
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook Front cover

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IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook Front cover
Front cover
IBM WebSphere Portal V4
Developer’s Handbook
Deliver additional functions such as
personalization and search capabilities
Understand portlet development
using WebSphere Portal Toolkit
Learn about portlet event
handling and messaging
Juan R. Rodriguez
Jerome Curlier
Werner Frei
Denise Hatzidakis
Juergen Moetzel
Nancy Ting
Shawn VanRaay
International Technical Support Organization
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
March 2003
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
“Notices” on page xi.
First Edition (March 2003)
This edition applies to Version 4, Release 1, Modification 4 of IBM WebSphere Portal for
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
The team that wrote this redbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Comments welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Chapter 1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Portal evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 The three generations of portal technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 WebSphere Portal architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 WebSphere Portal tooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Portal concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.3 Portlet Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3.4 Portlet states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.5 Portlets and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern . . . . . 16
1.3.6 WebSphere Portal Runtime: the Portlet Container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3.7 Portlet lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3.8 Portlet events and messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3.9 Page aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Portlet solution patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 2. Portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.1 What is a portlet? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2 Basic portlet terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 MVC architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3.1 Standard MVC architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3.2 Portlet MVC architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3.3 Portlet MVC sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4 Servlets versus portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5 What is a portlet application? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.6 Portlet deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.6.1 web.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.6.2 portlet.xml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.6.3 Parameter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
2.6.4 Web.xml and Portlet.xml relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.6.5 UID guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6.6 Building a war file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.6.7 Creating a development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.7 Portlet lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8 Portlet API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.8.1 Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.9 Core portlet objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.9.1 Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.9.2 PortletAdapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.9.3 PortletRequest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.9.4 PortletResponse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.9.5 PortletSession object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.9.6 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.9.7 PortletConfig object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.9.8 PortletContext object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.9.9 PortletSettings object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.9.10 PortletApplicationSettings object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.9.11 PortletData object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.9.12 PortletLog object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.9.13 PortletException . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.9.14 UnavailableException . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.9.15 PortletWindow object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.9.16 User object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.9.17 PortletURI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.10 Listeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.10.1 PortletTitleListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.10.2 PortletPageListener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.10.3 PortletSessionListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.4 WindowListener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.10.5 PortletSettingsAttributesListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.10.6 PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.11 Action event handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.12 Core event objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.12.1 ActionListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.12.2 ActionEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.12.3 PortletURI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.12.4 PortletAction and DefaultPortletAction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.12.5 ModeModifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.13 Event examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.13.1 Multi-part form event handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.13.2 Multi-mode event handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.14 Portlet messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.15 Core messaging objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.15.1 MessageListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
2.15.2 MessageEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.15.3 DefaultPortletMessage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.15.4 PortletMessage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
2.15.5 ActionListener/WindowListener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.16 Messaging examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.16.1 Portlet messaging example 1: navigation control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.16.2 Portlet messaging example 2: sharing configuration information . . 95
2.17 Attribute storage summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
2.18 Portlet services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.18.1 ContentAccessService . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.18.2 Custom services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
2.19 Credential Vault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
2.20 Core Credential Vault objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
2.20.1 Vault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.20.2 Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.20.3 Slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
2.20.4 Credential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
2.21 Portlet JSPs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2.21.1 Portlet Tag Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
2.22 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.1 Portal Toolkit installation introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3.2 Installing the WebSphere Portal Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3.3 Portlet Application wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.4 Developing portlet applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
3.4.1 Portlet application contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.4.2 Generated classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
3.5 Portlet.xml interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.6 Deploying portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3.6.1 Deploying to an independent WebSphere Application Server . . . . 139
3.6.2 Deploying to a connected WebSphere Application Server . . . . . . . 141
3.7 Adding portlets to applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
3.8 Configuring Studio for portlet development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.8.1 JSP heads and metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.8.2 Default files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
3.8.3 Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
4.1.1 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
4.1.2 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
4.1.3 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
4.2 Installing the components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.2.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.2.2 Portal Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4.2.3 Personalization Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
4.2.4 DB2 Universal Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
4.2.5 WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server . . . . . . . . 163
4.2.6 Portal server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.3 Configuring the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
4.3.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
4.3.2 Defining the Server in WebSphere Studio Application Developer . 203
4.3.3 Testing the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
4.4 Testing and debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
4.4.1 Debugging the first portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
4.4.2 Debugging portlet JSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
4.4.3 Adding portal server portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
4.4.4 Adding the sample YourCo portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
4.4.5 Hints and tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Chapter 5. National Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
5.1 Resource bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
5.1.1 Creating resource bundles in WebSphere Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
5.1.2 Translating resource bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
5.1.3 Accessing resource bundles in portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
5.1.4 Accessing resource bundles in JSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
5.2 Translating whole resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
5.3 NLS administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
5.3.1 Portlet NLS administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
5.3.2 Portal NLS administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
5.3.3 Setting NLS titles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
5.3.4 Adjusting Portal resource bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
5.4 Working with characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
5.5 NLS best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Chapter 6. Portal customization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
6.2 Guided tour of the portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.2.1 Portal overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.2.2 Portal resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
6.2.3 Welcome page aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
6.2.4 Extend Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
6.3 Portal customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
6.3.1 Basic customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
6.3.2 Advanced customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
6.3.3 WebSphere Portal Extend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
6.4 Building a virtual portal: the YourCo portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
6.4.1 YourCo sample overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
6.4.2 Building the YourCo portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
6.4.3 Adding features to the YourCo portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
6.5 JSP tags reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
6.5.1 <wps:bidi> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
6.5.2 <wps:componentLoop> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
6.5.3 <wps:componentRender> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
6.5.4 <wps:constants> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
6.5.5 <wps:date> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
6.5.6 <wps:if> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
6.5.7 <wps:page>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
6.5.8 <wps:pageGroup>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
6.5.9 <wps:pageGroupLoop>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
6.5.10 <wps:pageLoop>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
6.5.11 <wps:pageLoopInit> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
6.5.12 <wps:pageLoopShift> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
6.5.13 <wps:pageRender>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
6.5.14 <wps:portletBack>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
6.5.15 <wps:portletConfigure> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
6.5.16 <wps:portletEdit> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
6.5.17 <wps:portletHelp> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
6.5.18 <wps:portletID> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
6.5.19 <wps:portletMaximize> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
6.5.20 <wps:portletMinimize> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
6.5.21 <wps:portletRender>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
6.5.22 <wps:portletRestore> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
6.5.23 <wps:portletTitle> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
6.5.24 <wps:problem> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
6.5.25 <wps:screenRender/> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
6.5.26 <wps:text>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
6.5.27 <wps:textParam> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
6.5.28 <wps:time> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
6.5.29 <wps:unless> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
6.5.30 <wps:url>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
6.5.31 <wps:urlBase> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
6.5.32 <wps:urlFind> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
6.5.33 <wps:urlFindInSkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
6.5.34 <wps:urlFindInTheme> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
6.5.35 <wps:urlParent> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
<wps:user> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<wps:width> . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<extend:find> . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<extend:pageGroupId> . . . . . .
<extend:userObjectId> . . . . . .
Chapter 7. Web Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
7.1 Web Clipping overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
7.2 Web Clipping example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
7.3 HTML clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
7.4 Text clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
7.5 Web Clipper settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
7.5.1 Basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
7.5.2 Clipping types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
7.5.3 Firewall options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
7.5.4 Authentication options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
7.5.5 URL rewriting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
7.5.6 Security options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
7.6 HTML Clipping limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
7.7 Future implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Chapter 8. Search capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
8.1 Search in WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
8.2 Integrated search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
8.3 Extended Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
8.3.1 Lotus Extended Search architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
8.3.2 Setting up Lotus Extended Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
8.3.3 Creating search sources for Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
8.3.4 Writing Web client applications for Extended Search . . . . . . . . . . . 472
8.3.5 Portlets using Lotus Extended Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Chapter 9. Remote portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
9.1 Portals in the on-demand era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
9.2 Web services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
9.3 Portals and Web services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
9.4 Using remote portlets with WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
9.4.1 UDDI registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
9.4.2 Preparing the IBM Test Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
9.4.3 Configuring the connection to the UDDI Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
9.4.4 Publish a portlet to the UDDI registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
9.4.5 Accessing a remote portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Chapter 10. Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
10.1 Introduction to personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
10.1.1 What is personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
10.1.2 Planning a personalization solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
10.1.3 Matching types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
10.1.4 Implementing a personalization solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
10.2 WebSphere Personalization V4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
10.2.1 Personalization V4.1 key features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
10.2.2 Integration with WebSphere Portal Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
10.2.3 Integration with WebSphere Content Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
10.2.4 Runtime rule processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
10.3 Personalization API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
10.3.1 Resource interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
10.3.2 IMVResource interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
10.3.3 MultiValueUtils interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
10.3.4 ResourceDomain2 interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
10.3.5 ResourceManager2 interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
10.3.6 AuthIDTranslator interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
10.3.7 BaseResource class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
10.3.8 Generic query framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
10.3.9 ResourceContext class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
10.3.10 RuleTrigger class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
10.4 Using WebSphere Personalization components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
10.4.1 Personalization Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
10.4.2 Resource Console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
10.4.3 Personalization Workspace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
10.4.4 Plugins for WebSphere Studio Application Developer (Wizards) . 566
10.5 Implementing personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
10.5.1 Authorization considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
10.5.2 Logging options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
10.5.3 Applying Personalization to the YourCo sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
10.6 Migration of Personalization V3.5.x solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Chapter 11. Content management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
11.1.1 Support for content management in WebSphere Portal Server . . 638
11.2 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
11.2.1 Web Content Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
11.2.2 Portal Content Organizer (PCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
11.3 Web Content Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
11.3.1 Features of Web Content Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
11.3.2 A brief tour of WebSphere Content Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
11.3.3 Web Content Publisher architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
11.3.4 Step-by-step guide to content publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
11.3.5 Create channel contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
11.3.6 Resource to resource transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
11.3.7 Publishing contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
11.3.8 Serving content in the portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
11.3.9 Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
11.4 Known problems and workarounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770
11.5 Portal Content Publisher (PCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
11.5.1 Accessing PCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
11.5.2 PCO Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
11.5.3 PCO user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
11.6 Third-party content management collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Chapter 12. Host Integration portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
12.1 Host On-Demand portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
12.2 Host Publisher portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
Chapter 13. Transcoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
13.1 Document clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
13.1.1 Under the cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
13.1.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
13.2 Request Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817
13.3 XML configuration tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
13.4 Fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
13.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
13.4.2 How does it work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
13.4.3 Fragmentable elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
13.4.4 Common problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
13.4.5 Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
13.4.6 Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
13.4.7 Fragmentation and intermediate proxies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
13.4.8 Scenario 1: using a WAP reverse proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
13.4.9 Scenario 2: using a forward proxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
13.4.10 Scenario 3: using a forward proxy and reverse proxy . . . . . . . . . 843
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Referenced Web sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IBM Redbooks collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
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IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
This IBM Redbook helps you plan and develop portlet applications using the
IBM® WebSphere® Portal Enable and Extend offerings. The information
provided in this redbook targets Business-to-Employee (B2E) enterprise
applications, but most of the scenarios presented apply to
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) applications as well. In this redbook, you will find
step-by-step examples and scenarios showing ways to integrate your enterprise
applications into an IBM WebSphere Portal environment using the WebSphere
Portal APIs provided by the Portal Toolkit to develop portlets; we also discuss
extending your portlet capabilities to use other advanced functions such as
themes and skins, personalization, search capabilities, content management,
national language support, transcoding, Web clipping, etc.
Elements of the portlet API are described and sample code is provided. The
scenarios included in this redbook can be used to learn about portlet
programming and as a basis to develop your own portlet applications.
You will also find numerous scenarios describing recommended ways to develop
portlets and portlet applications using the APIs provided by the IBM WebSphere
Portal Toolkit.
A basic knowledge of Java technologies such as servlets, JavaBeans, EJBs,
JavaServer Pages (JSPs), as well as XML applications and the terminology used
in Web publishing, is assumed.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
Juan R. Rodriguez is a Consulting IT professional at the
IBM ITSO Center, Raleigh. He received his Master of Science
degree in Computer Science from Iowa State University. He
writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on
such topics as networking, Web technologies, and information
security. Before joining the IBM ITSO, he worked at the IBM
laboratory in the Research Triangle Park (North Carolina,
USA) as a designer and developer of networking products.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
Jerome Curlier has eight years of application development
experience using diverse technologies from C with Linux to C#
with the .net Framework. Jerome started and managed a Web
Design Company in France for three years. Jerome is currently
working as a Technical Architect for the IBM Pacific
Development Centre in Vancouver, Canada. Jerome is also
the team lead of the Microsoft.net Special Interest Group at the
Werner Frei is a Senior IT Specialist at the IBM e-business
Innovation Center in Zurich, Switzerland. He has more than
twenty years of experience in application development. He
has worked in projects within IBM, in customer projects, in
product support for VisualAge® Smalltalk and for four years as
a teacher for object-oriented programming, Java and the
WebSphere family of products at IBM Learning Services.
Denise Hatzidakis is a managing director and WebSphere
Architect with Perficient, Inc. Denise has a BS in Physics and
a BS degree in Computer Science, as well as an MS in
Electrical and Computer Engineering. She joined IBM and
spent ten years as a lead developer for VisualAge and
WebSphere in various capacities. She has recently joined
Perficient, Inc., where she makes extensive use of her skills as
a consultant in WebSphere and J2EE technologies.
Juergen Moetzel is an IT Specialist at IBM Global Services,
BIS e-business Solution Delivery, Munich, Germany. He has
five years of experience in Web application development and
is currently working in the custom enterprise application
development area, focusing on Java technologies and the
WebSphere family of products.
Nancy Ting is a Senior Consultant in Deloitte Consulting
(soon to be Braxton). She focuses on designing and
developing business solutions through the application of
electronic commerce as well as enabling business through
multiple channels (Internet, wireless and voice recognition).
Nancy is a certified Java programmer and a DB2® solutions
specialist, and has been the lead developer and co-architect in
many large-scale e-business application implementations.
She also has extensive experience in speech recognition and
has won an award for building a speech application for a major
telecommunications infrastructure provider.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Shawn VanRaay has been working with WebSphere Portal,
WebSphere Studio and Portal Toolkit since the early days of
these products. He is a consultant with Perficient, Inc.,
specializing in Technical Writing, Education and Consulting in
the Java and WebSphere arena. Shawn has over five years of
experience with Java technologies and the related
WebSphere family of products.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this
Margaret Ticknor
International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center
Sarah Hall, David Kennedy, Julie Strong, David Lection, Philip Kregor
IBM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
Rogerio Venancio
IBM Brazil
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IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 1.
Web developers are facing increasing challenges as more complexity is
introduced into Web Applications. At the core of this complexity is the task of
integrating all kinds of user interfaces. Portal server technology provides a
framework for designing and building these more complex Web-based
This chapter provides an overview of the WebSphere Portal technology, IBM’s
portal tooling, and its use in developing integrated portal applications. A high
level overview of the WebSphere Portal concepts integral to development is
presented here.
In this chapter we explore:
򐂰 The evolution of portals
򐂰 Fundamental Portal concepts and definitions
򐂰 Portal development patterns
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
1.1 Portal evolution
As J2EE technology has evolved, much emphasis has been placed on the
challenges of building enterprise applications and bringing those applications to
the Web. At the core of the challenges currently being faced by Web developers
is the integration of desperate user content into a seamless Web application and
well designed user interface. Portal technology provides a framework to build
such applications for the Web.
If we take a step back in time to the original PC days when each application took
up the entire screen and used all the computer’s resources, the advent of
Windows from Microsoft revolutionized the way we interacted with our desktop. A
user no longer had to close one application to interact with another. Each
application’s content is aggregated to the desktop. This same evolution is taking
place on the Web with portal technology.
Taking a shorter step back in time to the advent of the Web, initially interaction
with the Web involved entering a single URL to access a single Web site much
like the single application model of the early PCs. As the Web quickly evolved, so
did the associated browser technology such as applets and browser plug-ins for
technologies like Java. Unfortunately, these technologies never standardized
and made the job of the Web developer very difficult when trying to provide
cross- browser implementations. In parallel with these technologies, the desire
grew for dynamic content on the Web drove the development of Web servers into
application servers that could serve dynamic content and technologies such as
Support for portals evolved from this application server evolution along with the
need to render multiple streams of dynamic content. The early portals fall in the
category of roll your own. These are proprietary and specific to each
implementation. As these portals grew, so did tooling and frameworks to support
the building of new Portals. The main job of a portal is to aggregate content and
functionality. Portal servers provide:
򐂰 A server to aggregate content
򐂰 A scalable infrastructure
򐂰 A framework to build portal components and extensions.
Additionally, most portals require personalization and customization.
Personalization enables the portal to deliver user specific information targeting a
user based on their unique information. Customization allows the user to
organize the look and feel of the portal to suit their individual needs and tastes.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
WebSphere Portal provides a framework for addressing all these issues along
with an open flexible infrastructure for creating many types or portals accessible
from a wide variety of devices.
1.1.1 The three generations of portal technology
Portals have gone through an evolution process of their own.
First generation portals
The first portals, known as first generation portals, were focused on providing
static Web content, Web documents and live feeds. Examples of first generation
Portals are Yahoo!, Lycos and Excite. In a corporate environment, they had a
similar objective providing a single interface to corporate information distributed
throughout the enterprise. They typically contained information such as company
news, employee contact information, company policy documents and other key
Web links.
Second generation portals
Second generation portals focus on specific information and applications. They
incorporate the notion of providing services along with the first generation idea of
providing content. Another key feature of second generation portals is
Collaboration portals provide the ability for teams to work in a virtual office. They
provide content management services, the mining and organization of related
information, along with collaborative services that allow users to chat, e-mail,
share calendars and define user communities. Collaborative portals are typically
internal corporate portal installations.
Third generation portals
Third generation portals are intended to address full-function eBusiness. They
take portals beyond the corporate boundaries for use by employees, suppliers
and customers. A significant addition to this generation of portals is the
integration of application servers. This means they provide a single point of
integration for content and applications as well as collaborative services. They
also provide access from multiple types of devices to address the diverse user
communities in need of services. They offer the richest set of content and
application choice via a single user interface to a diverse community including
browsers and pervasive devices.They also provide automated personalization
via rules engines. The key to their further evolution is their open framework for
common services.
WebSphere Portal is a third generation portal providing organizations with a
portal framework that connects a wide range of enterprise content and
Chapter 1. Overview
applications. It provides a high degree of integration technologies based on the
J2EE platform. Its extensible architecture provides a scalable framework
allowing adaptation to the changing needs of business.
1.2 Overview
By definition, a portal provides access to content, data and services located
throughout the enterprise. The key building block to the Portal technology is a
portlet. Portlets are an encapsulation of content and functionality. They are
reusable components that combine Web-based content, application functionality
and access to resources. Portlets are assembled onto portal pages which, in
turn, make up a portal implementation. Portlets are similar to Windows
applications in that they present their contents in a window-like display on a
portal page. Like a Windows application, the portlet window has a title bar that
contains controls, allowing the users to expand (maximize) and shrink (minimize)
the application. Portlets function within the Portal Framework where Windows
applications function in the Windows framework. From the portal user’s
perspective, a portlet is a window on a portal site that provides access to a
specific service or resource.
A portal also provides the runtime environment for the portlets that make up the
portal implementation. This runtime environment is the portlet container.The
portlet container, in the J2EE sense of a container, is responsible for
instantiating, invoking and destroying portlets. The portlet container provides the
lifecycle infrastructure for the portlets. Portlets rely on their container to provide
the necessary infrastructure to support a portal environment. The portal
infrastructure provides the core sets of services required by the portlets
򐂰 Access to user profile information
򐂰 A framework for portlets to participate in events
򐂰 A framework to communicate with other portlets
򐂰 Access to remote content
򐂰 Access to credentials
򐂰 A framework for storing persistent data.
WebSphere Portal provides these services through an extensible framework for
integrating enterprise application, content, people and processes. WebSphere
Portal provides services for single sign-on, security, Web content publishing,
search, personalization, collaboration, enterprise application integration, support
for mobile devices and site analytics. Self-service features provided by
WebSphere Portal allow users to interact with each other through collaboration,
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
publishing and sharing documents. Users are also provided interfaces for
personalizing their own content through managing their own view of the portal,
managing their own profiles and choosing their look and feel.
1.2.1 WebSphere Portal architecture
The WebSphere Portal platform is positioned to enhance the WebSphere family
of products, providing tooling for aggregating and personalizing Web-based
content and making that content available via multiple devices. WebSphere
Portal takes advantage of the strong platform provided by WebSphere
Applications Server.
WebSphere Portal finds its roots in Apache Jetspeed. Jetspeed is an Open
Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML.
Jetspeed was created to deliver an Open Source Portal that individuals or
companies could use and contribute to in an Open (Source) manner.
Soon after creation, it became apparent that Jetspeed was going to become an
“engine” for Web applications. That, however, was far beyond the scope of the
original project. Around that time, there were many discussions on the mailing list
that spawned the Turbine project based on technology donated by Jon
Stevens/Clear Ink. Turbine is now the Web Application framework that Jetspeed
shares with many other Web applications.
Building on the Jetspeed implementation, WebSphere Portal provides an
architecture for building and running portal applications. The overall WebSphere
Portal Architecture can be seen in Figure 1-1. WebSphere Portal provides
services for Authentication and Authorization through the WebSphere Member
Services. The core of WebSphere Portal architecture is composed of the
Presentation Services, the portal infrastructure, and the portal services.
Chapter 1. Overview
Portlet Data
Content Access
Credential Vault
Page Aggregation
Web Services
Portlet Container
Portlet API
Web Clipper
Portlet Proxy
Local Portlet
Internet or
Data and
Figure 1-1 WebSphere Portal Architecture
Presentation services
WebSphere Portal presentation services provide customized and personalized
pages for users though aggregation. Page content is aggregated from a variety
of sources via content and applications. The portal presentation framework
simplifies the development and maintenance of the portal by defining the page
structure independent of the portlet definition. Portlets can be changed without
impact to the overall portal page structure.
The Portal engine
WebSphere Portal provides a pure Java engine whose main responsibility is to
aggregate content from different sources and serve the aggregated content to
multiple devices. The Portal engine also provides a framework that allows the
presentation layer of the portal to be decoupled from the portlet implementation
details. This allows the portlets to be maintained as discrete components.
Figure 1-2 shows the WebSphere Portal Engine Components.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Portal Engine
Full Page
User Bean
ser vices
Access Control
Figure 1-2 WebSphere Portal Engine
The Authentication Server is a third party authentication proxy server that sits in
front of the Portal engine. Access to portlets is controlled by checking access
rights during page aggregation, page customization, and other access points.
The Portal Servlet is the main component of the portal engine. The portal servlet
handles the requests made to the portal. The portal requests are handled in two
phases. The first phase allows portals to send event messages between
themselves. In the second phase, the appropriate Aggregation Module for the
requesting device renders the overall portal page by collecting information from
all the portlets on the page and adding standard decorations such as title bars,
edit buttons, etc.
Portlet container
Portal Services are components WebSphere Portal uses to extend the portal
functionality. Key functionality is provided with WebSphere Portal for
personalization, search, content management, site analysis, enterprise
application integration collaboration and Web services. Portlets can access these
services via their container.
Portal infrastructure
The WebSphere Portal infrastructure is the framework that provides the internal
features of the portal. Functionality such as user and group management via self
registration, as well as portal administration, are provided by the Portal
Chapter 1. Overview
User and Group Management
The WebSphere Portal infrastructure provides facilities to allow user self
management along with enterprise integration with user directories such as
LDAP or database structures.
Security services
As WebSphere Portal runs within the WebSphere Application Server platform, it
makes use of the standard Java Security APIs to provide authentication. The
WebSphere Portal is configured so that incoming requests pass through an
authentication component such as WebSphere Application Server, WebSEAL (a
component of SecureWay®) or other proxy servers. A user’s authorization for a
particular resource such as page or a portlet is handled by the portal engine.
User Beans are provided to allow programmatic access to the User information
for use within portlets.
Page transformation
WebSphere Transcoding Technology is integrated with WebSphere Portal to
transform the portal markup produced by WebSphere Portal to markup for
additional devices such as mobile phones and PDAs.
Portal services
Portal services are built-in features the WebSphere Portal provides to extend and
enhance the full portal solution. These services are provided via the Portlet
container as seen in Figure 1-1 on page 6. Among the services are:
򐂰 Personalization
The IBM WebSphere Personalization functionality enables advanced
personalization capabilities. Base customization, such as choosing which
portlets are desired on a page, is accomplished by the user via administration
functionality. Advanced personalization via rules engines, user preferences
and profiles is accomplished by the provided personalization services.
򐂰 Content Management
WebSphere Portal provides services to facilitate connections to content
management sources. Built-in support is provided for several common
content types such a as Rich Site Summary (RSS), News Markup Language
(NewsML) and Open Content Syndication (OCS) along with most XML and
Web browser markup.
򐂰 Search
WebSphere Portal offers a simple search service. The Portal Search
capability enables search across distributed html and text data sources. The
search can crawl a Web site and is configured so as to force it to follow
several layers in a site or to extend beyond several links in a site.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Furthermore, IBM Extended Search and Enterprise Information Portal can be
fully incorporated into the portal environment. These search engines are
industrial-strength tools that provide federated searches across numerous
data sources.
򐂰 Site Analysis
You can take advantage of the underlying WebSphere Application Server
technology and Site Analyzer to provide information about Web site visitor
trends, usage and content. This detailed information can then be used to
improve the overall effectiveness of the site.
򐂰 Collaboration
Collaboration services are provided by WebSphere Portal through a set of
pre-defined portlets. These portlets allow for team-room function, chat,
e-mail, calendering and many other collaborative technologies.
򐂰 Web Services
WebSphere Portal provides services for exposing and integrating portlets as
remote portlets hosted on another portal platform via Web Services
technology. The entire process of packaging and responding to a SOAP
request is hidden from the developer and the administrator.
1.2.2 WebSphere Portal tooling
WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Portal Toolkit, along with their prerequisite
products, provide the basic tooling for developing and deploying portals and their
associated portlets.
WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal contains built-in support for portlet deployment, configuration,
administration and communication between portlets.
WebSphere Portal provides the framework for building and deploying portals and
the portal components, portlets. Portlet content is aggregated by the WebSphere
Portal to provide the desired portal implementation.
WebSphere Portal makes use of the WebSphere Application Server technology
to provide a portal platform.
WebSphere Portal Toolkit
The WebSphere Portal Toolkit is provided with WebSphere Portal and provides
an environment for developing portal using WebSphere Portal. The WebSphere
Portal Toolkit is a plug-in for WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)
Chapter 1. Overview
or WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) which adds the portal
development environment.
The WebSphere Portal Toolkit provides the ability to quickly create complete,
MVC-compliant portlet applications. It also provides intuitive editors for working
with the deployment descriptors required by your portlet applications.
Furthermore, it allows you to dynamically debug your portlet applications.
The WebSphere Portal Toolkit is explored in detail in Chapter 3, “Using the Portal
Toolkit” on page 119.
1.3 WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal takes advantage of the WebSphere Application Server base,
making use of its J2EE services. WebSphere Portal itself installs as an
Enterprise application in WebSphere Application Server.
1.3.1 Portal concepts
A portlet is an application that displays page content.
Portlet application
Portlet applications are collections of related portlets and resources that are
packaged together. All portlets packaged together share the same context which
contains all resources such as images, properties files and classes. Important
also is the fact that portlets within a portlet application can exchange messages.
A portal page displays content. A page can contain one or more portlets. For
example, a World Market page might contain two portlets that displays stock
tickers for popular stock exchanges and a third portlet that displays the current
exchange rates for world currencies. To view a page in the portal, you select its
place from the place selector and then click the page within the place.
Place or page group
A place is a collection of portal pages. The portal administrator can create
places, determine which portal pages are in the each place, and give the
appropriate users authority to access the place and pages.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The page layout defines the number of content areas within the page and the
portlets displayed within each content area. In many cases, the portal
administrator defines the page layout. The administrator can permit specified
users or user groups to change the page layout to reflect individual preferences.
If you have authority to change a page, use the Layout page in the Work with
Pages place to alter the page layout.
Each portal page is subdivided into one or more content areas. Each content
area can contain one or more portlets. The portal administrator or a user who has
authority to manage a page can control whether others who have authority to edit
the page can move, edit or delete the content areas and the portlets on the page.
Permissions is the term for controlling those settings. If you have authority to
make changes to a portal page, use the Permissions page in Work with Pages
place to set the permissions for the page.
Themes represent the overall look and feel of the portal, including colors, images
and fonts. There are several default themes provided with the standard
installation of WebSphere Portal. Each place in the portal may have a different
theme associated with it, thereby creating the appearance of virtual portals.
The term skin refers to the visual appearance of the area surrounding an
individual portlet. Each portlet can have its own skin. The skins that are available
for use with a portlet are defined by the portal theme that is associated with the
place. The portal administrator or the designer determines the theme for places
and the available skins for the theme. The administrator can permit specified
users to change the skins to reflect individual preferences. If you have authority
to make changes to a portal page, use the Skins page in Work with Pages to set
the skins for portlets.
1.3.2 Portlets
The base building blocks of a Portal are the portlets. Portlets are complete
applications following the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Portlets are
developed, deployed, managed and displayed independent of all other portlets.
Portlets may have multiple states and view modes along with event and
messaging capabilities. Based on the J2EE container model, portlets run inside
the Portlet Container of WebSphere Portal analogous to the way servlets run
inside the Servlet Container of WebSphere Application Server. Portlets are a
Chapter 1. Overview
special subclass of HTTPServlet that includes properties and functionality that
allows them to run inside the Portlet Container. Though portlets actually run as
servlets under the WebSphere Application Server, they cannot send redirects or
errors to the browser directly, forward requests or write arbitrary markup to the
output stream. All communication back to the end user from a portlet is done via
the aggregation modules.
To understand the portlet model used by WebSphere Portal, let us take a step
back and examine the Flyweight pattern. This pattern is used by WebSphere
Portal as the design pattern for the portlet model.
The Flyweight pattern
The Flyweight pattern was originally presented by the GofF or Gang of Four
(Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides) in E.Gamma,
et al., Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison Wesley, 1995.
Flyweight is a structural pattern used to support a large number of small objects
efficiently. Several instances of an object may share some properties. Flyweight
factors these common properties into a single object, thus saving considerable
space and time otherwise consumed by the creation and maintenance of
duplicate instances. Key to the Flyweight Design Pattern is the fact that the
objects share some information. It is then possible to greatly reduce the
overhead problem and make the presence of so many objects possible.
The flyweight object is a shared object that can be used in multiple contexts at
the same time; the object functions independently in each context.
The state shared by the objects falls into two categories, intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic state
State stored in the object and independent of object’s
context. Thus the information is sharable across the
objects. The more stateless and intrinsic information
shared between objects in the flyweight, the better. This
allows for greater savings in memory, since less context
information needs to be passed around.
Extrinsic state
State that depends on a single request varies with the
objects context and therefore cannot be shared. This
information must be stateless and determined by context,
having no stored values, but values that can be calculated
on the spot. Client Objects are responsible for passing the
extrinsic state to the object when the object needs it.
This separation into extrinsic and intrinsic information allows great numbers of
similar objects to exist, differing only in the context in which they exist.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The different components involved in the Flyweight Pattern are the Flyweight, the
ConcreteFlyweight, the UnsharedConcreteFlyweight, the FlyweightFactory and
the Client.
򐂰 The Flyweight: the shared object with intrinsic state. The flyweight declares
an interface through which flyweights can receive and act on intrinsic data.
򐂰 ConcreteFlyweight: implements the Flyweight interface and adds storage for
the intrinsic state.
򐂰 UnsharedConcreteFlyweight: the flyweight interface enables sharing but does
not enforce it. Not all flyweights are shared. It is common for
UnsharedConcreteFlyweight objects to have ConcreteFlyweight objects as
children at some level in the hierarchy.
򐂰 FlyweightFactory: serves to dispense particular flyweights that are requested.
When a Flyweight with certain properties is requested, it checks to see if one
already exists, and if so, returns that flyweight. If the requested flyweight does
not exist, it creates the requisite flyweight, stores and returns it.
򐂰 Client: when creating an object, a client must assign a flyweight to it, so it
asks the FlyweightFactory for a particular flyweight, receives that flyweight,
and creates a reference to it in the object it is creating.
The parameterization of portlets is based on the flyweight pattern, the Portlet
Container being the Flyweight Factory.
Portlets are invoked by the portlet container. Every portlet has to inherit from the
abstract org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet class, either by deriving directly from
it, or by using one of the abstract portlet implementations.
A portlet is a small Java program that runs within a portlet container. Portlets
receive and respond to requests from the portlet container. There is ever only
one portlet object instance per portlet configuration in the Web deployment
descriptor. There may be many PortletSettings objects parameterizing the same
portlet object according to the Flyweight pattern, provided on a per-request
When the portal administrator deploys a new portlet or copies an existing one,
PortletSettings are created. A Portlet parameterized by its PortletSettings is
referred to as a concrete portlet. The settings of concrete portlets may change at
runtime since administrators modify the portlet settings by using the configuration
mode of the portlet. The PortletSettings initially contain the elements defined in
the deployment descriptor and are changeable by the portlet administrator.
Chapter 1. Overview
Portlet Deployed
Portlet Settings
Portlet Placed on a
Persistent Data
Portlet Accessed by
a user
Transient Data
Figure 1-3 Portlet Parameterization objects
Additionally, users can have personal views of concrete portlets. Therefore, the
transient PortletSession and persistent concrete PortletData carries vital
information for the portlet to create a personalized user experience.
When a portlet is added to a page, PortletData is created to parameterize the
portlet. The PortletData can only be accessed by the portlet itself, for example
when changing a list of desired stocks to watch in a stock portlet. A concrete
portlet in conjunction with portlet data creates a Concrete Portlet Instance.
PortletData scope depends on the scope of the page. If the administrator places
the portlet on a page, the portlet data contains data stored for the group of users
associated with the page. If a user puts the portlet on the page, the portlet data
contains data for that user. For more information on the portlet data object, refer
to Chapter 2, “Portlets” on page 31.
Finally, when the user initially accesses a portlet, a PortletSession is created.
The portlet session stores transient data associated with an individual use of the
portlet. The concrete portlet instance parameterized by the PortletSession is
referred to as the User Portlet Instance.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Portlet Settings
Portlet Settings
Portlet Settings
Concrete Portlet
Portlet Settings
Portlet Settings
Concrete Portlet
Portlet Settings
Portlet Settings
User Portlet
Figure 1-4 The Portlet Parameterization
1.3.3 Portlet Modes
Portlet Modes are a facet of the Portal display model. Modes allow the portlet to
display a different “face” depending on its usage. There are four modes:
Initial face of the portlet when created. The portlet
normally functions with this face.
If the portlet supports the help mode, a help page will be
displayed for the user.
This mode allows the user to configure the portlet for their
personal use, for example, specifying a city for a localized
weather forecast.
If provided, this mode displays a face that allows the
portal administrator to configure the portlet for a group of
users or a single user.
Chapter 1. Overview
1.3.4 Portlet states
Portlet states determine how the portlet is displayed in the portal. The state of the
portlet is stored in the PortletWindow.State object and can be queried for
optimizing processing based on state. The three states of a portlet are:
Portlet is displayed in its initial state as defined when it
was installed.
The portlet view is maximized and takes over the entire
body of the portal replacing all the other portal views.
Only the portlet title bar is visible inside the portlet page.
1.3.5 Portlets and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern
Because portlets must be capable of supporting multiple views for multiple
devices, the key design pattern used for portlets is the model-view-controller
(MVC) design pattern. This design pattern contains three entities:
򐂰 The model, the data source to be retrieved for the portlet
Model data for a portlet is typically retrieved from an external data source and
loaded into Java display beans, or arrives formatted in an XML document.
򐂰 The view or views, the output mechanism used to display the data of the
Display views are typically implemented as either JSPs, more typically used
when the data model is implemented in Java beans, or XSLT style sheets
when the incoming data is formatted in an XML document.
򐂰 The controller, which joins the selected view to the data and conducts the
operation of the portlet.
The controller selects the view for display based on the target device or
browser, and then passes the data model to the view. The view extracts the
specific display data, formats the data for the browser and renders its output
to the browser as part of the portal aggregation of portlet outputs.
For portlet development, the MVC pattern has the following characteristics:
򐂰 The portlet is only responsible for calling the right controller, depending on the
markup supported by the client.
򐂰 Connectors are responsible for accessing content sources. Typically, there is
one connector per content source type, for example, one connector for POP3
access and one for file-based cache.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 Models represent the content as retrieved through the connector. A model is
independent of the presentation.
򐂰 Controllers can be used to provide markup-specific content (HTML, cHTML,
or WML).
In the MVC structure, there is a distinct separation of data from presentation
along with a controller component for managing the interaction between the data
(model) and the presentation or view. The controller knows the environment in
which the application is invoked, gathers information from the data object to be
displayed, and then applies the appropriate view to render the data using the
markup language appropriate for the current device.
A comprehensive discussion of the MVC pattern and how it is applied to portlets
is provided in Chapter 2, “Portlets” on page 31. See Section 2.3, “MVC
architecture” on page 33 for details.
1.3.6 WebSphere Portal Runtime: the Portlet Container
WebSphere Portal is a J2EE application based on the servlet technology. In fact,
portlets inherit from HTTP Servlet in the Java hierarchy, providing the servlet
functionality. The WebSphere Portal portlet container is not, however, a
standalone container as is the servlet container. The portlet container is a thin
layer implemented on top of the servlet container designed to reuse the
functionality provided by the servlet container.
The Portlet API provides the standard interfaces for accessing the services
provided by the portlet container. The Portlet API is explored in detail in
Chapter 2, “Portlets” on page 31. As previously mentioned, the Portlet Container
is implemented on top of the servlet container and thus the Portal API is very
similar to the servlet API.
1.3.7 Portlet lifecycle
Much like the Servlet Container, the Portlet Container manages the portlet
lifecycle along with providing services to the portlets running in the container.
The portlet container loads and instantiates the portlet class. This can happen
during startup of the portal server or later, but no later than when the first request
to the portlet has to be serviced. Also, if a portlet is taken out of service
temporarily, for example while administrating it, the portlet container may finish
the lifecycle before taking the portlet out of service. When the administration is
done, the portlet will be newly initialized.
Chapter 1. Overview
During the portlet lifecycle, the portlet container invokes the following methods
on the Portlet class (subclass of a the Portlet Adapter class) on behalf of user
requests as seen in Figure 1-5.
– doView()
– doEdit()
– doHelp()
– doConfigure()
򐂰 logout()
򐂰 destroyConcrete()
򐂰 destroy()
User page request
Portal page returned
User logout
Portal terminated
Portlet init() ;
Portlet login()
PortletPageListener beginPage();
Portlet service();endService();
PortletPageListener endPage()
Portlet markup returned
User login
Portlet Container
Portlet Initailized
Portlet logout()
Portlet destroy();
Figure 1-5 Portlet Lifecycle
The portlet container calls the following methods of the abstract portlet during the
portlet's life cycle:
򐂰 init()
The portlet is constructed after portal initialization and initialized with the init()
method. The portal always instantiates only a single instance of the portlet,
and this instance is shared among all users, exactly the same way a servlet is
shared among all users of an application server.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 initConcrete()
After constructing the portlet and before the portlet is accessed for the first
time, the portlet is initialized with the PortletSettings. This is known as the
concrete portlet.
򐂰 service()
The portal calls the service() method when the portlet is required to render its
content. During the lifecycle of the portlet, the service() method is typically
called many times. For each portlet on the page, the service() method is not
called in a guaranteed order and may even be called in a different order for
each request.
򐂰 destroyConcrete()
The concrete portlet is taken out of service with the destroyConcrete()
method. This can happen when an administrator deletes a concrete portlet
during runtime on the portal server.
򐂰 destroy()
When the portal is terminating, portlets are taken out of service, then
destroyed with the destroy() method. Finally, the portlet is garbage collected
and finalized.
1.3.8 Portlet events and messaging
Many portals today display static content in independent windows. The ability for
portlets to interact within a portal is key to giving a portal a “live” feeling. In “live”
portals, quite often the user is presented with one portlet on a page that presents
a choice of data, a list of stocks for example, and choosing from the list causes
another portlet to be updated with the details of the choice. This type of list-detail
processing via multiple portlets is done with portlet events and messaging. This
same type of process could be accomplished using a single portlet but consider
the example of a stock list, stock details and news associated with the stock.
Giving the user this function via three portlets allows the user to customize the
portal experience by choosing which information about the chosen stock is
displayed by simply adding the associated portlet to the page.
In portlet messaging, one portlet typically detects a condition and formats a
message as a result of that condition, then sends the message to the receiver.
The receiving portlet receives the message from the event handler and
processes the message as you would expect. Portlets can both send and receive
Portlets communicate using portlet actions and portlet messages. For example,
an account portlet creates a portlet action and encodes it into the URL that is
rendered for displaying transactions. When the link is clicked, the action listener
Chapter 1. Overview
is called, which then sends a portlet message to send the necessary data to the
transaction detail portlet.
There are some basic rules to portlet messaging:
򐂰 Portlets in different applications can only communicate through default portlet
message objects. Default portlet message objects can only carry strings.
򐂰 In order for portlets to communicate through custom messages, they must be
part of the same portlet application. WebSphere Portal uses a unique class
loader for each portlet application to provide security between applications.
The message is typically a custom Java object unique to the application.
Since messaging portlets must share this message object, they must share
the same class loader and therefore they must be part of the same portlet
򐂰 For performance reasons, portlets that communicate through messaging
must reside on the same page. Since only one page is displayed at a time,
there is little need to send messages to portlets not currently displayed.
Portlet events contain information about an event to which a portlet might need to
respond. For example, when a user clicks a link or button, this generates an
action event. To receive notification of the event, the portlet must have the
appropriate event listener implemented within the portlet class.
Action events: generated when an HTTP request is received by the portlet
container that is associated with an action, such as when the user clicks a link.
Message events: generated when another portlet within the portlet application
sends a message.
Window events: generated when the user changes the state of the portlet
The portlet container delivers all events to the respective event listeners (and
therefore the portlets) before generating any content to be returned to the portal
page. Should a listener, while processing the event, find that another event
needs to be generated, that event will be queued by the portlet container and
delivered at a time point determined by the portlet container. It is only guaranteed
that it will be delivered and that this will happen before the content generation
phase. There is no guarantee for event ordering.
Once the content generation phase has started, no further events will be
delivered. For example, messages cannot be sent from within the service,
doView or other content generation methods. Attempts to send a message
during the content generation phase will result in an org.apache.jetspeed.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The event listener is implemented directly in the portlet class. The listener can
access the PortletRequest.
It is important to understand the underlying event handling and message
processing to ensure delivery of all send messages. The portal event handling
and message processing sees four steps executed in the following order.
1. Processing all action events
The user makes a request of the portal, the portal receives the request and
decodes the action URI sent by the client and propagates an action event to
the appropriate portlet. The receiving portlet’s action listener is called to
process an action event. An appropriate time to send messages to other
portlets is during the processing of the action event.
2. Processing all message events
If a message is sent to a portlet, the portlet’s message listener is called to
process the message. Since portlets can send multiple messages and send
messages as a result of receiving a message, this process continues until
there are no more messaging events pending. Cyclical messaging is
prevented by the WebSphere Portal architecture.
3. Processing all window events
Sizing operations such as maximize, minimize and restore, along with the
portlet’s ability to request a specific size, causes multiple window events to be
sent to all portlets affected by the sizing activity. This processing of window
events continues until there are no more window events pending.
4. Portlet rendering process
Upon completing the event processing in the order specified above, the portal
aggregator begins calling each container on the page being displayed,
causing its contents to be rendered. The rendering process is explored in
detail in “Page aggregation” on page 22. When aggregation is complete, the
page is returned to the user.
Important: It is important to note that events are not processed in the last step
of the process, page rendering. If a message is sent by a portlet during
rendering, the message will not be delivered or processed. This is a result of
the fact that the event queue is held in the portlet request and at the time of
rendering, the portlet request is no longer available. Therefore, if portlet
interaction is desired, portlet messages must be sent during the first three
steps of the event and aggregation process.
Chapter 1. Overview
1.3.9 Page aggregation
Portals allow users to choose sets of portlets they would like to work with and
provide a framework for displaying those portlets in a consistent fashion.
A defined set of applications, which should be presented in a common
environment, is referred to as a page.
Page aggregation is the process that collects information about the user’s
choices, the device being used and the selected portlets, then takes that
information and combines it to create a display that is appropriate for the device.
The aggregation process involves three basic steps:
򐂰 Collecting user information
򐂰 Selecting the active applications
򐂰 Aggregating the output
Once the active page is determined, the layout of this page is used to aggregate
the content of the defined applications, arrange the output and integrate
everything into a complete page. Basic Portal Page Layout can be seen in
Figure 1-6.
Rendering of page components is done using JSPs, images, style sheets, and
other resources. These resources are located in the file system in a path-naming
convention that the portal server uses to locate the correct resources for the
client. For a complete discussion of portal layout and customization, see
Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261. WebSphere Portal provides
dynamic aggregation of pages from page descriptors held in the portal database.
Collecting user information
During the collection of user information, the following information is collected:
The user is authenticated at login and the user
identification is available throughout the session.
The user’s device is determined by information contained
in the request header. Once determined, this information
is also stored in the session.
The markup is associated with the device category. There
are currently three markups defined, HTML, cHTML and
WML. New markup scan be added via the Markup
Manager Portlet.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Markup version
The version for the supported markup. For example, ie5
for the Internet Explorer family of browsers, ns for the
Netscape family of browsers.
The portal determines the language to be displayed via
the following algorithm.
If the user is logged in, the portal user interface is
displayed in the preferred language of the user.
If no preferred language is set, the portal UI is displayed
in the language set by the client browser if available.
If no browser language is available, the portal UI is
displayed in the default language set for the portal.
Portlets not supporting any of the above scenarios display
their UI in the portlet’s default language.
Page/page groups
The access control list determines which pages and page
groups a user has access to.
The name of the active theme is taken from the currently
active page group.
Depending on the interactions of the user with the portal,
different screens are presented. The screen holds the
output of the portlets on a page.
Selecting the active applications
During this phase of aggregation, the portal determines the active applications or
portlets to be displayed. When the portal receives a request, it determines the
active place and the active page for the current user. Aggregation then continues
with the rendering of the page.
Aggregating the output
Once the active page is determined, the portal uses the layout of the page to
aggregate the content of the defined applications, to place the output and build
the complete page. A page contains components such as row or column
containers that contain other components or portlets. Figure 1-6 shows the
layout of a portal page.
Chapter 1. Overview
My Portal Server
Page 1 Page 2
Figure 1-6 Portal Page Layout
A portal page is made up of the following elements.
The portal window
The content inside the displayed window. It is made up of
the banner and the portal page.
The banner
The top area of the window that holds the company
information, the greeting, a page selection box, tabs to
select the current page in the page group being displayed
and some additional controls for interacting with the portal
such as logging in, logging out and help.
The screen
Hold the output of the portlets on the currently selected
page. The layout is determined by its row and column
A row
A container inside a page that allows portlets to be
arranged in a horizontal format.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
A column
A container inside a page that allows portlets to be
arranged in a vertical format.
A control
The frame around the portlet is constructed by the frame.
It builds the bar above the portlet output including buttons
to control the state and view of the portlet.
Themes and skins
Window and component layouts can be controlled by themes and skins. Themes
refer to the window templates. Themes represent the look and feel of the portal,
including fonts and colors, and is also used to render to portal banner. Skins refer
to the component templates. Skins use the theme name to select the graphics
that match the theme colors.
Aggregation uses the concept of templates to perform window, screen and
component layout. When a corresponding part needs to be rendered, a template
loader will load the requested template. If the requested template can’t be found,
the default template will be used. A template consists of the template class that
controls the rendering, the localization and the launch of the template JSP. The
template JSP performs the actual rendering. There are three types of templates:
򐂰 Window templates
The Window template is responsible for the layout of the parts of the banner
area and the placement of the screen. You can change, for example, the
navigation tab location via the window template.
򐂰 Screen templates
The Screen template is responsible for the layout and the content of the
screen, the portion of the portal page containing the output of the portlets.
򐂰 Component templates
Component templates are responsible for rendering the component itself and
for starting the rendering of its children components. The children of container
components (row and column) may be other containers or controls. The child
of a control will always be a single portlet.
Page aggregation processing
The rendering process is a domino process starting with the root container. The
root container triggers the rendering of all the child components in the page
hierarchy as seen in Figure 1-7.
Rendering the screen triggers the aggregation of a page and its portlets. The
pageRender tag in the screen starts the rendering process. If no portlet is
maximized, then the pageRender tag calls the RootContainer.
Chapter 1. Overview
The Root Container holds all the containers and controls for this page. The
pageRender tag tells the Root Container to invoke the rendering of all its
children. Since the Root Container is used only as a starting point for the
aggregation, it does not render itself and therefore is not visible on the screen.
Each child of the Root Container invokes its template which is responsible for
rendering all the content of its child. If the child contains further child components
the componentLoop and componentRender tags execute the rendering of all
these components one at a time.
Each component invokes its own template which in turn invokes more
components until the leaf of each branch is reached. Thus, control moves
between component classes and their respective JSPs. Each component writes
its content to the servlet output stream.
When a control is reached, it invokes the rendering of the portlet, which adds its
output to the output stream via its rendering. When the entire tree has been
traversed, the output stream is closed and the output is sent back to the
requesting client.
<Page Render Tag/>
Customizable Aggregation Objects
Figure 1-7 Page Aggregation
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
1.4 Portlet solution patterns
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) systems are excellent candidates for portlets because efficient,
personalized access to these functions provide measurable returns on your
portal investment. WebSphere Portal includes portlets that help you access a
variety of ERP and CRM systems. At the time this book is written the portlet
catalog on the IBM Portal Web site contains 55 portlets in the ERP section alone.
Enterprise Applications running on a backend or host system are another group
of candidates for portlets, especially when the portal addresses the
business-to-employee pattern and you want to provide a common working
environment to your users, whatever application and system they may need for
their work.
There are many ways to perform application integration in a Web environment.
Not all of them are based on portlets and amongst the portlet-based solutions,
several different architectural approaches can be applied. Depending on
technical circumstances, the given time frame and the goals of the integration,
typically different approaches may be combined in one portal solution.
We try to list some of the patterns you might think of. One way we can
differentiate is along the line of shrink-wrapped versus roll-your-own.
Customizable portlets from a vendor
In this pattern, a portlet is provided that can be installed in Portlet Server and,
after a configuration effort, the system or application in question can be accessed
through the portal. Often, such a portlet is delivered by the vendor of the system
that should be accessed. Both the Host On-Demand portlet and the Host
Publisher portlet we use in the following examples are of this type.
Custom developed portlets
This pattern comes into play when either no vendor offers a portlet for the
requested application, or the requested level of functionality, usability,
accessibility or security is not met by the existing portlets. Another reason might
be that you want to combine information or functionality of multiple applications
seamlessly into one portlet.
Most probably, this integration will include using the Java Connector Architecture
(JCA). JCA is a standard architecture for integrating J2EE applications with
Enterprise Information Systems that are not relational databases. Each of these
systems provides native APIs for identifying a function to call, specifying its input
Chapter 1. Overview
data, and processing its output data. The goal of the JCA is to achieve an
independent API for coding these functions.
JCA also defines a standard Service Provider Interface (SPI) for integrating the
transaction, security and connection management facilities of an application
server with those of a transactional resource manager. Thus, JCA is a
standards-based approach to managing connections, transactions, and secure
access to enterprise application systems. IBM’s JCA connectors provide access
to systems such as SAP, People Soft, CICS®, and IMS™. Leveraging its
CrossWorlds acquisition, IBM will also develop and integrate JCA connectors to
many other systems.
Another way to look at portlets for application integration is from a topology point
of view.
Client to remote application
In this pattern, used by IBM Host On-Demand (see Chapter 12, “Host Integration
portlets” on page 785), the portlet is just a bootstrap to allow the client to get in
touch with the requested system or application, and Portal Server is the
framework for the user interface. This implies that normally, an applet is involved
which makes a direct network connection to a remote system.
Figure 1-8 Portal Solutions - client to remote application
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Portlet to remote application
This is the topology most likely used if you write your own application integration
portlet. Access to the requested application or information is gained through
standardized interfaces such as JCA connectors, JDBC and JMS, or by using a
proprietary API provided by the application that is to be integrated (for example
SAP Business Connector).
Figure 1-9 Portal Solutions - portlet to remote application
Portlet to Web application
In this pattern, most of the work is done in a Web application. A sample of this
pattern is IBM Host Publisher; see Chapter 12, “Host Integration portlets” on
page 785 for details. Also, if you write a Web application using the JCA or EJB
and create a portlet interface to it, you follow this pattern.
Chapter 1. Overview
Figure 1-10 Portal Solutions - Portlet to Web Application
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 2.
This chapter provides details on the Portlet lifecycle, Portlet API and deployment
concerns.The goal of this chapter is to provide you with the ability to not only
design and build dynamic portlet applications, but also recognize opportunities to
portalize existing applications and services.
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to work with the Portlet API to
design and build new portlet applications. You will have the requisite skills to
deploy new applications as well as existing portalized applications. The
WebSphere Studio Application Developer environment is covered in Chapter 3,
“Using the Portal Toolkit” on page 119 and as such will not be discussed here. In
this chapter, all development and deployment information will be development
environment independent.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
MVC Model 2 Architecture
Servlets vs. Portlets
Portlet Deployment
Portlet Lifecycle
Portlet Hierarchy and API
Event Handling
Portlet Messaging
Portlet Services
Portlet JSP API
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
2.1 What is a portlet?
A portlet is a server side application that runs in the context of the WebSphere
Portal Server. It inherits from the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class and as such
is treated as a servlet by the application server. The portlet is executed inside a
Web container managed by the application server. In the Portlet API, this
container is referred to as the Portlet container.
Note: It is not possible to directly execute the portlet functionality by addressing
the portlet via http.
Though a portlet may provide dual functionality as both a servlet and a portlet, it
is certainly a best practice to keep these Controller functions separate. A portlet
is visible on a portal page as a single small window, of which each portal page
may have many. The portlet is the content inside the window, not the window
itself. The window is defined by the selected skin. For more information on skins,
refer to Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261.
2.2 Basic portlet terms
In order to fully understand some of the introductory topics, it is necessary to
define a few of the most basic terms used when discussing portlets.
Portlet window
This is the window that surrounds the portlet, including the title bar and any
border images.
This is the current state of the portlet window. Valid states are Normal, Minimized
and Maximized.
This defines the current condition of the portlet. The modes that are available for
any particular user depend on the permissions for that user, the device they are
using to access the portlet and the configuration and implementation of the
Note: All portlets support the default mode, view.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The following portlet modes are supported:
򐂰 View. When a user is simply viewing the portlet, likely with other portlets on
the page, it is in view mode.
򐂰 Edit. When the user selects the Edit button to change some configuration
information, the portlet is in edit mode. Users only have access to the edit
mode if they have been granted edit access by the administrator.
򐂰 Configure. Configure mode is conceptually similar to edit mode in that it is
used to adjust the configuration of the portlet. However, only users with
manage permissions on a portlet have access to the Configure mode. In
practice, the average user may have edit permissions on a portlet to change
certain personal settings such as user IDs and passwords. Typically, only
administrators would have manage permissions on a portlet so they could
adjust non-user specific settings such as server names, etc. The actual
implementation of the edit and configure modes, however, is entirely up to the
portlet developer.
򐂰 Help. The Help mode is used to present help information.
2.3 MVC architecture
To help you understand the role of a portlet and to help prepare you for effective
and well-designed portlet development, a review of the Model View Control
(MVC) architecture is necessary. This section will review in brevity the MVC
Model 2 architecture.
In the simplest of forms, the MVC model 2 architecture is illustrated in Figure 2-1.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Figure 2-1 Simple MVC architecture
2.3.1 Standard MVC architecture
The Model View Control architecture is concerned with separation of
responsibilities. The objective, no matter how it is applied or to what type of
application, is to segregate a system into components. Each component should
be small, identifiable, self-contained and reusable. These components are
identified by the role they play in the system. Each role in that system may have
several classes working in conjunction to achieve the goal of that role. This
section will cover the three roles of MVC: Model, View and Control.
Though the MVC architecture was originally applied to Swing applications, it has
gained popularity and widespread acceptance throughout the servlet community.
This section is technology-independent, but will use the servlet technology to
demonstrate the application of MVC.
This component is responsible for encapsulating all the business logic required
by the system. It must be independent of the other components in the system. To
achieve this objective, it must be able to retrieve the data required to complete
the business rules data by itself or accept very generic parameters. Furthermore,
it must be able to return the results in a generic form that any potential view
component could use. In a typical servlet environment, the model is represented
by one or more Java beans, EJBs or other Java classes.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
This component is responsible for creating a presentation resource for the
results of the Model component. Like all MVC components, the view must be
independent of the other components in the system. Its success or failure must
not depend on the success or failure of the model component. In practice,
several different view components may be developed in order to create a
dynamic, complete and possibly multi-purpose application. In a typical servlet
environment, the view is created using Java Server Pages.
At the heart of the MVC architecture is the Controller component. Each client
request of the system is routed through the Controller class. Its responsibility is
threefold. First, it should evaluate the validity of the request, including the user’s
state and any parameter information passed as part of the request. The
Controller then decides which model component has the requisite functionality to
satisfy the business requirements of the request. Once the Model component
has completed its work, the Controller is then responsible for deciding which
appropriate view component to use to present the results back to the client. If
either the Model or View components fails, the Controller is responsible for either
attempting to satisfy the request in another fashion or deciding on an appropriate
View component capable of presenting an error message. In a typical servlet
environment, the servlet itself plays the role of Controller.
2.3.2 Portlet MVC architecture
The MVC architecture can be applied as a design pattern to any system needing
to achieve separation of responsibilities. In fact, you will see as you read through
this redbook that the Portal Server itself is architected in this way. Furthermore,
several of the benefits of the portlet architecture are available to you only if you
employ a good MVC design.
The Model in a portlet application is not necessarily unique from the model in any
other Java server side application.The Model represents business logic and
should not be concerned with the Controller or the View. The Controller could be
a servlet, portlet, or simple Java class. The View could be a JSP or even simple
HTML. In theory then, provided that existing applications employ solid MVC
practices, porting the functionality to WebSphere Portal should not require any
changes to the logic. However, in practice, there are always applications that lack
this foresight. The rich API covered later in this chapter will arm you with the tools
to tackle this situation. Implementing a rigid commitment to the MVC architecture
now will conserve an enormous amount of effort in later migrations or
maintenance duties.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Like the servlet MVC implementation, the View is traditionally implemented using
JSPs or simple HTML. However, because the HTML the View returns will be
aggregated, it must not contain page-level tags and must be very aware of the
environment in which it is executing. Furthermore, the Portlet API provides tag
libraries that aid in creating dynamic view resources for the portlet environment.
The Controller is responsible for determining the requested mode, executing an
appropriate model and selecting the correct view. The portlet class itself acts as
the Controller. Instead of determining the request method as in servlets, portlets
need to determine the mode the user has requested. In a normal presentation,
where a page is built with several portlets on it, the mode is View. The user, with
appropriate permissions, may click the Edit button in order to perform some edit
functionality. In this case, the mode is Edit. WebSphere Portal also supports Help
and Configure modes.
2.3.3 Portlet MVC sample
In the simplest of portlet applications, the MVC architecture would be applied as
in Figure 2-2. Note that Figure 2-2 does not reflect the architecture of the Portal
Server, simply the portlets executed by the server in any given single request.
Figure 2-2 Simple portlet MVC architecture
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.4 Servlets versus portlets
Those with a servlet background will find many similarities when first working
with portlets. This section will address some of the more important conceptual
differences between servlets and portlets. When designing your portlet
applications, the most important factor to initially consider is the fact that unlike
servlets, portlets are only a small piece of a large presentation.
Servlets have the luxury of knowing they will be the only presentation resource
returned to the client at any given time. Portlets, on the other hand, must
understand that the presentation resource they return will be aggregated into a
larger resource returned to the client. As a result, they are forced to consider
constraints such as screen real estate, portlet interactivity, and events, as well as
overall performance.
Real estate
Portlets can access a variety of information through the API to help it understand
its current condition in the portal. The PortletState informs the portlet if the user
has requested that the portlet be minimized, maximized or restored (normal). A
portlet should attempt to tailor the content it returns in accordance with the
requested state.
For example, if the user has maximized the portlet window, the content returned
should adequately fill the portal page. However, if the user has requested that the
portlet be minimized, there is no need to return any content. It is important to
remember that the portlet is simply deciding not to return content; it is still
executed and any business logic encapsulated in the model will still be
performed. It is not possible to dynamically change the state of the portlet except
during event-handling.
Page aggregation
Though a servlet may be a single piece of a much larger Web application, at any
given point in time, only a single servlet is fulfilling a user’s request. This provides
a great deal of predictability: as the master Controller, it can guarantee what is
executed and returned to the client. This is not true of portlets. Each portal page
is potentially the aggregation of several portlets.
Furthermore, when a servlet executes and returns content to the user, it can be
sure that the content it returns will not be affected by any other servlet in the
system. This is not true of portlets. A portlet has the ability to write markup to the
top of the page even though its normal content is placed inside a cell in a table.
This provides a mechanism to include JavaScript functionality the portlet may
need. Be aware, however, that as one portlet has that ability, so do all. As such,
you must properly encode variable names and functions.
Chapter 2. Portlets
This functionality must be used with care since there is no inherent mechanism
for one portlet to control the presence or absence of another portlet on a page,
and as such it cannot reasonably predict what other page-level code may be
Inter-portlet communication
Servlets have the ability to share data through a variety of scopes but since they
are executed serially by the client, they cannot interact with each other during a
single request. Because portlets are pieces of a larger portal, they have the
ability to communicate with other portlets and to be affected by other portlets in a
single request. This inter-portlet communication provides a way to create a
dynamic portlet application crossing multiple portlets on the same page.
For example, one portlet can inform other portlets in the same portlet application
or the same page that a user has performed some action. The listening portlets
can then alter their presentation, perform alternative logic or otherwise change
their behavior.
Event handling
In the servlet architecture, events are represented via HTTP methods. For
example, when a user submits a form, the doPost method is called. The portlet
event model, however, closely mirrors the traditional Java event model in that
portlets implement appropriate interfaces and are notified by the Portal Server
when these events are fired. For example, when a user clicks a button, an action
event is generated and sent to the registered listener. The Portlet API also
provides WindowEvents and MessageEvents.
Servlets execute in a neutral environment and are inherently responsible for
validating the user’s authenticity and/or authority to make a specific request. This
is traditionally a function of the Controller role. A portlet, on the other hand,
operates only in the context of the portal server and cannot be called directly.
The Portal Server is responsible for authentication and for authorizing all user
access. Therefore, portlets can be reasonably assured that authentication and
authorization have been performed prior to their execution. They may, however,
perform some authorization in order to tailor content to a specific user or role.
With servlets, authentication is a daily concern of developers; it is an option for
portlet developers.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.5 What is a portlet application?
A portlet application is a group of logically associated portlets. At a minimum, a
portlet application defines a single portlet, such as in weather portlet application.
In practice, the application may contain several portlets such as the
exchange2000 portlet application, which contains five portlets as illustrated in
Figure 2-3.
Portlets defined in the same application may share configuration parameters set
in the deployment descriptor or by the administrator at runtime. They also have
the ability to communicate with each other with custom messages.
Portlet Applications are defined in the deployment descriptors at development
time and cannot be created dynamically by the administrator. From an
administrative perspective, portlet applications allow repetitive administrative
tasks to be completed on a group of portlets instead of on individual portlets.
From a development perspective, portlet applications allow developers to provide
for deployment all the portlets needed to achieve a business requirement and to
ensure at a minimum that all these components are installed into the Portal
Figure 2-3 A portlet application with multiple portlets
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.6 Portlet deployment
When a portlet is installed into the portal server, the deployment information is
contained in two deployment descriptors. The web.xml deployment descriptor is
used by the WebSphere Application server to register the portlets being
deployed. The application server is not aware of the portlet hierarchy and is
simply installing a Web application containing servlets. The portlet.xml
deployment descriptor is used by the portal server to retrieve parameters and to
set the initial configuration.
When the portlet application is deployed, it is deployed as a Web archive (war),
not an enterprise application (ear). When the war file is deployed, the portal
server actually creates an associated ear folder in the
WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps directory. The new ear folder will contain
the original name of the war file with _WPS_PA_191.ear appended to the end of
the name of the war file. The last number indicates the order in which the portlet
application was installed.
The war file that was deployed is placed into the ear file with a META-INF folder.
This folder contains the application.xml deployment descriptor, the
ibm-application-ext.xmi and the Manifest.MF files. All these files are generated by
the portal server when the application is installed.
Abstract and concrete portlet applications
The portlet.xml deployment descriptor is used by the portal server to identify the
abstract and concrete portlet applications you wish to deploy. An abstract portlet
application contains one or more abstract portlets. A concrete portlet application
contains one or more concrete portlets. The abstract application is used as a
foundation for concrete applications. The combination of an abstract application
and configuration parameters creates a concrete application. Each portlet.xml
may only define a single abstract portlet application. However, any number of
concrete applications may be defined based on the single abstract application.
The concrete applications are the applications presented in the portal server
administration. They are the actual applications available to the users. This
allows the same application to be deployed repeatedly with different
parameterization, effectively creating multiple applications.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
abstract portlet
portlet 1
portlet 2
concrete portlet application 1
portlet 1
portlet 2
concrete portlet application 2
portlet 2
portlet 3
portlet 3
Figure 2-4 Abstract and concrete relationship in a single portlet.xml
Certain configuration parameters are set at the abstract level while others are set
at the concrete level. As expected, parameters set at the abstract level affect
each concrete application. The parameters and configuration information unique
to each concrete application are represented in a PortletApplicationSettings
object. Parameter and configuration information unique to each portlet is
represented in the PortletSettings object. When the portlet is actually placed on a
page, it is parameterized by a PortletData object.
When a user logs on and accesses a portlet, it is associated with a session
object. This sequence is represented in Figure 2-5.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Figure 2-5 Portlet parameterization
2.6.1 web.xml
The web.xml defines the Web application being deployed. This section will detail
the required elements of the web.xml when deploying a portlet application. For
details on all of the elements of the web.xml deployment descriptor, refer to
http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial. Example 2-1 provides an example
web.xml document. To keep this section simple, the deployment descriptors will
define only a single portlet in the application.
Example 2-1 Simplest web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
<web-app id="WebApp">
<param-value>the webmaster</param-value>
<servlet id="Servlet_1">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<param-name> init_param1 </param-name>
<param-value> An initialization parameter </param-value>
DOCTYPE required
This will be the same for each and every web.xml deployed. This tag defines
the DTD that is to be used when this document is parsed. Only one is
web-app required
This is the top-level tag wrapping the entity of the web.xml. Only one is
– id required
This attribute identifies the web-app in the application server but is not
seen in the portal environment.
display-name required
Though this name is never seen in the portal environment, it will be seen in
the WebSphere Administrator’s console Event Message screen when the
Web module is loaded. Only one is allowed.
context-param optional
This element provides an opportunity to set context parameters that will be
shared by all portlets deployed via this Web application. Every portlet
subsequently based on this web.xml will share access to the context
parameters via the PortletContext object. There is no limit on the number of
context parameters that may be set. These parameters cannot be changed at
runtime by the administrator. For more information on parameters, see
“Parameter summary” on page 54.
param-name required
Indicates the name of the parameter. This name is used in code to retrieve
the parameter value. For a summary of the various parameters set in the
deployment descriptors see “Parameter summary” on page 54.
Chapter 2. Portlets
param-value required
The String value held by the parameter.
servlet required
This tag wraps the definition of the servlet class. There must be one or more
of these tags.
– id required
This provides an identifier for the defined servlet. This ID will be used in
the portlet.xml to refer to the defined class. The ID must be unique within
the Web application only.
servlet-name required
This name is not used by the portlet environment.
servlet-class required
The full class name must be provided. This class must be accessible either in
the deployed war, via the application server library or through the classpath.
init-param optional
This element provides an opportunity to set parameters that will be shared by
all portlets based on this servlet. These parameters are available in code
through the PortletConfig object. There is no limit on the number of init
parameters that may be set. These parameters cannot be changed at runtime
by the administrator. For a summary on the various parameters set in the
deployment descriptors, see “Parameter summary” on page 54.
param-name required
Indicates the name of the parameter. This name is used in code to retrieve
the parameter value.
param-value required
The value held by the parameter.
servlet-mapping required
Though this element is not used by the portal environment, it is a required
element of the web-app element and therefore must be included.
servlet-name required
This is required and must be the same as the servlet name defined in the
servlet element.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
url-pattern required
This tag is required and may not be empty. The URL pattern is not used in the
portal environment.
There are numerous other elements in traditional web.xml, though they are not
required in the portal environment.
2.6.2 portlet.xml
The portlet.xml elements are defined by the portlet_1.1.dtd which can be found in
the WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\dtd directory. Figure 2-2
displays a simple portlet.xml.
Example 2-2 portlet.xml deployment descriptor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE portlet-app-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD Portlet Application 1.1//EN"
<portlet-app uid="DCE:d798f9c6c:1" major-version="2" minor-version="1">
<portlet-app-name>HelloWorld application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet id="HWPortlet_1" href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_1"
major-version="3" minor-version="2">
<portlet-name>HelloWorld portlet</portlet-name>
<markup name="html">
<view output="fragment"/>
<help output="document"/>
<markup name="wml">
<concrete-portlet-app uid="DCE:d798f9c6c:1.1">
<portlet-app-name>HelloWorld application</portlet-app-name>
Chapter 2. Portlets
<param-value>A context parameter</param-value>
<concrete-portlet href="#HWPortlet_1">
<portlet-name>HelloWorld portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<description>A simple hello world portlet.</description>
<keywords>Hello World simple</keywords>
<language locale="it">
<title>ciao mondo</title>
<description>Un portlet semplice del mondo di ciao.
<keywords>Ciao mondo semplice.</keywords>
<language locale="es">
<title>hola mundo</title>
<param-value>A configuration parameter</param-value>
DOCTYPE required
This will be the same for each and every portlet.xml deployed. This tag
defines the DTD that is to be used when this document is parsed. Only one is
portlet-app-def required
This is the top-level tag which encapsulates all abstract and concrete portlet
application definitions. It is required and not more than one is allowed.
portlet-app required
This tag is used to define the abstract portlet application. This abstract
application will be used as a basis for the concrete portlet applications defined
later in the descriptor. Only one portlet-app tag is allowed per portlet.xml and
only one portlet.xml is allowed per war file. Therefore, each war file may only
deploy a single abstract portlet application.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
– uid required
This ID uniquely identifies this abstract application in the portal server.
This ID must be unique throughout the entire portal environment. For
guidelines on ensuring the ID is unique, refer to “UID guidelines” on
page 55. This ID will be used if the portlet application is updated. Once the
ID is determined, it should not be changed between iterations. Doing so
will cause updates to fail. The ID may contain any combination of letters
and characters to a maximum length of 255.
– major-version optional
An optional tag only used by administrators to track releases and not used
in the portal. Must be a number; only one is allowed. If this attribute is not
supplied, the major-version will always be 0. If this attribute is supplied, the
minor-version must also be included or the default value of 0 will be
– minor-version optional
An optional tag only used by the administrators to track releases and not
used in the portal. Must be a number; only one is allowed. If this attribute
is not supplied, the minor version will be 0. If this attribute is supplied, the
major-version must also be included or the default value of 0 will be
portlet-app-name required
Only one is allowed. Since only concrete portlet applications are visible in the
portal, this name is visible in the portal environment when the full information
for the portal application is requested on the Manage Portlet Applications
portlet. This name need not be unique.
portlet required
One or more of these tags is required. This tag defines the abstract portlets
contained in the abstract portlet application. Each portlet tag maps to a single
servlet defined in the web.xml. There is a one-to-one relationship between the
servlets defined in the web.xml and the abstract portlets defined in the
portlet.xml. You may not map two abstract portlets to the same servlet.
Therefore, if there are two servlets defined in the web.xml, there will be two
abstract portlets defined in the portlet.xml
– id required
This ID must be unique within the abstract portlet application only. This ID
will be used by the concrete portlets to create a link to the abstract
definition. It may be any combination of letters and numbers to a maximum
of 64 characters.
Chapter 2. Portlets
– href required
This tag creates the link between the abstract portlet and the servlet
defined in the web.xml. The link is formatted as in Example 2-3 where
Servlet_1 is the id defined in the <servlet id> tag of the web.xml.
Example 2-3 href syntax
– major-version optional
An optional tag only used by the administrators to track releases. Not used
in the portal. Must be a number and only one is allowed.If this attribute is
supplied, the minor-version must also be included or the default value of 0
will be assumed.
– minor-version optional
An optional tag only used by the administrators to track releases. Not used
in the portal. Must be a number and only one is allowed. If this attribute is
supplied, the major-version must also be included or the default value of 0
will be assumed.
portlet-name required
Defines the name of the abstract portlet. This name will only be seen in the
Show Info screen of the Manage Portlet Application portlet, not during normal
portlet administration or execution. Must be unique within the abstract portlet
application only.
cache optional
This tag indicates the type and level of caching this portlet will perform. If this
tag is included, it must contain the expires and shared elements. If the cache
element is not included, the default values for expires and shared are 0 and
no, respectively.
expires required
Indicates in seconds when the cached content should be considered expired.
– 0 indicates the content immediately expires and should always be
– -1 indicates the content does not expire.The content will not be refreshed
once the portlet is initialized.
– Any other value measures the cache in seconds.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
shared required
Indicates if the content is to shared among all users or if a cache must be
maintained for each user. Use the no option carefully as a large cache will
result. Valid values are yes or no.
allows required
This tag indicates the portlet states that are supported by this portlet. The
normal state is assumed and may not be unsupported. The other valid values
– maximized optional
When selected, the portlet will take ownership of the portal screen and
other portlets will not be able to return content for inclusion in the portal
page. Each portlet on the page will have the opportunity to execute any
listeners it implements, such as PortletPageListener. However, the service
method, and by extension doView, of the other portlets will not be
– minimized optional
When selected, the portlet will be displayed as a title bar only. Any
listeners implemented by the portlet will be executed but the portlet’s
service (and by extension doView) method will not.
– detached, moving, resizing, closed optional
Though these are valid values according to the DTD, they have no
corresponding support in the portal server. As such, including or omitting
them will have no effect at this point.
supports required
This element indicate which markup languages this portlet can render its
content. It is required and at least one markup may be supported.
markup required
This tag provides a definition for a single markup that this portlet will support.
Each markup that is to be supported is defined in a markup element
– name required
This attribute identifies the name of the markup defined in this element.
Valid strings are html, wml, chtml. If custom markups have been defined,
they too will be valid.
view required
Indicates that at a minimum, this portlet supports the view mode. This is
required for all markup types.
Chapter 2. Portlets
– output optional
This attribute indicates the type of output the portal server should expect
from this portlet. Valid values are document and fragment.
Document : not used in V 4.1.2
Fragment: all HTML portlets should use this value.
configure optional
Indicates this portlet supports configure mode. As with the view mode, it may
specify as output fragment or document. This tag has no effect on non-HTML
markup types. The developer is required to implement configure support by
including a doConfigure method in the portlet. This tag simply instructs the
portal server to include the appropriate link on the portlet title bar.
edit optional
Indicates this portlet supports edit mode. As with view mode, it may specify as
output fragment or document. This tag has no effect on non-HTML markup
types. The developer is required to implement edit support by including a
doEdit method in the portlet. This tag simply instructs the portal server to
include the appropriate link on the portlet title bar.
help optional
Indicates this portlet supports the help mode. As with view mode, it may
specify as output fragment or document. This tag has no effect on non-html
markup types. The developer is required to implement help support by
including a doHelp method in the portlet. This tag simply instructs the portal
server to include the appropriate link on the portlet title bar.
concrete-portlet-app required
This element defines the concrete portlet application to be deployed into the
portal server. One or more of these elements is required. This concrete
application is based upon the abstract portlet application defined earlier in the
portlet.xml. A concrete portlet application is not required to contain all of the
portlets defined in the abstract application. However, it may not define more
portlets than the abstract application. Each concrete portlet contained in the
concrete application maps to one and only one abstract portlet. An abstract
portlet may not be mapped twice in the same concrete application.
– uid required
This UID must be unique throughout the entire portal environment. Refer
to “UID guidelines” on page 55 for more information on ensuring that UIDs
are unique. This UID will be used by the portal server when the portlet is
updated or deleted. If the ID changes between iterations, the original
concrete application will not be updated. Instead, a new concrete
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
application will be installed, resulting in multiple concrete applications.
Generally, once the ID has been determined, it should not be changed.
The ID may contain any combination of letters and characters to a
maximum length of 255.
portlet-app-name required
This is the application name that will be used in the portal server. When the
war file is deployed, each of the concrete applications will be listed. This is the
name that will appear in that list. This name need not be unique in the
portlet.xml or the portal server. However, deploying more than one concrete
portlet application with the same name may cause some administrative
confusion. If two or more applications are deployed with the exact same
name, only one will be initially active. The other application must be manually
activated. In practice, when there is a one-to-one relationship between the
abstract and concrete portlet applications, the application names are often the
same. This name may contain any combination of letters and numbers to a
maximum length of 255 and only one is allowed per concrete application.
context-param optional
This element provides an opportunity to set parameters that will be shared by
all concrete portlets defined in the concrete portlet application. These
parameters are available in code through the PortletApplicationSettings
object. There is no limit on the number of context parameters that may be set.
Be aware that these parameters may be changed at runtime by the
administrator via the Manage Portlet Applications portlet. For a summary on
the various parameters set in the deployment descriptors, see “Parameter
summary” on page 54.
param-name required
Indicates the name of the parameter. This name will be seen by the
administrator if they decide to work with these parameters at runtime. This is
also the name used in code to retrieve the parameter value. The name has a
maximum length of 255.
param-value required
The value intended to be held by the parameter. This value can be changed
at runtime by the administrator. The maximum length of the parameter value
is 1048576.
concrete-portlet required
This element wraps the definition of the concrete portlet being deployed in
this concrete application. Any number of concrete portlets may be deployed
Chapter 2. Portlets
up to the number of abstract portlets defined in the abstract portlet
– href required
This attribute creates a link between the concrete portlet and the abstract
portlet. The syntax dictates that the portlet ID defined in the abstract
application be prefixed with a # symbol as illustrated in Example 2-4.
Example 2-4 Concrete portlet href
<concrete-portlet href="#HWPortlet_1">
portlet-name required
This tag indicates the administrative name of the portlet. This name is not the
title of the portlet and will not be seen by the average end user. This name
need not be unique in the portlet.xml or the portal server. However, take care
to properly name your portlets to prevent confusion. If two or more portlets
are deployed in the same portlet.xml with the exact same name, only one will
be initially active. The name may be any combination of characters to a
maximum length of 255.
default-locale required
This element indicates which language is the default language for this
concrete portlet alone. This setting will not override the user’s preferred locale
or locale settings provided by the client browser. If the client’s locale cannot
be determined, this value is used. Also, if the portlet does not support the
locale requested by the user, this default locale is used instead. The value
must be a recognized country code including (if appropriate) any variants.
This value cannot be changed at runtime by the administrator.
language required
At least one language block must be included. Though not required, it is a
best practice to ensure that at a minimum, the default locale is implemented
in a language block. In practice, a language block should be provided for
each language this portlet intends to support. ideally this includes all ten
group 1 languages. Only the languages defined in the portlet.xml will be
available. Though the strings can be changed, there is no mechanism to add
new languages at runtime.
– locale required
This attribute indicates the locale being defined by this language block.
The value must a recognized country code, including any applicable
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
title required
This tag specifies the language specific title of this portlet. This title will be
seen in the title bar of the portlet at runtime.This value may be changed at
runtime by the administrator. The maximum length of the title is 255
title-short optional
This tag specifies the language specific short title of the portlet. The maximum
length of the short title is 128.
description optional
This description is used in several places in the portal. For example, in the
Edit Layout and Content portlet, hovering over the portlet will display the
description in a hover box. The maximum length for the description is 1024
keywords optional
This tag specifies the language specific keywords of the portlet. The
maximum length of the keywords is 1024 characters.
config-param optional
This element allows parameters to be passed to the concrete portlet. Unlike
context and servlet-config parameters, these parameters are not shared
between portlets. Any number of portlet-config parameters may be supplied.
The values can be changed at runtime by the administrator via the Manage
Portlets portlet. These parameters are accessed in code via the
PortletSettings object. For a summary on the various parameters set in the
deployment descriptors, see “Parameter summary” on page 54.
param-name required
Indicates the name of the parameter. This name will be seen by the
administrator if they decide to work with these parameters. This is also the
name used in code to retrieve the parameter value. The name has a
maximum length of 255.
param-value required
The value intended to be held by the parameter. This value can be changed
at runtime by the administrator. The maximum length of the parameter value
is 1048576.
