for its flexibility.
• Applications
• Systems
• Products
• Project Management
Ministries (Beni e Attività Culturali, Interno, Giustizia)
Chamber of Deputies
Regions (Toscana, Abruzzo, Veneto, Molise)
Banks, Industries and Public Utility Services (Banca d’Italia, Intesa San Paolo, Banca
Fideuram, Mediocredito Centrale), IBM Italia, Renault Italia, ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali
Terni (Aspasiel), Selex-Elsag, SO.GE.I., INSIEL, Accenture , Engineering, Telecom Italia,
Aprilia, Poste Italiane, e-Geos, Aim Vicenza, Cotral, Italgas, Snam ReteGas.
Intersistemi supports its customers throughout the entire lifecycle of an application
providing system design, development and application management services for
complex solutions, the group uses several technologies thanks to the partnership with
leading hardware and software producers
Intersistemi Software Factory offers various service typologies:
•Design and development of custom computer solutions.
•Maintenance of information systems modules
•Porting to different technology platforms
•Websites and web portals design
•Downsizing services
•Reverse engineering services
•Integration between commercial software platforms and customer’s legacy systems
In order to manage software development processes,
Intersistemi employs different approaching
methodologies and tools:
“Agile” models to deal with eventual Supplier-Customer
disputes over
Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) at the beginning of the development process
“Cascade” models in cases of "locked" and approved
requirements at the beginning of the design and
development phases
In 2002 Intersistemi has set up an advanced data center, able to connect
through private or public communication lines or VPNs to customer’s IT
infrastructure, in order to provide outsourcing services (housing / hosting
of servers and applications) or ASP (Application service Provider).
Disaster Recovery services can be provided at customer’s request.
Assistance services
System software installation and set-up, migration from / to different
operating systems, releases upgrade, IMAC services (Install Move Add or
Change) for both PDL and server, performance monitoring and tuning
Outsourcing services
•Disaster recovery
•Business continuity
•Server virtualization and pdl
Data Center services
•Server farm
TLC services
•VOIP traffic exchange platforms
Intersistemi high tech widely appreciated products are the results of years of
experience and skills development:
eFlow, Workflow and Document Management software platform which provides a
valid support for procedural processes and business organization,
iCRM, control system that provides technical support managing system user’s
requests for assistance and intervention
Human Resources Management and Accounting Products, studied for specific
needs of Public Administration processes
Computerized selections, designed to handle the competitors selection using the
most appropriate technologies and equipment, in relation to the volumes and the
time required for the tests: from the classical optical reading system to the
"multimedia" room with workstations equipped with touch screen, for activities
closely related to the selections but also for all the preparatory stages (printing
facilities, logistics, etc.)
Phebo, platform developed by Evolvo that ease and speed up communication
between patients and healthcare professionals by simplifying the exchange of
information, surveillance and health monitoring in order to minimize the movement of
Ramani, framework realized by Geosystems, it produces WebGIS applications aimed
at geographic and alphanumeric data consultation
Project Management
Intersistemi is an organisation strongly project oriented and could rely on the expertise of qualified
resources with proven long-term international experience, now working alongside with its biggest
customers. Due to significant experience in project and program management, Intersistemi can
now effectively support its customers on the governance activities of complex ICT projects.
Program, Portfolio e Demand Management
•Centralized management of one or more portfolios of programs and projects
•Identification and qualifying of the demand (need), priority management, definition and
management of authorization processes and proactive monitoring of the progress of projects and
Bid Management
•Analysis of economic sustainability of Bid with evaluation of costs and benefits
•Risk analysis and evaluation of counter-measures and economic value of the risk budget
•Definition of specific requirements of solution at multiple level of detail,whenever required
•Drafting of technical and economic Bid
Project Management
•Complete projects or specific tasks in each Knowledge Area of PMBOK (Integration, Scope, Time,
Cost, Quality, Human Resource, Communications, Risk, Procurement)
•Temporary Management
Resource Management
•Operative resources management
•Individual and collective training and tutoring in each of the PMBOK Knowledge Area
•Recruitment and staff development
ICT Business Security
Previously already active in the information security and data protection areas, the
parent company strengthens its organization in 2012 with the acquisition of a business
unit that carries out specialized consulting in the design, implementation and
maintenance of systems and security solutions for complex structures of networks.
