
muon status and upgrade-21SEP15 - Indico

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muon status and upgrade-21SEP15 - Indico
Status Report on
the Muon System
Alessandro Cardini / INFN Cagliari
(with the help of the whole Muon Group)
• Status of the muon system
• Performance of the muon system in 2015
• Spare MWPCs spare production
• The new readout and control electronics
• Becoming more eco-friendly: the new GEM Gas Recirculation system
• Update on M2 shielding
• Updated milestones
• Summary of muon system performances @HL
• Conclusions and next steps
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Muon Detector Status
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
On L0 Muon trigger
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Muon Detector
Upgrade Status
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
and nSYNC
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
TDC ASIC submitted in February,
received in July, now under test
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
All these are preliminary results
If performances are confirmed, the TDC can
be used AS IT IS inside the nSYNC
LHCb operating point
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
A new GEM Gas Recirculation System
Motivations: costs and going green
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Very expensive, more than 180kCHF
Should cost about 130kCHF, same cost as that of the gas
we would use anyhow in open-loop operations – and
CERN Gas Group is willing to put ~40kCHF on it
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
New GEM Recirculation System Summary
• Many interactions with the CERN Gas Group people (Beatrice
Mandelli and Roberto Guida) and Rolf and Carmelo  decision
taken, we go for it
• CERN is pushing a lot to reduce the use of gases with a large
Global Warming Potential (GWP), LHCb will do its part too
• The full system cost is comparable to that of CF4 only for openloop mode operations in the next 3 years, and the CERN Gas
Group will put in addition ~40kCHF on it
• It will be the first LHC GEM detector operating in closed loop 
very useful information, in particular for CMS
• Installation at the end 2015/beginning 2016
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Update on M2 shielding studies
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Updated Muon Upgrade Milestones
Email sent to Upgrade Coordinator (GP) on Friday September 11th:
1) Nov-15: EDR for nSYNC, nODE, nSB, nPDM (+4 months)
2) Feb-16: nSYNC proto submission (+6 months)
3) Nov-16: full r/o and control chain test stand (+4 months)
4) Mar-17: PRR before starting production (+2 months)
Motivations: doubts on the IC technology to be used: reduced support by
CERN on standard IC libraries on TSMC 130nm in the transition period
between IBM and TSMC. Finally decided to go with UMC 130nm were we
have direct experience thanks to other ongoing projects at our institutes.
5) Apr-16: EDR additional shielding (+6 months)
6) Aug-16: PRR Additional shielding - launch order (+6 months)
Motivations: baseline design done: up to -65% reduction in M2R1 rates. Still
studying if also replacing M2R1 with a passive additional shielding would be
the optimal solution for the muon system performance at high-luminosity work in progress.
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
On muon system performances / 1
• In June we have shown that an improved muon identification
algorithm (isMuonTight+BDT) restores the average pion
misidentification increase with pile-up, at least up to 2E+33
• Still, the inefficiency due to dead time depends on the particle rate
in every region/station
– Giacomo used the data taken at 13 TeV to check the rate extrapolation in
the PID Upgrade TDR  conservative assumptions
– M2-M5 tracking inefficiency: 6.8%  3.9% by reducing DIALOG formation
– Could we still improve the situation in most illuminated regions if we
switch to a PAD readout? YES (from the point of view of the dead time)
but APPARENTLY there is NO GAIN from the point of view of muon
• This is surprising: why an improved M2(R1) does not improve the
muon identification performances? What is the role of M2(R1) in
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
On muon system performances / 2
• Tested muon identification procedures without M2(R1)
• Preliminary: pion misidentification (but only using
isMuonTight) at a luminosity of 1E+33 increases by ~20%
if M2R1 information is not used
– What happens with the full muon identification algorithm?
– What happens at 2E+33? And if we further increase the
luminosity, up to 1E+34?
– Could it be beneficial to remove M2R1 detectors and extending
the new shielding also in the M2R1 volume?
• All this is currently under study, first results will be
presented at the Brainstorming Upgrade meeting in
Cagliari on October 8th + 9th
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Next steps in the upgrade
• The muon upgrade is “just” the new 40 MHz R/O, but with the new
muon identification algorithms this seem enough for 2E+33
• Some improvement on the deadtime @HL could come from a
replacement of IB with nODE in some regions - we are purchasing extra
components to allow this
• New pad-based detectors in M2 most-irradiated regions:
– Could improve to some extent the global deadtime @HL
– It would be a HUGE construction effort, time is short and human resources are limited
– Also, what happens @VHL? Would these detectors be what we really need in these
extreme conditions? We cannot afford building new detectors twice!
– Is an extra shielding in place of M2R1 a better solution in the long run?
• We are currently working to get an answer to all these questions
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
• Very good performances of the muon system in 2015
• A lot of work to improve performances and system monitoring/control
• Spare MWPCs production at LNF is progressing well, and PNPI site should
start production early next year
• Important progress on upgrade electronics: nSYNC TDC is under test and
appears to work as expected; protocol translator to interface GBT-SCA
with our FEE simulated, soon to be tested in lab
• Muon system performances, using new algorithms and current detector,
appears to be enough for L=2E+33, and in addition dead-time could be
improved with minimal effort
• Finally, we are studying further improvements that could open the door
for operating the muon system close to 1E+34
Meeting con i referee, 21/9/2015
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
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