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.6.3 Parameter summary
There are four types of parameters that can be specified in the deployment
Run Time
web.xml - web
app definition
Every portlet deployed
in the .war
web.xml servlet
Each portlet based on
the particular servlet
concrete app
All portlets defined in a
single concrete app
Individual Concrete
2.6.4 Web.xml and Portlet.xml relationship
The relationship between servlets, abstract portlets and concrete portlets can be
best described in Figure 2-6 on page 55. Note that some required elements have
been omitted for clarity.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<web-app id="WebApp">
<servlet id="Servlet_1">
<servlet id="Servlet_2">
<servlet-mapping> ... </servlet-mapping>
<servlet-mapping> ... </servlet-mapping>
<portlet-app uid="DCE:4604:1">
<portlet-app-name>SimplePortlet application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet id="Simple_Portlet_1" href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_1">
<portlet-name>SimplePortlet portlet</portlet-name>
<portlet id="Another_Portlet_1" href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_2">
<portlet-name>New Portlet</portlet-name>
<concrete-portlet-app uid="DCE:4604:1.1">
<portlet-app-name>Simple Portlet application</portlet-app-name>
<concrete-portlet href="#Simple_Portlet_1">
<portlet-name>SimplePortlet portlet</portlet-name>
<concrete-portlet-app uid="DCE:4604:1.2">
<portlet-app-name>Second Simple Portlet Application</portlet-app-name>
<concrete-portlet href="#Another_Portlet_1">
<portlet-name>Another Simple portlet</portlet-name>
Figure 2-6 web.xml and portlet.xml relationship
2.6.5 UID guidelines
When determining the UID for either concrete or abstract portlet applications,
there are several steps to ensure the ID is guaranteed to be unique throughout
the entire portal environment. It is recommended that your organization develop
style guidelines to ensure uniqueness in your environment.
Chapter 2. Portlets
򐂰 Include the portlet's namespace in the UID, using the same format that is
used for Java packages
򐂰 Add some portlet application specific description
򐂰 Add some arbitrary characters to guarantee uniqueness within the
namespace, for example: com.ibm.wps.samplet.mail.4969
򐂰 Add postfixes for the corresponding concrete portlet applications, for
example: com.ibm.wps.samplet.mail.4969
2.6.6 Building a war file
All the elements of the portlet need to be deployed in a Web archive (.war) file.
This file can be created with any zip creation tool, the jar command line utility or
the export utility of the WSAD tool. The WSAD environment will be covered in
detail in Chapter 3, “Using the Portal Toolkit” on page 119. Each war file should
contain elements listed in Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7 Basic WAR contents
The source folder is optional and you may choose what source to include for
The webApplication folder is optional and may be used to contain the WEB-INF
folder. Alternatively, the WEB-INF folder can placed directly under the root
without modification.
Generally, it will also contain a JSP folder to hold all JSPs used throughout the
entire portlet application. The JSP folder will organize the contained JSPs in
folders representing the markup and languages they are intended to support. For
example, if a portlet supported HTML, WML and cHTML and provided limited
National Language support for HTML requests, the JSP folder would be
organized as in Figure 2-8.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 2-8 WAR structure for a portlet with NLS and Multi-Device support
The WEB-INF folder must contain at a minimum the two required deployment
descriptors. The web.xml and portlet.xml files must be placed directly under the
WEB-INF folder.
The classes that make up the portlet application must be stored in one of two
locations. Those classes that have been packaged into jar files should be stored
in the lib directory. Classes that are not packaged in a jar file are stored in the
classes folder with the complete package structure. Both approaches are
illustrated in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9 Storing classes in the WEB-INF folder
Once the contents have been organized correctly, you can use the jar command
line utility to create the war file. There is no compression requirement for the war
file, so you may choose to compress the file or not without affecting deployment.
For a complete discussion regarding the jar utility, refer to:
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.6.7 Creating a development environment
Though much of your portlet development will be performed in WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, this section will guide you through the process of
setting up your system for portlet development in a command-line environment. If
you will not be compiling classes from the command line, this section may be
In order for your portlets to compile, the following jar files must be added to your
򐂰 %WAS_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;
򐂰 %WAS_HOME%\lib\websphere.jar
򐂰 %WAS_HOME%\lib\app\wpsportlets.jar;
򐂰 %WAS_HOME%\lib\app\wps.jar;
򐂰 %WAS_HOME%\lib\app\portlet-api.jar;
If WebSphere is not installed on your system, you must copy the above jar files to
your system and set the classpath accordingly.
2.7 Portlet lifecycle
This section will explain the portlet lifecycle and when certain objects become
available. For a complete discussion on the portlet object, refer to “Portlet” on
page 62. The basic lifecycle of each portlet is displayed in Figure 2-10. Though
the login and logout methods are part of SessionListener interface, they are
covered here as they are usually included in normal portlet implementations.
Other listeners are covered in “Listeners” on page 74.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 2-10 Basic Portlet lifecyle
init(PortletConfig config)
This method is called by the portlet container on the abstract portlet when the
portlet is first loaded. As with servlets, portlets are loaded when they are first
requested. Any subsequent calls to the portlet will not execute this method.
Generally, initialization that is applicable to every concrete portlet based on this
abstract portlet is placed in this method. If you choose to override this method, at
a minimum it should make a call to its parent via super.init(portletConfig). At
this point in the portlet lifecycle, no portlet-specific storage objects are available.
This includes PortletSession, PortletData, PortletApplicationSettings and
initConcrete(PortletSettings settings)
This method is called by the portlet container on the concrete portlet. The
initialization code performed in this method is not shared by other concrete
portlets even though they may be based upon the same abstract portlet. It is in
this method that the PortletSettings object is first available. The PortletSettings
encapsulates the concrete portlet configuration parameter information. From the
PortletSettings object, the PortletApplicationSettings object is available. The
PortletApplicationSettings object encapsulates concrete portlet application
context parameters. In this method, no user-specific objects are yet available.
Chapter 2. Portlets
login(PortletRequest request)
If the concrete portlet has been placed on page that requires authorization, the
login method is called by the portlet container to associate a user with the portlet.
It is at this point that the PortletData object is first available. The PortletSession is
created by the container for the registered user at this point and is available in
this method via the request object. If the request for the portlet is made by an
anonymous user, this method is not called. If this method is not called, a default
session object can still be created with no user association, though it may be of
little practical use. This method is actually defined in the PortletSessionListener
interface which is implemented by the abstract class Portlet. Since your custom
portlets will extend from Portlet, it is included in this discussion even though other
often used listeners are not.
service(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
This method is called on each and every request of the portlet. After the portlet
has been added to a page and initially accessed by a user, this is the only
method that will be called by the portlet container on subsequent requests.
Generally, this method will delegate the request to the appropriate do method to
render content. At this point, all portlet and, if applicable, user-specific objects
are available.
logout(PortletSession session)
Only when a user specifically selects the Logoff button on the portal is this
method called. This method provides you with the opportunity to manage any
user-specific information once the user has logged out, and to clean up
user-related resources. If the user removes the portlet from their page, the logout
method is not called until the user actually logs out of the portal, even though
they no longer are accessing the portlet. When the portlet is taken out of service
by the Portal server or the administrator, this method will not be called. The
PortletSettings object is still available in this method, though the PortletRequest
is not. This method is actually defined in the PortletSessionListener interface
which is implemented by the abstract class Portlet. Since your custom portlets
will extend from Portlet, it is included in this discussion even though other often
used listeners are not.
destroyConcrete(PortletSettings settings)
This method is called when the concrete portlet is taken out of service either
through the portal server stopping or the application being uninstalled from the
portal server. The portlet container will call each running concrete portlet in the
application individually when the application is deleted. In this method, the
PortletSettings object is passed in as a parameter and cannot be retrieved from
the normal getPortletSettings method.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
destroy(PortletConfig config)
The portlet container executes this method on the abstract portlet when the
portlet is taken out of service. Since it is executed on the abstract portlet and not
the concrete portlets, it is executed only once. This method provides an
opportunity to execute cleanup code on each and every concrete portlet in the
application derived from this abstract portlet.
2.8 Portlet API
Portlets are descendents of HttpServlets and, as such, inherit much of the basic
functionality from that class. However, as illustrated in “Servlets versus portlets”
on page 37 there are some key differences. This section will introduce many of
the key objects in the portlet API. This section is not intended to replace the
javadoc, and therefore will discuss the primary function of certain objects and
some of their key methods. The complete javadoc for the portlet API can be
found in the \WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\doc\Javadoc\WPS
directory. For the most up-to-date API information, refer to:
2.8.1 Hierarchy
The abstract class Portlet descends from the HttpServlet interface, as illustrated
in Figure 2-11. Note that the package structure indicates the portlet belongs to
the org.apache.jetspeed.portlet package. It is important to understand that the
WebSphere Portal API and the Jetspeed API are not the same, or even
compatible at this time.
Figure 2-11 Portlet Hierarchy
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.9 Core portlet objects
This section will cover many of the objects you will use in day-to-day portlet
2.9.1 Portlet
The abstract class Portlet defines the abstract methods that comprise the base
functionality of each portlet. All lifecycle methods such as init, service and
destroy are defined in this class.
For convenience, these abstract methods have been implemented in the
PortletAdapter class. The PortletAdapter implements the service method with the
basic functionality to determine the type of request and delegate the request to
the appropriate do method. As such, it also defines the doView, doConfigure,
doHelp and doEdit methods. Most portlet development will extend from the
PortletAdapter class.
2.9.2 PortletAdapter
This class is provided as a default implementation of the Portlet class. It is
recommended that your portlet classes extend from this abstract class rather
than from the Portlet class. The adapter only provides implementations of the
portlet-specific methods. It does not provide an implementation for the doXXX
methods of the servlet parent (for example, doPost, doGet, etc.). In addition to
the methods of the Portlet class, this class defines several additional methods.
The methods getVariable, setVariable and removeVariable provide access to the
variables you can set on the concrete portlet. It is important to remember that
these variables are at the concrete level and therefore will not be shared with
other concrete portlets even though the may be based upon the same abstract
portlet. These variables are available only in code and are not presented in portal
administration, nor are they configurable in the portlet.xml deployment descriptor.
Example 2-5 illustrates the use of these methods.
Example 2-5 Setting and Accessing the concrete portlet variable
setVariable("var", “Some Value”);
String var = (String) getVariable("var");
2.9.3 PortletRequest
The PortletRequest interface inherits from the HttpServletRequest and
ServletRequest interfaces. It represents the user’s request and, like
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
ServletRequest, encapsulates information about the user and the client. An
implementation of PortletRequest is passed to the service method and
subsequently to the delegated do methods (doView, doEdit and so on). In
addition to client and user information, the PortletRequest object can be used as
a short term bucket for storing information, such as JavaBeans. JSPs then have
access to the information stored in the PortletRequest to create dynamic
presentations. Some of the more frequently used methods of this object are
listed below. Example 2-6 illustrates some common usage of the PortletRequest
򐂰 getAttribute/setAttribute/removeAttribute
These methods allow you to store data in a short term bucket. The
PortletRequest is portlet specific and therefore data stored in this object is not
available to other portlets. The storage is only valid during the single request.
All objects placed in this scope should be serializable.
򐂰 getParameter
This method provides access to the parameters passed as part of the
HttpServletRequest. There is no need to distinguish whether the parameter is
passed via an HTTP get or post method. This method is often used in
򐂰 getCookies
This method provides access to the cookies stored by the current domain on
the client’s machine. An array of cookie objects is returned and the portlet is
responsible for iterating through the collection.
򐂰 getHeader
This method provides access to the headers supplied by the client. Some of
the more common headers you may want to access include accept,
accept-encoding and cache-control.
򐂰 getLocale
This method returns the preferred locale for the user. The Portal Server
determines the locale by first retrieving the user’s preferred language set
during registration. If the preferred language is not set, the locale is retrieved
from the accept-language header supplied by the client.
򐂰 getPreviousMode
This method is intended to return the previous mode visited by the user. In
WebSphere Portal V 4.1.2 this method always returns null. Look for updates
to this functionality in future releases.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Example 2-6 Working with the PortletRequest
request.setAttribute("uri", uri);
String fNmame = request.getParameter("f_name");
java.util.Locale locale = request.getLocale();
2.9.4 PortletResponse
The PortletResponse interface extends from the HttpServletResponse and
ServletResponse interfaces. This object encapsulates the response sent to the
Portal Server for aggregation. Unlike the ServletResponse, the response is sent
to the Portal Server, not the client machine directly. Therefore, attempting to
influence the overall request, such as setting a status code, will have no effect.
Some of the most commonly used methods of this object are listed below:
򐂰 getWriter
This method returns a java.io.PrintWriter object that can be used to return
markup to the Portal Server. The content returned by the PrintWriter is
aggregated into the entire portal page. While it is possible to use a PrintWriter
as well as include a JSP, it is generally considered bad practice to do so.
򐂰 encodeNamespace
This method takes a string and attaches the name of the portlet application as
a prefix. For example, the value “variable_one” when encoded would be
returned as “PC_175_variable_one”. Any variables that will become part of the
aggregated portal page should be encoded. JavaScript functions and
variables are good examples of values that should be encoded to prevent
name collisions.
򐂰 addCookie
This method allows you to add a cookie to the ultimate HTTP response that is
sent by the Portal Server to the client. In order to ensure the name of the
cookie is unique throughout the portal, it is recommended that you use the
encodeNameSpace method.
򐂰 addHeader/setHeader/containsHeader
This method provides access to the headers sent back to the client via the
portal server.
򐂰 encodeURL
This method will append the passed string to the complete URL of the Portal
Server. For example, the string “example.gif” becomes
“http://www.yourco.com/wps/WPS_PA_351/example.gif” when passed to the
encodeURL method.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 createURI/createReturnURI
These methods will create URI object that contains a URL pointing the portlet
in particular mode. For more information, see “PortletURI” on page 73.
Example 2-7 Working with the PortletResponse
java.io.PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("Hello World");
PortletURI uri = response.createURI();
String functionName = response.encodeNamespace("myFunction");
2.9.5 PortletSession object
The PortletSession object extends from HttpSession and serves much the same
purpose. The PortletSession is intended to represent an ongoing conversation
between the client and the portlet. To this end, the PortletSession can be used to
store information needed between requests. The PortletSession is intended to
store data between requests, not between portlets. As such, data stored in the
session by one portlet is not accessible by another. The PortletSession is
retrieved from the request object as illustrated in Example 2-8. Since a
PortletSession object is created when a user logs in, there is no need to create
one. However, the getPortletSession(boolean) can be used to create a session
for an anonymous user.
Example 2-8 Retrieving a PortletSession
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
The most important methods of the PortletSession are
getAttribute/setAttribute/removeAttribute. These methods allow you to store,
retrieve and delete objects in the PortletSession. Objects stored in the
PortletSession must be serializable.
2.9.6 Client
The Client interface represents the device making the request, not the user. The
Client object can be retrieved from the PortletRequest object as illustrated in
Example 2-9. Figure 2-12 shows the result of most of the methods of the client
object when requested via Internet Explorer and a Nokia WAP emulator.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Example 2-9 Working with the client object
Client client = request.getClient();
out.print("<P>Manufacturer: " + client.getManufacturer() + "<br/>");
out.print("MarkupName:" + client.getMarkupName() + "<br/>");
" + client.getMimeType() + "<br/>");
" + client.getModel() + "<br/>");
out.print("UserAgent: " + client.getUserAgent() + "<br/>");
" + client.getVersion() + "</P>");
Generally, the client object is used to determine the markup language to which
the device is mapped. Based on that information, device-specific markup can be
Figure 2-12 Client information displayed on various clients
2.9.7 PortletConfig object
The PortletConfig object represents the abstract portlet. Therefore, any
information contained in the PortletConfig is shared by all concrete portlets
deployed based on the same abstract portlet. This object can be used to access
the initialization parameters set in the web.xml deployment descriptor’s servlet
definition. Unlike other parameters, these are read-only and cannot be altered
dynamically. This object can also be used to determine which modes and states
are supported. Furthermore, this object provides access to the PortletContext
object. The PortletConfig is retrieved via the getPortletConfig method of the
PortletAdapter class or the getConfig method of the AbstractPortlet class. There
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
are some useful methods available in this object. They are listed below and
illustrated in Example 2-10.
򐂰 supports
This method can accept a PortletWindow.State object or a Portlet.Mode
object and return a boolean indicating whether or not the state or mode is
supported by the portlet.
򐂰 getContext
This method will return a PortletContext object. For more information on the
PortletContexr, refer to “PortletContext object” on page 67.
Example 2-10 Working with PortletConfig
boolean maxSup = getPortletConfig().supports(PortletWindow.State.MAXIMIZED);
boolean minSup = getPortletConfig().supports(PortletWindow.State.MINIMIZED);
boolean viewSup = getPortletConfig().supports(Portlet.Mode.VIEW,
boolean editSup = getPortletConfig().supports(Portlet.Mode.EDIT,
boolean configureSup = getPortletConfig().supports(Portlet.Mode.CONFIGURE,
boolean helpSup = getPortletConfig().supports(Portlet.Mode.HELP,
PortletContext context = getPortletConfig().getContext();
2.9.8 PortletContext object
The PortletContext provides a mechanism for the portlet to access the services
of the portlet container in which it is running. For example, the Context provides
access to the PortletLog, servlet context parameters as well as any services
hosted by the portal such as Credentials Vault, PersistentConnection and
possibly other custom services. The parameters accessed by the PortletContext
are the context parameters set in web.xml. These parameters are common to all
portlets deployed in the same web.xml, regardless of their organization into
various portlet applications. The PortletContext object is retrieved from the
PortletConfig object as illustrated in Example 2-11.
Example 2-11 Accessing Context Parameters via the Portlet Context
PortletContext context = getPortletConfig().getContext();
String webmaster = context.getInitParameter("webmaster");
Chapter 2. Portlets
The PortletContext can also be used to store attributes that will be shared by all
portlets deployed via the same web.xml, regardless of concrete portlet
application. These attributes are not distributed in clustered environment.
򐂰 include
This is the most commonly used method of the PortletContext object. In a
well-designed MVC architecture, the portlet executes one or more business
objects to satisfy the logic of the request. Once the logic has completed, the
include method generally calls a JSP to produce the output. Unlike servlets,
there is no ability to forward to a JSP. Example 2-12 illustrates this approach.
򐂰 getContainerInfo
This method indicates the Portal Server version the portlet is executing. It
only indicates the major version, not the minor one. In WebSphere Portal
Server V4.1.2, this method returns the string IBM WebSphere Portal
򐂰 getText
This method provides access to Resource Bundles to use in providing
National Language Support (NLS). For more information on NLS, see
Chapter 5, “National Language Support” on page 245.
Example 2-12 Including a JSP
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
//Business logic completed
request, response);
2.9.9 PortletSettings object
This object is best thought of as wrapping the information defined in the
<concrete-portlet> section of the portlet.xml deployment descriptor. The
PortletSettings object encapsulates the configuration information of the concrete
portlet instance. The parameter information is retrieved from the portlet.xml but
can be modified at runtime while the portlet is in configure mode. Therefore, the
PortletSettings object can be used as a storage for attributes to be shared by all
the concrete portlet instances. When attributes are adjusted or added, be sure to
call the store method to persist the new values. The administrator can add new
parameters and alter existing parameter values via the Manage Portlets portlet in
the Administration place. The PortletSettings object also provides access to
configuration information such as the title of the concrete portlet and the default
locale. This object can be retrieved from the PortletRequest object or is passed
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
as a parameter to the initConcrete and destroyConcrete methods of the portlet.
The main methods are:
򐂰 getAttribute/setAttribute/removeAttribute
These methods provide access to attributes.
򐂰 getTitle
This returns a string indicating the title of the portlet for the current client and
the specified locale. This method returns the active title, not necessarily the
title specified in the deployment descriptor. If the administrator has changed
the title at runtime, for example, that value is returned.
򐂰 getDefaultLocale
This method returns a Locale object specifying the default locale as
determined by portlet.xml.
򐂰 getPortletApplicationSettings
This method will return the PortletApplicationSettings object discussed in
“PortletApplicationSettings object” on page 69.
Example 2-13 Working with PortletSettings
String title = request.getPortletSettings().getTitle(
java.util.Locale locale = request.getPortletSettings().getDefaultLocale());
PortletApplicationSettings portletAppSettings =
String attribute = request.getSettings().getAttribute(“attName”);
//Only available in doConfigure:
request.getSettings().setAttribute("attribute", "Some Value");
2.9.10 PortletApplicationSettings object
This object is best thought of as wrapping the information defined in the
<concrete-portlet-app> section of the portlet.xml deployment descriptor. It is used
to encapsulate the information pertaining to all concrete portlets deployed as part
of the same concrete portlet application. The context parameters defined in the
concrete portlet application section of the portlet.xml are available through this
object’s getAttribute method. These parameters can be adjusted and new ones
added only while a portlet is in configure mode.
Chapter 2. Portlets
getAttribute/setAttribute/removeAttribute are methods that provide access to
attributes of the concrete portlet application.
Example 2-14 Working with PortletApplicationSettings
PortletApplicationSettings portletAppSettings =
String attribute = portletAppSettings.getAttribute("attribute"):
//Only available in doConfigure:
portletAppSettings.setAttribute("attribute", "Some Value");
2.9.11 PortletData object
The PortletData object represents a ConcretePortlet instance on a user’s page. It
provides a quick, secure and effective method of attribute persistence with no
JDBC code required. The PortletData is not dependent on the life cycle of the
portlet. The PortletData is user-specific. However, when a user first accesses a
portlet utilizing the PortletData object, the PortletData is not unique. In fact, until
the user sets some value in the PortletData, they continue to use a shared Data.
This PortletData is shared with the administrative user who first places the portlet
on the page. All values stored in the PortletData must be serializable. Since a
null object is not serializable, be sure to test the validity of your object prior to
setting the values into the PortletData object.
For example, the HelloWorld portlet uses PortletData to persist the greeting
string and the moniker by which the user wishes to be addressed. The
Administrator installs this portlet, grants edit permissions to the All Authenticated
Users group and places it on the Welcome page. The Administrator chooses to
edit the portlet and enters hello there as the greeting string and admin as the
moniker. When user JohnSmith logs in to the portal page and opens the
Welcome page, he sees the name admin and the greeting hellothere. The
administrator decides to change the greeting to Greetings. Since JohnSmith has
not edited the portletdata, he continues to share the portletdata and sees the
changes the admin has made. JohnSmith choose to edit the portletdata to use
his name instead of admin. Once he edits the portletdata, he has his own
portletdata object. Changes he makes will be seen by no one else. Furthermore,
he will no longer see any changes to the portletdata made by the administrator.
Example 2-15 Working with PortletData
PortletData data = request.getData();
String greeting = (String) data.getAttribute("greeting");
String moniker = (String ) data.getAttribute("moniker");
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
//Only available in doEdit or possibly actionPerformed:
PortletData data = request.getData();
data.setAttribute("greeting", greeting);
data.setAttribute("moniker", moniker);
2.9.12 PortletLog object
This allows you to quickly write error messages or other information to the log
files. All messages are written to the same file location regardless of the level
currently enabled. The log file is named wps_ <time-stamp>.log where the
<time-stamp> is formatted as YYYY.MM.DD-HH.MM.SS, for example:
wps_2002.10.14-12.32.41.log. The time stamp reflects the time the time the log
file was created, typically when the server was first started. The log file is stored
in <WPS-ROOT>\log. To change the location of the directory, uncomment the
baseGroup.FileHandler.fileName attribute in jLog.properties and enter the new
location. If the directory does not exist, it will be created for you.
There are four levels of severity when writing to the log: info, debug, warn and
error. By default, error and warn are enabled. Debug and info levels are enabled
for your portlets by enabling the PortletTraceLogger in the EnableTracing portlet
in the Portal Administration. Since there is an associated expense with logging,
the API provides a mechanism to determine if a logging level is currently enabled
prior to writing the message. Example 2-16 illustrates this approach. Finally, if
you pass an exception to a particular write method such as error or debug, the
portlet container will print out the stack trace to the log file.
Example 2-16 Simple Logging
PortletLog log = getPortletConfig().getContext().getLog();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())log.debug("debug enabled:" + someMsg);
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("warn enabled:" + someMsg);
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info("info enabled:" + someMsg);
if (log.isErrorEnabled())log.error("error enabled:" + someMsg);
If the portlet you are writing extends PortletAdapter, a convenience method has
been provided for you as illustrated in Example 2-17.
Example 2-17 Accessing the PortletLog in PortletAdapter
PortletLog log = getPortletLog();
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.9.13 PortletException
The Portlet Exception inherits from the ServletException and is used as the basis
for most exceptions thrown in the Portal environment, including
2.9.14 UnavailableException
This exception is thrown if the portlet fails to initialize. Generally, your portlets will
include an init method which calls the super.init. Since this call may produce an
UnavailableException, the functionality is provided to evaluate what to do if the
initialization fails.
򐂰 getUnavailableSeconds
This method returns an int (integer) indicating how long this portlet is
unavailable for.
򐂰 isPermament
This method returns a boolean indicating this portlet is now permanently
The length of time the portlet is unavailable is determined when the exception is
first created.
򐂰 UnavailableException(String msg)
This constructor indicates the portlet is permanently unavailable.
򐂰 UnavailableException(String msg, int time)
This constructor will reflect the length of time for which this portlet is
2.9.15 PortletWindow object
This object represents the window surrounding the portlet only. Generally, this
class is useful when determining the real state a portlet has to work with.
Example 2-18 illustrates this approach. Minimized, Normal and Maximized are
defined as constants in the PortletWindow.State class.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 2-18 Determining portlet window state
PortletWindow.State state = request.getWindow().getWindowState();
if (state.equals(PortletWindow.State.NORMAL)){
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", req, resp);
} else if (state.equals(PortletWindow.State.MAXIMIZED)){
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/MaxView.jsp", req, resp);
} else {
//Window is minimized, no need to generate content.
2.9.16 User object
The User object represents the authenticated user and is retrieved from the
PortletRequest object. The API provides predicable getters and setters for the
most common attributes of the user such as GivenName, FamilyName and
UserID. This class provides access to both Basic and Extended attributes of the
user. Basic attributes are those stored in the LDAP directory as part of the
schema used throughout the portal. Extended attributes are those attributes
stored in the Portal Server database. Example 2-19 illustrates accessing both
basic and extended attributes.
Example 2-19 Working with User attributes
User user = request.getUser();
String familyName = user.getFamilyName();
String favoriteColor = user.getAttribute(“favColor”);
String phoneNumber = user.getAttribute(“phoneNumber”);
The getID returns as a string the complete DN of the user. For example,
wpsadmin in a typical SecureWay environment would return uid=wpsadmin,
cn=users,dc=<domain>,dc>=<com> ‘‘
There are two user interfaces defined in the Portlet API. The
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.User class represents the logged-in user and is the
User object you will use day-to-day. The com.ibm.wps.puma.beans.User
interface is an EJB and is not used to access individual user information.
2.9.17 PortletURI
The PortletURI is used in organizing navigation through the portal as a user
moves from mode to mode in a portlet. When a user is on a normal page (for
example, when the portlets are presented in view mode), the page is an
aggregation of all the portlets. In order for any one portlet to be able to navigate
Chapter 2. Portlets
back to that aggregated state, the PortletURI can store the URL. The PortletURI
is then placed in a bucket such as the request or session object. For more
information on the PortletURI object, see 2.12.3, “PortletURI” on page 78.
2.10 Listeners
The event model of the Portal API is very similar to the traditional Java event
model. However, there are two main points of distinction. First, there is no need
to register listeners. When a portlet is installed, the Portal Server determines the
listeners it implements and registers them on behalf of the portlet. Secondly,
since the registration is taken care of by the Portal Server, it is not possible to
specify which portlets a particular portlet wishes to register for. Therefore,
portlets implementing listeners need to carefully plan for receiving unsolicited
and unexpected events.
There are several listeners defined in the Portal API. The ActionListener is
covered in 2.11, “Action event handling” on page 77 and the MessageListener is
covered in 2.14, “Portlet messaging” on page 88.
2.10.1 PortletTitleListener
This listener allows you to dynamically set the title of the portlet. This listener
requires the single method as shown in Example 2-20. This interface is
particularly useful when tailoring the title for certain modes or devices. To return
a title, simply use a PrintWriter object or include a JSP using the PortletContext
object. While the second approach allows you to create a more dynamic title,
including images and so forth, you must remain mindful of the limited space in
the title bar.
Example 2-20 PortletTitlelistener example
public void doTitle(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String title = getPortletSettings().getTitle(
request.getLocale(), request.getClient());
out.print(title + "(" + request.getMode() + ")");
2.10.2 PortletPageListener
This interface provides the opportunity to add content to the top and bottom of
the aggregated page. Example 2-21 illustrates a simple implementation of the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
PortletPageListener interface. It is important to note that content returned from
the beginPage method is not placed at the top of the page but rather at the top of
the aggregated content as displayed in Figure 2-13.
Example 2-21 PortletPageListener Implementation
public class PortletPageListenerExample extends PortletAdapter implements
public void beginPage(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("This page contains the PortletPageListener example");
public void endPage(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("Portions of this page are copyright.");
Figure 2-13 beginPage and endPage placements
The beginPage is a convenient method when you need to include JavaScript
functions needed by your portlet. However, be very aware of any content you
decide to display in the beginPage method since it may adversely affect the
overall aggregation of the page. Furthermore, because the page is aggregated,
be sure that any functions or global variables you declare have properly encoded
the namespace of the portlet to ensure there are no naming collisions. Use the
response.encodeNamespace to do this.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Restriction: The Home.jsp can choose to cancel calls to the
PortletPageListener via the <wps:pageRender includeBeginPage="no"
includeEndPage="no"> tag. In this case, your beginPage and endPage
methods will not be called. See Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261
for more information.
2.10.3 PortletSessionListener
This interface requests that the Portal Server notify the portlet if an authenticated
user has accessed the portlet. This interface is already implemented by the
PortletAdapter class that is traditionally the parent of most custom portlets. This
interface defines the two methods shown in Example 2-22. Figure 2-10 on
page 59 illustrates where in the lifecycle of the portlet these methods are called.
The functionality of the login and logout methods is detailed in “Portlet lifecycle”
on page 58.
Example 2-22 PortletSessionListener methods
public void login(PortletRequest request) throws PortletException{ ... }
public void logout(PortletSession session) throws PortletException{ ... }
2.10.4 WindowListener
This interface will notify the portlet that the user has changed the window state.
Presently, there are only three supported window states, despite the javadoc.
NORMAL, MAXIMIZED and MINIMIZED states are supported. The portlet is
notified of these three states through windowMaximized, windowMinimized, and
windowRestored, respectively. Though only three states are currently supported,
the WindowListener defines methods for windowClosing, windowOpening,
windowDetached and windowClosed. This methods are never called by the
Portal Server in 4.1.2. However, in order to implement this interface, all seven
methods must be implemented even though several will contain empty bodies.
Note: You will need to make sure you implement the interface
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.WindowListener and not the AWT
counterpart since some development environments will offer both.
Example 2-23 Implementing the WindowListener
public void windowMaximized(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException {
// Some action can be performed
public void windowMinimized(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException {
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
// Some action can be performed
public void windowRestored(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException {
// Some action can be performed
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException { }
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException { }
public void windowDetached(WindowEvent arg0) throws PortletException { }
2.10.5 PortletSettingsAttributesListener
The PortletSettings object encapsulates the concrete portlet defined in the
portlet.xml. Part of that definition includes configuration parameters that may be
declared at deployment time. These parameters can be altered and new one can
be added at runtime. The PortletSettingsAttributeListener provides your portlet
with a notification if the configuration parameters are changed at runtime.
2.10.6 PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener
Similar to the PortletSettingsAttributeListener, this listener provides notification
when the context parameters of the concrete application have changed, been
added or removed.
2.11 Action event handling
The event model in WebSphere Portal is very similar to the traditional Java event
model. When a portlet wishes to be notified that a user has performed an action,
it simply implements the ActionListener correctly and the portal server will take
care of calling the appropriate method when the event is generated. Unlike the
traditional Java event model, only the portlet generating the event may listen for
that event. There will always only be a single listener for any particular
ActionEvent. In order to notify other portlets of an event, the listening portlet may
choose to send messages. For more information on sending messages, see
2.14, “Portlet messaging” on page 88.
When the Portal server services a request, it acts in two distinct phases. The first
phase is the event processing phase. All events, including WindowEvents,
ActionEvents and MessageEvents are generated, delivered and processed in
this phase. Once this phase is complete, the content generation phase begins.
Once content generation has begun, no events can be generated. Attempting to
generate events during the content generation phase, for example doView,
doEdit, etc., will cause an exception.
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.12 Core event objects
This section will cover the objects you will need to work with when managing
event handling in action events.
2.12.1 ActionListener
The org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.ActionListener interface defines a single
method to be implemented as illustrated in Example 2-24.
Example 2-24 ActionListener Interface
public void actionPerformed(org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.ActionEvent
event) throws PortletException;
2.12.2 ActionEvent
An implementation of the org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.ActionEvent
interface is passed to the actionPerformed method by the PortalServer when a
PortletURI with an PortletAction is executed. The ActionEvent object provides
access to the PortletRequest and PortletAction objects as illustrated in
Example 2-25.
Example 2-25 Working with the ActionEvent
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
PortletAction action = event.getAction();
2.12.3 PortletURI
The porletURI represents a URL that can be used to create navigation between
modes. The PortletURI can be used to navigate to a previous mode, such as
from Edit to View, or to navigate back to the same mode, such as a multi-part
form in View or Edit. There is no ability to create a PortletURI object pointing to a
mode not yet visited by the user.
PortletRequest.createURI returns a portletURI object pointing to the portlet in its
current mode. For example, if the portletURI is created in the doView mode, the
URL points to the portlet in View. The createReturnURI method returns a
PortletURI object pointing to the last mode the portlet was in. This mode is
commonly used in the doEdit method when the URI needs to point back to the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
view mode. The edit.jsp would use the PortletURI to bring the user back to the
view mode when the edit or configure process has been completed.
In order for a portlet to be notified of an event, such as the user clicking a button,
the portletURI must contain an associated PortletAction. Typical PortletURI
construction and usage is shown in Example 2-26.
Example 2-26 Working with PortletURI
PortletURI uri = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction action = new DefaultPortletAction("save");
request.setAttribute("uri", uri.toString());
It is possible to add parameters to the PortletURI object. Parameters added to
the PortletURI via code or through a form are accessed in the same way via the
portlet request object. This provides a mechanism to pass default values or to
pass parameters not displayed in the form. Example 2-27 displays the code for
adding a parameter. Be aware that parameters set via the PortletURI are not
passed in the traditional HTML syntax. Figure 2-14 shows how parameters are
added to the URI.
Example 2-27 Adding a parameter to the PortletURi
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI viewURI = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction action = new DefaultPortletAction("save");
viewURI.addParameter("Param1", "Param1Value");
request.setAttribute("viewURI", viewURI.toString());
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", request,
With Parameters
Without Parameters
Figure 2-14 PortletURI with and without parameters
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.12.4 PortletAction and DefaultPortletAction
The PortletAction interface is a flag interface in that it defines no methods to be
implemented. Therefore, it is not possible to create custom PortletActions.
However, the API provides an implementation of the interface in the
DefaultPortletAction class. This class implements the PortletAction interface and
defines the constructor and three methods listed in Example 2-28.
Example 2-28 DefaultPortletAction
DefaultPortletAction(java.lang.String name)
void addParameter(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
java.lang.String getName()
java.util.Map getParameters()
In future releases of the Portlet API, the process of adding actions to PortletURI
objects will change. The addAction(PortletAction) method will be deprecated and
replaced with addAction(String). Since the vast majority of work with
PortletActions involves no more than setting a name, this new implementation
will be much more convenient.
2.12.5 ModeModifier
When a PortletURI is created, it points to a portlet in a particular mode. When
that PortletURI is executed and if it contains a PortletAction, it will notify the
appropriate listener. If, in the actionPerformed method, you need to redirect the
user to a mode other than the one specified, the request.setModeModifier
method can be used to redirect the user to another mode. The ModeModifier can
only be set during event processing. Calling this method in doView or doEdit will
have no effect. There are three possible modes the user can be redirected to.
򐂰 REQUESTED: this ModeModifier will navigate the user to whatever mode
was originally set by the PortletURI. Essentially, this is the default. If the
ModeModified is changed, it cannot be changed back to REQUESTED.
򐂰 CURRENT: this ModeModifier will keep the user in the current mode. For
example, if the user tries to save some information and the actionPerformed
determines it is incorrect, setting ModeModifer to CURRENT will return the
user to the edit screen.
򐂰 PREVIOUS: this ModeModifier will return the user to the mode the user was
in prior to CURRENT regardless of previous ModeModification. Therefore,
setting ModeModifer to CURRENT in one event process will not make that
mode PREVIOUS in the next event process.
The ModeModifer is illustrated in Figure 2-34 on page 87.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.13 Event examples
To demonstrate event handling, two examples are presented. The first example
is a portlet containing a multi-part form. The second example demonstrates
implementing edit or configure functionality in a portlet.
2.13.1 Multi-part form event handling
This example illustrates a portlet with a multi-part form that needs to be
completed by the user. As the user navigates through the form, the data entered
by the user is retrieved, evaluated and stored. If the data is incomplete, the user
is presented with an error page. Figure 2-15 on page 84 illustrates the four parts
of the form. Throughout the form, the user has the ability to navigate backwards
and forwards and to cancel the entire process. This example is intended to
display event handling only and as such, persisting the new employee is not
included. The form is broken into four JSPs through which the user needs to
navigate. Example 2-29 on page 81 shows that there are two important methods
in this portlet. Example 2-30 on page 83 displays the EmployeeManager class
used to create and populate the Employee bean.
doView: the doView method has two main responsibilities. First, it determines
which JSP to use next based on a state variable held in the portlet session.
Secondly, it creates the necessary PortletURI objects and stores them in the
request object to be used by the JSP. The doView creates three different
PortletURI objects since some JSPs will have three potential actions generated
by the user (Next, Back and Cancel). Each button on the JSPs will have a unique
PortletURI and associated action attached to its form. The actionPerformed
method will evaluate the action to determine what type of business logic needs to
be performed and to determine the next state the user should move to.
actionPerformed: the actionPerfomed method has several responsibilities.
Initially, it must determine the action that generated the event. If the user has
selected Next, the EmployeeManager class is called to strip off the parameters
and store an Employee bean in the session object. If any of the parameters is
empty, an exception is thrown and the state is set to state0, indicating the error
page should be displayed. If the user has selected Back, the actionPerformed
determines which state the user should be moved to. Finally, if the user has
selected Cancel, the employee object stored in the portletsession is reset and
the user is moved to the initial state.
Example 2-29 Portlet with a multi-part form
public class NewEmployees extends PortletAdapter implements ActionListener{
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
Chapter 2. Portlets
String includeFile = "NewUser1.jsp";
String state = (String) request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("state");
if (state == null) {
state = "state1";
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("state", state);
if (state.equals("state0")) { includeFile = "NewEmployeeError.jsp";
} else if (state.equals("state1")){ includeFile = "NewEmployee1.jsp";
} else if (state.equals("state2")){ includeFile = "NewEmployee2.jsp";
} else if (state.equals("state3")){ includeFile = "NewEmployee3.jsp";
} else if (state.equals("state4")){ includeFile = "NewEmployeeSummary.jsp";}
request.setAttribute("nextURI", generateURI(response, "next", "next").toString());
request.setAttribute("backURI", generateURI(response, "back", "back").toString());
request.setAttribute("cancelURI", generateURI(response, "cancel", "cancel").toString());
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/" + includeFile, request, response);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
DefaultPortletAction portletAction = (DefaultPortletAction) event.getAction();
String action = portletAction.getName();
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
PortletSession session = request.getSession();
String state = (String) session.getAttribute("state");
if (action.equals("next")) {
} else if ( action.equals("back")) {
if (state == null) state = "state1";
if (state.equals("state0")) state = (String)session.getAttribute("previousState");
else if (state.equals("state2")) state = "state1";
else if (state.equals("state3")) state = "state2";
else if (state.equals("state4")) state = "state3";
session.setAttribute("state", state);
} else if ( action.equals("cancel")) {
state = "state1";
session.setAttribute("state", state);
session.setAttribute("employee", new Employee());
public PortletURI generateURI(PortletResponse response, String target, String action) {
PortletURI tempURI = response.createURI();
PortletAction tempAction = new DefaultPortletAction(action);
return tempURI;
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 2-30 The EmployeeManager class
class EmployeeManager {
public static void updateEmployee(PortletRequest request) {
String state = (String) request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("state");
if (state == null) state = "state0";
Employee emp = (Employee) request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("employee");
if (emp == null) emp = new Employee();
try {
if (state.equals("state1")){
state = "state2";
} else if (state.equals("state2")){
state = "state3";
} else if (state.equals("state3")){
state = "state4";
} else if (state.equals("state4")){
//submit employee information to admiinstrator -- Not included here
emp = new Employee();
state = "state1";
} catch (Exception e) {
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("error", e.getMessage());
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("previousState", state);
state = "state0";
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("state", state);
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("employee", emp);
Chapter 2. Portlets
Figure 2-15 Multi-part form in a single portlet
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
NewEmployee1.jsp: this JSP has a simple form; the action is displayed in
Example 2-31.
Example 2-31 NewEmployee1.jsp
<FORM action='<%= request.getAttribute("nextURI") %>' method="POST">
... fields
<INPUT type="submit" name="Next" value="Next"/>
NewEmployee2.jsp: this JSP makes use of two forms in order to pass an event
with a specific action. Example 2-32 illustrates this.
Example 2-32 New Employee2.jsp
<FORM action='<%= request.getAttribute("nextURI") %>' method="POST">
... fields
<INPUT type="submit" name="Next" value="Next"/>
<FORM method="POST" action='<%= request.getAttribute("cancelURI") %>'>
<INPUT type="submit" name="Cancel" value="Cancel">
NewEmployee3.jsp: this JSP makes use of three forms, each utilizing a different
PortletURI object. In fact, all three PortletURI objects point to the same URL but
have different actions associated with them.
Example 2-33 NewEmployee3.jsp
<FORM action='<%= request.getAttribute("nextURI") %>' method="POST">
... fields
<INPUT type="submit" name="Next" value="Next"/>
<FORM method="POST" action='<%= request.getAttribute("backURI") %>'>
<INPUT type="submit" name="Back" value="Back">
<FORM method="POST" action='<%= request.getAttribute("cancelURI") %>'>
<INPUT type="submit" name="Cancel" value="Cancel">
2.13.2 Multi-mode event handling
This example will show implementing edit functionality via an InternetMail portlet.
The approach presented here can easily be applied to the Configure mode as
Chapter 2. Portlets
well. If the user has not entered their server information, the View mode will
display an informative message telling the user to edit the portlet. Once the user
selects the Edit button, the doEdit method creates a PortletURI pointing back to
the previous mode, in this case View, using the request.createReturnURI
method. This URI is used in the Action attribute of the FORM tag on the edit.jsp
page. When the user clicks Save, the actionPerformed is called and the
parameters are stored in the portletdata object. If the serverName parameter is
empty, the ModeModifier is set to return the user to the edit screen. Otherwise,
the user is returned to the View mode as specified by the PortletURI.
Example 2-16 illustrates the user flow through this portlet.
Figure 2-16 Providing Edit functionality in a portlet
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The code for this portlet is rather simple. This example is intended to illustrate the
edit functionality, and therefore the implementation of accessing the mail server
has been omitted. Example 2-34 lists the code for this portlet.
doView: the doView method in this situation simply evaluates whether the
PortletData attributes have been set. If so, it calls the appropriate JSP. If not, it
presents an informative message using a PrintWriter.
doEdit: when the user clicks the Edit button, the doEdit method is executed.
Wen the user has completed setting the parameters, we wish to return them to
the previous mode. Usually, the previous mode will be View and technically, the
URI could be created there and stored in session or some other persistent
scope. However, the edit functionality may be accessed from the Work With
Pages place on the Edit Content and Layout page. Therefore, we generate the
URI while in the Edit mode and not in View so that the user is always returned to
the previous state. Figure 2-17 on page 88 illustrates this. Note that when the
edit function is accessed from this location, it is presented in a pop-up window
and does not take over the screen as it does in the normal Edit mode.
actionPerformed: the actionPerformed method in this portlet performs much in
the same way as shown in Example 2-29 on page 81. It retrieves the parameters
from the form and attempts to store them in a particular scope, in this case, the
PortletData. What is different is the error handling. Whereas the multi-part form
handled user errors through state management, this portlet makes use of the
built-in functionality. If the user does not enter the server name, the ModeModifer
is set to CURRENT.
Example 2-34 Implementing edit functionality
public class InternetMailPortlet extends PortletAdapter implements ActionListener {
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
String serverName = (String) request.getData().getAttribute("serverName");
if (serverName == null || serverName.equals("")) {
response.getWriter().print("Please use the edit button to configure this portlet.");
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("error", "");
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", request, response);
public void doEdit(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)throws
PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI viewURI = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction action = new DefaultPortletAction("save");
Chapter 2. Portlets
request.setAttribute("viewURI", viewURI.toString());
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/Edit.jsp", request, response);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
try {
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
PortletData data = request.getData();
String serverName = request.getParameter("serverName");
String userID = request.getParameter("userID");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
if (serverName == null || serverName.equals("")) {
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("error", "Server Name is required");
data.setAttribute("serverName", serverName);
data.setAttribute("userID", userID);
data.setAttribute("password", password);
} catch (Exception e ){
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("error", e.getMessage());
Figure 2-17 Accessing Edit mode from page administration
2.14 Portlet messaging
One of the most significant advantages of the Portlet architecture is the portlets’
ability to communicate with each other to create dynamic, interactive
applications. Portlets can use messages to share information, notify each other
of a user’s actions or simply help better manage screen real estate.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Messages can be sent to all portlets on a page, to a specific named portlet or to
all portlets in a single portlet application. To send a message to all portlets on a
page, you must send an instance of the DefaultPortletMessage.
In order to make full use of this potential, you need to adequately architect the
entire portlet application, anticipating inter- portlet communication. Attempting to
implement effective and meaningful message after significant portlet
development will cause some difficulty and may require the entire application to
be overhauled. This is true for several reasons. For example, access to certain
storage objects, such as PortletData, is limited to certain modes. Therefore, if the
initial design of an application makes significant use of the PorltetData object,
implementing messaging later to share configuration information would require a
considerable effort. Furthermore, in order to reduce or eliminate code, action
event and message event functionality can be combined into a common method.
However, to achieve this, it is necessary to consider the information passed via
the action or message objects.
To help you understand where messaging may fit into your applications, it is
important to become familiar with some of the common uses of portlet
messaging. This section will present two examples demonstrating common
usage of portlet messaging. The first example illustrates how one portlet can use
messaging to control the navigation of another portlet. The second example will
demonstrate how a portlet can notify other portlets when a user has altered their
configuration information using the Edit mode.
First, however, you must become familiar with the core objects used in the
messaging architecture.
2.15 Core messaging objects
This section will cover the objects you will need to work with when messaging
between portlets.
2.15.1 MessageListener
The org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.MessageListener interface must be
implemented by the portlets you want the portal server to send messages to. The
interface defines the single method listed in Example 2-35. Since the portlet may
be notified by more than one other portlet and therefore may receive different
types of messages, it should validate the type of message received prior to
working with the object. This is illustrated in Example 2-35.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Example 2-35 Implementing the MessageListener interface
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event) throws PortletException {
if (event.getMessage() instanceof DefaultPortletMessage) {
DefaultPortletMessage msg = (DefaultPortletMessage) event.getMessage();
String message = msg.getMessage();
//Do something based on the message
Be aware that when a portlet receives a message, it is not in Edit or Configure
mode and therefore faces certain restrictions. For instance, portlets do not have
write access to the PorletData object when they are not in Edit mode. Also, they
cannot adjust the attributes stored in the PortletSettings object unless they are in
Configure mode. Attempts to store attributes in these objects when not in the
appropriate mode result in an AccessDeniedException.
Therefore, when attempting to share configuration or settings information
between portlets, you need to choose your scope carefully or decide to persist to
an outside resource.
2.15.2 MessageEvent
This object is sent to registered MessageListeners by the portlet container when
a portlet executes the send method of the PortletContex object. There are two
important methods available in this object.
򐂰 getMessage returns the message object sent with this event. Since this
method returns a PortletMessage, the result must be cast to the appropriate
type, as illustrated in Example 2-35.
򐂰 getRequest returns the current PortletRequest. The request can be used to
access the PortletSession object or to store data to be used in the doView
2.15.3 DefaultPortletMessage
This object implements the PortletMessage interface and provides the basic
functionality needed for sending string messages between portlets. If you
broadcast a DefaultPortletMessage to null, it will be sent to all portlets on the
page implementing the MessageListener interface. Example 2-36 illustrates
sending a simple broadcast message to all portlets on the same page regardless
of application affiliation.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 2-36 Broadcasting a message to all portlets on a page
PortletMessage msg = new DefaultPortletMessage(“Some Message”);
getPortletConfig().getContext().send(null, msg);
2.15.4 PortletMessage
This interface defines the message object that will be sent between portlets.
Since it is a flag interface, it does not define any methods to be implemented.
Therefore, you are free to create message objects that can store a wide variety
of information. Example 2-37 illustrates a simple custom message used to carry
an employee object.
Example 2-37 Creating a custom message
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import java.net.*;
public class EmployeeMessage implements PortletMessage {
private Employee emp;
public Employee getEmployee() { return emp; }
public void setEmployee(Employee employee) { this.emp = employee;}
If you simply need to send a string message between portlets, the
DefaultPortletMessage provides this basic functionality. It is not possible to send
a broadcast message using custom messages. Setting a custom message to null
will only send the message to portlets implementing the MessageListener
interface on the same page and deployed as part of the same portlet application.
This is illustrated in Example 2-38.
Example 2-38 Sending a custom message
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
Employee employee = new Employee();
//Create an employee object with parameters from a form
EmployeeMessage msg= new EmployeeMessage();
getPortletConfig().getContext().send(null, msg);
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.15.5 ActionListener/WindowListener
Though these listeners are not part of the Messaging architecture, they are
included here to emphasize that messages can only be sent while handling some
other event. This is because the portal server executes in two distinct phases. All
events are created, fired and caught in the first phase. Once all event processing
is complete, the content rendering phase begins and no further events can be
2.16 Messaging examples
To demonstrate inter-portlet messaging, two examples are given. The first
example illustrates how one portlet can be used to control the behavior of
another. The second example illustrates how portlets can be configured to share
configuration information via messaging.
2.16.1 Portlet messaging example 1: navigation control
In this example, one portlet displays a Web page using an iframe. Another portlet
is used to set the URL the first portlet displays. Figure 2-18 shows the interface of
this example. Essentially, the user enters a URL in the sender portlet and that
URL is sent via messaging to the viewer portlet. The URL is then used as the
SRC attribute in the IFRAME tag.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 2-18 Portlet Message Example 1
There are three classes used in this example:
URLSender: this portlet displays the text field for the user to enter the URL they
wish to see. The doView method simply creates a PortletURI with a PortletAction
and passes it to the SenderView.jsp. This class implements the ActionListener so
it is notified when the user clicks the button. The actionPerformed method simply
extracts the string the user entered and uses it to create a new URLMessage
object. It then broadcasts the messages. The class is shown in Example 2-39.
Example 2-39 URLSender Portlet
public class URLSender extends PortletAdapter implements ActionListener{
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI uri = response.createURI();
PortletAction go = new DefaultPortletAction("go");
request.setAttribute("uri", uri.toString());
request, response);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
String url = event.getRequest().getParameter("url");
URLMessage msg = new URLMessage();
Chapter 2. Portlets
getPortletConfig().getContext().send(null, msg);
URLMessage: this simple class implements the PortletMessage interface. It
defines two methods, setURL and getURL. This message will be used to pass
the URL between the sender and the viewer. This class is shown in
Example 2-40.
Example 2-40 URLMessage class
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletMessage;
public class URLMessage implements PortletMessage {
private String url;
public String getUrl() {
return url;
public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;
URLViewer: this portlet implements the MessageListener interface. The simple
doView method does no more than include the ViewerView.jsp. The
messageReceived method accepts the message event and if the event is of type
URLMessage, casts it to the correct type. It then retrieves the URL string out of
the message and stores it on the session .Example 2-41 displays the code for
this class.
Example 2-41 URLViewer Portlet
public class URLViewer extends PortletAdapter implements MessageListener{
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
request, response);
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event) throws PortletException {
if (event.getMessage() instanceof URLMessage) {
URLMessage msg = (URLMessage)event.getMessage();
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
event.getRequest().setAttribute("test", msg.getUrl());
PortletSession sess = event.getRequest().getPortletSession();
sess.setAttribute("url", "http://" + msg.getUrl());
There are two JSPs used in this application.
SenderView.jsp: this JSP contains a simple form containing a text field. The
action behind the form is retrieved from the request object. The uri attribute was
created and set in the doView method of the Sender portlet. Example 2-42
displays the code for this JSP.
Example 2-42 SenderView.jsp
<FORM method="POST" action='<%= request.getAttribute("uri") %>'>
Enter the URL:
<INPUT size="20" type="text" name="url">
<INPUT type="submit" name="go" value="go">
ViewerView.jsp: this JSP retrieves the URL from the session object and passes
it to the IFRAME tag.
Example 2-43 ViewerView.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
<IFRAME src='<%= portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("url") %>'
width="100%" height="400" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="0">
You’re browser does not support frames
2.16.2 Portlet messaging example 2: sharing configuration
This example will demonstrate how a portlet can share configuration information
with other portlets. In this example, an InternetMail portlet requires the user to
edit the portlet to set their access information. The user is required to enter the
server name, their user ID and password. This same information is also used by
the InternetToDo portlet which simply retrieves a personal ToDo list from an
Internet service. To make the portlets easy to use, whenever the user sets the
values in one of the portlets, the other will automatically be updated as well. This
Chapter 2. Portlets
example is presented to demonstrate information sharing and as such, will not
include the database or Internet access code.
Figure 2-19 displays the two portlets that have common configuration
Figure 2-19 Two portlets with common configuration information
There are several classes used in this example.
ServerInfo: this is a simple Java bean used to temporarily hold the server name,
user ID and password strings.
Example 2-44 The ServerInfo bean
public class ServerInfo {
private String serverName;
private String userID;
private String password;
public String getServerName() {return serverName;}
public void setServerName(String sName) {this.serverName = sName; }
public String getUserID() {return userID;}
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
public void setUserID(String userID) {this.userID = userID;}
public String getPassword() {return password;}
public void setPassword(String password) {this.password = password;}
ServerDBAccess: this class provides two static methods encapsulating the
database persistence of the ServerInfo object.
ServerInfoMessage: this class implements the PortletMessage interface and is
used to send ServerInfo objects to other portlets during messaging.
Example 2-45 ServerInfoMessage portlet message
public class ServerInfoMessage implements PortletMessage, Serializable {
private ServerInfo info;
public ServerInfo getInfo() {return info;}
public void setInfo(ServerInfo info) {this.info = info; }
ServerInfoMessage(ServerInfo info) {this.info = info; }
InternetMailPortlet: this portlet implements the ActionListener and
PortletListener interfaces. In doView mode, it simply forwards to the appropriate
JSP. In doEdit, it creates a PortletURI that points back to the previous mode. In
most cases, the previous mode will be View. An action is added to the URI to
notify the actionPerformed method when the user clicks the button. The
actionPerformed method completes several tasks. It retrieves the parameters
and attempts to build a ServerInfo object. If the serverName parameter is empty,
it resets the next mode to redirect the user back to the edit screen. It then passes
the ServerInfo object to the ServerDBAcess class to have the data persisted.
Once that is successful, it sends the ServerInfo object to other portlets via the
ServerInfoMessage. This portlet also listens for messages from other portlets
and, if it receives a ServerInfoMessage, it retrieves the ServerInfo object and
uses the ServerDBAcess class to persist the information.
Example 2-46 InternetMailPortlet
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
public class InternetMailPortlet extends PortletAdapter implements
ActionListener, MessageListener {
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
Chapter 2. Portlets
request.setAttribute("info", ServerDBAccess.getServerInfo(request));
request, response);
public void doEdit(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)throws
PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI viewURI = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction action = new DefaultPortletAction("save");
request.setAttribute("viewURI", viewURI.toString());
request, response);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
try {
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
String serverName = request.getParameter("serverName");
String userID
= request.getParameter("userID");
String password
= request.getParameter("password");
if (serverName == null || serverName.equals("")) {
"Server Name is required");
ServerInfo info = new ServerInfo();
ServerDBAccess.storeServerInfo(info, request);
ServerInfoMessage msg = new ServerInfoMessage(info);
getPortletConfig().getContext().send(null, msg);
} catch (Exception e ){
getPortletConfig().getContext().getLog().warn("Exception in
actionPerformed: " + e.getMessage());
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event) throws PortletException {
if ( event.getMessage() instanceof ServerInfoMessage) {
ServerInfoMessage msg = (ServerInfoMessage) event.getMessage();
ServerDBAccess.storeServerInfo(msg.getInfo(), event.getRequest());
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
InternetToDoPortlet: this portlet’s functionality is largely identical to that of the
InternetMailPortlet. However, it uses its own JSP to retrieve and present a ToDo
Example 2-47 InternetToDo Portlet
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
public class InternetToDoPortlet extends PortletAdapter implements
ActionListener, MessageListener{
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
request.setAttribute("info", ServerDBAccess.getServerInfo(request));
request, response);
public void doEdit(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI viewURI = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction action = new DefaultPortletAction("save");
request.setAttribute("viewURI", viewURI.toString());
request, response);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
try {
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
PortletData data = request.getData();
String serverName = request.getParameter("serverName");
String userID = request.getParameter("userID");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
if (serverName == null || serverName.equals("")) {
"Server Name is required");
ServerInfo info = new ServerInfo();
ServerDBAccess.storeServerInfo(info, request);
ServerInfoMessage msg = new ServerInfoMessage(info);
Chapter 2. Portlets
getPortletConfig().getContext().send(null, msg);
} catch (Exception e ){
getPortletConfig().getContext().getLog().warn("Exception in
actionPerformed: " + e.getMessage());
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event) throws PortletException {
if ( event.getMessage() instanceof ServerInfoMessage) {
ServerInfoMessage msg = (ServerInfoMessage) event.getMessage();
ServerDBAccess.storeServerInfo(msg.getInfo(), event.getRequest());
2.17 Attribute storage summary
There are many objects in the portal environment for storing attributes. In order
to help you choose the right object for the right situation, we refer you to the
following chart.
Best Practice
Limited to request
between the portal
server and the portlet
Use a short term bucket
for communication
between portlet and JSP
(for example: Portlet
Limited to
subsequent requests
by the same user on
the same concrete
portlet instance
Use as an open line of
communication between
requests. (for example
Shopping cart)
Shared by all
instances of the
concrete portlet.
Editable only in
Configure mode.
Use only for
information that is
applicable to all
instances (for example
user ID)
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Best Practice
Shared by all
concrete portlet
instances deployed
in the same concrete
application. Editable
only in Configure
Use only for
information that is
applicable to all
concrete portlet
instances in the same
application (for example
server name).
Persistently available
to a single concrete
portlet instance.
Use for information that
needs life beyond a
session (for example
portlet preferences).
One request through
to the
Use to provide default
parameter values in
case the user does not
enter a value in a form.
Only available to
registered message
listeners in the event
processing phase.
Since each
custom portlet
message can be
uniquely, access is
not pre-defined
Use to adequately
capture all the
information necessary
to complete the
message. There is no
predictability regarding
order of execution for
listeners so do depend
on this.
Same config object is
available to every
concrete portlet
instance derived
from the same
abstract portlet
This vale can only be set
during development or
deployment. Since its
scope is very broad, use
Available as long as
the PortletURI it is
attached to is
It is not recommended
to store objects such as
PortletResponse, etc.
Use sparingly.
Available to all
instances of the
concrete portlet.
Value is not unique
between users.
Use this object to store
attributes that are not
unique to any one user,
and can be lost if the
server shuts down.
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.18 Portlet services
A PortalService is a discoverable extension to the Portal functionality. A portlet
can query the container for a specific service and use that service without ever
knowing the implementation or concerning itself with its lifecycle management.
Their lifecycle is managed by the portal and as such does not have container
restrictions placed on portlets. Example 2-26 illustrates accessing a service in a
Example 2-48 Accessing a service
ContentAccessService service = (ContentAccessService)
The default installation of WebSphere Portal Server ships with the
ContentAccessService. Other services could be implemented by various vendors
or by yourself as seen in “Custom services” on page 103. WebSphere Portal
Server also supplies the CredentialsVaultService, which is discussed in detail in
“Credential Vault” on page 107.
2.18.1 ContentAccessService
The contentAccessService provides a convenient mechanism for accessing
content outside the Portal Server. Whereas the PortletContext include method is
limited to content relative to the Portlet Application, the ContentAccessService
has no such limitations. Example 2-49 illustrates simple usage of the
ContentAccessService. There are two important methods defined in this service.
򐂰 include(String url, PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
This method will write the results of the URL to the response unfiltered. There
is no opportunity to remove undesirable or malformed HTML. There is no
URL rewriting whatsoever so relative links, such as images, will not be
displayed properly. Use this method only when the URL can be trusted to
return reliable content.
򐂰 getURL(string URL, PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
This method returns a java.net.URL object. This object can then be used to
open a URLConnection, access an inputStream or access the host, port and
other important information. This method provides the opportunity to filter the
content prior to including it in the response.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 2-49 Using the ContentAccessService
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
ContentAccessService cas = (ContentAccessService)
cas.include(“http://www.ibm.com”, request, response);
2.18.2 Custom services
The Portlet API allows you to create your own services that you can install into
the portal server. The main benefits of services are twofold. First, they execute
outside of the Portlet Containers. Secondly, they are not tied to any given portlet
and therefore their lifecycle is not dependent on individual portlets. This means
that once the service has been initialized, it is available to all portlets with no
further initialization cost. Likewise, the destruction cost is not absorbed by any
single portlet.
To create your own service, there four steps to follow. Some of these steps are
optional. This section will use a custom MailService as an example. This
example allows a portlet to locate the MailService, send an e-mail and verify that
it was in fact sent. The actual implementation of the JavaMail API is not included
for reasons of clarity.
1. Define the service
First, you must define an interface that defines the functionality this service
will provide. The custom service interface must extend PortletService. The
PortletService interface is a flag interface and therefore does not define any
Example 2-50 Defining the service interface
package com.yourco.services.mailservice;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.*;
public interface MailService extends PortletService {
public boolean sendEMail(String address, String subject, String message);
Chapter 2. Portlets
2. Implement the service
The service interface then needs to be implemented. The implementation
class must implement the custom service interface you defined as well as the
PortletServiceProvide interface. The PortletServiceProvide defines the init
and destroy methods that must be implemented. The init method may be
called by the factory when the implementation class is first created. In
practice, while your custom factories may choose not to utilize this method,
the default factories do. The init method is an appropriate location to load
initialization parameters, establish connection pools, etc. Initialization
parameters are discussed in Step 4. The destroy method is an appropriate
location to release any resources or perform any other common clean-up
Example 2-51 Implementing the custom service
package com.yourco.services.mailservice.impl;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.spi.*;
import com.yourco.services.mailservice.MailService;
public class MailServiceImpl implements PortletServiceProvider, MailService {
private String server_name;
public void init(PortletServiceConfig config)
throws PortletServiceUnavailableException {
//Set Mail Server name based on inititialization parameters
server_name = config.getInitParameter(“SERVER_NAME”);
public void destroy() {
//No resources to destroy
public boolean sendEMail(String address, String subject, String message) {
//Send mail using JavaMail API
return true;
3. Create the service factory
This step is optional when creating custom services. The factory is used by
the PortletContext object to retrieve an instance of the service. Two default
factories are provided with Portlet API. PortletServiceDefaultFactory will
always return a new instance of the service. PortletServiceCacheFactory will
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
always return the same instance of the service. Both of these factories call
the init method of the service they are instantiating. Generally, either of the
two default factories will provide the functionality you need when creating
custom services. However, to ensure this example is complete, Example 2-52
illustrates a custom factory for the MailService service.
Example 2-52 Creating a custom factory
package com.yourco.services.mailservice.factory;
org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service. spi.*;
public class MailServiceFactory
implements PortletServiceFactory{
private PortletServiceProvider psp = null;
public PortletService createPortletService(Class service, Properties props,
ServletConfig config) throws PortletServiceUnavailableException {
if (psp != null) {
return psp;
} else {
psp = new MailServiceImpl();
psp.init(new PortletServiceConfigImpl(service, props, config));
return psp;
4. Register the service
Once the service interface has been defined, the implementation class
created and the factory decided upon, the classes should be packaged into a
jar file. This jar should be placed in the <WAS-ROOT>lib\app directory. If you
have decided to use one of the default factories, they are already in this
directory in the wps.jar file.
Once the files have been deployed, the service must be registered. Open the
PortletService.properties file in the <WP-ROOT>\app\wps.ear\
wps.war\WEB-INF\conf directory. It is recommended that you make a back-up
of this file prior to modifying it. The service and its factory must be registered
as illustrated in Example 2-53. The first mapping indicates that when a
service is requested, the specified implementation class should be returned.
Chapter 2. Portlets
The second mapping indicates which factory should be used to create this
service when requested. This mapping should specify your custom factory,
org.apache.jetspeed.portletcontainer.service.PortletServiceCacheFactory or
Example 2-53 Registering the service in PortletServices.properties
com.yourco.services.mailservice.MailService =
com.yourco.services.mailservice.impl.MailServiceImpl.factory =
Initialization parameters are also supplied in the PortletService.properties file,
as illustrated in Example 2-54. Accessing these parameters is illustrated in
Example 2-51 on page 104.
Example 2-54 Setting Unit parameters in PortletService.properties
com.yourco.services.mailservice.impl.MailServiceImpl.SERVER_NAME =
5. Test the service
In order for the service to become available in the Portal, the portal server
must be restarted. Using the WebSphere Administrator’s Console, restart the
WebSphere Portal Application Server. Example 2-55 shows a simple portlet
making use of the MailService service.
Example 2-55 Using the MailService service
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
String address = request.getParameter("address");
String subject = request.getParameter("subject");
String msg = request.getParameter("msg");
MailService mailService = (MailService)
String result = "" + mailService.sendEMail(address, subject, msg);
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("EmailResult", result);
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.19 Credential Vault
WebSphere Portal can be configured to exist in a Single Sign-On environment
using a number of different approaches. If the various systems participating in
the SSO realm all authenticate to Domino™, WebSEAL can provide the SSO
functionality. Third party authentication mechanisms such as Tivoli® Access
Manager can also be used to create a unified environment for the user.
However, on the portlet level, there may be systems outside the current SSO
realm or applications that simply require an explicit login. To facilitate the storage,
retrieval and usage of the credentials necessary to access these back-end
systems, WebSphere Portal provides the Credentials Vault Service. This service
is based on the Portlet Service architecture discussed in “Portlet services” on
page 102. The CredentialsVaultService allows you to easily and securely persist
user IDs and passwords without concerning yourself with database access code.
Credential Vault Service
Default Vault (DB)
Segment A (admin)
Segment B (admin)
Segment C (user)
Slot (System)
Slot (Shared)
Slot (Private)
Slot (Shared)
Slot (Private)
Slot (Admin)
Slot (System)
Slot (Private)
Figure 2-20 Credential Vault objects
2.20 Core Credential Vault objects
There are several key objects used when working with or administering the
Credential Vault.
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.20.1 Vault
This is a persistent store where credentials are actually stored. WebSphere
Portal provides the default database vault. The Tivoli Access Manager lock box
could also be registered and used as a vault. You can create and register your
own custom vault implementations that may store credentials in some database,
in memory or even in a simple file system.
2.20.2 Segment
A vault can be separated into segments to distinguish the access control portlets
have when working with the credentials stored in the vault. Portlets can retrieve
credentials from any type of segment. A vault can only be segmented by the
򐂰 Administrator Managed: a segment flagged as Administrator Managed
prevents portlets from creating new slots in the segment.
򐂰 User Managed: this type of segment allows a portlet to dynamically create
new slots and to place credentials in that slot. Only the default vault provided
by WebSphere Portal provides user managed segments.
2.20.3 Slot
A slot is a “drawer” in a segment that actually contains the credential. A slot can
only contain a single credential. When retrieving credentials, a portlet searches
the vault for a slot based on the slot ID. This ID is usually persisted in the
PortletData object. The definition and implementation of slots is dependent on
the vault containing the slot. The default vault implementation provided by
WebSphere Portal provides four types of slots.
򐂰 System slot: the credentials stored in this type of slot are available to all
users and portlets. This type may be used when a user ID/password is
company-specific and not unique to each employee.
򐂰 Administrative slot: the credentials stored in this type of slot are applicable
to individual users but are associated with administrator-defined resources
such as Lotus® Notes®.
򐂰 Shared slot: the credentials stored in this type of slot are available to all the
portlets of a specific user. This type may be used when several portlets will
access the same back-end system on behalf of the same user.
򐂰 Portlet Private slot: the credentials stored in this type of slot are available to
the single portlet instance that stored it. The credential is not accessible from
any other portlet. This type may be used when the credentials are required
only by a single portlet and are not applicable to any other user.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2.20.4 Credential
This object actually contains the user ID/password pair. There are two basic
types of credentials.
򐂰 Passive credential: this type of credential simply persists the user
ID/password pair. When a portlet needs to access some back-end system
with credentials stored in a passive credential, it is required to retrieve the
user ID string and password character array from the credential and manually
construct the connection to the back end. Example 2-56 illustrates using a
passive credential.
Example 2-56 Accessing a passive credential
UserPasswordPassiveCredential cred =
(UserPasswordPassiveCredential) vault.getCredential(
if (cred != null ){
String pass = cred.getPassword().toString();
String userid = cred.getUserId();
// Use ID and password to connect to some back end
򐂰 Active credential: this type of credential encapsulates the user ID/password
pair as well as all the logic required to access the back-end system. Portlets
do not have access to the user ID or password persisted in the credential.
However, the credential provides connection methods and utilizes the
persisted user ID and password to establish the necessary connection.
Example 2-57 illustrates how an active credential never returns the user ID or
password but instead provides the requisite connection functionality.
Example 2-57 Accessing and using an active credential
JavaMailCredential credential =
(JavaMailCredential) vault.getCredential(
javax.mail.Session mailSession =
javax.mail.Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
if (credential != null ){
Chapter 2. Portlets
mailSession = credential.getAuthenticatedSession(mailSession, host);
Since an active credential inherently provides more security, it is the preferred
type of credential.
WebSphere Portal ships with several predefined types of credentials.
򐂰 Active Credentials
– HTTPBasicAuthCredential
– HTTPFormBasedAuthCredential
– JavaMailCredential
– LtpaTokenCredential
– WebSealTokenCredential
– SiteMinderTokenCredential
򐂰 Passive Credentials
– SimplePassiveCredential
– UserPasswordPassiveCredential
– JassSubjectPassiveCredential
Example 2-58 illustrates sample code that can be used to store credentials using
the Credential Vault Service provided by WebSphere Portal.
Example 2-58 Storing credentials
PortletContext context = getPortletConfig().getContext();
CredentialVaultService vault = (CredentialVaultService)
ObjectID defaultSegmentId = vault.getDefaultUserVaultSegmentId();
Map descripMap = new HashMap();
descripMap.put("en", "A simple test slot");
CredentialSlotConfig slot = vault.createSlot(
request.setAttribute("Test_SlotID", slot.getSlotId());
int passLength = password.length();
char[] passChars = new char[passLength];
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
password.getChars(0, passLength, passChars, 0);
CredentialVaultService Methods
getCredentialTypes returns an iterator of all credential types that are registered
in the Credential Type Registry
2.21 Portlet JSPs
When designing your portlet applications, you will generally use the MVC Model
2 architecture discussed in “Portlet MVC architecture” on page 35. To implement
the development of dynamic portlet JSPs, a rich tag library is provided with
WebSphere Portal Server. There are several custom tag libraries supplied with
WebSphere Portal Server, depending on the installation type and what additional
components are installed.
򐂰 portlet.tld This tag library contains the tags used in day-to-day JSP
development when working with JSPs.
򐂰 engine.tld This tag library is intended to be used in the construction of
themes and skins. For information on themes and skins and details on this
tag library, refer to Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261.
򐂰 extend.tld This tag library is only supplied if the installation type is extend or
experience. These tags are not available with the enable installation. For
details on this tag library, refer to Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on
page 261.
򐂰 content.tld This tag is used in JSPs working with the PortletContent
Organizer. For more information on the Portlet Content Organizer, refer to
Chapter 11, “Content management” on page 637.
򐂰 menu.tld This tag library provides access to Collaborative functionality in the
򐂰 person.tld This tag library provides access to Collaborative functionality inside
your portlets.
Chapter 2. Portlets
2.21.1 Portlet Tag Library
Like all tag libraries in the WebSphere Portal Server, the portlet.tld is located in
the <WP-ROOT>app\wps.ear\wps.war\WEB-INF\tld directory. Example 2-59
illustrates referencing the tag library at the beginning of a JSP.
Example 2-59 Referencing a tag library
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
This section will cover the tags available in the portlet.tld tag library and some of
their most common uses.
򐂰 init <portletAPI:init />
This tag must be called if you wish to access the PortletRequest,
PortletResponse or PortletConfig objects in the JSP. This tag simply initializes
three variables for you: portletRequest, portletReponse, and
portletConfig. Attempting to access these variables without calling the
init tag will cause the page compilation of the JSP to fail. However, you still
have full access to the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet objects via the normal
variable names.
򐂰 createReturnURI <portletAPI:ecreateReturnURI />
This tag returns a string pointing to the portlet in the previous mode. The
resulting URI could be used to create a Back button or to specify an action on
a form. If you wish to add a PortletAction to the URI object in order to notify
any applicable listeners, you can include the URIAction tag in the body of the
createReturnURI tags. Example 2-60 illustrates this approach.
Example 2-60 Adding a PortletAction to the PortletURI
<portletAPI:createReturnURI >
<portletAPI:URIAction name="submit" />
You can also add a parameter to the PortletURI object using a similar
approach to that used with the PortletAction.
Example 2-61 Adding a Parameter to the PortletURI and the resulting URI
<portletAPI:createReturnURI >
<portletAPI:URIParameter name="fname" value="john" />
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 createURI <portletAPI:createURI />
This tag returns a string pointing to the portlet in the current mode. As with the
createReturnURI tag, PortletActions and parameters can be added to the
resulting URI. Though the documentation indicates that the state can be
controlled by passing a string attribute, this functionality is not implemented.
򐂰 URIAction <portletAPI:URIAction name=”sting”/>
This tag is only used when creating PortletURI object. Example 2-60
illustrates the use of this tag. This tag requires that a name attribute be
򐂰 URIParameter <portletAPI:URIParamter name=“string” value=“string”/>
This tag is only used when creating a PortletURI object. Example 2-61
illustrates the use of this tag. This tag requires that name and value attributes
be specified.
򐂰 dataAttribute <portletAPI:dataAttribute name=“string” />
This tag will retrieve from the PortletData object the attribute specified by the
name attribute. If the attribute does not exist in the PorltetData, nothing is
returned. When the dataAttribute tag is used in the body of the a dataLoop
tag, it does need to specify the name of the attribute.
Example 2-62 Retrieving a single PortletData attribute
Welcome <portletAPI:dataAttribute name = "pref.nick_name" /> to your page.
򐂰 dataLoop <portletAPI:dataLoop pattern="string">
This tag provides a loop through all the attributes stored in the PortletData
object. Although by default it will iterate through all attributes, it is possible to
specify a pattern to limit the attributes it locates. Omitting the pattern attribute
will return all attributes. Example 2-63 illustrates the use of this tag. Notice the
loop simply iterates through the collection of attributes; it does not retrieve the
value. To retrieve a PortletData value, use the dataAttribute tag.
Chapter 2. Portlets
Example 2-63 Looping through the attributes in the PortletData object
<portletAPI:dataLoop pattern="pref.*">
Though using an asterisk in the pattern is helpful for readability and reliability,
the pattern attribute in fact does not need to use an asterisk at all. The tag will
attempt to find the value specified by the pattern attribute anywhere in the
name of the attribute. For example, if an attribute is stored in the PortletData
with the name “pref.greeting”, the code in Example 2-64 on page 114 would
successfully locate the attribute. However, it is important to note that the
pattern is case sensitive. Therefore, the pattern “name” would not locate the
attribute “Name”.
Example 2-64 Using the Pattern attribute
<portletAPI:dataLoop pattern="eet">
򐂰 settingsAttribute <portletAPI:settingAttribute name=”string” />
This tag provides access to the parameters set in the <config-param> blocks
in the portlet.xml’s concrete portlet section. When the dataAttribute tag is
used in the body of the a settingsLoop tag, it does need to specify the name
of the attribute.
Example 2-65 Accessing the PortletSettings attributes
For support contact <portletAPI:settingsAttribute name = "author" />
򐂰 settingsLoop <portletAPI:settingsLoop pattern="string">
If several configuration parameters have been set in the portlet.xm, they can
all be retrieved with this tag. The pattern tag is optional.
Example 2-66 Looping through the PortletSettings attributes
<portletAPI:settingsLoop pattern="info.">
If you do not include the pattern attribute or enter an empty string, it will return
all attributes in the PortletSettings object. As with the dataLoop tag, the
settingsLoop tag will attempt to locate the specified pattern anywhere in the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
attribute’s name. For example, if a <config-param> were set in the portlet.xml
with a name of “info.author”, the code in Example 2-67 would successfully
retrieve the attribute. However, it is important to note that the pattern is case
sensitive. Therefore, the pattern “author” would not locate the attribute
Example 2-67 Using pattern to locate an attribute
<portletAPI:settingsLoop pattern="thor">
򐂰 encodeNameSpace <portletAPI:encodeNamespace value="string" />
When including JavaScript functions or other variables that will be returned to
the aggregated portal page, it is important to ensure the values are unique in
order to avoid name collisions. This tag prefixes the namespace of the portlet
to the string it is passed. This tag should be used when creating the variable
as well as when accessing it. Example 2-68 illustrates the use and result of
this tag.
Example 2-68 Encoding the name space
<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value="function1" />
򐂰 encodeURI
This tag will prefix the full URL of the portal to the passed path value. For
example, if the image yourco.jpg image is in the images folder directly under
the root of the deployed portlet application, the code in Example 2-69 would
successfully locate the image and create a fully qualified URL.
Example 2-69 Creating fully qualified URL
<img src= <portletAPI:encodeURI path="/images/yourco.jpg" /> >
򐂰 if <portletAPI:if attribute= "string">
This tag allows you to test some of the more common conditions a portlet may
face. When the attribute evaluates to true, the body of the if tag is executed.
There are several attributes you can evaluate.
Chapter 2. Portlets
– mode
– state
– locale
– mime type
– markup
– capabilities
Though the info center indicates that the previous mode can be evaluated as
well, the previousMode attribute is not functional. You may choose to execute
several if statements individually, as shown in Example 2-70.
Example 2-70 Executing If tags individually
<portletAPI:if state = "Normal"> state is normal </portletAPI:if>
<portletAPI:if state = "Maximized"> state is maximized </portletAPI:if>
<portletAPI:if locale = "en"> Locale is english </portletAPI:if>
<portletAPI:if markup = "html"> Markup is html </portletAPI:if><
<portletAPI:if mimetype = "text/html"> mime type is text html
<portletAPI:if mode="view"> Mode is View </portletAPI:if ><BR>
You can evaluate more than one condition on a single attribute. In this case, if
any of the conditions are true, that attribute will evaluate to true.
Example 2-71 illustrates this.
Example 2-71 Evaluating multiple conditions on a single attribute
<portletAPI:if state="Normal, Maximized" >
You may also evaluate multiple attributes in the same tag as illustrated in
Example 2-72. All conditions must evaluate to true for the if tag to return
Example 2-72 Evaluating multiple attributes
<portletAPI:if state="Normal" mode="view" locale="en">
Displaying the normal English view
򐂰 log <portletAPI:log text="string" level="string"/>
This tag will write the value passed to the log file located in the
<WP-ROOT>\log directory. The text attribute contains the string you wish to
write to the log file. The level attribute indicates which level this message
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
should be written under. This tag does not evaluate whether the requested
level is enabled before it attempts to write the message.For more information
on writing to the log, see “PortletLog object” on page 71. Example 2-73
illustrates the use of this tag. The valid values for the level attribute are error,
warn, debug and info. If you omit the level tag, the default level is error.
Example 2-73 Using the log tag
<portletAPI:log text="There was an error" level="warn"/>
򐂰 text <portletAPI:text key="string" bundle="string">
This tag provides access to key-value pairs in resource bundles. The text tag
will attempt to locate the given key in the given resource bundle. Only if it is
unsuccessful will it instead return the text between the open and close text
tags. There is no need or opportunity to set the locale used to determine the
resource bundle.
Example 2-74 Retrieving NLS values from a resource bundle
<portletAPI:text key="greeting" bundle="nls.WelcomeStrings">
򐂰 bidi <porteltAPI:bidi locale=”string” dir=”ltr | rtl” />
This tag is used to support text for bidirectional languages. Bidirectional
languages are read from right to left or from bottom to top. The attributes are
not required. For example, if the request indicates that the client is Hebrew or
Arabic, it will execute the tag contents if dir is set to rtl.
2.22 Resources
򐂰 For the most up-to-date information on WebSphere Portal, refer to the Portal
zone at http://www7b.boulder.ibm.com/wsdd/zones/portal/.
򐂰 For help using a news group, visit new.software.ibm.com and locate the
ibm.software.websphere.portal-server news group.
򐂰 For other Redbooks discussing installation and administration, refer to
Chapter 2. Portlets
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 3.
Using the Portal Toolkit
This chapter will introduce you to the WebSphere Studio development
environment for creating portlet applications. It is assumed that you have some
experience with the WebSphere Studio environment. If you have not used
WebSphere Studio, refer to the redbook WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Programming Guide, SG24-6585-00 for detailed information on the
entire tool.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Portal Toolkit installation
Portlet Application Wizard
Portlet.xml interface
Deploying portlets
Adding portlets to applications
Configuring Studio for portlet development
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
3.1 Portal Toolkit installation introduction
WebSphere Portal Version 4.1 includes the Portal Toolkit, a powerful set of
extensions that plug into WebSphere Studio Application Developer and extend
Application Developer for building and debugging portlets. You can create a
portlet application project in Application Developer and import these portlets into
the project for building and packaging. Application Developer also features a JSP
editor, and the Portal Toolkit provides remote portlet debug facilities for portlet
Portal Toolkit is a toolkit for developing portlet applications. The toolkit is
implemented as a plug-in to WebSphere Studio Application Developer. Portal
Toolkit provides:
򐂰 Portlet Projects, in which you can create Abstract portlets, JSP portlets,
Servlet Invoker portlets, XML/XSL portlets, and Multi-Device / View portlets.