•Data and Application Security & Monitoring platforms
•Security Information & Event Management
•Support for compliance, by auditing services and specialized support to identify the
organizational and technological gap in comparison to one or more reference standards
(eg, PCI-DSS, Privacy, Workers' Statute, ISO 27001 and others)
•Technical consulting in engineering applications and in quality improvement plans
•Security Assessment services, aimed at verifying the status of real security of a system
Valore Dati
Interazione tra Sistemi
HP Arcsight, Imperva, Ironport, Enterasys, McAfee, Stonesoft, Cisco
Banca d’Italia, Inps, Telecom Italia, Terna, Wind mobile, Vodafone, Poste Italiane,
Lottomatica, Enel, Enpals, H3g, CartaSi, Unipol, Zucchi, Saba.
Geosystems is a leader comapny in the geomatics specialistic field, it is specialized in
software development and in providing related services and products. The company is ESRI
Business Partner, for which it resells customized products and provides assistance; also has
the expertise to design and integrate systems using other GIS market and open-source
•IT consulting
•Design and implementation of Geographic Information Systems
•Training courses
•Production and supply of cartographical data
•GIS Basic software reseller
•RAMANI – cartographical mapping of heterogeneous databases
•GESTUTI – Geographic Information Systems for Utilities
ESRI, Intergraph, OGC, Map.Server
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, ANAS, Snam Rete Gas, ENI, Italgas, Regione
Molise, Regione Toscana, Regione Veneto, Regione Lombardia, Comune di Firenze, Comune
di Scandicci, Cotral, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, SOGEI, Istituto Geografico Militare.
Health care and Telemedicine
Evolvo creates tools and technologies for healthcare professionals and patients;
expertise in health care and research, strenghtened by the collaboration with
Universities and Science and Technology institutes, is company distinctive
feature which enables Evolvo to achieve humanization of medical cares and cost
•development and provisioning of basic, applicative and advanced software for
the control process
•study, implementation, support and development of computer and electronic
systems in the field of health and patient care
•new technology research and development
•PHEBO Platform, Telemonitoring and Territoriality System
•Track & Control Evolution Platform, RFID for identification, tracking and risk
•eVo-Connect Platform, Videoconferencing, Remote Surveillance, Teleconsulting
Università del Campus Biomedico; FBF Provincia Lombardo; Italian Hospital
Group; ASUR ZONA 8; ASL Rieti; ASL RME; Roma Medicina ONLUS;
Engineering; Wetech; Informat System
Multimedia Solutions
inMEDIA technologies works in the multimedia communications and information management solutions field
•Consulting for Transport Engineering
•Security services and solutions
•proximity Marketing services
•Editorial support services
•Integrated operating room
•Infomobility communication services
•On-Board communication
•Digital Signage
•Antifraud payment systems
Cotral (Compagnia Trasporti Laziali S.p.A.), Atac Roma, Roma
Mobilità, Aereoporto di Firenze, Aereoporto di Bologna,
Aereoporto di Cagliari, Iccrea-Banca, Metoda Finance, Provincia
di Bolzano, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Network and ICT Infrastructures
DDCOM is born to turn to use the now twenty years experience of the founders in networking
and infrastructure areas; the company has gained many references and goals in the
implementation of networks for International and National customers. DDCOM is responsible
for the design and realization of CED, advanced electrical systems, video surveillance systems
and intrusion detection, photovoltaic systems and telecommunications networks of access and
•TLC installation solutions
Feasibility studies
Executive projects supported by surveys and field tests
Analysis and adaptation of existing systems
•Indoor and outdoor wireless networks (WiFi, HyperLAN, WiMax)
•Supply and configuration of active network equipment of major suppliers
•Structured Cabling Systems
•Green Data Center
•Optical fiber networks with fusion splices
•VOIP telephony
•Firewall and security
•OTDR Certifying for fiber optics
•Certification of Twisted Pair (UTP, FTP, T - FTP, STP) to the F-class
•CCTV Systems & IP Security
Ministero della Giustizia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Aeroporti internazionali del
Cairo in Egitto, Aeroporto dell’Isola di Sal a Capo Verde; Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
nella Repubblica d’Albania.
Market Research
Founded in Florence in 1935 by Livio Livi, an internationally wellknown statistician,
economist and sociologist, the Business Statistics Center (CSA) joined the Intersistemi
Group in 2002; it operates mainly in the field of statistical information for public institutions,
research institutes and companies; the offer, articulate and flexible, is related to products
and services for applied statistics investigation.
• reconstruction of the economic and / or socio-demographic reference scenario
• permanent monitoring of local and sectorial economies
• socio-economic monographies
• territorial and sectorial marketing, geostatistics surveys
• market and "customer satisfaction” surveys
• opinion surveys and polls
• “focus group” and other qualitative investigations
• quality analisys and indicators of efficiency and effectiveness
Unioncamere Toscana, regione Toscana, Promo PA Fondazione, Comune di Firenze, Consiag
Spa, Comune di Barberino di Mugello, Comune di Pontassieve, Comune di Fiorenzuola,
Provincia di Firenze, Provincia di Lucca, Provincia di Livorno, ISFOL (Istituto per lo sviluppo
della formazione professionale), Invitalia, Centro Nazionale del Volontariato, Ente Cassa di
Risparmio di Firenze, KME Italy Spa, Parks liberi e uguali, Assoconsult
ICRM, control and governance integrated system, introduces highly innovative elements
both in the management of technical support for the users and in the management of
information systems.
•support requests management
•integration with CTI Systems
•management of knowledge base information
•reports and statistics
•SLA Manager
•asset Management
System components were carried out using the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET suite, which
is the current standard for the creation of similar products on Microsoft architectures.
Ministero della Giustizia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, ENAC, ARPA LAZIO
Agenzia Generale dei Segretari Comunali, Azienda ULSS13 MIRANO-DOLO-NOALE
Ospedale FatebeneFratelli - Provincia Lombardo Veneto
The eFlow suite is a platform of products entirely built by Intersistemi, it
consists of the following modules:
Framework (Basic functions and management accounting)
PA Protocol (Electronic protocol Functions)
Mail (Functions for the e-mail integration)
BPM System (Workflow System)
DCM (Document Management System)
The BPM component of eFlow allows the modeling and management of
Business Processes as provided by the “Plan Do Check Act” methodological
The DMC module is the flexible and reliable system for managing the assets of
company’s documents;, allows
to make always available and quickly
accessible the documents whether paper or electronic.
Al Rajhi Banking Corporation Saudi Arabia Kingdom, Al Rajhi Banking
Corporation Malaysia, ARSIAL, Autorità portuale di Livorno, Autorità portuale di
Venezia, Auselda, Bank Simpanan National (Malaysia), Comune di Firenze,
Comune di Roma, Comune di Umbertide, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, ENPAM,
Leaseplan, Rasbank, Scuola superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Società
Bancaria Ticinese, Unipol Banca, Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza,
Ramani ("Map" in Swahili), framework made by Geosystems for the production of
WebGIS applications to consult geographic and alphanumeric data.
Ramani is based on open-source technology, is database and client’s platform
independent; compatible with all major browsers, accepts and integrates data from
multiple sources without the need to convert or to adapt data, provides finally to
realize with a single software multiple Web or Intranet applications distributable
without licensing requirements.
•giving the chance to view all the informations of an institution or a public
administration through variously composed maps;
•using proprietary data combined with other data made available on the Web by other
PA, organizations, associations and companies;
•reading and comparing data in an integrated manner from various sources
•producing specialized vertical applications
Geology and Environment, Cultural Heritage, Land Registry, Geomarketing, Civil
Defence, Technological Networks, Transportation Infrastructure, Geographical
Information Systems of the central and local government, Cultural Tourism, Urban
helps organisations in designing, modeling and managing the Register of
Infrastructure, integrates
and combines the knowledge of the infrastructure
documentation typical of the municipalities with the planning experience owned by the
Utilities operators.
•optimizing costs by highlighting and enhancing the infrastructure suitable for fiber
•reducing inconvenience and disruptions caused by the implementation and the
maintenance of the networks
•making efficient identification of new runs of the cables
•managing an “infrastructure market" designed to reduce the environmental impact and
the overall cost of the system
•helping in administrative procedures for the municipalities
Aqueducts, Gas, Sewer, District Heating, Urban Cleaning, Public Lighting, Road Signs,
Public Parks, Civil Installations, Demotic, TLC Optic Fiber.