򐂰 Portlet Server Projects, in which you can publish your portlet application onto
your target WebSphere Portal server machine. Your portlet will appear on the
debug page of your Portal Server.
򐂰 Portlet application samples for enterprise applications.
3.2 Installing the WebSphere Portal Toolkit
In the development environment:
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer V4.0.3
In the runtime environment:
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition Version 4.0.2
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Version 4.1 (development mode)
򐂰 DB2 Universal Database™ Version 7.2 fix 5
The Portal Toolkit installation procedure is described here in some detail as
1. Download the Toolkit; PortalToolkit4.1.exe is a self extracting executable.
Note: Portal Toolkit can be downloaded from the following Web site:
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
2. Run PortalToolkit4.1.exe to unpack the contained files to a location of your
3. Change to the location of the extracted files and invoke install.bat.
4. If you already have the WebSphere Portal Toolkit installed, you will be asked
if you want to proceed. Answering Yes will overwrite your install.
5. In the Welcome window, click Next.
Figure 3-1 Portal Toolkit installation wizard
6. If WebSphere Studio Application Developer is started, you will be asked to
stop it.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-2 Portal Toolkit Install - Stop WebSphere Studio Application Developer
7. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
Figure 3-3 Portal Toolkit Install - License Agreement
8. Confirm the WebSphere Studio Application Developer install directory and
click Next.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-4 Portal Toolkit - WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation directory
9. Confirm the installation by clicking Next.
Figure 3-5 Portal Toolkit Install - Installation Summary
10.Install the file; create the uninstaller
(<WSAD Home>Portaltoolkit\uninstaller.exe).
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-6 Portal Toolkit Install - Installation Complete
11.You will be presented with the option to view the readme. If you choose not to
read it now, the file can later be found at <WSAD Home>\PortalToolkit\
Figure 3-7 Portal Toolkit Readme
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
12.Click Finish to close the installer.
Figure 3-8 Portal Toolkit Installation - finished
3.3 Portlet Application wizard
In order to create Portlet Applications suitable for deployment in WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, you need to use the wizard. To manually construct
the necessary folder structure and deployment descriptors would be tedious and
utterly pointless. To create a new Portlet Application, switch to the Portlet
Perspective by selecting Perspective -> Open -> Other -> Portlet.
To start the Porlet Application wizard, from the menu bar, select File -> New ->
Portlet Application Project. The wizard can also be started by right-clicking the
Portlet Perspective and selecting New -> Portlet Application Project from the
context menu. Finally, the wizard can also be started from any perspective by
selecting File -> New -> Other... -> Portlet development -> Portlet application
When the wizard has started, you will see the screen in Figure 3-9.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-9 First screen of the Portlet application project wizard
The fields on the first screen are:
򐂰 Project Name This value will determine the name of the project created by
this wizard. The value entered here will be used throughout the remainder of
the wizard as the default value for other parameters.
򐂰 Use Default Location This checkbox indicates that you would like the entire
contents of the application stored in the workspace. If you would like the
contents of the application stored somewhere else on the file system,
deselect this box.
򐂰 Location If you deselect the Use Default Location check box, this field is
enabled and allows you to specify where the application will be saved.
򐂰 Enterprise Application project name Though the Portal Server does not
recognize EAR files, the Portlet application in WebSphere Studio must be
contained in a Enterprise Application. When using the Portal Server
debugging environment, all portlet applications contained in an EAR file are
deployed together. You may choose an existing EAR file or enter a new one to
be created.
򐂰 Context Root This value will be used in the application.xml and .websettings
files. It will not be the context root of the portlet application when deployed.
Since the EAR is not used to deploy the portlet application into a full server,
this value is only used when the ear is published to debug Portal Server
connected to WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 Create CSS File If the JSPs you will create will make use of a Cascading
Style Sheet, the wizard can create a CSS file for you. The generated style
sheet will be placed in the theme directory of the Web Application folder and
named master.css.
If you select Finish in the first screen of the wizard, an empty portlet application
will be created. It is very unlikely that you want to do this. By selecting Next, you
will have the opportunity to select the type of portlet you would like to create
inside the portlet application. The second window is shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10 Second screen of the Portlet application project wizard
Presently, there are six options when deciding which kind of portlet you want
included in the portlet application. You can only create a single portlet in an
application via the wizard. See “Adding portlets to applications” on page 143 to
add more portlets the application. The six types of portlets that can be created
are as follows.
򐂰 None This is the default option and will not create a portlet in the application.
If you choose this option, you will need to manually add portlets to the
application as well as the deployment descriptors.
򐂰 Basic portlet This is by far the most common option and will create a simple
portlet in the portlet application. The portlet will extend from PortletAdapter
and contain meaningful implementations of all four do methods. The
implementations will adhere to the MVC approach. A bean will also be
created for you to encapsulate your business logic. The resulting folder
structure will appear as in Figure 3-13 on page 131.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
򐂰 JSP portlet This option assumes the entirety of the application will be
contained in a JSP. The application will specify the com.ibm.wps.portlets.
JSPPortlet for deployment. This portlet simply forwards calls to a JSP. The
JSP that is called is specified in the config-param of the concrete portlet
section in the portlet xml. By default, the wizard will specify and create a
view.jsp file for you. You can choose a different name for the JSP in the third
screen of the wizard. In the source folder, the wizard will place a dummy.java
file that contains no code.
򐂰 MVC portlet This choice utilizes the MCVPortlet provided as part of the
com.ibm.wps.portlets package. This Portlet relays calls to Controller classes
dedicated to servicing a specific markup. As such, if you select this type of
portlet, a controller bean will be created for each markup you choose to
support. The third screen of the wizard requires that you enter the base name
of the controller classes. This name can be any value you like but is defaulted
to MyController. This option will also create complete JSP structures for each
򐂰 Servlet invoker portlet This option will deploy the com.ibm.wps.portlets.
ServletInvokerPortlet portlet and specify a URL as a parameter to the
config-param in the portlet deployment descriptor. If you choose this option,
the wizard requires you to provide a URL pointing to the servlet you wish to
serve. The ServletInvoker portlet simply uses the ContentAccess Service to
return unfiltered HTML. You must specify the URL you wish to serve in the
final screen of the wizard. The resulting folder structure will contain a
dummy.java file containing no code.
򐂰 XSL portlet This option makes use of the com.ibm.wps.portlets.xslt.
WpsXSLTPortlet. This portlet simply accepts an xml file and a style sheet as
parameters and uses these to create a presentation via the XSLT
transformation. These parameters must be supplied on the final window of
the wizard. If you do not yet have the requisite files, the wizard can use
default sample xml and xsl files. The parameters can be adjusted in the
portlet.xml or at runtime.
The vast majority of your portlet development will begin with a Basic Portlet. As
such, we will discuss in detail the options in the final window of the wizard as they
apply to creating a basic portlet. Figure 3-11 shows the third and final window of
the wizard.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-11 Third screen of the Portlet application project wizard
There are eight fields required in the final screen. By default, all fields have been
completed for you. Most of these fields are used to complete the portlet.xml
deployment descriptor. For more information on the portlet.xml, refer to
“portlet.xml” on page 45.
򐂰 Portlet application name This name is used in the portlet.xml to specify the
abstract application name. This value will never be seen by the administrator
of the portlet or the end-user. Generally, there is no need to change this value.
򐂰 Portlet name This value is used to identify the abstract portlet. This name will
never been seen by the administrator or the end user. There is typically no
need to alter this value.
򐂰 Concrete portlet application name This name is used in the portlet.xml to
specify the concrete application. The administrator will see this value in the
portal. If you intend to add more concrete applications to this portlet
application, you may want to change this value. Otherwise, there is no need to
adjust this value.
򐂰 Concrete portlet name This name specifies this concrete portlet to be
deployed. The end user will see this value when they add the portlet to a
page. Generally, there is no need to adjust this value.
򐂰 Default locale This value adds the default locale and the language block to
the portlet.xml.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
򐂰 Concrete portlet title This will complete the language block with the title. The
description, short-title and keywords elements are included in the language
block but left empty.
򐂰 Portlet class name This name will be used as the name of the portlet created
for you. You should adjust this value to reflect the package name you would
like to use. If you do not enter a package name, the wizard will place the
portlet in the default portlet package.
򐂰 Markups These checkboxes indicate which markup languages you intend to
support. By selecting a value, a new folder will be created under the JSP
folder containing JSPs specifically for the markup. A basic portlet specifying
all three markups will result in the folder structure demonstrated in
Figure 3-12.
Figure 3-12 Toolkit support for 3 markups
Select Finish and the wizard will create the necessary folder structure, classes,
JSPs and deployment descriptors.
3.4 Developing portlet applications
The wizard will create a skeleton you can use as a foundation for your portlet
development. Figure 3-13 shows the result of creating a basic portlet application
with the wizard.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-13 The folder structure and contents of a basic portlet application
3.4.1 Portlet application contents
The generated project contains the following folders and files by default:
򐂰 source This folder contains the Java files that make up the portlet application.
By default, the wizard assumes you will follow an MVC approach and creates
a simple Java bean for you. Whatever package name was specified in the
final screen of the wizard will be created. If a simple class name was specified
without a package, the wizard will place the portlet in a package name portlet.
򐂰 webApplication This folder contains everything needed to deploy the
application to the portal. Essentially, this folder will become the war file. This
folder contains two sub folders: jsp and WEB-INF.
򐂰 jsp This folder will contain all the JSPs used by the application to create the
content of the portlet. For each markup you choose to support, a directory will
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
be created containing JSPs for each of the four modes a portlet may support.
It will also contain four JSP files for the modes under the root. In the event
that the portal is unable to match a client to a markup folder, it will use the
default JSPs contained in the root. To keep development simple and clean,
you may choose to delete the default JSPs and work only with the HTML
򐂰 WEB-INF This folder contains the compiled code and deployment descriptors
used by the Portal to install the application.
– classes If your compiled portlet class files are not packaged into a jar file,
they are included in this directory. The complete package structure is
created in this folder
– lib This directory contains any jar files that your application makes use of
and which are not normally available in the Portal environment via the
classpath. Also, if you have packaged your compiled portlets into a jar, the
jar file is placed in this directory.
– tld This is included to allow JSPs to compile and recognize the custom
tags available in the portal environment. This folder and file are not
required at deployment time since the tld is installed with Portal. To make
maintenance easier and more reliable, you may choose to delete this file
upon deployment.
– ibm-web-bnd.xmi This file is not used by the portal environment but is
included with all Web applications created in WebSphere Studio.
– ibm-web-ext.xmi This file is not used by the portal environment but is
included with all Web applications created in WebSphere Studio.
– portlet.xml This is the deployment descriptor required by the Portal server
to install the portlet application. It must be located under the WEB-INF
folder or installation will fail.
– web.xml This deployment descriptor is required by the application server
to install the Web application. It must be located under the WEB-INF folder
or installation will fail.
򐂰 .classpath This file is used by WebSphere Studio to locate the jar files
containing the Portlet APIs. It is required for your portlets to compile but is not
included in deployment.
򐂰 .websetttings This file is required by WebSphere Studio but is not used by
the Portal Server. In fact, it is not included when the application is packaged
and deployed.
򐂰 images This folder is not created for you by the wizard. However, if the JSPs
you create use images, it is a good practice to place them in an images folder
under the webApplication directory and access them as demonstrated in
Example 3-1.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 3-1 Accessing images in JSPs
<IMG src='<portletAPI:encodeURI path='<%= "images/a001ani.gif" %>'/>' />
3.4.2 Generated classes
Selecting Basic portlet in the wizard will generate two classes for you. To alter
the default implementation, see “Default files” on page 149.
Portlet This is a simple portlet extending from PortletAdapter and implementing
the four modes a portlet may support. Each method is very similar to the code in
Example 3-2. Of course, each doXXX method will call the appropriate JSP.
Example 3-2 Functionality of the doXXX methods
// Make a bean
PortletOneBean bean = new PortletOneBean();
// Save name in bean
bean.setPortletName("PortletOne portlet");
// Save bean in request
request.setAttribute("PortletOneBean", bean);
// Invoke the JSP to render
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", request, response);
PortletBean This simple bean extends from the object and contains a single
property with the appropriate getters and setters. Example 3-3 demonstrates the
code in the bean.
Example 3-3 Functionality of the PortletBean
public class PortletOneBean {
private String portletName = "";
public void setPortletName(String s) {
portletName = s;
public String getPortletName() {
return (portletName);
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
View.jsp Several JSPs are created for you by the wizard. They are simple in
functionality. They retrieve the bean from the request object and print out the
name property. Example 3-4 displays the code. Each of the JSPs have the same
functionality, though different text, of course. Of note is the fact that initially, no
DOCTYPE or head tags are included. As soon as you make a change and save
the JSP, WebSphere Studio Application Developer will insert a DOCTYPE and
head tags. See “Configuring Studio for portlet development” on page 148 for
details on disabling this feature. Also, notice that the portlet.tld tag library has not
been declared. In order to make use of the portlet custom tags, you will need to
add the tld declaration.
Example 3-4 JSP code
<%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
<jsp:useBean id="PortletOneBean" class="com.yourco.portlets.PortletOneBean"
scope="request" />
<h1>This is <%=PortletOneBean.getPortletName()%></h1>
<h2>Operating in View mode</h2>
3.5 Portlet.xml interface
To facilitate creating, organizing and updating the portlet.xml deployment
descriptor, the Portal Toolkit provides an intuitive interface. This interface is
accessed by double-clicking the portlet.xml file. For details on the elements in
the portlet.xml deployment descriptor, see “portlet.xml” on page 45. Since the
interface is rather intuitive, this section will cover some of the more important
fields and points of concern.
The interface allows you to select the contained components and work with a
screen dedicated to that element. For example, Figure 3-14 demonstrates
working with the abstract portlet application.
The wizard will create unique IDs for the abstract and concrete applications.
These values are large and entirely unmemorable. Feel free to change the value
to something more meaningful but still unique. A best practice is to create the
application name from your organization name. For example the ID,
com.yourco.portlets.PortletOne.1234 follows the guidelines given in “UID
guidelines” on page 55.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-14 Working with the abstract portlet application
If you want to add more portlets for deployment, select the Add portlet button.
The resulting dialog, shown in Figure 3-15, will allow you to add portlets already
defined in the associated web.xml. You cannot add portlets already defined in the
abstract application.
Figure 3-15 Add Portlet
Contained in the abstract application are the abstract portlets to be deployed in
this application. Figure 3-16 shows the interface for working with the abstract
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
If you change the ID field, the corresponding concrete portlet’s ID will also
change. The Browse button associated with the Servlet field will only show
servlets defined in the web.xml.
Figure 3-16 Working with abstract portlets
The supports section allows you to add or remove predefined markup languages.
If you need to add custom markup languages, they must be manually entered
into the portlet.xml via the source tab.
The configuration parameters will actually enter servlet-init parameter definitions
into the corresponding servlet in the web.xml.
Each portlet.xml may only define a single abstract portlet application. However,
since it may contain any number of concrete applications, you can choose to add
new concrete portlet applications based on the abstract application. By selecting
the New Concrete Portlet Application button, a new, empty application will be
created. Though the ID and so forth will be created for you, you must add
The Concrete Portlet Application interface provides the opportunity to set the
context parameters of the application. The Concrete Portlet Applications window
is shown in Figure 3-17. You are also free to change the UID if you like but keep
in mind that it must be unique throughout the entire portal environment.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-17 Working with Concrete Portlet Applications
The final window allows you to work with the actual concrete portlets that will
eventually be seen by end users. This screen allows you to set the title that will
be seen in the title bar of the portlet. You can choose to set the contents for
language blocks by selecting Add, choosing the locale and completing the title
field. You may also choose to complete the keywords, description and short-title
fields. Figure 3-18 displays the interface for this final window.
The configuration parameters can be set for the portlet by settings in the text
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-18 Working with Concrete portlets
At any time, you can choose to manually edit the source file by selecting the
Source tab at the bottom of the interface. When you have completed working
with the portlet.xml, use CTRL-S to save the file.
Tip: When a file has unsaved changes, an asterisk will appear beside the
name in the Title tab. Be sure to check for unsaved changes in other
perspectives as well.
3.6 Deploying portlets
Once you have created, edited and configured your portlet application, you must
deploy the portlet application. You have two options when choosing to deploy,
depending on the target server. If you are intending to debug the portlet and have
set up a WebSphere Portal installation connection to WebSphere Studio
Application Developer, you can choose to Run on Server. If you are deploying to
a full Application Server installation and not connected to the WebSphere Studio
Application Developer environment you need to export a WAR file.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
3.6.1 Deploying to an independent WebSphere Application Server
To deploy the portlet application, the webApplication directory must be packaged
into a WAR file. To create a WAR file for deployment, select the application and
right-click it. From the context menu, select Export WAR.... You can also get this
option from the menu by clicking File -> Export and selecting WAR File from the
list of options. Either approach will result in the window presented in Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19 Exporting the Portlet Application as a WAR
You can only choose a valid Web project although you may deploy it to any
accessible directory under any name you like. As a matter of good practice, you
should choose to deploy to the same location each time. You can choose to
export the source with the WAR file by selecting the appropriate box. Bear in that
this will not include the source folder. It will simply add the files in the source
directory to the WEB-INF\classses directory containing the compiled class files.
The source directory itself or other directories placed off the root of the project
are never exported.
Once the WAR file has been exported, you must open the WebSphere Portal
administration window by logging in to the portal and navigating to the
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
administration place. In the administration place, select the Portlets page and
select the Install Portlets portlet. This is demonstrated in Figure 3-20.
Figure 3-20 Installing a WAR file
Using the Browse button, navigate to the directory containing the WAR file you
exported. Select the file and click Next. The portal server will parse the
portlet.xml and display the application and contained portlets being deployed as
demonstrated in Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21 Determining the application and portlets
Once the installation is successful, you must add the portlet to a page using the
Work with Pages place, in order to test it.
Updating the application
After you test the portlet, determine whether changes are necessary and alter the
code, you need not step through the entire process outlined above. From
WebSphere Studio Application Developer, export the updated WAR and return to
the Portal administration place and portlet page. Select Manage Portlet
Applications and from the list, locate the war file you initially deployed. This is
demonstrated in Figure 3-22. Select the Update link, locate the updated WAR
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
file and click Next. There is no need to remove and re-add the portlet to the page
it was originally on. When you revisit the original page, the update portlet should
be available.
Figure 3-22 Updating an existing Portlet Application
When you choose to update an application, the portal server attempts to match
the UIDs set in the portlet.xml. If the UIDs from the original portlet.xml and the
updated application do not match, the update will fail.
3.6.2 Deploying to a connected WebSphere Application Server
This option assumes you have connected a WebSphere Application Server
Single Server Edition to the WebSphere Studio environment to enable
debugging. Refer to Chapter 4, “Portlet testing and debugging” on page 153 to
set up connection between WebSphere Studio Application Developer and
WebSphere Application Server.
In order for your portlet to be published to the target server, the EAR containing
the WAR must be associated with the Server. Switch to the Server perspective
and add the EAR to the server configuration as demonstrated in Figure 3-23.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-23 Associating a EAR with a server
Once the project has been added to the server configuration, you can switch
back to the portlet perspective and select the Portlet Application you want to test.
Right-click and from the context menu select Run On Server as shown in
Figure 3-24. The project will be published to the server and if necessary, the
server will be started. This is also demonstrated in Figure 3-24.
Figure 3-24 Running a Portlet on server
Once the server has been published and started, an internal Web browser is
used to call the Portal. Notice that you do not need to install the portlet or place it
on a page. This is done for you as shown in Figure 3-25.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-25 Deployed portlet
3.7 Adding portlets to applications
The Portlet Application wizard will only create a single portlet in the portlet
application. It is very likely that your application will need to contain more than
one portlet, however. In addition to actually creating and coding the new portlet,
you must add it to the appropriate deployment descriptors. There are a couple of
options you have when creating a new portlet.
Create a new class
While there is no wizard for creating a single portlet, you can easily use the
traditional Java class wizard. In the Portlet perspective, select the portlet
application and right-click it. From the context menu, select New -> Other. In the
resulting dialog, select Java from the list of types on the left. Then select Java
Class. In the new class smart guide, enter the information for your new portlet.
Be sure to select the appropriate parent class as shown in Figure 3-26.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-26 Creating a new portlet class
Copy the current portlet
You can also choose to make a copy of the portlet the wizard created for you.
Select the portlet, right-click and select Copy from the context menu. Accept the
default location for the copy as demonstrated in Figure 3-27. The copy will have
the name of the original portlet with “copy of” prefixed.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-27 Copying a portlet
When the copy is complete, you will get an error indicating that the name of the
Java class does not match its declaration. Open the Java file and change the
class declaration. When done, use CTRL-S to save the file. WebSphere Studio
Application Developer will prompt you as to whether you would like to change the
compilation unit. Select Yes and, when done, you will notice that the name of the
portlet in the navigator has been changed for you.
Add the portlet to Web.XML
In order for the new portlet to be deployed, it must be defined in the deployment
descriptors. Initially, it needs to be added to the web.xml as a servlet. In the
portlet perspective, double-click the web.xml contained in the WEB-INF directory
of your portlet application. Select the Servlets tab on the bottom and click New
as demonstrated in Figure 3-28.
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Figure 3-28 The Web.xml interface
From the resulting dialog, enter the name of the new portlet. This dialog is case
sensitive. Click Add once you have located the new portlet. Though not required
in the WebSphere Studio Application Developer environment, a URL mapping is
required by the Portal Server. In the list of servlets, select the new portlet and
click Add in the URL mappings area as shown in Figure 3-29. Enter a mapping
and use CTRL-S to save the web.xml.
Figure 3-29 Creating a URL mapping for the new portlet
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Add the portlet to Portlet.xml
Finally, the portlet must be included in the portlet.xml deployment descriptor. In
the portlet application, double-click the portlet.xml file. Select the abstract portlet
application and click the New Portlet button as demonstrated in Figure 3-30.
Figure 3-30 Adding new portlet to abstract application
The resulting dialog is shown in Figure 3-31. You will only be allowed to add
portlets that have been defined in the web.xml and are not yet declared in the
portlet.xml. If the new portlet you want to deploy is not presented as an option, be
sure it has been added to the web.xml and the web.xml has been saved. Select
the portlet you wish to deploy and click OK.
Figure 3-31 Selecting portlet for deployment
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
Use CTRL-S to save the deployment descriptor. Once the updated application is
saved, deploy the application to the target server. Refer to “Deploying portlets” on
page 138 for information on updating portlets in a standalone server and an
associated server.
3.8 Configuring Studio for portlet development
The Portal toolkit is a powerful, comprehensive tool for creating and working with
Portlet Applications. However, the very nature of the WebSphere Studio
environment allows you to customize the development environment to suit your
specific development needs. This section will discuss a few common
configuration issues you may want to consider.
3.8.1 JSP heads and metadata
Generally, whenever a JSP is created or saved in WebSphere Studio, certain
metadata and head tags are added to the JSP. The Portal Toolkit does not add
these tags to the generated JSPs. However, if you change and save the JSPs, as
you are likely to do, Studio will insert the tags by default. These tags are not
required and can potentially cause difficulties when the portlet is aggregated.
These tags are demonstrated in Example 3-5.
Example 3-5 Generated Page Tags
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">
To disable this feature, select Window -> Preferences -> Web Tools -> Files
and deselect Insert this DOCTYPE and Include GENERATOR. This is shown in
Figure 3-32. Now, whenever a Web page is saved, it will not include the
generated content.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 3-32 Disabling the DOCTYPE and GENERATOR
3.8.2 Default files
When you create a new portlet application, the default JSPs have the content
displayed in Figure 3-33.
Figure 3-33 Default JSP
Since this is probably not of particular use in your environment, you can alter the
template that the JSP files are based on to create something more meaningful.
The same approach applies to the Java files generated by the wizard. It is
strongly recommended that you create backups of the templates prior to altering
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
their content. The templates used to create the files for a Basic Portlet are
located in Program Files\IBM\ Application
Developer\plugins\com.ibm.pvctools.portlettools\ templates\AbstractPortlet. This
directory contains the following templates:
򐂰 chtmlPage.jsp Used for all JSPs file contained in a chtml folder.
򐂰 defaultPage.jsp Used for all JSPs not contained in a markup specific
򐂰 htmlPage.jsp Used for all JSPs generated in the html directory.
򐂰 JavaBean.jsp Used to create the framework for the model of your portlet
application. You may choose to add common or required class structures
unique to your organization.
򐂰 Portlet.java Used to generate the Portlet class. If you have created a parent
portlet from which you wish all new portlets to extend, you can alter the class
definition here. Also, if you find you rarely implement a particular do method,
you may choose to make it a skeleton or to delete it all together. Example 3-6
demonstrates an example where the developer normally implements only the
doView and doEdit and always requires a PortletAction in the edit mode.
򐂰 vxmlPage.jsp Used to create all JSPs in a vxml directory if your portlet chose
to support this markup.
򐂰 wmlPage.jsp Used to create all JSPs in a wml directory if your portlet chose
to support this markup.
Example 3-6 Altering the Portlet.java template
import java.io.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
public class %CLASSNAME% extends PortletAdapter {
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
request, response);
public void doEdit(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException {
PortletURI uri = response.createReturnURI();
PortletAction go = new DefaultPortletAction("go");
request.setAttribute("uri", uri);
request, response);
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The Program Files\IBM\ Application Developer\plugins\com.ibm.pvctools.
portlettools\ templates\ directory also contains folders for the other types of
Portlet Applications that can be created by the wizard.
3.8.3 Macros
There may be a significant amount of JSP code you find yourself writing over and
over again in various situations. For example, retrieving a uri object and using it
to create a basic form is a simple, repetitive task that requires little customization
or thought. This task can be fully automated through macros. A macro allows you
to insert a block of code with a short-name. To create a new macro, select from
the menu Window -> Preferences -> Web Tools -> Source -> Macros. Select
Add and enter the name of the new macro. In the text area, enter the code for
your new macro. The interface is shown in Figure 3-34.
Figure 3-34 Creating a new macro
Chapter 3. Using the Portal Toolkit
To execute the macro, in the Source tab of the JSP editor, use CTRL-spacebar
and from the list, select the macro you have created as demonstrated in
Figure 3-35. In the WebSphere Studio Application Developer V 4.0.3, there is no
ability to create macros for your Java development.
Figure 3-35 Executing a macro
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 4.
Portlet testing and
This chapter is designed to walk you through the process of setting up the
development environment for developing, testing and debugging WebSphere
Portal applications. In this chapter, we will examine the software that needs to be
installed and the steps for configuring it.
In this chapter we will:
򐂰 Install the prerequisite software
򐂰 Configure the environment
򐂰 Write and debug a portlet (both code and JSP)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
4.1 Overview
This chapter contains an overview of what components are needed to create an
environment to developing, testing and debugging portlets using the WebSphere
4.1.1 Development
There are two alternatives for developing portlets and portal applications. One
alternative is to simply use a plain text editor and the Java JAR utility to create
portlet application WAR files to be deployed in an application server.
A more attractive alternative is to use the Portal Toolkit plugin for WebSphere
Studio Application Developer to develop portlets and portlet applications. This is
the development strategy that will be discussed in this chapter.
4.1.2 Testing
WebSphere Studio Application Developer contains and runs a copy of
WebSphere Application Server Developer’s Edition (WebSphere Application
Server Advanced Edition Single Server with the licensing restriction of a
“developer only” license). Unfortunately, during the writing of this book we were
not able to install WebSphere Portal on the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer internal Application Server. Thus we have a couple of options for the
testing portion of our portal development environment.
The first option is developing in WebSphere Studio Application Developer with
the Portal Toolkit plugin and exporting portlet WAR files. The portlet WAR files
are then deployed on WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition or a
single server running WebSphere Portal. This solution is not ideal because you
lose a substantial amount of the powerful debugging capabilities provided by
WebSphere Studio Application Developer, but it is often necessary because
WebSphere Application Server Single Server does not provide the entire
infrastructure necessary for all portlet development; only enable functionality is
Alternatively, WebSphere Studio Application Developer has the ability to test
against a remote server, but this is restricted to WebSphere Advanced Edition
Single Server remote servers. Therefore, we must install WebSphere Application
Server AEs and configure WebSphere Studio Application Developer to test with
an external WebSphere Application Server AEs as a remote server. This allows
the use of the WebSphere Studio Application Developer debugging capabilities.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Using WebSphere Application Server AEs instead of WebSphere Application
Server AE poses some limitations. The current version of WebSphere Portal only
supports the installation of WebSphere Portal Enable on WebSphere Application
Server Single Server as it installs out of the box. Therefore, testing collaboration
portal components poses a challenge. Using WebSphere Application Server AEs
also poses a limitation with respect to testing security other than the main login
page since WebSphere Application Server AEs does not allow for the use of an
LDAP source or a custom registry in its configuration. This, however, does
provide a viable testing environment for a majority of portal development
scenarios and is the one we will detail in this chapter.
A final alternative is to deploy the portal application into a remote server and test
the Portlet application as a remote Java application. This allows for the
debugging environment of WebSphere Studio Application Developer along with
testing against a WebSphere Portal extend install.
4.1.3 Components
To configure the portlet development, test and debug environment, you need the
following components:
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) V4.0.3 or later
WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) V4.0.3 or later
򐂰 Portal Toolkit V4.1 Enable Edition
򐂰 Personalization Toolkit (optional)
Note that even if you do not install the Personalization Toolkit for use in
developing Personalization solutions, two JAR files are required by
WebSphere Portal.
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition (WAS AEs)
V4.0.2 and Portal Server V4.1.2
WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition (WAS AEs)
V4.0.3 and Portal Server V4.1.4
򐂰 IBM DB2 Universal Database V7.2 with FP 5 or later
򐂰 IBM Agent Controller (optional)
– This is necessary for remote debugging against WebSphere Application
Server Single Server on a remote server
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
WebSphere Studio
Application Developer
Application Server
Advanced Single
Server Edition
Portal Toolkit
Portal Server
(optionally) IBM Agent Controller
Figure 4-1 Portlet development, test and debug environment
You can put all components on one machine as shown in Figure 4-1. This
requires a rather well equipped PC (at least 1 GB of memory and a 1GHz
processor), especially if your portal is part of a larger Web application. Therefore,
you might want to split the components and install them on two machines as
depicted in Figure 4-2 on page 157.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
WebSphere Studio
Application Developer
Application Server
Advanced Single
Server Edition
Portal Toolkit
Portal Server
Agent Controller
Agent Controller
Figure 4-2 Components in a configuration with two computers
Note that in this configuration, IBM Agent Controller has to be installed on both
systems. Of course, you could go even further and put DB2 on yet another
machine, but we will not cover this option.
Next, we give a very brief overview of the components involved and pointers to
other chapters in this book or other resources where you will find more
WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)
IBM WebSphere Studio is an integrated application development environment
that provides a "portal-like" integration of best-of-breed tools including the Portal
Toolkit. The WebSphere Developer Domain
(http://www7b.software.ibm.com/wsdd) is a good starting point. At the time of
writing, the toolkit is only available for WebSphere Studio Application Developer
and WebSphere Studio Site Builder V4.0.3.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Portal Toolkit
The IBM Portal Toolkit Version 4.1 provides the capabilities to customize and
manage the enterprise portal and create, test, debug and deploy individual
portlets and Web content. Templates enable developers to quickly and easily
create their own portlets. Debugging and deployment tools shorten the
development cycle. Sample portlets that demonstrate best programming
practices are also provided.The Portal Toolkit plugs into the IBM WebSphere
Studio Workbench.
For an in-depth discussion of the WebSphere Portal Toolkit and its use in
WebSphere Studio Application Developer, see Chapter 3, “Using the Portal
Toolkit” on page 119 and the WebSphere Platform - Portal Toolkit.
WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server
Edition (WAS AEs)
The Single Server Edition supports all of the J2EE APIs (including support for
EJBs) in an entry-level, single server environment. This server is ideal for
building stand-alone or departmental applications that are transaction- or
message-oriented and do not require failure bypass, workload management,
enhanced security, or remote administration. WebSphere Portal 4.1.2 will only
install on WebSphere Application Server version 4.0.2. This version level can be
achieved by installing WebSphere Application Server version 4.0 and installing
FixPak 2.
Database DB2
DB2 is IBM's relational database management system for AIX®, Linux, HP-UX,
Sun, and Windows.
Note that DB2 is not required for WebSphere Application Server Advanced
Single Server edition (WAS AEs). WebSphere Application Server AEs manages
all its configuration information in XML files.
DB2 is, however, required for WebSphere Portal when installing on WebSphere
Application Server AEs. This is due to the fact that there is no LDAP involved in
WebSphere Application Server AEs. WebSphere Portal must install its
configuration information in the database.
WebSphere Portal requires DB2 version 7.2 with FixPak 5 installed.
IBM Agent Controller
Agent Controller is a daemon process that provides the mechanism by which
client applications either launch new host processes, or attach to agents that
coexist within existing host processes. It is used by the remote testing and
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
performance profiling tools in WebSphere Studio Application Developer. It is
automatically installed when you install WebSphere Studio Application Developer
or can be installed manually from the WebSphere Studio Application Developer
install CD.
Be sure to use the correct Agent Controller for the version of WebSphere Studio
Application Developer you are using. This is normally not an issue since the RAC
is installed as part of the default installation of WebSphere Studio Application
Developer and as a service it is set to automatic. This may become an issue if
you have installed varying versions of WebSphere Studio Application Developer
on the same machine, such as 4.0.3 and 5.0. The last version that is installed will
be started by the service menu and may be incompatible with the version of
WebSphere Studio Application Developer you are working from.
4.2 Installing the components
This section details the installation of the components necessary to set up and
configure a WebSphere Portal development environment.
The instructions provided here are high-level instructions and, where
appropriate, you are directed to more detailed installation instructions.
4.2.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Developing portlets from WebSphere Portal is best done in WebSphere Studio
Application Developer with the Portal Toolkit. Installation steps to install
WebSphere Studio Application Developer are as follows. More detailed
instructions can be found in the WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Programming Guide (SG24-6585).
To install WebSphere Studio Application Developer:
1. Start with CD 6-1 of the WebSphere Portal CDs.
2. Run <CD-Drive>\wsad\win\setup.exe.
3. Click Next on the Welcome window.
4. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
5. Accept the default installation folder or change the installation folder and click
6. Choose the default user role. This does not affect the install. It only
determines the perspective displayed with WebSphere Studio Application
Developer is initially invoked. Click Next.
7. Select the version control interface you will be using and click Next.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
8. Click Install to install WebSphere Studio Application Developer to your
9. Once the installation is complete, click Finish to complete the install.
4.2.2 Portal Toolkit
Once WebSphere Studio Application Developer is installed, we install the Portal
Toolkit plugin for it. For detailed instructions on installing the Portal Toolkit, see
Chapter 3, “Using the Portal Toolkit” on page 119. The installation of the Portal
Toolkit places all the necessary files into the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer plugin configuration.Following are the steps for installing the
WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
1. Insert CD 3-3, run <CD Drive>\PortalToolkit\install.bat to start the Portal
Toolkit installation.
2. Click Next on the Welcome window.
3. If WebSphere Studio Application Developer is running, stop it and click Next.
4. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
5. Confirm the WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation directory
and click Next..
6. Click Next at the installation summary.
7. Click Next when the installation is complete and the uninstaller has been
8. View the readme and click Finish to view the readme and complete the
To verify that you have successfully installed the Portal Toolkit in WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, start WebSphere Studio Application Developer;
you should now be able to create a Portlet Application Project as seen in
Figure 4-3.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-3 Creating a Portlet Application Project
4.2.3 Personalization Toolkit
If you will be doing personalization work , there is a Personalization Toolkit
similar to the Portal Toolkit for doing personalization work. The Personalization
Toolkit installs as a plugin for WebSphere Studio Application Developer and
provides wizards for building personalization into your Web applications. To
install the personalization toolkit:
1. Start the Personalization Toolkit install by executing
2. On the Welcome window, click Next.
3. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
4. Confirm or change the WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation
directory as per your installation and click Next.
5. Review the installation summary and click Next to start the install.
6. When the installation is complete, click Finish.
4.2.4 DB2 Universal Database
DB2 Universal Database is needed for WebSphere Portal Server. DB2 Universal
Database V7.2 with FixPak 5 is required for running WebSphere Portal V4.1.2 so
we install the base V7.2 and FP5.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Installing DB2 Universal Database V7.2
To install DB2 Universal Database V7.2:
1. Insert CD 2-1 and run <CD Drive>\db2\win\setup.exe
2. Click Install to start the installation.
3. Select DB2 Enterprise Edition and click Next.
4. Select Typical as the installation type and click Next..
5. Specify the installation directory and click Next.
6. Specify the DB2 administrator’s userid/password and click Next.
– If the user does not exist:
If prompted, click Yes to create the userid/password.
– If the user already exists:
You may receive a warning that the current user does not have the
necessary privileges to validate the user specified. This will not affect the
installation, so click OK.
7. Click Next of the configuration summary to start the install.
8. When prompted to install the OLAP starter kit, choose not to install the OLAP
starter kit and click Continue.
9. On the Setup Complete window select No, I will restart my computer later,
and click Finish to complete the installation.
10.Click Exit when the DB2 First Steps window appears.
11.Complete the product registration, if necessary.
Selecting the JDBC 2.0 drivers
Once UDB is installed, we must specify that we want to use the JDBC 2.0
drivers. To do this:
1. Verify that all the DB2 processes are stopped.
a. Right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
b. Select Services and Applications from the left hand tree.
c. Double-click Services in the right hand panel to open the services
d. Locate all the services that start with DB2 and for all the ones that have a
status of Started, then right -lick the service and select Stop.
2. Open a Windows command prompt.
3. Navigate to <DB2 install dir>\SQLLIB\java12.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
4. Type: usejdbc2. This will execute the usejdbc2.bat file.
If you receive violation messages, you most likely have DB2 processes
running. Make sure all the DB2 processes are stopped and try again.
5. Test the selection by typing: type inuse. This will dump the contents of the
inuse file, which should be displayed as JDBC 2.0 as illustrated in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4 JDBC 2.0 inuse
Installing DB2 Universal Database V7.2 FixPak 5
1. Insert CD 2-10 and run <CD Drive>\db2fp\win\setup.exe.
2. If prompted, click Yes to terminate the running DB2 processes.
3. Verify the installation directory and click Next.
4. Specify the appropriate information for the Data Warehouse Control
Database (DWCTRLDB) and click Next.
5. If an informational message is displayed indicating that the currently logged
on user doesn’t have the rights to validate the userid and password specified
in the previous step, click OK.
6. In the setup confirmation window, click Next to start the install.
7. Once finished, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now to restart the
system and click Finish.
4.2.5 WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server
As noted in “Limitations” on page 155, WebSphere Application Advanced Single
Server (WAS AEs) is required for testing Portal applications with WebSphere
Studio Application Developer. In this section, we install WebSphere Application
Server AEs along with the appropriate FixPak and fixes.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Installing WebSphere Application Server AEs V4.0
1. Insert CD 3-3, and run <CD Drive>\was\win\setup.exe to start the installation
of WebSphere Application Server AEs.
2. Select the language for your installation as seen in Figure 4-5 and click OK.
Figure 4-5 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation language choice
3. Click Next on the warning window as seen in Figure 4-6 to start the install.
Figure 4-6 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation Welcome window
4. With WebSphere Studio Application Developer, we do not need the IBM
HTTP Server. We use the internal HTTP server provided with the application
server. Installing the IBM HTTP Server more closely emulates the true
runtime environment with such functionalities as the ability to serve static
content from the HTTP server. Either option is viable for portlet development.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Choose Custom Installation (Figure 4-7) and click Next.
Figure 4-7 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation Custom Install selection
5. Deselect the IBM HTTP Server and the WebServer Plugin as seen in
Figure 4-8 and click Next.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-8 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation choose components
6. Verify the installation directory (Figure 4-9) and click Next.
Important: If you already have WebSphere Application Server Advanced
Edition (WAS AE) installed on your machine, the default directory for installing
WebSphere Application Server Single Server (WAS AEs) is the same as the
default for WebSphere Application Server AE. Be sure to specify a different
install directory if you want both WebSphere Application Server AE and
WebSphere Application Server AEs to remain functional.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-9 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation directory
7. Verify the program folder information as seen in Figure 4-10 and click Next.
Figure 4-10 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation program folder
8. Verify the installation summary (Figure 4-11) and click Next to start the
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-11 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation summary
9. When the installation is complete, click Finish in the Setup Complete window
to complete the installation.
Figure 4-12 WebSphere Application Server AEs installation Readme
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Installing WebSphere Application Server AEs V4.0 FixPak 2
We have just installed WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server
V4.0.1. We must upgrade this to V4.0.2 for use with WebSphere Portal 4.1.2.
This section guides you through the upgrade to WebSphere Application Server
AEs 4.0.2.
1. Insert CD 3-3, and copy the <CD Drive>\was\win\fixpack2 directory to your
hard drive (or somewhere that you have write access). The FixPak 2
installation needs to write some files to complete its install process so it will
not run directly from the CD.
2. From the directory where you copied the FixPak 2 files, run install.bat to start
the installation process.
3. Press Enter to acknowledge that the Application server is not started.
Figure 4-13 WebSphere Application Server AEs 4.0.2 update
4. Enter the installation directory where WebSphere Application Server AEs is
installed, as seen in Figure 4-13.
5. The WebSphere Application Server and JDK file are now updated as seen in
Figure 4-14. Once complete, press any key to continue.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-14 WebSphere Application Server AEs 4.0.2 update successful
6. When prompted to upgrade the IBM HTTP server, type NO and press Enter,
as we will not use the IBM HTTP Server with our WebSphere Application
Server AEs install.
Installing WebSphere Application Server AEs V4.0.2 fixes
Finally, we must install fix PQ56615 to endure that WebSphere Portal V4.1.2 will
install and run properly on our WebSphere Application Server AEs installation. To
do this:
1. Insert CD 3-3
2. Open a Windows command prompt and navigate to the <CD
Drive>\was\eFixes directory.
3. From the command prompt, execute the following command:
<WAS Install Dir>\java\bin\java -jar PQ56615_eFix_AEServer_AEsServer.jar
4. When prompted, enter the installation directory for WebSphere Application
Server AEs as seen in Figure 4-15.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-15 WebSphere Application Server AEs 4.0.2 fix PQ56615
5. Verify there were no errors, as shown in Figure 4-16.
Figure 4-16 WebSphere Application Server AEs 4.0.2 fix PQ56615 installation complete
without errors
Validating the WebSphere Application Server AEs install
We now validate the WebSphere Application Server AEs install before continuing
with the WebSphere portal installation. To do this:
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
1. Start the WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single server by selecting
Start->Programs->IBM WebSphere->Application Server AEs->Start
Application Server.
Figure 4-17 Starting WebSphere Application Server Single Server Edition
2. WebSphere Application Server AEs does not by default run as a service; it
will be started in a command window, as seen in Figure 4-18.
Important: Closing the command window will stop the application server, so
leave the command window open.
Figure 4-18 WebSphere Application Server AEs started
3. Once the Application server is started, verify that it is installed correctly by
invoking the Snoop servlet from a browser via the URL:
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
http://<your server domain>:9080/servlet/snoop
where <your server domain> is your server URL.
4. The snoop servlet will appear in your browser as seen in Figure 4-19.
Figure 4-19 Snoop Servlet running on WebSphere Application Server AEs
Adding the Stop Server icon
The WebSphere Application Server Single Server Edition only installs an icon for
starting the application server. You can add an icon for stopping the application
server by opening the program folder for IBM WebSphere AEs and creating a
stop icon. To do this:
1. Select Open All Users from the menu of the Start icon as seen in
Figure 4-20.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-20 Open All Users program menu
2. Select and open the Program folder.
3. Select and open the IBM WebSphere folder.
4. Select and open the Application Server 4.0 AEs folder.
5. Select and copy the Start Application Server icon.
Figure 4-21 Copying the Start Application Server Icon
6. Paste the icon back into the same folder and an icon called Copy of Start
Application Server will be created.
7. Open the icon’s properties.
8. Change the icon’s name to Stop Application Server as seen in Figure 4-22
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-22 Stop Application Server Icon General Properties
9. Change the icon’s shortcut to:
<WAS AES Install Root>\bin\stopserver.bat
as seen in Figure 4-23.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-23 Stop Application Server Icon Shortcut Properties
10.Close the properties file by clicking OK.
11.You should now have Stop and Start icons as seen Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-24 Start and Stop Server icons
4.2.6 Portal server
We must now install WebSphere Portal on our installation of WebSphere
Application Server AEs. This section guides you through this installation process.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
WebSphere Personalization JARs
WebSphere Portal requires two JAR files from the WebSphere Personalization,
prCommon.jar and personalization.jar.
At the writing of this book, WebSphere Personalization did not install on
WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server (WAS AEs), so we must
copy the two necessary personalization JARs in order to have WebSphere Portal
function properly. To do this:
1. Insert CD 3-3.
2. Copy the following files from <CD Drive>\external\personalization to <WAS
install dir>\lib\app.
– personalization.jar
– prCommon.jar
Installation configuration
This sections guides you through the installation of WebSphere Portal V4.1.2 on
WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server (WAS AEs).
Important: If you have installed WebSphere Application Server Advanced
Edition (WAS AE) and WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single
Server (WAS AEs) on the same machine, it is important to verify that the
%WAS_HOME% environment variable is set properly.
To check this, run the command echo %WAS_HOME% from a Windows command
prompt and verify that it is pointing to your WebSphere Application Server AEs
To start the installation:
1. Ensure WebSphere Application Server AEs is started as seen in “Validating
the WebSphere Application Server AEs install” on page 171 and Figure 4-18
on page 172.
2. Insert CD 7 into the same machine where WebSphere Application Server AEs
is installed.
3. Run <CD Drive>\wps\install.bat program to start the installation.
4. Click Next in the Welcome window seen in Figure 4-25.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-25 WebSphere Portal install Welcome window
5. After the installation program checks to make sure the application server is
started, click Next in the Prerequisites window (Figure 4-26).
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-26 WebSphere Portal install Prerequisites
򐂰 Accept the licensing agreement as seen in Figure 4-27, and click Next.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-27 WebSphere Portal license agreement
Note: When installing WebSphere Portal on WebSphere Application Server
AEs, you are not asked for the type of Portal install you desire. This is
because the only choice you have is a development install. The installation
process is smart enough to know that you are installing on WebSphere
Application Server AEs instead of WebSphere Application Server AE and
automatically installs a development install of WebSphere Portal.
6. Enter the Node name of your machine as seen in Figure 4-29.
– This value should already be entered for you. You can accept the value.
– You can find this information by entering the command hostname from a
Windows command prompt. This is typically your computer name
specified in the Network identification tab of MyComputer->Properties.
– To verify the node name for your WebSphere Application Server AEs
install, open the <WAS Install Dir>\config\server-cfg.xml file and search for
the string Node_1 as seen in Figure 4-28.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<nodes xmi:id=”Node_1” name=“mars”>
Figure 4-28 Server-cfg.xml node name specification
Figure 4-29 WebSphere Portal installation Application Server none name
7. Enter the complete hostname of the machine including the port number 9080,
along with the base URI for the portal as seen in Figure 4-30, and click Next.
– The hostname is what WebSphere Portal will use to dynamically generate
the URLs that access the portal.
– WebSphere Application Server uses port 9080 for its internal HTTP
server. Since we did not install an internal HTTP server, it is important that
we specify port 9080 in the URL. Otherwise, WebSphere portal will default
to look at the standard HTTP Port (80) and it will not be found because
there is no HTTP server running on port 80.
If you chose to install the HTTP server with AEs using the default, port 80
will work fine.
Important: The host name must be able to be resolved remotely if
WebSphere Studio Application Developer resides on a separate machine. It
does not have to be a fully qualified domain name, however, you must be able
to access WebSphere Application Server AEs from a browser (as we did in
“Validating the WebSphere Application Server AEs install” on page 171) from
both the remote and local machine.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-30 WebSphere Portal URL
Important: Remember this URL because it is the one you need for the
WebSphere Portal toolkit configuration in WebSphere Studio Application
Developer. If these values don’t match, the function will not work properly
when debugging from WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
8. Specify the URI for the home page and customized page (Figure 4-31) and
click Next.
Accepting the default values is fine.
Figure 4-31 WebSphere Portal Base URI
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
9. Enter the proxy server information in the window seen in Figure 4-32.
The only reason you would need a proxy server here is if your portlets access
URLs that are outside your firewall.
Figure 4-32 WebSphere Portal Proxy specification
10.Choose Deploy base Portlets into Portal Server (Figure 4-33) and click
The base portlets are not necessary for testing your portal applications, but
this process also updates the default portlet skins information which is
required for the portlet you are debugging to be displayed on the page. The
base portlets do, however, provide the administration capabilities in
WebSphere Portal and in most development scenarios you will quickly have
the need to do this, so installing them now is recommended. This can be done
manually but it is much more simple to select this option.
Figure 4-33 WebSphere Portal Base portlet installation
11.Select the IBM DB2 database type as seen in Figure 4-34 and click Next.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-34 WebSphere Portal database selection
12.Select Create and Initialize an existing database (Figure 4-35)and click
It is best to create a new database to be used with the Portal Toolkit to avoid
conflicting configuration data from a full WebSphere Portal install.
Figure 4-35 WebSphere Portal database creation
13.Enter the WebSphere Portal database configuration information as seen in
Figure 4-36 and click Next.
– Specify the userid and password you used when installing DB2 in “DB2
Universal Database” on page 161.
– Make sure the database name is correct and not in use before continuing.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Important: The database name you use will be dropped and rebuilt by the
installation program, so if you have an existing WebSphere Portal install using
the default name of WebSphere Portal 4.1, it is best to specify another name
as seen in Figure 4-36.
Figure 4-36 WebSphere Portal database configuration
1. Specify the DB2 JDBC drivers as seen in Figure 4-37 and click Next.
– The JDBC drivers are typically located where you installed DB2.
Important: If this file cannot be located, the install program will ask you for the
location again but will not continue the install.
– Make sure that your DB2 installation is using JDBC 2.0 drivers (see
“Selecting the JDBC 2.0 drivers” on page 162), otherwise WebSphere
Portal will fail to install properly.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-37 WebSphere Portal database JDBC configuration
2. Select Create and Initialize an existing database (Figure 4-35)and click
It is best to create a new database to be used with the Portal Toolkit to avoid
conflicting configuration data from a full WebSphere Portal install.
Figure 4-38 WebSphere Portal Member services database creation
3. Enter the WebSphere Member Services database configuration information
as seen in Figure 4-36 and click Next.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
– Specify the userid and password you used when installing DB2 in “DB2
Universal Database” on page 161.
– Make sure the database name is correct and not in use before continuing.
Important: The database name you use will be dropped and rebuilt by the
installation program, so if you have and existing WebSphere Portal install
using the default name of WMS, it is best to specify another name as seen in
Figure 4-39.
Figure 4-39 WebSphere Portal Member Services database configuration
4. Click Next to accept the default JDBC URL prefix (Figure 4-40).
Figure 4-40 WebSphere Portal Member Services JDBC configuration
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
5. Enter the installation directory for WebSphere Portal Server (Figure 4-41) and
click Next.
Important: If you already have WebSphere Portal installed on your machine
with WebSphere Application Server AE, the default directory for installing
Portal on WebSphere Application Server AEs is the same as the default for
WebSphere Application Server AE. Be sure to specify a different install
directory if you want both WebSphere Application Server AE and WebSphere
Application Server AEs to remain functional.
For further information on installing WebSphere Application Server AE and
WebSphere Application Server AEs on the same machine, see Running
Co-Existing installation of WebSphere Application Server.
Figure 4-41 WebSphere Portal installation directory
6. Click Next to start the installation process (Figure 4-42).
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-42 WebSphere Portal ready to install
The second phase of the process to install WebSphere Portal on WebSphere
Application Server Advanced Single Server (WAS AEs) builds the database and
configures the serer for WebSphere Portal.
1. After clicking Next in Figure 4-42, the installation process starts copying the
necessary files. You should see the message Installing WebSphere Portal
and a progress bar.
2. When complete, the install process creates the WebSphere Portal database
as seen in Figure 4-43. Click Next.
Figure 4-43 WebSphere Portal database creation
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
3. The WebSphere Portal database will be initialized as seen in Figure 4-44.
Click Next.
Figure 4-44 WebSphere Portal database initialization
4. Next, the WebSphere Member Services database is created and initialized as
seen in Figure 4-45 and Figure 4-46. Click Next when prompted.
Figure 4-45 WebSphere Portal Member services database created
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-46 WebSphere Portal member Services database initialized
5. A final update is done to the WebSphere Portal database based on the
information created in the Member Services database as seen in Figure 4-47.
Click Next.
Figure 4-47 WebSphere Portal Database update
6. Additional updates are also made to the WebSphere Member Services
database as seen in Figure 4-48; this completes the database creation and
initialization for WebSphere Portal. Click Next to continue.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-48 WebSphere Portal Member Services database initialized
7. The application server is now configured as seen in Figure 4-49. Three portal
enterprise applications are installed so this may take a few minutes,
depending on your machine configuration.
Figure 4-49 WebSphere Server configuration
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
8. A series of backups are performed before completing the configuration. Click
Next when the backups are complete, as seen in Figure 4-50.
Figure 4-50 WebSphere Portal install backing up WebSphere Application Server AEs
config files
򐂰 The application server is now restarted with the new configuration, as seen in
Figure 4-51. Click Next once the server is restarted.
The application server is restarted with the new configuration so that the base
portlets can be installed and configuration modifications can be made. It is a
good idea to make sure the base portal environment has been success fully
installed. This can be done in the following manner.
a. From a browser, open the URL
b. After a few seconds, you should see the main portal window with a
message indicating that there are no page groups.
c. If you do not see this page, there was a problem installing the base portal
enterprise applications and the install should be reattempted.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-51 WebSphere Portal installation WebSphere Application Server AEs
9. Once the application server has been successfully restarted, click Next to
install the base portlets.
10.The install process will check to make sure the Application server is started,
as seen in Figure 4-52. Once this is verified, click Next to continue.
Figure 4-52 WebSphere Portal Application Server started
11.The installation process will now install the base portlets.
There are approximately 229 base portlets to be installed, which include all
the associated configuration changes. This will take several minutes to
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
12.Once complete, as seen in Figure 4-53, click Next to continue.
Figure 4-53 WebSphere Portal install Portlets installed successfully
13.The application server will again be stopped and restarted as seen in
Figure 4-54 and Figure 4-55, respectively. Click Next when prompted through
this process.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-54 WebSphere Portal install stopping WebSphere Application Server AEs
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-55 WebSphere Portal restart Portal Server application
14.You are now prompted with some final installation instructions. Read the
instructions seen in Figure 4-56 and click Next to continue.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-56 WebSphere Portal final installation instructions
15.Finally, click Finish to complete the installation process.
Figure 4-57 WebSphere Portal installation complete
Validating the WebSphere Portal install
At this point, it is a good idea to validate the WebSphere portal install before
continuing on to configure WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Starting WebSphere Portal on WebSphere Application Server AEs
Make sure Portal is running. If it is not, open a command window on the server
system and make the <was_root>\bin directory the current directory. From there,
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
issue the start command for WebSphere Application Server using the
configuration file to run Portal:
startServer.bat -configFile ..\config\WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
Tip: It is often useful to create icons for stopping and starting the Portal server
as we did in “Adding the Stop Server icon” on page 173. Name the icons
appropriately, WPS Start Server and WPS Stop Server, for example. Then set
their shortcuts respectively to:
startServer.bat -configFile ..\config\WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
stopServer.bat -configFile ..\config\WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
Accessing the portal on WebSphere Application Server AEs
You should be able to access Portal from a browser on your development system
by entering the URL:
<serverHostName> must be able to be resolved from the browser. If you are
unsure, run the command ping <serverHostName> from the command line to see
if an IP address is resolved.
Important: If the URL is not recognized, make sure you started the server
with the WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml file. The default start server starts the
application server with the default server and not the WebSphere portal
server. The config file must be explicitly specified to start WebSphere Portal.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-58 WebSphere Portal successful installation
Validate that you can log in with your wpsadmin user ID and password.
4.3 Configuring the environment
Now that you have set up the individual components, we will configure them in
order to work together. We will set up a configuration on two different machines
as shown in Figure 4-59. If you choose to put all components on a single
machine, you will find remarks throughout this chapter where your configuration
is different.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
WebSphere Studio
Application Developer
Application Server
Advanced Single
Server Edition
Portal Toolkit
Agent Controller
Portal Server
Agent Controller
Figure 4-59 Portlet development, test and debug configuration
4.3.1 Preparation
Debug ID in Portal Server
For testing and debugging, the tool will need a user defined in Portal. This will
allow the Portal Toolkit to generate a page, deploy and run the portlets without
the need to use Portal’s administrative tools to add portlets to a page.
Your are free to choose any ID. This ID will be used by WebSphere Studio
Application Developer to log in to the portal for you. We use the default set in
Portal Toolkit so we do not have to change the settings there. These values are:
User ID:
First Name:
Last Name:
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Access to Application Server directory
If you are running all components on a single machine, there is nothing you have
to do to enable automatic deployment of your portlet applications. But as we use
two systems, we will have to deploy our portlets from WebSphere Studio
Application Developer to WebSphere Application Server running on a different
system. To make this happen, we need access from the development machine to
the <was_root> directory on the server machine, where <was_root> stands for
the directory WebSphere Application Server is installed. The default value for this
is C:\WebSphere\AppServer.
You can do this either by running an FTP server on the server system or by
sharing a directory and mapping it on the client. We did the latter and shared the
WebSphere directory which happens to be on drive D: in our environment. Then
we mapped the shared directory as drive J: on the client machine so we could to
access web_root by specifying J:\AppServer.
Creating a deployment directory for debugging
It is highly recommended that you create a dedicated directory for testing and
debugging. The main reason is that when you deploy your portlet application, this
will change the configuration files on your server, too. Using a debug directory
makes sure that your base configuration remains unchanged and whatever
happens during testing, you will be able to restart your server.
We created a folder <was_root>\Debug for this purpose.
Installing Agent Controller and checking the configuration
Installing is not an issue if you run the configuration on a single machine. When
WebSphere Studio Application Developer is installed, Agent Controller is
installed and configured automatically.
On the server system, howeve, an Agent Controller has to be installed as well. It
is found on the WebSphere Studio Application Developer install CD. Search for
RAC (Remote Agent Controller). During the installation of the RAC, you may be
asked for the location of your JRE. Be sure to point to the
WebSphere\AppServer\java directory.
After successful installation Agent Controller should be running as a service
called IBM Agent Controller.
Stopping Application Server
As we are starting and stopping Application Server from within WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server must be stopped.
Open a command window on the server system and make the <was_root>\bin
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
directory the current directory. From there, issue the start command for
WebSphere Application Server using the configuration file to run Portal:
stopServer.bat -configFile ..\config\WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
Alternatively, use the icons if you created them in “Starting WebSphere Portal on
WebSphere Application Server AEs” on page 198.
4.3.2 Defining the Server in WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Now we turn to the development machine and define the server within
WebSphere Studio Application Developer using the Portal Toolkit.
1. Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer and select File -> New ->
2. In the resulting window (see Figure 4-60 on page 204) select PortalServer
-> Portal server instance and configuration and click Next. If these
options are not available, Portal Toolkit has not been installed properly.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-60 New Portal server window
3. The wizard then displays the Portal Server settings page (see “Portal Server
settings” on page 205) with the following elements:
– Location of the WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml file
This is the file created by the WebSphere Portal installation. It is located in
the <was_root>\config directory. If this is a remote configuration, you will
need to map a drive letter to a drive or directory that is shared on the
remote machine that has access to the WebSphere Application Server
directory. The Portal Toolkit will not recognize the file if there is not a drive
letter associated with the location, so you cannot use the UNC (Universal
Naming Convention) of the server share (for example, \\server\share is not
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
acceptable). If this file is invalid or does not contain the Portal
configurations, then you will not be able to proceed.
Browse the mapped drive created in “Access to Application Server
directory” on page 202 and navigate to the configuration file. In a single
system environment, you enter the local configuration file.
Alternatively, you may simply copy the config file to the local machine. This
file is also needed for migrating the server configuration as discussed in
“Adding portal server portlets” on page 233.
Figure 4-61 Portal Server settings
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
– WebSphere Portal Server administrator
This is the wpsadmin account that was automatically created during the
WebSphere Portal installation. It is required for the Portal Toolkit to update
the page group and page information for displaying your portlet. If you
changed the user ID and/or the password, you have to enter the changed
ones here.
– WebSphere Portal Server debug user
This account is the user ID that you created in “Debug ID in Portal Server”
on page 201. It is used to log in to WebSphere Portal and will contain your
portlets on a page called Debug configured by the Portal Toolkit during the
server startup. If you choose a different user ID and/or password, you
have to enter the actual values here.
– Base URI of home portal page
This is the URI for the initial portal home page. It was configured during
the WebSphere Portal installation. If you made changes to this URI during
the WebSphere Portal installation, you will need to modify it here.
When you are done, click Next to proceed.
4. The Create a new server instance and configuration page (see “Server
properties” on page 207) is displayed. These are the properties on this page:
– Server name
This is the name by which the server is known within WebSphere
Application Server. You are free to enter any name; we use RemotePortal
in this scenario.
– Folder:
This is not only a folder name but also the name of the server project
within WebSphere Application Server in which all information and files
related to this server and configuration will be stored. You can have one
server project for all of your server instances and configurations or create
multiple projects. Therefore, you can either enter the name of an existing
server project or a new name. We enter PortalServer which is a new
name and the wizard prompts us as shown in “New project prompt” on
page 208.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-62 Server properties
– Server instance type:
Expand WebSphere Servers, and select WebSphere V4.0 Remote
Server. This is the only configuration type supported by the Portal Toolkit.
This setting tells the Portal Toolkit that files will need to be copied to the
remote location and deployed remotely; it is not running on the internal
WebSphere V4.0 Test Environment located in the plugins directory of
Application Developer.
– Server Template: and Server configuration type - Template:
Select None because no templates are required.
When you are done, click Next to proceed.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
5. Click Yes to create a new server project if you entered a new project name in
the folder field of the previous window.
Figure 4-63 New project prompt
6. The WebSphere Remote Server Instance Settings page is displayed (see
“Remote server settings” on page 209) with the following properties to be set:
– Host address:
This is the fully qualified domain name specified during the WebSphere
Portal installation and the same name used in the browser for testing
without the port appended. It is important that you use the exact same
name specified when you installed WebSphere Portal. If this name is
different, an error will occur when you use the automatic login feature of
the Portal Toolkit, and you will be required to log in each time you debug
your portlet. If you tested the Portal installation (see “Debug ID in Portal
Server” on page 201), then this should not be a problem.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-64 Remote server settings
– WebSphere Installation Directory:
This is the directory in which WebSphere Application Server is installed. If
WebSphere Application Server is on a remote system as is our case, then
you will need to specify the actual local drive letter as you would specify on
the remote machine; do not specify a mapped network drive. In our
scenario, this has to be D:\WebSphere\Appserver.
– WebSphere deployment directory:
As shown in Figure 4-65, the default for this setting is to use the default
WebSphere deployment directory.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-65 Deployment settings
We strongly recommend that you deselct the checkbox and enter the
dedicated debug directory we created in “Creating a deployment directory
for debugging” on page 202.
Again, if WebSphere Application Server is on a remote system as it is in
our environment, then you will need to specify the actual local drive letter
as you would specify on the remote machine; do not specify a mapped
network drive. In our scenario this has to be:
If you select Use default WebSphere deployment directory, then the
configuration that is used will be in the <was_root>\config directory, and
will overwrite the default server-cfg.xml used by WebSphere Application
Server. It will also use the <was_root>\InstalledApps directory to deploy
your portlet. You can use this option if you are not going to be using the
default server-cfg.xml file to run the default configuration for WebSphere
Application Server itself and if you are sure to be able to recreate a
running configuration if worst comes to the worst.
In our scenario, the server-cfg.xml file and the deployed portlet application
will be placed in a separate directory in order to keep the portal application
and configuration apart from the original WebSphere Application Server
and WebSphere Portal configuration.
– Platform of remote machine:
This information is needed for deployment. We have a Windows platform
and therefore leave the selection as it is.
When you are done, click Next to proceed.
7. The Create or Select a Remote File Transfer Instance panel is displayed. In
this and in the following window, you define the deployment settings which
are aggregated in a file transfer instance object. As we have no existing file
transfer instance for our server, we choose the Create a new remote file
transfer instance selection. Even if your server is not remote but on the
same machine, you must choose this option.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-66 Select file transfer instance
The next selection depends on the decision we explained and made in
“Access to Application Server directory” on page 202. We have no FTP server
but have mapped a drive. So we choose Copy file transfer mechanism.
Click Next to proceed.
8. Depending on the selection of the previous panel, the settings of the file
transfer instance have to be completed. As “File transfer properties” on
page 212 shows, we have three properties:
– Project folder:
This is the server project inside WebSphere Studio Application Developer
where the configuration will be stored. You can use the same folder name
specified throughout the configuration to keep everything in the same
place (in our example: PortalServer).
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-67 File transfer properties
– Remote file transfer name:
This name will be the file name displayed under the folder you specify. We
are free to choose any name as long as it does not already exist; we use
wtpclt File Transfer using the target host name to identify the instance.
– Remote target directory:
This parameter is used to copy the files to the remote machine (or local
machine, depending on your configuration). The portlet application files
and server configuration will be copied to the location specified here.
This must be the same location that was specified previously in the
WebSphere Remote Server Instance window for the WebSphere
Deployment Directory. If WebSphere Application Server is on the same
machine, then the fields will be identical. As we are using a remote
configuration with a mapped drive, the path will not be identical, but the
paths must ultimately point to the same location. In our configuration, we
have mapped an R:\ drive to the D:\WebSphere on the remote machine
(“Access to Application Server directory” on page 202). As the directory
specified for the WebSphere Deployment Directory was
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
D:\WebSphere\AppServer\Debug, we now need to specify
R:\AppServer\Debug for this parameter.
Click Next to proceed.
Note: If you are using FTP instead of drive mapping, the corresponding
window is shown below. Be aware which parameters reflect the view from
the development environment and which are seen from the perspective of
the server.
Figure 4-68 Remote File Transfer using FTP
9. In the last panel, you can change the port number for HTTP access to the test
server. We can accept the default value of 9080. If you have a different setup,
set the port number accordingly.
Important: The user login and password specified here must have write
access to the remote target directory.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
10.Finally, click Finish to let the wizard generate all necessary files and
When you now open the Server Perspective (Perspective -> Open -> Server or
Perspective -> Open -> Other -> Server depending on your settings), you can
see the result in the Navigator, Sever Configuration and Servers pane as
illustrated in“WebSphere Studio Application Developer Server Perspective” on
page 214 (in the Servers pane, you might need to click the Servers tab to se the
new server).
Figure 4-69 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Server Perspective
4.3.3 Testing the server
Now we can verify if the server configuration we just set up really works. Please
reconfirm that the server is currently stopped (“Stopping Application Server” on
page 202).
In the Servers pane of WebSphere Studio Application Developer, select the
server instance you just created and open the context menu (Figure 4-70 on
page 215). You have three active options.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-70 Server menu
򐂰 Publish copies the server configuration and all necessary resources to the
target directory. Figure 4-72 on page 217 shows the content of the Debug
folder on the server system after publishing.
򐂰 Start not only starts the server but also publishes whether WebSphere
Application Server has detected any changes that affect the server.
򐂰 Debug also publishes, if necessary, and starts the server in debug mode. This
means processing will be halted at defined and active debug points. Running
in debug mode is a very resource intensive process. We suggest that you use
this option only if your really want to debug and breakpoints have been set.
Click Publish to first test the settings of your remote file transfer.
A window titled Publishing opens. When in this window, the message Publishing
was successful appears, click Details. The window should now look similar to
the one in Figure 4-71 on page 216.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-71 Publishing details
Click OK to close the window when you have checked the details. The Server
state of your server should now have changed to Server is synchronized while
the status is still stopped.
If you go to the server, you see the result in your target directory as shown in
Figure 4-72 on page 217.
If you experienced any problems, please revisit the remote transfer instance
settings by opening it (wtcplt File Transfer.rft in our scenario) from the Navigator
in WebSphere Studio Application Developer and check “Hints and tips” on
page 242.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-72 Debug folder after Initial publish
After you have successfully published the configuration, click Start from your
servers context menu. This will take some time, but eventually the Console tab
will appear in the server pane of the WebSphere Studio Application Developer
workbench. You can maximize it by double-clicking the title bar if you want.
Otherwise, just wait until the message Server WebSphere Portal open for
e-business appears in the console window as shown in Figure 4-73 on
page 217.
Figure 4-73 Console of started server
If your server does not start successfully, search the console for meaningful
messages or Java exceptions and check with “Hints and tips” on page 242.
Once the server is started, you can also browse the Portal Server either with your
browser or the built-in browser of WebSphere Studio Application Developer by
clicking the Open Web Browser icon as seen in Figure 4-74 on page 218.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-74 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Web browser
Use the same URL http://<serverHostName>:9080/wps/portal that worked
when you first tested the portal installation (see “Debug ID in Portal Server” on
page 201).
You will most probably not like what you see (Figure 4-75):.
Figure 4-75 First portal test
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Only the skeleton of the portal is displayed and instead of the portlets and their
content, there are Error 404 messages all over the window. The reason is that
the Portlet Toolkit keeps Portal as lean as possible and does not deploy any of
the portlets delivered with Portal Server. In “Adding portal server portlets” on
page 233, we will add some of them to the test environment.
This is the best we can get for the time being.
4.4 Testing and debugging
As said before, we assume that you are familiar with WebSphere Studio
Application Developer and we concentrate on the specifics of portlet
development, Portal Server configuration and the Portal Toolkit.
4.4.1 Debugging the first portlet
We walk you through the process of deploying a portlet application, setting a
breakpoint and executing the portal in debug mode. First, we let the Portal Toolkit
generate a very simple portlet project to test. If you have already created a portlet
project and you prefer to test with that, then you can skip “Create a portlet
project” on page 219 if you like. Also, you can use different names than we use in
this scenario if you are already familiar with the environment. The Portal Toolkit
and the options in the wizard we are using is explained in Chapter 3, “Using the
Portal Toolkit” on page 119.
Create a portlet project
1. Click File -> New -> Other, then select Portlet development and Portlet
application project and finally click Next to start the wizard to create a new
portlet project.
2. On the next page (see Figure 4-76 on page 220), enter TestPortlet as the
project name and PortletEAR as name of the enterprise application project.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-76 Portlet project settings
3. Click Next.
4. Select MVC portlet from the list in the next window (Figure 4-77 on
page 221).
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-77 Portlet selection
5. Click Next
6. Accept all values on the next page (Figure 4-78 on page 222) and click
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-78 Portlet parameters
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-79 New portlet project
Portlet Toolkit generates project and folders, Java classes, configuration files,
HTML files and JSPs that are needed and displays the new portlet project in the
portlet perspective.
Setting a breakpoint, deploying and debugging the application
1. If the server is still running, stop it from the server perspective.
2. Open the TestPortlet project.
3. Navigate through the project and check the content.
4. Open the MyController.java source file; now your WebSphere Studio
Application Developer workbench should look similar to Figure 4-80 on
page 224.You can change the code if you like and are familiar with the
environment and portlet API.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-80 Portlet source
5. Set a breakpoint right at the beginning of the doView() method. Right-click the
grey border close to the statement at which you want processing to stop (see
Figure 4-81 on page 225) to display the context menu. Then click Add
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-81 Add Breakpoint
A blue bullet marks the point where processing will be halted.
Figure 4-82 Breakpoint
6. Navigate to the server perspective.
7. In the Server Configuration pane, expand Server Configurations and open the
context menu of RemotePortalServer (or the name you chose for the server).
8. Click AddProject -> PortalEAR (or the enterprise application project your
portlets are in). See Figure 4-83 on page 226.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-83 Add enterprise application project to server
9. Now start the server in debug mode as you see in Figure 4-84 on page 226.
Figure 4-84 Start server in debug mode
10.Wait until the server has started and the message Open for e-business is
displayed in the console window. Depending on your hardware, this can take
up to ten or fifteen minutes.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-85 Run the portlet
11.Then start the portlet by selecting Run on Server from the portlet projects
context menu as shown in Figure 4-85.
After a while, the windows on your WebSphere Studio Application Developer
workbench change and display the Java source of MyControlHTML.java right
where the breakpoint has been set, as well as trace information (see
Figure 4-86 on page 228).
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-86 Debug panes in server perspective
12.Open the debug perspective: (Perspective -> Open -> Debug from the menu
or Perspective -> Open -> Other), then select Debug, depending on your
In this perspective, you can investigate the content of all assessable
variables, inspect referenced objects, step through the code or even into
methods invoked from where the processing is currently stopped, and much
more. Please refer to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer resources
if you are not familiar with WebSphere Studio Application Developer
debugging features.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-87 Debug perspective
13.Click the Resume icon or select Debug -> Resume from the menu when you
have finished exploring the debugging capabilities.
Eventually, the browser window appears and you can see the portlet
(Figure 4-88 on page 230). Note that the user ID created for debugging
purposes (wpsdebug) is logged in and a page named Debug has been
created and used to display the portlet.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-88 Portal with debug page
4.4.2 Debugging portlet JSPs
The WebSphere Studio Application Developer portlet development environment
allows you to debug not only the portlet Java code you have constructed, but
also the JSPs that are used to display content.
Since all portlet applications are executed on a remote server instance, you must
indicate in the server instance that you want debugging information included
when the JSPs are compiled. To do this, open the server configuration file in the
server perspective as demonstrated in Figure 4-89.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-89 Opening the server instance
In the resulting editor, enable the option box Generate debug information
when compiling JSPs (debug mode only). Note that you will need to restart
the application server for this setting to take effect. Furthermore, if the JSPs you
intend to debug have not changed, you will need to clear out the JSP cache on
the application server. It is much simpler to simply mark the JSPs for
re-compilation by “touching” them. To do this, open the JSP and add an
insignificant space. Save the file and make sure it is republished to the server.
Note that adding a breakpoint to a JSP file does not mark it for page compilation.
Adding a breakpoint to a JSP follows the same process as adding a breakpoint to
a traditional Java file. Simply right-click the gray column next to the code where
you wish to stop on and select Add Breakpoint as demonstrated in Figure 4-90.
Figure 4-90 Adding a breakpoint to a JSP
WebSphere Studio Application Developer will only allow you to place breakpoints
in logical locations since only certain elements in a JSP can be debugged:
򐂰 In-line Java code such as that contained in scriptlets, declarations or
򐂰 JSP action tags such as usebean
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
򐂰 JSP custom tags such as those provided by the portal itself via Portlet.tld or
There are several key elements that cannot be debugged:
򐂰 All HTML tags are ineligible for debugging
򐂰 Simple text has no execution behavior and therefore cannot be debugged
򐂰 JavaScript is client-side code, not executed by the application server and
therefore not available for debugging
Figure 4-91 demonstrates that breakpoints cannot be added to non-Java
Figure 4-91 Breakpoints cannot be added to JavaScript
Execute the JSP by running the portlet application. The normal debugging
options available in Java file are also available in JSP debugging, as
demonstrated in Figure 4-92.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-92 Debugging a JSP file
4.4.3 Adding portal server portlets
We are now able to test and debug a servlet, but we are still limited. Look what
happens if we try to enhance our debug portlet page. Figure 4-93 on page 234
shows the result of an attempt to reorganize the page by selecting the Work with
Pages place. The reason for all the 404 errors we get is the same as before (see
Figure 4-75 on page 218 in “Testing the server” on page 214): the configuration
used in WebSphere Studio Application Developer does not include all the
portlets delivered with Portal Server. Since Portal Server uses portlets, its own
technology, to customize the portal, these portlets are missing as well.
Note that the portlets are available if you start WebSphere Application Server
AEs using:
startServer.bat -configFile ..\config\WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
instead of starting from WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-93 Work with Pages is broken
Which portlets are available is defined in the portal configuration file you made
available to the server configuration in WebSphere Studio Application Developer;
this is the file named WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml located in the <was_root>\config
directory. Example 4-1 on page 234 is an excerpt of that file showing how the
portlets are defined as installedApps.
Example 4-1 Excerpt from WebSpherePortal-cfg.xml
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_6" name="WCM Pzn Publish"
<modules xmi:type="applicationserver:WebModuleRef" xmi:id="WebModuleRef_9"
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_7" name="WebSphere Member Service"
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_8" name="WS Proxy"
<modules xmi:type="applicationserver:WebModuleRef" xmi:id="WebModuleRef_10"
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_9" name="PortletInstaller_WPS_PA_101"
<modules xmi:type="applicationserver:WebModuleRef" xmi:id="WebModuleRef_11"
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_10" name="CustomizerPortlets_WPS_PA_103"
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<modules xmi:type="applicationserver:WebModuleRef" xmi:id="WebModuleRef_12"
<installedApps xmi:id="ApplicationRef_11" name="SelectorPortlet_WPS_PA_105"
<modules xmi:type="applicationserver:WebModuleRef" xmi:id="WebModuleRef_13"
Which of those portlets are really available when you start Portal Server from
within WebSphere Studio Application Developer is defined in a file called
plugin.xml which is located in
<WSAD_root>\plugins\com.ibm.pvctools.wpsdebug where <WSAD_root> is the
directory where WebSphere Studio Application Developer is installed.
Example 4-2 on page 235 shows the final part of this file.
Example 4-2 plugin.xml
<extension point="com.ibm.etools.websphere.tools.bypassAppName">
<bypassAppName name="WPS Enterprise Application" earName="wps" />
<bypassAppName name="WCM Pzn Publish" earName="WCMPznPublish" />
<bypassAppName name="WebSphere Member Service" earName="wms" />
<bypassAppName name="WS Proxy" earName="wsproxy" />
<extension point="com.ibm.etools.websphere.tools.wpsConfigurator">
<configurator class="com.ibm.pvctools.wpsdebug.configurator.WpsConfigurator" />
<extension point="org.eclipse.help.contexts">
<contexts name="HelpContexts.xml" />
For each portlet that you want to be available a bypassAppName tag is
necessary, where the name of the <installedApps> in the portal server
configuration file matches the name of the <bypassAppName>, and the file name
of the archiveURL of the <installedApps> matches the earName of the
If you want to use, for example, PortletInstallerPortlet for the portlet debug
session, you need to add the following statement in the plugin.xml file:
<bypassAppName name="PortletInstallerPortlet" earName="PortletInstaller" />
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
The complete list of bypassAppName elements for a default Portal startup that
includes all the base portlets installed during a typical installation would include
all the bypassAppName elements listed in Example 4-3. Note that while the
generated names for your Enterprise applications are likely the same if they were
deployed as part of the installation process, it is important to verify the accuracy
of these values compared to those on your system.
Example 4-3 Base Portlets defined in plugin.xml
name="PortletInstaller_WPS_PA_101" earName="PortletInstaller" />
name="CustomizerPortlets_WPS_PA_103" earName="CustomizerPortlets" />
name="SelectorPortlet_WPS_PA_105" earName="SelectorPortlet" />
earName="CredentialAdministration" />
earName="WebServicesAdministration" />
name="Settings_WPS_PA_111" earName="Settings" />
name="MarkupsManager_WPS_PA_113" earName="MarkupsManager" />
name="UsersManager_WPS_PA_115" earName="UsersManager" />
earName="PortletManagementPortlets" />
name="Tracing_WPS_PA_119" earName="Tracing" />
name="GroupsManager_WPS_PA_121" earName="GroupsManager" />
name="SearchPortlets_WPS_PA_123" earName="SearchPortlets" />
name="ClippingPortlets_WPS_PA_125" earName="ClippingPortlets" />
name="ClientsManager_WPS_PA_127" earName="ClientsManager" />
name="AccessControl_WPS_PA_129" earName="AccessControl" />
name="WelcomePortlet_WPS_PA_131" earName="WelcomePortlet" />
name="WebServicesManager_WPS_PA_133" earName="WebServicesManager" />
name="QuickLinks_WPS_PA_135" earName="QuickLinks" />
name="worldclock_WPS_PA_137" earName="worldclock" />
name="reminder_WPS_PA_139" earName="reminder" />
name="PortalContentPortlets_WPS_PA_141" earName="PortalContentPortlets" />
name="ContentOrganizer_WPS_PA_143" earName="ContentOrganizer" />
Only updating the plugin.xml file does not yet resolve our problem. The plugin file
is only read once when creating the server configuration.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-94 Migrate server configuration
We have to regenerate the configuration by selecting Migrate Server Config
from the context menu of the existing server-cfg.xml. We are prompted again for
the portal configuration file, then WebSphere Studio Application Developer does
the work. You must have access to the Portal config file through a mapped drive
or you must copy it to a drive you can access.
After publishing and restarting the server, we are able to work with the portlets
used in Work with Pages and the error messages have disappeared.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Figure 4-95 The full portal
4.4.4 Adding the sample YourCo portlets
Most of the examples in this redbook are based on the YourCo sample
application. YourCo comes in two flavors: as a WebSphere Application Server
sample application and as a portlet version with Portlet Toolkit. The portlet
version contains a subset of the WebSphere Application Server webapp and has
its own database.