PHEBO, an “e-Health Care” framework that support models of process automation with
particular emphasis on services of remote monitoring; PHEBO facilitates the activities of
daily living, simplifies the relationship and communication between patients and healthcare
professionals by facilitating the exchange of information, surveillance and health monitoring
in order to minimize the movement of patients.
eVoCore, management of the two-way flow of data, synchronization of the functions and
activities to be performed, scheduling of events, management of interfaces and devices
eVoDroid, resident application on Smartphone / Tablet, which manages the activities of
patients. The APP allows the Smartphone to become an "Intelligent Monitoring Station"
indicating the actions to be taken by the patient (eg, detection by electro-medical device,
treatment, diet, questionnaires, audio, video, photo)
eVoMed, web portal dedicated to health care accessible from any workstation with a web
browser and connected to the network. eVoMed allows the doctor to manage the
“monitoring” and “configuration” cards of patients, and the alarms
eVoGate, gateway for integration with third-party systems. Thanks to evoGate you can
transfer the monitoring data produced by PHEBO directly into the patient’s clinical file folder
(adoption of standard SOAP - REST)
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù di Roma; Policlinico Campus Bio – Medico di Roma; ASL
Nr.7 di Lanusei (CA); Associazione InVita LaVita (CA)
TACE (Track&Control Evolution), application platform implemented by a suite of software services for the use of
RFID in healthcare.
The platform manages:
•traceability of instrumentation
•control of instrumentation maintenance
•retrieval of medical records, Reports, etc..
the association between patient and its therapy, avoiding the possibility of incorrect dosing
TACE can help on risk management :
•ensuring the unique identification of the object / subject and its attributes
•providing a panel for the"physical" traceability of the object / subject that is being monitored
•managing the relationship between entities being tracked
•RFID Inventary (IR), collects all the objects / subjects to monitor
•Tracking Objects and Patients (TOP) , locates and tracks each entity previously inventoried
•Patient Activity Monitoring (PAM), associates to a patient all entities related to him
•Equipment Maintenance (EM), allows to check, plan and record the technical maintenance of the entities
Advanced Crossmedia Platform
ACP Cross-Medial expert system whose central engine, called “Web Regia”, enables the user to manage the
acquisition, correlation, customization and delivery of any type of content through the appropriate technological
• Communication systems for Bank Branches (Multimedia Information Points)
•“ProdottoTracciato”, to track the entire process of handling of the products
•“ComunicaOfferta” for promotional communication to customers in sales structures
•“PubblicitàTerritoriale” for the advertising content of the shopping center
•“RFiDFidelity” for "customer loyalty" services with an electronic card system based on RFID proximity
•“ComunicaPubblico” for personalized and georeferenced communication at airports, terminal and stations
•“ComunicaOn-Board” for the on-board communication on airplanes, cars, ships, buses, trams, trains
•“ComunicaMobilità” for traffic information in real time
•“Prodotto TIS” for the remote control of traffic lights
•“Soluzione SOI”, Integrated Operations Centre, it integrates the different architectures
of the operating rooms through the realization of a media direction dashboard
Cotral (Compagnia Trasporti Laziali S.p.A.), Atac Roma, Roma
Mobilità, Aeroporto di Firenze, Aeroporto di Bologna, Aeroporto di
Cagliari, Iccrea-Banca, Metoda Finance, Provincia di Bolzano,
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Intersistemi Italia spa:
Roma, via dei Galla e Sidama 23 – tel +39 0689924900
Padova, viale dell'industria 23 – tel +39 0499814852
Geosystems srl:
Firenze, via Atto Vannucci 7 – tel +39 0554627255
CSA srl:
Firenze, via Atto Vannucci 7 – tel +39 0554627255
inMEDIA technologies srl:
Roma, Via del forte tiburtino 120 – tel +39 0683600431
Evolvo srl:
Roma, via dei Galla e Sidama 23 – tel +39 0689924900
DDCOM srl:
Roma, Via del forte tiburtino 120 – tel +39 0683600431
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