We show you in this chapter how you can add the YourCo portlets to our test and
debug environment. First, we prepare the system WebSphere Application Server
with Portal Server running.
1. Create the database:
a. Copy the PortletSample_setup folder from the Portal Toolkit installation
CD to somewhere on the computer where Portal Server and DB2 run.
b. Open a DB2 command window and make the PortletSample_setup folder
your current directory.
c. Execute the following command:
yourco_setupdb.bat <username> <password>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
where <username> and <password> are the DB2 administrator's name and
2. Load the portlet projects:
We now turn to the system where WebSphere Studio Application Developer
is running.
a. From the WebSphere Studio Application Developer menu, click File ->
New -> Other.
b. Expand Examples on the left hand side of the window that appears (see
Example 4-96).
Figure 4-96 Portal Toolkit Yourco Samples
c. Select Portlet applications.
d. On the right-hand side, select one of the YourCo samples and click Next..
e. In the next window, accept the project name but set the enterprise
application project name to YourCoEAR and click Finish.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
f. Repeat the preceding steps for all YourCo sample portlets. Note that you
must use a different project name (just accept the wizard’s suggestion) for
each sample, but you can put them all into the same EAR (YourCoEAR).
3. Deploy, run and customize YourCo portal:
a. In the server perspective, add the YourCoEAR project to your server
configuration in the Server Configurations pane as we did previously (see
Figure 4-83 on page 226 if necessary).
b. Publish and start the server.
c. Select one of the portlet sample projects (for instance, WhitePages) and
click Run on Server in the context menu. The YourCo portlets will show
up on the Debug page.
Figure 4-97 YourCo Portlet before setup
d. To complete the setup, edit the portlets that need database access (click
the pencil icon in the title bar).
e. The portlet displays in Edit state (see Figure 4-98 on page 241). Enter the
values for your environment. If you have a similar setup to the one we
described in this chapter, you only have to add a user ID and password
(use those of either the user that created the database or the DB2
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 4-98 Setting up the connection to the yourCo database
f. Click Save and the portlet will display properly.
Figure 4-99 The yourCo portal after setup
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
g. You can now use the administrative portlets to create a YourCo page as
you wish and combine the YourCo portlets with others, as depicted in
Figure 4-100 on page 242
Figure 4-100 YourCo page
4.4.5 Hints and tips
We try to give you some hints and tips to avoid problems; if the problems are not
avoidable, we show you how to identify and resolve them.
Agent Controller
If WebSphere Studio Application Developer freezes when working with a server
or if a ClassNotFound exception is thrown when you try to start the server, it can
indicate a problem with Agent Controller.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Where is it installed?
We refer in the following paragraphs to <agent_controller_home> which is the
directory where Agent Controller is installed. On machines where WebSphere
Studio Application Developer runs, this is by default in <WSAD_home>\IBM
Agent Controller; on other systems, it is whatever has been chosen during
Is the service running?
Open a Services window in the system where WebSphere Studio Application
Developer runs and check whether the service named IBM Agent Controller is
running. If not, start it. Do the same on the system where Portal is running. If the
service is not available, the installation has failed and you must reinstall it.
Is the configuration correct?
The configuration can be found in
<agent_controller_home>\config\serviceconfig.xml. The sequence of installation
for the components influences the configuration file. We experienced two
problems here:
򐂰 If you find entries of %WAS_HOME% in your config file, they might not be
interpreted properly. Replace them with the correct name of the directory
WebSphere Application Server is installed in (D:\WebSphere\Appserver in our
򐂰 This is the Application tag from the configuration file that rules the
WebSphere Application Server startup:
<Application executable="wteRemote.exe"
path="d:\WebSphere\AppServer\java\bin\java.exe" location="d:\">
<Variable name="CLASSPATH"
d:\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\bootstrap.jar" position="replace"/>
<Variable name="PATH" value="d:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin"
Make sure that bootstrap.jar is part of the CLASSPATH variable.
Where to find Agent controller messages?
Besides the serviceconfig.xml, the file servicelog.xml is also in the configuration
directory(<agent_controller_home>\config\). This file contains all messages, the
logging level and what details are displayed is defined in serviceconfig.xml.
Chapter 4. Portlet testing and debugging
Remote directory
In the file transfer instance, you have defined where to publish your portlets and
Is it defined properly?
If publishing fails or your changes are not available on the server then check the
definitions in the rft-entries in the server project.
If this directory is not configured properly, WebSphere Application Server will be
started using the configuration specified in the previous Remote Server Instance
pane, which might cause WebSphere Application Server to fail since it cannot
locate the proper files to debug.
Also, if the file transfer instance points to an existing directory which is not your
current deployment directory, publishing will claim to be successful but the
published components will never show up on the server.
Is it still there?
If publishing worked previously but suddenly does not any more, consider this: if
you mapped a drive, it may not have been restored after a reboot of your system
or somebody may have changed the drive letter.
Unexpected behavior
We experienced some unexpected behavior even when the configuration was
consistent and, most of the time, running properly.
Resources not added, replaced or removed
Sometimes publishing would claim to be successful, but not add the new
resources, nor replace the changed elements or remove deleted elements.
Sometimes, stopping and restarting the server would help, and sometimes we
needed to remove the contents of the deployment folder and republish the
Server does not start
Sometimes the server does not start and in the console you see a message
about unavailable ports. This is caused most of the time by the server not
shutting down properly. The first workaround is to issue the stopserver
command in a command prompt of the server system:
<was_home>\bin>stopserver.bat -configFile ..\config\WebspherePortal-cfg.xml
If the server seems to be shut down and the error still appears, either reboot the
server or open the Windows Task Manager, then click the Processes tab and
look for processes named java or javaw; end these processes.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 5.
National Language Support
In order to make a portal accessible and attractive to a wider audience, it is
necessary to provide the portal and its components in multiple languages. At a
minimum, you should consider supporting the group 1 languages listed on
Table 5-1 on page 247.
The WebSphere Portal architecture makes it easy and efficient to provide an
NLS enabled portal. The enablement can be performed during development,
deployment or runtime with the proper design decisions up front.
This chapter will guide you through several approaches to NLS enablement.
򐂰 Using resource bundles
򐂰 Translating whole resources
򐂰 NLS administration
򐂰 Working with Characters
򐂰 NLS best practices
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
5.1 Resource bundles
A resource bundle is a simple text file that contains key-value pairs. The key is
used by a Java class to retrieve a locale-specific value. To provide support for a
new locale, you need only create a new resource bundle with the same key
names and translated values.
Example 5-1 demonstrates a base resource bundle. Example 5-2 demonstrates
the resource bundle translated for Spanish. Notice the key names do not change,
only the value is translated.
Example 5-1 NLSExample.properties resource bundle
welcome = hello
goodbye = goodbye
message = This is the NLSExample portlet
Example 5-2 NLSExample_es.properties resource bundle
welcome = hola
goodbye = adiós
message = éste es el portlet NLSExample
The file name of the resource bundle is very important. The file must of type
properties. All translated copies of the default resource bundle must include the
locale in their title. This is illustrated in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Translated resource bundles
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The name is important because the Portal will locate the appropriate bundle for
you based on the locale you provide. You need only provide the base name of
the bundle and it will append the appropriate locale. The Group 1 locales are
listed in Table 5-1.
Locale Code
Brazilian Portuguese
Chinese - Simplified
Chinese - Traditional
Table 5-1 Group 1 languages
5.1.1 Creating resource bundles in WebSphere Studio
The resource bundles need to be created in the WEB-INF\classes directory as
illustrated in Figure 5-1 on page 246. Though not required, as a matter of good
practice, you should place the files in a dedicated directory such as nls. To create
a new resource bundle in WebSphere Studio, open the navigator view in the
portlet perspective. Locate the WEB-INF\classes directory of the portlet you are
enabling and right-click. From the context menu, select New -> Folder. Enter the
name of the new folder, typically nls as shown in Figure 5-2.
Chapter 5. National Language Support
Figure 5-2 Creating the nls folder in WSAD
In the nls folder, you need to create the default properties files. Select the nls
folder and right-click. From the context menu, select New -> Other -> Simple ->
File. Be sure the correct directory is selected and enter the name of the default
properties file as illustrated in Figure 5-3. Do not include any language codes in
the name, nor should there be any spaces in the name of the resource bundle.
When you are done, double-click the properties file in the navigator to open the
simple text editor. Using the text editor, define your keys and the default values,
such as those shown in Figure 5-1. Use CTRL-S to save the file.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 5-3 Creating the default properties bundle
5.1.2 Translating resource bundles
Once you have defined your default resource bundle with all the keys that will be
used by the portlets and JSPs in your application, you must provide translations.
It is possible to use the copy functionality in WebSphere Studio. However, there
are several reasons you may choose not to. It is a cumbersome process in that
simple CTRL-C commands are not recognized when copying whole files. Also,
renaming requires a selection from the context menu. While these may seem
trivial issues, when creating dozens of resources bundles, they can be
Instead, you may find it easier to work directly with the source files on the file
system. Locate the directory containing the current workspace. You can obtain
this path by right-clicking the portlet application and selecting Properties from
the context menu. The info option will display the file system location of the
application. This is illustrated in Figure 5-4.
Chapter 5. National Language Support
Figure 5-4 Locating the application on the file system
Open the directory containing the application and use the normal system
copy/paste and rename functionality to create the new resource bundles. Each
new bundle should have a unique locale appended. In practice, you may at
development time only have the default and English properties files. This same
approach can later be used to import translated files received from an outside
Once you have created the bundles you want, you need to make them available
in the WebSphere Studio environment. To do this, simply select the nls folder,
right-click and select Refresh from Local as shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 Loading resource bundles into WSAD
When you are done, the folder should appear as in Example 5-1 on page 246,
depending of course on the number of languages you choose to support.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
5.1.3 Accessing resource bundles in portlets
If you are printing out content directly from the portlet, you can use the portlet API
to access the resource bundles quite easily. Most of your development will
adhere to a good MVC approach; you can use this approach for setting the title,
predefining parameters in a PortletURI or if you are providing some content via
the beginPage or endPage methods.
The resource bundle is accessed via the PortletContext object’s getText method
as displayed in Example 5-3.
Example 5-3 getText API
PortletContext.getText("Bundle Base Name", "Key", Locale)
Bundle Base Name The first parameter indicates the base name of the resource
bundle. The name includes the path relative to the classes directory as shown in
Example 5-4. The name does not specify the locale suffix or the properties file
type. If the base file name cannot be found, or the key is not present in the
properties file, a PortletException will be thrown.
Key This parameter maps to a key value in the properties file. If the key is not
found, a PortletException is thrown.
Locale This is used by the Portal to create the complete resource bundle name.
You are free to use any locale you like but to ensure the user’s locale is returned,
the code in Example 5-4 works well. The getLocale method returns the preferred
locale for the user. The Portal Server determines the locale by first retrieving the
user’s preferred language set during registration. If the preferred language is not
set, the locale is retrieved from the accept-language header supplied by the
Example 5-4 Accessing resource bundles via the API
getPortletConfig().getContext().getText("nls.NLSExample", "welcome",
5.1.4 Accessing resource bundles in JSPs
When you employ a well designed MVC approach to your portlet development,
the vast majority of NLS enablement work will need to take place in the view
space. This section will guide you through providing locale-specific strings in a
JSP. “Translating whole resources” on page 252 will guide you through providing
a unique JSP for each locale you choose to support.
Chapter 5. National Language Support
Your JSP files can access resource bundles in a way similar to the code used in
portlets. The code for accessing resource bundle values is shown in
Example 5-5.
Example 5-5 Accessing resource bundles in a portlet JSP
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:text key="message" bundle="nls.NLSExample">
This is the default text.
As with specifying bundles in portlet code, the bundle name here must include
the package name relative to the classes directory.
There are two main points of distinction from accessing a resource bundle in
portlet code. First, the portlet custom tags do not provide you with the opportunity
to set the locale. The locale is determined in the tag for you. Secondly, the body
of the text tag will be used if the bundle or the key cannot be located. This
inherent error handling assures the user will never see a blank string or an error
5.2 Translating whole resources
If the entirety of your JSP requires translation, you may find programmatically
accessing resource bundles impractical. In practice, you will find that help JSPs,
for example, contain little or no code and as such can be completely translated
without incurring the runtime expense of NLS enablement.
WebSphere Portal facilitates this approach by allowing you to organize
translated files in a predictable directory structure. Portal will then take
responsibility for locating the correct file at runtime. This facility is also available
for multiple markup support. Your directory structure should reflect Figure 5-6.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 5-6 NLS directory structure
Each locale you support must have its own folder and contain whatever fully
translated resources you want the portal to serve. If the portal cannot find the
requested resource in the appropriate directory, it will attempt to locate the
default by searching one level higher. If no default resource is located up the
directory tree, an exception is thrown.
To retrieve the translated resource, simply use the include method of the
PortletContext object. Do not specify the NLS directory structure. This code is
illustrated in Example 5-6. You should notice that there is in fact nothing unique
about calling a translated JSP and calling the simple JSPs. All the work is done
by the portal.
Example 5-6 Including translated JSP files
getPortletConfig().getContext().include("/jsp/View.jsp", request, response);
Chapter 5. National Language Support
5.3 NLS administration
Certain aspects of NLS enablement can be configured via the administration
place in WebSphere Portal. While this section will guide you through these
features, bear in mind that the administration does not replace the developer’s
responsibility for designing and incorporating NLS enablement.
5.3.1 Portlet NLS administration
The Manage Portlets page allows you to set locale-specific titles for portlets. You
cannot add support for new locales. Only locales specified by the portlet.xml
deployment descriptor can be adjusted. Furthermore, you cannot change the
default locale specified by the portlet.xml. To access the titles, log in as the
administrator and navigate to the Manage Portlets page in the Administration
place as illustrated in Figure 5-7.
Figure 5-7 Working with portlets
Locate the portlet you want to work with and select the Modify parameters link.
By default, the resulting window, shown in Figure 5-8, will only display the Group
1 languages indicated for support by the portlet.xml. To add new locales for
support in the administration space, see Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on
page 261.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 5-8 Supported languages of the selected portlet
To change the title specified by the portlet.xml, select the portlet’s associated
radio button and select the Set title for selected locale link as shown in
Figure 5-8. Enter the new title in the resulting window shown in Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9 Setting the locale-specific title
Chapter 5. National Language Support
You may have noticed that only the title can be adjusted via the administration.
The description, keywords and short-title values are not configurable via the
administration place in Portal V 4.1.2.
Again, it is important to stress that by default, the administrator will only be able
to set the title for Group 1 locales explicitly specified in the portlet.xml. To add
support for a locale in the portlet.xml in WebSphere Studio, open the portlet.xml
editor and select the concrete portlet you wish to work with. This is illustrated in
Figure 5-10.
Figure 5-10 Adding locale support to a concrete portlet
To add a new locale, select the Add button in the locale section as shown in
Figure 5-10. In the resulting dialog, you can select the locale from the drop-down
list or enter the country code if you know it. This is illustrated in Figure 5-11. If the
locale you choose is already defined in the portlet.xml, you will be prevented from
adding it again.
Figure 5-11 Specifying a new locale
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
5.3.2 Portal NLS administration
While it is the developer’s responsibility to carefully consider the NLS support
portlet applications will support, the administrator is responsible for ensuring the
Portal itself properly supports multiple languages.
Some of the basic settings for NLS enablement include setting place, page,
theme and skin names properly, configuring or maintaining property files and
incorporating support for new languages. See Chapter 6, “Portal customization”
on page 261 for adding new language support to the portal.
5.3.3 Setting NLS titles
To set locale-specific titles for a place, navigate to the Work with Pages place
and select Manage Places and Pages. In the list Places you can manage,
select the place you want to work with and select Manage place properties as
illustrated in Example 5-12.
Figure 5-12 Editing Place properties
In the resulting window, select the Set locale-specific titles link. In the next
window, select the language for which you want to change the title and select the
Set title for selected locale link. Enter the new title and select OK.
If you need to enter characters that you cannot generate with your keyboard,
such as Japanese, you will need to discover the unicode values and enter them
using entity references as illustrated in Figure 5-13. The four character unicode
values can be found at http://www.unicode.org/charts. The entity reference
syntax is &#x0000; where 0000 represents the unicode character you want to
Chapter 5. National Language Support
display. If you have access to the interpreted unicode character, you can copy
and paste it in the text field as well.
Figure 5-13 Setting titles with unicode values.
The same basic procedure applies when setting the locale-specific titles for
individual pages. Navigate to the Work with Pages place and select Manage
Places and Pages. Select the place that contains the page you want to adjust.
Select the Manage Pages link. In the resulting window, select the page you want
to work with and click the Manage Page Properties link. In the resulting window,
select the Set locale-specific titles link. In the next window, select the language
you want to change the title for and select the Set title for selected locale link.
Enter the new title and select OK.
5.3.4 Adjusting Portal resource bundles
There are several resource bundles that are used by the portal server to present
locale-specific messages. Be aware that changes to a property file are not
recognized until the portal is restarted. All the properties files listed below can be
found in <WAS_HOME>\lib\app\nls.
򐂰 button.properties
򐂰 problem.properties
򐂰 field.properties
򐂰 engine.properties
򐂰 CSRes.properties (not available in Enable)
򐂰 titlebar.properties
򐂰 registration.properties
򐂰 LocaleNames.properties
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
5.4 Working with characters
Typically, it will not be the developer’s responsibility to provide the translations
necessary to provide NLS enablement. Once your base resource bundles and/or
static files have been created, the translation process should be completed by a
language expert. However, during development, you may need to include some
characters that cannot be created by the typical English keyboard. To include
these characters, make use of the unicode mappings. Refer to
http://www.unicode.org for the current character mappings.
Example 5-14 demonstrates unicode values entered in a resource bundle and
the result when displayed on a capable device.
Figure 5-14 Using Unicode values to display characters
5.5 NLS best practices
򐂰 Make the decision to use the API or translated resources early. This decision
will play a large role in the design and development of your View components.
򐂰 Do not commit entirely to one approach. For example, it may make sense to
translate your view JSPs at runtime and have your help JSPs fully translated
since they are simple text.
򐂰 Plan for NLS enablement from the beginning. Though you may not have
access to the translated values during development, building the default
resource bundle as you iterate through the development will make future NLS
enablement much easier and virtually painless.
򐂰 Be conscious of character-locale ratios. If you are developing in English, be
aware that translations into other languages such as German or Spanish may
require more screen real estate. A number of API facilities are available for
you to determine the current locale.
Chapter 5. National Language Support
򐂰 Do not rely on an administration implementation of NLS. The NLS
enablement facility for portlets is limited and there is no guarantee or check
system. To implement dynamic NLS titles, consider implementing the
PortletTitleListener interface and generating the title content via JSP or HTML
򐂰 Leave translations to language experts. With proper design, planning and
construction of your portlet applications, there should be little to no effort
involved in incorporating support for new languages.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 6.
Portal customization
WebSphere Portal includes a versatile and comprehensive out-of-the-box portal.
In 6.2, “Guided tour of the portal” on page 267, we provide an overview of this
portal and show how its look and feel is defined though the concepts of theme
and skin.
Companies will typically use this portal as a starting point for their custom portal
solution. In 6.3, “Portal customization” on page 299, we describe the components
of the portal and show how to easily customize them for an organization’s
specific needs.
Some companies will already have an existing Web application and might want
to portalize it to simplify the application development and maintenance. In 6.4,
“Building a virtual portal: the YourCo portal” on page 347, we show how to build a
custom portal by portalizing the YourCo application provided with WebSphere
Application Server.
In 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386, we provide a reference for the two
main Java Server Pages tag libraries provided by WebSphere Portal for use in
the Java Server Pages resources for the portal layout and customization.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
6.1 Overview
WebSphere Portal comes with a portal application (hereafter called the portal)
that is available for use immediately after the product is installed and started.
This versatile portal is accessible through desktop browsers and mobile devices
and supports many languages, such as English, Hebrew, and Chinese.
This portal allows end-users to customize their portal experience by switching to
other predefined visual elements and changing the layout of each page.
In addition, WebSphere Portal provides an easy way of modifying the look and
feel of the portal through the concepts of themes and skins. Themes define the
visual appearance of pages and skins define the visual appearance surrounding
each portlet.
When accessing the portal for the first time, users see the portal Welcome page
illustrated in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Portal Welcome page
The theme applied to this page defines the logo, the banner, the navigation
elements, the portal controls, and the overall layout of the page, while the skin
defines the portlets title bar, controls, and border.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
A theme determines the global appearance of all pages in a place. Themes
define the visual elements of the overall portal such as banners and the
navigation structure. Themes also define the overall layout of the overall page.
For example, the default theme defines a banner at the top of the Welcome
page, navigation elements under this banner including a drop-down list for
places and tabs for pages, and icons for the portal controls (login, register and
help), and leaves the remaining space of the page for displaying the portlets.
The following themes are provided by WebSphere Portal:
򐂰 Admin
򐂰 Corporate
򐂰 Engineering
򐂰 Finance
򐂰 Science
WebSphere Portal also includes a default theme that provides all the necessary
resources to be used if a required resource isn’t defined by a custom theme.
For example, Default.jsp is a required resource, being the entry Java Server
Page for the portal. As the Admin theme doesn’t define this resource, the default
theme Default.jsp is used.
Tip: You can preview all the available themes and skins by using the portal
(Work with my Pages) or by displaying the preview.gif image files from the
\themes or \skins subdirectories (PortalServer\app\wps.war\themes and
PortalServer\app\wps.war\skins, respectively).
Each place has a theme associated with it. A theme applies to all of the pages in
a place. By using a different theme for each place, a single WebSphere Portal
installation can give the appearance of supporting many virtual portals.
A theme consists of a set of resources, such as Java Server Pages (JSP) files,
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript files (JS) and images. These
resources are located in the theme directory or subdirectories. The following are
examples of resources for the default theme for the HTML markup:
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\Default.jsp
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\en\Styles.css
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\ie\en\HelpStyles.css
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The term skin refers to the visual appearance of the area surrounding an
individual portlet, including the title bar and the portlet controls such as minimize,
maximize, edit and help.
Each portlet can have its own skin. Skins are installed independently from
themes, however, the skins that are available for use with a portlet are defined by
the portal theme that is associated with the place. In addition, skins can use
resources from the theme to match the theme look and feel.
The portal administrator or the designer determines the theme for places and the
available skins for the theme. The administrator can permit specified users to
change the skins to reflect individual preferences.
The following skins are provided by WebSphere Portal:
򐂰 Album
򐂰 Clear
򐂰 Diamonds
򐂰 Fade
򐂰 Hint
򐂰 NoBorder
򐂰 NoSkin
򐂰 Outline
򐂰 Pinstripe
򐂰 Shadow
򐂰 Wave®
Note: For a sample portlet using the outline pre-defined skin, see Figure 6-18.
WebSphere Portal includes a special skin called NoSkin. This skin renders
portlets without a title bar and border and is intended for administrative pages
where the Selector portlet is used.
WebSphere Portal also includes a default skin that provides all the necessary
resources to be used if a required resource isn’t defined by a custom skin.
A skin typically consists of a set of JSP files located in the skin directory. The
following are examples of resource for the default skin for the HTML markup:
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\Control.jsp
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\RowContainer.jsp
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\ns4\Control.jsp
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Themes and skins consist of a set of files using standard file formats: JSP, JS,
CSS, GIF, and JPG. These standards are widely used and provide an easy
means to customize the portal look and feel.
WebSphere Portal uses a path-naming convention to locate the skin and theme
resources in the file system. Understanding the order in which WebSphere Portal
searches for resources allows you to create your own themes, skins, and even
set up support for new markup languages.
When processing a request, WebSphere Portal gathers information about the
user, the client device or desktop browser, and searches for themes and skins
starting with the most specific subdirectory and moving up to the more generic,
higher-level directory. The following table list the order of the search for theme
and skin resources.
Location in the /themes directory
Location in the /skins directory
For example, when a user requests a page from a client using Internet Explorer
Version 5 with the locale set to en_US and the user's skins set to Shadow,
WebSphere Portal will search for the skin resource file Control.jsp in the
following order.
1. /skins/html/Shadow/ie5/en_US/Control.jsp
2. /skins/html/Shadow/ie5/en/Control.jsp
3. /skins/html/Shadow/ie5/Control.jsp
4. /skins/html/Shadow/en_US/Control.jsp
5. /skins/html/Shadow/en/Control.jsp
6. /skins/html/Shadow/Control.jsp
7. /skins/html/ie5/en_US/Control.jsp
8. /skins/html/ie5/en/Control.jsp
9. /skins/html/ie5/Control.jsp
Chapter 6. Portal customization
In this example, if the file is not found in the ../ie5/en_US directory, WebSphere
Portal looks for the file in the ../ie5/en directory and keeps moving through this
hierarchy until this file is found. If the file is a required resource, it will at least
exist in the default skin directory.
The theme and skin folders contain most of the files needed to define a skin or
theme. Portal designers can copy these folders and modify their contents to
create a custom look and feel.
In 6.2, “Guided tour of the portal” on page 267, we provide an overview of the
portal provided by WebSphere Portal. We also show how the theme and skin
used by the portal define its appearance and layout.
Companies will typically use the predefined portal as a starting point for their
custom portal solution and customize the portal to meet specific needs.
They will certainly change the look and feel and the layout to reflect their
branding. In 6.3.1, “Basic customization” on page 299, we show how to
customize the layout and appearance of the portal.
Companies may want to change other components as well. For example, they
might want to add a new client, such as the latest version of Netscape, and
provide specific markup that take advantage of the new capabilities available for
this new browser.
They might want to customize the Enrollment page by using different fields, or
remove the Enrollment page completely, so users cannot enroll themselves.
They might want to change the help provided by default with the portal to be
more specific to the company and to reflect the company branding.
In 6.3.2, “Advanced customization” on page 315, we show how to customize
these portal components.
Some companies will already have an existing Web application and will want to
portalize it to simplify the application development and maintenance. In 6.4,
“Building a virtual portal: the YourCo portal” on page 347, we show how to build a
custom portal by portalizing the YourCo application provided with WebSphere
Application Server.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
In 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386, we provide a reference for the two
main Java Server Pages tag libraries provided by WebSphere Portal for use in
the Java Server Pages resources for the portal layout and customization.
6.2 Guided tour of the portal
WebSphere Portal provides a portal application that is available for use
immediately after the product is installed and started (hereafter called the portal).
In this section, we provide an overview of the portal and examine how the portal
pages are built for it.
6.2.1 Portal overview
Content overview
The portal provided by WebSphere Portal contains the three following places:
򐂰 Home
򐂰 Work with Pages
򐂰 Portal Administration
The Home place displays the end user content of the portal, while Work with
Pages and Portal Administration allow users and administrators to customize
and configure the portal.
The Home place contains only one page by default: the Welcome page. This
page contains four portlets: Welcome, World Clock, Quick Links, and Reminder
as illustrated in the following figure.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Figure 6-2 Welcome page
The Work with Pages place enables users to control the visual appearance of
their portal experience, select and arrange portlets for their pages, and lock
component on their shared pages. The pages in Work with Pages include Edit
Layout and Content, Manage Places and Pages, Set Permissions, and Choose
Skins. Each page contains only one portlet.
Edit Layout and Content allows you to define the layout and content of a portal
page. This page allows users to determine how a page looks, which portlets are
on a page, and where the portlets display on a page. Users can set column
width, arrange portlets, and modify location and number of columns and rows on
a page. This page is illustrated in Figure 6-3.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-3 Edit layout and content page
Manage Places and Pages allows users to create, edit, activate, order, and
delete pages and places. Manage Places and Pages allows you to create new
places and pages and work with existing ones.
Set Permissions allows page managers to lock containers on a page and the
contents of containers on a page. They can also decide which portlets can or
cannot be deleted from the page.
Choose Skins allows users to change the skin of a portlet on a page. Users can
select a skin for each portlet in a place.
Note: End users might not have access permissions for Work with Pages.
The Portal Administration place allows administrators to install and manage
portlet applications on the portal, publish portlets to a Web service, configure the
portal, define the users and user groups for the portal and control which portal
resources users and user groups can access.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Figure 6-4 Install portlet page
This place provides Administrators of the portal with the portlets to administer,
configure and customize the portal. It contains the following five pages: Portlets,
Portal Settings, Users and Groups, Security and Portal Content. These pages
contain the following administrative portlets, respectively:
1. Install Portlet, Manage Portlet Applications, Manage Portlets, Web Clipping,
Manage, Web Services, Web Services
2. Global Settings, Themes and Skins, Manage Clients, Manage Markups,
Manage Search Index, Enable Tracing
3. Users and Groups, Manage User Groups
4. Access Control List, Credential Vault
5. Manage Content Organizer, Content Organizer
Portal markups
The portal supports three markup languages out-of-the-box: HTML, for desktop
computers and some personal digital assistants, cHTML, for mobile devices in
the NTT DoCoMo iMode network, and WML for WAP devices, which are typically
mobile phones as shown in Figure 6-7.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-5 Welcome page using a mobile device
WebSphere Portal recognizes browsers and mobile device user agent signatures
and matches the markup with the client.
The framework is very easy to extend to support new browsers and devices. The
Manage Markups and Manage clients portlets allow you to easily add new
markups and clients.
To reach as many users as possible, the portal supports different languages for
different locations. The portal can concurrently serve portal views to large
numbers of users, each in the language of the preference of the individual user.
The portal has already been translated into the following languages: English,
French, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Hebrew, Polish, Turkish, Brazilian
Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
The portal is very easy to extend to support new languages as illustrated in
“Language” on page 331.
6.2.2 Portal resources
WebSphere Portal build the portal page by aggregating a set of resources and
components. Places, pages, and portlets define the content of the portal. Themes
and skins define the look and feel of this content displayed to the user.
In addition, when a user connects to the portal, WebSphere Portal gathers
information about the user and the device or desktop browser used (hereafter
Chapter 6. Portal customization
WebSphere Portal builds a list of capabilities for the client and maps the client to
a specific markup, so a portal can deliver an appropriate content and look and
feel to the user.
Each markup has its own theme and skin resources. Places, pages, and portlets
are available to a set list of markup. For example, the Administration place is only
available to the HTML markup.
The portal installation process gives information about the resources and
components used by the portal. The portal installation is a two-step process.
During the first step, the installation copies all the files necessary for the portal in
their respective directories.The following table shows the directories for the
resources for the portal.
Table 6-1 Predefined portal resources
HTML Help files for the portal
HTML files for the portal
Graphics for the portal
Resources for the screens
Resources for the skins
Resources for the themes
Portlets applications
NLS bundles
The second step is to use the XMLInterface with SetupPortal.xml to register the
resources and configure the portal. SetupPortal.xml is located in
Tip: SetupPortal.xml can be used to reinstall the portal in its initial state and as
such is very useful in cases where the portal configuration is corrupted.
SetupPortal.xml configures the content (places, pages, and portlets), the look
and feel (themes and skins), and the list of supported clients and markups for the
The <markup> nodes in SetupPortal.xml define markups for the portal. By default,
the portal supports three markups: HTML, cHTML, and WML.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
For example, the following example defines the HTML in SetupPortal.xml.
Example 6-1 HTML markup definition in SetupPortal.xml
<markup action="update" active="true" default-charset="UTF-8"
handle="html" mimetype="text/html" name="html">
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="cs"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="de"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="en"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="es"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="fr"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="it"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="iw"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="Shift_JIS" locale="ja"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="KSC5601" locale="ko"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="pl"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="pt_BR"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="UTF-8" locale="tr"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="GBK" locale="zh"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
<localedata charset="Big5" locale="zh_TW"><title>HTML</title></localedata>
The theme, screen, and skin resources for the markup need to be installed on
the file system before registering the markup with WebSphere Portal.
The markup directories are always direct children of the theme, screen, and skin
directory. For example, the directory
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\wml defines the theme resources for
the WML markup.
When a client request a page for the portal, WebSphere Portal will map the client
signature to one of the markups for the request. SetupPortal.xml defines a list of
clients that WebSphere Portal can use to map to a specific markup.
The <client> node defines each client and its capabilities. For example, the
following defines the markup and the capabilities of the first version of Internet
Example 6-2 Internet Explorer definition in SetupPortal.xml
<client action="update" handle="Internet_Explorer" manufacturer="Microsoft"
markup="html" markup-version="ie" name="Internet Explorer" ordinal="330">
<client-capability update="set">HTML_TABLE</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_2_0</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER</client-capability>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The value of the <useragent-pattern> defines the pattern that WebSphere
Portal uses to recognize the client.
The clients are ordered by their ordinal value defined by the attribute ordinal so
that WebSphere Portal can use specific patterns to match devices and then
move to a more generic pattern to match other devices.
SetupPortal.xml registers a set of skin. The <skin> nodes define the skins for the
portal. For example, the following defines the Shadow skin.
Example 6-3 Shadow skin definition in SetupPortal.xml
<skin action="update" active="true" handle="Shadow"
name="Shadow" resourceroot="Shadow">
<localedata locale="cs"><title>StÃ-nový objekt</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="de"><title>Schattierung</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="en"><title>Shadow</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="es"><title>Sombra</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="fr"><title>Double</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="it"><title>Ombreggiatura</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="iw"><title>צללית</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="ja"><title>シャドー</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="ko"><title>ì″Œì˜</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="pl"><title>Cień</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="pt_BR"><title>Sombra</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="tr"><title>Gölge</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="zh"><title>åº•çº </title></localedata>
<localedata locale="zh_TW"><title>é™°å½±</title></localedata>
<access-right permission="delegate" subjectid="wpsadmin"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="manage" subjectid="wpsadmin"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="delegate" subjectid="wpsadmins"
subjecttype="user-group" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="manage" subjectid="wpsadmins"
subjecttype="user-group" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="view" subjectid="any"
subjecttype="anonymous-user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="view" subjectid="any"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
The resources for these skins need to be installed on the file system in a
subdirectory of one of the markup directories under the skin directory
For example, the resources for the Shadow skin are in the directory
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\Shadow for the HTML markup.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
SetupPortal.xml also registers a set of themes. The <theme> nodes define the
themes. For example, the following defines the Admin theme.
Example 6-4 Admin theme definition in SetupPortal.xml
<theme action="update" active="true" defaultskinref="NoSkin"
handle="Admin" name="Admin" resourceroot="Admin">
<localedata locale="cs"><title>Admin</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="de"><title>Administrator</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="en"><title>Admin</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="es"><title>Admin</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="fr"><title>Admin</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="it"><title>Amministratore</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="iw"><title>×ž× ×”×œ×”</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="ja"><title>管ç†</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="ko"><title>ê´ ë¦¬</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="pl"><title>Administrator</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="pt_BR"><title>Administração</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="tr"><title>Denetim</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="zh"><title>管ç†</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="zh_TW"><title>管ç†</title></localedata>
<access-right permission="delegate" subjectid="wpsadmin"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="manage" subjectid="wpsadmin"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="delegate" subjectid="wpsadmins"
subjecttype="user-group" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="manage" subjectid="wpsadmins"
subjecttype="user-group" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="view" subjectid="any"
subjecttype="anonymous-user" update="set"/>
<access-right permission="view" subjectid="any"
subjecttype="user" update="set"/>
<allowed-skin skin="NoSkin" update="set"/>
The resources for these themes need to be installed on the file system in a
subdirectory of one of the markup directories under the theme directory
The portal installs many portlets. The <package> nodes in SetupPortal.xml define
the portlet application for the portal. For example, the Welcome portlet is defined
as follows.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-5 Portlet application definition in SetupPortal.xml
<package action="update" active="true" globalid="com.ibm.wps.portlets.welcome"
name="Welcome Application" removable="true">
<application action="update" active="true"
name="Welcome" removable="true">
The WAR files for the portlet application need to be installed in the directory
defined by the <url> node, here, PortalServer/install.
The portal creates the places and the pages for the portal. The <page> nodes in
SetupPortal.xml define the pages for the portal. For example, the Welcome page
is defined as follows.
Example 6-6 Page definition in SetupPortal.xml
<page action="update" active="true" handle="Welcome" name="Welcome"
owner="wpsadmin" system="false">
<supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
<supported-markup markup="chtml" update="set"/>
<supported-markup markup="wml" update="set"/>
<localedata locale="de"><title>Willkommen</title></localedata>
<localedata locale="en"><title>Welcome</title></localedata>
<component action="create" active="true" deletable="undefined"
editable="undefined" handle="Welcome.x-1" maxsize="undefined"
modifiable="undefined" movable="undefined" name="-1"
nestable="undefined" skinref="undefined" type="row" width="undefined"
<component action="create" active="true" deletable="undefined"
editable="undefined" handle="Welcome.x-1.x100" maxsize="undefined"
modifiable="undefined" movable="undefined" name="100"
nestable="false" skinref="undefined" type="column" width="undefined">
<component action="create" active="true" deletable="undefined"
editable="undefined" handle="Welcome.x-1.x100.x100" maxsize="undefined"
modifiable="undefined" movable="undefined" name="100"
nestable="undefined" skinref="undefined"
type="control" width="undefined">
<portletinstance action="update"
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
SetupPortal.xml defines the markup available for the page by using the
<supported-markup> node, the portlets residing on the page by using the
<portletinstance> node, and the layout of the page by using nested
<component> nodes.
The <pagegroup> node in SetupPortal.xml defines the places for the portal. For
example, the Home place is defined as follows.
Example 6-7 Place definition in SetupPortal.xml
<pagegroup action="update" active="true" default="true"
handle="Home" name="Home" ordinal="1000" system="false">
<supported-markup markup="chtml" update="set"/>
<supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
<supported-markup markup="wml" update="set"/>
<localedata locale="en">
<description>The Home Space</description>
<pageref ordinal="100" page="Welcome" update="set"/>
SetupPortal.xml defines the markup available for the place by using the
<supported-markup> node, and the pages belonging to this place by using the
<pageref> node.
To summarize, SetupPortal.xml defines the markups, clients, skins, themes,
portlet applications, pages, and places for the portal. It also defines the
permissions for all these resources.
The markups, skins, themes, and portlet applications require resources to be
copied on the file system prior to running this configuration file.
Each markup requires a markup subdirectory for the skin, screen, and theme
directory, respectively. Each skin and theme require a subdirectory in
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes and
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins, respectively.
In addition, the portlet application requires a WAR file on the file system to be
The portal combines a set of resources to display the content. For example, the
portal administration place uses the Admin theme and its default skin as defined
by <pagegroup action="update" name="Administration" themeref="Admin">.
Some of the resources are registered by SetupPortal.xml, such as the skins and
the themes. Others resources can be used directly by the portal. For example,
Chapter 6. Portal customization
the resource bundles can be used directly by WebSphere Portal immediately
after being added to the AppServer\lib\app\nls directory.
The following table shows a summary of the main resources from the file system
used by the portal after installation.
Table 6-2 Portal resources
HTML resources for the portal
Graphics resources for the portal
Resources for the screens
Resources for the skins
Resources for the themes
Portlets applications
NLS Bundles
Menu for collaboration services
People Awareness
The HTML files for the portal include the privacy, the licence, and the help files
for the portal. The NLS bundles include the text for the portal for all the
languages supported.
The collaboration services install the menu and the people awareness directories
that come with WebSphere Portal Extend.
6.2.3 Welcome page aggregation
In this section, we describe how WebSphere Portal aggregates the resources
and the portal configuration to build the Welcome page. The Welcome page is a
typical page for the portal and therefore is a very good example of the
aggregation happening in most of the pages displayed by the portal.
The theme, skin and screen provide most of the resources to build the Welcome
page. In this section, we will review the contribution of each to the Welcome
The following figure illustrates the different components of the page shown in
Figure 6-2 .
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-6 Welcome page components
The entry resource for the Welcome page is the Java Server Page Default.jsp
from the theme directory.
Default.jsp is located in the PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html
directory for the default theme.
Note: Many of the scenarios and examples provided in this chapter use the
default resources for the HTML markup. Versions of the resources specific to
a client, locale or theme/skin are located in a subdirectory. For example, the
subdirectory is ns4 for the resources specific to Netscape Version 4.
Default.jsp defines the overall page layout, the HTML headers, the Cascading
Style Sheets for the page, and the banner with the navigation elements.
Default.jsp uses nested HTML tables to define the overall layout of the page for
the HTML markup. The following example shows fragments of the HTML
generated by Default.jsp.
Example 6-8 HTML markup generated by Default.jsp
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- HTML Header (from head.jsp include) -->
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
<!-- other body attributes --> >
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">
<td width="100%" height="1" valign="top">
<!-- Banner (from banner.jsp include) -->
<td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top">
<!-- Screen (from<wps:screenRender> JSP Tag) -->
The source code generated by included files and subcomponents has been
removed for clarity. These will be reviewed later in this section.
Note: All the source code examples provided in this chapter will be simplified
and edited for readability and clarity.
Default.jsp defines the top level <table> used for the page layout. This table
contains two rows: one for the banner with the navigation components and one
for the screen components displayed by the <wps:screenRender> JSP tag. The
layout obtained is illustrated in Figure 6-7.
Banner and navigation
Home Screen
Figure 6-7 Layout defined by Default.jsp
The two cells defined by Default.jsp correspond to the Banner and Home Screen
cells in Figure 6-6. It is recommended that you keep Figure 6-6 in mind while
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
going through this section since we will review how each component in this figure
is defined.
Default.jsp uses the JSP include directive for the HTML headers (Head.jsp) and
the banner components (Banner.jsp). Both files are located in the theme
directory: PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html.
Note: Using JSP include is a best practice for code development and
maintenance. It is not required, as demonstrated in 6.4, “Building a virtual
portal: the YourCo portal” on page 347.
Head.jsp generates the HTML header section of the HTML document for the
page, including links to the Cascading Style Sheet files and to the JavaScript
files. The HTML markup generated by Head.jsp is displayed in Example 6-9.
Example 6-9 HTML markup generated by Head.jsp
<title>IBM WebSphere Portal</title>
<link href='/wps/themes/html/Styles.css' rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
<link href='/wps/themes/html/HelpStyles.css' rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
Note: The elements in the header section of the HTML document are only
defined by the theme. Screens, skins, and portlets cannot define elements in
this section.
Styles.css is the default Cascading Style Sheet resource for the default theme.
Depending on your browser and locale, another Cascading Style Sheet might be
used, such as /wps/themes/html/ie/en/Styles.css when the desktop browser is
Internet Explorer and the locale is set to English.
This Cascading Style Sheet Styles.css defines the styles for the portal-level
elements, but also for other elements, such as portlets, as illustrated in the
following fragments.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-10 Fragments from Styles.css
/* General styles
a { color: #3366CC; }
body { font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12pt; margin: 0; }
/* Styles used in the header or other common sections of the page
/* banner at the top of the page */
.wpsPortalBanner { background-color: #514E54; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
/* text on banner at the top of the page */
.wpsPortalBannerText { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;
font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; }
/* Special styles for administration
/* enroll screen background */
.wpsEnrollBack { background-color: #FFFFCC; }
/* admin portlets: header bar and task manager selected tab*/
.wpsTableAdminHead {background-color: #EBEBEB; color: #666666;
font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;}
/* Styles used in portlets
/* standard portlet background */
.wpsPortletBack { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
/* edit and configure mode backgrounds */
.wpsEditBack, .wpsConfigureBack { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
The style sheet defines fonts and colors for the HTML elements on the page. For
example, the generic styles section defines the font sans-serif with a size of 10
points for HTML tags such as A, TABLE, TD.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
This style sheet also defines a set of classes to be used by components of the
portal, such as the header section and the portlet section.
The style sheets used by WebSphere Portal contain classes that can be used by
portlets to ensure visual consistency between portlets on the page. Using these
classes ensures that no matter what theme has been selected, the portlet's look
and feel matches that of other portlets and the portal page. To find the portlet
classes, look for the following comment in the style sheet Styles used in portlets.
Note: It is not required that Cascading Style Sheets be used for the theme,
however, it is recommended so that a consistent look and feel can be
maintained and to define classes that might be used in commercially available
Banner.jsp displays the banner and the navigation elements for the Welcome
page. The following shows fragments of the HTML generated by Banner.jsp.
Example 6-11 Fragments from the HTML markup generated by Banner.jsp
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<!-- Banner -->
<td valign="middle" class="wpsPortalBanner"
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" width="100%">
<td class="wpsPortalBannerText" valign="middle"
align="left" height="39" width="90%">
<img align="absmiddle" alt='IBM WebSphere Portal'
title='IBM WebSphere Portal' src='/wps/themes/html/logo.gif'>
<!-- Navigation Elements -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td class="wpsToolbar" align="left" nowrap>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<!-- Place Navigation -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<form name="wpsPageGroupSelectionForm" method="POST"
style="margin-bottom: 0"
<select name="changePageGroupJSPCommand"
onchange="this.form.submit ()">
<option value="<!-- url -->" selected>Home
<td class="wpsToolbar" dir="ltr" align="right">
<!-- Portal Controls -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" >
<td valign="middle">
<a href='/wps/portal/.scr/ForgotPassword'>
<img <!--nav_forgot_password.gif--> >
<td valign="middle">
<a href='/wps/portal/.cmd/PrepareEnrollment'>
<img <!-- nav_create_account.gif --> >
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<td class="wpsNavbar" align="left" valign="bottom">
<!-- Page Navigation -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" valign="top" >
<img <--tab_angle.gif--> >
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" nowrap height="19">
<a href='<!-- url -->' class="wpsSelectedTab">
Banners.jsp defines an HTML table with three rows.
1. The first row renders the WebSphere Portal banner with the WebSphere
Portal logo and the Welcome message when the user is logged in.
2. The second row renders the pull-down menu for place selection and the
portal level controls, such as Enroll, Login, and Help.
3. The third and last row renders the tabs for page selection.
Banner.jsp uses the <wps.urlFindInTheme> tag to display most images. For
example, the <wps:urlFindInTheme file="banner.jpg"/>'> tag is used to
retrieve the URL for the banner image.
This tag generates a URL pointing to a resource file from the theme. Which
resource file is selected depends on the client (such as Internet Explorer) and the
locale. See 6.5.34, “<wps:urlFindInTheme>” on page 406 for more information
Chapter 6. Portal customization
on this specific tag and refer to 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386 for a
reference of common JSP tag used in the theme, skins, and screens.
The following source code extract displays the Welcome message for logged in
users in the first row.
Example 6-12 Source code to render the Welcome message
<wps:if loggedIn="yes" screen="Home,LoggedIn">
<wps:text key="welcome" bundle="nls.engine">
<wps:textParam><wps:user attribute="fullName"/>
The page displays the Welcome message only when the user is logged in and
the current screen is Home or LoggedIn. For example, the Welcome message
would not be displayed for the registration screens.
The <wps:if> tag checks both conditions and executes the inner source code
when both conditions are met. See 6.5.6, “<wps:if>” on page 390 for more
The <wps:text> tag retrieve the Welcome message from the engine bundle. The
default corresponding file for this bundle is engine.properties in the
/AppServer/lib/app/nls directory.
The entry for the Welcome key in this bundle is welcome = Welcome {0}! where
{0} is replaced by the parameter passed by the <wps:textParam> tag.
The bundle used can have a language suffix corresponding to the user locale, for
example, engine_en.properties for English. See “Language and resource
bundles” on page 311 for more information.
The <wps.user> tag returns information about the logged in user. Here it returns
the full name of the user to be passed as a parameter. See 6.5.36, “<wps:user>”
on page 408 for more information.
The Welcome message displayed is Welcome wpsadmin! for wpsadmin.
The drop-down selection for places is built by looping through all the places
available to the user and listing them as <option> in the HTML <select> tag. The
following source code illustrates how this is accomplished.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-13 Source code to render the drop-down elements
<option value="<wps:urlParent/>"
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">selected</wps:if>>
<wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/>
The <wps:pageGroupLoop> loops through all the places available to the user. For
each place available, the <wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/> writes the title
of the place to be displayed in the drop-down selection, while <wps:urlParent>
sets the value of the <option> tag as the URL of the place. See 6.5.35,
“<wps:urlParent>” on page 406 and 6.5.8, “<wps:pageGroup>” on page 397 for
more information.
The <wps:if> tag is used in this context to select the current place by default in
the drop-down menu.
The tabs for the pages are displayed using similar tags for the pages as
illustrated in the following source code:
Example 6-14 Source code to render the tabs
<wps:if pageSelected="yes">
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" valign="top" >
<img <!--tab_angle.gif--> >
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" nowrap height="19">
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>' class="wpsSelectedTab">
<wps:page attribute="title"/>
<!-- Source Code for page not selected -->
The <wps:pageLoop> tag loops though all the pages available in the current place.
For each page available, <wps:page attribute="title"/> writes the title of the
page to be displayed as a tab, while <wps:urlParent> sets the value of the URL
for the outer HTML <a> tag.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The <wps:pageLoopInit max=”number”> tag sets the maximum number of tabs
displayed. The <wps:pageLoop> loop continues until no more pages are available
or when the number of pages is at the maximum value allowed.
Combining the tags prepares the URL for page loop shifts. See 6.5.11,
“<wps:pageLoopInit>” on page 399 and 6.5.12, “<wps:pageLoopShift>” on
page 399 for more information.
Banner.jsp defines the portal-level controls such as Forgot Password, Enroll,
Login, Logout, and Help on the far right of the place drop-down selection. The
following source code extract shows the source code to display the Forgot
Password control.
Example 6-15 Source code to display the forgot password control
<wps:if loggedIn="no" notScreen="ForgotPassword">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url screen="ForgotPassword" home="public"/>'>
<img <!--nav_forgot_password.gif--> '>
The Forgot Password control is displayed when the user is not logged in and the
current screen is not the Forgot Password screen.
The <wps:url screen="ForgotPassword" home="public"/> tag renders the link
to access the Forgot Password screen. See 6.5.30, “<wps:url>” on page 405 for
more information.
To summarize, Default.jsp renders the <html> root element, the header section
of the html document, the top level <table> element to start the layout of the
page, and finally all the portal level navigation elements by using Banner.jsp.
Default.jsp is a required resource for each markup as Default.jsp is the entry JSP
page for the portal.
Default.jsp displays most of the pages rendered by the portal. Plain.jsp is used
for some of the pages. For example, help for the portlets, by default, opens in a
pop-up window and therefore Plain.jsp is used.
Default.jsp uses the <wps:screenRender/> tag to render the screen component in
its second and bottom cell.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The Welcome page uses the default screen Home to display the screen
components, such as row and column containers and portlets, as do most of the
pages displayed by the portal.
The Home screen uses the JSP Home.jsp located in the
PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/screens/HTML directory.
Other predefined screens include:
򐂰 Log-in (Login.jsp)
򐂰 Forget Password (ForgotPassword.jsp)
򐂰 Sign-up related (UserProfileForm.jsp, UserProfileConf.jsp, etc.)
򐂰 Error related (Error.jsp, ErrorNotLoggedOut.jsp, etc.)
The HTML generated by Home.jsp is quite trivial, as shown below.
Example 6-16 Fragments from the HTML markup generated by Home.jsp
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<!-- <wps:pageRender/> -->
Home.jsp includes the <wps:pageRender> tag, which aggregates the screen
components. Other screens are task-specific and display content related to a
task, such as a login form for the Login screen, and as such don’t use
Note: WebSphere Portal uses the same screens independently of the
selected theme. Therefore, screens should be theme-independent.
The layout of the screen components is controlled by row and column containers,
which may contain containers as well as controls. A control is a single portlet with
its surrounding (border, title bar).
The customizer provides a good way to see the components defined for a page.
It is available by selecting Work with Pages -> Edit Layout and Content. The
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Welcome page view provided by the customizer is displayed in the following
Figure 6-8 Customizer page for the Welcome page
The Welcome page screen layout presents a Row Container, which contains two
Column Containers, each containing two portlet containers or controls, with a
portlet in each.
The aggregation engine calls RowContainer.jsp to render the Row Container.
RowContainer.jsp is located in the skin directory
The following extracts show the source code generated by RowContainer.jsp:
Example 6-17 Source code fragments from RowContainer,jsp
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0">
<tr height="100%">
<wps:componentLoop id="component">
<td valign="top" <wps:width/>>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
RowContainer.jsp defines the <table> and <tr> HTML markup for the row and
starts rendering the two columns it holds.
The rendering of the columns is started by the <wps:componentRender> tag. This
tag has to be surrounded by the <wps:componentLoop> tag, which repeats its
content for each component.
The aggregation engine calls ColumContainer.jsp to render the column
containers. ColumnContainer.jsp is located in the skin directory
The following extracts show the source code generated by ColumnContainer.jsp.
Example 6-18 Source code fragments from ColumnContainer.jsp
<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
align="center" border="0">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
ColumnContainer.jsp renders a column container and start the rendering of all
the controls it contains. The rendering of the controls is started by the
<wps:componentRender> tag. The tag has to be surrounded by the
<wps:componentLoop> tag, which repeats its content for each component.
The following example shows fragments of the HTML generated by Home.jsp
and both row and column containers for the Welcome page.
Example 6-19 Fragments of HTML generated by Home, Row and Column containers
<!--Home Markup Start-->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<!--Row Container Markup Start-->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
align="center" border="0">
<tr height="100%">
<td valign="top" >
<!--Column Container Markup Start (Column 1)-->
<table width="100%" height="100%"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<!--Markup for the welcome control-->
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<!--Markup for the clock control-->
<!--Column Container Markup End (Column 1)-->
<td valign="top" >
<!--Markup for the second column and its content-->
<!--Row Container Markup End (Row 1)-->
<!--Home Markup End-->
The row and column containers define HTML tables. The row container defines a
HTML table with two horizontal cells, while each column container defines a
HTML table with two vertical cells as illustrated in the following figure.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-9 Layout defined by the aggregation engine and the containers JSPs
Both column containers contain two controls. The column container displays
each of the controls by using <wps:componentRender>. WebSphere Portal uses
Control.jsp to render the controls.
Control.jsp is located in the skin directory
PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/skins/HTML. The following example shows
an extract of the source code for Control.jsp.
Example 6-20 Source code fragments from Control.jsp
<table width="100%"
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">height="100%"</wps:if>
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
<table width="100%"
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">height="100%"</wps:if>
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wpsPortletBody">
<!--top border-->
<tr height="1">
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" height="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<tr height="1">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<!--title bar left border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<!--portlet title bar-->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<!--portlet title-->
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" width="100%" nowrap
align="<%= bidiAlignLeft %>" valign="middle">
<wps:problem bundle="nls.problem"/>
<!--portlet controls-->
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" nowrap
align="right" valign="middle">
<wps:portletHelp newWindow="true">
<a href="javascript: window.open(<!--.0..-->).focus();">
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<!--title bar right border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">
<tr height="100%">
<!--portlet left border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img <--dot.gif-->>
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<font COLOR="red">
<wps:problem bundle="nls.problem"/>
<!--portlet right border-->
<!--bottom border-->
Control.jsp defines the surrounding of the portlet, such as its border and its title
bar and uses the <wps:portletRender> tag to render the portlet content.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Control.jsp defines two content rows: one to display the title bar, including the
portlet controls, and the second to display the portlet content. The rows are
surrounded by a border of one pixel, as illustrated in the following figure.
portlet content
Figure 6-10 Layout defined by Control.js
The <wps:portletTitle> tag displays the portlet title. If a problem occurred while
displaying the title, the message inside the tag is displayed. See 6.5.23,
“<wps:portletTitle>” on page 402 for more information.
Control.jsp displays the portlet controls: Configure, Edit, Help, Minimize,
Maximize, and Restore.
All the controls, except for Help, are displayed for logged-in users only since their
functionalities require user sessions, which are not activated for Anonymous by
default for performance reasons.
Each portlet control has a corresponding tag that displays its inner content
depending on the state of the portlet. For example, <wps:portletMaximize>
displays its inner content when the portlet state is not maximized.
Control.jsp uses <wps:portletRender> to write the output from the portlet. Here,
for example, is the result for the Welcome portlet.
Example 6-21 Welcome Portlet output
IBM WebSphere Portal Server <br>
Version: 4.1.2 <br>
Build Level: 412xt_118_20020621 2002-06-22 01:51 <br>
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM <br>
5724-B88 <br>
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2002 All Rights Reserved. <br>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The cellspacing for the top level table in Example 6-20, “Source code
fragments from Control.jsp” on page 293 is set to 5 to allow spaces between
The cellpadding attribute for the table surrounding the portlet content
(<wps:portletRender>) is also set to 5 by default to leave space between the
portlet content and the border.
To summarize, the following JSP resources are used to construct the Welcome
page (excluding the portlet resources).
Table 6-3 Welcome page resources
Banner.jsp (included)
Head.jsp (included)
Figure 6-11 Java Server Page resources used for the Welcome page
Chapter 6. Portal customization
6.2.4 Extend Services
WebSphere Portal Extend includes collaboration services. The following source
code combined from Head.jsp and Default.jsp shows the implementation of this
Example 6-22 Source code for the collaboration services
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/extend.tld" prefix="extend" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/menu.tld" prefix="menu" %>
<!-- Lotus Collaborative Services -->
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<menu:menuinit> initializes the menu service that adds menus to the
Collaborative Components applications.
The <pa:peopleinit/> tag determines whether Sametime® or Discovery Server,
or both, are enabled to work with Portal Server and generates the correct HTML
and JavaScript for initializing Sametime or enabling Discovery Server, or both.
WebSphere Portal Extend also provides a Bookmark functionality and a Find
functionality. Banner.jsp defines their location and appearance. The following
source code extracts shows the definition for the Find functionality.
Example 6-23 Source code for the Find link
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>" style="text-decoration:none" title="<wps:text
key='link.find' bundle='nls.engine'/>"
<img align="absmiddle" src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file='task_show_info.gif'/>"
<span style="text-decoration:underline"><wps:text key="link.find"
See “Bookmarks” on page 341, and “Find” on page 346 for more information on
these WebSphere Portal Extend functionalities.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
6.3 Portal customization
The portal includes components such as a banner, a logo, a navigation bar, and
portlets as illustrated in Figure 6-2. All of these components, and many more, are
based on well-known standards and are fully customizable.
In 6.3.1, “Basic customization” on page 299, we describe how to easily and
quickly customize the layout and the appearance of the portal by modifying the
themes and the skins.
In 6.3.2, “Advanced customization” on page 315, we show how to add more
advanced functionalities of the portal, such as new clients and new markups.
Note: If changes to your portal pages do not appear in testing, you might need
to clear the WebSphere Application Server cache located in
6.3.1 Basic customization
WebSphere Portal provides an easy way of modifying the appearance and the
layout of the portal through the concepts of themes and skins.
Each theme contains a set of resources, such as Java Server Pages, and
images. These resources are located in a subdirectory using the theme name in
the PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\markup\ directory.
The following resources are typical of a theme:
򐂰 Java Server Pages
For example, Default.jsp, and Banner.jsp are used to provide the layout and
the navigation of the overall portal. See “Layout” on page 300 for more
information on customizing the layout and “Navigation” on page 303 for more
information about the navigation.
򐂰 Style sheets
Styles.css is the default style sheet for the portal. For incoming Internet
Explorer requests, the ie/Styles.css style sheet is used. You can change the
style definition for the tags as well as the classes for the CSS style sheets.
See “Style sheets” on page 308 for more information about the style sheet.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
򐂰 Images
You can modify the images used by the portal or create your own and add
them to the JSPs. banner.jpg is the background image used by the portal
banner. See “Image” on page 308 for an example of customizing the banner.
The portal allows end-users with appropriate privileges to customize their portal
experience by changing the layout of each page by selecting
Work with Pages -> Edit Layout and Content.
End users can customize the layout of the portlets. The portlets are contained in
a screen as shown in the following figure.
Figure 6-12 Portal page
The layout is quite complex for the HTML markup. We will therefore consider this
markup as other markups provide a simplified layout.
The overall layout of the portal is defined by the theme. The theme sets how the
pages look and where the screen component is located. The layout for the HTML
markup is defined by using nested tables.
To modify the page layout, the Java Server Pages files for the theme used, such
as Default.jsp and Banner.jsp, need be modified.
Inside the screen, the layout is set by the page manager or the end users using
the customizer.
The layout of the row and column is defined by the skins. Most companies will
use the default row and column resources for the HTML markup since it closely
matches the table layout defined by using the customizer.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The layout surrounding the portlet is also defined by the skin. To modify the
control layout, the skin resource Control.jsp needs to be modified.
The layout of the portlet content is defined by the portlet developers. Some
portlets use Java Server Pages to render the layout of the content. In such a
case, the JSP file could be modified to change the layout.
Customization example: changing the default page layout
A portal designer would like to change the layout of the portal. He would prefer
the navigation element to be Explorer as on the right of the portal content.
To experiment with the new design, we will create a test theme called Portal.
1. Create the folder Portal in the folder
2. Copy Default.jsp from the folder
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html into the new folder.
3. Open Default.jsp.
4. Change <%@ include file="./Head.jsp" %> to <%@ include
file="../Head.jsp" %> by adding a period after the quote since Head.jsp is
now in the folder one level up with respect to the location of the copied
5. Replace the top-level table and its content with the following source code.
Example 6-24 Source code for layout customization
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">
<td height="100%" valign="top">
<!-- new navigation-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#efefef">
<td nowrap>
My navigation
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">
<td nowrap>
<strong><wps:pageGroup attribute="name"/></strong>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<td nowrap>
&gt; <a href="<wps:urlParent/>"> <wps:page attribute="name"/></a>
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="no">
<td nowrap>
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>"><wps:pageGroup attribute="name"/></a>
<!--screen render-->
<td width="90%" height="100%" valign="top">
6. Add the new theme to the portal using Portal Administration -> Portal
Settings - Themes and Skins.
7. Create a new place and apply the new theme to it using Work with Pages ->
Places and pages.
8. Create a new page in the place and add a few portlets to it.
9. Activate the new page.
10.Select the new place in the navigation menu.
The following figure shows a new home page with the modified layout.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-13 Customized layout for the Welcome page
Typically, a theme provides users with two level of navigation. The first level
allows users to select a place. The second level allows users to select a page in
the previously selected place.
Selecting a place is done through the following drop-down menu for the portal.
Figure 6-14 Place selection in the Admin theme
The following source code fragment renders this drop-down menu.
Example 6-25 Source code for place menu selection
<select name="changePageGroupJSPCommand" onchange="this.form.submit ()">
<option value="<wps:urlParent/>"
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">selected</wps:if>>
<wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The <wps:pageGroupLoop> tag is used to loop through all the places available for
the user and the <wps:urlParent> tag provides the URL to navigate to each of
the places. Refer to 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386 for more information.
The selection of a page is done via by horizontal tabs for the default portal. The
following figure shows the tabs for the Portal Administration place.
Figure 6-15 Page selection in the default theme
The following source code fragment renders the tabs for the page selection.
Example 6-26 Source code for page selection
<%-- special code to tell which tab we are drawing --%>
boolean firstTab = true;
boolean previousTabIsSelected = false;
<wps:if pageSelected="yes">
<%-- selected page tab --%>
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" valign="top" ><img alt="" width="6" height="6"
align="top" border="0" src="<wps:urlFindInTheme
file='<%= "tab_angle" + bidiImageRTL + ".gif"%>'/>"></td>
<td class="wpsSelectedTab" nowrap height="19">
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>' class="wpsSelectedTab">
<wps:page attribute="title"/>
<% previousTabIsSelected = true; %>
<wps:if pageSelected="no">
<%-- non-selected page tab --%>
boolean addSeparator = true;
// turn off separator if this is the first tab being drawn
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
if (firstTab)
addSeparator = false;
firstTab = false;
// turn off separator if the previous tab was selected
if (previousTabIsSelected)
addSeparator = false;
previousTabIsSelected = false;
if (addSeparator) {
<td valign="middle">
<img alt="" align="absmiddle" width="9" height="9" border="0"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="tab_separator.gif"/>'>
<td class="wpsTabs" nowrap height="19">
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>' class="wpsTabs">
<wps:page attribute="title"/>
The <wps:pageLoop> tag is used to loop through all the pages available for the
user in the current place and the <wps:urlParent> tag provides the URL to
navigate to each of the pages. Refer 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386 for
more information.
The images such as tab_separator.gif and tab_angle.gif are used to build the
tabs. These images are resources of the theme. The images could be easily
The location of the navigation components could be changed by editing
Default.jsp and Banner.jsp. Also, the type of selection, such as menu selection or
tabs, could be modified by editing Banner.jsp.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
In the default theme, only the pages for the current selected places are
displayed. Example 6-24, “Source code for layout customization” on page 301
shows how to build a navigation component where all the pages for all the places
are displayed.
The pages of the Portal Administration place include a third level of navigation.
After selecting a place, and then a page, users can select a portlet to be
displayed. Tabs provide this third navigation element as illustrated in the
following figure for the Portal Settings page.
Figure 6-16 Portlet selection for the Portal Settings page
The Selector Portlet renders the portlet selection tabs for the pages. To use the
Portlet Selector, the following conditions should be met:
򐂰 The Selector Portlet should be the first portlet on the page (otherwise the tabs
might be displayed after the selected portlet)
򐂰 All the portlets on the page should use the NoSkin skin
򐂰 The portlets should be placed in a one column container
The Selector portlet uses the MVC pattern and therefore build its view using a
JSP file. This JSP file could be customized for the application layout and feel.
The file is located in the WebSphere Application Server directory
Note: It is recommended that you create a new Selector Portlet inheriting from
the current one when modifying the Java Server Pages.
The portal provides navigation to specific tasks by using controls. For example,
at the portal level, the following figure displays some of the controls such as
login, logout, enroll, and forgot password.
To remove or change the controls provided by the default theme, edit Banner.jsp
and modify the following part of the source code.
Example 6-27 Source code for profile management controls
<%-- forgot password button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="no" notScreen="ForgotPassword">
<td valign="middle">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<a href='<wps:url screen="ForgotPassword" home="public"/>'>
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_forgot_password.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.password" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="28" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.password" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
<%-- selfcare button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="yes" notScreen="SelfcareUserForm,SelfcareUserConf">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url command="PrepareSelfcare" reqid="no"/>'>
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_profile.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.selfcare" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="28" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.selfcare" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
<%-- enroll button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="no">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url command="PrepareEnrollment" home="public" reqid="no"/>'>
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_create_account.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.enrollment" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="26" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.enrollment" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
<%-- login button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="no" notScreen="Login">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url home="public" screen="Login"/>'>
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_login.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.login" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="25" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.login" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
<%-- logout button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url command="LogoutUser"/>'>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme
file='<%= "nav_logoff" + bidiImageRTL + ".gif" %>'/>"
alt='<wps:text key="link.logout" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="25" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.logout" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
The controls are placed on the page using the HTML image tag <img> in
Banner.jsp. The images used by the control are located in the theme directory
The location and the appearance of the controls could easily be modified by
editing Banner.jsp. Also, the control could be added to other navigation elements
such as the page selection element, as they are links to specific pages of the
portal. This is the design chosen for the YourCo portal built in 6.4, “Building a
virtual portal: the YourCo portal” on page 347.
Style sheets
Styles.css is the default style sheet. For Internet Explorer requests, the
ie/Styles.css style sheet is used.
The style sheets used by WebSphere Portal contain classes that can be used by
portlets to ensure visual consistency between portlets on the page. Using these
classes ensures that no matter what theme has been selected, the portlet’s look
and feel matches that of other portlets and the portal page.
You can examine the file Style.css to determine which classes to invoke in your
portlet inputs. The file includes comments explaining the use of each class.
Cascading Style Sheet provides an easy way to modify the look and feel of a
When displaying a page using the default theme, a banner is located at the top of
the page (see Figure 6-2). This same banner is used for all the pages of the
portal after the portal installation.
Figure 6-17 Banner for the default theme
A banner is a component of the look and feel of the overall portal. Therefore, it is
typically defined by the theme.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The resource files used to define the banner location and appearance for the
default theme are Banner.jpg and Banner.jsp. Banner.jpg is the image file for the
banner. Banner.jsp creates the HTML tags used to display the banner image.
Both files are located in the
PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/skins/markup/theme folder.
The banner is placed on the page by using the background attribute with the
value <wps:urlFindInTheme file="banner.jpg"/> for a <TD> cell in the file
Example 6-28 Source code to display the banner (Banner.jsp)
<%-- banner --%>
<td valign="middle" class="wpsPortalBanner"
background='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="banner.jpg"/>'>
Banner.jsp is used by Default.jsp, the entry JSP page for the Portal, by using a
JSP include directive for the file.
The <wps> tags, such as <wps:urlFindInTheme>, are defined in the tag library
engine.tld and are imported using <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld"
prefix="wps" %> in Default.jsp. The <wps> tags can be used to modify the layout
of the portal page. Please see 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on page 386 for more
The banner can be modified by designing a new banner, saving it in the theme
directory and then changing the JSP source code to reflect the new name of the
banner image file.
The location of the banner on the page can be changed by moving the
background attribute to another cell in Banner.jsp or even Default.jsp. The
background attribute could also be replaced with an image tag.
The overall layout of the page could be changed by modifying the top table
and/or the nested tables in both files to meet a desired layout.
Customization example: designing a new banner image
1. Open Banner.jpg in the PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html
directory using your favorite image editor.
2. Modify the image.
3. Save the new banner image under a different name such as mybanner.jpg in
the same directory.
4. Open Banner.jsp from PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html.
5. Change the name of Banner.jpg to that of the new banner .
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-29 Source code to display the new banner
<%-- banner --%>
<td valign="middle" class="wpsPortalBanner" background='<wps:urlFindInTheme
6. Open and save Default.jsp to trigger a reload of the include files.
The logo displayed by the default theme is located at the top left of the page (see
Figure 6-12), technically on the banner image. Visually, it is part of the banner.
The logo is placed on the page using the image tag <img [...]
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="logo.gif"/>'> in Banner.jsp.
Other images can be changed using the same techniques. The images are
typically in the following two directories (or their subdirectories):
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\images
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes.
Screens are JSPs invoked by the portal server for displaying various content.
The Home screen is most often displayed because it is used for the portlet
content area. Other screens include the Login and Error screens.
These screens can be customized by editing the JSP for each of them.
Figure 6-18 World Clock portlet with the Outline skin
The surrounding of a portlet can be customized by defining a new skin. A theme
has a default skin and this skin will be applied to all the portlets unless specified
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Control.jsp defines most of the elements of the skins: portlet title, portlet controls,
Customizing the skins involves modifying resources in the skin directory.
Language and resource bundles
Resource bundles are used to store text for several languages. In Portal Server,
resource bundles are located in AppServer\lib\app\nls. The naming convention
for resource bundles is [bundle]_[language]_[country]_[variant].properties.
The ISO standard ISO-639 is used for the language codes of most languages.
For Hebrew, the old language code iw is used. The ISO standard ISO-3166 is
used for the country codes. Portal Server supports the use of [variant], although
resource bundles supplied with the portal do not use it.
The portal uses the following resource bundles:
򐂰 button.properties
򐂰 engine.properties
򐂰 field.properties
򐂰 LocaleNames.properties
򐂰 problem.properties
򐂰 registration.properties
򐂰 titlebar.properties
򐂰 CSRes.properties
The file can have a language suffix corresponding to the locale, for example,
engine_es.properties for Spanish. WebSphere Portal searches for the resource
bundles in the following order:
1. [bundle]_[language]_[country]_[variant].properties
2. [bundle]_[language]_[country].properties
3. [bundle]_[language].properties
4. [bundle].properties
In WebSphere Portal, the default bundles [bundle].properties are in English. If
WebSphere Portal cannot determine the client locale, the default bundle is used.
The theme and skin Java Server Pages use the <wps:text> tag to retrieve the
text from the bundle. For example, <wps:text key="title"
bundle="nls.engine">Portal Title</wps:text> retrieves the portal title in
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Banner.jsp from the engine bundle. See 6.5.26, “<wps:text>” on page 403for
more information.
The text can be changed by editing the properties file and then restarting the
application server for WebSphere Portal.
Customization example: changing Sign Up to Enroll for the Enroll
1. Open engine.properties in AppServer\lib\app\nls.
2. Locate the key link.enrollment.
3. Change to link.enrollment = Enroll.
4. Save the file.
5. Repeat for engine_en.properties, and other language bundled if necessary.
6. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
Customization example: adding a resource bundle for a language
1. Copy an existing resource bundle and translate it .
2. Name the resource bundle according to the naming convention.
3. Restart WebSphere Application Serve.
Tip: Convert to Unicode with the Native-to-ASCII converter native2ascii which
comes as part of JDK. For more details on native2ascii, see
The portal supports Czech, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish,
Brazilian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Chinese, and Turkish.
The portal determines the language for rendering the portal content by a search
process according to the following sequence at login time.
1. If the user has logged in, the portal displays in the preferred language
selected by the user.
2. If no user language can be found, the portal looks for the language defined in
the user's browser and displays the content in that language.
3. If no browser language can be found, for example if the browser used does
not send a language, the portal resorts to its own default language.
4. If the user has a portlet which does not support any of the three languages
above, that portlet is shown in its own default language.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The sequence listed above describes the language selection process which is
applied for each user at logon time. For pages viewed by anonymous users, only
the last three steps for determining the language apply. This applies, for
example, before login and after logoff.
The installation panels for the portal installation use the language determined by
the locale of your system, for example the operating system on the server on
which the portal is installed. This language is also stored in
LocalizerService.properties after the installation as the default language for the
Customization example: changing the default language of the portal
1. Set the keys locale.default.language, locale.default.country, and
locale.default.variant in LocalizerService.properties to your locale identifier.
For instance, to change the default language to American English, specify en
and US for the language and country, respectively, for the first two parameters.
2. Restart WebSphere Portal
Note: The portal offers an interface to change the portal default language in
Portal Administration -> Portal Settings.
The portal uses resource bundles for all the languages it supports for portal level
text. Each portlet needs to provide its own support.
The text currently used for a language can be modified by editing the appropriate
resource bundle.
The title of the Portal is displayed in the browser caption by using the HTML title
tag <title><wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.engine">&lt;Page
Title&gt;</wps:text></title> in the Header.jsp, which is another JSP include
used by Default.jsp. The title is also used in the alt and title attributes for the
<IMG> tag for the logo in Banner.jsp.
The text displayed is defined in the file engine.properties, in the directory
was_root/lib/app/nls. For multilingual sites, the file can have a language suffix
corresponding to the locale, for example, engine_es.properties for Spanish.
Tip: In the property file, a short version of the title is also defined:
title=IBM WebSphere Portal
title.short=IBM WPS
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The portlet title is given by the portlet configuration or at runtime by the portlet
title listener. The location and appearance of the title can be customized by
editing the Control.jsp file.
The welcome message is displayed on the top right when a user has logged in:
<wps:text key="welcome" bundle="nls.engine">
<wps:textParam><wps:user attribute="fullName"/></wps:textParam>
The <wps:text> tags accepts parameters as described in 2.5.35, “<wps:text>” on
page 70 and in 2.5.36, “<wps:textParam>” on page 70.
Tip: The user tag could also be used to obtain the user ID, the user family
name as described in 2.5.46, “<wps:user>” on page 75.
Other pages
Licence agreement
The License Agreement file contain information that should be changed to
include the relevant content specific to the company portal. The file is located in
the PortalServer/html directory.
The licence information is displayed when a user click the privacy link from the
User Profile screen.
Example 6-30 Source code to display the link to the privacy page (UserProfileForm.jsp)
<wps:text key="enrollment.privacy" bundle="nls.registration">
<A href='<wps:urlFind file="privacy.html" />' target="_new" >
<wps:text key="enrollment.privacy.link"
The link could be removed or modified by editing the UserProfileForm.jsp from
the screen directory. The link could also be added to other screens by editing the
themes or screens resources.
The layout of the policy screen could be changed by editing the privacy.html file.
Privacy policy
The Privacy Policy file contains information that should be changed to include the
relevant content specific to your company. The file is located in
PortalServer/html. The licence information is displayed when a user click the
licence link from the User Profile screen.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-31 Source code to display the privacy link (UserProfileForm.jsp)
<a href='<wps:urlFind file="license.html"/> target="_new" >
<wps:text key="enrollment.license.link" bundle="nls.registration"></wps:text>
The link could be removed or modified by editing the UserProfileForm.jsp from
the screen directory. The link could also be added to other screens by editing the
themes or screens resources.
The layout of the policy screen could be changed by editing the licence.html file.
6.3.2 Advanced customization
Most companies will use the portal provided by WebSphere Portal as a basis for
their custom portal solution. Once the look and feel of the portal has been
changed to meet the company branding, companies may want to change and
update more advanced functionalities.
They may want to customize the Enrollment page by using different fields, or
remove the enrollment page completely, so users cannot enroll themselves. In
“Enrollment” on page 315, we show how to add attributes to the Enrollment page.
Companies may want to change the help provided by default with the portal to be
more specific to the company and to reflect the company branding. In “Portal and
InfoCenter help” on page 322, we show how to update the current help.
Companies may want to change other components as well. For example, they
may want to add a new client, such as the latest version of Netscape, and
provide specific markup that takes advantage of the new capabilities available for
this new browser. In “Clients” on page 333 and “Markups” on page 336, we show
how to add a new client and a new markup for the portal.
Immediately after the portal is installed and started, guests can register with the
portal by clicking the Enroll control.
The Enroll control is displayed as an icon on the Welcome page like the other
profile controls. This section discusses the enrollment process and
Guests can fill in their profile information, such as user ID, first and last names, to
become registered users for the portal.
They can optionally select the preferred language from a list of available
languages. The portal uses this language for this user and makes this
Chapter 6. Portal customization
information available to all portlets so that they can adapt their content to the
user language preference.
Users can also optionally select an interest which is used by the WebSphere
Personalization sample portlet to customize content. For details, see Chapter 10,
“Personalization” on page 501.
The configuration file puma.properties is used by the Registration process of the
Registration Servlet. It is located in the WAS_Root\lib\app\config directory. The
following example displays extracts from this file.
Example 6-32 Extracts of puma.properties
= com.ibm.wps.puma.SimpleUserValidator
puma.UID.min = 3
puma.UID.max = 60
puma.GIVEN_NAME.min = 1
puma.GIVEN_NAME.max = 60
puma.requiredUserAttributes = UID,PASSWORD,GIVENNAME,SN
puma.userProfileForm = UserProfileForm
puma.userProfileConf = UserProfileConf
puma.congrats = Congrats
puma.registrationError = RegistrationError
puma.commonname = {0} {1}
The key puma.UserValidator, for example, is used to specify the class that
validates the user information.
The following JSPs are defined for used by the registration commands during the
Registration process:
򐂰 UserProfileForm.jsp is used to enter or reenter user information such as user
ID, passwords and interests.
򐂰 UserProfileConf.jsp is used to review user information before registering the
user in the portal and saving the user data in LDAP and/or in the portal
򐂰 Congrats.jsp is displayed to confirm that the user is registered in the portal.
򐂰 RegistrationError.jsp is displayed if an error occurs.
The files are located in the PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\screens\html
directory for the HTML markup.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The screens defined for each command are theme-independent in the
sense that the same JSPs can be used by different themes. See “Screen” on
page 310 for more information.
The Registration JSPs can be expanded by adding new input fields. When
adding an attribute to the JSPs, a name such as wps.Name should be used, where
Name represents the name you specify.
If the attribute Name already exists in the user schema in the LDAP directory, as
mapped by the attributeMap.xml (PortalServer\wms\xml), the value the user
enters will be written to the LDAP directory.
Otherwise, the attribute name and value will be stored in the WebSphere Portal
or Member Service database, where the following limitations apply: the name
cannot be longer than 64 characters and the value cannot be longer than 255
Customization example: creating new attributes for the self care
In this example, we will add four attributes to the registration process: phone
number, gender, job title and job function. Phone number is available in LDAP
(homePhone), Gender is available in the WebSphere Membership Service
database (table:USERDEMO, field:GENDER). Job Function is available in the
attribute table for WMS (table: MBRATTRVAL). Job Title will not be defined in
these datasources and therefore will be saved in the WebSphere Portal
Note: This customization sample assumes an installation with LDAP for
member services, and not a custom registry or database only installation.
1. Open UserProfileForm.jsp (PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\screens\html).
2. Copy the source code for the mail field, as seen in the following example.
Example 6-33 Source code to add the new fields to UserProfileForm.jsp
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>">
<%= reqAttributes.contains("MAIL")?"*":"&nbsp;&nbsp;" %>
<td align="<%= bidiAlignLeft %>" class="wpsEditText">
<label for="wps.mail">
<wps:text key="person.email" bundle="nls.field" />
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<input dir="ltr" class="wpsEditField" type="text" name="wps.mail"
value='<%=userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("mail")%>' >
<td class="wpsFieldErrorText">
<wps:text key='<%= errorBean.getState("mail") %>'
bundle="nls.registration" />
For each field, paste the mail source code under the mail section and
substitute the values in the following table for the value in bold.
Table 6-4 Field name
Home Phone
Job Title
Job Function
3. Save UserProfileForm.jsp.
4. Open UserProfileConf.jsp.
5. Add the following source code under the mail equivalent source code.
Example 6-34 Source code to add the new fields to UserProfileConf.jsp
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>" class="wpsEditText">
<wps:text key="person.homePhone" bundle="nls.field" />
<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("homePhone") %>
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>" class="wpsEditText">
<wps:text key="person.gender" bundle="nls.field" />
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("gender") %>
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>" class="wpsEditText">
<wps:text key="person.JobTitle" bundle="nls.field" />
<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("JobTitle") %>
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>" class="wpsEditText">
<wps:text key="person.JobFunction" bundle="nls.field" />
<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("JobFunction") %>
6. Do the same for the following source code under the mail equivalent.
Example 6-35 Source code to add the hidden fields to UserProfileConf.jsp
<input type="hidden" name="wps.homePhone"
value='<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("homePhone") %>'>
<input type="hidden" name="wps.gender"
value='<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("gender") %>'>
<input type="hidden" name="wps.JobTitle"
value='<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("JobTitle") %>'>
<input type="hidden" name="wps.JobFunction"
value='<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("JobFunction") %>'>
7. Save UserProfileConf.jsp.
8. Add the following code to field.properties and other language bundles as
necessary (AppServer\lib\app\nls).
Example 6-36 Keys and text to add to the field bundle
person.homePhone = Phone:
person.gender = Gender:
person.JobTitle = Job Title:
person.JobFunction = Job Function:
9. Add the following code to registration.properties and other language bundles
as necessary (AppServer\lib\app\nls).
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-37 Registration.properties changes
homePhone = Phone:
gender = Gender:
JobTitle = Job Title:
JobFunction = Job Function:
homePhone.isEmpty=Please specify a valid e-mail address
homePhone.notValid=Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '.', '-', '_', '@'
homePhone.toShort=Length has to be at least 3 characters
homePhone.toLong=Length has to be up to 60 characters
gender.isEmpty=Please specify a valid gender
gender.notValid=Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '.', '-', '_', '@'
gender.toShort=Length has to be at least 1 characters
gender.toLong=Length has to be up to 10 characters
JobTitle.isEmpty=Please specify a valid job title
JobTitle.notValid=Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '.', '-', '_', '@'
JobTitle.toShort=Length has to be at least 1 characters
JobTitle.toLong=Length has to be up to 60 characters
JobFunction.isEmpty=Please specify a valid job function
JobFunction.notValid=Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '.', '-', '_', '@'
JobFunction.toShort=Length has to be at least 1 characters
JobFunction.toLong=Length has to be up to 60 characters
10.Add the following code to puma.properties to set the validation rules for the
new fields (AppServer\lib\app\config).
Example 6-38 Puma.properies changes
puma.HOMEPHONE.min = 3
puma.HOMEPHONE.max = 60
puma.GENDER.min = 1
puma.GENDER.max = 10
puma.JOBTITLE.min = 1
puma.JOBTITLE.max = 60
puma.JOBFUNCTION.min = 1
puma.JOBFUNCTION.max = 60
11.Modify um.properties to add the Member Service fields for
user.baseattributes (AppServer\lib\app\config). For example:
12.Modify attributeMap.xml to set the LDAP attribute for homePhone
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-39 homePhone mapping definition for attributeMap.xml
<objectAttribute attrName="homePhone"/>
<pluginAttribute name="homePhone" readOnly="false"/>
objectAttribute is the name of the attribute used in the Java Server Pages.
pluginAttributte is the name of the attribute in LDAP.
13.Restart WebSphere Application Server.
The form of the enrollment page should now display more fields, as illustrated in
the following figure.
Figure 6-19 Customized enrollment form
When enrolling a new user, the new field name should be saved in their
respective data source as indicated in the following table.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Table 6-5 Data source for each field
Field name (JSPs)
Portal and InfoCenter help
WebSphere Portal provides help information for users and administrators of the
portal. WebSphere portal provide three sets of help files: Portal help, InfoCenter,
and portlet help.
The portal help contains the following sections:
򐂰 Accessing your portal
This section provides information on logging in and out, editing a profile and
򐂰 Managing pages and places
This section explains how to create, delete and manage places and pages,
edit layout, set permissions, and choose skins.
򐂰 Administrating the portal
This section provides information on using the administration interface for the
portal, such as adding users and enabling tracing. It is intended for
administrators of the portal.
򐂰 Design a portal
򐂰 Troubleshooting the portal.
The following screen shot shows the portal help screen.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-20 Portal help
This information is accessed from the help link in the portal navigation bar. The
Help link is defined in Banner.jsp.
Example 6-40 Source code to display the help link (Banner.jsp)
<%-- help button --%>
<td valign="middle">
<a href="<%= wpsDocURL %>/InfoCenter/help_index.html" \
target="PortalHelpWindow" onClick="javascript:
window.open('<%= wpsDocURL %>/InfoCenter/help_index.html',
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_help.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.help" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="20" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.help" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The help page should be customized to reflect the content of an organization's
portal and information about it. For example, to prevent access to administrative
information, the link could be changed to access another set of help files, or
simply removed.
The location of the Help link on the page could be easily changed. The icon is
displayed using nav_help.gif in the theme directory and the text is retrieved using
the link.key key from the resource engine.property.
The portal help is a collection of HTML and image files. The existing help files are
located in the PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/doc/locale/InfoCenter directory.
The entry help file help_index.html sets the frames for the banner, navigation,
and help content. help_NavBar.html renders the table of contents for the help
using a Java applet. The java applet NavBar.class reads the table of content
from the file helpnavtext.txt given as a parameter as shown in the following
source code fragment.
Example 6-41 Source code to display the table of content from help_navBar.html
<applet code="NavBar.class" name="NavBar"
archive="NavBar.jar" width="500" height="2500"
alt="Your browser is not configured to run Java applets
or does not support this Java applet. Click the link
to the HTML-format table of contents for the Portal Help.">
<param name="bkColor" value="969696" />
<param name="fgColor" value="000000" />
<param name="rolloverColor" value="0000ff" />
<param name="selectionColor" value="0000ff" />
<param name="parentTopics" value="yes" />
<param name="indent" value="13" />
<param name="textFile" value="helpnavText.txt" />
<!-- No applet support -->
Your browser is not configured to run Java applets or
does not support this Java applet.
Please refer to the
<!-- Link to HTML toc -->
<a href="help_htmltoc.html">HTML Table of Contents</a>
in order to navigate the help set.
If the browser isn’t configured to display applets, the HTML file help_htmltoc.html
is used instead.
When adding new help content, the table of contents in the files helpnavText.txt
and help_htmltoc.html needs to be updated with links to the new files.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The original help is available in multiple languages. If the Portal implementation
requires support for multiple languages, any new files created will need to be
translated and added to each locale supported.
WebSphere Portal also comes with the InfoCenter help. This help is available in
the PDF format or the HTML format in the same directory:
The InfoCenter can be started by opening the index.html file in this directory. The
following screen shows the InfoCenter help.
Figure 6-21 InfoCenter help
The InfoCenter help uses the same mechanism for its table of content as the
portal help with the files navText.txt and htmltoc.html.
Although neither help tool is implemented with JavaHelp, both use the standard
JavaHelp search, encapsulated in an applet for use from a Web browser.
When performing a search with the portal help, by default, both InfoCenter and
the portal help are searched. The search scope and index can be updated by
using JavaHelp (see http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp).
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Tip: When editing the original help files, it is wise to create a backup copy of
the original help before making any changes.
Customization example: adding a new help page for the bookmark
1. Copy the file accessingPortal.html under the name usingPorta.html
in PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\doc\en\InfoCenter\help.
2. Delete the content inside the <body> tags and insert the following lines.
Example 6-42 Body for the new help file (accessingWithDevices.html)
<h2>&nbsp;Accessing your portal with devices&nbsp;</h2>
<p>The portal supports three markup languages:
<li>HTML, for desktop computers and some personal digital assistants,
<li>WML, for WAP devices, which are typically mobile phones,
<li>cHTML, for mobile devices in the NTT DoCoMo iMode network.
<p>You can access the portal by using devices supporting these markups
by just using the portal URL with your device
3. Save the file under the name accessingWithDevices.html.
4. Open helpnavText.txt.
5. The following example shows how to add a new help page for the bookmark
Example 6-43 Update to the table of content in helpnavtext.txt
<1>Accessing with devices<F1><help/accessingWithDevices.html>
<1>Working with pages<F1><help/customizing.html>
6. Save helpNavText.txt.
7. Open help_htmltoc.html.
8. Inserted the bolded text.
Example 6-44 Update to the table of content in helpnavtext.txt
<td WIDTH=11>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=4>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<a class="nav"
href="help/accessing_portal.html#browsers" target="Main">
<a class="nav" href="help/accessingWithDevices.html"
<strong>Accessing with devices</strong>
9. Save help_htmltoc.html.
10.Stop and restart the IBM HTTP Server.
The page has been added to the portal help and is now accessible:
Figure 6-22 Accessing with devices new help page
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The index for the Search functionality on the page includes the InfoCenter and
the portal page help. In the following example, we build a new index to include
the new page and containing only the help for the portal.
Customization example: Creating a new index with the new page
and restricted to the portal help pages
1. Install JavaHelp from Sun (http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp).
2. Add the JavaHelp\jh1.1.3\javahelp\bin directory to your path.
3. Copy search.list under the name searchPortal.list.
4. Open and edit searchPortal.list to keep only the portal files.
5. Add the new help page created in the previous customization example.
Example 6-45 Content of seachPortal list
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
File help/troubleshooting.html
File help/vault.html
File help/webservices.html
File help/web_clipping.html
File help/welcome_help.html
StopWordsFile stopwords_en.list
6. Save the file searchPortal.list.
7. Run the DOS command:
jhindexer -c searchPortal.list -db wps_portal_search
The new folder wps_portal_search should be created in the
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\doc\en\InfoCenter directory.
8. Open the file help_search.html.
9. Change the searchdbdir parameter for Search applet to :
<param name="searchdbdir" value="wps_portal_search" />
10.Stop and restart the IBM HTTP Server.
The following results are now displayed when searching for WML.
Figure 6-23 Customized help search
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Note: If the portal supports many language, the same modifications should be
done for each language.
Portlet help
Most of the Portlets also provides help information. For example, the following
figure displays the help for the World Clock portlet.
Figure 6-24 World Clock help pop-up
The Help page for a portlet will typically be built by a JSP file in the portlet
directory. In the World Clock portlet example, the JSP file is located in
worldclock\html and could be edited.
The skin applied to the portlet will define whether the help link is displayed in the
title bar. The skin templates such as Control.jsp could be modified to change the
layout, appearance and functionality of the help link for the portlets. The link is
currently specified by the following source code.
Example 6-46 Source code to display the portlet help link
<wps:portletHelp newWindow="true">
<a href="javascript: window.open('<wps:urlParent/>',
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="12" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_help.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Customization example: opening the portlet help in the same
1. Open Control.jsp from PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html .
2. Update the source code in Example 6-46 to the following version.
Example 6-47 Source code to display the portlet help in the same window
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="12" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_help.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
Clicking the help control should now display the help in the same window as
illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 6-25 World Clock help in the same window
To support a new language, the file language.properties needs be edited. The file
is located in the directory AppServer\lib\app\config and its content is displayed in
the following example.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-48 Content of language.properties
# @copyright properties
#Sat Jun 22 01:51:12 CEST 2002
A new entry for the language should be created by using the language letter
acronym. The max.count value also needs to be changed to reflect the number
of languages.
Then, all the resource bundles need to be translated in the new languages and
saved using the two letters for the language, as well as the resources bundles
and the source code, where applicable, for the portlets.
Customization example: adding French Canadian to the portal
1. Open language.properties in AppServer\lib\app\confi.
2. Add a new language such as language.15=fr_CA.
3. Modify the language count max.count=15.
4. Save the file.
5. Open registration.properties in AppServer\lib\app\nls.
6. Add the key fr_CA=French Canadian next to the other language keys.
This should be done for all the registration resources.
7. Save the file.
8. Add a new entry in the LANGUAGE table in the WebSphere Portal database
using the following SQK statement:
t) VALUES ( -25,'fr_CA','fr','FR','ISO8859-1','iso-8859-1')
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Now, a user could select French Canadian for his preferred language.
The following source code can be implemented in Default.jsp to test the new
Example 6-49 Source code to test adding a language
<wps:if locale="fr_CA">
Your locale is set to French Canadian
During the operation of the portal site, you may discover that some users have
upgraded their browser, and that the new browser has certain HTML
requirements. Or, you could get a request to support a new mobile phone that
has special WML requirements.
In either case, you can add support for the client to the portal site. If the new
client requires markup that is not supported by the portal site, then you first
define support for the new markup. See “Markups” on page 336 for more
To add a new client, you first need to find its user agent signature. This is the
user agent that is used for the HTTP request.
There are several ways to find the user agent for a client. One way is to log the
HTTP request with the user agent property with the WebServer.
Tip: To log the HTTP request with IBM HTTP Server, open the configuration
file http.conf in the IBM HTTP Server conf directory, comment the line
CustomLog logs/access.log common, uncomment the line #CustomLog
Logs/access.log common, and restart HTTP Server.
For Netscape 7.0, selecting About Netscape provides the Netscape user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.1)
Gecko/20020823 Netscape/7.0.
WebSphere Portal uses the list of clients installed by default with SetupPortal.xml
to match the user agent with a pattern from this list. See 6.2.2, “Portal resources”
on page 271 for more information.
.*Mozilla/5..* is the first pattern matching Netscape 7.0 in the list of clients
installed. Therefore, Netscape 7.0 is considered to be equivalent to Netscape
6.0. Netscape 6.0 is defined as follows.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-50 Netscape 6.0 definition in SetupPortal.xml
<client action="update" handle="Navigator.3" manufacturer="Netscape"
markup="html" markup-version="ns6" name="Navigator"
ordinal="300" version="6.x">
<client-capability update="set">HTML_4_0</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_IFRAME</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_FRAME</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_NESTED_TABLE</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_2_0</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_JAVASCRIPT</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_3_2</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_3_0</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_JAVA</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_CSS</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">HTML_TABLE</client-capability>
<client-capability update="set">FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER</client-capability>
We might want to create a new entry for Netscape 7.0 so we can provide a
different resource to Netscape 7.0 compared to previous Netscape browsers.
This entry will have a new markup version: ns7. Once defined, we can use this
markup version to create a set of resource specific to Netscape 7.0.
Customization example: adding a new client (Netscape 7.0)
To add a new client, we can use the Administration portal.
1. Log in to the portal with administrative rights.
2. Select Portal Administration -> Portal Settings -> Manage Clients.
3. Select Add new client.
4. Enter the following information for each field:
Table 6-6 Netscape 7.0 configuration information
Field name
User agent
Markup version
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Field name
after Opera/4.*
Now we can create a resource specific to Netscape 7.0 to check the
Customization example: creating a resource for a specific client
We will create an banner image specific to Netscape 7.0. Netscape 7.0 was
created with the markup version ns7. This name has to be used for the directory
for the resources specific to Netscape 7.0.
1. Create the folder ns7 under PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html.
2. Copy the file banner.jpg from the folder
PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html to the ns7 folder.
3. Open the image copied in the ns7 folder with your favorite image editor.
4. Add some text to the banner, for example Netscape 7.
5. Save the file.
When connecting with Netscape 7.0, the user can see the new banner.
A new client may have a new functionality not available to other clients. We might
want to take advantage of this new functionality in our source code. In the
following customization example, we will add a new functionality to Netscape 7.0
and modify the source code to display a message when this functionality is
available from the client.
Customization example: adding and using a client functionality
To define a new functionality, we can use the Administration portal.
1. Log in to the portal.
2. Select Administration -> Portal Settings -> Manage Clients.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
3. Select Netscape 7.
4. Click Edit-> Select Client.
6. Save.
7. Log out of the portal.
8. Open Default.jsp in the theme/html directory.
9. Add the following source code to one of the JSP resource, such as
Example 6-51 Source code to use the new functionality
<wps:if capableOf="NEW_BROWSER_CAPABILITY">
Your client is capable for the new functionality
10.Restart WebSphere Portal.
Connect to the portal using Netscape 7.0; you should see the following message:
Your client is capable for the new functionality’
WebSphere Portal supports HTML, WML, and cHTML markup languages. If you
want to define another markup language to support, you must ensure that you
have portlets that provide markup for the language. In addition, you need to
create a subdirectory for the markup in each of the following locations:
򐂰 PortalServer/wps.ear/wps.war/app/screens
򐂰 PortalServer/wps.ear/wps.war/app/themes
򐂰 PortalServer/wps.ear/wps.war/app/skins
Customization example: adding a new markup to the portal
An application UIBuilder would like to connect to the portal to retrieve information
about the portal places, pages, and portlets. A new markup language is designed
by the XML team for the communication between WebSphere Portal and
UIBuilder. The Portal Definition Markup Languageis also known as PDML.
1. Create a new folder (pdml) in the theme directory.
2. In this folder, create the resource Default.jsp with the following content:
Example 6-52 Default.jsp for the PDML markup
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<place <wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">selected="yes"</wps:if>>
<name><wps:pageGroup attribute="name"/></name>
<page <wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">selected="yes"</wps:if>>
<name><wps:page attribute="name"/></name>
3. Create a new folder (pdml) in the screen directory.
4. In this folder, create the resource Home.jsp with the following content:
Example 6-53 Home.jsp for the PDML markup
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<wps:if pageAvailable="no" pageGroupAvailable="no">
<warning><wps:text key="error.nopagegroup" bundle="nls.engine"/></warning>
<wps:if pageAvailable="no" pageGroupAvailable="yes">
<warning><wps:text key="error.nopagegroup" bundle="nls.engine"/></warning>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
5. Create a new folder (pdml) in the skin directory.
6. In this folder, create the resource RowContainer.jsp with the following content.
Example 6-54 RowContainer.jsp for the PDML markup
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<component type="row">
7. tIn this folder, create the resource ColumContainer.jsp with the following
Example 6-55 ColumnContainer.jsp for the PDML markup
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<component type="column">
8. In this folder, create the resource Control.jsp with the following content.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-56 Control.jsp for the PDML markup
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<component type="control">
9. Use the administration place to add the new markup to the portal site. Make
sure that the markup name that you add is the same as the subdirectory
name that you used for the markup. You can add markup by clicking Portal
settings -> Manage Settings and using the following settings.
Table 6-7 Settings for the pdml markup
Field name
Markup name
Default character set
10.Activate the new markup.
11.Restart WebSphere Portal.
To test the new markup, we need a client to connect to WebSphere Portal
supporting the pdml markup and at least one portlet on a page supporting the
1. To map one of the client to the new markup, for example Netscape 7.0, use
Manage Clients; select the desired client and set pdml as the markup for the
2. Create a portlet that supports the new pdlm markup.
The portlet renders both HTML and PDML markups. The result of the PDML
markup is <content>This is Test PDML Portlet sample for
3. Install the portlet using the Administration interface.
4. Set the permissions settings for the portlet. Anonymous users should be able
to view the portlet application and the portlet.
5. Add a new Place and page by clicking Work with Pages -> Manage Places
and Pages. Make the pdml markup available for both.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
6. Add the portlet to the page.
7. Connect using your PDML client. Example 6-57 illustrates what you would get
when invoking the portal from a device supporting PDML.
Example 6-57 PDML sample results
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<place selected="yes">
<page selected="yes">
<component type="row">
<component type="column">
<component type="control">
<title>Hello pdml Portlet portlet</title>
<content>This is Hello pdml sample for pdml.</content>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
6.3.3 WebSphere Portal Extend
WebSphere Portal comes with a Bookmark functionality that allows place
managers to define a list of bookmarks available for a place. It also comes with a
Find functionality that provides a link to a search functionality defined at the
WebSphere Portal level.
WebSphere Portal Extend provides a Bookmark functionality, allowing users with
manage access for a place to define a list of bookmarks for it. A page belonging
to such a place will display a bookmark link. A user can click the link to display a
pop-up window showing a list of predefined bookmarks. Bookmarks can be
internal to WebSphere Portal, such a link to another page, or external, such as a
link to a Web site on the Internet.
Figure 6-26 Bookmark link and pop-up
Note: Some themes do not include the bookmark link, so the link and the
pop-up window will not be available in these themes.
The bookmark list is defined by using Manage Places and Pages -> Define
Bookmark List for a selected place by a place manager.
The Bookmark link is located on the right of the menu selection for places in the
default theme. The following source code shows the definition of the link in
Example 6-58 Source code to display the bookmark link (Banner.jsp)
<%-- bookmark --%>
<a href="#" [...] onClick="w=window.open('<%=wpsBaseURL%>/extend/
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<img align="absmiddle"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="bookmarks.gif"/>' border="0">
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
<wps:text key="bookmarks" bundle="nls.engine"/>
The icon is displayed using bookmarks.gif from the theme directory. The text
displayed is retrieved from the resource file engine.property using the bookmarks
key. See “Language and resource bundles” on page 311 for more information.
The location of the Bookmark link on the page could easily be changed by
moving the source code to another location in Banner.jsp or Default.jsp. The text
and icon could also easily be changed.
Customization example: removing the text and moving the icon to
the right of the page selection tab
1. Edit Banner.jsp in the PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html
2. Cut the following source code from Banner.jsp.
Example 6-59 Source code to cut from Banner.jsp
<td class="wpsToolbar" align="<%=bidiAlignLeft%>" nowrap>
<%-- bookmark --%>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"
<img align="absmiddle" src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="bookmarks.gif"/>'
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
<wps:text key="bookmarks" bundle="nls.engine"/>
<td class="wpsToolbar">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
3. Paste the source code in the cell displaying the tab stripes.
4. Modify the source code to remove the Bookmark text as in the following
Example 6-60 Source code to display the modified bookmark link
<td height="18" background='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="tab_stripes.jpg"/>'>
<%-- bookmark --%>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"
<img align="absmiddle" src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="bookmarks.gif"/>'
5. Open and save Default.jsp to force a reload of the include file Banner.jsp.
The bookmark icon should now be displayed to the right of the Welcome page
tab as illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 6-27 Customized bookmark link
The layout of the pop-up window can also be customized by modifying the
bookmarks.jsp in PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\extend. The images used
for the pop-up window are part of the WebSphere Portal image resource located
in PortalServer/images.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Customization example: displaying the internal links first and then
the external links
This is an alternative to mixing the links and showing a different type of arrow for
each of them.
1. Open the Bookmarks.jsp file from PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\extend.
2. Change the source code to display first the local links and then the external
links, as follows.
Example 6-61 Source code for the new pop-up
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
boolean hasItems = false;
int cnt = 0;
Iterator i = folder.getItems().iterator();
boolean hasDisplayedTitle = false;
while (i.hasNext()) {
hasItems = true;
Bookmark b = (Bookmark) i.next();
if (b.isLocal()) {
if (!hasDisplayedTitle) {
hasDisplayedTitle = true;
<td nowrap style="font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt; margin: 0;">
Local Links
<td nowrap style="font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt; margin: 0;">
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"
<img src="../images/admin/task_right.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
i = folder.getItems().iterator();
hasDisplayedTitle = false;
while (i.hasNext()) {
hasItems = true;
Bookmark b = (Bookmark) i.next();
if (!b.isLocal()) {
if (!hasDisplayedTitle) {
hasDisplayedTitle = true;
<td nowrap style="font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt; margin: 0;">
External Links
<td nowrap style="font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 9pt; margin: 0;">
<a href="<%=b.getUrl()%>" target="_blank"
<img src="../images/admin/task_right.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
if (!hasItems) { ...
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The bookmark pop-up should now display the local bookmarks first and then the
external bookmarks, as in the following figure.
Figure 6-28 Customized bookmark pop-up
WebSphere Portal Extend provides a Find functionality allowing a Portal
administrator to define a URL that will be opened when users click the Find link.
Portal Administrators can define this URL by using the administration interface
(Portal Administration -> Portal Settings) or by editing the config.properties
file in AppServer\lib\app\config\services. If no URL is defined, the link will not be
Note: Some themes do not include the Find link, so the link will not be
available in these themes.
The Find icon and text are located on the right of the Bookmark link for the pages
using the default theme (see Figure 6-2).
The following source code extract shows how the link is constructed in
Example 6-62 Source code for Find (Banner.jsp)
<%-- find --%>
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>" style="text-decoration:none"
title="<wps:text key='link.find' bundle='nls.engine'/>"
<img align="absmiddle"
src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file='task_show_info.gif'/>"
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
<wps:text key="link.find" bundle="nls.engine"/>
The location and appearance of the Find link on the page can easily be changed.
The icon is displayed using task_show_info.gif in the theme directory and the text
is retrieved using the link.find key from the resource engine.property. See
“Bookmarks” on page 341 for a customization example.
6.4 Building a virtual portal: the YourCo portal
Some companies will already have an existing Web application and will want to
portalize it to simplify the application development and maintenance.
We show how to build a custom portal by portalizing the YourCo application
provided with WebSphere Application Server. This section is a step-by-step
guide to building a custom portal.
6.4.1 YourCo sample overview
The YourCo sample is provided by WebSphere Application Server. The following
figure shows some of the windows of the application.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Figure 6-29 WebSphere Application Server YourCo
The YourCo application provides a public view with some applications (White
pages, YourCo news) and an Employee view (Employee Center) restricted to
Employees can personalize their intranet view, search databases for company
jobs and personnel information, schedule meetings in conference rooms, and
manage their vacation time.
WebSphere Portal Toolkit Portlets Application provides five sample portlets for
the YourCo application. WebSphere Studio Application Developer makes these
portlets available as example projects.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-30 Sample YourCo portlets provided by WebSphere Portal Toolkit
Note: The portlets provided with WebSphere Portal Toolkit use a different
database than the YourCo application provided by WebSphere Application
6.4.2 Building the YourCo portal
Building the YourCo portal involves building the resources for the portal: theme,
screen, skin, bundles.
YourCo theme
Defining the YourCo theme involves creating a subdirectory in the theme
directory where all the theme resources will be created.
For now, the YourCo portal will deliver content to HTML aware clients only.
Therefore, the YourCo theme will be created in the html markup directory.
1. Create a new theme directory named YourCo in the HTML themes directory:
The new theme directory will include the overall portal Cascading StyleSheet,
the Java Server Pages files, and the images used by the theme.
The WebSphere Application Server YourCo is using a style sheet to define
the font for the Body and TD tag. As the predefined portal defines classes that
Chapter 6. Portal customization
might be used by commercially available portlets, the default Cascading Style
Sheet will be used as the starting point to create the YourCo stylesheet.
2. Copy the stylesheet Styles.css from the default theme directory
(PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html) to the YourCo theme
directory (PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\YourCo).
The YourCo sample application uses the stylesheet YourCo.css from the
AppServer\installedApps\Samples.ear\theme.war directory. The following
example provides the stylesheet definition.
Example 6-63 YourCo sample Stylesheet YourCo.css
BODY{font-family : Verdana,sans-serif;}
TD{font-family : Verdana,sans-serif;}
The YourCo.css stylesheet defines the font family for the <body> and <td>
3. Open Styles.css.
4. Change the font size to from 12 pt to 10 pt by replacing font-size: 12pt with
font-size: 10pt.
5. Change the font family by replacing font-family: sans-serif with
font-family: verdana, sans-serif.
6. Save Styles.css.
The YourCo application is using a banner and a background image. These
images are part of the look and feel of the YourCo portal, and therefore
should be copied to the YourCo theme directory. Others images that will be
used later need to be copied also.
7. Copy the following images from the YourCo WebSphere Application Server
directory (App_server/InstalledApps/Samples.ear/theme.war) to the YourCo
theme directory.
– bg.gif
– topBanner.gif
– button.gif
– buttonDWN.gif
– horzLine.gif
– twistcb.gif
The entry Java Server page for the YourCo portal is Default.jsp in the theme
directory. This page defines the overall layout of the portal.
8. Create a new file Default.jsp in the YourCo theme directory with the content
from the following example.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-64 Starting Default.jsp for the YourCo theme
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.yourco"/>
<link href='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="Styles.css"/>'
rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
background="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="bg.gif"/>">
<table width="620 border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="0" height=”100%”>
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="topBanner.gif"/>" border="0"
alt="<wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.yourco"/>
align="bottom" width="607" height="46">
<td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Default.jsp defines the top level <table> used for the page layout. This table
contains two rows: one for the banner and one for the screen components
displayed by the <wps:screenRender> JSP tag. The layout obtained is
illustrated in the following figure.
Home Screen
Figure 6-31 Layout defined by Default.jsp
Note: It is recommended that you reduce white space and use the
nontransferable JSP comment format (<%-- --%>) as opposed to the HTML
comment format (<!-- -->) in the JSP. In this sample portal, we use space to
make the source code easier to understand and HTML comment to provide
information on the client in the HTML.
9. Save Default.jsp without closing your editor; we will modify the file in the
following steps.
Default.jsp uses the engine tag library. See 6.5, “JSP tags reference” on
page 386 for more information about the library.
Default.jsp uses the <wps:urlFindInTheme> tag to get the URL for the
stylesheet and images. It is good practice to use this tag to get the URL of the
resources used by the Java Server Pages since it allows you to replace the
resource for a specific browser or locale.
Default.jsp uses the <wps:text> tag to support multilanguages. Even though
the YourCo portal isn’t required to provide content in several languages, it is a
good practice not to include the text in the Java Server Page source code and
to use a bundle instead.
Default.jsp uses <wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.yourco"/> to retrieve
the text for the title. Therefore, we need to create a bundle for YourCo.
10.Create the file yourco.properties in the directory AppServer\lib\app\nls by
copying the content in the following example.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-65 YourCo resource bundle
title=YourCo Portal
11.Restart WebSphere Application Server for the changes to be loaded.
Now, we need to build the navigation elements for the portal. The portal
designer decided to display the page navigation under the banner as in the
original YourCo application.
12.Add the following source code to Default.jsp below the closing </tr> for the
Example 6-66 Source code for page navigation
<!--page navigation-->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<wps:if pageSelected="yes">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="buttonDWN.gif"/>"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<wps:page attribute="title"/>
<wps:if pageSelected="no">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="button.gif"/>"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>">
<wps:page attribute="title"/>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The portal designer decided to display the place navigation at the bottom of
the page like some of the links in the original YourCo application.
13.Add the following source code to Default.jsp above the closing </table>.
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="horzLine.gif"/>" border="0">
<!--place navigation-->
<wps:if pageGroupAvailable="yes">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="twistcb.gif"/>"
width="12" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">
<wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/>
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="no">
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>">
<wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
14.Save Default.jsp.
Portal configuration
We would like to view the current portal with the new theme. We need to create
the YourCo place and apply the YourCo theme to it.
1. Log in to the portal with administrative privileges.
2. Add the YourCo theme to the portal by clicking Portal Administration ->
PortalSettings -> Themes and Skins as illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 6-32 Adding the YourCo theme
Note: Make sure the Theme directory name matches exactly the directory
created for YourCo in the theme directory.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The theme is now available for use by places.
We need to create the YourCo place with the YourCo pages. The portal
designer decided to initially build four pages for the YourCo portal: Home,
White Pages, Let’s Meet, and Help Wanted. Home and White Pages will be
available to all users, whereas Let’s Meet and Help Wanted will be only
available only to YourCo employees.
3. Create a new place named YourCo by clicking Work with Pages-> Manage
Places and Pages. Select the YourCo theme for this new place and the html
markup only as illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 6-33 Adding the YourCo theme
4. Move the YourCo place before the default Home place by clicking Order all
5. Add the four YourCo pages to the YourCo place in the following order:
a. Home
b. White Pages
c. Let’s Meet
d. Help Wanted
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The YourCo pages use only one column and initially will be available only for
the HTML markup.
The following figure illustrates the settings to add the Home page.
Figure 6-34 Adding the YourCo Home page
The YourCo portlets are provided by the WebSphere Portal toolkit, and they
should be installed. The YourCo portlets are now added to the pages.
YourCo Expiring HTML and YourCo Survey will be on the Home page.
YourCo expiring HTML will be available to all users, whereas YourCo Survey
will only be available to authenticated users.
The White Pages page will contain both YourCo White Pages portlets. The
Let’s Meet page will contain the YourCo Meeting Reservation portlet. The
Help Wanted page will contain the YourCo Job Search portlet.
6. Add the portlets to their respective pages as indicated in the following table by
clicking Work with Pages -> Edit Layout and Content.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Table 6-8 Pages and portlets layout for YourCo
YourCo Expiring HTML and YourCo Survey
White Pages
YourCo White Page and YourCo White Pages Results
Let’s Meet
YourCo Meeting Reservation
Help Wanted
YourCo Job Search
The following figure shows the portal screen after adding the YourCo expiring
HTML and YourCo Survey portlets to the Home page.
Figure 6-35 Adding the Home page portlets
Tip: Make sure to activate the page after adding the portlets.
Finally, we need to set the permissions for the place, the pages and the
portlet applications.
7. Set the following security settings by clicking Portal Administration ->
Security -> Access Control List.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Anonymous users
Table 6-9 Permission setting for Anonymous users
White Pages
YourCo Expiring HTML
YourCo White Page
YourCo White Pages
Authenticated users
Table 6-10 Permission settings for authenticated users
White Pages
Let’s Meet
Help Wanted
YourCo Expiring HTML
YourCo Survey
YourCo White Page
YourCo White Pages
YourCo Meeting
YourCo Job Search
The following figure illustrates the settings for anonymous users for places
and pages.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Figure 6-36 Permissions settings for Anonymous users
8. Log out.
The following figure displays the current YourCo portal available to Anonymous
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-37 Current YourCo Home page
Tip: Click the Home place using the link at the bottom of the page to move
back to the Welcome page where the login functionality is available.
User login and logout
Employees need to be able to log in and log out of the portal. We first need to
add a login/logout link to the portal pages.
For this purpose, you will need to add a link to the login page if the user isn’t
logged in.
1. Open Default.jsp.
2. Add the following source code under the closing tag </wps:pageLoop>.
Example 6-67 Source code for the Login and Logout Controls
<!--Login link-->
<wps:if loggedIn="no" notScreen="Login">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="button.gif"/>"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url home="public" screen="Login"/>'>
<wps:text key="login" bundle="nls.yourco"/>
<!--Logout link-->
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file="button.gif"/>"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url command="LogoutUser"/>'>
<wps:text key="logout" bundle="nls.yourco"/>
3. Save Default.jsp.
Default.jsp uses two more resources from the YourCo bundle: login and
logout. Therefore, we need to add these resources to the YourCo bundle.
4. Open the file yourco.properties in the directory AppServer\lib\app\nls.
5. Add the new keys to the YourCo bundle. The following example shows the
current content of the bundle.
Example 6-68 Current YourCo resource bundle
title=YourCo Portal
login.title=YourCo Employee Center Login
login.description=For sample purposes, use one of the username and password
combinations below. Employees and managers have different authority, which
affects the options and data shown on some pages.
The login.title and login.description will be used later when creating th elogin
page for the YourCo portal.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Although the login.description value displays on several lines here, it should
be saved as one line in the property file.
6. Save yourco.properties.
7. Restart WebSphere Application Server for the changes to be loaded.
Now, the Home page should include a link to the login page when the user is not
authenticated and a link to log out when the user is logged in.
YourCo screen
The login screen should also be changed to match the look and feel of the
YourCo portal.The Home screen can remain the same. Screens are independent
of the themes.
Modify the Login screen to replace the default login screen for all places and
Note: It is recommended that you back up the default Login screen before
making the following modifications.
1. Back up the file Login.jsp in the screens directory for the HTML markup
2. Create a new Login.jsp screen by using the following source code.
Example 6-69 YourCo login.jsp
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%-- @copyright jsp --%>
<%@ page import="com.ibm.wps.command.portalsettings.*, com.ibm.wps.command.*,
java.util.*, com.ibm.wps.engine.Tracker" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<wps:constants />
<wps:import rundata="rundata"/>
<jsp:useBean id="errorBean" class="com.ibm.wps.auth.ErrorBean" scope="request"
<form method="POST" action='<wps:url command="LoginUser"/>'
enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="LoginPage">
<!--login title-->
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td align="center">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<wps:text key="login.title" bundle="nls.yourco"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td align="center" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="0">
if (errorBean.getCause() != null)
<td class="wpsEditText" colspan="2">
<div class="wpsFieldErrorText">
if ( errorBean.getCause().equals("passwordInvalid") )
<wps:text key="error.pwdinvalid" bundle="nls.engine" />
else if ( errorBean.getCause().equals("userIDInvalid") )
<wps:text key="error.uidinvalid" bundle="nls.engine" />
else if ( errorBean.getCause().equals("loginInvalid") )
<wps:text key="error.logininvalid" bundle="nls.engine" />
<td colspan="2">
<wps:text key="enrollment.main.title" bundle="nls.registration"/>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td rowspan="4">
<td align="left" class="wpsEditText">
<label for="userid">
<wps:text key="userid" bundle="nls.field"/>
<input class="wpsFieldText" size="16"
value='<%= rundata.getParameters().
getString("userid", "") %>'
name="userid" type="text">
<td align="left" class="wpsEditText">
<label for="password">
<wps:text key="password" bundle="nls.field"/>
<input class="wpsFieldText" size="16"
value="" name="password" type="password">
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="button" name="Submit"
id="<wps:text bundle="nls.button" key="login"/>"
value="<wps:text bundle="nls.button" key="login"/>"
onClick="document.LoginPage.submit(); return false;">
<input type="button" name="Cancel"
id="<wps:text bundle="nls.registration"
key="button.cancel" />" value="<wps:text
bundle="nls.registration" key="button.cancel" />"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
'<wps:url home='public' reqid='no'/>'); return false;">
<script language="JavaScript">
The Login page should now look like that shown in the following figure.
Figure 6-38 YourCo login page
The Home screen and the error-related screens, such as Error and
ErrorNotLoggedOut, are theme-independent in their construction and therefore
don’t require a change to match the YourCo theme.
The ForgetPassword and Sign-up related screens, such as UserProfileForm and
UserProfileConfig, are not used by the current implementation of the YourCo
portal, and therefore won’t be updated to match the YourCo look and feel.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
YourCo skin
Defining your own skin involves creating a subdirectory in
PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/skin/markup/ and creating the supporting
resources within that directory.
The Java Server Pages resources for skins are RowContainer.jsp,
ColumnContainer.jsp, and Control.jsp. RowContainer.jsp and
ColumnContainer.jsp are fine.
However, Control.jsp needs to be updated to reflect the YourCo look and feel.
1. Create a directory for the YourCo skin in
2. Create the Control.jsp file by using the following source code.
Example 6-70 YourCo Control.jsp source code
<%@ page session="false" buffer="none" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
<% String borderColor="#006699"; %>
<!--framing table to allow space-->
<table width="100%"
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">height="100%"</wps:if>
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
<table width="100%"
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">height="100%"</wps:if>
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wpsPortletBody">
<!--top border-->
<tr height="1">
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<tr height="1">
<!--title left border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<!--title bar-->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<!--portlet title-->
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" width="100%" nowrap
align="left" valign="middle">
<wps:problem bundle="nls.problem"/>
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" nowrap
align="right" valign="middle">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_minheight.gif"/>'>
<!--back control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="12" height="16"
src="<wps:urlFindInTheme file='title_back.gif'/>"
alt='<wps:text key="back" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="back" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<!--Configure control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_configure.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="configure" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="configure"
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<!--Edit control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_edit.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="edit" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="edit" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<!--Help control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="12" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_help.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="help" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<!--Minimize control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_minimize.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="minimize" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="minimize" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<!--Restore control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_restore.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="restore" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="restore" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<!--Maximize control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_maximize.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="maximize" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="maximize" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<!--Restore control-->
<a href='<wps:urlParent/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="16"
src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="title_restore.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="restore" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'
title='<wps:text key="restore" bundle="nls.titlebar"/>'>
<!--title right border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<tr height="100%">
<!--portlet left border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<!--portlet content-->
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0"
cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<td class="wpsPortletBack" valign="top">
<font COLOR="red">
<wps:problem bundle="nls.problem"/>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<!--portlet right border-->
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<!--Bottom border-->
<tr height="1">
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
<td bgcolor="<%=borderColor%>" width="1" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"
We will change the classes in the theme Cascading Style Sheet Styles.css to
implement the YourCo look and feel for the portlet skin.
3. Open Styles.css from the YourCo theme directory.
4. Modify the style for the wpsPortletTitle and wpsPortletBack as shown in the
following example.
Example 6-71 Classes modified for the YourCo skin
/* portlet title text style */
.wpsPortletTitle { background-color: #006699; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight:
bold; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }
/* standard portlet background */
.wpsPortletBack { background-color: #99CCFF; }
5. Save Styles.css.
6. Stop and restart IBM HTTP Server.
7. Log in to the portal with administrative rights.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
8. Add the skin to WebSphere Portal by clicking Portal Administration ->
Portal settings -> Themes and Skins.
9. Apply the new skin to the YourCo theme by editing the YourCo theme and
adding the YourCo theme as the default skin for the theme as shown in the
following figure.
10.Log out.
Figure 6-39 Adding the YourCo theme
The following figure displays the current YourCo portal available to Anonymous
users with the YourCo theme and the YourCo skin.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-40 YourCo Home page with YourCo theme and skin
6.4.3 Adding features to the YourCo portal
Themes and skins use preview images to display the theme and the skin when
selecting them while customizing hte portal.
Theme preview
1. Capture the page area of your Web browser for the YourCo Home page.
2. Edit the image captured in your favorite image editor.
3. Add a black border around the image.
4. Resize the image to a size of 300x225.
5. Save the image in the YourCo theme directory.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Figure 6-41 YourCo theme preview.gif
The following figure illustrates the use of the theme preview.
Figure 6-42 Use of YourCo theme preview
Skin preview
1. Capture the portlet area of your Web browser for the YourCo Home page.
2. Edit the image captured in your favorite image editor.
3. Resize the image to a size of 307x159.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
4. Remove the portlet content and title.
5. Type <....> at the portlet title location.
6. Resize the image to a size of 307x159.
7. Save the image in the YourCo skin directory.
Figure 6-43 YourCo skin preview.gif
YourCo is expanding in France. The employee portal therefore needs to support
French as well as English.
We will make the portal available in French.
1. Copy the resource bundle yourco.properties to yourco_fr.properties in the
AppServer\lib\app\nls directory.
2. Translate the values for each keys as indicated in the following example.
Example 6-72 Content for yourco_fr.properties
title=YourCo Potail
login = Connexion
logout = D\u00e9connexion
login.title=Connexion pour le personnel
login.description=Pour ce prototype, utilisez un ID utilisateur et un mot de
passe ci-dessous. L'acc\u00e8s aux fonctionalit\u00e9s du portail est
determin\u00e9 par la function de l'utilisateur.
We now need to define the locale for the places and pages created as indicated
in the following table.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Table 6-11 French title for the YourCo place and pages
French title
White Pages
Pages blanches
Let’s meet
Help wanted
Offres d’emploi
3. Log in to the portal with administrative rights.
4. Add the locale for places and page by selecting Work with Pages -> Manage
Places and Pages -> Select the YourCo place -> Manage Pages.
5. For each page, select the page and click Manage Page Properties -> Set
locale specific title. Select French and click Set Title for the selected locale,
then enter the locale for French and save.
6. Log out.
We also need to change the banner to reflect the French title.
1. Create a new subdirectory named fr in the YourCo theme directory.
2. Copy the Banner file topBanner.gif from the YourCo directory to the fr
3. Open the copied file using your favorite image editor.
4. Change the title in the banner from Your Company to Votre Société.
5. Save the image file.
Now, the YourCo portal should support both French and English. To check the
result, create a user with the language set to French for its profile. The Home
page should display like the following figure.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 6-44 French version of the YourCo portal
As you can notice from the previous picture, the portlets were already supporting
Collaboration services
WebSphere Portal Extend includes collaboration services. To use the
collaboration portlets, we need to initialize the people service and the menu
1. Open Default.jsp from the theme directory.
2. Add the tag libraries shown in the following example under the reference to
the wps tag library (<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld"
prefix="wps" %>).
Example 6-73 Source code for the collaboration services tag libraries
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/menu.tld" prefix="menu" %>
3. Add the menu and people initialization code shown in the following example
under the closing </head> tag.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-74 Source code to initialize the collaboration services
<!-- Lotus Collaborative Services -->
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
<menu:menuinit> initializes the menu service that adds menus to the
Collaborative Components applications.
The <pa:peopleinit/> tag determines whether Sametime or Discovery
Server, or both, are enabled to work with Portal Server and generates the
correct HTML and JavaScript for initializing Sametime or enabling Discovery
Server, or both.
4. Add the people service finalization code shown in the following example
before the closing </body> tag.
Example 6-75 Source code to finalize the people service
<wps:if loggedIn="yes">
The following files and folders have been created to build the YourCo portal:
򐂰 AppServer\lib\app\nls
– yourco.properties
– yourco_fr.properties
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\screens\html
– Login.jsp
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\YourCo
– Control.jsp
– preview.gif
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\YourCo
– bg.gif
– button.gif
– buttonDWN.gif
– Default.jsp
– horzLine.gif
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
– preview.gif
– Styles.css
– topBanner.gif
– twistcb.gif
򐂰 PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\YourCo\fr
– topBanner.gif
WebSphere Portal generates the following source code when a user connects to
the YourCo Home page.
Example 6-76 YourCoHome page source code
<title>YourCo Portal</title>
<link href='/wps/themes/html/YourCo/Styles.css'
rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
<!-- Lotus Collaborative Services -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
<table width="620 border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="0" height=”100%”>
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/topBanner.gif" border="0"
alt="YourCo Portal"
align="bottom" width="607" height="46">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<!--page navigation-->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/buttonDWN.gif"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/button.gif"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<a href="/wps/portal/.cmd/ChangePage/.pa/128/
White Pages
<!--Login link-->
<td valign="middle" align="left" width="25">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/button.gif"
width="20" height="20" border="0">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='/wps/portal/.scr/Login'>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top">
<!--Home begin -->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<!--Page Render -->
<!--Row Container Begin-->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
align="center" border="0">
<tr height="100%">
<td valign="top" >
<!--Column Container Begin-->
<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0" align="center" border="0">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<!--framing table to allow space-->
<table width="100%" height="100%"
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
<table width="100%" height="100%"
border="0" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0" class="wpsPortletBody">
<!--top border-->
<tr height="1">
<td bgcolor="#006699"
width="1" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<td bgcolor="#006699" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1"
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<tr height="1">
<!--title left border-->
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<!--title bar-->
<table width="100%" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<!--portlet title-->
<td class="wpsPortletTitle"
width="100%" nowrap
align="left" valign="middle">
YourCo Expiring HTML
- Sample portlet
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" nowrap
align="right" valign="middle">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<!--title right border-->
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<tr height="100%">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<!--portlet left border-->
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<!--portlet content-->
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<table width="100%" height="100%"
cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<td class="wpsPortletBack"
<--portlet rendering-->
<table height="310">
<td rowspan="2" valign="top" align="left">
<font size="+2"
PM edition
<font size="+1">
YourCo afternoon news
<font size="-1">
YourCo stock soars. <br>
This page is displayed by an ExpiringHTML portlet. The portlet checks
the current time and chooses either the morning news or the afternoon news.<br>
<font size="-1">
To see the Breakfast Edition, you will have to check the news before
12 noon.
<td rowspan="2" width="20"></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<table width="200">
<td valign="top" align="center">
<img src="/wps/WPS_PA_197/images/photo01.jpg" border="0"
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<td align="center"><i><font size="-2">
Looking skyward from the YourCo home office - Anywhere, USA.
<!--portlet right border-->
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<!--Bottom border-->
<tr height="1">
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1"
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<td bgcolor="#006699" height="1">
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
<td bgcolor="#006699" width="1"
<img alt="" border="0" width="1"
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<!--Column Container End-->
<!--Row Container End-->
<!--Page Render End -->
<!--Home end -->
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/horzLine.gif" border="0">
<!--place navigation-->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/twistcb.gif"
width="12" border="0">
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/twistcb.gif"
width="12" border="0">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<a href="/wps/portal/.cmd/ChangePageGroup/.pagr/103/.reqid/0">
<!--finalize people service-->
6.5 JSP tags reference
This section describes the most common tags for use in the skin and theme Java
Server Pages. These tags can be used to modify the layout of the portal page.
To use the tags ib the JSP, the reference to the taglib should be included at the
Note: See the product InfoCenter for a complete description of the tags used
for Java Server Pages.
beginning of the file:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/engine.tld" prefix="wps" %>
The corresponding taglib file is named engine.tld and can be found in the
PortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF/tld directory.
The prefix used in the JSP file is typically wps for this taglib and therefore will be
used in this section.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: When an attribute is required, it will be displayed as
attribute="required", when optional, as attribute="optional".
This section describes the tags provided by the Extend version of the Portal. The
corresponding taglib file is named extend.tld and can be found in the
ServerPortalServer/app/wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF/tld directory.
To use the tags ib the JSP, the reference to the taglib should be included at the
beginning of the file:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/extend.tld" prefix="extend" %>
6.5.1 <wps:bidi>
<wps:bidi dir="rtl|ltr" attribute="portlet|page|pagegroup">
Some languages support text from right to left instead of right to left. This tag is
used to support text for both directions. The following example shows a typical
use of this tag for the portal.
Example 6-77 Source code for sample use of <bidi>
<wps:bidi dir="rtl">
bidiAlignRight = "left";
bidiAlignLeft = "right";
bidiImageRight = "Left";
bidiImageLeft = "Right";
= "_rtl";
align="right" attribute
align="left" attribute
adding "Right" to a graphic name
adding "Left" to a graphic name
adding _rtl to a graphic
When the locale of the user requesting the page is defined to be a BIDI locale,
the content of the <bidi> tag will be evaluated. Otherwise, the content of the tag
is ignored.
The languages that are BIDI locale are defined in the file language.properties
from the AppServer\lib\app\config directory.
The locale for the user is defined by the user preferences, the browser settings,
or the portal default. See “Language and resource bundles” on page 311 for
more information.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
When this is set to rtl, the tag content is evaluated only if the user locale is
defined to be a BIDI locale.
When this is set to ltr, the tag content is evaluated only if the user locale is not
defined to be a BIDI locale.
When the attribute is set to pagegroup, the content of the <bidi> tag will be
evaluated only when the locale used to for the place title is a BIDI locale when it
is set to rtl, or isn’t a BIDI locale when it is set to ltr. When used like that, the
tag must be called inside a <wps:pageGroupLoop> tag.
When the attribute is set to page or portlet, the title considered is the page or
the portlet title, respectively.
For attribute="page", this tag must be called inside a <wps:pageLoop> tag. For
attribute="portlet", this tag must be used in Control.jsp.
The tag content is evaluated if the locale is a BIDI locale.
Note: The is attribute is deprecated and is replaced by the dir attribute. The
locale attribute is also deprecated.
6.5.2 <wps:componentLoop>
<wps:componentLoop id="component">
This tag is used by the aggregation components to iterate through all the
components defined for a container. The following example shows its use in the
default RowContainer.jsp:
Example 6-78 Source code illustrating <wps:componentLoop> (RowContainer.jsp)
<wps:componentLoop id="component">
<td valign="top" <wps:width/>>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The id attribute is optional. It should always be set to component in the current
This tag is only used in RowContainer.jsp and ColumnContainer.jsp.
6.5.3 <wps:componentRender>
The tag renders the component in the context of <wps:componentLoop>. This tag
can only be used within a <wps:componentLoop> tag.
If the component is a row container, the aggregation engine calls
RowContainer.jsp to render the component. If the component is a column
container, the aggregation engine calls ColumnContainer.jsp to render the
component. If the component is a control, the aggregation engine calls
Control.jsp to render the compoment.
See Example 6-78 for an example of the use of ComponentRender.
6.5.4 <wps:constants>
This tag set three constants to be used on the page: wpsBaseURL, wpsTheme,
and wpsDocUrl. It should be used at the beginning of a page for the constants to
be used afterwards.
wpsBaseURL returns the fully qualified base URL for WebSphere Portal.
Banner.jsp uses wpsBaseURL to retrieve the dot.gif image in <img src='<%=
wpsBaseURL %>/images/dot.gif' >.
wpsTheme returns the theme applied to the current page.
wpsDocURL returns the fully qualified URL for the Help documents. For
example, <%= wpsDocURL %>/InfoCenter/help_index.html returns the link to the
Help entry page in Banner.jsp. The returned link depends on the locale defined
for the user.
6.5.5 <wps:date>
<wps:date pattern=”value” style=”long|medium|short”>
This tag writes the current date depending on the user's locale and the style
The Corporate, Engineering, and Science them provided by WebSphere Portal
use <wps:date style="long"/> to display the date.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The following table displays a set of examples for the english locale.
Table 6-12 <wps:date> examples
style value
August 30, 2002
Aug 30, 2002
Refer to the description of the SimpleDateFormat class in the JDK API
documentation for details at the following link:
6.5.6 <wps:if>
<wps:if capableOf=”value” locale=”value” loggedIn=”yes|no”
newWindow=”yes|no” notLocale=”value” notScreen=”value”
pageAvailable=”value” pageAvailableNext=”yes|no”
pageAvailablePrevious=”yes|no” pageCompletelyActive=”yes|no”
pageGroupAvailable=”yes|no” pageGroupSelected=”yes|no”
pageSelected=”yes|no” portletMaximized=”yes|no”
portletState=”maximized|minimized|normal” problem=”value”
resumeLevel=”value” resumeOption=”value” screen=”value” >
Through the attributes of this tag, several conditions can be checked. If all the
conditions are true, the content of the tag is written to the page. Otherwise the
content is skipped.
For example, the tag in the following example displays its content only if the user
is logged in and the current page is the Home page.
Example 6-79 Source code sample for <wps:if>
<wps:if loggedIn="yes" screen="Home,LoggedIn">
<!-- content area -->
An attribute can have several values separated by a comma. In such cases, if
one of the values is valid, then the condition is met. The following example from
Banner.jsp displays the content if the screen screen is one of the three screens
and the current place is available:
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-80 Source code sample for <wps:if> with multivalued attribute
<wps:if pageGroupAvailable="yes" screen="Home,LoggedIn,LoggedOut">
<!-- content area -->
The following looks at each of the possible attributes:
򐂰 capableOf="capability"
This attribute checks whether the client requesting the page supports the
specified capability. The capability can be one of the following values.
– HTML_2_0
– HTML_3_0
– HTML_3_2
– HTML_4_0
– WML_1_0
– WML_1_2
The values can be extented by the client definition as illustrated in “Clients” on
page 333.
򐂰 locale="locale"
This attribute checks whether the locale of the client is that of the specified
locale (or subtype of the specified locale). You can specify a comma
separated list, such as en, en_US.
Example 6-81 Source code illustrating the locale attribute(UserProfileConf.jsp)
<wps:if locale="ja,ko,zh,zh_TW">
<td align="<%= bidiAlignRight %>" class="wpsEditText">
<wps:text key="person.givenname" bundle="nls.field"/>
<%= userWrapper.getAttributeNotNull("givenName") %>
Chapter 6. Portal customization
The content of the tag is written only when the locale is one of the specified
values (or subtype of the specified locale).
򐂰 loggedIn="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the user is logged in. For example, in
Banner.jsp, the following code displays an enrollment icon when the user is
not logged in.
Example 6-82 Source code sample for loogedIn=”no”
<%-- enroll button --%>
<wps:if loggedIn="no">
<td valign="middle">
<a href='<wps:url command="PrepareEnrollment" home="public" reqid="no"/>'>
<img src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="nav_create_account.gif"/>'
alt='<wps:text key="link.enrollment" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="26" height="25"
title='<wps:text key="link.enrollment" bundle="nls.engine"/>'></a>
򐂰 newWindow="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the current control is rendered in a separate
browser window from the portal.
򐂰 notLocale="value"
This attribute checks whether the locale of the client is not that of the
specified locale (or subtype of the specified locale). You can specify a comma
separated list, such as en, en_US. For example, UserProfileConf.jsp uses
<wps:if notLocale="ja,ko,zh,zh_TW">.
򐂰 notScreen="value"
This attribute checks whether the current screen is not of a certain value.
Multiple screen names separated by a comma can be provided. For example,
Banner.jsp uses <wps:if notScreen="Home,LoggedIn,LoggedOut">.
򐂰 pageAvailable="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether a page is available. For example, this tag is
used in Home.jsp to determine if a page is available before starting
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-83 Source code sample fro pageAvailable=”yes”
<wps:if pageAvailable="yes">
򐂰 pageAvailableNext="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether a next page is available. In Banner.jsp, this
condition is used to render a scroll icon to provide paging between a set of
򐂰 pageAvailablePrevious="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether a previous page is available.
The following example from Banner.jsp illustrates the use of
pageAvailableNext and pageAvailablePrevious.
Example 6-84 Source code sample for paging (Banner.jsp)
<wps:pageLoopShift by="-6">
<wps:if pageAvailablePrevious="yes">
<a href='<wps:url type="parent"/>'>
<img src='<wps:url type="base"/>images/themes/<wps:theme/>/tab_prev.gif'
alt='<wps:text key="link.scrolltableft" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="14" height="14"></a>
<wps:if pageAvailablePrevious="no">
<img src='<wps:url type="base"/>images/themes/<wps:theme/>/tab_prev_dis.gif'
alt='<wps:text key="link.scrolltableft" bundle="nls.engine"/>'
border="0" align="absmiddle" width="14" height="14">
򐂰 pageCompletelyActive="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the page and its parents (places) are active.
Pages can be deactivated using Work with pages. The following example
from Home.jsp displays a message if the page is not active.
Example 6-85 Source code sample for pageCompletelyActive (Banner.jsp)
<wps:if pageCompletelyActive="no">
<p align="center" class="wpsFieldErrorText">
Chapter 6. Portal customization
<wps:text key="info.pagenotcompletelyactive" bundle="nls.engine"/>
򐂰 pageGroupAvailable="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the current place is available. Places can be
deactivated using Work with pages.
򐂰 pageGroupSelected="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the currently place is the selected one. This
attribute has to be used in the context of a <wps:pageGroupLoop> . See 6.5.9,
“<wps:pageGroupLoop>” on page 397 for an example.
򐂰 pageSelected="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether a page is selected as the actual page. IThis
attribute has to be used in the context of a <wps:pageLoop>. See 6.5.10,
“<wps:pageLoop>” on page 398 for an example.
򐂰 portletMaximized="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the portlet is maximized. This attribute is only
used in Control.jsp .
򐂰 portletMode="edit|view|configure|help"
This attribute checks whether the current portlet supports the requested
mode. This attribute is only used in Control.jsp .
򐂰 portletState="maximized|minimized|normal"
This attribute checks whether the portlet is in the indicated state. Portlet
states are "normal", "maximized", and "minimized".
For example, in Control.jsp, the following source code renders the portlet
content only when the portlet state is normal or maximized.
Example 6-86 Source code sample for portletState (Control.jsp)
<wps:if portletState="Normal,Maximized">
<td width="100%" valign="top" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<font color="red">
<wps:error bundle="nls.error"/>
򐂰 problem="value"
This attribute checks whether the error specified as attribute occured. The
predefined errors are:
– userid.invalid
– password.invalid
– portlet.not.active
– portlet.not.available
– portlet.not.authorized
– portlet.title.not.available
򐂰 resumeLevel="value"
This attribute checks whether the WebSphere Portal setting for the level on
which that persistent session should operate has the provided value.
򐂰 resumeOption="yes|no"
This attribute checks whether the WebSphere Portal setting for users to
resume the session has the provided value.
The following fragment shows the configuration file for the resume level and
Example 6-87 Sample configuration for resume level and option
# Determines the level that persistent session should operate on
0 -> do not use persistent window state
1 -> use persistent window state, but start with the default page
2 -> use persistent window state and start with the page the user visited
before logging out
# Default: 2
Chapter 6. Portal customization
persistent.session.level =0
# Determines whether the user get the option to resume the session
0 -> the user has no option to resume or not resume as the case may be
1 -> the user is presented with an option to resume the session at login
# Default: 1
persistent.session.option =0
The file ConfigService.properties located in AppServer\lib\app\config\services
sets the configuration for resume option and level.
The following illustrates the use of both attributes in Login.jsp.
Example 6-88 Source code illustrating use of resumeLevel and resumeOption
<wps:if resumeLevel="1,2" resumeOption="no">
<%-- hide and check resume session checkbox - user has no choice --%>
<input type="hidden" value="true" name="resumeSession">
<wps:if resumeLevel="1,2" resumeOption="yes">
<%-- user is allowed to resume the prior session at their option --%>
<%-- show the checkbox unchecked --%>
<input value="true" name="resumeSession" type=checkbox>
<label for="resumeSession">
<wps:text key="resume" bundle="nls.field" />
<wps:if resumeLevel="0">
<%-- user is not allowed to resume. Do not generate the checkbox --%>
򐂰 screen="value"
This attribute checks whether one of the values provided is the current screen
name. For example, in Banner.jsp, this attribute is used to display the Layout
tab only when the user is customizing the layout and content of the portal
page. See Example 6-79 for details.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The error attribute is deprecated and has been replaced by the
problem attribute. The notCapableOf attribute is deprecated, the <wps:unless>
tag should be used instead.
6.5.7 <wps:page>
<wps:page attribute="name|id|title">
This tag returns the value for the provided attribute (name, identifier, and title) for
the current page. It can only be used inside a <wps:pageLoop> tag.
Banner.jsp uses <wps:page attribute="title"/> to write the name of the page
for each tab. When getting the page title, the tag will return a value depending on
the locale of the client.
6.5.8 <wps:pageGroup>
<pageGroup attribute="name|title|id">
This tag returns the value for the provided attribute (name, identifier, and title) for
the current place. It can only be used inside a <wps:pageGroupLoop> tag.
Banner.jsp uses <wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/> to write the name of the
place for each <option> in the pull-down menu.
The title returned is locale-dependent.
When getting the place title, the tag will return a value depending on the locale of
the client.
6.5.9 <wps:pageGroupLoop>
<wps:pageGroupLoop screen="value">
The body of this tag is executed for each place available for the user.
The attribute identifies the name of the screen for which the loop will execute.
The following example shows how selectPageGroup.jsp uses the tag.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Example 6-89 Source code sample for <wps:pageProupLoop>
<wps:pageGroupLoop screen="SelectPage">
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="yes">
<strong><wps:pageGroup attribute="name"/></strong>
<wps:pageLoopInit max="99"/>
<p align="center">
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>">
<wps:page attribute="name"/>
<wps:if pageGroupSelected="no">
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>">
+<wps:pageGroup attribute="name"/>
6.5.10 <wps:pageLoop>
This loops through all of the user's pages. It is possible to set the maximum
number of pages displayed by using the <wps:pageLoopInit> tag. The body of
this tag is evaluated until no more pages are available or the value of the max
attribute is reached when <wps:pageLoopInit> is used.
Example 6-90 Source code sample for <wps:pageLoop>
<wps:if pageSelected="yes">
<%-- selected page tab --%>
<!-- Markup to render the selected tab different from other tabs -->
<wps:if pageSelected="no">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<%-- non-selected page tab --%>
<!-- markup for all other tabs -->
<TD><IMG alt="" src='<wps:url type="base"/>images/dot.gif' border="0"></TD>
6.5.11 <wps:pageLoopInit>
<wps:pageLoopInit max="value">
This tag sets the maximum number of page <wps:pageLoop> can iterate through.
For example, in Banner.jsp, <wps:pageLoopInit max="7"/> sets the maximum
number of tabs displayed to 7. If the user has defined more pages, then the
portal must provide markup to enable the user to access the tabs for those
pages. These are rendered with the use of <wps:pageLoopShift> and
pageAvailablePrevious and pageAvailableNext attributes of the <wps:if> tag.
6.5.12 <wps:pageLoopShift>
<wps:pageLoopShift by="value">
This tag prepares the URL for page loop shifts. If the navigation is to display only
a subset of page tabs, the displayed subset needs to be shifted to the left or right.
6.5.13 <wps:pageRender>
<wps:pageRender includeBeginPage="yes|no" includeEndPage="yes|no">
This tag is used in the screen resources to render the screen components. This
tag can only be used once on a portal page.
The includeBeginPage and includeEndPage attributes indicate whether the
portlet container should invoke portlets' beginPage() and endPage() methods.
Note: Many commercially available portlets are implementating the
beginPage and endPage methods. It is therefore strongly recommended to
set the attributes to yes, which is the default.
6.5.14 <wps:portletBack>
The content of the tag is rendered when a back mode is available for the portlet
in the current request context. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
This tag is used in Control.jsp for rendering the Back button in the title bar to
allow the user to return to a previous mode. The content of this tag includes a link
(rendered as <wps:urlParent>) and an icon image. The link for taking the portlet
back is generated depending on the portlet's current window state.
Example 6-91 Source code sample for <wps:portletBack> (Control.jsp)
<a href='<wps:url type="parent"/>'>
<img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="18"
src='<wps:url type="base"/>images/themes/<wps:theme/>/title_back.gif'
alt='<wps:text key="link.portlet.back" bundle="nls.engine"/>'>
6.5.15 <wps:portletConfigure>
<wps:portletConfigure newWindow="true|false|yes|no">
The content of the tag is rendered when a configure mode is available for the
portlet for the current user. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
In Control,jsp, the content of this tag includes a link (rendered as
<wps:urlParent>) and an icon image.
The newWindow attribute indicates that the portlet help should be rendered in a
new browser window. The default is "no" or "false".
6.5.16 <wps:portletEdit>
<wps:portletEdit newWindow="true|false|yes|no">
The content of the tag is rendered when a configure mode is available for the
portlet for the current user. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
In Control,jsp, the content of this tag includes a link (rendered as
<wps:urlParent>) and an icon image. T
The newWindow attribute indicates that, for HTML, the portlet help should be
rendered in a new browser window. The default is "no" or "false".
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
6.5.17 <wps:portletHelp>
<wps:portletHelp newWindow="true|false|yes|no">
The content of the tag is rendered when a help mode is available for the portlet.
This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
In Control,jsp, the content of this tag includes a link (rendered as
<wps:urlParent>) and an icon image.
The newWindow attribute indicates that, for HTML, the portlet help should be
rendered in a new browser window. The default is "no" or "false".
6.5.18 <wps:portletID>
This tag retrieve the instance ID of the current portlet. This tag should only be
used in Control.jsp.
6.5.19 <wps:portletMaximize>
The content of the tag is rendered when a maximize mode is available for the
portlet. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
This tag is used in Control.jsp for rendering the maximize button in the title bar to
allow the user to maximize the portlet. The content of this tag includes a link
(rendered as <wps:urlParent>) and an icon image.
6.5.20 <wps:portletMinimize>
The content of the tag is rendered when a minimize mode is available for the
portlet. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
This tag is used in Control.jsp for rendering the Minimize button in the title bar to
allow the user to minimize the portlet. The content of this tag includes a link
(rendered as <wps:urlParent>) and an icon image.
6.5.21 <wps:portletRender>
This tag render the current portlet by calling the render() method of the
corresponding portlet. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
If a portlet is not active or deactivated, the body of the tag is executed and a
corresponding message can be shown with the problem tag, or other error
handling can be implemented. The body of the tag could hold further JSP code.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
See the <wps:problem> tag for an example of how this tag is used in Control.jsp.
6.5.22 <wps:portletRestore>
The content of the tag is rendered when the current mode of the portlet is
minimized or maximized. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
This tag is used in Control.jsp for rendering the Restore button in the title bar to
allow the user to restore the portlet to its original state. The content of this tag
includes a link (rendered as <wps:urlParent>) and an icon image.
6.5.23 <wps:portletTitle>
<wps:portletTitle id=”value”>
This tag writes the title for a portlet. The title returned is locale-dependent.
The content of the tag is evaluated only if problems occur during the processing
and may be used for error processing.
In the follwoing example from Control.jsp, the title is displayed to the left side of
each portlet's title bar.
Example 6-92 Source code example for <wpd:portletTitlte>
<td class="wpsPortletTitle" width="100%" nowrap
align="left" valign="middle">
<wps:error bundle="nls.error"/>
6.5.24 <wps:problem>
<wps:problem bundle="bundle">
This is similar to the <wps:text> tag, where the key for the text in the bundle is
taken from the problem indicator.
This tag can only be used inside the <wps:portletRender> tag in Control.jsp .
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Example 6-93 Source code sample for <wps:problem>
<font color="red">
<wps:problem bundle="nls.problem"/>
6.5.25 <wps:screenRender/>
This tag renders the current screen. Screens include Home (default), Login, etc.
This tag can only be used once on a portal page.
Example 6-94 Source code sample for <wps:screenRender> (Default.jsp)
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="100%" height="100%">
<td width="100%" height="1" valign="top">
<%@ include file="./Banner.jsp" %>
<td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top">
6.5.26 <wps:text>
<wps:text key="value" bundle="value">
This tag returns the text for a given key in the specified language. The key
indicates a resource in the property file, indicated by bundle. Both attributes are
For example, in Banner.jsp, this tag is used to generate the alt text for the banner
image using <img alt='<wps:text key="title" bundle="nls.engine">Portal
Title</wps:text>' src='<wps:urlFindInTheme file="logo.gif"/>'>.
The value of the title key can be found in the appropriate resource bundle
nls.engine. See “Language and resource bundles” on page 311 for more
Chapter 6. Portal customization
6.5.27 <wps:textParam>
If the text that is retrieved contains placeholders in the form of "{0}", "{1}", "{2}",
etc., the value for these can be set using this tag.
The text to be substituted for the placeholders needs to be entered as content for
this tag. It can even be an expression.
For example, the welcome parameter in a resource bundle is set as follows:
welcome = Welcome {0}!. The value of the <wps:textParam> tag in the call to
retrieve this key is written in place of the {0}. The following example shows the
call to retrive the Welcome message.
Example 6-95 Source code sample for <wps:textParam>
<wps:text key="welcome" bundle="nls.engine">
6.5.28 <wps:time>
<wps:time style=”long|medium|short”>
This tag returns the current time depending on the user's locale and the style
The following table displays a set of examples for the english locale.
Table 6-13 <wps:time> examples
style value
2:42:21 PM GMT+2:00
2:42:09 PM
2:42 PM
6.5.29 <wps:unless>
<wps:unless capableOf=”value” locale=”value” loggedIn=”yes|no”
newWindow=”yes|no” pageAvailable=”value” pageAvailableNext=”yes|no”
pageAvailablePrevious=”yes|no” pageGroupAvailable=”yes|no”
pageGroupSelected=”yes|no” pageSelected=”yes|no” portletMaximized=”yes|no”
portletState=”maximized|minimized|normal” problem=”value” screen=”value”>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
This tag operates in contrast to the <wps:if> tag. Through the attributes of this
tag, several conditions can be checked.
If all the conditions are met, the content of the tag is not written to the page.
Otherwise, the content is written.
For more information, see the corresponding description for each attribute under
the <wps:if> tag.
6.5.30 <wps:url>
<wps:url command=”value” commandParam=”value” home=”value” screen=”value”
This tag retruns a portal URL depending on the attribute provided. Only one of
the screen, command, or home attributes can be specified in a single url tag.
򐂰 command="LoginUser|LogoutUser"
This creates a URL to log in or log out of the portal These attributes are
typically used for the login panel and for the logout button, respectively.
This part of a user login form uses the <wps:url> tag to set the action attribute
for the form element.
Example 6-96 Source code sample for <wps:url command=”value”>
<FORM method="POST"
action='<wps:url command="LoginUser"/>'
򐂰 commandParam
This parameter directs the portal engine to obtain the actual command to
execute from an HTTP request parameter instead of on the URL directly. The
name of the parameter is the value of the commandParam attribute.
򐂰 home="public|protected"
This attribute creates a URL pointing to the public or protected page of the
򐂰 reqid="yes|no|true|false"
In the logged-in mode, URLs carry a request ID to allow proper sequencing of
the requests. Requests with outdated IDs are not executed any more. To
allow out of sequence requests, the value of "no" or "false" turns off sequence
checking for this URL.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
򐂰 screen="screen_name"
This attribute creates a URL pointing to the screen name to be displayed.
Note: The type attributes is deprecated for <wps:url>.
6.5.31 <wps:urlBase>
This tag creates a URL to the WebSphere Portal installation. It could be used to
include resources from a fixed location independent of themes and skins.
6.5.32 <wps:urlFind>
<wps:urlFind file=”” path=”value” root=”value”>
This tag generates a URL pointing to a resource file. The resource is searched
under different paths, depending on the markup and locale supported by the
client and the specified attributes of the tag.
6.5.33 <wps:urlFindInSkin
<wps:urlFindInSkin file="value" skin=”value”>
Similar to <wps:urlFind>, this tag generates a URL pointing to a resource file
from the skin.
If the skin is provided, the file is searched in the skin directory provided. If the
skin attribute isn’t provided, the resource is searched in the current skin for the
portlet. This tag can only be used inside Control.jsp.
6.5.34 <wps:urlFindInTheme>
<wps:urlFindInTheme file="value" theme=”value”>
Similar to <wps:urlFind>, this tag generates a URL pointing to a resource file
theme directory.
If the theme is provided, the file is searched in the theme directory provided. If
the theme attribute isn’t provided, the resource is searched in the current theme.
6.5.35 <wps:urlParent>
This tag creates a URL that supports one of the following surrounding tags.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Surrounded by <wps:pageLoop>, <wps:urlParent> generates a URL used to
activate the currently selected page. This is intended to be used for navigation
Surrounded by <wps:pageGroupLoop>, <wps:urlParent> generates a URL used to
select the currently processed place.
The following example shows how to generate a selection box that loops through
the user's defined places, creates an <option> tag for the selection box and
makes the current place the selected option.
Example 6-97 Source code example for <wps:urlParent>
<select name="pagegroups"
this.form.submit ()">
<option value="<wps:urlParent/>" <wps:if
<wps:pageGroup attribute="title"/>
Surrounded by <wps:PageLoopShift>, <wps:urlParent> generates a URL that
shifts the set of the currently visible pages by the amount specified in the
<wps:pageLoopShift> tag. This is normally used to scroll through page tabs when
the user has more pages than can be viewed.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletMaximize>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp
to generate a URL to put the portlet in the maximize state.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletMinimize>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp
to generate a URL to put the portlet in the minimize state.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletRestore>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp to
generate a URL to put the portlet in the normal state.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletBack>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp to
generate a URL to return the portlet in its previous mode.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletConfigure>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp
to generate a URL to return the portlet in its configure mode.
Surrounded by <wps:PortletEdit>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp to
generate a URL to return the portlet in its edit mode.
Chapter 6. Portal customization
Surrounded by <wps:PortletHelp>, <wps:urlParent> is used in Control.jsp to
generate a URL to return the portlet in its help mode.
6.5.36 <wps:user>
<wps:user attribute="userID|fullName|familyName">
If the user is logged in, the tag returns one of the specified values of attribute. In
Banner.jsp, this tag displays the name of the user after login.
Example 6-98 Source code example using <wps:user> (Banner.jsp)
<wps:if loggedIn="yes" screen="Home">
<wps:text key="welcome" bundle="nls.engine"> Welcome
<wps:textParam><wps:user attribute="fullName"/></wps:textParam>!
6.5.37 <wps:width>
This tag return the width of a component. This tag is valid only in the context of a
component. RowContainer.jsp uses the tag to set the width of the cell.
Example 6-99 Source code example using <wps:width> (RowContainer.jsp)
<wps:componentLoop id="component">
<td valign="top" <wps:width/>>
6.5.38 <extend:find>
The content of the tag is displayed if the functionality is enabled. The tag is used
in Banner.jsp to display the Find link.
Example 6-100 Source code sample for <extend:find>
<%-- find --%>
<a href="<wps:urlParent/>" style="text-decoration:none"
title="<wps:text key='link.find' bundle='nls.engine'/>"
<img align="absmiddle" src="<wps:urlFindInTheme
file='task_show_info.gif'/>" border="0">&nbsp;
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<span style="text-decoration:underline">
<wps:text key="link.find" bundle="nls.engine"/>
6.5.39 <extend:pageGroupId>
This tag returns the pageGroup Id to be used to render the list of bookmarks
defined for a place. The following example shows the implementation of the tag
in Banner.jsp.
Example 6-101 Source code sample for <extend:pageGroupId>
<a href="#" style="text-decoration:none"
6.5.40 <extend:userObjectId>
This tag returns the Object Id to be used to render the list of bookmarks defined
for a place. The following example shows the implementation of the tag in
Chapter 6. Portal customization
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 7.
Web Clipping
This chapter describes Web Clipping technology within WebSphere Portal. Web
Clipping allows an enterprise to deploy existing content in portlets without having
to create new versions of the existing content.
Web Clipping uses the Transcoding technology provided by WebSphere
Transcoding Publisher.
In this chapter, we describe the administration interface to build Web Clippers (or
portlets) using Web Clipping; we also discuss the different types of clipping
options and the settings to create or modify a Web Clipper.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
7.1 Web Clipping overview
WebSphere Portal comes with Web Clipping technology, a component of
WebSphere Transcoding Publisher. Web Clipping allows an enterprise to deploy
existing content in portlets within WebSphere Portal without having to create new
versions of the existing content.
For example, a company might already have a Web reporting application
publishing reports as HTML document. The company might want to publish part
of this content on their enterprise portal beside other related portlets. Web
Clipping allows Web content from the report application to be clipped and
displayed within a portlet on a portal page.
In this way, you can keep those pieces of information that are important while
discarding undesirable information or elements in the document that the client
device is incapable of displaying.
The Web Clipping portlet application consists of two concrete portlets: a Web
Clipping administration portlet and a Web Clipper runtime portlet.
The Web Clipping administration portlet provides a end-user interface to create
and manage clipping portlets, or Web clippers, by using a wizard-like interface to
specify how to obtain the external content and then identifying (clipping) the
regions of those pages that should be displayed in the portlet.
A Web Clipper is a concrete portlet of the Web Clipper runtime portlet
parametrized by a XML configuration stored in
Web Clipping provides two approaches to identify section of a document:
򐂰 HTML Clipping
HTM Clipping operates on the DOM form of the source document by using
nodes delimiters. See 7.2, “Web Clipping example” on page 413, for an
example of building a HTML Web Clipper using the Web Clipping
administration portlet.
In this example, we clip parts of the Home page from the YourCO sample
provided with WebSphere Application Server.
In 7.3, “HTML clipping” on page 419, we describe how this HTML clipping
sample use annotation to clip the desired part of the Welcome page.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 Text Clipping
Text Clipping operates on the text form of the document by using string-based
In 7.4, “Text clipping” on page 424, we will build a Text Clipping portlet and
describe how it works.
With the ever-increasing emphasis on security, Web Clippers might need to
access external content through a proxy. Or the external content might need
some form of authentication for the Web Clipper to reach the content. In 7.5,
“Web Clipper settings” on page 427, we will review the settings allowing to meet
such requirements, as well as other settings.
Note: It is recommended that you obtain the latest version of the Web Clipping
portlet from the portlet catalog as new features are added to the portlet
constantly. The NavCode™ for the Web Clipping portlet application is
7.2 Web Clipping example
In this section, we will create a Web Clipper that uses HTML clipping to identify
and extract several part of the Home page of the WebSphere Application Server
YourCo application. We will then publish this Web Clipper on the Home page of
the YourCo portal application created in 6.4, “Building a virtual portal: the YourCo
portal” on page 347.
Note: The scenarios provided in this chapter will be using the YourCo
application provided with WebSphere Application Server.
The following figure displays the current Home page for the YourCo WebSphere
Application Server application and the two portions that we wish to display in our
portal application:
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-1 WebSphere Application Server YourCo Home page for clipping sample
To create a simple Web Clipper using the Web Clipping Administration Portlet,
follow these steps.
1. Log in as an Administrator to the portal (for example wpsadmin).
2. Select the Web Clipping administration portlet by clicking Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> WebClipping.
The portal displays the Web Clipping administration portlet as illustrated in the
following figure.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 7-2 Web Clipping administration portlet
Note: If instead of displaying the portlet administration, the page shows the
error message: The portlet is unavailable. If the problem persists,
please contact your portal administrator, please install the latest Web
Clipping portlet available from the portlet catalog (NavCode: 1WP10003P) or
the latest fix.
With this administration portlet, you can perform all the operations that are
necessary to manage the Web Clippers.
The list on the left show all the Web Clipper within the portal. The list is empty by
default. To the right of this list are three buttons labeled Add, Edit, and Delete,
from top to bottom. Add allows you to add a new Web Clipper, Edit to change the
settings for a existing Web Clipper, and Delete to remove a Web Clipper from the
We will now create a new Web Clipping portlet, or Web Clipper. The first step in
creating a new Web Clipper is to specify the basic settings for the Web Clipper.
To bring up the Basic Settings page, follow these steps.
1. Click Add.
2. Enter the name of the Web clipper in the Name and default locale title field.
This value is used both as the name to identify the Web clipper and as the
default locale title.
For example, this could be YourCo Welcome for our new Web Clipper
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
3. Enter a description for the Web clipper in the Description field.
For example, This is the Welcome Web Clipper using content from the
YourCo Web application.
4. Enter the URL of the HTML document that the Web clipper is associated with
in the URL to clip field. THe URL needs to be a fully qualified URL.
For example,
where ka0kkcf.itso.ral.ibm.com is the fully qualified name of the
WebSphere Application Server Web application.
5. Enter a timeout value in the Connection timeout field. Here, we can keep the
default value.
To specify titles and descriptions for the Web clipper in other languages, you
need to click Set locale-specific titles and descriptions.
If you want to modify the default values for the advanced settings for the Web
Clipper, such as clipping type, authentication options, URL rewriting rules, or
firewall options, click the corresponding link on the basic settings page.
6. Click Next from either the top or the bottom of the Basic Settings page.
The next step in creating an HTML Clipper is to clip the content of the
document by selecting elements of the page to keep. All other elements will
be not be displayed by the Web Clipper. When performing HTML clipping,
consider the following:
– To select an element, simply move your mouse over the element and click
it. The element will be highlighted.
– To select more than one element, hold down the Control key when you
click additional elements. By default, a single click selects an element, and
if any other elements were previously selected, they are deselected.
– To deselect an element, simply click it again and the element will be
You might need to experiment on the best place to click to highlight the
particular element you are interested in, whether it is the contents of a table
cell or the entire table itself.
You can also right-click and step up through the element nesting order to
whatever level you wish. To ensure that you get the expected content, pay
attention to the highlighting.
7. Select the content to keep. Here, we will select the Welcome message and
the counter at the bottom right of the page as illustrated in the following figure.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 7-3 Content selection for YourCo Welcome Web Clipper
Selected elements are highlighted in yellow to indicate that they will be kept
by the clipping portlet.
The Preview button at the top right of the clipping page allows you to open a
new window to preview the current Web Clipper selection. The following
figure shows the preview window for our selection.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-4 Preview for Web Clipper example
Note: When selecting different content from the Web Clipping page, the
content of the Preview window isn’t updated. You will need to click the
Preview button again to bring the Preview window to the front and to update
its content.
8. Click Next from either the top or the bottom of the Web Clipping page.
The Preview window automatically closes when exiting the clipping page. The
new page allows you to see the Web Clipper content based on the current
settings for confirmation before finishing. To make other changes, just click
the Cancel button to come back to the clipping page.
9. Verify the output and click Done
Once the Web Clipper is created, you can administer it as you would any
other portlets. For example, you can add this new portlet at the top of the
YourCo Home page created in the chapter Portal customization. The Home
page now has three portlets as displayed in the following figure.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 7-5 YourCo Welcome portlet displayed on the Home page
The Home page displays the new Web Clipper as it would any other portlet. In
the following section, we will look at how this example works.
7.3 HTML clipping
Web Clipping recognizes and extracts specific portions of a HTML document by
using annotation.
Annotation, an XML dialect, contains various instructions which are used by the
Transcoding technology to delimit parts of an HTML document, and then choose
to either keep them or discard them.
For example:
򐂰 column - selects an entire column to be kept or discarded
򐂰 keep - indicates that a node identified by annotation should be retained
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
򐂰 insertAttribute - adds a new attribute, or modifies an existing attribute
򐂰 inserthtml - inserts an HTML fragment using HTML
򐂰 insertMarkup - inserts rendered markup in a page
򐂰 remove - indicates that the node identified by annotation should be removed
򐂰 row - selects an entire row to be kept or discarded
Web Clipping uses external annotation as the annotation instructions are not
located in the clipped document. This approach is appropriate since the
developer typically does not have control over the source HTML.
The external annotator is stored within the portlet configuration under the
parameter com.ibm.wps.portlets.clipper.config-data.
To see the annotator for a Web Clipper, select the portlet under Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> Manage Portlets and click Modify parameters.
The following example shows the Web Clipper configuration for the YourCo
Welcome sample.
Example 7-1 Web Clipper configuration for YourCo Welcome
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE config-data SYSTEM "clipping-config.dtd">
<config-data version='1.0'>
<clipping type="HTML">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<annot version="2.0">
<description take-effect="before" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/*[1]">
<description take-effect="before" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
<description take-effect="after" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<description take-effect="before" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
<description take-effect="after" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
<description take-effect="before" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
<description take-effect="after" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[2]
<description take-effect="before" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[3]
<description take-effect="after" target="/HTML[1]/BODY[1]/CENTER[3]
The Web Clipper configuration is maintained as an XML document. You may
recognize some of the settings we used for the Web Clipper.
This Web Clipper performed HTML Clipping as indicated by the clipping type. In
Appendix 7.4, “Text clipping” on page 424, we will look at Text clipping.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
The content of the <annotation> node is the annotator for this Web Clipper.
Because the annotator is using XML, the first entry is the XML version statement,
represented as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>. Below is the root
element for the annotation language represented as <annot version="2.0">.
Each annotation instruction is represented in a <description> element. The
take-effect attribute identifies when annotation is to occur, either before or after
the target node. The target attribute identifies the target node (as defined by the
XPath to a given element).
The actions are children of the <description> element, for example, <remove>
and <keep>, as in our example.
This annotator is applied to the HTML document defined by the <url> node. The
following code displays fragments from the HTML document:
Example 7-2 WebSphere Application Server Web Application Home page: fragments
<body background="/theme/bg.gif">
<table width="620" height="310">
<td colspan="5" height="20">
<img src="/theme/circleLine.gif">
<td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="257" valign="top" align="left">
<font size="+1">
<font size="-1">
You are at the Home page for the YourCo sample Web
<font size="-1">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<table width="620" height="50">
<td align="right">
<font size="-1">
This page has been accessed <b>107</b> times.
The second action defined by the annotator is a <keep> action. This action
keeps the node located by the XPath expression
[1]. That is the font node in the HTML document with the text Welcome!.
When applying the annotator to the HTML document, the following content is
Example 7-3 YourCo Welcome content sample
size="-1">You are at the Home page for the YourCo sample Web </font>
size="-1">This page has been accessed <b>137</b> times.</font>
The Web Clipping administration portlet provides a quick and easy way to create
an annotator to apply on an HTML document and render the content in a portlet.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Only a few annotation instructions are used by the Web Clippers created with the
Web Clipping portlet interface. By editing the annotator XML document,
developers can access a number of additional features.
7.4 Text clipping
While HTML clipping operates on the DOM form of the document by using nodes
delimiters, text clipping operates on the text form of the document by using
string-based delimiters.
One of the challenges of operating in the text form can be illustrated by the
following example. Suppose you have the following markup in your document:
If we search for Weather and extract the text from that point, we will find the
following code.
The resulting content will have closing </b> and </p> tags. Also, if we choose to
search for something like <b>Weather</b>, we are relying on the fact that
Weather will always be the exact string in a <B> element.
By operating instead on the DOM form of the document, some of this complexity
can be alleviated.
Although clipping according to the DOM presents some advantages over clipping
the text form of a document directly, in some cases, clipping the text form of the
document might be a better solution. One obvious example is a document that
doesn’t have a DOM representation, such as a text file.
In this section, we will create a Web Clipper that uses text clipping to identify and
extract the Web counter from the Home page of the WebSphere Application
Server YourCo application. We will then publish this Web Clipper on the Home
page of the YourCo Portal.
The HTML source code for the Home page of the YourCo Web application
reveals the following source code for the counter: This page has been accessed
<B>141</B> times.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
To make our delimiters unique, we will use This page has been accessed <B> for
the starting delimiter and </B> times. for the closing delimiter.
To create a new Web Clipper using text clipping, follow these steps.
1. Log in to the portal as an Administrator.
2. Select the Web Clipping administration portlet by clicking Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> WebClipping.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the name of the Web clipper in the Name and default locale title field,
for example, YourCo Counter.
5. Enter the URL of the HTML document that the Web clipper is associated with
in the URL to clip field. THe URL needs to be a fully qualified URL.
For example,
where ka0kkcf.itso.ral.ibm.com is the fully qualified name of the
WebSphere Application Server Web application.
6. Select Modify Clipping Type.
7. Select Text clipping.
8. Enter This page has been accessed <B> for the Start clipping after text field
9. Enter </B> times. for the End clipping before text field
Do not select Include start and end text with clipped content since we are
only interested in the number.
10.Click Done.
11.Click Next.
The content from the given URL is searched for literal occurrences of the start
string followed by the end string. The content to clip may contain zero or more
pairs of the start and end text. You may choose to include all the text portions
between each pair or select individual text portions to include by selecting the
checkbox next to the desired text portions. In our case, we have only one
occurrence of the clip.
12.Check the only text portion.
13.Click Next.
The page shows the content that will appear in the portlet based on the
current settings.
14.Verify the output of the Web Clipper and click Done.
Once the Web Clipper is created, you can add this new portlet at the top of
the YourCo Home page as illustrated here.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-6 YourCo Counter portlet displayed on the YourCo Home page
The following shows the value of com.ibm.wps.portlets.clipper.config-data. for
the YourCo Counter portlet:
Example 7-4 Web Clipper configuration for YourCo Counter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE config-data SYSTEM "clipping-config.dtd">
<config-data version='1.0'>
<clipping type="COMMENT">
This page has been accessed <B>
</B> times.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The YourCo Counter configuration is quite different for the YourCo Welcome
clipper configuration. The clipping type is set to COMMENT instead of HTML. There is
no definition for the annotator. Instead, the text delimiters are stored, as well as
the include flag.
7.5 Web Clipper settings
When retrieving content from another Web Application, some specific settings
may be needed. For example, we might have to use a proxy to reach a document
outside of the intranet where WebSphere Portal could reside.
In this section, we will review all the configuration settings for Web Clipper.
7.5.1 Basic settings
To create a new clipper, the first step is to enter a set of basic settings. The Web
Clipper requires a name and a URL. The description is optional, as well as the
locale specific titles and descriptions. The following figure displays the page to
set the basic settings.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-7 Web Clipper basic setting screen
Name and default locale title
This is the name for the Web Clipper. This is also the default locale title. Refer to
“Set locale-specific titles and descriptions” on page 428 to see how to set
locale-specific titles.
This is a description to provide more detailed information about the Web Clipper.
Set locale-specific titles and descriptions
This option allows you to specify locale-specific titles and descriptions for the
Web clipper.
When selecting Set locale-specific titles and descriptions, a list of locales
appears. To set specific locales, follow these steps.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
1. Select a locale.
2. Click Set title for selected locale.
A prompt for the title appears.
3. Type in the Web clipper title for the selected locale.
4. Click OK.
Repeat this procedure for each locale for which you want a locale-specific title.
Click Done when you have finished setting locale values.
Note: This option only appears if the portal is configured to support more than
one language.
URL to clip
This is the URL of the document to clip. The URL should be a fully qualified URL.
Connection timeout
This is the amount of time, in seconds, that you want to keep the connection to
the origin server open when idle (maximum time: 100).
Web Clipping supports advanced settings such as authentication and firewall
settings. The following section will cover these settings. These optional settings
are available from the basic settings page:
򐂰 Modify clipping type - Select the clipping choice. See 7.5.2, “Clipping types”
on page 430.
򐂰 Modify firewall options- Specify the settings if you use a proxy server to
access the content. See 7.5.3, “Firewall options” on page 433.
򐂰 Modify authentication options - Specify the authentication mechanism. See
7.5.4, “Authentication options” on page 435.
򐂰 Modify rules for URL rewriting - Indicates whether URLs in the clipped
content need special handling. See 7.5.5, “URL rewriting” on page 440.
򐂰 Modify security options - Specify whether to include or remove JavaScript
in the clipped content. See 7.5.6, “Security options” on page 445.
The advance settings have a default value, therefore it is not required to enter
information in their windows. For example, the clipping type is by default HTML.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
7.5.2 Clipping types
Web Clipping provides three choices for clipping:
򐂰 HTML Clipping (default setting)
򐂰 Text Clipping
򐂰 Keep all content
The following figure displays the page to set the clipping types:
Figure 7-8 Web Clipper clipping types window
HTML Clipping
HTML Clipping operates on the DOM form of the document by using nodes
You can manually select elements of the HTML document by clicking them with
the mouse. Selected elements are highlighted in yellow to indicate that they will
be kept after clipping.
Section 7.2, “Web Clipping example” on page 413 provides a step-by-step guide
for building a Web Clipper using HTML Clipping.
HTML Clipping has some limitations about the document being clipped. See 7.6,
“HTML Clipping limitations” on page 447 for more information.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Text clipping
Text Clipping operates on the text form of the document by using string-based
You can select the content between specific text strings that are in the document.
Content between these strings is kept, and all other content is discarded.
Start clipping after text
This is the string where clipping starts. The content of the string can be included
in the result.
End clipping before text
This is the string where clipping stops. The content of the string can be included
in the result.
Include start and end text with clipped content
This option is set if both starting and closing text strings are included in the
resulting output.
Section 7.4, “Text clipping” on page 424 provides a step-by-step guide for
building a Web Clipper using Text Clipping.
Keep all content
This choice brings the entire Web page into your portlet without discarding any
content. This method is useful to create a portlet to retrieve and publish some
external content within the portal, allowing users to see the content and stay in
their portal application. It is also valuable when the external content requires a
proxy or an authentication mechanism.
To create a new Web Clipper keeping all content from the source document,
follow these steps.
1. Log in to the portal as an Administrator.
2. Select the Web Clipping administration portlet by clicking Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> WebClipping.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the name of the Web clipper in the Name and default locale title field,
for example, YourCo Home Content.
5. Enter the URL of the HTML document that the Web clipper is associated with
in the URL to clip field. THe URL needs to be a fully qualified URL.
For example,
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
where ka0kkcf.itso.ral.ibm.com is the fully qualified name of the
WebSphere Application Server Web application.
6. Select Modify Clipping Type.
7. Select Keep all content.
8. Click Done.
9. Click Next.
The page displays the content that will appear in the portlet based on the
current settings.
10.Verify the output of the Web Clipper and click Done.
Once the Web Clipper is created, you can add this new portlet at the top of
the YourCo Home page as illustrated here.
Figure 7-9 YourCo Home Content portlet displayed on the YourCo Home page
Note: The HTML content clipped is the inner content of the <body> tag from
the source HTML document.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The following example provides the com.ibm.wps.portlets.clipper.config-data.
configuration for the YourCo Home Content portlet.
Example 7-5 Web Clipper configuration for YourCo Home content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE config-data SYSTEM "clipping-config.dtd">
<config-data version='1.0'>
<clipping type="NONE">
The clipping type is set to NONE instead of HTML or COMMENT. There is no definition
for the annotator. Also, there is no text delimiters configuration. Only the URL is
7.5.3 Firewall options
Many corporation uses a firewall to protect internal content from outsiders. To go
though the firewall to retrieve external content may require some additional
settings for the Web Clippers. The following Firewall Settings page allows you to
configure these settings.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-10 Web Clipper firewall options screen
Use a proxy server
This choice indicates that you require a proxy server to access the HTML
document. By default, this is not selected and indicates that you do not require a
proxy server to access the HTML document you want to clip.
Proxy hostname
This is the fully qualified of the proxy server (for example, proxy.company.com).
Proxy port
This is the port number used to communicate with the proxy server.
User ID
This is the user ID used to access the proxy server. This is optional.
This is the password used to access the proxy server. This is optional.
The current Web Clipping implementation uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
built-in configuration for proxy support. Unfortunately, the scope of the
configuration encompasses all threads in the same JVM.
If two or more portlets using different proxies reside on the sample page,
problems can arise if they are not initialized in sequence. Because of this
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
limitation, it is recommended that you use Web Clippers with different proxy
settings on a separate page. See “Proxy support” on page 448 for future
implementations of Web Clipping.
7.5.4 Authentication options
Web Clipping supports two authentication mechanism: HTTP basic
authentication and form-based authentication.
HTTP basic authentication is a simple mechanism provided by the HTTP
protocol to allow a server to request authentication information from a client
before delivering the contents of a page. HTTP basic authentication requires a
userid, password, and realm. The realm identifies a protected space on the
target server that the user wants to access.
Form-based authentication is a process whereby a request is redirected to a
login page that contains an HTML form in which the user must enter a user ID,
password, and, possibly, additional credentials before accessing protected
content. Typically, a session is then created so that all subsequent request can
use the same credentials.
The following Authentication Settings page allows you to configure these
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-11 Web Clipper authentication options window
No authentication required
This choice indicates that no authentication is needed to access the HTML
document. This is the default setting.
Authentication required
This choice indicates that an authentication method is required for accessing the
HTML document.
Both HTTP Basic Authentication and form-based authentication require a user ID
and a password.
User ID
This is the user ID used to access the document.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
This is the password used to access the document.
Note: The values entered as the user ID and password are used so that the
content can be retrieved for editing and previewing. The values must be
reentered at runtime.
HTTP Basic Authentication
This option indicates that HTTP Basic Authentication is used to access the HTML
The realm to which the document belongs need to be specified.
Form-based authentication
This option indicates that Form-based Authentication is used to access the
HTML document.
Log-in URL
This is the URL to process the login form. To determine this value, view the login
page, right-click View Source, and use the value of the action attribute of the
<FORM> tag for the login form.
User parameter name
This is the name of the user ID field on the form. To determine this value, view
the login page, right-click View Source, and use the value of the name attribute
of the INPUT tag for the User ID field.
Password parameter name
This is the name of the password field on the form. To determine this value, view
the login page, right-click View Source, and use the value of the name attribute
of the INPUT tag for the password field.
Additional key value pairs
This is where any additional key value pairs corresponding to other parameters
required by the form are entered. An ampersand (&) should be used to separate
each pair. There are generally extra <INPUT> elements in the form.
The following example shows an instance of clipping a document residing behind
a form-based authentication. We will use the YourCo employee center from the
YourCo samples.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
The URL for the form is:
The relevant information form the source code is given in the following example.
Example 7-6 Source code fragments from the YourCo login page
<TABLE width="620" border="0">
<TD colspan="3" align="center"></TD>
<TD align="right" valign="top"><FONT
<TD valign="top" align="left"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username"
ID="username" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="20"></TD>
<TD align="right" valign="top"><FONT
<TD valign="top" align="left"><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="passwd"
ID="passwd" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="20"></td>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Submit" ID="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="Reset" ID="Reset" VALUE="Reset">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
To create a new Web Clipper, keeping all content from the source document,
follow these steps.
1. Log in to the portal as an Administrator (for example wpsadmin).
2. Select the Web Clipping administration portlet by clicking Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> WebClipping.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the name of the Web clipper in the Name and default locale title field.
For example, YourCo Employee Center.
5. Enter the URL of the HTML document that the Web clipper is associated with
in the URL to clip field. THe URL needs to be a fully qualified URL.
For example:
where ka0kkcf.itso.ral.ibm.com is the fully qualified name of the
WebSphere Application Server Web application.
6. Select Modify Authentication options.
7. Check Authentication required.
8. Enter sean for the user name.
9. Enter employee for the password.
10.Check Form based authentication.
.Login for Log-in URL
12.Enter username for the user parameter name.
13.Enter passwd for the password parameter name.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-12 BUG
7.5.5 URL rewriting
For any given link within the content clipped by a Web Clipper, there are three
ways that the retrieved link can be rendered.
Inline Display (default)
By default, when a link is followed, the content to which it refers is displayed
inline, within the Web Clipper’s display area (portlet window). In this case, the
Web Clipper acts like a proxy for the new content. The browser sends a request
back to the Web Clipper, asking it to handle the link traversal. The Web Clipper
retrieves the content to which the link refers and replaces the current content
with the retrieved content.
Same Window Display
The typical browser behavior when following links is to retrieve the content to
which the link refers and display it within the same display space. You can direct
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Web Clippers to do the same. In this case, the browser is asked to handle the
link traversal rather than sending a request back asking the portal to follow the
The advantage of this method is that the content can be displayed in its natural
or intended environment, as opposed to being limited to the Web Clipper’s
display area. The disadvantage is that for all practical purposes, you will have
stepped "out of bounds" of the portal; the only method for returning is the
browser's Back button. This may cause problems, depending on the session
state of the portal.
New Window Display
Many browsers provide an alternate behavior for displaying the content that
results from link traversal. Instead of displaying the content to which the link
refers in the existing window, it opens a new window for the retrieved content.
Web Clippers can be directed to do this too. Here, the browser is asked to handle
the link traversal and display the resulting content within a new window.
This method has the advantage of the same window display, but without the
disadvantage. The retrieved content can be displayed in its intended
environment while maintaining your portal session.
Note: In WebSphere Portal Version 4.1, URL rewriting applies only to those
URLs contained within the HREF attributes of ANCHOR (<A>) elements.
Web Clipping uses the URL rewriter component to modify the URL from the
content source. The URL rewriter can be controlled by two sets of regular
expressions called rules. Each expression is referred to as a rule and each set
may contain zero or more rules.
One set contains the set of rules that determine which URLs should be displayed
using the Same Window Display method. This set consists of the expressions
entered in the listbox labeled The following URLs will not be modified on the
URL Rewriting Settings page.
The other set contains the set of rules that determine which URLs should be
displayed using the New Window Display method. This set consists of the
expressions entered in the listbox labeled The following URLs will not be
modified and will be opened in a new window on the URL Rewriting Settings
The following URL rewriting Settings page allows you to configure these settings.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Figure 7-13 Web Clipper URL rewriting screen
The URL rewriting component is called after the Web content has been clipped
but before any further transcoding occurs. It attempts to match each URL in the
document against a rule in one of the sets.
If the URL matches a rule within the Same Window Display set, the URL is
rewritten so that when traversed, it displays in the same window.
If the URL matches a rule within the New Window Display set, the URL is
rewritten so that when traversed it displays in a new window.
If a URL matches one or more rules in both sets, the rule in the Same Window
Display takes precedence.
If a URL does not match any rules, it is rewritten so that when traversed, it
displays inline within the portlet's display area, which is the default.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Use standard URL rewriting
This choice ensures that URLs in links within the Web Clipper are modified to
point to the portal, rather than the host originally targeted by the link.
Use rules to exclude URLs from rewriting
This choice enables you to specify rules that are used to identify which URLs will
not be altered. These links will not go through the portal. For example, a rule of
".*.gif$" will match any URL that ends in ".gif", while a rule of ".*ibm.com.*"
will match any URL containing "ibm.com". See “Regular expressions” on
page 444.
The following URLs will not be modified
This is the rules to identify URLs whose content will be retrieved from the original
host. These links are opened in the same window.
The following URLs will not be modified and
will be opened in a new window
This is the rule to identify URLs whose content will be retrieved from the original
host and will be displayed in a new window. For example, a rule of ".*ibm.com.*"
will match any URL containing "ibm.com".
The following example shows an implementation of clipping a document with
links. We will use the YourCo Home page that we include in our HTML clipping
example and add the links below the Welcome message.
Let’s edit the YourCo Welcome example to add the portion of the document with
the links:
1. Log in to the portal as an Administrator.
2. Select the Web Clipping administration portlet by clicking Portal
Administration -> Portlets -> WebClipping.
3. Select the YourCo Home Content Web Clipper.
4. Click Edit.
5. Select Modify rules for URL rewriting.
6. Check Use rules to exclude URLs from rewriting.
7. Add the rule .*/WebSphereSamples.* for URLs that will not be modified and
will be opened in a new browser window.
The text entered is a regular expression. The pattern .*/WebSphereSamples.*
represents the sets of all text strings that contain /WebSphereSamples. See the
section “Regular expressions” on page 444 for more information.
8. Click Done.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
9. Click Next.
10.Click Done.
Coming back to the display of the YourCo Home page, when clicking a link such
as White Pages, we can now open the content in a new window.
Regular expressions
Web Clipping uses the Xerces library for the regular expression implementation.
Web Clipping uses regular expressions only for matching.
Regular expressions are generated from strings. The strings are a pattern that
will be tested against other strings to see if the tested string contains the regular
expression pattern.
For example, the regular expression “images” tested on the string
"http://server/images/image.html" results in a match. However, if the string
tested is "http://server/FUDGEBROWNIES/billy.htm", there would be no match.
Regular expressions can also contain all sorts of meta characters (meta
characters are `. * ? { [ ( ) | \ ^ $'.) and character classes (such as [0-9], \d,
For example, if you had a regular expression"im[a,b,c]ges", this would match
"images", "imbges" and "imcges". It would not match for "imdges".
Sample rules:
򐂰 ExcludePatterns
– "images" - will match any URL containing the string "images"
– "pictures" - will match any URL containing the string "pictures"
– ".*.gif$" - will match any URL that ends in ".gif"
– ".*.jpg$" - will match any URL that ends in ".jpg"
򐂰 ExcludeNewWindowPatterns
– ".*cnn.com.*" - will match any URL containing "cnn.com"
– ".*usatoday.com.*" - will match any URL containing "usatoday.com"
– ".*weather.com.*" - will match any URL containing "weather.com"
– ".*jimmythrasher.com.*" - will match any URL containing
Please read the Xerces API documentation for a more in-depth discussion of
regular expressions as implemented by Xerces at:
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
and specifically:
org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression at
7.5.6 Security options
The following Firewall Settings page allows you to configure these settings.
Figure 7-14 Web Clipper security window
Remove JavaScript from clipped content
Most JavaScripts are evaluated and executed on the client, after the clipping
process is complete. This means that any content dynamically generated by
such scripts cannot be subject to clipping. In general, it is a good idea not to
include any JavaScript within a Web clipper unless that JavaScript is
self-contained, meaning it does not depend on other variables, methods,
structures, or other elements that are defined elsewhere.
If you must include JavaScript, be aware of the following restrictions:
All <SCRIPT> blocks defined by the HTML <SCRIPT> element and JavaScript
within the <HEAD> element of the HTML document being clipped will be
removed both during edit-time presentation and at runtime.
During editing, all JavaScripts, including all event handlers and embedded
JavaScripts, are removed prior to displaying the HTML page being clipped. This
means that for those scripts that generate content, the content will not be
displayed in the HTML clipping editor and therefore cannot be clipped.
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
For the same reason, <SCRIPT> blocks that are located within the <BODY>
element of the HTML document cannot be individually retained. They may be
retained implicitly if an element that contains the <SCRIPT> element within the
document hierarchy is selected to be retained. For example, if the <BODY>
directly contains a <SCRIPT> element child that generates some content, and
the <BODY> element is not selected to be retained, the SCRIPT will be lost.
However, if a <TD> element within the document contained a <SCRIPT>
element that generated content for the <TD> and the <TD> element were
selected to be retained, the <SCRIPT> would be retained as well (barring the
Remove JavaScript security constraint switch).
JavaScript within HTML implicit event handlers (such as onLoad, onMouseOver,
and onKeyDown) will only be retained if the element which defines the attribute is
JavaScript embedded within HREF attributes (using the javascript: prefix or &{...}
syntax) will only be retained if the element which defines the attribute is retained.
At runtime, Web Clippers that contain <SCRIPT> elements, JavaScripts
embedded within HREF attributes, or JavaScript within HTML implicit event
handlers (due to one of the implicit cases above) will behave in one of two ways:
򐂰 If the Remove JavaScript security option is ON, they will be removed prior to
constructing the Web Clipper's content.
򐂰 If the Remove JavaScript security option is OFF, they will be retained and
subsequently executed by the browser.
Also, in all cases:
򐂰 All references from within JavaScript being retained to variables and functions
defined within the document <HEAD>, within another <SCRIPT> block that is
not being retained, or within an external JavaScript file referenced from a
<SCRIPT> block that is not being retained, will break.
򐂰 All references from within JavaScript being retained that reference or depend
on a particular document structure or DOM structuring of the document will
򐂰 URLs are not rewritten within any JavaScripts within the document (such as
references to resources and links within JavaScripts being retained). Such
references will break unless the reference is an absolute and not a relative
To summarize, these are the only ways to retain JavaScript within a Web Clipper:
򐂰 For <SCRIPT> blocks, retain an element that is an ancestor of the script block
within the document hierarchy and set the Remove JavaScript option to OFF (it
is ON by default).
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 For scripts within implicit event handlers, retain the element on which the
handler is defined. For proper functionality, ensure that the inline script does
not contain references to custom-defined functions that have been clipped
򐂰 For scripts embedded within HREF attributes, retain the element on which the
handler is defined. Again, for proper functionality, ensure that the inline script
does not contain references to custom-defined functions that have been
clipped out.
7.6 HTML Clipping limitations
If the output of your Web clipper is not what you expected, keep the following
limitations in mind.
<FRAME> elements
HTML Clipping cannot be used for pages containing the <FRAME> elements. If
you attempt to do so, you will receive a message stating that the page you are
trying to clip contains <FRAME> elements.
Many Web sites use scripting languages such as JavaScript to generate or
manipulate portions of their HTML content. The Web Clipper bases its clipping
decisions on the hierarchical format of the HTML tag structure. Because
relationships between JavaScript functional definitions and function calls cannot
be represented in this hierarchy, the clipped output of documents containing
JavaScript can sometimes be unpredictable. See “Remove JavaScript from
clipped content” on page 445.
Browser limitations
Netscape Communicator and Navigator 4.7 will occasionally prematurely
disconnect from an outstanding request to a Web Clipper, causing an empty
document to be returned instead of the appropriate content. Later versions of the
Netscape browsers do not exhibit this problem.
Internet Explorer 5.0 sometimes causes content from one portlet to "bleed" into
the content of another portlet on the same portal page, meaning text from one
portlet appears to overlay text from another. Resizing the browser window
corrects the problem. Later versions of Internet Explorer do not exhibit this
Chapter 7. Web Clipping
Devices support
Some portlets can be created in a specific markup language so their content can
be changed individually from the other portlets. Web clippers, on the other hand,
are created only in HTML and must be transcoded to WML or Compact HTML
(C-HTML) on the fly. There is no separate file or portlet that can be edited to
modify the WML or C-HTML markup that gets created.
When WebSphere Portal is installed with WebSphere Everyplace™ Access, the
content of all Web Clippers is automatically available to wireless WML and
C-HTML devices.
7.7 Future implementation
The future Web Clipping implementation will fix some of the limitations of Web
Clipping and implement many exciting new features.
Proxy support
The current Web Clipping implementation uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
built-in configuration for proxy support. If two or more portlets using different
proxies reside on the sample page, problems can occur if they are not initialized
in sequence. The next version of Web Clipping will remedy this problem.
Credential Vault
WebSphere Portal supports the use of a credential vault where users and
administrators can safely store credentials for authentication. Portlets written to
extract the user's credentials from the vault can hide the login challenge from the
The Credential Vault provides exactly this functionality. Portlets can use it
through the Credential Vault Portlet Service.
The current implementation stores the credential information without the use of
Credential Vault.
The next version of Web Clipping will make the Credential Vault available for
Web Clipper portlets.
Multipage clipping
The current implementation of Web Clipping allows you to clip content from one
document. The next implementation will make possible to clip portions of several
documents and aggregate the results.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 8.
Search capabilities
This chapter first introduces the options WebSphere Portal offers to integrate
search functionality into a portal solution. The search options specifically
provided by WebSphere Portal Extend, namely the integrated Juru search and
Lotus Extended Search, will then be discussed in detail in the remainder of the
At the end of the chapter, you will:
򐂰 Understand the various options for integrating search in WebSphere Portal
򐂰 Use the out-of-the-box Juru search engine to configure and perform searches
򐂰 Understand the architecture of Lotus Extended Search
򐂰 Be able to install Lotus Extended Search and perform basic configuration for
򐂰 Understand the various ways to create search interfaces to Lotus Extended
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
8.1 Search in WebSphere Portal
Search capabilities form an integral part of a Web portal. The ability to find
relevant documents based on a set of keywords is the life line for an information
portal. WebSphere Portal offers various options to be used, depending on the
product offering you have installed and the needs your portal has to fulfill.
Integrated Search
Integrated Search is part of all of the Portal offerings. It provides integrated text
search capabilities, including a search portlet, a crawler, and a document
indexer. The search service can search the portal’s document repository as well
as Internet content. It is also used within Portal for administrative purposes.
Integrated Search leverages Java-based search and indexing technologies
called Juru developed at the IBM research lab in Haifa
(http://www.haifa.il.ibm.com/km/ir/juru/). It is often referred to as basic
search or Juru search as well. It is covered in “Integrated search” on page 452.
Lotus Extended Search
Lotus Extended Search is part of WebSphere Portal Extend and is not available
in the Enable offering.
Lotus Extended Search provides distributed, heterogeneous searching across
Domino servers, databases, and the Internet, without the user having to know
the details of these various systems. The result is single-point of access to a
variety of data sources without requiring a new, central index. Extended Search
can search and retrieve documents from repositories that include Lotus Notes
and Domino.
Extended Search also searches external sources such as Microsoft Index Server
and Site Server, LDAP-compliant directories, eighteen popular Web search sites
and News sites, commercial content providers, and relational databases such as
IBM DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL-Server, and other ODBC compliant
databases. Results can be ranked by relevancy over multiple data stores.
Extended Search is covered in “Extended Search” on page 458.
Enterprise Information Portal (EIP)
IBM Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) can manage data access across multiple
sources such as content management repositories, e-mail systems, relational
databases, file systems, Web sites and more. EIP integrates data sources across
the enterprise, with a unified set of APIs to simplify programming and provide an
interface layer that isolates portal applications from changes to underlying data
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Documents can be categorized into taxonomies, enabling search by category.
APIs are provided for capturing and storing other metadata about documents.
EIP provides connectors for a variety of repositories, provided by IBM, Lotus, and
other vendors such as Documentum and Filenet. Federated searches can be
applied across multiple such repositories, and can exercise searching based on
metadata, full text, and other specialized search properties such as Query by
Image Content (QBIC®), depending on the search services enabled for each
The Text Analysis features of EIP support creating full-text indices, and
subsequent searching across all the text portions of the content sources
configured for use in the portal. Sources can be accessed for indexing via the
Web crawler, or via a metadata search.
Portlets for accessing EIP advanced and federated search functions are
available from the portlet catalog.
Since we concentrate on WebSphere Portal Enable and Extend, we will not
cover the EIP any further.
Lotus Discovery Server™
Lotus Discovery Server creates expertise and knowledge maps by analyzing and
categorizing documents. It creates profiles of users based on their document
activity, including their topics of interest and their area of expertise.
Discovery Server also examines user activity such as reading documents,
responding to documents, timeliness of interactions, or links to specific
documents. This way, Discovery Server can determine the relative proficiency of
individuals to content categories. These proficiency indicators are called
affinities, and they indicate the relative expertise of individuals to particular
business areas of the organization.
The Discovery Server continually assesses the strength of affinities using
metrics, ensuring that individuals with recent and high quality expertise ratings
are found and presented to users seeking expertise when browsing the
Discovery Server Knowledge Map interface.
Lotus Discovery Server is purchased separately and is currently not part of any
WebSphere Portal offering, therefore we will not cover it any further.
Partner add-on products
There are various specialized companies who provide search engines and
technologies. The portlet catalog at
contains many portlets to access popular search engines as well as portlets
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
provided by companies who play a role in then search area, such as Autonomy,
divine, Factiva, Information Builders, Inktomi, Stellent, Verity, YelloBrix and
Since we concentrate to WebSphere Portal Enable and Extend, we will not cover
the add-on products
8.2 Integrated search
WebSphere Portal provides integrated text search capabilities, including a
search portlet, a crawler, and a document indexer. The search service can
search the portal’s document repository as well as Internet content.
The portal server’s built-in search engine is optimized for full-text searching of
small and medium-sized collections where precision is essential. It efficiently
applies state-of-the-art search algorithms, producing high quality search results.
The search engine supports free-text queries, with query assistance and query
word completion. Search queries use advanced query operators (+ or -) to
indicate keywords that must be in the document or keywords that must not be in
the document. The search engine can search documents in any language, and
also supports synonyms and stop word lists. Search results include document
summarization and search results clustering.
To prepare for searching, the search engine builds a full text index in order to
search documents that are stored in the local file system. The indexer supports
multi-word indexing for disambiguation and high precision. The index can be
compressed, and the size can be controlled for situations where the size of the
index needs to be limited.
Portlets are provided for using the search feature as well as for creating,
updating, and managing the indices.
The configuration of the integrated search is covered in depth in IBM WebSphere
Portal 4.1 Handbook, Redbook, SG24-6883.
To give you an idea of this concept, we guide you through the steps needed to
build a search index, a search portlet and a page to display it. As a showcase, we
use the YourCo Application since it is delivered as a sample application included
in WebSphere Application Server.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Search portlet for the YourCo site
1. Configure the index
a. Log on to the portal as an administrator and open Portal Administration.
b. Go to Portal Settings -> Manage Search Index.
c. Click Configure search index.
Figure 8-1 Create index page
d. Supply the following information:
Set Location of the index: to C:\wp_index\yourCo
Select the New Index radio button.
Select HTML as Document types to be indexed.
For Index documents by following links starting with URL: fill in
http://<YourCoHost>/<YourCoUri> where <YourCoHost> is the
hostname of the system WAS is running and <YourCoUri> is the URI for
the YourCo sample application. This is WebSphereSamples/YourCo in
a standard installation. If this sample application is not available, you
can use any other Web site.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
From the Levels of linked documents to index: drop down list select 3
Deselect Documents with domain only.
From the Number of linked documents to index: drop down list select
e. Click OK.
f. Click Done.
2. Build the index.
a. Select Manage search index.
Figure 8-2 Manage index page
b. Select C:\wp_index\yourCo from the index drop down list.
c. Click Begin index update.
d. Click Done.
e. Wait a few minutes for the index to be created. Select Manage search
index. If index creation is complete, the status will be updated, showing
the number of documents indexed and the completion time stamp as in
Figure 8-2. Repeat Steps d) and e) if necessary until you see the
completion time stamp; do not proceed until index creation has finished.
3. Create a Search News Portlet.
a. Go to Portlets -> Manage Portlets.
b. Select the portlet named Document Search.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
c. Click Copy.
Figure 8-3 Copy Document Search
d. A prompt window pops up; provide the new portlet name
WebSearch:YourCo and click OK (see Figure 8-3).
e. Select the new WebSearch:YourCo portlet.
f. Click Modify parameters.
Figure 8-4 Portlet parameters
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
g. In the value field of the IndexLocation parameter enter: C:\wp_index\news
(see Figure 8-4).
h. Click Save.
i. Click Set title for selected locale
j. Set the title to Search YourCo and click OK.
k. Click Save.
l. Click Close.
m. Click Activate/Deactivate to activate the portal.
4. Create the search page.
a. Go to Work with Pages -> Manage Places and Pages.
b. Select the page group (for example YourCo in this sample scenario) or
create a new group.
c. Click Manage pages -> Create page -> Create new.
d. Enter Search as the title and click OK -> Done.
e. Go to Edit Layout and Contents.
f. Select YourCo as place and Search as page.
g. Click Get portlets and add WebSearch:YourCo to the list.
h. From there, add it to the page and click Activate.
i. Navigate to the YourCo portal; Search should now be available as seen in
Figure 8-5 on page 457.
j. Navigate to the search page and enter a search request. For example,
search for news as illustrated in Figure 8-5 and Figure 8-6.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 8-5 Search option in portal
Figure 8-6 YourCo Search portlet
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
Note: For more details on how to add a new page to a portal place, see
Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261.
5. Provide permissions for all authenticated users to access page and portlet.
a. Go to Portal Administration -> Security.
b. Select Special Groups: and from the drop down list All authenticated
c. Search for the Search page and grant view permission.
d. Search for the WebSearch:YourCo portlet and grant edit permission.
6. Create additional search portlets.
You can create additional search portlets by repeating Steps 1 - 4. In Step 1,
for example, you could use the URL http://www.cnn.com to configure an
index in C:\wp_index\news. Be aware that building the index (Step 2) might
take a little longer than in our local example. Finally, you create another copy
of the Document Search portlet and name it WebSearch:News. Then add it to
the Search page or create a new page and provide the permissions as done
in Step 5.
Figure 8-7 Search page with two search portlets
8.3 Extended Search
Lotus Extended Search is a sophisticated and powerful search engine that
comes with WebSphere Portal Extend and Experienced. Not only does it allows
text searching of text documents, it also enables distributed searching of
򐂰 Documents from repositories including Lotus Notes, Domino.Doc®, Domino
Connectors, and Domino R5 Domain Index.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 Popular Web search sites and news sites using third party software.
򐂰 Databases such as IBM enterprise Information Portal databases, relational
databases including DB2 and Oracle, and any databases that comply with
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standards.
򐂰 File systems, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories, and
catalogs, indexes, and mail folders created with Microsoft Site Server,
Microsoft Index Server, and Microsoft Exchange Server.
Once the search on multiple datasources is completed, the results are
aggregated and ranked. Links are created to enable the user to view the actual
document. Administrator-defined actions such as e-mailing the resulting
documents to users can also be created.
Extended Search also enhances the searching capabilities by enabling users to
create mapped fields, so that similar fields with a different nomenclature can be
mapped and manipulated in the same fashion. Additional searching capabilities
include enabling the user to define parameters to influence data source behavior
and design hitlists.
Periodic searching on datasources can also be scheduled according to your
enterprise’s needs. A Web crawling capability is included where the Extended
Search Web crawler downloads data from Web sites to a file system. Search
results can be saved, re-used, shared, and stored. These capabilities are helpful
for data mining and knowledge management purposes.
Due to the extensive features of Lotus Extended Search, this chapter intends to
provide the reader the necessary information for a head start to integrate Lotus
Extended Search with WebSphere Portal. For details on administering Lotus
Extended Search, refer to the document Extended Search Administration that
can be found in
8.3.1 Lotus Extended Search architecture
Extended Search provides a single point of access for searching numerous data
sources and the Internet. To shield the user from the complexity of the various
underlying native search languages used for each datasource, Extended Search
uses its own internal generalized query language (GQL) as the search language.
Extended Search translates the GQL for each query into the native search
language of the data source, and uses search and retrieval methods that are
native to each data source. No central index is created. This approach obscures
the complexity of query language from the end user, and enables multiple and
varied data sources to be searched in parallel.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
In order to implement this multi-source searching capability, Extended Search
uses a multi-tiered client/server approach as shown in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8 Architectural overview for Lotus Extended Search
Client-side components
The client-side component of the Extended Search is the interface for users to
submit queries to the search engine. There are two types of client interface: the
Web client and the Notes client.
Web client interface
The Web client interface is represented by the Web browser in the top left-hand
corner in Figure 8-8. This interface makes use of a set of search templates and
Java servlet technologies to expose the Extended Search capabilities to the Web
The Web client uses HTML or JSP files to create the interfaces for gathering
search requests and displaying search results. Search requests gathered on
HTML or JSP pages are sent via HTTP to an Extended Search servlet
(component C). The programmer can optionally enable the user to specify
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
searches on specific data sources and modify search and retrieval options. Once
a search request is received by the Extended Search servlet, the request is
dispatched to the various server side search components to service the request.
When the search request is completed, the results are then returned back to the
user via HTTP. The Web designer can customize the look and feel of the query
and results page. The programmer can program any further actions to be
performed on the search results on the results page by using control tags and
Javabeans provided by Extended Search. The Web client interface is the key
programming interface for providing search functionalities to the WebSphere
Portal solution.
Notes client interface (component B)
The Notes client interface is not used for interfacing with WebSphere Portal.
However, the mechanism of this interface is briefly described below for your
The Notes client interface enables users to perform searches using Extended
Search by utilizing the Lotus Notes client and the Extended Search LotusScript
Extensions (LSXs) component.
The user interacts with the Lotus Notes client to submit requests, view results
and retrieve documents. Lotus Notes synchronizes its local database with the
server database. Thus, when any Extended Search related actions on the Notes
client database are performed, the LotusScript Extension (LSX), an application
program interface that enables Lotus Notes to communicate with other software
programs, submits the requests to the Extended Search server. When the search
is completed, the results are then returned and stored in the Notes client
Server-side components
The server side consists of three tiers. The first tier is represented by the
Extended Search servlet and reflector. They serve as the entry points to the
server side. The second tier is the Extended Search engine. It consists of
brokers and agents. The third tier is the actual back-end data sources and
search engines.
Extended Search servlet and reflector (component C)
The Extended Search servlet and the reflector (component C) are the points of
entry for Extended Search client side requests. The Java servlet handles HTTP
requests and is always installed. The reflector is a Common Gateway Interface
(CGI) program that handles Notes-based requests. It is only needed if a Notes
client or IBM Enterprise Information Portal is used. Both components are
installed on the machine that hosts the Web server for Extended Search. Once
the servlet or reflector receives client search requests, they forward the requests
to the Extended Search engine.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
Configuration database (component E)
Extended Search uses IBM DB2 Universal database for the configuration
database. Extended Search stores the following information in this database
configuration database (CDB):
򐂰 Data sources information and how they should be searched
򐂰 Network addresses
򐂰 Saved queries
򐂰 Saved search results
򐂰 Data downloaded by the Web crawler
The information in the configuration database can be administered using the
Extended Search administration interface. You can access the administration
interface by typing http://<ES_WEB_SERVER>/lotuskms from your browser.
Brokers (component D)
The broker is the initial point of contact of the Extended Search server. It acts as
the resource coordinator to respond to client requests that are forwarded from
the Extended Search servlet or the reflector. The typical tasks performed by the
broker are:
򐂰 Validating the user.
򐂰 Obtaining a list of data sources available to the application and resolving the
source addresses by referencing the configuration database.
򐂰 Distributing the queries to agents for parallel searching.
򐂰 Aggregating and optionally sorting search results returned by various agents
into a single hitlist.
򐂰 Honoring timeouts and response options.
򐂰 Issuing requests to agents to retrieve source documents. Note that for
Web-based searches, the Web browser uses the URL to retrieve the actual
There is more than one broker for the Extended Search server to provide
enhanced performance and scalability. Each broker has its own network address
which is stored in the configuration database, so any individual broker can be
Agents (component G)
Agents are the most important component in the Extended Search server. Before
defining what an agent is, we will first introduce the Extended Search link.
An Extended Search link is the component that carries out the actual search for
each data source. Thus, a link needs to be defined for each data source type.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The link needs to first translate a search request into the native calls of the
underlying data source’s programming interface. Then the translated request is
executed against the data source. After the results are returned, the link stores
the search results in a common hitlist structure which will be returned to the
agent. Extended Search includes a list of supported links. However, if the data
source that you are using is not included in the list, a custom link can be
developed. For information for developing custom links, refer to the Extended
Search Programming guide in the
<ES_INSTALL_DIR>/docs/<REGION_CODE>/pdf/ directory.
Back to the definition of an agent: it is a server component that directs the link
activities. An agent can be configured to handle requests for all link types or a
discrete set of link types. More than one copy of an agent can be started to
handle concurrent search and retrieval requests to achieve load balancing.
Monitors (component F)
An Extended Search Monitor is included which enables the user to observe the
server’s activity. To start the monitor, click Start -> Programs -> IBM Extended
Search -> Extended Search Monitor.
8.3.2 Setting up Lotus Extended Search
As opposed to the integrated Juru search, which comes with the WebSphere
Portal Server install, Lotus Extended Search engine is a separate install. It is
strongly recommended that Lotus Extended Search be installed on a separate
machine from the WebSphere Portal due to its intensive use of memory.
Follow the installation instructions in the Extended Search Installation Guide in
the <ES_INSTALL_DIR>/docs/<REGION_CODE>/pdf directory. Here are some
tips for a successful Extended Search installation that enables collaboration with
WebSphere Portal.
򐂰 Lotus Extended Search can be installed on Domino R5+ Server or
WebSphere Application Server. You should install Extended Search on
WebSphere Application Server.
򐂰 Be sure to perform the necessary configuration steps on WebSphere
Application Server before installing Lotus Extended Search.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
򐂰 You can install Extended Search using Extended Search RMI server or EJB.
򐂰 If you install Extended Search with Extended Search RMI server, you need to
install JRE1.2.2. The Extended Search RMI server will not start otherwise.
8.3.3 Creating search sources for Portal
The most common search that is performed on a portal is to search the file
contents of the Portal. We will first illustrate how this can be done so that you can
be more familiar with Extended Search. After this example, other ways of
creating Web resource data sources will be discussed.
This section serves as a brief introduction to creating resources and
demonstrating how a search can be performed on the newly created resources.
For information on creating resources, such as datasource resources and LDAP
resources, refer to the Extended Search Administration Guide.
Step-by-step guide to creating file system resource
1. Open the Extended Search Admin console by typing
http://<ES_SERVER>/lotuskms/. You should see a window similar to
Figure 8-9.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 8-9 Extended Search admin console
2. Right-click By Agent and select Discover Data sources.
3. In the Discover Data source window, select File System Sources from the
drop-down menu. In the File System Sources panel, select the checkbox of
the drive(s) where the file contents that you would like to discover reside. You
screen should look similar to Figure 8-10.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
Figure 8-10 Discover data sources
4. Click Start Discovery.
5. All the files on the drive selected are displayed in the lower pane. Select the
directory where you would like to perform the search and click Add to ES.
You should receive a message indicating that data sources are loaded
6. Repeat Step 5 to add more file resources. Then click Close.
7. On the By Agent view, select the newly added file resource on the right pane.
Right-click the resource and select Properties.
8. Select the Mapped Fields tab. Your screen should look similar to Figure 8-11.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 8-11 Data source properties
9. Click Assign.
10.In the Assign Mapped Field to Data Source window, select the field Title and
click OK.
11.Select Title on the Data Source Properties window. Highlight the field
DocFileName and click the right arrow. You have now mapped the Title of the
file data source to the DocFileName of the native field. Your screen should
look similar to Figure 8-12 with the DocFileName under the Title folder.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
Figure 8-12 Mapped fields to native fields
12.Select the Parameters tab. Change the SubDirSearch parameter to Yes as
shown in Figure 8-13. The sub-directories of your folder will now be searched.
Figure 8-13 Data source parameters
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
13.Click Apply. Then click OK.
14.Refresh your domain by right-clicking Search Domain and selecting Refresh
Now we need to verify whether the data source is properly configured for
searching. Extended Search provides sample templates which showcase the
features of Extended Search. The sample template Demo provides the most
comprehensive example for all the features available for Extended Search.
1. In the Extended Search admin console, select Demo under Search
2. Double-click Demo (JSP 1.1) as shown in Figure 8-14.
Figure 8-14 Extended Search sample templates
3. The Extended Search Demo application should be launched in a new
browser window. Select the Sources tab.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
4. You should see a screen similar to Figure 8-15. Highlight the file resource that
you added.
Figure 8-15 Source tab for Demo
5. Click the Query tab.
6. Enter a query in the query textbox and click Submit Query.
7. The Results tab should appear showing the links to each searched document.
The window should look similar to Figure 8-16.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 8-16 Search Results
Alternatives in creating search resources for Portal contents
In many situations, your enterprise might want to enable users to search for
information on the intranet sites or other Web sites. In such cases, you need to
add Web resources in addition to the preconfigured ones that come with
Extended Search. There are three ways to accomplish this.
򐂰 The first approach is to use a toolkit provided by Intelligent Algorithms
Enterprises to create a .sbb file. For information on obtaining this kit, refer to
the Extended Search Administration Guide. The .sbb file is used to discover
and search new Web sources. However, it is required that the target Web
sites have a search function. You will then define that search function in the
.sbb code. Note that only the URL is returned in the hitList.
򐂰 The second approach is to use Microsoft Index Server, which is included in
the Windows Option pack, to index the pages that you would like to search.
Then, use Extended Search to set up a search resource on the resulting
index. The advantage of this approach is that you can bring back a document
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
summary from the Index Server along with the URL that would be used to
fetch the document.
򐂰 The third approach is to use the Web crawler to crawl Web sites and use a
program such as Lotus Discovery Server to index the downloaded data. After
the documents are fetched and indexed, you can use Extended Search to
search the index.
8.3.4 Writing Web client applications for Extended Search
Lotus Extended Search provides a set of fully functional application program
interface (API) for creating and configuring searches as well as manipulating the
search results. There are mainly two approaches in writing Web client
applications: HTML-based or JSP-based.
HTML-based Web client applications utilize data beans and a proprietary tag
named Java Knowledge Management (JKM) to develop HTML-based Web client
applications. A HTML-based version of the Demo application provides an
extensive sample of how this approach is used. Refer to page 9 of the Extended
Search Programming Guide for a full list of APIs as well as tutorials on this
If WebSphere Application Server is used, it is recommended that you use the
JSP-based approach. Sample applications are included during the Extended
Search install. These applications can be used as a starting point for building
customized Extended Search client applications for your enterprise. Extended
Search provides collections of Java bean for both JSP 1.0 and JSP 1.1.
However, if you are using WebSphere Application Server version 3.5.3 or higher,
it is recommended that you use the bean collection for JSP 1.1. Just like the
HTML-based Web client application, JSP-based versions of the Demo
application provide great samples of how the tags are being used. You can also
refer to page 41 of the Extended Search Programming guide for the full list of
APIS and tutorials on the JSP-based approach.
8.3.5 Portlets using Lotus Extended Search
In most cases, you should install WebSphere Portal on a separate machine from
Extended Search. One of the ways to expose the search capabilities is to create
a Web service for Extended Search. In fact, you can download the Extended
Search portlet from the portlet catalog in the WebSphere Portal Developer
Domain at http://www7b.boulder.ibm.com/wsdd/zones/portal which
demonstrates this approach. Follow the instructions to install the Web services
Web application on the WebSphere Application Server where Extended Search
resides and install the sample portlets on your Portal server. Then, configure the
portlet so that it points to your Extended Search server. Note that you must install
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Extended Search on WebSphere Application Server in order to use these
The architecture of this approach is depicted in Figure 8-17.
Figure 8-17 Extended Search Web services and portlet collaboration
1. The user submits a query via the query page.
2. The portlet receives the query and convert the request into XML.
3. The XML request is transported to the Extended Search Web service on the
application server where Extended Search resides.
4. The Extended Search Web service translates the XML/RPC call.
5. The Extended Search Web service makes the appropriate Extended Search
API call to the Extended Search engine.
6. The Extended Search engine returns the hitlist back to the Extended Search
Web service.
7. The Extended Search Web service converts the response to XML format.
8. The XML response is sent back to the requesting portlet via HTTP.
9. The controller portlet formats the XML data and creates a result page.
10.The results page is presented to the client.
Chapter 8. Search capabilities
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 9.
Remote portlets
This chapter discusses the use of Web Services in a portal environment. After a
short overview of Web Services, the concept of remote portlets is introduced.
Finally, the use of remote portlets within WebSphere Portal is demonstrated.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
9.1 Portals in the on-demand era
A great part of portals deals with integrating existing functionality into an
aggregated Web-based interface. Often, similar functions are desired in multiple
portals. This can be the case within a company, for example in both the intranet
site for employees and in the Internet portal directed toward customers where a
product catalog portlet is needed. Portlets such as a news ticker, weather or
stock information, etc., are found in many portals. So the same functionality is
developed redundantly all over. But even if you use the same existing portlet and
deploy it to multiple portals, this might not be the best solution. One issue is
maintenance, another the effort of deployment which is still a change in the
overall system configuration. Depending on the portlet in question, the fact that
the same task is done at different sites may be troublesome as well. The concept
of remote portlets, which we introduce in this chapter, allows for one portlet
running at a given site to be accessed in multiple remote portals seamlessly and
fully transparent to the portal user. Moreover, using some simple administration
tasks in WebSphere Portal, a portlet can be made available when it is needed
and removed or replaced later on, depending on the needs of the portal operator.
In the future, even the user will be able to search and shop for remote portlets.
9.2 Web services
The concept of Web services has been developed to allow business applications
to communicate and cooperate over the Internet. Web services imply a paradigm
shift compared to the way the Internet works today. While traditional applications
interacting with services in the Internet need to know those services a-priori and
need to be pointed to these peers manually, the Web services concept allows
applications to find Web services in a standardized directory structure and bind
to these services with minimal human interaction.
Web services allow objects to be distributed across Web sites where clients can
access them via the Internet. Global service registries are used to promote and
discover distributed services. A client that needs a particular kind of service can
make a query to the global service registry to find services that suit its needs.
The client can select one of the services, bind to that service, and use it for a
certain period of time. As service discovery and selection in some cases can be
performed without human interaction, services can be switched very quickly.
Automated service discovery also allows the establishment of very robust
networks of services. If multiple Web services exist that provide identical
functions, a client can easily switch to a back-up system if the currently used
service fails.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The most important standards in this area are Universal Description, Discovery,
and Integration(UDDI) for registration and discovery of Web services, the Simple
Object Access Protocol(SOAP) for communication between Web services, and
the associated Web Services Description Language(WSDL) for formal
description of Web service interfaces (see also “Web services technologies” on
page 478).
Roles and operations
Service provider
Any entity that has a software service and wants to make it available over the
Web can become a service provider. It deploys the service(s) to a UDDI registry
that makes those services accessible. The functions of a given Web service are
described using the Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
Publishing and unpublishing involves promoting a service to a registry or
removing those entries. When a service is listed in a UDDI registry, it can be
discovered and subsequently invoked by the service requestor.
Service registry
The registry acts as a service broker and helps service providers and service
requestors find each other. It provides a UDDI application programming interface
to perform the find from a program. There are a number of UDDI registries set up
by companies like IBM, Microsoft and HP.
Figure 9-1 Roles and operations
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Service requestor
A service requestor looks for a service it needs by performing a find operation on
the registry. When the registry returns results, the service requestor can use
these results to bind to a particular service and invoke it.
The find operation is performed by service requestors and service registry
together. The service requestors describe the kinds of services they are looking
for, and the registry delivers the results that best match the request.
The bind operation takes place between the service requestor and the service
provider. After locating a particular service, the requestor can bind to the service
using the SOAP protocol.
Web services technologies
Web services rely on standard transport technologies (such as HTTP) and data
encoding techniques (such as XML) to make it easier for applications and
devices to share information across the Internet. This interaction uses an XML
document to define the interface and describe the service, along with a network
protocol (which could be HTTP, SMTP, or JMS). Because neither the service
provider nor the service requester knows what platforms or languages the other
is using, interoperability is achieved.
UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description and Integration)
UDDI is a specification for information registries of Web services. UDDI-based
registry is where a Web service is discovered. UDDI's approach to discovery is to
have a registry of services distributed across the Web. In that distributed registry,
businesses and services are described in a common XML format. The structured
data in those XML documents is easily searched, analyzed, and manipulated.
Currently, there are a number of global registries that allow businesses to find
each other across enterprise boundaries.
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
WSDL is an XML-based language for describing the interface of Web services.
The service requestor can use WSDL to find a compliant service and the service
provider uses WSDL to describe the service it is providing.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP is a joint submission to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) by IBM and
Microsoft, and other industry leaders. It is an XML protocol for exchanging
messages and defining how those messages are to be processed. These
messages can be sent using standard transport protocols, such as HTTP or
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
9.3 Portals and Web services
Web services will become the predominant method for making information and
applications programmatically available via the Internet. Portals will exploit this
One way to do so is to write portlets which access Web services as any other
program can. WebSphere Studio and the Portal Toolkit provide some support for
that (1 in Figure 9-2).
The other way is known as Remote Portlet where the portlet itself is published as
a Web service and can be integrated in a portal through a proxy portlet which
uses RPWS as illustrated in Figure 9-2.
Web Services
Remote Portal
Local Portal
Figure 9-2 Web services in a portal context
In the area of remote portlets, standard bodies work to extend the Web services
standards to the needs of portals, but on the other hand, WebSphere Portal
provides some tooling to put up and use remote portlets based on Web services.
Remote portlet standards
Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP)
WSRP is a standard for interactive, user-facing Web services that plug and play
with portals. WSRP will define:
A WSDL interface description for invocation of WSRP services
How to publish, find, and bind WSRP services and metadata
Markup fragment rules for markup emitted by WSRP services
Applicable security mechanisms, billing information and more
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Companies involved in WSRP include Bea, Bowstreet, Divine, Epicentric,
Factiva, France Telecom, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Interwoven, Lexis-Nexis, Lotus,
Moravia IT, Netegrity, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Plumtree, Silverstream, Stellent, SUN,
Sybase, Tibco, WebCollage, SAP Portals and SeeBeyond.
See http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wsrp for details.
Web Services for Interactive Applications (WSIA)
WSIA states the following goals:
򐂰 Create an XML and Web services centric framework for interactive Web
applications that enables businesses to distribute Web applications through
multiple revenue channels, and enable new services or applications to be
created by leveraging existing applications across the Web.
򐂰 Harmonize WSIA as far as is practical with existing Web application
programming models (for example, Portals, Macromedia Flash, etc.), with the
work of the W3C (for example, XForms, DOM, XML Events, XPath, XLink,
XML Component API task force), emerging Web services standards (for
example SOAP, WSDL, WSFL), and with the work of other appropriate
business information bodies.
򐂰 Ensure that WSIA applications can be deployed on any tier on the network
and remain target device and output markup neutral.
򐂰 Ultimately, to promote WSIA to the status of an international standard for the
conduct of XML and Web services-based Web application development,
deployment and management.
Entities working on WSIA include BEA, Bowstreet, Cisco, Computer Associates,
CrossWeave, Cyclone Commerce, Divine, USAF/Dept of Defense, Epicentric,
France Telecom, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Intel, KiNZAN, Macromedia, Nokia, Peregrine
Systems, Plumtree, Pointgain Corp, SAP, SeeBeyond, Silverstream, Sterling
Commerce, Vitria and WebCollage.
See http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wsia for details.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Common Base
(I nvocation)
Figure 9-3 Standards overview as seen by the WSRP standards body
Besides the WSRP and WSIA which are both independent of programming
language, there is also a Java Specification Request (JSP168) on its way
through the Java community process (http://www.jcp.org) to define the Java
API to WSRP (and similar efforts are undertaken for C++ and .NET).
Some of these standards should be out soon, so be aware of the dynamics in
this process.
Remote portlets in WebSphere Portal
Figure 9-4 shows the big picture when portal A publishes a portlet and in portal B
this portlet is added to a page and invoked; the subsequent paragraphs provide
some details about this process.“Using remote portlets with WebSphere Portal”
on page 484 guides you through this process.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-4 Remote portlets in WebSphere Portal - The big picture
Figure 9-5
Publishing a portlet
In this step, administrators make portlets available for use by other portals as
remote portlet Web services. Publishing portlets may include two or three steps,
depending on whether the portal has already been associated with a business in
the UDDI repository. If this is not the case, the administrator has to enter the
required business descriptions, publish a business entry to the UDDI directory,
and associate the portal with that entry. Once the portal is associated with a
business entry in UDDI, publishing portlets only requires two steps: in the first
step, the administrator selects the portlet to be published and in the second step,
he provides a description for the new UDDI service entry to be created for the
Finding and binding a portlet
Finding portlets requires three steps. First, the administrator uses the built-in
UDDI browser to find remote portlet Web services and selects one of them.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Second, he finds the desired portlet provided by the selected business and
selects it. Finally, he lets WebSphere Portal Server add the remote portlet to its
portlet registry to make it available for portal users.
Figure 9-6
Using a portlet
Using a remote portlet is as simple as using a locally installed portlet;
administrators or users can add the portlet to a page and use it. However, what
happens under the cover is a little more complex.
Figure 9-7 Remote portlet invocation
When a page that references a remote portlet is rendered, the portal uses a
portlet proxy to invoke the remote portlet Web service through the WSRP
protocol. The portlet invokes the portlet proxy exactly as it would invoke a local
portlet, passing PortletRequest and PortletResponse objects. The portlet proxy
internally invokes a SOAP proxy to marshal all parameters into a SOAP request
and sends it to the remote server hosting the portlet Web service. The SOAP
wrapper on the Web service side unmarshals all information in the incoming
request and calls on the remote portlet.
For the remote portlet, it is transparent whether it is invoked directly by a portal
engine or indirectly through the Web service interface. In each case, it processes
the input parameters and returns a PortletResponse object. The SOAP wrapper
marshals the response into a SOAP response and sends it back as the reply to
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
the SOAP proxy, which in turn unmarshals the response for the portlet proxy that
finally returns a PortletResponse object to the portal engine which initiated the
9.4 Using remote portlets with WebSphere Portal
In this section, remote portlet architecture in WebSphere Portal is described.
9.4.1 UDDI registry
The first step is to decide what registry to use and how to prepare this registry.
Public registry
There are several public registries available. We give the actual list below; for an
up-to-date list, please visit http://www.uddi.org/find.html. Some registries are
dedicated to testing usage, you can use them for education, development and
testing purposes; the others are reserved for real businesses, publishing or
looking for Web Services.
Each registry publishes three URLs, one to access the registry using a Web
browser and two for programmatical access using an API, one for inquiry and
one for publishing.
Business UDDI registries
Inquiry API
Publish API
Inquiry API
Publish API
Inquiry API
Publish API
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Inquiry API
Publish API
Test UDDI registries
Inquiry API
Publish API
Inquiry API
Publish API
Inquiry API
Publish API
Private registry
If you make your portlets available only within your organization, you can set up
your own private registry. In a development and testing environment, a private
registry could be the best choice.
The IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry can be downloaded from
http://www7b.boulder.ibm.com/wsdd/downloads/UDDIregistry.html. In our
scenario, we will use the IBM Test Registry.
9.4.2 Preparing the IBM Test Registry
The first time we visit the home page of the registry, we need to register
ourselves in order to get a user ID and a password. Once we got these, we can
access the registry. We will need two things:
1. A business, since any Web Service has to be associated with a business.
a. Log in to the registry using your user ID and password.
b. Click Publish -> Add a new Business.
c. Enter a name and a description and confirm all your changes.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
2. The key of a technical model or tModel for short. The tModel is the UDDI
element that contains the technical specifications of a service or, more
specifically, a protocol in our case. The protocol used for remote portlets is
called RPWS and a registry should contain a tModel with this name. To get
this key, find the tModel and display the details (see Figure 9-8 on page 486).
a. Click Find in the navigation.
b. Select Technical Model from the drop-down list.
c. Enter RPWS in the entry field.
d. Click the Find button.
Figure 9-8 Find RPWS tModel
e. Click RPWS in the Technical Model Name column of the result table. If there
are multiple results, choose one. In the detail view, you will find the
requested tModel key (Figure 9-9 on page 487).
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 9-9 The RPWS tModel key
This is a test registry and if you do not want to share your test portlets, you
can create your own tModel as described as an alternative solution in the
following steps (please do not call it RPWS since this would create confusion;
at the time this book was written, there were already two models with this
name in the registry).
a. Click Add a new Technical Model.
b. Enter a name for this model and click Continue.
c. Click Add an Overview URL.
d. Enter the URL of your Portal and click Continue, then Add.
e. Click Save, then continue to get back to your main window, which should
look similar to Figure 9-10.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-10 UDDI Registry with Business and tModel
f. Click the name of your tModel to display the details.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 9-11 Technical Model Details
g. In the Technical Model Details view, you will find the key (marked in
Figure 9-11) that will be used in the portal administration.
9.4.3 Configuring the connection to the UDDI Registry
1. To define UDDI registries to WebSphere Portal, select Portal Administration
-> Portlets -> Manage Web Services.
2. Click Manage Web Services Portlet and you should see a window as shown
in Figure 9-12 on page 490. Your list will still be empty, of course.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-12 Manage Web Services Portlet for adding UDDI registry information
3. Click Add.
Figure 9-13 Manage Web Services Task
The values in this form are all mandatory even though you will not need them
all if you just want to use remote portlets from other sources and have no
intention of publishing portlets yourself.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
We strongly recommend that you check all values and the spelling. There is
no verification by the system and any typographical mistake will later on lead
to errors which are very difficult to track down.
These are the values for the IBM UDDI Test Registry:
– Display name for Registry: IBM UDDI Test Registry
– Registry inquiry URL: http://uddi.ibm.com/testregistry/inquiryapi
– Registry publish URL: https://uddi.ibm.com/testregistry/publishapi
– tModel key:<tModel_key>
where <tModel_key> is the key value of the Technical Model in the UDDI
registry (see Figure 9-9 on page 487 or Figure 9-11 on page 489, depending
on your solution).
򐂰 If you use a private IBM WebSphere UDDI registry, you will find all the
information you need, especially about how to define the tModel key, in
the redbook WebSphere Portal V4.1 Handbook, SG24-6883.
򐂰 If you use another registry, please refer to the respective
򐂰 You can also try to connect to another IBM registry in Austin, Texas.
This service runs on an as-is basis, there is no guarantee how long it
will be available to the public. Try the following values (including the
tModel key below):
– Display name for Registry: IBM Austin Test Registry
– Registry inquiry URL:
– Registry publish URL:
– tModel key: UUID:30151A70-0D6F-4651-B578-1AE609AA147C
4. Once you furnished the URL information and the key, click OK to register or
Cancel to return.
5. If you click OK, you should see IBM UDDI Test Registry added to UDDI Web
Services registries in the Manage Web Services portlet.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
9.4.4 Publish a portlet to the UDDI registry
We will publish the World Clock portlet that comes with WebSphere portal. Later,
we will integrate it as a remote portlet into the YourCo portal.
1. Click the Web Services tab. A list of tasks is displayed (Figure 9-14).
Figure 9-14 Web Services Tasks
2. Click Provide registry authentication information.
Figure 9-15 Authentication selection.
3. Select a registry and click Set authentication. In the next screen, enter the
user ID and password your are known by with the registry. Click OK. This step
may be not necessary if you use another registry.
4. Back on the Web Services page, click Manage Web Services businesses.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 9-16
If you see the business you created in the registry, you have managed the
first hurdle. Click Done.
Tip: The Manage Web Services businesses and the Publish Portlets
option automatically connect to the first registry in its registry selection list
when the task is opened. To access a different registry, just select it from
the drop-down list. The connection is automatically refreshed to the newly
selected registry.
Even if the correct registry is selected, you may have to reselect it from the
drop-down list to force a refresh.
5. Back on the Web Services page, click Publish portlets.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-17 Publish a portlet
6. Click the Get portlets link to populate the list of portlets using the well-known
administration portlets to publish. Prior to publishing, you can click Edit name
and description to modify the corresponding portlet information as it will
appear in the registry.
7. Make sure you have selected the correct registry and business.
Note: The IBM UDDI Test Registry allows only one business per user, so
you have to add the portlet to the existing business. Other registries (for
example, the IBM Austin Test Registry) allows you to create a new
business along with publishing a portlet from this page.
8. Click Publish. If a message at the bottom says Portlets published
successfully (see Figure 9-18), then you have completed the process
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 9-18 Successful published
9. To remove a portlet from the registry, select the Unpublish portlets task on
the Web Services task page.
10.If you now look at the registry in the Web browser, your portlet shows up as a
service of your business as shown in Figure 9-19 (click the + sign to expand
the list).
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-19 The published portlet in the registry
9.4.5 Accessing a remote portlet
Now we will integrate the published portlet (and another one) into the YourCo
1. Click Integrate a Web Service as a remote portlet from the Web Service
page. You should see a window open as shown in Figure 9-20 on page 497.
2. Select the appropriate registry from the drop-down list (IBM UDDI Test
Registry in our scenario).
3. Enter the search criterias for the portlets.
You have two options when searching for portlets in the selected registry:
– Use the List all portlets option if the number of published portlets in the
registry is not large.
– If there is a large number of published portlets, you should use the List
portlets within business option. Before you click the Get businesses
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
link, you may want to refine the list of businesses returned by entering a
string in the Business name contains field. From the list of businesses
returned, select one.
In our scenario, we used the Get Businesses command first and selected the
List portlets within business option.
4. Click Get portlets to retrieve the list of portlets that match the search criteria.
Figure 9-20 Integrate a Web Service as a Remote Portlet
5. Select the portlet(s) you want to integrate in your portal, then click OK. In our
scenario, we first added the World Clock portlet we just published, then we
added a portlet called YourCo Instructions Portlet that was published by
somebody else and happened to work. Be aware that most of the portlets
somebody else has published in the test registry will not work for you.
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
Figure 9-21 Remote portlets to integrate in a page
6. After a remote portlet has been integrated, you can access the portlet in the
same ways you would access a locally installed portlet (see Figure 9-21 on
page 498), for instance, you can add it to pages, assign access control,
choose skins, etc. The name of a remote portlet is prefixed with the string
7. In Figure 9-22, you see the two remote portlets on a YourCo portal page.
Figure 9-22 Two remote portlets in the YourCo portal
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
You will not find any traces of publishing or integrating remote portals in
configuration files; all information is placed in the WebSphere Portal Server
Figure 9-23 Published and integrated portlet information in the database
Chapter 9. Remote portlets
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 10.
This chapter introduces the features of WebSphere Personalization V4.1 and
describes its key components. A detailed explanation of the main tools that are
used within WebSphere Personalization V4.1 follows as the second part of this
chapter. Examples based on the YourCo sample application will show
step-by-step how to implement different personalization scenarios in the third
part of this chapter.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
10.1 Introduction to personalization
If you are not familiar with personalization, this chapter will give you a brief
introduction to the concept. Readers who already understand personalization
and are focused on the implementation of it may skip the introduction and
continue with 10.2, “WebSphere Personalization V4.1” on page 506.
10.1.1 What is personalization
Personalization is the individual-directed addressing of a person or group based
on well-defined characteristics of that target. As opposed to the personalized
approach, general addressing is spread towards a mostly undefined target
A simple example clearly demonstrates and differentiates the contrary
򐂰 An auto maker is sending invitations for a test drive of the newest version of
one of his car models as a mailing campaign to customers who bought a car
from this toolmaker during the last five years. This would clearly be a
personalized action since the individually addressed group was selected
based upon one (or more) specific characteristics.
򐂰 If this auto maker showed a commercial on TV to promote the new version of
his car model, then this would be general addressing based on the “watering
can” principle.
Marketing experience proves that personalized campaigns are considerably
more effective and efficient than ordinary campaigns. Their main focus is on
binding the customer to the company, improve customer satisfaction and
enhance customer loyalty, which in the end leads to greater customer value as
well as increased return-on-customer for the company.
From the above example, the essential key factor for personalization is quite
obvious: without an accurate, detailed and up-to-date customer profile, no
individual addressing is possible.
Another important factor is the communication channel. Personalized
communication must be feasible. Classic communication channels supporting
personalization are, for example, letters, telephone calls and personal
conversation. But the Internet especially, as a modern communication channel
with almost unlimited coverage, allows cost-effective and individual
communication. In addition, gathering information about customers to build the
necessary customer profile is quite easy and can be accomplished at minimum
cost and effort.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The term Internet is used in this context to summarize Internet, Extranet
and intranet as to the general approach to personalization; the differences are
less important.
Transferring the example to a personalized Internet scenario could result in the
򐂰 On the Web site of the auto maker, Internet users could register and sign up
for a test drive with the new car model. The next time this user comes to the
auto maker’s Web site, he will be addressed by his name, get individual
information based on the interests he stated when registering as well as on
the areas of the Web site he visited so far, combined with special offers for the
new car model; he will also be notified if there are promotion events at car
dealers in his area.
10.1.2 Planning a personalization solution
Let’s look at how personalization of Internet content can be approached in
Note: When we describe a personalization solution in this chapter, it will refer
to Internet-based context only.
Personalization of Internet content always follows one basic principle as
illustrated in Figure 10-1.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-1 Elements of a personalization system
Even though the basic principle is not very complex or difficult in its structure and
might seem easy to achieve, you should be aware that a personalization solution
which really supports your business will need far more than just some dynamic
inserts to your existing Web site.
To successfully launch your personalization solution, you should start with a
planning phase where you define all the requirements. The most important thing,
to begin with, is of course to be clear on the intention and motivation for your
solution. The business goals have to be well defined, as well as organizational
support processes, other related and required projects and processes.
Once you have identified your business requirements and target audience, you
need to develop user and content models for your solution. You have to think
about the user characteristics you want to use, which content should be
personalized and how the presentation of the personalized content should take
place. With these steps, you will be able to identify whether you already have the
user information and content or if it has to be gathered or created. If the
information you need is not available, you should think of how and where to get
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
For mapping the user to the content, you need to define criteria on which content
selection will be accomplished and which matching approach you will invoke.
This may enhance your user and content model because you might define
additional attributes or metadata (for more on matching types, see 10.1.3,
“Matching types” on page 505).
Finally, you should reach a decision as to how the presentation should take
place. As the Internet offers a wide variety of technologies for presentation of
content and interaction with users, this decision will be the basis for the
implementation of your solution and will define the technical requirements.
After this planning phase, your solution should be well defined and prepared to
enter the implementation phase.
10.1.3 Matching types
Matching types describe the underlying principle for selecting content for
particular (user) attributes or (user triggered) events. There are different
approaches to deciding what content to present to the user.
򐂰 User profile-based
User profile-based or simple filtering is used to display content based on
predefined groups or user profiles. For example, a user registers on the portal
and selects which news feeds he is interested in. The displayed content
would then be personalized according to these attributes.
򐂰 Rules-based
Rules-based personalization is used to display content on predefined
business rules. The business rules usually provide segmentation on user
characteristics to classify the individual user. For example, if the user has an
income of over USD 50 000, he qualifies as a gold customer and gets special
discounts or offers.
򐂰 Collaborative filtering
Collaborative filtering is used to display information based on a combination
of preferences from the specific user and like-minded users. For example, if a
user is searching for a particular product on your portal, then you could
display a list of related products that other users also looked at when
originally searching for the same product.
User profile and rules-based personalization are easier to implement and apply
to most Web sites. Collaborative filtering is most effective when used by Web
sites with a large number of users because when you have established a large
user base, you can effectively combine preferences of a individual user and
like-minded users to make recommendations.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Note: In this redbook, user profile-based and rules-based personalization are
used. For information on collaborative filtering based personalization, refer to
the LikeMinds Recommendation Engine user documentation and the
WebSphere Personalization Solutions Guide, SG24-6214.
10.1.4 Implementing a personalization solution
Implementing a personalization solution can get quite complex, as you may have
to create access to the numerous resources involved, usually located in a wide
range of data stores, implement the matching approach, which could consist not
only of many different cases and attributes but also of numerous different
matching hierarchies and steps, and finally create the dynamic content
presentation, which will usually not include just a couple of pages but, indeed,
the whole Web site.
To implement a personalization solution according to complex requirements and
to be able to manage, track and continuously improve the personalization
solution, you could use software products like IBM WebSphere Personalization
to benefit from the wide variety of features and reduce your development effort.
In the following chapters, we will introduce WebSphere Personalization V4.1 and
demonstrate how to use the included tools for building individual information on
Web sites; we will focus especially on portal Web sites and portlets by
implementing some sample scenarios for a personalized version of the YourCo
Sample Application.
10.2 WebSphere Personalization V4.1
As part of the WebSphere product family, WebSphere Personalization is
designed to fit seamlessly into IBM’s software platform for e-business to provide
maximum value for the customers. The WebSphere product family and the
placement of WebSphere Personalization as a foundation extension component
is shown in Figure 10-2.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-2 WebSphere product family
IBM WebSphere Personalization for Multiplatforms, Version 4.1 provides an
integrated set of tools to enable you to successfully build and run personalized
Web sites. The tools included in WebSphere Personalization can be
distinguished between development tools, runtime components and
administration tools.
For development, the plugin for WebSphere Studio provides the following
򐂰 Content Wizard
You can use the Content Wizard to create content resources from relational
򐂰 User Wizard
To create user resources for lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP)
directories and relational databases, you can use the User Wizard.
򐂰 Content Spot Wizard
You can use the Content Spot Wizard to create the classes for your content
spots. To build the class for the content spot, you have to know about the
content type which will be returned.
Chapter 10. Personalization
򐂰 HRF Editor
The HRF Editor allows you to create application objects and define resource
collections within WebSphere Studio.
The Personalization runtime components reside on the application server and
include three engines:
򐂰 Resource engine
Enables the personalization system to query databases of profiles and
content through Java interfaces at runtime. These interfaces normalize the
differences between databases so that the personalization system can locate
and retrieve the content. The resource engine also allows content and profiles
to be grouped under categories to facilitate the segmentation of site visitors
and targeting of content.
򐂰 Rules engine
The rules engine provides the execution environment for the business rules.
At runtime, the rules engine evaluates the business rules defined for a Web
page by retrieving a user’s profile, mapping it against the specified rules,
evaluating if the conditions of the business rule are met and retrieving the
content defined by the business rule. The content is then returned to the
WebSphere Application Server, which assembles the Web page for serving to
the site visitor.
򐂰 Recommendation engine
WebSphere Personalization’s recommendation engine is a collaborative
filtering system that can uses multiple inputs, including individual clickstream
data, purchase history and content similarities; the recommendation engine
provides content and product suggestions.
Trends from the behavior of site visitors are extracted based on sophisticated
statistical techniques. You can adapt to changing trends in visitor interest
without having to create new business rules. The WebSphere Personalization
V4.1 utilizes LikeMinds Personalization Server and Recommendation Engine
V5.2.1 collaborative filtering technology. Java-based APIs are provided for
database creation, access and applications integration.
Figure 10-3 illustrates the Personalization runtime environment.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-3 Personalization Runtime environment
Note: In this redbook, rule-based personalization is used. For information on
collaborative filtering-based personalization, please refer to the LikeMinds
Recommendation Engine user documentation and the WebSphere
Personalization Solutions Guide, SG24-6214.
Running on the application server, the Personalization administration tools are:
򐂰 Resource console (PersAdmin)
– Enable or disable logging of user activity
– Delete campaign data
– Add security mappings
– Add and manage resource collections and hierarchies
– Add and manage Web application objects (session objects) that you want
your personalization solution to access
򐂰 Personalization Workspace (PersWorkspace)
The Personalization workspace is the Web browser-based interface that
provides you with integrated access to tasks such as creating, editing and
managing rules, campaigns, e-mail campaigns and previewing.
Chapter 10. Personalization
10.2.1 Personalization V4.1 key features
Personalization workspace
Business managers can use this browser-based tool to easily control and
preview the personalization behavior of a Web site. The control function of the
Personalization workspace allows you to work with WebSphere Application
Server and your Web browser to design and create personalization rules. You
can create rules using conversational language in easy-to-use editors. The
interactive preview function enables you to create, edit or change rules on the fly.
You can also see how the rules you create affect the various visitors to your Web
site. You can also create campaigns for your Web site and include personalized
e-mail, defining the recipients and content accordingly by using personalization
Campaign management
This Personalization workspace component gives business managers the ability
to control time-delimited personalized Web site content, and personalize e-mails
targeted for specific segments of the audience. Multiple campaigns can be
implemented simultaneously. Each campaign can target any or all of the
personalized areas of a site. The e-mail campaigns can use business rules to
define dynamic lists of e-mail recipients and personalize e-mail content.
Rule and campaign effectiveness
You can integrate WebSphere Personalization and WebSphere Site Analyzer to
more accurately personalize content for your intended audiences. Reports allow
you to gauge campaign and rule effectiveness, update user profiles, modify
business rules accordingly and help ensure that your personalized site is
meeting your business objectives.
Implicit profiling
You can develop site visitor profiles in real time and personalize content, based
on visitor activity, while the visitor views the site. Implicit profiling allows you to
log information about the content that a Web site user views. You can use this
information in real time to modify the content that is shown, which makes the site
more responsive to each visitor’s interests. You can also update the visitor’s
profile so that it is current when the visitor returns to your site. Content that is
viewed can be tracked at the individual and group levels.
Wizards for WebSphere Studio
WebSphere Studio is an integral part of WebSphere Personalization, and not just
as a tool for creating HTML, JSP pages and servlets. The User and Content
resource wizards have been enhanced for Personalization V4.1 features. A new
Content Spot wizard marks positions on Web pages where personalized content
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
can be defined by the business manager. A new Resource editor allows you to
quickly edit your .hrf files.
Enhanced and expanded rule functions
򐂰 Exclude content: allows you to filter a subset of a set of selected content.
򐂰 Limit: allows you to specify the maximum number of items to be returned.
򐂰 Browser capability resource: allows you to personalize content based on the
browser your Web site visitor is using.
򐂰 Nested properties: allows you greater control and more flexibility regarding
your resources.
򐂰 Support for rules to be used within non-HTTP session invoked programs.
10.2.2 Integration with WebSphere Portal Server
WebSphere Portal allows users to customize the appearance of their portal
pages according to personal preferences. The customization is accomplished
partly through administrative setup, which defines the default settings and
access rights to portlets. Further customization is accomplished through explicit
user actions to change the contents and layout of the portal pages.
The WebSphere Personalization goes beyond page customization and adds the
capability of providing individual information to specific users. However,
WebSphere Portal invokes and manages user profiles to enable customization.
These user profiles are shared between Portal and Personalization, facilitating
the tight integration of both products. In other words, the User bean class of the
WebSphere Portal is already enabled for use in WebSphere Personalization.
Portlet JSP views can easily be modified to work with Personalization and use
content spots, rules and recommendations to dynamically present individual
personalized content. Rules and recommendations can also be used in the
layout JSP templates or in the page customizer JSP to provide personalization of
the portal far beyond the possibilities of Portal customization.
Companies that have already used WebSphere Personalization to create
personalized Web pages can take advantage of the JSP portlet to reuse their
existing JSP pages. The content model and the user profile are also highly
reusable. If there is no existing user profile resource class, the one supplied with
Portal is already enabled for use with Personalization and will speed up
development. If there is an existing user profile resource class, then using the
same LDAP repository for both Personalization and Portal ensures that the user
identity information is consistent.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Since Personalization is highly integrated with WebSphere Portal Server and
provides a tremendous business value, all of the WebSphere Portal offerings
(Enable, Extend, Experience) include WebSphere Personalization.
10.2.3 Integration with WebSphere Content Publisher
Also, WebSphere Personalization is highly integrated with WebSphere Content
Publisher (WCP), as WebSphere Content Publisher not only uses the same
concept of resources and the same resource engine of Personalization, but also
the Personalization Content Wizard for WebSphere Studio to create content
For more information on Personalization in WebSphere Content Publisher refer
to Chapter 11, “Content management” on page 637.
10.2.4 Runtime rule processing
At runtime, a personalization content spot bean located in a JSP or servlet will
search for the assigned rule to fill the spot with personalized data. Which rule to
use depends on the campaigns that have been set up to execute at the time of
the request. The rule mapped to the content spot in the campaign with the
highest priority will be executed.
Rule processing results in a set of resources or a classification being returned.
The returned resources or classification can be used for generating the dynamic,
personalized content for the response. Figure 10-4 illustrates how a
Personalization rule is processed.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-4 Runtime rule processing in Personalization
1. Step A: The process begins when a user requests a Java Server Page (JSP)
or servlet in which a content spot bean has been embedded. When the Web
server receives the client request for the JSP or servlet, the request is passed
to the WebSphere Application Server, which then invokes its JSP or servlet
2. Step B: When the embedded content spot bean is invoked, the processor
passes the HTTPServletRequest object to the content spot bean. The client
request is used to initialize the Personalization context. The content spot
bean properties are retrieved in the same manner as retrieving properties for
any JavaBean.The Personalization context provides access to the resources
needed for rule processing and invokes the Personalization resource engine.
The Personalization context is in the JVM for the duration of the HTTP
3. Step C: The content spot bean invokes the Personalization rules engine to
process the rule. The getRuleContent method of the content spot bean
determines the appropriate rule to execute based on campaigns having a rule
mapped to the spot. The rules engine is an implementation of IBM Business
Rule Beans (BRB). BRB provides runtime and development frameworks for
applications that externalize business rules.
Within WebSphere Personalization V4, there are no APIs for the BRB rules
engine (APIs are defined in the full stand alone BRB product.). However, you
Chapter 10. Personalization
can enable a rule audit function that provides details about the execution
paths and results of processing a selected rule.
4. Step D: The rules engine processes the rule to obtain the results of the rules
5. Step E: The rules engine returns the result of the rule execution to the content
spot bean. The result can be a list of valid content, a string, a boolean value,
or no results. The content spot can only return personalized data of a single
type which has to be defined as the content spot class is created.
Web developers do not need to know where or how the content is retrieved,
only that content of the specific type will be returned containing a set of
properties to be displayed.
Finally, the Web server forwards the page to the client.
10.3 Personalization API
This chapter will provide a description of the most important classes of
Personalization API. If you use the wizards for WebSphere Studio Application
Developer, you will find the described interfaces implemented in the generated
code. For details on programming with other development environments or a
better understanding of the generated classes, we have listed the APIs used to
access user and content data in customer data stores. For a complete
Personalization API listing, please refer to the Personalization API Javadoc,
which is available at:
10.3.1 Resource interface
The interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.Resource enables
the mapping of your user model, content model, or other resource model to data
in your customer data store.
Table 10-1 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.Resource
Returns the primary key or identifier for
this resource. The primary key must be a
string and unique within the resource
get(String name)
Returns the value of the specified dynamic
property for this resource.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Returns all (an Enumeration) of the
property keys associated with this
put(String name, Object value)
Sets the specified dynamic property for
this resource.
remove(String name)
Removes the specified dynamic property.
In addition to the methods listed in this table, your implementation must contain
methods for setting and getting each fixed property in the data model. For
example, if your user model includes a fixed property userName, you would
define the methods getUserName() and setUserName().
Personalization V4.0 rules support nested method calls. Suppose your Resource
interface implementation defines a user object with a fixed property employer for
which there is a fixed property name. With WebSphere Personalization V4, it is
now possible to use nested method calls like user.employer.name to make
properties accessible to rules.
Note: The WebSphere Studio Wizard for user and content resources
implement the IMVResource interface. The IMVResource interface extends
the Resource interface and supports multi-value properties.
10.3.2 IMVResource interface
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.IMVResource interface
extends the Resource interface and enables mapping multi-value properties.
Table 10-2 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.IMVResource
Saves the reference to the instance of
MultiValueUtils. That reference is used
when invoking the
fillinMultiValueProperties method of the
MultiValueUtils class. This method does
not return output.
propertyname, Object propertyvalue)
Enables the IMVResource instance to get
values for multi-value properties. This
method does not return output.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Note: The WebSphere Studio Wizard for user and content resources
implement the IMVResource interface. The IMVResource interface extends
the Resource interface and supports multi-value properties.
10.3.3 MultiValueUtils interface
The interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.IMultiValueUtils is a
set of utilities for retrieving multi-value properties when those resources are in a
database. This class supports mapping multi-value properties to the
corresponding database tables.
Table 10-3 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.IMultiValueUtils
convertSQLtoMultiValue(String query)
Converts the SQL query string for
ResourceManager classes that need to
search on single value and multi-value
properties. Returns an enumeration that
contains the converted WHERE clause
followed by one or more elements that
contain the table names that are involved
in the query.
Retrieves the value for all multi-value
properties and calls the
addMultiValuePropertyValue method of
IMVResource. This method does not
return output.
theResource, String propertyName)
Retrieves the value for all single value
properties and calls the
addMultiValuePropertyValue method of
IMVResource. This method does not
return output.
theResource, String propertyName,
Vector values)
Populates the multi-value property into the
resource repository.
10.3.4 ResourceDomain2 interface
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceDomain2 interface
enables you to query and select resources based on fixed properties. The
access is read only mode. Like the Resource interface, ResourceDomain2
generally applies to resources.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
ResourceContext is an object created by you in your JSPs or servlets and allows
you to pass information to your resource classes. The resource engine adds the
current user's ID to the ResourceContext with the key of
Table 10-4 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceDomain2
findResourcesByProperty(String name,
String value, ResourceContext context)
Returns the resource whose identifier is
specified. When you add a resource to a
resource hierarchy, you specify a resource
ID that is used internally and as a visible
label when the resource is displayed in the
Resource Console. You determine the
resource ID. The resource ID does not
correspond to a property in the resource
schema (data model), but mapping to a
property of the resource is permitted.
findResourcesByProperty(String name,
String value, ResourceContext context)
Returns all (an Enumeration) of the
resources with properties having the
specified name and value.
findResourcesByQuery(Query query,
ResourceContext context)
Uses the specified query object to return
all (an Enumeration) of the resources.
The query is the equivalent of the WHERE
clause in a SELECT statement in a rule.
Although the syntax matches the SQL
where clause, the ResourceDomain2
implementation might need to convert the
property names (specified in the input
string) to column names used in the
database. Conversion is not required if the
property names match the column names.
Note: The ResourceDomain interface of V3.5.x is deprecated in V4.x and will
be removed in the next release. It is replaced by the new ResourceDomain2
interface described here.
10.3.5 ResourceManager2 interface
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceManager2
interface supports updating, adding and deleting resources (of type Resource) in
the customer data store.
Chapter 10. Personalization
ResourceContext is an object created by you in your JSPs or servlets and allows
you to pass information to your resource classes. The resource engine adds the
current user's ID to the ResourceContext with the key of
Table 10-5 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceManager2
add(Resource resource,
ResourceContext context)
Adds the specified resource to the
customer data store.
Throws the AddResourceException and
delete(Resource resource,
ResourceContext context)
Deletes the specified resource from the
customer data store.
Throws DeleteResourceException.
When getting the resource,
Personalization locks the resource until
the sync() method is called or time out.
getForUpdate(String id, ResourceContext
Gets the resource with the specified
identifier (resource ID).
sync(Resource resource,
ResourceContext context)
Synchronizes the changes.
Throws ResourceUpdateException.
10.3.6 AuthIDTranslator interface
The interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.security.AuthIDTranslator is
included in the JAR file prCommon.jar and provides translation functionality for
the user ID when Personalization is installed on WebSphere Application Server
with global security enabled.
Table 10-6 Interface com.ibm.websphere.personalization.security.AuthIDTranslator
translateAuthID(String id)
Receives as input the user ID and returns
the corresponding resource ID (string).
10.3.7 BaseResource class
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.BaseResource class
enables user applications to access the Personalization database to obtain the
dynamic properties that a resource inherited from groups. If your Personalization
solution uses resource hierarchies and your customer data store contains
dynamic properties for users, content, or other resources, this class enables your
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
user applications to access any dynamic properties in the Personalization
Note: Groups and Dynamic Properties stored by the Personalization database
are deprecated in Personalization V4.x and will be removed in the next
The BaseResource class implements the Resource interface. To make use of the
BaseResource class, create a class that implements the Resource interface and
extends the BaseResource class.
The BaseResource class provides three constructors:
򐂰 BaseResource() supports serialization and the need for a null constructor to
support Class.forName.
򐂰 BaseResource(String node, String rh) passes the primary key of the resource
and the name of the resource hierarchy with which the resource is
򐂰 BaseResource(String node) passes only the primary key of the resource and
sets the resource hierarchy identifier to null. You specify the resource
hierarchy elsewhere, for example in the add() method of your
ResourceManager implementation. This constructor is useful when you use
the same Resource implementation in multiple resource hierarchies and you
want to use the same BaseResource instance in both hierarchies.
Table 10-7 Class com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.BaseResource
get(String name)
Returns the specified dynamic property
associated with the resource. If the
dynamic property is not defined explicitly
for the resource, this method returns any
of the inherited (coalesced) dynamic
properties for the resource.
Returns the primary key or identifier for
this resource.
Returns all (an Enumeration) of the
dynamic property keys associated with
this resource, including inherited
Returns the unique name of the resource
hierarchy with which the resource is
Chapter 10. Personalization
setResourceHierarchyId(String id)
Sets the name of the resource
hierarchy with which the resource is
associated. Used when the
BaseResource class is instantiated
with the constructor
BaseResource(String node).
setPropsInternal(Boolean value)
Sets the property that indicates whether
dynamic properties set using the
Resource Console are stored in the
Personalization database or the customer
data store for user and content resources.
Returns a Boolean that indicates whether
dynamic properties are stored in the
Personalization database or the customer
data store for user and content resources:
If true, the put and remove methods
described below perform an action.
If false, you must extend the put and
remove methods. You do not call
super.BaseResource and you write your
own implementations of the put and
remove methods.
put(String name, Object value)
See the explanation of the
arePropsInternal() method.
remove(String name)
See the explanation of the
arePropsInternal() method.
10.3.8 Generic query framework
The generic query framework enables resource domain developers to convert a
property-based query object into a language specific executable query string. It
contains query component classes, and builder and callback interfaces.
򐂰 Query component classes, such as Query, Predicate, provide object
representation of a query.
򐂰 Builder and callback interfaces together facilitate a query string generation
mechanism that delegates operations to domain specific callbacks for
property-to-attribute resolution and query string syntax conversion.
Using the generic query framework in personalization
The resource engine constructs a generic query object and passes it to domain
developers via the ResourceDomain2 interface method findResourceByQuery().
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The developer can take one of the following approaches to convert this query
object into a meaningful domain query string.
1. Walk through the query object
The com.ibm.websphere.query.base.Query class contains query components
that the developer can traverse through to generate domain specific query
2. Use a system provided builder callback
Personalization ships three builder callbacks:
– SQL (com.ibm.websphere.query.callbacks.SqlSelectQueryCallback)
– LDAP (com.ibm.websphere.query.callbacks.LdapSelectQueryCallback)
– EIP (com.ibm.websphere.query.callbacks.EipSelectQueryCallback)
Property resolution and query syntax conversion are handled in the callbacks.
The developer can prepare a property mapping hash table and use it with one
of the callbacks above to build the executable query string. Here is the
sample code for SQL query string generation:
String s=q.buildString(new SqlSelectQueryCallback(h));
where q is a query object, and h is a property mapping hash table.
3. Develop and use a domain specific builder callback
If the system provided builder callbacks do not satisfy resource domain
requirements, a domain specific builder callback can be created and used as
long as it implements ISelectQueryCallback. The developer can decide on the
mechanisms to interpret properties and derive the proper query syntax in their
own callbacks. The code would look like this:
String s=q.buildString(new MySelectQueryCallback(myParameter));
where q is a query object, and MySelectQueryCallback is the custom builder
callback that takes myParameter as parameter.
10.3.9 ResourceContext class
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceContext class can
be used to pass information from your program to your resource class
implementation. For example, you might construct a resource collection that
does special processing based on the user ID of the current user. Your JSPs or
servlets can set the user ID in the resource context, and then the rules engine
will pass this context to your resource classes when they are called.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Table 10-8 Class com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.ResourceContext
Retrieves objects from the
propertyName, java.lang.Object
Store objects in the ResourceContext.
If your resources use the resource context object (ResourceContext), then your
application must:
򐂰 Check whether the ResourceContext already exists on the session, and
instantiate the ResourceContext object if it does not exist and reference from
the session object
򐂰 Set the value or values that are required by your resource implementation
Note: Other applications or services might be setting values within the
ResourceContext, so you should check to see if an instance of the resource
context already exists before creating your own instance.
10.3.10 RuleTrigger class
The com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.RuleTrigger class used to
trigger an Accessible Business Rules (ABR) rule that corresponds to the
personalization binding-type rule. ABR is the Personalization rules engine
component to separate their business rules from your application logic. Typically,
the RuleTrigger class makes resources available through an indexed content
property. The RuleTrigger class will initialize the ABR Trigger Point Framework if
it has not already done so, using the InitialContext it obtains from the
In relation to content spots, the most important methods of the RuleTrigger class
are as follows.
Table 10-9 Class com.ibm.websphere.personalization.resources.RuleTrigger
Returns the full set of applicable
classifications in an array.
getClassification(int which)
Provides access to the indexed
classification property.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Returns the full set of content for the
applicable rule.
getContent(int which)
Used to obtain the indexed content object
identified by which.
Returns a string which represents the
preview anchor link for PersWorkspace.
Returns the name of the applicable rule.
isClassifiedAs(java.lang.String c)
Returns true if the designated
classification is applicable in the business
context captured in the named classifier.
Request sr)
Invoked by the jsp to give us the servlet
request so that we can obtain the
Personalization context.
10.4 Using WebSphere Personalization components
The WebSphere Personalization components that are most important for
implementing your Personalization solution are:
򐂰 Resource Console
򐂰 Personalization Workspace
򐂰 Wizards for WebSphere Studio
In the following sections, we will describe these components in detail. In addition,
we included some important configuration aspects regarding the Personalization
Runtime which you might consider.
10.4.1 Personalization Runtime
During the installation, Personalization Runtime will be added to the specified
application server as enterprise application. Within Personalization Runtime, you
will find the Personalization Resource console as Web module PersAdmin.
Personalization Runtime also uses its own JDBC driver instance and datasource
for accessing the Personalization database specified during installation. They
can be found in Resources -> JDBC Providers -> Pers DB Driver -> Data
Sources in the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console.
However, for e-mail campaigns, a separate enterprise application
Personalization Email will be installed on the application server. This application
Chapter 10. Personalization
will only be accessed by the runtime and has no user interface other than
PersWorkspace. Personalization Email uses Java Mail sessions to send e-mails.
Therefore, a Java Mail Session is created during the installation with properties
which have to be configured, if you want to use the e-mail campaign feature of
Personalization. Figure 10-5 shows a Personalization Java Mail Session sample
Figure 10-5 Java Mail Session properties for Personalization Runtime
An e-mail trigger notifies the system when to send the e-mail. The default e-mail
trigger checks mail every 60 minutes to see if an e-mail campaign needs to be
processed. You can set the trigger delay for sending e-mails generated by your
e-mail campaigns by entering the delay in minutes in the emailconfig.xml. This
file can be found at <was_root>/personalization/pnzConfig. The default trigger
delay for e-mail is set to 60 minutes as shown in Example 10-1.
Example 10-1 emailconfig.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE personalizationConfigurator SYSTEM "PznEmailconfig.dtd">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
emailTimerDelay="60" >
If an e-mail cannot be sent (because of a mail server, network problem, etc.), the
system will attempt to send the e-mail in the next trigger. All active campaigns
that have a start time less than the current time will be sent.
To be able to publish resources from WebSphere Studio to Personalization
Runtime, the user/role mapping for Runtime have to be set in WebSphere
Application Server. In the Admin Console, go to Enterprise Applications ->
Personalization Runtime and select the User/Role Mappings tab. The entries
should look like those displayed in Figure 10-3.
Figure 10-6 Personalization Runtime user/role mapping in WebSphere Application
In addition to mapping users to the security roles defined in the Personalization
Runtime ear, you must also define a userid and password for the runtime cache
thread and the e-mail dispatcher to use. These must be supplied as shown in
Example 10-2.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Example 10-2 persconfig.xml
As with the database information, you can use an obfuscated password. The file
is located in <was_root>/personalization/pnzConfig.
The resource classes generated by the WebSphere Studio wizards include
database specific properties and values for userid, password, driver, URL, and
datasource. However, database access information may differ as the Web site
moves from server to server through staging, for example, from a development
server to a test server, then to a production server. Therefore, you can define
these values in an external configuration file which will be used instead of the
properties and values inside the generated code.
The external configuration file is called databaseAccess.config. The default
databaseAccess.config file is shown in Example 10-3. You will find this file
installed with Personalization in the <was_root>\personalization directory .
Example 10-3 databaseAccess.config
#Database access config
#This file must be placed in the <was install root>\bin directory to be picked
#In the commented example, the Companynews will use the Companynews qualified
fields. All
#other classes will use the userid and password fields for userid and password
#and for their other fields they will use their class specified instance
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
To invoke the databaseAccess.config file, copy it to the <was_root>\bin directory.
Uncomment the lines you want to use and change the properties and values to
reflect your specific database access information. In the default
databaseAccess.config, Companynews is an example of a resource for which
the values generated by the wizard would be overridden. You can create an entry
for each specific resource, or use an unqualified key for a global override.
At runtime, the resource engine checks for values in the following order, and will
use the first one it finds:
1. A qualified value in the databaseAccess.config file (for example,
2. An unqualified value in the databaseAccess.config file (for example,
3. A value specified in the ResourceManager class, as generated by the wizard
10.4.2 Resource Console
You use the Resource Console to define resource collections and resource
hierarchies. For all resources created with WebSphere Studio wizards, resource
collections will be created automatically for you. You can use the same resource
collection in more than one resource hierarchy. However, you cannot use the
same resource classes in more than one resource collection.
Personalization is installed such that each application server has its own
Personalization rules engine and related components. When you create a
resource collection, you must assign it a unique name. That name must be
unique among all of the resource collections for that Personalization resource
engine, because all of the collections share a common, flat, case-sensitive
namespace called the resource collection namespace. The namespace includes
names for resource collections, resource hierarchies and resources. Group
names and dynamic properties are stored per resource hierarchy and are not
global to the namespace.
Chapter 10. Personalization
In cases where application servers participate in a cluster, you would likely use
the same Personalization namespace on each server in the cluster. Depending
on the cluster design, you might also have some namespaces that are on some
(but not all) of the servers in the cluster. If the namespaces differ among the
clustered application servers, be sure to specify the correct Personalization
database during the installations on the cluster machines. In such cases, the
same Personalization database would not be used for each machine.
To use the Resource Console, enter the following URL in your Web browser:
If your application server has security enabled, you might be prompted for a
username and password. The Resource Console will look like that shown in
Figure 10-7.
Figure 10-7 Personalization Resource Console
The Resource Console consists of five main categories (Resource Collections,
Resource Hierarchies, Application Objects, Campaigns, Log Settings, Security),
accessible through the tabs in the top navigation bar.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Resource collections
In Personalization, a resource collection specifies a customer data store that
contains user, content, or other resources for your Personalization solution.
When you add a resource collection, you map to a customer data store by
identifying the Java classes used to access the resources. You cannot specify
the same resource access classes in more than one resource collection
Be sure that the resource access classes are in the Web application classpath
and the application server classpath. The classes must be in the application
server classpath to enable the Resource Console to verify the classes when you
add this resource collection.
Adding a resource collection
1. Click the Resource Collections tab. The task buttons for resource
collections will appear.
2. Click the Add button. The parameter input fields will appear as shown in
Figure 10-8.
Figure 10-8 Resource Console: adding a new resource collection
3. Specify the values for the new collection as explained in Table 10-10.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Table 10-10 Parameter for new resource collections
Collection Name
The unique name you want to assign to
this resource collection. Because
Personalization uses a common
namespace, the name must be unique
among all of the collections you will use on
this application server.
The name is case-sensitive. Single quote
and double quote characters are not
Resource Type
Specifies the type for this resource
collection. Select a type from the list or
type a user-defined type in the input field.
The predefined types are user and
Resource Class
The Java class that defines the resource
in the collection. Typically this would be
the plain class you created for your
resource using WebSphere Studio User or
Content wizards.
You have to specify the fully qualified
name of your class.
Resource Domain Class
The Java class that is used to search your
customer data store in read only mode for
resource data. If you created your
resource with the WebSphere Studio
wizards, this would be the
resourcenameManager class, otherwise
the class implementing the
ResourceDomain2 interface.
You have to specify the fully qualified
name of your class.
Resource Manager Class
The Java class that is used to add, delete
and retrieve resources in the customer
data store. If you created your resource
with the WebSphere Studio wizards, this
would be the resourcenameManager
class, otherwise the class implementing
the ResourceManager2 interface.
You have to specify the fully qualified
name of your class.
4. To add the collection, click the Create Collection button. To return without
adding the collection, click the Cancel button.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
After the resource collection is created, its name will appear in the list of
collections. If you decide to change the name of the collection after you create
the collection definition, you must delete the collection and create another one
with the new name.
Viewing a resource collection
You can view the specified resource collections and their properties by selecting
the target collection in the Collections list (and clicking the View button). The
information about the selected resource collection appears, including the
collection name, the Java classes used to access the resources in the customer
data store and the resource type as shown in Figure 10-9.
Figure 10-9 Resource Console: information on existing resource collection
When you view a resource collection, the parameters are viewable but not
editable. After you add a resource collection, you cannot modify the collection. If
you need to modify a collection to change the Java classes, you must delete the
collection and create a new one. Assign the new collection the same name as
the deleted collection, if you have created resource hierarchies and
Personalization rules based on the deleted collection.
Deleting a resource collection
When you delete a resource collection, the collection definition is removed from
the Personalization database and Personalization cannot use this resource
collection anymore.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Consider the following points before you delete a resource collection:
򐂰 If you delete a collection, any hierarchies based on that collection will be
automatically deleted.
򐂰 If you delete a resource collection and there are resource hierarchies built on
the deleted collection, any Personalization rules based on the deleted
resource hierarchies will not work correctly.
򐂰 If you are deleting the resource collection so that you can change the name of
the collection, you should perform the deletion as part of this sequence of
a. Export the Personalization resources to an export file.
b. Delete the resource collection as described below.
c. Create a new collection with the new name.
d. Import all of the Personalization resources, except the deleted resource
collection, from the export file.
To finally delete a resource collection select the target collection in the
Collections list and click the Delete button. Then click the Yes button to confirm
the deletion request or the B button to stop the deletion.
Resource hierarchies
Note: Resource hierarchies are deprecated in Personalization V4.0. You may
continue using them, but should not start to use them in V4.0, since support
for resource hierarchies will be removed in a future release.
A resource hierarchy facilitates Personalization by naming collections of
resources. Personalization rules refer to a resource hierarchy name to identify
the user and content data (the resource collection). Creating resource
hierarchies is also a method of categorizing user profiles and content resources.
The resource hierarchy is stored in the Personalization database, not in your
customer data store where the user and content resources are stored.
A resource hierarchy is a tree-structured collection of leaf nodes and group
nodes where leaf nodes represent resources and group nodes represent
groupings of resources. It is up to you to determine the groupings in your
hierarchy. In most cases, resource hierarchies are based on user or content
data. However, you can create hierarchies that are based on other types of data.
Optionally, you can assign dynamic properties to groups and leaf nodes. A
dynamic property can be retrieved using the explicit property name. Unlike fixed
properties, dynamic properties often are not stored in the same repository as the
user or content properties. In cases when dynamic properties are not part of the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
schema, they can be added, deleted, or modified without affecting the customer
data store and the Java classes for accessing the resources.
Dynamic properties for resources (leaf and group nodes) are inherited
(coalesced) along the path from the root group to the target group by following
the path of parent groups. At a node, the dynamic properties set in the parent
group can be overridden.
Adding a resource hierarchy
1. Click the Resource Hierarchies tab. The task buttons for Resource
Hierarchies appears.
2. Click the Add button. The parameter input fields will show up as in
Figure 10-10.
Figure 10-10 Resource Console: adding a resource hierarchy
3. Specify the values for the new hierarchy as explained in Table 10-11.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Table 10-11 Parameters for new resource hierarchies
Hierarchy Name
The unique name you want to assign to
this resource hierarchy. Because
Personalization uses a single namespace
for all resources, the name must be
unique among all of the hierarchies you
will use on this application server.
The name is case-sensitive. Single quote
and double quote characters are not
What is the resource collection for this
The name of the resource collection upon
which this hierarchy is based. The
resource collection maps to resources in
your customer data store.
Select the resource collection from the list.
If the list indicates None defined, no
resource collections have been defined.
If collections have been defined, but you
do not want to specify a collection
because the resources for this hierarchy
should be stored in the Personalization
data store, select None.
Specify a root node name (Optional)
The name of the root node of the
hierarchy. The default value is
For example, the hierarchy employees,
the root node name is employees-root.
The name is case-sensitive. Single quote
and double quote characters are not
Where should the Resource Console
store dynamic properties?
Specifies whether to store dynamic
properties for this resource hierarchy in
the Personalization database or in your
customer data store with the user or
content resources.
If you select customer data store, you
must specify a resource collection and the
resource access classes specified in the
associated resource collection must
support dynamic properties.
4. To add the hierarchy, click the Create Hierarchy button. To return to the
previous dialog without adding the hierarchy, click the Cancel button.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
After the hierarchy is created, its name will appear in the list of selectable
hierarchies and the root node name will appear in the graphic display of the
Adding a subgroup
Once you have created the hierarchy root node, you can add subgroups to the
1. In the graphical view of the hierarchy, select the group to which you want to
add a subgroup.
2. Click the Add subgroup task.
3. In the input field, type the name of the new subgroup. The name is
case-sensitive. Single quote and double quote characters are not permitted.
4. Click the Add subgroup button to proceed or the Cancel button to return to
the previous window without changes.
Managing the group membership
For any group except of the root node, you can change the membership after the
group is created.
1. In the graphical view of the hierarchy, select the group to which you want to
add a dynamic property.
2. Click the Manage group membership task.
3. To change the parent group, click the Change Parent button; to add or
change the secondary groups, click the Change Group Membership button.
4. In the list of available groups, select the appropriate group for your task (set
as parent, add/remove membership). If the list of groups is empty, no valid
group is available.
5. Click the task button to execute or the Cancel button to return to the previous
Deleting a group
1. In the graphical view of the hierarchy, select the group to which you want to
2. Click the Delete group task.
3. In the confirm dialog, click the Yes button to delete the group or cancel by
clicking the No button.
Note: To delete the complete hierarchy, click the task button Delete in the task
menu below the Resource Console top navigation bar.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Managing dynamic properties
1. In the graphical view of the hierarchy, select the group to which you want to
add a dynamic property.
2. Click the Manage group properties task.
3. In the table of the dynamic properties, to add a dynamic property, enter a
name for it, specify a default value and the type of the property.
4. Select the property by marking the radio button and click Update to add the
property to the group or Delete Property to remove it from the group.
Dynamic properties inherited from the parent group are not editable.
5. To cancel without changes, click the Return button.
Manage resources
If you want to add a resource to a group and the resource is not in your customer
data store, you can use the Resource Console to create the new resource and
add it to the group.
If you have defined a resource collection for the resource hierarchy, you specify
the resource ID and fixed properties for the newly created resource. The fixed
properties are added to your customer data store. The resource ID and group
membership information are added to the resource hierarchy in the
Personalization database.
If you have not defined a resource collection for the resource hierarchy, you
specify only the resource ID. You can add dynamic properties for the resource
later. The resource will also inherit any dynamic properties from the parent group.
You can concurrently add multiple resources from your customer data store to
the same group, by using the following Resource Console tasks.
򐂰 Assign by ID
This function enables you to specify a list of resource IDs (primary keys) that
map to user and content data in your customer data store. The Console treats
the resource IDs as string data and adds the resources to the specified group.
򐂰 Assign by query
This function enables you to search for resources in your customer data store
using specified fixed property values. The Resource Console treats the
property values as strings. If any resources match the query, the Resource
Console permits you to add those resources to the group.
Import/export of resources
The Resource Console provides an import function that enables you to define
resource collections, hierarchies, and other Personalization resources on one
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
application server and then use them on other application servers. This function
is useful when moving from a development to a production server.
Note: The resource description file (xml or hrf file) to be imported has to be
accessible on the file system of the node where the resource engine is
When you use the Resource Console to export Personalization resources in
XML format, a valid Personalization resources file is created matching the
Personalization Resources Document Type Definition (DTD), which is located at:
As indicated by the DTD:
򐂰 A Personalization resource file contains definitions for zero or more resource
collections, zero or more resource hierarchies, zero or more session objects
and zero or more security mappings.
򐂰 A ResourceCollection element contains information needed to access the
customer data store for user and content resources. Each resource collection
has a name and consists of a ResourceType, ResourceClass,
ResourceDomainClass and ResourceManagerClass.
򐂰 The ResourceType element is a user-defined description of the kind of
resources in the collection. The ResourceClass, ResourceDomainClass and
ResourceManagerClass elements contain the names of the classes used to
access the customer data store. These classes are implementations of the
Personalization APIs used to access the customer data store.
򐂰 The action attribute for ResourceCollection, ResourceHierarchy, Group and
Resource specifies how the Personalization resource engine processes the
element when the XML file is being imported using the Resource Console
import function. For a resource collection, the options are create or delete.
For other elements, the options are create, update, or delete. When
Personalization resources are exported, the action attribute is always set to
create for resource collections and update for the other elements.
򐂰 A ResourceHierarchy element can include an optional RootIdentity element
that is a user-defined label for the root node. ResourceHierarchy also has
zero or more nodes that are Group or Resource elements. If you use the
Resource Console to group resources, the resource hierarchy includes those
group definitions.
򐂰 A ResourceHierarchy has a unique name. If the hierarchy refers to resources
in your customer data store, the hierarchy definition specifies the name of the
associated ResourceCollection. The hierarchy definition also indicates
Chapter 10. Personalization
whether any dynamic properties (set using the Resource Console) are stored
in the Personalization database.
򐂰 Each Group element (a subgroup of the root node) consists of zero or more
Property elements (dynamic properties) and zero or more Membership
elements. Every group has a name and a parent group. A group can also be a
member of one or more other groups. The additional group memberships
(secondary group memberships) are specified by Membership elements.
򐂰 Each Resource element has a name and a parent group. All secondary group
memberships are specified by Membership elements. A resource can have
zero or more Property elements (dynamic properties). Fixed properties of a
resource are not stored in the Personalization database. Consequently, they
are not included in the Personalization resource file.
򐂰 A Personalization resource file can contain zero or more definitions of HTTP
session objects. The HttpSessionObject element is independent of the
ResourceHierarchy element. You can create classifier rules for session
򐂰 A Personalization resource file can contain zero or more definitions of
SecurityMappings. If login user IDs do not match the resource IDs for the user
data, you will need to manually define the ID mappings or create a translator.
A SecurityMapping consists of zero or more hierarchy elements and zero or
more collection elements. Those elements identify the resource hierarchy or
resource collection for the security mapping.
򐂰 A hierarchy element has a name (the name of the associated
ResourceHierarchy element) and an EnableSecurity attribute that indicates
whether the mapping is enabled. A hierarchy element consists of zero or one
Translator elements or zero or one Manual elements.
򐂰 A collection element has a name (the name of the associated
ResourceCollection element) and an EnableSecurity attribute that indicates
whether the mapping is enabled. A collection element consists of zero or one
Translator elements or zero or one Manual elements.
򐂰 A Translator element has a classname that is the full name of the Java class
implementation of the AuthIDTranslator interface.
򐂰 A Manual element consists of one or more IDMappings. Each IDmapping
specifies a userid and the associated mapid (the resource ID for the
corresponding user data).
Note: The import and export functions make the resource collections and
hierarchies that you have defined available to user applications and support
sharing this information with remote application servers.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Application objects
An application object is a session object (such as a shopping cart) that you want
to use in your Personalization solution. Typically, you would define application
objects using the HRF Editor in WebSphere Studio Advanced Edition.
Alternatively, you can use the Personalization Resource console to specify the
name or key used for storing the Java object in the HttpSession and specify the
name of the Java class for the object. Be sure the session object class is
accessible to your Web application and the application server classpath.
Adding an application object
1. Click the Application Objects tab. The task buttons for application objects
2. Click the Add button.
3. Specify values for the new application object, where the Object Handle is the
name of the Java handle to the object and the Object Class is the full Java
class name for this application object. Be sure this class is in your Web
application classpath and the application server classpath.
4. To add the application object, click the Add button. To return without adding
the application object, click the Cancel button.
Deleting an application object
1. Select the application object you want to delete from the list of application
2. Click the Delete button.
3. Confirm deleting by clicking the Yes button or cancel by clicking the No
The e-mail or Web site campaign data stored in the personalization database
may be orphaned in certain circumstances. You can use the Resource Console
to delete a campaign from the Personalization database.
Select the Campaigns tab. The task buttons for campaigns and all Web site
campaigns will appear. To display the e-mail campaigns, select E-mail from
campaign list.
To delete one or more campaigns, identify the campaigns you want to delete,
mark the checkbox and click the Delete button.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Log Settings
In Log Settings, you can create logs that can be analyzed using WebSphere Site
Analyzer in order to gauge effectiveness of campaigns and rules. You have the
choice of three available loggers:
򐂰 HttpLogger
To use the HttpLogger, enter the fully qualified URL to the Web Tracker
servlet on the Site Analyzer server in the input field Web Tracker URL and
enter the Site Analyzer project name for tracking the site in the input field Site
򐂰 DatabaseLogger
To write logging information to a database using the DatabaseLogger, you
have to provide the following input:
– Admin UserID: a database user ID with administrator authority
– Admin Password: the password for the database administrator user ID
– Schema.Table Name: the schema and table names, in the format
– DataSource Name: the datasource name
򐂰 FileLogger
To use the FileLogger, enter the name of the file to which you want to save
logging information.
To enable logging, enter the required information for the logger you want to use,
select the radio button for the logger, set the radio button for Enable Rule
Logging to Yes, and click the Save button.
For WebSphere Personalization, you can specify the user's identity by using one
of the following methods:
򐂰 Use WebSphere Application Server security, in which case the authenticated
ID is used to retrieve the correct user profile.
򐂰 Store an ID in the HTTP session object using the Personalization context key
If you are using WebSphere Application Server security and the user
authentication ID (the login ID) is different from the user profile ID (resource ID),
you have two options for mapping the authenticated ID to a user profile ID:
򐂰 Manually define a mapping of the authenticated ID to the user profile ID.
򐂰 Implement the Personalization AuthIDTranslator and specify the class to use
for mapping.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: If Personalization finds that a security mapping is enabled for a
resource collection and a mapping is enabled for a resource hierarchy based
on the collection, the mapping enabled for the resource collection is used.
Adding/deleting a translator
1. Click the Security tab. The task buttons for security will appear.
2. From the resource list, select the resource collection or hierarchy, for which
you want to add the translator.
3. Click the Add Translator button.
4. Specify the fully qualifying class name of your translator class.
5. Click the Add/Change button to save your setting or the Delete button to
reset the translator setting.
6. Click the Enable Security button.
Adding/Deleting ID mappings
1. Click the Security tab. The task buttons for security will appear.
2. From the resource list, select the resource collection or hierarchy for which
you want to add the translator.
3. Click the Add Mapping button.
4. Add a mapping of an authorization ID to a resource ID and click the Add
button to add this mapping to the list of defined ID mappings.
5. To delete an existing mapping entry, select it from the Defined ID mappings
list and click the Delete button.
6. When you specified all the ID mappings you need for your security IDs, click
the Enable Security button.
Note: When you add a security mapping (translator or ID mapping), you
specify a resource collection or a resource hierarchy to which the mapping
applies. Security mappings to all resource hierarchies that have been defined
are not applicable.
10.4.3 Personalization Workspace
The Personalization Workspace (PersWorkspace) is the browser-based interface
that provides you with integrated access to the tasks that you perform most
often, such as creating rules, in order to create personalized Web pages.
PersWorkspace includes four main sections: Campaign Manager, Rule
Composer, Preview Launcher, and Global Settings.
Chapter 10. Personalization
To access the Personalization Workspace, enter this URL at you browser:
where <host_name> is the name of the authoring or workspace server where the
PersWorkspace is installed. If your application has a different context root or has
a cookie path, your URL may be different. The PersWorkspace will show up as in
Figure 10-11.
Figure 10-11 Personalization Workspace (PersWorkspace)
Note: If global security is not enabled on your application server, the logon
window for PersWorkspace will only prompt for the username.
Campaign Manager
Campaigns are sets of rules that are active for a specific period of time. A Web
site campaign is used to display time-sensitive personalized content. When a
campaign is active, the Web site uses the campaign's rules for selecting content
instead of using the Normal View's rules. You can have multiple Web site
campaigns for a specific content spot. Each campaign can be effective at any
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
time for any duration. Web site campaign priorities determine which rule is
chosen to fill a content spot when campaigns overlap.
The Campaign Manager is the area where you assign rules that you have
created to content spots. When you assign rules to content spots as part of your
Web site's Normal View as illustrated in Figure 10-12, these rules define the Web
site's default behavior.
Figure 10-12 PersWorkspace: Campaign Manager
Rules that are part of a campaign are given priority to supersede the default
behavior of the Web site, during the times that the campaign is active. You can
also prioritize which campaign's rule assignment should prevail when multiple,
overlapping campaigns exist as demonstrated in Figure 10-13.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-13 PersWorkspace: Campaign priority and split of campaigns
When campaigns overlap in time, the rule assigned to the content spot in the
campaign with the highest priority is used to personalize content. When
campaigns share the same priority, and each of the campaigns has a rule
assigned to a particular content spot, split percentages are used to determine
which campaign's rule is applied to that content spot.
Although splits are defined in terms of percentages, it is not necessary to make
them add up to 100%. The chance an active campaign's rule is used is
calculated using the ratio of its split to the total of all splits for campaigns with the
same priority. Also, the split that is used is determined once for each visit. As a
result, if a user had one content spot filled with the rule from NewsForRaleigh,
then of all the content spots, for which NewsForRaleigh had a mapping, would
use the rule defined in this campaign when selecting content for this user during
his visit.
The Campaign Manager also allows you to control e-mail campaigns. You can
identify a file to use as the body of an e-mail message, use Personalization rules
to identify the list of recipients and their e-mail addresses, and specify the date
and time to send the e-mail message as illustrated in Figure 10-14.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-14 PersWorkspace: Setting properties for e-mail campaigns
There are no limitations for the e-mail body. When an e-mail body is processed at
runtime, the ”current user” is each recipient. WebSphere Personalization can use
rules to define a list of e-mail recipients, but the rule used to retrieve the list of
e-mail recipients does not have a 'current user'. You can use actions, rules, and
classifiers to personalize the e-mail message as the e-mail body is essentially
the same as any other JSP with content spots and assigned rules.
Security prevents the generation of personalization content from multiple
servers. Therefore, if the e-mail body is a JSP with content spots for delivering
personalized content, the servlet that generates the e-mail body must be served
from localhost. Since this servlet is customer-defined, it may be located
anywhere on localhost. If the content of the e-mail body is not personalized, the
servlet is not required to be on localhost.
If an e-mail cannot be sent (because of a mail server, network problem, etc.), the
system will attempt to send the e-mail in the next trigger. All active campaigns
that have a start time less than the current time will be sent.
Chapter 10. Personalization
E-mail campaigns have the following exception handling rules:
򐂰 No e-mail address: customers without e-mail addresses will be ignored.
򐂰 Incorrect e-mail address: incorrect e-mail addresses will be ignored.
򐂰 Overdue e-mail: e-mail that is over a week old will be set to inactive. This is
intended to prevent sending old e-mail that is in the database when a server
is started. The user may republish the e-mail using a new send time to
reactivate the e-mail.
򐂰 Cannot locate mail server: the connection attempt is retried three times,
then the state of the campaign is set to failed. An error message is logged to
the WebSphere Application Server logs.
򐂰 No mail server account: the state of the campaign is set to failed.
򐂰 JSP errors: if there is an error or exception generated from a JSP when
generating the data for an e-mail, the error will be logged and processing will
continue with the next customer.
Verify that JavaMail 1.1 is installed on the WebSphere Application Server.
JavaMail provides the SMTP required to send e-mail. You can manage e-mail
responses from customers and outgoing error conditions (for example, unknown
e-mail address) using a standard e-mail client. Under the JavaMail Session of
WebSphere Application Server, verify that the Protocol is SMTP and that the
hostname of the SMTP server is in the Server entry field. If the SMTP server is
authenticating, a valid Username and Password must also be set.
Rule Composer
The Rule Composer is the area of the workspace where you can create, edit, and
delete rules. The navigation bar on the left displays the folders that are defined
for the current project.
򐂰 Classifiers are used to define visitor segments or classify other conditions by
evaluating the current user properties, the current date and time, and other
implicit and explicit application object properties.
򐂰 Actions determine what data or content will be selected or updated, including
the ability to sort the order of returned results.
򐂰 Bindings combine actions and classifiers, so you can specify what actions to
perform when your defined conditions are encountered.
You can work on only one type of rule at a time (classifiers, actions, or bindings).
Select the type of rule from the drop-down list and click a folder name to open it.
Rules of the type selected will be displayed in any of the open folders where
rules of that type exist.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
The rule editors for Classifier, Action, and Binding use hot links to help you
identify the variables (items you can or must change) and colors to help you
recognize what you need to do and when you are done. When you click a hot
link, the editor opens a new window that displays a list of values that you can
select, as shown in Figure 10-15. When you make a selection, the variables are
replaced with meaningful values.
Figure 10-15 PersWorkspace: Action rule editor
The colors of the hot links are as follows:
򐂰 Blue indicates that the item is OK or complete. You can change the item by
selecting it again.
򐂰 Red indicates that the item is required to finish the rule and it is not complete.
You must specify a value for this item.
򐂰 Magenta indicates that the item is optional. You can complete the rule with or
without specifying a value.
As you click the links and make selections, the colors will change to let you know
that you have completed a rule definition.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Classifier rule editor
The fields of the Classifier rule editor dialog are:
Name of the Classifier
Create a name to identify the classifier. This name will be used as the file name.
Do not use special characters. Also, if you rename an existing classifier, any
binding rules that reference the rule by the former name may no longer work.
Comment about the Classifier
You can optionally enter a more detailed description about the classifier's
Classifier Description
The default classifier structure looks like this:
NewClassifier is”
Classification when
Resource.Attribute is equal to value
add Condition
add Classification
Otherwise Classification
This is the name of your classifier. To rename your classifier to something
meaningful, change the text in the Name of the Classifier field. When you
complete the Add Classifier dialog and click Save, the classifier is renamed. If
you do not rename the classifier in the Name of the Classifier field, the classifier
will be named NewClassifier.
Select Classification to specify an arbitrary name (of your choice) to
differentiate a set of circumstances or conditions about the visitor at the Web site,
or the date and time the visit occurs.
Select Resource.Attribute to choose a specific attribute that will be evaluated to
decide if the visitor or situation fits the classification.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Attributes can be data you maintain for or about your Web site visitors,
information in page requests or session objects, or the date. You can also define
classifications that evaluate against Web page input such as page requests or
session objects, like an online shopping cart.
The default options for Resource.Attribute are described below:
򐂰 current Date: make classifications based on the date, day or time
򐂰 current Page Request: make classifications based on information passed as
a page request
򐂰 current Category Count: make classifications based on implicit user
򐂰 current User Session: make classifications based on information stored in
the user session
򐂰 current BrowserCapability: make classifications based on various attributes
of the browser that the Web site visitor is using
In order for your resources to appear in the selection windows, they must be set
up as Personalization resources and the .hrf files must be accessible at the
project resource paths and resource class path settings identified within Global
Resources marked current means the resource attributes relate to an actual
Web site visitor. If your resources include objects that are created during a
visitor's session such as what the visitor has selected while at the site, these
objects will also be designated as current.
is equal to
Select is equal to to specify the evaluation between the resource attribute and a
value. The default evaluation is is equal to, but other evaluations are possible
depending on the type of the resource being evaluated.
򐂰 includes
򐂰 includes any of
򐂰 is between
򐂰 is between but not equal to
򐂰 is equal to
򐂰 is greater than
򐂰 is greater than or equal to
򐂰 is included in
򐂰 is less than or equal to
Chapter 10. Personalization
򐂰 is less than
򐂰 is not equal to
Select value to choose a specific value for the resource attribute evaluation. This
can be a value you enter or the value of another resource attribute. When you
define the resource attribute and select is equal to as your relationship, then you
would specify the exact value to satisfy the condition of your classification. You
can enter the value or select another resource attribute that you want it to match.
The other resource attribute does not have to be related to the Web visit. It can
be from any other resource available in your collection of resources.
When selecting another resource attribute, you will only be able to select one
that has a compatible data type. For example, if you evaluate an attribute that
has the type Number, you can compare it to another resource attribute that has
the type Number or Decimal Number. The editor will not let you choose other
resource attributes with incompatible types.
When making comparisons against resources in a database, Personalization
respects the column type and size; therefore, to compare a value to a column
typed as CHAR(10), you must include all ten characters. For example, assuming
you have a table with a column named DAY which is typed as CHAR(10) and a
row in the table has a value of “Monday™ “ for the DAY column, if DAY is used to
compare against in a classifier condition, the value to compare must have all ten
characters defined. If, however, the column was typed as VARCHAR, then the value
compared to in the classifier condition could be “Monday” (without the four
additional blanks).
add Condition
Select add Condition to add another resource attribute, evaluation, and value
combination that will further define the same classification.
When you add another condition, the word and appears at the end of the
previous condition as connecting condition. When you have more than one
attribute/value condition in a classification, you can decide if all of the conditions
have to be true to satisfy the classification, or just some of them.
򐂰 If all the conditions have to be true, select and to connect them
򐂰 If only some of the conditions have to be true, select or
When you have three or more attribute/value conditions, you can group two or
more of them within parentheses so that they can be evaluated together as one
set of circumstances. A group can be connected to another attribute/value
condition or to another group of conditions by and or or.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
add Classification
Select add Classification to define another related classification within this
classifier. Although a classifier can have several classifications, the
classifications are evaluated individually.
Otherwise Classification
Select Otherwise Classification to create a classification that will be true when
none of the other conditions are met.
Action rule editor
The fields of the Action rule editor dialog are:
Name of the Action
Create a name to identify the action. This name will be used as the file name, so
do not use special characters. Also, if you rename an existing action, any binding
rules that refer to the previous name may not work.
Comment about the Action
You can optionally enter a more detailed description about the action.
Type of Action
Choose either Select content or update from the drop-down list. Select content
is for retrieving data and update is for storing data such as Web site visitor
preferences. Select content is the default. The conditions in the Update action
rule are related to updating content. You can update any “current” object.
Action Description for Select content
The default action structure is:
Select Content
whose Resource.Attribute is equal to value
add Condition
order as is
show all items
Chapter 10. Personalization
Select Content
The conditions in the default Action rule for Select content are related to
selecting one type of content. The content you select can be images, text, links,
and values retrieved from a database - anything that can be displayed or
included on a Web page.
Select Resource.Attribute to choose a specific attribute of a content resource.
This attribute is evaluated to determine if the content is displayed. Content
resource attributes are information you keep in your data store about your
content. The default options for Resource.Attribute are:
򐂰 current Date: make classifications based on the date, day or time
򐂰 current Page Request: make classifications based on information passed as
a page request
򐂰 current Category Count: make classifications based on implicit user profiling
򐂰 current User Session: make classifications based on information stored in the
user session
򐂰 current BrowserCapability: make classifications based on various attributes of
the browser that the Web site visitor is using
is equal to
Select Is equal to to evaluate the relationship between the resource attribute of
the content and its value. If the resource attribute is of the data type list (array,
vector, or enumeration), the available evaluations become includes and includes
any of. Otherwise, the choices are:
򐂰 includes
򐂰 includes any of
򐂰 is between
򐂰 is between but not equal to
򐂰 is equal to
򐂰 is greater than
򐂰 is greater than or equal to
򐂰 is included in
򐂰 is less than or equal to
򐂰 is less than
򐂰 is not equal to
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Select value to specify values for the content resource attribute evaluation. For
example, if you choose is equal to as your relationship, then you should specify
the exact value the content resource attribute must have to satisfy the condition.
This value can be one you enter or the value of another resource attribute. As
with classifiers, when choosing another resource attribute, you can select only
one attribute with a compatible data type. The editor prevents you from choosing
other resource attributes with incompatible types.
In addition to predefined resource properties, you can enter properties of a
resource that are not in the list. If you know the resource to handle dynamically,
specify the name of the property. If the resource manages properties
dynamically, their values are retrieved when the rule is evaluated.
add Condition
Select add Condition to define another attribute, evaluation, and value
combination for selecting this content. When you have more than one
attribute/value in an action, you can decide if all of the conditions have to be true
to satisfy the rule and display the content, or just some of them. When you add
another condition, the word and appears at the end of the previous condition as
Connecting condition. When you have more than one attribute/value condition in
a classification, you can decide if all of the conditions have to be true to satisfy
the classification, or just some of them.
򐂰 If all the conditions have to be true, select and to connect them
򐂰 If only some of the conditions have to be true, select or
When you have three or more attribute/value conditions, you can group two or
more of them within parentheses so that they can be evaluated together as one
set of circumstances. A group can be connected to another attribute/value
condition or to another group of conditions by and or or.
order as is
Select order as is to specify the order in which you want the selected content to
be displayed on the Web page. The default, order as is, will return data in the
order in which it is stored in the repository. You can also choose order randomly
or order by. Order by allows you to sort the content by any of its attributes, sort
by more than one attribute (and specify the order the attributes are used to sort),
and specify whether you want each attribute in ascending or descending order.
Order randomly will return the data in a different order each time the page is
Chapter 10. Personalization
show all items
Select Show all items to identify a numerical limit to the number of items that will
be selected. Any property or request or session object of type Integer can be
used to specify this limit. The default setting is to show all items or to have no
Action Description for Update
The default update action structure is:
Resource.Attribute set to value
add Expression
Select Resource.Attribute to choose a specific attribute of a current resource.
This attribute will be updated according to its type and the operation you choose
to perform. Only current instance-based resources, such as current Personnel
and current User Session, can be updated. Others, such as Current Page
Request, Current Date, and Current Browser, cannot be updated. Attributes of
application objects can also be updated. You cannot update a primary key of a
set to
Select Set to to choose from a list of operations that can be performed on the
attribute. Valid alternatives are:
򐂰 set to (applies to all types)
򐂰 increment by (Number and Decimal Number)
򐂰 decrement by (Number and Decimal Number)
򐂰 multiply by (Number and Decimal Number)
򐂰 divide by (Number and Decimal Number)
򐂰 append (Text and List types)
򐂰 remove (List types)
򐂰 remove all (List types)
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Select value to specify the value by which the attribute will be updated. For
example, if your operand is increment by, then you should specify the value by
which the resource attribute is incremented. You can enter a specific value or
reference the value of another attribute. As with classifiers, when choosing
another resource attribute, you can only select one that has a compatible data
type. The editor prevents you from choosing other resource attributes with
incompatible types. If the resource attribute is a list, the operations append and
remove will accept both single values and multi-value lists for the value.
add Expression
You can have more than one update expression by selecting add Expression.
Additional expressions will be joined together by and. For multiple mathematical
operations, and for multiple append operations on the same attribute,
expressions are performed in the order in which they are presented, and results
are cumulative. When updating multiple expressions, it is not possible to change
and to or, nor is it possible to group or parenthesize expressions.
Binding rule editor
The fields of the Binding rule editor dialog are as follows.
Name of the Binding
Create a name to identify the binding. This name will be used as the file name.
Do not use special characters.
Comment about the Binding
You can optionally enter a more detailed description about the binding's function.
Binding Description
The default binding rule structure looks like this.
When Classifier is
do Action
do Action
Chapter 10. Personalization
do Action
do Action
order as is
show all items
Select Classifier to choose from a list of the available classifiers in your project,
or select the quick classifier option. Quick classifiers are simple condition
classifiers defined inside the binding, without the need for a specific classifier
rule. However, if you need to specify multiple conditions or define groups using
and and or, you must use a separate classifier rule. Selecting Use Attribute
allows you to specify the attribute to use in the binding in the same way you
select them for actions and classifiers.
Select Classification to choose the name of one of the classifications within the
classifier. However, if you choose to use an attribute using a quick classifier, this
option will change to is equal to value.
do Action
Select do Action to choose one or more actions in your project. You can also
select another classifier and classification to define a combination of conditions
to evaluate. These actions run when the condition in the preceding classification
(or set of classifications) are met. If there are multiple actions in a binding, they
must all work with resources of the same type.
otherwise do Action
Select otherwise do Action to choose one or more actions in your project that
run when none of the preceding conditions in the classification or set of
classifications are met. Within the otherwise clause, you can also select another
classifier and classification to define a combination of conditions to evaluate.
always do Action
Select always do Action to choose one or more actions in your project that will
execute whether or not any of the preceding conditions in the classifications are
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
exclude do Action
Select exclude do Action to identify one or more actions in your project that will
execute and whose results returned will be removed from the result set
generated by the other actions in the binding. The “exclude” takes precedence
over “always”.
order as is
Select order as is to choose the ordering of the final result set of the binding.
The options for binding ordering are the same as for action ordering:
򐂰 order as is
򐂰 order randomly
򐂰 or order by
The option order as is returns the items in the same order in which they are
stored in the database. The option order randomly returns the items in a random
order each time the rule runs. The option order by allows you to sort the content
by any of its attributes, sort by more than one attribute, and specify whether you
want each one in ascending or descending order. Order at the binding level will
override any order defined within an individual action. If you want to preserve the
order as defined by each individual action, specify the default order as is within
the binding.
show all items
Select Show all items to identify a numerical limit to the number of items that will
be selected. Any property or request or session object of type Integer can be
used to specify this limit. The default setting is to show all items.
Preview Launcher
The ability to preview your personalized Web site is incorporated into
WebSphere Personalization through the Preview Launcher. Previewing allows
you to test the operation of your Personalization rules and campaigns during
development, so that you can see how the rules will respond to visitors with
varying attributes or at different times. All users who can access the workspace
may select a project and preview it using the Preview Launcher.
Because Personalization rules processing during runtime is dependent on who
the current user is, the day, date, or time, you must first assume a user profile
and declare what the date and time are to be before you preview the Web site.
Instead of relying on actual users, you can create fictitious user profiles. Those
profiles are comprised of information you define for any or all of the attributes of
the typical users of your site.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Once you have defined and selected a profile, you specify the day and time you
want to simulate to view your site as demonstrated in Figure 10-16.
Figure 10-16 PersWorkspace: preview criteria
The preview will then display the site the way it would appear according to the
user characteristics of your chosen profile, on the day and time you have
determined. During Web site preview, content spots on the Web pages appear
as small blue spheres as shown in Figure 10-17.
Figure 10-17 PersWorkspace Preview: Content spots placeholders
Note: If you do not see the content spot placeholders on your personalized
Web page, check that you included the getPreviewAnchorTag() method of
your content spot wrapper bean in your JSP!
You can obtain information about the rule and campaign (if applicable) used to fill
the content spot, change the rule applied to the content spot (in either the Normal
View or campaign), and open the rule editor from within preview by clicking a
content spot. The content spot dialog, as shown in Figure 10-18, will open up an
offer the applicable rules for the selected content spot.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-18 PerWorkspace Preview: Changing assigned rule for a content spot
The top box of the window displays the name of the content spot that you are
working with, the type of content the spot can accept, and the campaign that is
currently filling the content spot. The middle box shows the rule you have
selected to fill the content spot when there are no active campaigns. The bottom
box displays a list of all campaigns and whether they have rules assigned to
content spots.
To change the rule that fills the content spot, click the drop-down list in the Rule
column and choose a different rule. Only rules that use the same content type
can be selected. By clicking the Edit Rule button next to the rule drop-down list,
you can edit the currently selected rule and make changes to the way the rule
functions. The appropriate rule editor will launch and let you modify the rule as
you would do within the Rule Composer. When you save your changes and
refresh the site preview window, you will see your changes take effect.
Global Settings
Within Global Settings, you define your project and the parameters
PersWorkspace needs to access them. For publishing your projects, you can
Chapter 10. Personalization
define your publish servers and trigger the publishing. In addition, the
PersWorkspace access control and user management is defined in the Global
When you click the Global Settings tab, a new browser window will open up and
display the available sections. As PersWorkspace handles access to the different
controls based on a set of user roles, if some of the describes controls are not
available to you, check whether your user role allows the specific action as
described in the section Manage Access Control.
Manage Projects
By default, the Global Settings starts up with the Manage Projects section. Here
you find a list of all projects defined in PersWorkspace. You can add, edit or
delete a project from the list by selecting it and clicking one of the buttons on the
right of the list.
To add a new project, you have to specify the project path and the project name,
as illustrated in Figure 10-19.
Figure 10-19 PersWorkspace: adding a project
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
If the project path you entered does not exist, PersWorkspace will create the
directories. The project path cannot be changed after the project is created.
However, you can change the project name at any time.
If you want to add an existing project, mark the Open existing radio button and
specify the full path name to the PersWorkspace project properties file (.prj).
Note: All path settings you enter will be mapped to the application server file
When you click the Edit button, a new browser window will open where you can
edit the settings of the selected project, as shown in Figure 10-20.
Figure 10-20 PersWorkspace: setting the project properties
Manage Publish Servers
In the Manage Publish Servers section, you can add, edit or delete servers
where you publish the current project. You must be logged on to PersWorkspace
in the role of Administrator or Developer to be able to perform these tasks.
Chapter 10. Personalization
To add a server, click the Add button and enter the properties for your server as
illustrated in Figure 10-21.
Figure 10-21 PersWorkspace: adding a publish server
Publish Files
The Publish Files section allows publishing of rules, campaigns and e-mail
campaigns to Personalization servers. To publish, select the target server from
the list of publish servers and specify whether to publish only the changed files or
all files.
Note: Only the files of the current project will be published.
After you have clicked the Publish button, a small window will pop up, displaying
the current status. After publishing is finished, an info box will show up as
illustrated in Figure 10-22.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-22 PersWorkspace: publish files
Manage Access Control
In this section, you will find the list of current users for PersWorkspace and their
assigned roles. The role concept within the Personalization Workspace
distinguishes between five user roles (Publisher, Author, Editor, Developer, or
Administrator) each with a specific set of tasks the particular user is allowed to
perform. Figure 10-23 summarizes this role concept and shows the mapping of
the different roles and the tasks.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-23 PersWorkspace: user roles/tasks mapping
Depending on your installation, there is one explicit user assigned to the
PersWorkspace Administrator role and only this user can manage the access
control list. This Administrator user is entered during the installation (see Chapter
Installation) and authentication is handled by the application server.
However, if you cannot add or edit the user list even though your user is
supposed to act as Administrator, you could check the PersWorkspace role
mappings in the following folder:
There you should find a <username>.uac file which contains the settings for this
user. If needed, copy and/or modify the particular file. As example, the
wpsadmin.uac is shown in Example 10-4.
Example 10-4 PersWorkspace access control settings for user wpsadmin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<user defaultProject="Default" name="wpsadmin" role="65535" tip="2"></user>
The value for defaultProject specifies the current project. Set this to the value
Default and later select the appropriate current project from the Global Settings.
The attribute name specifies the logon name for that user. Role identifies the
PersWorkspace user role code and the code value for tip specifies whether or
not to show PersWorkspace tips after the logon.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Table 10-12 PersWorkspace user role codes
For further PersWorkspace user management, you should use the
browser-based tool rather than copying and modifying the access control file.
You can add, edit and delete users, but only if you are logged on to
PersWorkspace in the role of an Administrator. Figure 10-24 shows the Manage
Access Control dialog for adding a new user.
Figure 10-24 PersWorkspace: Manage Access Control add user dialog
Chapter 10. Personalization
10.4.4 Plugins for WebSphere Studio Application Developer
To implement the resources and content spots, Personalization offers wizards for
WebSphere Studio which guide you through and create the needed Java classes
as well as the resource description files (href files). The V4 wizards come as
plugins and can be used with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD),
WebSphere Studio Advanced Edition and WebSphere Studio Site Developer.
Note: By default, the Personalization Wizards are available in the Web and
Java perspectives. To add them to additional perspectives such as the portal
perspective, open the perspective, and choose Perspective -> Customize
from the menu. Select the Other category and click the checkbox next to
Personalization Wizards.
Once installed and added to a perspective, the Personalization wizards will be
available as three buttons on the toolbar. For WebSphere Studio Application
Developer, this is shown in Figure 10-25.
Figure 10-25 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Personalization wizards
General settings
The source path is set by default to the first source path specified on the Java
Build Path properties page of the corresponding project. For Java projects, the
resource and rule paths are set by default to \wcm-resourceCollections and
\wcm-rules, respectively. For Web and Portal projects, the paths are
webApplication\WEB-INF\wcm-resourceCollections and
webApplication\WEB-INF\wcm-rules. The appropriate folder is created the first
time you use the wizard, and is not configurable. If you change the folder names,
resources may no longer be visible to the wizards.
The Personalization plug-in will automatically add some JARs to your project's
classpath which it needs to compile resources. If you receive compile errors,
check your project's classpath to make sure all variable entries are correctly
resolved and move the variable entries added by Personalization to the top of the
Before adding Personalization resources or content spots to a JSP, you may
want to enable BeanInfo introspection for your project. To do so, right-click the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
project name, click Properties, click BeanInfo Path, and select Enable
BeanInfo Introspection on this Project. If introspection is not enabled,
properties of the bean may not be correctly listed in Page Designer dialogs.
The file publish.properties located in the plug-in folder
com.ibm.wcm.resource.wizards identifies the location of the PersAdmin
application in the runtime environment. If you have changed the context for the
PersAdmin Web Module in the Personalization Runtime enterprise application
from the default, update the servlet locations in the publish.properties file. Do not
modify or remove the XML_ENCODING line.
Example 10-5 Default publish.properties
# ------- Publish URL entries ------RULE_PUBLISHER=wps/PersAdmin/servlet/com.ibm.servlet.personalization.PznRulePub
Note: Personalization wizards may only be run from a Java, Web or Portal
Content Wizard V4
The Content Wizard V4 will assist you in creating content resources for your
Personalization rules. The Content Wizard helps you define attributes of your
content that you want to define in your Personalization rules. The rules can
evaluate these attributes before deciding to display the content on a Web page.
The Content Wizard V4 adds the ability to create resources for EIP databases,
and adds database joins support when creating resources for a relational
To create a content resource, point to the project where you want the resource to
be added. Select Content Wizard V4 from the toolbar.
In the Content Wizard, click Next or the Logon tab to move on to the database
logon window shown in Figure 10-26.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-26 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: database logon
When you select a Driver identifier, the Driver class and DataSource class
fields will automatically populate. If you select Other for a Driver identifier, then
you will need to complete the Driver class and DataSource class fields. The
DataSource class is the JDBC 2.0 connection pooling driver that is used by
WebSphere Application Server V4.0 at runtime. If the DataSource class is not
specified, the Driver class will be the standard JDBC driver that WebSphere
Studio Application Developer uses to connect to the database to allow you to
select tables and columns, and that is used for legacy connection pooling (WAS
3.x). If you specify both drivers, the code generated is WebSphere Application
Server V4.0 connection pooling, however, if you leave the DataSource class field
blank, the code generated will use the WebSphere Application Server V3.0
connection pooling.
Table 10-13shows the supported drivers and required syntax.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Table 10-13 Supported drivers and required syntax
Database URL
IBM DB2 UDB local
IBM DB2 UDB remote
AS/400® Toolbox for Java
use the database URL as specified by
your database vendor
Lotus Domino
When you click Connect, the wizard tries to establish the connection to the
specified database. If the connection could not be established, an error message
will come up.
After you have connected successfully to the database, the Content Wizard V4
dialog will show the following five additional tabs: Tables, Columns, Joins,
Mapping, and Finish, as illustrated in Figure 10-27.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-27 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: Table selection
Note: You can use the Back, Next, and Finish buttons to navigate through
the dialog. The Tables and Columns section are required to finish the dialog.
Joins and Mapping are optional.
Within the Tables tab, select the table(s) that you want to use to build your
resource. You must select at least one table to continue.
Multiple tables may be selected. To narrow the displayed list of tables, click the
Filter Tables button and type a table name filter. For example, D% will narrow the
list to just the table names starting with the letter D.
At the Columns tab, select the column(s) representing resource attributes on
which to base personalization decisions. You must select at least one column.
Multiple columns may be selected.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-28 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: Column
The primary key is indicated in bold. The table from which the primary key is
selected is assumed to be the base table. All joins should be done against this
To change the primary key, select a different column and click the Primary Key
You can rename a column name. To do this, under Selected columns, select the
Name of the column and type the new name. Both names, the original and the
one you have entered, will be carried along into the resource wrapper bean.
If you have selected more than one table, you can add joins to them within the
Joins tab. Therefore, click a column name in the base table and a column name
in the association table. Click the Join button to join the tables.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-29 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: Joins
You can specify the type of join, INNER or LEFT OUTER JOIN, by clicking the
Join Type button. A join can be removed by selecting one of the joined columns
and clicking the Unjoin button.
If the base table is joined with the primary key of another table, then the relation
is one-to-one and the columns selected are single value. In other cases, values
are multi-value.
For multi-value cases, if more than one column from the association table is
selected, then it is a compound multi-value. The wizard will generate a bean for
these columns and the multi-value will be an array of this bean. You can specify
the name of this multi-value property by clicking the Set Property Name
button.When creating a one-to-many multi-value join, the wizard generates an
Association class file.
Mapping columns to defined variables is optional. If a resource attribute has a set
of valid values, you can map those to meaningful words that will appear in the
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Personalization rule editors. This can make it easier to create a rule, because it
will be possible to select from a list of the words rather than the actual values.
For example, if a particular column in the database held the integer value of 1, 2,
or 3 indicating Yes, No, or Maybe, you could map the integer values to the words.
To map a column to a defined value, from within the Mapping tab, do the
1. Click the column that will be mapped
2. Click the Edit button
3. In the Define Type Value dialog, enter the value and the description
4. Click the Add button
5. When finished, click the OK button
For longer lists, you can use the Populate button to map values. For example,
let's assume you have a column in your EMPLOYEE table named WORKDEPT
(EMPLOYEE.WORKDEPT). You also have a table named DEPARTMENT which
column (DEPARTMENT.DEPTNAME). Using the Populate button, you can map
the values (DEPARTMENT.DEPTNO) and descriptions
To map a column using the Populate button, from within the Mapping tab, do the
1. Click the column that will be mapped
2. Click the Populate button
3. Select a column for values
4. Select a column for descriptions
5. When finished, click the OK button
On the Finish tab, the names of the files to be generated can be modified and
adapted to particular coding guidelines. Before generation, a list of all files to be
generated is displayed as a summary. To modify the filename, select the file from
the list and click the Edit button. Then, enter the new filename and confirm by
clicking OK.
The Content Resource Wizard will generate the following files.
򐂰 Content Resource (Java)
򐂰 Content Resource Manager (Java)
Chapter 10. Personalization
򐂰 BeanInfo (Java)
򐂰 Server Resource Configuration (.hrf)
User Wizard
The User Wizard V4 will assist you in creating user resources for your
Personalization rules. The User Wizard helps you define attributes of your Web
site visitors that you want to define in your Personalization rules. With the User
Wizard, you can create user resources from a relational database or from an
LDAP Directory.
To create a user resource, point to the project where you want the resource to be
added. Select User Wizard V4 from the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer toolbar.
In the User Wizard, click Next or select the Logon tab to specify the datasource
you want to use and to log on to the datasource. The Logon window is shown in
Figure 10-30.
Figure 10-30 WebSphere Studio Application Developer User Wizard: LADAP Logon
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: When you change the Protocol to Database(SQL), the window will
display the logon settings as described in the Content Wizard section.
When you entered your LDAP properties and click Connect, the wizard tries to
establish the connection to the specified LDAP. If the connection could not be
established, an error message will come up.
After you have connected successfully to the LDAP, the User Wizard dialog
window will show the following four additional tabs: Attributes, User Preferences,
Mapping, and Finish.
Note: As for databases, the User Wizard is the same as described in the
Content Wizard section with identical procedure and selection possibilities, so
we will focus on using LDAP in this section.
From the list of available attributes on the left, you must select at least one
attribute. You can add single attributes to your user resource by marking them in
the attribute list and clicking on the single right arrow button or you can add all
available attributes by clicking the double right arrow button. Added attributes will
be moved from the list of available attributes (left) to the list of selected attributes
(right). To remove attributes from the list of selected attributes, mark them and
click the single left arrow button or click the double left arrow button to remove all
selected attributes. The primary key is indicated in bold as shown in
Figure 10-31.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-31 WebSphere Studio Application Developer User Wizard LDAP: Select
To change the primary key, select a different attribute and click the Primary Key
button. You can rename an attribute name. To do this, under Selected attributes,
select the name of the attribute and type the new name. Both names, the original
and the one you have entered, will be carried along into the resource wrapper
User Preferences
User Preferences are optional. User Preferences generate JSPs that allow Web
site users to update their preferences. To create a User Preference page, within
the User Preference tab, select the columns that you want to use as your user
preferences. Under the Style column, use the drop-down list to select a style for
the JSP presentation page (for example, list, checkbox, text, radio button).
When creating User Preferences, the wizard generates the following files:
򐂰 User Preference Update page (.jsp)
򐂰 User Preference Modification page (.jsp)
򐂰 Update Preference Rule page (.act)
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
򐂰 Update Preference Rule Wrapper Bean (.java)
򐂰 User Rule Wrapper Bean (Java)
򐂰 Get Current Rule User (Act)
Mapping to defined variables is optional. If a resource attribute has a set of valid
values, you can map those to meaningful words that will appear in the
Personalization rule editors. This can make it easier to create a rule, since it will
be possible to select from a list of the words rather than the actual values.
To map an attribute to a defined value, from within the Mapping tab, do the
1. Click the column that will be mapped
2. Click the Edit button
3. In the Define Type Value dialog, enter the value and the description
4. Click the Add button
5. When finished, click the OK button
On the Finish tab, the names of the files to be generated can be modified and
adapted to particular coding guidelines. Before generation, a list of all files to be
generated is displayed as a summary. To modify the filename, select the file from
the list and click the Edit button. Then, enter the new filename and confirm by
clicking OK.
The User Wizard will generate the following files:
򐂰 User Resource (Java)
򐂰 User Resource Manager (Java)
򐂰 BeanInfo (Java)
򐂰 Server Resource Configuration (.hrf)
HRF Editor
The HRF Editor allows you to create application objects and define resource
collections within Studio, tasks previously reserved for the Resource Console.
The ability to perform these tasks within Studio reduces the need to import and
export resources between Personalization servers and WebSphere Studio.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Note: The HRF Editor is only available in WebSphere Studio V4 Advanced
Edition. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer, you can use the
included XML or text editors if you need to modify .hrf files.
When you create your resources with one of the Personalization wizards, the
corresponding .hrf file will be automatically created and added to your project as
illustrated in Figure 10-32.
Figure 10-32 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Generated .hrf files
Within WebSphere Studio Application Developer, you can edit the hrf file with the
internal Editor by double-clicking it. Figure 10-6 shows the .hrf file for a user
Example 10-6 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Editor: User resource .hrf file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ibm-websphere-personalization SYSTEM "PznResources.dtd">
<ResourceCollection action="delete" name="YourCoUser">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<ResourceCollection action="create" name="YourCoUser">
<ResourceHierarchy InternalDataStore="yes"
ResourceCollectionName="YourCoUser" action="update" name="YourCoUser"/>
Content Spot Wizard
The Content Spot Wizard creates the bean for a content spot. You can create
content spots which return the actual content according to the assigned rule or
content spots which represent a classification.
To create a content spot, click the Content Spot Wizard button in WebSphere
Studio Application Developer. In the wizard window, click the Rule Type tab and
enter a name for your content spot. If your rule will return content, select the
content type from the drop-down list as shown in Figure 10-33.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-33 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Spot Wizard: Selection
of content type
Note: The content type list is generated by the Content Spot Wizard, using the
names of the .hrf files within the resources folder of your project.
Under the Finish tab, you can change the class name for your content spot
before the wizard finally creates the bean. To rename the class, select the class
name and type in the new name. Then click the Finish button to create the bean.
Accessing the help
The com.ibm.wcm.resource.wizards.doc plug-in adds several files to the
WebSphere Studio help system. To access these help files, click Help -> Help
Contents from the WebSphere Studio tool bar. Select Application Developer
Documentation in the help system drop-down list. Under Concepts ->
Personalization you will find an overview and under Tasks -> Using
Personalization is a section which provides further information on
Personalization in WebSphere Studio.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
10.5 Implementing personalization
In this section, we will guide you through the implementation of some
personalization scenarios based on the YourCo application. We will provide a
step-by step guide to show how we implemented the examples. In addition, we
discuss authorization and logging topics as they are directly related to our
examples and will be included in the implementation.
10.5.1 Authorization considerations
For Personalization, you can handle user authorization by using one of the
following methods:
򐂰 Use WebSphere Application Server authentication
򐂰 Store the user login ID in the HTTP session object, using the Personalization
context key pzn.userName.
If the user login is different from the resource ID for the user data, you must
select the method for mapping the current user to the stored user data.
Adding the current user name to the session object
If your Web application does not use WebSphere Application Server
authentication, you must manually add the user name to the HttpSession object.
The user is specified using the Personalization context key pzn.userName,
where userName is the primary key of the target user profile.
Example 10-7 Adding the current user name to the session object
// Create the session object
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
// Intervening code to handle the authentication
// the login and authentication is not shown.
// The String primary_key is set to the primary
// key for the current user.
Store the primary key for the user profile
in the session. The primary_key variable was set
using information obtained during login.
Whether to authenticate the user is
your decision.
session.setAttribute("pzn.userName", primary_key);
Chapter 10. Personalization
You may use session.putValue("pzn.userName", primary_key); this method is
deprecated but is still acceptable.
Mapping the current user to user data
If the user authorization ID (the login ID) is different from the resource ID for the
stored user data, you have two options for mapping the current user to a user
resource in your customer data store:
򐂰 Use the Resource Console to manually define mappings of user authorization
IDs to resource IDs.
򐂰 Implement the AuthIDTranslator interface and use the Resource Console to
specify that class as your translator.
For both the security mapping and the translator options, the resource IDs are
treated as string data. If the primary key for the user data is not a string, your
resource access classes must perform the following tasks:
򐂰 The getId method of your Resource implementation must convert the primary
key to a string. In addition to modifying the getId method, you can define
another method that returns the primary key in the appropriate type.
򐂰 The findById method of your ResourceDomain2 interface must convert the ID
(passed in as a string) to the appropriate type before queries are made. If the
primary key is referenced by your findResourcesByProperty method or
findResourcesByQueryString method, make the same modification to those
10.5.2 Logging options
Logs are stored in a persistent data store using the Analytic Logging Service
(ALS) of the WebSphere Application Server.
You can use the WebSphere Personalization Resource Console to configure log
settings. The log type options you can choose from are listed below.
򐂰 HttpLogger: when logging is enabled, HttpLogger is the default setting.
HttpLogger uses the Site Analyzer Web Tracker to log information directly into
the Site Analyzer database.
򐂰 DatabaseLogger: you can use the DatabaseLogger by providing the
database connection parameters of the defined log storage database.
򐂰 FileLogger: you can use FileLogger to write to a file.
For more details on how to enable logging, please refer to “Log Settings” on
page 540.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: Disable Logging is the default selection for Personalization V4. You
manually have to select a log type to enable logging.
Rule logging
Rule information logging occurs when a rule is fired. Rule Logging can be
controlled at the site level or at the individual rule level. You can disable rule
logging for all rules, or you can enable it and then control (set on/off) the logging
of each rule individually so that you can just log the rules of interest.
If you have rule logging enabled, when the rule is fired information about the rule
is automatically logged using the content spot beans. You can choose not to log
a particular rule by turning off the instance variable that controls rule logging.
The following information is logged when a rule is fired:
򐂰 LogType - RL (Rule Log)
򐂰 UserId - current user (String)
򐂰 CampaignName
򐂰 RuleName - top-level rule that was fired (String)
򐂰 ActionType - select/other
򐂰 RCName - name of resource collection (String)
򐂰 ResourceCount
򐂰 ResourceIds - returned if select action, list of Ids returned by the rule (comma
delimited string)
򐂰 Timestamp
For performance reasons, the logs will be flushed out once for every 50 records
or when the session is ended, whichever happens first. You can force the flush
by calling the PnzLogFinalizer flush() method.
Example 10-8 Force log flush out
if (session.getAttribute("pzn.logFinalizer") != null) {
Note: The flush of the logs applies to Rule Logging, ClickThru and Implicit
Chapter 10. Personalization
ClickThru logging
You can insert a logging bean into a Web page. You can use the bean to log
information about a Web site visitor's actions, an item, and the item's current
When you want to log if a Web site visitor views the details of a particular item,
include a logging bean in the details page. Item information and its
corresponding status code is passed to this bean by the JSP programmer.
To implement ClickThru logging, you must call setRequest(HttpServletRequest
req) in each JSP.
Example 10-9 ClickThru logging
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.websphere.personalization.util.ClickThru"
<% clickThru.setRequest(request); %>
<% clickThru.log("itemId",statusCode); %>
Note: You have to set the values for "itemId",statusCode.
Other ClickThru log methods include:
򐂰 ClickThru.log(String campaignName, String RuleName, String itemid, int
򐂰 ClickThru.log(RuleTrigger myContentSpot, String itemid, int statusCode);
򐂰 The campaignName (CName) and ruleName (Rule) information is also
logged in the ClickThru log. The default value for both attributes is
The following information is logged when the details of an item are displayed:
򐂰 LogType - CT™ (ClickThru log)
򐂰 UserId - current user (String)
򐂰 ItemId - item ID (String)
򐂰 ResultCode - an integer from -10 to 10, assumption is that outcomes below
zero are degrees of failure and that outcomes above zero are degrees of
򐂰 Timestamp
Implicit profiling with Category Beans
As a user navigates your Web site, the Category bean can log the topics and
topical hierarchies into the persistent data store using the Analytic Logging
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Service (ALS) of the WebSphere Application Server. You can use Site Analyzer
to generate reports about most popular topics, least popular topics, etc. The
reports can be based on individual users or groups of users.
The Category bean uses the ALS to log the following information:
򐂰 LogType - IP (Implicit Profiling)
򐂰 UserId - User id for the session (String)
򐂰 Category - String indicating current category
To implement Category beans, you must call the setRequest(HttpServletRequest
req) in each JSP that will log topics and topical hierarchies.
Example 10-10 Category Bean
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.websphere.personalization.util.Category"
id="category" scope="session"/>
<% category.setRequest(request); %>
<% category.log("CategoryParent/CategoryChild"); %>
Note: You have to replace CategoryParent/CategoryChild with the topics you
defined for profiling.
As a user navigates through several Web pages, the Category bean with session
scope tracks the different topics viewed in a session. The JSP only makes one
call to a method to log a category (Category.log(String yourCat), and that one
bean updates its own count for each category and calls the logging API. It
constantly updates the counts for each hierarchy based on user navigation. This
bean allows the JSP Programmer to set the topic in the page or be able to
retrieve it from the Resource properties.
For example, if a user visited four football pages in one session, his profile can
updated to say Football fan.
In the Category bean, if a user visits a page whose topic is
Baseball/American/Boston, then the counts are updated as below:
򐂰 Baseball/American/Boston = Baseball/American/Boston + 1
򐂰 Baseball/American = Baseball/American + 1
򐂰 Baseball = Baseball + 1
Since the Category bean has session scope, you can create rules based on the
counts and hierarchies stored to update the user profile. The user profile can be
updated after running the Site Analyzer reports, or you can write a rule to use the
Chapter 10. Personalization
current information stored in the session to update the profile or trigger rules
based on the counts.
Implicit profiling assumes that all content categorization is hierarchical.
WebSphere Site Analyzer reports use the '/' character to establish each level. If
the category is part of a hierarchy it must be a "/" delimited String, as in
Baseball/American. However, you don't need to define a hierarchical model for
your categories. In some cases, simply logging Football, Baseball and Basketball
is sufficient. In other cases, you will want to create a hierarchy and have multiple
levels of counts updated at once.
WebSphere Site Analyzer for rule/campaign effectiveness
Since you can set up Personalization to log information directly into the Site
Analyzer database using the Site Analyzer Web Tracker, information on your
Personalization solution can easily be visualized by Site Analyzer reports. You
can generate reports to measure campaign and rule effectiveness, and modify
content and rules accordingly.
For Personalization in general, you can log the following.
򐂰 Top ten fired rules
򐂰 Least ten fired rules
򐂰 Most successful campaigns
򐂰 Least successful campaigns
For each rule:
򐂰 Number of times fired
򐂰 Percentage of time at least one item was selected
򐂰 Percentage of time some amount of success
򐂰 Average number of items recommended
For each campaign:
򐂰 Number of successes
򐂰 Number of failures
10.5.3 Applying Personalization to the YourCo sample
The scenarios for our YourCo example will include examples for personalized
content, Web site campaigns including priority and split and an e-mail campaign
with a personalized e-mail page. First, we will create our sample portlet where
we later include personalized content for logged in users. There we will
demonstrate how to create the user resources, content resources, content spots,
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
rules and all the basic settings for Personalization. Then we will create additional
Web site campaigns to show how the assigned rules can be modified for a period
of time. Finally, we will create the e-mail campaign.
Creating the portal application project
As our personalized content will be displayed in a portlet, we start with creating a
new portlet application.
1. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer, select File -> New -> Portal
application project. The create Portlet project wizard will open up.
2. Enter YourCoWelcome as the project name and YourCoPortalEAR as the
enterprise application project name. Click Next.
3. Select Basic portlet from the list of portlet types and click Next.
4. On the following Basic portlet parameter window, modify the preset entries for
Concrete portlet title to YourCoWelcome and Portlet class name to
com.yourco.portlet.YourCoWelcome. Click Finish to create the portal
You should now have a new YourCoWelcome project as shown in Figure 10-34 in
the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Navigator view.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-34 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: YourCoWelcome portal project
Creating the user resources
In the Navigator view in WebSphere Studio Application Developer, select the
YourCoWelcome -> source -> com -> yourco folder and add a new folder
labeled resource.
1. Select the resource folder and click the User Wizard button. The User
Resource Wizard V4 will open up.
2. Click Next to switch to the Logon tab of the User Wizard.
3. Enter the connection properties to your LDAP as illustrated in Figure 10-35.
Use the settings that match your LDAP installation.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-35 WebSphere Studio Application Developer User Wizard: LDAP logon
4. Click Connect to establish the connection to your LDAP. If you get an error,
verify your settings and make sure that your LDAP server is running.
5. The wizard will continue to the Attribute tab and the available attributes from
your LDAP schema will be displayed. Select the attributes as displayed in
Figure 10-36.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-36 WebSphere Studio Application Developer User Wizard: Select attributes
6. In the list of selected attributes, select the uid and click the Primary Key
button. Notice that the uid source will then appear in bold.
7. You can skip User Preferences and Mapping and click the Finish tab.
8. Select the User Resource from the File Description list and click the Rename
9. In the input window, replace InetOrgPerson with YourCoUser and click OK.
Notice that in all the file names listed this change will be dealt with
10.Click Finish to have all listed files created.
In the Navigator view of WebSphere Studio Application Developer, you will find
the user resource files added to the YourCoWelcome project as marked in
Figure 10-37.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-37 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: User resource files added to
YourCoWelcome project
Creating the content resources
The content we will use for our examples and for which we will create the content
resources as next steps is in our DB2 databases, located in different tables:
WSSAMPLES.Articles, WSSAMPLES.Companynews, WSSAMPLES.Product
and YOURCOCM.Your_co_news.
1. Select the YourCoWelcome -> source -> com -> yourco -> resource folder
and click the Content Wizard button. The Content Resource Wizard V4 will
open up.
2. Click Next to switch to the Logon tab of the Content Wizard.
3. Enter the connection properties to your database as illustrated in
Figure 10-38.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-38 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: Database
4. Click Connect to establish the connection to your database. If you get an
error, verify your settings and make sure that your database server is running.
5. The wizard will continue to the Tables tab and the available tables from your
database will be displayed. Select the ARTICLES table as shown in
Figure 10-39.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-39 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Wizard: Table selection
6. Click Next. The Columns tab will appear.
7. Add all columns by clicking the double right arrow.
8. Select the Finish tab reassign the file names by selecting Content Resource
from the File Description list and clicking the Rename button.
9. Replace Articles with YourCoArticles in the input window and click OK. All file
names in the list will automatically be changed.
10.Click Finish to have the listed files created.
Repeat these steps for the tables Companynews and Product from the
WSSAMPLE database and the table Your_co_news from the YOURCOCM
database. Rename the resources at the Finish tab to YourCoNews,
YourCoProduct and CMNews. In the Navigator view of WebSphere Studio
Application Developer, you will find the content resource files added to the
YourCoWelcome project as shown in Figure 10-40.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-40 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Content resource files added to
YourCoWelcome project
Creating the content spots
After we have created the resources, we can create the content spots for our
example. In the Navigator view in WebSphere Studio Application Developer,
select the YourCoWelcome -> source -> com -> yourco folder and add a new
folder labeled spot.
1. Select the spot folder and click the Content Spot Wizard button. The
Content Spot Wizard V4 will open.
2. Click Next to switch to the Rule Type tab of the Content Spot Wizard.
3. Enter EmployeeData as the name for the content spot. Choose
com.yourco.resource.YourCoUser from the return type list as illustrated in
Figure 10-41.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-41 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Content Spot Wizard: Selecting
the return type
4. Click Next and then Finish.
Repeat this steps to create a YourCoNews content spot returning
com.yourco.resource.YourCoNews, a YourCoArticles content spot returning
com.yourco.resource.YourCoArticles, a CMNews content spot returning
com.yourco.resource.CMNews and a EmployeeType content spot that does not
return anything (return type None). You should then see content spots in the
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Navigator view of the YourCoWelcome
project as indicated in Figure 10-42.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-42 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Content spots added to
YourCoWelcome project
Creating the translator class
Since we have global security activated for the application server and use LDAP
for authorization, we have to implement a translator class for the uid.
1. Select the YourCoWelcome -> source -> com -> yourco -> resource folder.
2. Select File -> New -> Java Class.
3. The Java Cass dialog will open. Enter YourCoAuthIDTranslator as the name
for the new class and add
com.ibm.websphere.personalization.security.AuthIDTranslator to the list of
extended interfaces. Mark the checkbox for creating inherited abstract
4. Click Finish to create the class.
5. Open the YourCoAuthIDTranslator class in the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer editor and implement the translateAuthID method as illustrated in
Example 10-11.
Example 10-11 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: YourCoAuthIDTranslator class
import com.ibm.websphere.personalization.security.AuthIDTranslator;
public class YourCoAuthIDTranslator implements AuthIDTranslator {
* @see AuthIDTranslator#translateAuthID(String)
public String translateAuthID(String name) {
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
/**** if ldap, set to uid ****/
/***** find uid= *******/
System.out.println("uid to convert: " + name);
String delim = new String("uid=");
int x = name.indexOf(delim);
/****** find comma **********/
String comma = new String(",");
int y = name.indexOf(comma, x);
/******* get uid *********/
if ((x >= 0) && (y>=0) )
name = name.substring(x+4,y);
System.out.println("converted uid: " + name);
return name;
6. Save the changes by pressing Crtl + s.
Preparing the JSP
Now we can modify the JSP to integrate and display the personalized content.In
the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Navigator view, select
YourCoWelcome -> webApplication -> jsp -> html -> View.jsp and
double-click it. The JSP will be opened in the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Page Designer.
1. Click the Design tab and erase all of the existing content so that your page
looks empty.
2. In the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Navigator view, select
YourCoWelcome -> webApplication -> WEB-INF -> classes -> com ->
yourco -> spot -> EmployeeDataSpot.class, press the left mouse button,
and drag and drop the file to the top of the View.jsp in the edit window. An
Attributes window opens. Click OK to accept the default values.
3. In the same way, add the EmployeeTypeSpot, the YourCoNewsSpot and the
CMNewsSpot to the View.jsp.
4. Select the Source tab in the edit window and add the setRequest method to
each of the beans in the JSP as shown in Example 10-12.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Example 10-12 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Adding the setRequest
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmployeeDataSpot" id="employeeDataSpot">
<% employeeDataSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmployeeTypeSpot" id="employeeTypeSpot">
<% employeeTypeSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.YourCoNewsSpot" id="yourCoNewsSpot">
<% yourCoNewsSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.YourCoArticlesSpot"
<% yourCoArticlesSpot.setRequest(request);%>
Creating the basic table construct
Now we will create the table construct which we will populate with the
personalized content. Switch to the Design tab and position the cursor behind the
Bean icons, then select Insert -> Table from the menu.
1. In the Table dialog, enter 2 for Rows and Columns. Click OK.
2. Select the upper left cell of the created table and add another table with two
rows and one column. This table will take our welcome messages.
3. Select the lower left cell, type YourCo internal news and click Enter. Insert
another table with two rows and one column for YourCoNews.
4. In the same cell, click Enter again and type Other interesting articles,
then click Enter. Then insert another table with two rows and one column for
the YourCoArticles. You should now have a table construct as shown in
Figure 10-43.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Message table
Image cell
News table
Articles table
Figure 10-43 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Adding the table construct
Creating the personalized welcome message output
To create the personalized welcome message, we have to associate the content
spot with the table. Double-click the message table to get the table attributes
1. Select the Dynamic tab and mark the Loop checkbox.
2. Click the Browse button to get the Bean Property Selection dialog.
3. Select employeeDataSpot -> ruleContent[] as shown in Figure 10-44 and
click OK.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-44 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Setting the dynamic table
4. The Loop property is now set to the ruleContent[]. Click OK to close the table
attributes dialog.
5. Select the upper cell of the message table and enter Welcome. Select Insert ->
Dynamic Elements -> Property Display. The property attributes dialog will
6. Click the Browse button and select ruleContent[] -> cn from the selection
dialog as illustrated in Figure 10-45.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-45 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Setting the dynamic property
7. Click OK to confirm your selection.
8. Click OK to set the attribute. You can enter a message and further dynamic
properties in the lower cell of the message table.
Creating the personalized YourCo news output
Next, we create the personalized YourCo news in the news table. Double-click
the news table to get the table attributes dialog.
1. Select the Dynamic tab and mark the Loop checkbox.
2. For the Row/Column range enter 1 for Start and 2 for End.
3. Click the Browse button to get the Bean Property Selection dialog.
4. Select yourCoNewsSpot -> ruleContent[] and click OK.
5. The Loop property is now set to the ruleContent[]. Click OK to close the table
attributes dialog.
6. Select the upper cell of the news table. Select Insert -> Dynamic Elements
-> Property Display. The property attributes dialog will open.
Chapter 10. Personalization
7. Click the Browse button and select ruleContent[] -> Title from the selection
dialog. Click OK to confirm your selection.
8. Click OK to set the attribute.
9. Select the lower cell of the news table. Select Insert -> Dynamic Elements
-> Property Display. The property attributes dialog will open.
10.Click the Browse button and select ruleContent[] -> Content from the
selection dialog. Click OK to confirm your selection.
11.Click OK to set the attribute.
Creating the personalized articles output
For the articles section, we will now populate the table in the same way.
Double-click the articles table to get the table attributes dialog.
1. Select the Dynamic tab and mark the Loop checkbox.
2. For the Row/Column range, enter 1 for Start and 2 for End.
3. Click the Browse button to see the Bean Property Selection dialog.
4. Select yourCoNewsSpot -> ruleContent[] and click OK.
5. The Loop property is now set to the ruleContent[]. Click OK to close the table
attributes dialog.
6. Select the upper cell of the articles table. Select Insert -> Dynamic Elements
-> Property Display. The property attributes dialog will open.
7. Click the Browse button and select ruleContent[] -> Title from the selection
dialog. Click OK to confirm your selection.
8. Click OK to set the attribute.
9. Select the lower cell of the articles table. Select Insert -> Dynamic Elements
-> Property Display. The property attributes dialog will open.
10.Click the Browse button and select ruleContent[] -> Content from the
selection dialog. Click OK to confirm your selection.
11.Click OK to set the attribute.
Creating a personalized image output
Finally, we will add an image to be displayed in our welcome portlet depending
on the user type. Since we will classify our users into executives, managers,
employees and others, we add an image for each of these to our project.
1. Select YourCoWelcome -> webApplication and add a new image folder.
2. Import four images from the file system to the image folder and rename them
to emp.gif, exec.gif, mgr.gif and other.gif.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
3. Select the image cell from the table and switch to the Source tab of the edit
window. The cursor is positioned in the cell you just selected.
4. Add the code shown in Example 10-13 into the image cell.
Example 10-13 WebSphere Studio Application Developer: Adding images based on
<% String imagePath = response.encodeURL("/images/");
if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Executive")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>exec.gif" width="177" height="109" border="0">
<% }
if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Manager")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>mgr.gif" width="148" height="178" border="0">
<% }
if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Employee")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>emp.gif" width="101" height="126" border="0">
<% }
else { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>other.gif" width="121" height="91" border="0">
<% } %>
5. Press Ctrl + s to save View.jsp.
Note: You can modify the output table and, for example, use background
colors and different headings to make the content easier to read.
Deployment of the sample portlet
As the main components of our YourCoWelcome portlet are ready now, we can
deploy the portlet to the Portal Server.
1. Select the YourCoWelcome project, right-click it to get the context menu.
2. Select Export WAR. The WAR export dialog will open.
3. Enter c:\yourco\YourCoWelcome.war for the export location and click Finish.
The WAR will be created and the WAR export dialog will close.
4. Log on to your Portal Server as Administrator and go to the Portal
Administration place.
5. Select Portlets -> Install Portlets.
6. Enter c:\yourco\YourCoWelcome.war in the directory input field and click
7. You will see the summary of the portlets to install (which is, in our case,
simply the YourCoWelcome portlet). Click Install.
Chapter 10. Personalization
8. The portlet will be added and you will get the message Portlets
successfully installed. Now, we have to set the permissions for the portlet.
9. Select Portal Administration -> Security -> Access Control List and mark
the Special Groups radio button. Select All authenticated users as the
group for which to assign the rights and select portlets from the list of objects
for the permission.
10.Click the Go button to load the portlet security permissions for your selected
11.At the table of all portlets, look for the YourCo Expiring HTML portlet and mark
the radio button in the None column. Look for the YourCoWelcome portlet and
mark the radio button in the View column. This will result in showing the
YourCo Expiring HTML portlet only to anonymous users and the
YourCoWelcome portlet only to logged in users.
12.Click Save to save your changes.
13.Click the Get groups and users link.
14.Search for groups using the wildcard character.
15.Mark the wpsuser group and add this group to the selected groups list, then
click OK to return.
16.Click the Go button to load the portlet security permissions for the wpsuser
17.Set the permission for the YourCo Expiring HTML portlet to None.
18.Click Save.
19.Switch to the Work with Pages place and select the Edit Layout and Content
tab. From the place list, select YourCo and from the page list, select Home.
20.The layout manager will show the setup of the YourCo start page. Click Show
layout controls.
21.Delete all row containers by clicking the X. In the confirm dialog, click the OK
button. You should then only have the default page container.
22.Click the Get Portlets link.
23.Mark the Search for Portlets radio button and enter yourco in the name
contains input field.
24.Click the Go button.
25.In the table of search results, click the add button in front of the YourCo
Expiring HTML portlet and the YourCoWelcome portlet. The portlets will
appear in the portlet list.
26.Click the OK button to get back to the layout manager.
27.Click the Add a column container button to create a new container.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
28.In the portlet list, mark both portlets and click the Add selected portlets to
container button. Your page should then look like the one shown in
Figure 10-46.
Figure 10-46 Portal Administration: YourCo start page layout
29.Click Activate to save your changes.
Publish the resources to Personalization Runtime
To register the resources to the Personalization Runtime, we need to export our
class and .hrf files from the YourCoWelcome portal application project and import
them at the Resource Console.
Export the resources from WebSphere Studio Application Developer
1. Select the YourCoWelcome project in the WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Navigator view.
2. Select File -> Export to open the export dialog.
3. Select File System and click Next.
Chapter 10. Personalization
4. Deselect the YourCoWelcome project, as we do not want to export all files.
In the tree structure, open YourCoWelcome -> webApplication -> WEB-INF
-> classes. Check only the com folder.
5. Enter c:\yourco\classes as the export destination and click Finish.
6. When asked whether to create the folders, click OK. The class files will be
7. Redo Steps 1 to 3.
8. Deselect the YourCoWelcome project, as you do not want to export all files.
In the tree structure, open YourCoWelcome -> webApplication -> WEB-INF
-> wcm-resourceCollections -> com -> yourco. Check only the resource
9. Enter c:\yourco as the export destination and click Finish. This time, the hrf
files will be exported.
10.In your Windows Explorer, you should now find the structure as shown in
Figure 10-47.
Figure 10-47 Windows Explorer: Structure of exported resources
Importing the resources to the Resource Console
First, you have to make the exported files accessible to the application server. If
the application server runs on a different node, copy the yourco directory to that
node. Open the Resource Console and log on. Also, copy the
yourco\classes\com folder to the classes folder of the Resource Console.
1. Switch to the Resource Hierarchies tab.
2. Click the Import button.
3. Enter the path and file name for the resources as shown in Figure 10-48.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-48 Resource Console: Specify a resource to import
4. Click the Import File button.
5. After the resource is imported, a confirmation message is displayed. Click the
Import button again and import YourCoProduct.hrf, YourCoNews.hrf,
YourCoArticles.hrf and CMNews.hrf in the same way.
6. Then, switch to the Security tab.
7. Select YourCoUser from the hierarchy section of the resource list as shown
in Figure 10-49.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-49 Resource Console: Selecting the hierarchy for adding a translator
8. Click the Add Translator button and enter
com.yourco.resource.YourCoAuthIDTranslator as the class name for the
9. Click Add/Change to add the translator. A confirmation window will pop up
saying that your translator has been set. Click OK. If you get an error
message, verify that the class is accessible to the Resource Console.
10.Click the Enable Security button. A confirmation window will pop up saying
that security is enabled. Click OK.
Creating the Personalization project and rules
The next step is the creation of rules and binding them to the content spots in our
portlet to actually retrieve personalized content. We first have to set up our
Personalization project in the Personalization Workspace. Open the
PersWorkspace in your browser and log on.
Setting up the Personalization project
1. In the PersWorkspace, click Global Settings. The Global Settings window
will open up.
2. Switch to the Manage Publish Servers tab and click the Add button to add a
new Publish Server, pointing to your application server (we assume that you
run your application server locally and use localhost to continue). Enter the
values as illustrated in Figure 10-50.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-50 PersWorkspace: Adding a publish server
3. Click Save to add the publish server.
4. Switch to the Manage Projects tab. Add a new project by clicking the Add
5. Enter YourCoPersonalization as the project name and
c:\yourco\personalization as the project path and click the Create new
radio button in the add project dialog. Click OK to save your settings.
6. The Edit Project dialog will open up. Enter the values as shown in
Figure 10-51.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-51 PersWorkspace: Project settings for YourCo
7. Click Save to save your settings and return to the Global Settings window.
8. Click the Make Current button to work with the new project.
9. The Global Setting window will be closed and PersWorkspace will show the
Rule Composer tab.
Creating the rules
For a first approach, we will simply create some basic rules at that point. Later,
when we use concurrent campaigns, we will create and add more sophisticated
rules. In PersWorkspace, switch to the Rule Composer tab.
1. Start with creating the classifiers.
a. From the list of rule types, select Classifiers.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
b. Click the Add button as demonstrated in Figure 10-52. The Add Classifier
dialog will open up.
Figure 10-52 PersWorkspace: Adding a classifier rule
c. Enter classifyEmployeeTitle as the name for the classifier.
d. As a comment, enter Classifies the employee title based on
e. Click the Classification link. The classification name dialog will open up.
f. Enter Executive and click the Save button.
g. Click the Resource.Attibute link. The attribute dialog will show up.
h. From the resource list, select the current YourCoUser and mark title in
the attribute list.
i. Click the is equal to link. The evaluation dialog will open up.
j. Select includes from the evaluation list and click Save.
k. Click the value link to open the value dialog.
l. Enter CEO and click the Save button.
m. Click the add Condition link to insert another evaluation for this classifier.
n. Repeat Steps h to l but enter CIO as the value in Step l.
o. By default, both evaluations are linked by the and condition. Change that
by clicking the and link and marking or in the selection dialog. Click the
Save button to save the condition.
p. Click the add Classification link.
q. Repeat Steps f to l, adding a “Manager” classification, checking the title
attribute for “manager“.
r. Click the Classification link at the Otherwise part of this rule.
s. Enter Employee for the classification name and click the Save button.
Chapter 10. Personalization
t. Click the Save button to save the rule. Your classifyEmployeeType rule
should now look like in Figure 10-53.
Figure 10-53 PersWorkspace: classifyEmployeeTitle classifier rule
2. Next, create actions to retrieve content. As you created three content spots to
display personalized content, create three basic content retrieval actions:
user data, YourCo news and articles.
a. From the list of rule types, select Actions.
b. Click the Add button. The Add Action dialog will open up.
c. Enter getUserData as the name of the action.
d. In the comment input field, enter Retrieve user data from LDAP.
e. As the type of action, select Select content.
f. Click the Resource.Attribute link. The attribute dialog will open up.
g. Mark the YourCoUser resource and the uid attribute as shown in
Figure 10-54.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-54 PersWorkspace Add Action: Selecting resource attributes
h. Click Save.
i. Click the value link. The specify value dialog will open up.
j. Click the Browse button. Another attribute dialog will open up.
k. Select again the YourCoUser resource and the UID attribute and click
Save to return to the specify value dialog.
l. There, click Save to add the selected value to your action rule. Note that
even though selecting the same attributes, they refer to different objects:
the first YourCoUser points to the LDAP users the second to the current
user (as indicated by the key current).
m. Click the Save button to save the action rule. The rule will now show up on
the Rule Composer, as illustrated in Figure 10-55.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-55 PersWorkspace Rule Composer: getUserData action rule
n. Repeat Steps a to m to create these additional rules:
getYourCoNewsConf (as shown in Figure 10-56).
Figure 10-56 PersWorkspace: getYourCoNewsConf action rule
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
getYourCoNewsNotConf (as shown in Figure 10-57).
Figure 10-57 PersWorkspace: getYourCoNewsNotConf action rule
getYourCoNewsByUserDept (as shown in Figure 10-58).
Figure 10-58 PersWorkspace: getYourCoNewsByUserDept action rule
Chapter 10. Personalization
getYourCoArticlesByUserDept (as shown in Figure 10-59).
Figure 10-59 PersWorkspace: getYourCoArticlesByUserDept action rule
3. As the next step, create the bindings to combine actions and classifiers.
a. From the list of rule types, select Bindings.
b. Click the Add button. The Add Action dialog will open up.
c. Enter BindNews2EmpTitle as the name of the action.
d. In the comment input field, enter Bind the actions for retrieving news
to the employee title.
e. Click the Classifier link. The classifier selection dialog will open.
f. Select classifyEmployeeType and click the Save button.
g. Click the first Classification link. The classification dialog will open.
h. Mark the checkboxes for Manager and Executive and click the Save
i. Click the first do Action link. The Select Action dialog will open up.
j. In the list of available actions, mark the getYourCoNewsConf action rule
and click Save.
k. Click the next Classification link.
l. Mark Employee in the classification dialog and click Save.
m. Click the do Action link. The Select Action dialog will open up.
n. In the list of available actions, mark the getYourCoNewsNotConf action
rule and click Save.
4. Finally, assign the rules to the content spots.
a. Switch to the Campaign Manager tab.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
b. From the campaign type list, select Web site.
c. Select Normal View (which is the default campaign).
d. You will see all your content spots listed in the rules usage table. As no
rules were assigned to content spots so far, all entries in the rule column
are set to empty.
e. Click the rule (empty) link for the EmployeeDataSpot. The Fill Content
Spot dialog will open up.
f. Select the getUserData rule and click OK.
In the same way, assign rules to your content spots as shown in
Figure 10-60.
Figure 10-60 PersWorkspace: rule usage table
Previewing the Personalized Portlet
To make use of the Personalization Workspace preview capabilities, we have to
modify/enhance our Portlet as demonstrated in Example 10-14.
Example 10-14 YourCoWelcome portlet: Modification in View.jsp for preview
<%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmployeeDataSpot" id="employeeDataSpot">
<% employeeDataSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmployeeTypeSpot" id="employeeTypeSpot">
<% employeeTypeSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.YourCoNewsSpot" id="yourCoNewsSpot">
<% yourCoNewsSpot.setRequest(request);%>
Chapter 10. Personalization
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.YourCoArticlesSpot"
<% yourCoArticlesSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<%= employeeDataSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
<TABLE border="0" align="left"><TBODY><TR>
<TD valign="top" align="left">
<%--METADATA type="DynamicData" startspan
<TABLE border="0" innerloopproperty="employeeDataSpot.ruleContent[]"
innerloopdirection="vertical" innerloopstartindex="0" innerloopendindex="2"
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">Welcome
<WSPX:PROPERTY property="employeeDataSpot.ruleContent[].cn"></FONT></B></TD>
<TD align="left">YourCo Intranet now offers
personalized services for employees!</TD>
try {
com.yourco.resource.YourCoUser[] _a0 = employeeDataSpot.getRuleContent();
com.yourco.resource.YourCoUser _p0 = _a0[0]; // throws an exception if empty.
<TABLE border="0">
for (int _i0 = 0; ; ) { %>
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">Welcome <%= _p0.getCn()
<TD align="left">YourCo Intranet now offers personalized services for
try {
_p0 = _a0[_i0];
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %>
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %><%--METADATA type="DynamicData" endspan--%>
<TD rowspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<%= employeeTypeSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
<% String imagePath = response.encodeURL("/images/");
if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Executive")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>exec.gif" width="177" height="109"
<% }
else if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Manager")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>mgr.gif" width="148" height="178"
<% }
else if (employeeTypeSpot.isClassifiedAs("Employee")) { %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>emp.gif" width="101" height="126"
<% }
{ %>
<IMG src="<%= imagePath %>other.gif" width="121"
height="91" border="0">
<% } %>
<DIV align="left">
<%= yourCoNewsSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
<%--METADATA type="DynamicData" startspan
<TABLE border="0" innerloopproperty="yourCoNewsSpot.ruleContent[]"
innerloopdirection="vertical" innerloopstartindex="1" innerloopendindex="3"
Chapter 10. Personalization
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">YourCo internal
<TD bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="left"><WSPX:PROPERTY
<TD align="left"><WSPX:PROPERTY
try {
com.yourco.resource.YourCoNews[] _a0 = yourCoNewsSpot.getRuleContent();
com.yourco.resource.YourCoNews _p0 = _a0[0]; // throws an exception if empty.
<TABLE border="0">
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">YourCo internal
for (int _i0 = 0; ; ) { %>
<TD align="left" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><%= _p0.getTITLE() %></TD>
<TD align="left"><%= _p0.getCONTENT() %></TD>
try {
_p0 = _a0[_i0];
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %><%--METADATA type="DynamicData" endspan--%>
<DIV align="left">
<%= yourCoArticlesSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
<%--METADATA type="DynamicData" startspan
<TABLE border="0" innerloopproperty="yourCoArticlesSpot.ruleContent[]"
innerloopdirection="vertical" innerloopstartindex="1" innerloopendindex="3"
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">Other interesting
<TD bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="left"><WSPX:PROPERTY
<TD align="left"><WSPX:PROPERTY
try {
com.yourco.resource.YourCoArticles[] _a0 =
com.yourco.resource.YourCoArticles _p0 = _a0[0]; // throws an exception if
empty. %>
<TABLE border="0">
<TD align="left"><B><FONT size="+1">Other interesting
for (int _i0 = 0; ; ) { %>
<TD align="left" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><%= _p0.getTITLE() %></TD>
<TD align="left"><%= _p0.getCONTENT() %></TD>
Chapter 10. Personalization
try {
_p0 = _a0[_i0];
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %>
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException _e0) {
} %><%--METADATA type="DynamicData" endspan--%>
Save the changes, create a new war file from the project, update/redeploy the
YourCoWelcome Portlet and then, switch to the Preview Launcher tab. Since we
are using the preview for the first time, we first have to create the preview users:
1. Click Add Profile. The add profile dialog will open up.
2. As the name for the profile, enter YourCoManager, then enter mgr as uid,
YourCo as sn, YourCo Manager as cn, Corp as ou, Manager as givenName and
Manager as title. Click the Save button.
3. Copy the YourCoManager by clicking the Duplicate Profile button.
4. Modify the profile attributes by clicking the Edit Profile button.
5. As the name for the profile, enter YourCoEmployee, then enter empl as uid,
YourCo as sn, Mfg as ou, Employee as givenName and Programmer as title.
Click the Save button.
Now you can preview the portlet with one of the profiles.
1. Click the Preview button.
2. In the Preview dialog, select YourCoEmployee as the profile as shown in
Figure 10-61.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-61 PersWorkspace: Preview profile selection
3. Click OK. The Internet browser will open and display the page as shown in
Figure 10-62.
Figure 10-62 Preview of YourCoWelcome Portlet
On the preview page, you will have interactive buttons representing the content
spots in your portlet. They correspond to the scriptlets highlighted in
Example 10-14. When you select the YourCoManager profile in the preview
dialog, you will realize the different personalized content for this user profile.
Chapter 10. Personalization
You can change the rule assigned to a content spot on the preview page by
clicking the content spot. Then a dialog will open, offering all assignable rules for
this content spot. Figure 10-63 illustrates the Fill Content Spot dialog for the
YourCoWelcome portlet preview page.
Figure 10-63 PersWorkspace Preview: Fill Content Spot dialog
If the preview date falls into a specific campaign other than the default Web site
campaign, this campaign will be displayed in bold. You can assign different rules
not only to the active campaign but also to all other campaigns of your current
As the next step, we will publish the rules to the application server.
1. Open the Global Settings and select the Publish Files section.
2. As the publish server, select localhost and as the publish method, select
Publish All.
3. Click the Publish button. Confirmation dialogs will inform you about the
progress, as illustrated in Figure 10-64.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-64 PersWorkspace: Publish files
Additional campaigns
To use splitting and prioritizing of campaigns, we will add three additional
campaigns. Before adding the campaigns, we need two more rules:
򐂰 getYourCoNewsForRaleigh, returning all news articles where the attribute
FORSITE is equal to Raleigh
򐂰 getYourCoNewsForSeattle, returning all news articles where the attribute
FORSITE is equal to Seattle
Create these rules as described in “Creating the rules” on page 610.
Then switch to the Campaign Manager tab of PersWorkspace and click the Add
Campaign button. In the dialog, enter NewsForRaleigh as the name of the
campaign, but leave the default values for the begin and end dates; click the
Save button. The campaign will be added with an empty rule mapping table.
Click the rule link for the YourCoNewsSpot, select the
getYourCoNewsForRaleigh action rule in the rule selection dialog and save
your change by clicking the OK button. Your new campaign should look like that
shown in Figure 10-65.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-65 PersWorkspace: NewsForRaleigh campaign
Copy this campaign by clicking the Duplicate Campaign button. You will get a
new campaign named Copy of NewsForRaleigh. Modify this new campaign as
shown in Figure 10-66.
Figure 10-66 PersWorkspace: NewsForSeattle campaign
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Copy this campaign again by clicking the Duplicate Campaign button. You will
get a new campaign named Copy of NewsForSeattle. Modify this new campaign
as shown in Figure 10-67.
Figure 10-67 PersWorkspace: NewsForUserDept campaign
Switch to the Priorities section. You will see that the three campaigns are added
with different priorities. Click the Edit Priorities button. The dialog for
manipulating the campaign priorities will open. Change the properties as shown
in Figure 10-68.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-68 PersWorkspace: Campaign properties, priority and split of campaigns
Now you can preview the Web site at different dates, having executed the rules
defined in the campaigns for this particular date.
Creating e-mail campaigns
As e-mail campaigns, we will send a personalized e-mail announcing a new
YourCo product to the YourCo users.
Creating additional content spots for e-mails
To personalize the e-mail, we need some more content spots. As described in
“Creating the content spots” on page 594, add three new content spots in
YourCoWelcome -> source -> com -> Yourco -> spot in WebSphere Studio
Application Developer:
򐂰 EmailHelperSpot, returning com.yourco.resource.YourCoUser
򐂰 EmailRecipientSpot, returning com.yourco.resource.YourCoUser
򐂰 EmailProductSpot, returning com.yourco.resource.YourCoProduct
Creating the e-mail template JSP
1. In the Navigator view of WebSphere Studio Application Developer, click
YourCoWelcome -> webApplication -> jsp and click File -> New -> JSP
File. The JSP File dialog will open.
2. Enter email_template as the file name and click the Finish button.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
3. The JSP will be created and opened in the editor.
4. Modify the JSP source according to Example 10-15.
Example 10-15 Personalized e-mail campaign: email_template.jsp
<BODY background="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/bg.gif">
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmailRecipientSpot"
<% emailRecipientSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.yourco.spot.EmailProductSpot" id="emailProductSpot">
<% emailProductSpot.setRequest(request);%>
<TABLE border="0" width="300">
<img src="/wps/themes/html/YourCo/topBanner.gif">
<%= emailRecipientSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
<P>Dear <%=emailRecipientSpot.getRuleContent(0).getCn()%>,
YourCo just announced
Here is an exclusive description of the new product for you.</P>
<TD><%= emailProductSpot.getPreviewAnchorTag() %>
Chapter 10. Personalization
Creating and assigning rules for e-mails
In PersWorkspace, switch to the Rule Composer tab and as described in
“Creating the rules” on page 610, and add an action rule as shown in
Figure 10-69.
Figure 10-69 PersWorkspace: getYourCoProducts action rule
Switch to the Campaign Manager tab of PersWorkspace, select Web site ->
Normal View and assign rules to the content spots for e-mails as illustrated in
Figure 10-70.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 10-70 PersWorkspace: Assigning rules for e-mail content spots
Note: Even though the rules will be used for e-mail campaigns, the mapping
of content spot and rule is done at the default Web site campaign.
Adding and configuring e-mail campaigns
To set up an e-mail campaign, switch to the Campaign Manager tab. Select
E-mail from the campaign type list. Click the Add E-mail Campaign button and
enter the values as shown in Figure 10-71.
Chapter 10. Personalization
Figure 10-71 PersWorkspace E-mail campaign: configure settings
Click the Save button to activate your e-mail campaign. It will then appear in the
list of e-mail campaigns as illustrated in Figure 10-72.
Figure 10-72 PersWorkspace: active e-mail campaign
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The e-mail campaign will not be executed until you publish it. Make sure
that you republish all components to the appropriate locations on the
application server!
Previewing the personalized e-mail
Before you actually send out your e-mails, you might want to check what they
would look like. For our set up, you will have to copy the classes and the
email_template.jsp from your deployed YourCoWelcome project on the
application server to the PersEmail Web application.
Then switch to the Preview Launcher tab of PersWorkspace and click the
Preview button. In the upcoming preview dialog, enter
/wps/PersEmail/yourco/email_template.jsp as Page and click OK. Your Web
browser will open up and display the e-mail body as illustrated in Figure 10-73.
Figure 10-73 PersWorkspace: Preview of e-mail body
10.6 Migration of Personalization V3.5.x solutions
While there are a number of new capabilities, existing rules and resource classes
created with WebSphere Personalization V3.5.x will run without change on
WebSphere Personalization V4.1.
However, because of the upgraded function, there are a few things that you will
need to do to use your existing V3.5.x Personalization solution after you install
WebSphere Personalization V4.1.
Chapter 10. Personalization
1. Define a new Personalization project within the WebSphere Personalization
V4.1 workspace server. There are a few directories that you define, including:
– One or more directories where rules will reside
– One or more directories where resource definition files will reside
(resource_name.hrf files)
– One or more directories where resource class files will reside
– One or more directories where content spots (and rule wrapper beans
from Version 3.5) will reside
2. Load existing rule files into the WebSphere Personalization V4.1 authoring
server. You will need to do this for each existing WebSphere Studio project
which contains rules you want to use within the new Version 4.1
Personalization project. There is one .rul, .act or .clf file per rule. Do this by
copying all of the files within
<studioprojectroot>\projects\<project_name>\rules to the directory or
directories you defined for rules within the Version 4 project (these directories
are defined in Global Settings in the Personalization workspace).
3. Load your existing resource definition files into the WebSphere
Personalization V4.1 authoring server. Do this for each existing WebSphere
Studio project with resource definitions that you want to use within the new
Version 4.1 Personalization project. There is one .hrf file per resource
definition. Do this by copying all of the files within
<studioprojectroot>\projects\<project_name>\resources to the directory or
directories you defined for resource definitions within the Version 4 project.
4. Copy your existing resource class files into the WebSphere Personalization
V4.1 authoring server. You need to do this for each existing WebSphere
Studio project with resource classes that you want to use within the new
Version 4.1 Personalization project. There are typically two or three .class
files per resource definition. Do this by copying the resource class files from
within <studioprojectroot>\projects\<project_name>\servlets to the
directory(s) you defined for resource classes in the Version 4.1 workspace.
Since these are class files, make sure that you put them into the same
relative directories as they were in within the Studio project.
5. Copy your existing rule wrapper bean classes into the WebSphere
Personalization V4.1 workspace server. Do this for each existing WebSphere
Studio project with rule wrapper bean classes that you want to use within the
new Version 4.1 Personalization project. Do this by copying the rule wrapper
bean class files from within
<studioprojectroot>\projects\<project_name>\servlets to the directory or
directories you defined for resource classes in the Version 4.1 workspace.
Since these are class files, make sure that you put them into the same
relative directories as they were in within the Studio project.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
6. Go to the Campaign Manager within the Personalization workspace and
create a default rule mapping to map each rule wrapper bean (now a content
spot) to the corresponding rule.
7. Publish the newly defined project to the server on which you installed
Personalization Version 4.1.
8. In order to take full advantage of the new preview support (specifically, the
ability to link from a content spot on a page directly to the rule editor for that
content spot), you will need to add the content spot references within the
existing JSPs. This involves adding the following scriptlet in your JSPs
wherever you invoke Personalization rules:
where contentspotbean is the reference to the personalization content spot
bean (rule wrapper bean in V3.5.x).
If you developed an application using Personalization V3.5 (without fix 1,
PQ41844) and the application uses resource classes that have multi-value
properties, you will need to modify the resource classes for use with
Personalization V4.0. Migration is necessary, because this release of
Personalization does not support the HRFINCLUDES string that Personalization
V3.5 uses to handle multi-value properties.
To use Personalization 3.5 resource classes in Personalization 4.1, you must
remove the line import com.ibm.ejs.dbm.jdbcext.* from the Manager class
and recompile the java file. Alternatively, you can change the connection pooling
to the WebSphere Application Server V4 connection pooling.
Chapter 10. Personalization
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Chapter 11.
Content management
This chapter discusses the content management tools shipped with WebSphere
Portal. A sample scenario will be used to guide you through the essential steps
for content publishing using Web Content Publisher. Various ways to display
published contents using portlets will also be exemplified. At the end of the
chapter, a generic approach of leveraging third-party content management
software with WebSphere Portal will be discussed.
By the end of the chapter, you should be able to:
Obtain an understanding of Web Content Publisher
Create and administer a Web Content Publisher project
Create and deploy structured contents
Create authoring and generation templates
Define channel contents
Perform resource-to-resource transformation
Publish contents from Web Content Publisher to multiple publishing servers
Serve published contents in WebSphere Portal
Create a customized workflow using Lotus Workflow™ Architect and Lotus
򐂰 Configure and use Portal Content Organizer (PCO) for file sharing among
Portal users
򐂰 Understand how to integrate third-party content management software with
WebSphere Portal
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003. All rights reserved.
11.1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the development aspect of content management.
However, it includes configuration steps worth emphasizing during the
development process.
The Internet has evolved to become one of the major channels for information
distribution. One of the challenges that many organizations face today is the
increasing demand for timely and accurate information updates on their Web
sites. The challenge is further complicated by the advent of mobile Internet
access with various non-PC devices such as cell phones and PDAs, as
organizations now need to deliver contents in various formats such as WML,
XHTML, etc. In addition, content published in a company’s Web site is usually
created, edited, and approved by different personnel. These processes made
publishing a simple piece of content to a Web site extremely cumbersome. With
the number of personnel involved in content publishing, creating published
material with a consistent look and feel has also become a tricky task.
Content management systems were invented to solve these problems. Content
management systems should include the ability to:
򐂰 Act as a centralized document management system for Web sites that store
large amounts of persistent content information
򐂰 Encapsulate data of various types and formats (PDF, XML, Word, JSPs)
򐂰 Enable users to create, view, edit, delete, format, organize, search and
publish contents
򐂰 Create and administer workflow tasks
򐂰 Enable content manipulation based on workflow and user roles
򐂰 Support resource access permission based on user identity
򐂰 Support content versioning
򐂰 Deliver large amounts of content to a variety of devices
򐂰 Schedule content publication
11.1.1 Support for content management in WebSphere Portal Server
WebSphere Portal ships with two content management tools: Web Content
Publisher (WCP) and Portal Content Organizer (PCO).
Web Content Publisher supports all the features that a content management
system should contain as described in the previous section. Portal contents are
usually contributed by Web Content Publisher. Web Content Publisher is
discussed in “Web Content Publisher” on page 641, along with a sample
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
scenario detailing how content can be created, edited, approved, published and
eventually displayed in the portal.
Portal Content Organizer is a small built-in content organizer in WebSphere
Portal. It is a basic content management system that enables users to create,
edit, upload, share, organize, view, and search content contributed by Portal
Content Organizer users. However, content contributed by Portal Content
Organizer is not accessible by the portal. Portal Content Organizer will be
discussed in detail in “Portal Content Publisher (PCO)” on page 771.
Third-party content management systems such as Documentum, Vignette and
Interwoven, etc. can be integrated with WebSphere Portal. This topic will be
discussed in Third-party content management collaboration.
11.2 Software Requirements
The focus of this redbook is on the development perspective of WebSphere
Portal and its components. The following section simply outlines the necessary
components of Web Content Publisher install and does not explore the details of
the actual installation.
11.2.1 Web Content Publisher
Web Content Publisher is composed of two core environments: the Web Content
Publisher authoring environment and the Web Content Publisher publishing
environment. These two components should be installed on separate machines.
Note: It is possible to install both the authoring server and publishing server
on the same machine. However, such a configuration is not supported. There
are two main drawbacks to using a single machine for authoring and
publishing. First of all, Portal Content Organizer, which is installed as part of
WebSphere Portal, and Web Content Publisher use classes of the same
name. Thus, if you have installed WebSphere Portal on the same machine,
syndicated channels functionalities in Web Content Publisher do not work.
Secondly, an authoring project and the corresponding publishing server
should use the same context root. Thus, in a single machine configuration,
users of the Portal Server who are not users of the Authoring Server would not
be able to access any of the files published since the Authoring Server
precludes users who are not authorized to use the Authoring Server from
viewing those contents.
Chapter 11. Content management
Web Content Publisher authoring
The Web Content Publisher authoring environment integrates with Lotus
Workflow engine, which enables users to create, edit, approve, and publish
content to the Web Content Publisher publishing environment. The following
components need to be installed for the Web Content Publisher authoring
environment to run.
򐂰 Domino LDAP
򐂰 DB2
򐂰 IBM HTTP Server
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server
򐂰 WebSphere Personalization Server
򐂰 Lotus Workflow
򐂰 Lotus Architect
򐂰 Web Content Publisher
WebSphere Content publishing
The Web Content Publisher publishing environment displays contents published
from the Web Content Publisher authoring environment. The following
components need to be installed for the Web Content Publisher publishing
environment to run.
򐂰 DB2
򐂰 IBM HTTP Server
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server
򐂰 WebSphere Personalization Server
򐂰 Web Content Publisher - Publishing Server
To display the published contents in a portal, WebSphere Portal also needs to be
installed along with the publishing server. Note that Web Content Publisher does
not require WebSphere Portal to be installed in order to run.
Note: The above components need to be installed and configured in a
particular sequence.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Web Content Publisher developers’ tools
The following development tools are useful in creating Web Content Publisher
򐂰 WebSphere application developer
򐂰 Portal toolkit for WebSphere application developer
򐂰 Personalization wizards for WebSphere application developer
򐂰 WebSphere personalization workspace
11.2.2 Portal Content Organizer (PCO)
The Portal Content Organizer is installed as part of the WebSphere Portal Server
11.3 Web Content Publisher
Web Content Publisher is a content management system shipped with
WebSphere Portal. However, it can be run in the absence of WebSphere Portal.
We will now discuss the different features of WebSphere Content Publisher.
11.3.1 Features of Web Content Publisher
Figure 11-1 Web Content Publisher Overview
Chapter 11. Content management
Authoring templates
One of the main purposes of Web Content Publisher is to enable business users,
subject experts as well as any non-technical content writers to contribute
contents to the Web site. Authoring templates are Web pages that enable content
contributors to add and edit any content by filling out Web forms.
Presentation templates
Presentation templates are also called generation templates. All the contents
submitted through the authoring templates are stored in the database.
Presentation templates are used to generate views from the content stored in the
database as files. Multiple templates can be created to generate different views
for different devices and target users.
Preview allows Web Content Publisher users to preview how an individual piece
of content would appear in the actual Web page.
Web Content Publisher provides workflow management by utilizing Lotus
Workflow. Each task initiated in Web Content Publisher must specify a workflow
process. You can use the default workflow processes installed with Web Content
Publisher, or create your own workflow processes using Lotus Workflow
Syndicated Content
Web Content Publisher enables content contribution through syndicated sources.
Syndicated contents are information provided by external content contributors to
be used on Web pages. Typical syndicated contents include news headlines,
financial information and weather information.
Access Control
Web Content Publisher provides access control on content resources as well as
user actions.
Web Content Publisher supports project level version control and asset level
version control using CVS.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Browser UI
Web Content Publisher is accessed through a browser interface. It enables users
to create any Web resources such as images and JSP files in an external editor
and subsequently upload to Web Content Publisher.
11.3.2 A brief tour of WebSphere Content Publisher
Note: From this point on, it is assumed that you have configured Lotus
workflow and verified your Web Content Publisher install.
Now that you are familiar with the different features of Web Content Publisher,
let’s take a tour of Web Content Publisher.
First, you need to start Web Content Publisher.
1. To start Web Content Publisher, you first start LDAP and Workflow server on
Lotus Domino. Click Start->Lotus Applications->Lotus Domino Server. A
DOS window as shown in Figure 11-2 opens. Wait until the server is
completely started.
Figure 11-2 Lotus Domino Server Window
Note: Lotus Domino Server is completely started when you see the > sign at
the bottom of the server window.
Chapter 11. Content management
Note: Do not close the Lotus Domino Server window. Lotus Domino Server
needs to be running to provide LDAP and workflow services for Web Content
2. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Double-click Administrator Tools.
Double-click Services. Right-click IBM WS AdminServer and select Start as
shown in Figure 11-3.
Figure 11-3 Starting WebSphere Admin Server
Note: If a message pops up saying the service did not respond in a timely
fashion, this could mean that Domino has problems, is not running or is taking
longer than the normal waiting period. Wait a while and refresh the Services
Window to see if it is started.
3. Open a browser window and enter the URL
http://your_host_name//wps/wcp/index.jsp. You should see the login page
for WebSphere Content Publisher, as shown in Figure 11-4.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-4 Web Content Publisher login page
4. Type dave in the user ID field and dave in the password field. Press Enter.
5. You will then see a window similar to Figure 11-5. You will not see the job Post
a new article on your window.
Figure 11-5 WebSphere Content Publisher Tasks Page
The tasks page summarizes the tasks that are currently assigned to a specific
user according to the defined workflow process. There are two submenu
items: “I own” and “I could own” under Tasks on the left pane.
Jobs listed under “I could own” are jobs that are being assigned to the user
but where the user has not taken any actions yet. Jobs listed under “I own”
are jobs that are being assigned to the user where the user has explicitly
Chapter 11. Content management
clicked Work On and confirmed that he is working on the particular job. In
Figure 11-5, Dave has been assigned a job titled “Post a new article” and is
currently working on it since the job is listed under “I own” in the Task menu.
Details and possible actions of a particular job are shown in the panel on the
lower right.
Based on the user’s privileges, a user may click New job to create a new job.
6. Click the Content tab next to Tasks in the upper left hand corner. You should
see a window similar to Figure 11-6.
Figure 11-6 WebSphere Content Publisher content page
The content page lists all the files of the active project that are currently
stored in the content management database. Only one project is active at any
time. The current active project name is displayed in the upper right hand
corner of the page. In Figure 11-6, the current active project is
There are three types of file contents: structured content, syndicated content
and plain files. These three file types are categorized according to their types
on the left pane.
7. Click the Administration tab in the upper right hand corner. A page similar to
Figure 11-7 is displayed.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-7 WebSphere Content Publisher administration page
Depending on the user’s access control level, different menu items will be
available on the left panel. Log out and log in again using the user ID
“wcpadmin” and password “password”. You should see all the menu items as
displayed on the left pane in Figure 11-7.
The administration page allows users to set the various access control levels,
define file types, create and version projects, set the current active project,
register structured content resources, schedule and monitor background
events, define new channels, and set up publish servers.
11.3.3 Web Content Publisher architecture
Before discussing content publishing with Web Content Publisher, it is important
to understand how Web Content Publisher accomplishes its tasks.
As mentioned in previous sections, Web Content Publisher is made up of two
core environments: the authoring environment and the publishing environment.
Both the authoring and publishing environments are in fact Web applications
installed on WebSphere Application Server. Note that Web Content Publisher
does not require WebSphere Portal to be installed in ordr to run.
Figure 11-8 illustrates the Web Content Publisher topology.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-8 Web Content Publisher topology
Authoring environment
The authoring environment consists of Web Content Publisher authoring server,
personalization server, DB2 database, Domino (LDAP and Workflow), Notes
client and Web client.
The Web Content Publisher’s main responsibility is to coordinate content
management activities such as managing content resources, coordinating
workflows activities, managing user access controls, etc. Web Content Publisher
accomplishes these tasks by collaborating with various service providers. Web
Content Publisher uses the personalization engine to register and transform
structured content resource. Both the personalization engine as well as the Web
Content Publisher server obtains user credentials from the Domino LDAP server.
All workflow activities are driven by Lotus Workflow that resides on the Domino
server. All content information is stored in the WCM database in DB2.
Publishing environment
The publishing environment consists of a Web Content Publisher publishing
server and a personalization server. The Web Content Publisher authoring
server publishes contents to the publishing server, which is typically a staging or
production server for the Web site. The Web Content Publisher authoring server
can publish to a publishing server without WebSphere Portal installed. However,
if WebSphere Portal is installed on the publishing server, the portlets will gain
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
access to the contents being published and published contents can be displayed
in the portal.
11.3.4 Step-by-step guide to content publishing
This section is a step-by-step guide to content publishing using Web Content
Publisher. It describes the details of how to create a project, import contents files,
create and register structure content resources, create authoring and
presentation templates, define channels for syndicated contents, schedule
automatic content generation, create and work on jobs assigned by the workflow
engine, publish contents and display contents on the portal.
To better demonstrate the various capabilities mentioned for Web Content
Publisher, this step-by-step guide is built around the following scenario.
YourCo would like to include a news page in their company’s portal. All news
contents are contributed by business users. However, YourCo would like to
ensure that contents have the same look and feel. The Portal designer proposes
to build the news page with two panels: a news headlines navigation panel on the
left and the news details panel on the right. By clicking the headline on the
navigation panel, the detailed contents of the corresponding news article appear
on the details panel on the right.
Based on the scenario described, we will now implement the solution by
following these steps.
򐂰 Identify the content
򐂰 Develop content models
򐂰 Create a Web Content Publisher project
򐂰 Import files to the content management system
򐂰 Implement structured content
򐂰 Create authoring templates
򐂰 Create generation templates
򐂰 Displaying static portal content
򐂰 Displaying dynamic portal content
Identify the content
The first step in content management is to identify the type of content that needs
to be presented to the users. Web Content Publisher supports three generic
content types: structured content, syndicated contents and file contents.
Chapter 11. Content management
Structured contents
Structured contents are also called template-driven contents. This type of
content focuses on the actual content rather than presentation. During design
time, the content design team decides what attributes a certain type of content
should contain. For instance, for an employee profile page, the attributes for the
employee profile content type would be name, department, location, phone
number, e-mail, fax, date of hire, etc. The employee profile content type is thus
called a structured content. It is being represented in Web Content Publisher as a
Java class with all the attributes as properties of the class. All these attributes are
mapped and stored in a persistent data store such as a database, an XML file or
an LDAP repository.
The content management team then creates forms called authoring templates.
These forms enable users to input values for each of the attribute defined in the
structured content. Business users log on to Web Content Publisher and fill out
these authoring pages to submit the contents. All contents submitted are then
stored in the WCM database.
Since all the contents are stored in a uniform format, it enables Web developers
to create Web pages by selectively inserting these contents information from the
database. These Web pages are called presentation templates. Such a method
of generating content has various advantages. First, it enables non-business
users to contribute content. In addition, through template driven content
generation, all contents will have the same look and feel. It also facilitates
content delivery for multiple devices.
Storing content data in a structure format also makes personalization a much
easier task. The development team can include meta data for each content that
is contributed. During runtime, the personalization engine utilizes the metadata to
select the most appropriate content to display to the user. For more information
on personalization, refer to Chapter 10, “Personalization” on page 501.
Syndicated content
Syndicated contents are licensed use of information from an external source. A
common example of syndicated content is pulling news articles from Reuters and
including the articles in your Web site.
Content syndicators use a number of formats in publishing their content. Most of
them are XML-based. The format supported by Web Content Publisher is called
Rich Site Summary (RSS). To define a syndicated source, you need to define a
channel in Web Content Publisher.
Syndicated contents are constantly updated by content syndicators. The content
administrator should schedule periodic updates for each channel.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
File contents
File contents are simply files of any format such as HTML, PDF, GIF, JPG, etc.
File contents need to be imported to the Web Content Publisher project in order
to be stored in the content management system and published to the designated
publishing server.
The decision about content type can be based on the nature of the content
source itself. For instance, how frequent are similar contents being published? Is
a consistent look and feel important when similar materials are published? Is
there a need to generate contents for multiple devices frequently? Is the content
contributed from external resources in a specified format?
In our sample scenario, internal news are contributed by business users. These
users’ primary focus is to compose actual news articles for their respective
departments. They should not need to understand all the technical intricacies of
Web graphics design and Web publishing. Moreover, since news articles should
conform to a consistent format in the portal, it makes sense to use the structured
content for internal news.
Develop content models
You need to develop content models only if you are implementing structured
content types. You can skip this section otherwise.
For each structured content type, a content model needs to be defined. You
should identify all the information that might appear in this type of content. In our
sample scenario, we need to enable business users to contribute news articles to
the portal. Thus the required content attributes are:
򐂰 headline
򐂰 image
򐂰 active date/time
򐂰 stop date/time
򐂰 content
򐂰 confidential
During content model development, you should also think about including
metadata in your content model. Personalization uses metadata to select the
most appropriate content to be shown to the user, so it is important to include
metadata for your content from the start. In our sample scenario, we have
included a few attributes that can be used by personalization in creating dynamic
contents. These attributes are listed next.
Chapter 11. Content management
򐂰 department
򐂰 location
򐂰 Interests
Now that all the attributes are identified, we are ready to create the database
model. We will create a database called YOURCOCM. In this database, we will
create a tables: YOUR_CO_NEWS. The YOUR_CO_NEWS table will contain all
the necessary attributes to be displayed to the portal visitors as well as the
metadata that can be used by the personalization engine.
1. Open a db2 command window by selecting Start->Programs->IBM
DB2->Command Line Processor.
2. Navigate to /db/createyourcocm.bat where you have saved the demo files.
Type createyourcocm dbuserid dbpassword. Use a valid DB2 user ID and
Once the script has completed, check whether the database tables have been
created successfully.
1. Select Start->Programs->IBM DB2->Control Center.
2. A new database called YOURCOCM should be created. Click the + sign next
to the YOURCOCM database and select the Tables folder. You should see
the newly created YOUR_CO_NEWS table.
3. Right-click the YOUR_CO_NEWS table and click Alter.
4. Click the Columns tab in the Alter table window. You should see the table
definition as shown in Figure 11-9.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-9 YOUR_CO_NEWS table schema
Create a Web Content Publisher project
Now that the design of the content model is completed, we can go ahead and
create Web Content Publisher project. This involves two steps. First, you need to
create and deploy a specially configured enterprise application to be used by the
new Web Content Publisher project. This enterprise application serves as a
container to enable JSP templates to be served to the users of Web Content
Publisher. If this step is omitted, the users will not be able to preview any pages
generated using custom templates. Finally, you create a Web Content Publisher
project using the browser interface.
Note: These operations are performed on the Authoring Server.
Create and deploy an enterprise application container
1. Start WebSphere Application Developer. Select Start -> Programs -> IBM
WebSphere Studio Application Developer -> IBM WebSphere Studio
Application Developer.
2. Choose the Web Perspective. Select Perspective -> Open -> Web.
Note: If you do not see the Web Project menu item, select
Perspective->Open->Other.... The Select Perspective window comes up.
Select Web and click OK.
Chapter 11. Content management
3. Create a new Web project. Select File -> New -> Web Project.
4. The Create a Web Project dialog box comes up. In the Project name field,
enter YourCoCMAuthor. In the Enterprise Application project name, enter
YourCoCMAuthor.ear. Your window should look like Figure 11-10.
Figure 11-10 Create a Web Project
5. Click Finish.
6. Once your project is created, expand the folders under the YourCOCMAuthor
project. Double-click the file web.xml by clicking webApplication ->
7. The file web.xml file is displayed as shown in Figure 11-11. Click the Source
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-11 web.xml
8. Comment out the Welcome-file-list section and add the XML code needed for
the authoring environment as shown in Example 11-1. All JSP files will be
handled by the com.ibm.wcm.jasper.runtime.JspServlet and the rest of the
files will be handled by com.ibm.wcm.servlets.FileResourceServlet.
Example 11-1 web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
<web-app id="WebApp">
<servlet id="Servlet_1">
<description>Files Servlet</description>
<security-role-ref id="SecurityRoleRef_1">
<servlet id="Servlet_2">
<description>JSP Servlet</description>
Chapter 11. Content management
<security-role-ref id="SecurityRoleRef_2">
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_1">
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_2">
<security-constraint id="SecurityConstraint_1">
<web-resource-collection id="WebResourceCollection_1">
<auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_1">
<user-data-constraint id="UserDataConstraint_1">
<login-config id="LoginConfig_1">
<security-role id="SecurityRole_1">
9. Save web.xml by pressing Ctrl-S. Ignore the error messages in the task
folder shown in Figure 11-12.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-12 web.xml errors
10.We will now export the Web application so that it can be installed at the
WebSphere Application Server. Select File -> Export.
11.The Export dialog comes up. Select WAR file. Click Next.
12.Under “What resources do you want to export?”, make sure
YourCoCMAuthor is selected.
13.Under “Where do you want to export resources to?”, click Browse and
choose a folder to export the WAR file, for instance,
c:\temp\YourCoCMAuthor.war. Make a note of this export folder.
14.Click Finish.
15.Now we are going to deploy this empty Web application container to
WebSphere. Bring up the WebSphere Administrator’s Console by selecting
Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application Server V4.0 ->
Administrator’s Console.
Note: If you encounter any problems while starting the WebSphere
Administrator’s Console, it might be because your Domino LDAP server or
WebSphere Admin Server has not started.
16.Expand the tree on the left pane on the Administrative Console. Right-click
Enterprise Applications and select Install Enterprise Application.
17.The Install Enterprise Application wizard comes up. Select the Install
stand-alone module (*.war, *.jar) radio button. Click Browse for the Path
field and choose the WAR file that you exported in Step 13.
18.Type YourCoCMAuthor in the Application name field.
19.Type /wps/YourCoCM for the context root. Make a note of this context root.
Chapter 11. Content management
Note: The context root that you specified here must match the context root of
the Web Content Publisher project that you are going to define.
20.Click Next.
21.In the Mapping Users to Roles window, you should see a Runtime role under
the Roles column as shown in Figure 11-13. Click Select.
Figure 11-13 Mapping users to roles
22.The Select Users/Groups - RuntimeRole window comes up. Select all
authenticated users (*). Click OK.
23.Click Next.
24.Keep clicking Next until you come to the window used to select Application
Servers. Click Select Server.
25.Select WebSphere Portal (<YOUR_NODE_NAME>) and click OK.
26.Click Next.
27.You should be at the Completing the Application Installation Wizard window.
Click Finish.
28.When the enterprise application finishes installing, an information dialog pops
up saying EnterpriseApp.install completed successfully. Click OK.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
29.You will now need to regenerate the link between the application server and
the Web server, so that all requests routed to the new context root of the
enterprise application that was just installed will be handled by WebSphere
Application Server. Select the node where you installed Web Content
Publisher. Right-click and select Regen Webserver Plugin as shown in
Figure 11-14.
Figure 11-14 Regenerate Web server plugin
30.You now need to restart the Web server. Bring up the Services window by
clicking Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Select Administrative Tools.
Double-click Services.
31.Right-click IBM HTTP Server and select Stop.
32.When the HTTP Server has been stopped completely, right-click IBM HTTP
Server again and select Start.
33.You now need to start YourCoCMAuthor enterprise application that you just
installed. Go back to the WebSphere Administrative Console. Locate
YourCoCMAuthor under Enterprise Application folder. Right-click
YourCoCMAuthor and select Start.
34.Once an information dialog saying Command “YourcoCMAuthor.start”
completed successfully, click OK.
35.Click + to expand the YourCoCMAuthor enterprise application. Select the
Web Modules folder.
36.Right-click the YourCoCMAuthor Web application and select Start.
Chapter 11. Content management
After the enterprise application for the Web Content Publisher project has been
created, we can log in to Web Content Publisher using the browser interface to
create a Web Content Publisher project.
Create a Content Publisher project
1. Open a browser window and enter the URL
2. Type wcpadmin in the user ID field and password in the password field.
3. Once you log in to Web Content Publisher, click the Administration tab in the
top right hand corner.
4. You will see a window similar to Figure 11-15. Click Projects/Editions on the
left pane.
Figure 11-15 Web Content Publisher projects window
5. To create a new project, click Add Project.
6. The Add Project window comes up. In the name field, type YourCoCMAuthor.
Type a brief description for your authoring project. In the context root field,
enter wps/YourCoCM. This value should be the same as the context root
specified when you installed the enterprise application container for Web
Content Publisher. Do not put a leading slash before the value of the context
7. In the root path field, enter a valid folder name.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: The root path is only used during project import and export. Any files
placed under the root path can be imported into the content management
system. However, it is important to understand that placing files in this
directory does not mean that the files are stored in the content management
system! You need to explicitly import files from the file system to Web Content
8. Select Simple Change Process as the default workflow process.
9. QuickEdit allows any authorized users to make any content changes even
though they have not been assigned a task according to the workflow
processes. Select the radio button Yes to enable QuickEdit.
10.Select the radio button Yes to enable locking.
11.Version enables versioning using an external version control system. Web
Content Publisher allows file level versioning using CVS as the version control
system. However, we will not be using any version control system in this
12.Your window should look like Figure 11-16. Click Add to add the Web Content
Publisher project.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-16 Add a Web Content Publisher project
13.The new project is now added to the list of Web Content Publisher projects.
You should see the YourCoCMAuthor project in the list of Web Content
Publisher projects.
Import files to the content management system
After successfully creating a Web Content Publisher project, you need to import
all the files from your Web site into the content management system.
Note: Files placed under the project root directory are not be stored in the
content management system. All files need to be explicitly imported to the
content management system in order for them to be stored and published.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
1. Copy your Web files (HTML, image files, etc.) to the root directory that you
defined in Step 7 on page 660 (for example c:\wcp\YourCoCM) when you
created your Web Content Publisher project.
2. Log in to Web Content Publisher if you have not already done so.
3. Click the Administration tab.
4. If you don’t see a wrench on the edition of the YourCoCMAuthor, it means that
YourCOCMAuthor project is not active yet. Click the edition of
YourCoCMAuthor and click Work On.
Note: There is only one Web Content Publisher project at any time. If you
need to work on another Web Content Publisher project, you need to go to the
Administration tab, select the version of the specific project that you would like
to work on and click Work On.
5. Click Import. You will see a window similar to Figure 11-17. Notice that only
files placed under the root path can be imported to the project. Since we
would like to import all the files in the project root directory, accept all defaults
and select Import.
Figure 11-17 Importing files for a Web Content Publisher project
Chapter 11. Content management
6. A summary page listing all the files being imported as well as the total files
count is shown. Click Cancel to go back to the Administration window.
7. Click the Contents tab. You should now see all the files that you have
imported under the Files menu item.
8. Click each file to view its contents. If the file is an image file, the image can be
displayed in the Preview tab.
Implement structured content
This section guides you through the creation and deployment of structured
content resources. You can skip this section if you are not using structured
content resources.
For a detailed explanation of the concept of structured content resources, refer to
“Structured contents” on page 650.
Structured content is implemented using structured content resources. Each
structured content resource is composed of a Java bean and a resource file
The Java bean contains all the properties of the structured content. Each
property maps to a column of the back-end datastore. In relational database
terms, the Java bean class corresponds to the schema of the database table(s)
and each property maps to a column.
Note: It is possible for a resource to span multiple tables. In this particular
scenario, a database join is needed when creating the resource.
The resource file descriptor is an XML file with a .hrf extension. It contains
information about the resource and is used for importing the resource into
Another concept that needs to be introduced in the concept of a resource
instance. A resource instance would then be an instance of a Java class. In
relational database terms, a resource instance corresponds to a row in the
database table.
The last concept that needs to be introduced is the concept of resource
collection. A resource collection is a set of Java instances that belong to the
same resource type. In relational database terms, a resource collection is
represented by all the rows in a tables.
Let’s take the YourCo internal news structured content as an example. A Java
bean class needs to be created based on the database schema created in
“Develop content models” on page 651. This Java bean class is the structured
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
content resource. The contents of each piece of news article contributed by the
business users will be stored as a new row in the content management
database. Each news item is a resource instance. All the news articles
contributed are thus defined as the news resource collection.
The resource concept is in fact used by WebSphere Personalization to select the
most appropriate resource to be displayed to the user. Web Content Publisher
uses this concept to implement the concept of template driven content using the
content resources.
With all the basic concepts of content resource explained, we are now ready to
create a content resource.
Create a structured content resource
1. Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer by selecting Start ->
Programs -> IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer -> IBM
WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
2. Create a new portlet project by selecting File -> New -> Portlet Application
Project. If you do not see Portlet Application Project listed in the menu, select
File -> New -> Other. Select Portlet Development on the left pane and
Portlet Application project on the right pane and click OK.
Note: If you still do not see the portlet development project, you probably do
not have the Portal Toolkit installed. Refer to Chapter 3, “Using the Portal
Toolkit” on page 119 for installation instructions.
3. In the Create a Portlet project window, type YourCoCMPortlet for the project
name, and YourCoCMPortlet.ear for the enterprise application project name.
Your window should look like Figure 11-18.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-18 Create YourCoCMPortlet project
4. Click Finish. A new portlet application project is created.
5. It is always a good practice to package your files. Right-click the source
folder under the YourCoCMPortlet project and select New -> Folder.
6. In the New Folder dialog box, type the new folder name YourCoCM. Click
7. Now we will add a content resource using the personalization wizard. First
select the YourCoCM folder. Then click the content wizard icon
. It should
be located on the toolbar as shown in Figure 11-19. If you do not see the
content wizard, select Perspective -> Customize. The Customize
Perspective dialog pops up. Click + to expand Other on the left pane and
check the Personalization Wizards checkbox as shown in Figure 11-20. The
content wizard should now be placed on the toolbar.
Note: If you do not see the Personalization Wizards in the Customize
Perspective dialog box, you might not have Personalization Wizards installed
on WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-19 Content wizard
Figure 11-20 Customize Perspective
8. The content wizard appears. Select the Logon tab. We now enter the
credentials to log on to the database that we created for employee internal
Chapter 11. Content management
news. In the Database URL field, type jdbc:db2:YOURCOCM; in the User ID
field, type your DB2 administrator ID; and in the password field, type your DB2
administrator password. Your window should look similar to Figure 11-21.
Figure 11-21 Content wizard database entries
9. Click Connect to validate your entry.
10.If you have entered the database information correctly, you should see a list of
available tables on the window. Select YOUR_CO_NEWS and click > to
move the table to the Selected tables pane. Click YOUR_CO_NEWS in the
Selected tables pane and click the Primary table button. Your window should
look similar to Figure 11-22. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-22 Select table in Content Wizard
11.You will see all the available columns in the YOUR_CO_NEWS table. Click
>> to move all the columns over to the selected columns on the right pane.
Select the ID row and the Primary key button. Your window should look like
Figure 11-23. Click Next.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-23 Select column in content wizard
12.Since we are only using one table to define the structured content resource,
we do not need to perform any column joins. Click Next..
13.You can define the values for each output column. In our scenario, we would
like to define the values for the column CONFIDENTIAL. This column can
contain a value of “Y” which corresponds to “Yes” or “N” which corresponds to
click Edit.
14.The Define Type Value dialog box pops up. Click the empty row and type Y
under the Value column and Yes under the Description column. Click Add.
Repeat the process again and type N under the Value column and No under
the Description column. Your window should look like Figure 11-24. Click OK.
Note: By specifying the type-value mapping, the default authoring template
discussed in “Create authoring templates” on page 679 will be generated
according to these values.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-24 Define types in content wizard
15.Click Next.
16.You will see the list of files that will be generated. It includes the content
resource Java file, the content resource file descriptor, as well as other helper
methods for performing the insert, update and delete operations on the
resource collection. You can choose to rename these classes. In our
example, we have rename the classes to YourCoCMNews. Click Rename
and type the new name of the resource classes. Click OK, then click Finish.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-25 Content wizard final page
17.All the Java resources files are added to the
webApplication/WEB-INF/classes/YourCoCM folder. The resource descriptor
is added to the
webApplication/WEB-INF/wcm-resourceCollections/YourCoCM folder.
18.You will then export these files so that WebSphere Personalization can gain
access to them. Select the YourCoCM project under
webApplication/WEB-INF/classes. Select File -> Export.
19.The file export window comes up. Make sure that all the Java class files under
YourCoCMPortlet/webApplication/WEB-INF/YourCoCM are selected. Then
expand the folder wcm-resourcesCollections and select the YourCoCM folder
underneath it. The file YourCoCMNews.hrf should also be selected. Under the
Directory field, type an export path. In our scenario, we have chosen
c:\wcp\YourCoCMPortlet. Your window should look like Figure 11-26.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-26 Export resource files
20.Click Finish.
Note: The sample code in this example can be found in YourCoCMPortlet.war.
Register a resource in the Personalization engine
Web Content Publisher uses the implementation of resource collection of the
WebSphere Personalization Server. Thus, you will first need to register the
resources in WebSphere Personalization.
1. In order for WebSphere Personalization Server to use the resource file, you
will need to copy the class files to the WebSphere_Install_Directory\lib\ext. In
our case, copy the YourCoCM folder under c:\wcp\YourCoCMPortlet to
c:\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ext. Make sure to copy the entire folder as
shown in Figure 11-27.
Note: When you place the files under Websphere_Install_Directory\lib\ext,
make sure you retain the package structure of your class files.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-27 File contents of resource library
2. Open a browser and enter the URL
http://<YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_HOST_NAME>/wps/adminframe.jsp. Click the
Resource Hierarchies tab.
Note: If you have security enabled for WebSphere Personalization Server, you
may be prompted for a user ID and password. Enter the same user ID and
password that you use when you start your WebSphere Administrative
3. Click the Import button.
4. Under the Specify the path and file name field, type the full file name of the
resource descriptor file that you exported. In our scenario, it is
c:\wcp\YourCoCMPortlet\YourCoCM\YouroCMNews.hrf. Your window should
look similar to Figure 11-28.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-28 Import resource descriptor file
5. Click the Import File button.
6. Your window should display The file to be imported is
<YOUR_FULL_HRF_FILE_NAME>. Import finished.
7. Now, if you select the resource Hierarchy drop-down menu, you should see
Register a resource in Web Content Publisher
After the resource is registered in WebSphere Personalization, you can register
the resource in Web Content Publisher.
Note: You only need to register the same resource once in WebSphere
Personalization. The resource can then be registered and used in various
Web Content Publisher projects.
1. Open a browser and type the URL
http://<YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_HOST_NAME>/wps/wcp/index.jsp to log in to
Web Content Publisher. Use the User ID “wcpadmin” and password
2. Click the Administration tab. Make sure the active project is
YourCoCMAuthor. If not, select the Projects/Editions menu item on the left
pane, then select YourCoCMAuthor and click Work On.
Chapter 11. Content management
3. Click Registration on the left pane. On the top of the right pane, click the Add
new collection icon as shown in Figure 11-29.
Figure 11-29 Register a resource collection in Web Content Publisher
4. The Add Collection to Project window comes up. Select YourCoCMNews in
the resource list as shown in Figure 11-30. Make sure the Publishable
checkbox is selected. Click Add.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-30 Add collection to project
5. YourCoCMNews is now registered to the YourCoCMAuthor project in Web
Content Publisher, as shown in Figure 11-31.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-31 Resource collection list in Web Content Publisher
6. Click the Contents tab. You should now see YourCoCMNews appear under
the Structured Content menu, as shown in Figure 11-32.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-32 Structured content in Web Content Publisher
Create authoring templates
This section covers the details of creating authoring templates for structured
contents. If you are not using structured content types in your content
management solution, you can skip this section.
For structured content types, developers from the content management team
need to create HTML forms so that content contributors can add, edit and
preview the contributed content. These HTML forms are called authoring
templates. The developers can create four types of authoring templates for each
structured content type, namely, the add template, the edit template, the show
template and the preview template. As the name suggests, the add form is used
to add content; the edit form is used to edit content where all previously entered
data is pre-populated; the show form is used to show the details of every attribute
of the content; and the preview form is used to show how the content would look
on the Web page.
Web Content Publisher creates default authoring templates for each structured
content type registered. However, you probably want to create your own custom
authoring templates for a variety of reasons. You may want to change the look
and feel of the authoring templates, so that they will be consistent with the rest of
your Web site; you may want to implement additional data validations to ensure
mandatory data is entered and all input data is valid. Furthermore, the design
Chapter 11. Content management
and development team may want to guide the user through a series of windows
when entering the data instead of presenting all the information on one large
In addition, there is one shortcoming of the default authoring template. Web
Content Publisher does not generate input fields properly for date-related
datatype. You would need to add your customized code in order to enable
content contributors to add and modify any date entries. This will be discussed in
detail later in this section.
The quickest way to create a customized template is to modify the default
template. Web Content Publisher enables content contributors to add and edit
contents using the default authoring templates.
Download the default template
1. Select the Content tab and click YourCoCMNews on the left pane.
2. Click the templates icon as shown in Figure 11-33.
Figure 11-33 Download authoring templates
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
3. The Templates page appears. Click the template wizard as shown in
Figure 11-34.
Figure 11-34 Templates form
4. The Create Author Template page then appears. We would like to create an
add template for YourCoCMNews and store all these authoring templates in a
folder called templates. Type templates/YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp as shown in
Figure 11-35. Click Create.
Figure 11-35 Create author template
5. Repeat the two steps above for the edit form, shows form and preview form by
specifying the different JSP names as shown in Figure 11-36. Click Save.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-36 Create authoring templates
6. On the Contents tab, click Files on the left pane. You should see a new folder
called templates being created. Click the templates folder and you should
see the default template files created, as shown in Figure 11-37.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-37 New authoring template files
7. Select the row YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp and click Download.
Note: Select the row of the template file instead of clicking the actual link to
the file. If you click the link to the file, the actual JSP page will open up in a
new window.
8. Save the file in a temporary directory, for instance c:\wcp\temp.
9. Repeat the two steps above for YourCoCMNewsEdit.jsp,
YourCoMNewsPreview.jsp, and YourCoCMNewsShow.jsp.
Technical details of the authoring template
Now that you have downloaded the four authoring templates, you can create all
the enhancements that you desire. Here are all the technical details that you
need to explore the internal workings of the authoring templates.
Web Content Publisher generates the default authoring forms for add, edit, show,
and preview by Java introspection of the resource class to create the HTML form
Chapter 11. Content management
elements for each property type of the content resource. When the user submits
the authoring form to the server, all form attributes are submitted as text and are
converted to their respective type on the server. The supported conversions of
property types to text, and vice versa, are listed below:
򐂰 Java primitive types: byte, int, boolean, short, long, float, and double
򐂰 java.lang.Byte
򐂰 java.lang.Integer
򐂰 java.lang.Boolean
򐂰 java.lang.Short
򐂰 java.lang.Float
򐂰 java.lang.Long
򐂰 java.lang.Double
򐂰 java.math.BigDecimal
򐂰 java.math.BigInteger
򐂰 java.sql.Time
򐂰 java.sql.Date
򐂰 java.sql.Timestamp
Note: java.sql.Time, java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp are not supported
in the default authoring template. Customized templates need to be created.
Refer to Manipulating date and time later in this section.
All authoring templates need to be Java Server Pages (JSPs). Therefore, you
can use any JSP constructs or include any Java scriptlets within the authoring
Adding and editing content for all Web Content Publisher projects is handled by a
single servlet. The URL for this target servlet is
http://<YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_HOST_NAME>/wps/wcp/command. This servlet
performs the addition and modification of structured resource content based on
the parameters submitted. Therefore, you should place any input parameters
within the following form:
<FORM ACTION="/wps/wcp/command" METHOD="POST">
<!-All input fields and submit button
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Add page
The following needs to be added within the form of the add page to provide the
necessary information for the command servlet to process an add request.
<FORM ACTION="/wps/wcp/command" METHOD="POST">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="command" VALUE="addItem"/>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="beanName" VALUE="class_name"/>
<BR>Resource id
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="property_name1" VALUE="" SIZE="25" />
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="property_name2" VALUE="" SIZE="25" />
<!-- Additional property fields-->
<INPUT type="submit" name="formAction" value="Add">
class_name is the name of the resource class you are using (for example,
RESIDNAME is the name of the resource's unique ID property. You can create a
resource ID generation routine or allow the user to enter the ID value.
property_name is the name of whatever property each input field is setting.
Note: When the form is submitted, the data entered will be passed to the
authoring server and identified by the property_name specified. These names
are case-sensitive, so make sure that you use the same cases as when the
names were defined.
Edit page
The following tags need to be added within the form of the edit page to provide
the necessary information for the command servlet to process an edit request.
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource" id="getResource"
<% getResource.getResource(request); %>
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" type="class_name" scope="request"/>
<FORM ACTION="/wps/wcp/command" METHOD="POST">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="command" VALUE="updateItem"/>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="beanName" VALUE="class_name"/>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="RESIDNAME" VALUE="<%= resObj.getId() %>"/>
Chapter 11. Content management
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="property_name1" SIZE="25"
VALUE="<%=resObj.getproperty_name1() %>"/>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="property_name2" SIZE="25"
VALUE="<%=resObj.getproperty_name2() %>"/>
<!-- Additional property fields-->
<BR><INPUT type="submit" name="formAction" value="Save">
class_name is the name of the resource class you are using (for example,
RESIDNAME is the name of the resource's unique ID property. It is not
recommended that you change the resource’s unique ID property. You pass this
value back as a hidden field.
property_name is the name of whatever property each input field is setting.
Web Content Publisher provides a generic resource class
com.ibm.scm.GetGenericResource for representing any resource content type
created and defined by the content management developers. When the user
requests the edit page, the content resource data object is passed to the JSP
page via the request object. After retrieving the object using the useBean tag, the
content resource is cast to the specific data type using <jsp:useBean
id="resObj" type="class_name" scope="request"/>.
All field values are pre-populated with the corresponding property values using
the bean’s getter methods.
Note: It is required that the content data object be called resObj. Do not use
any other name.
Preview and Show page
The Preview and Show page mainly uses the content resource object passed
from the request to display the information about the object.
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource" id="getResource"
<% getResource.getResource(request); %>
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" type="class_name" scope="request"/>
<P>Property name 1 is: <%=resObj.getproperty_name1() %>"/>
<BR>Property name 2 is: <%=resObj.getproperty_name2() %>"/>
<!--Display more properties-->
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Other useful techniques
򐂰 Browsing file resources
In many cases, you might want to provide your users with the ability to browse
for a particular file stored in the content management system. For instance,
the graphics designer may have created and stored an image of a new
product to the content management system. The marketing manager who is
writing a promotional article of the product would like to include this image
reference to the article. Thus, you would want to put a Browse button on an
image URL field on the authoring template. To accomplish this, you need to
add the following JavaScript to your authoring template page.
function listUrls(fn)
var openUrl = '/wps/wcp/wcmsearch.jsp?fieldName=' + fn;
function useUrl(fn,u)
document.forms[0].elements[fn].value = u;
Within your form, you will add the following
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="property_name_for_browse" SIZE="25"/>
<INPUT type="button" onclick="listUrls('property_name_for_browse')"
name="IMAGEURL_url" value="Browse">
򐂰 Manipulating date and time data type
It is common to use date and time datatype in the attributes of a content
datatype. However, they are not supported in the default authoring template.
To enable date and time information entered by the user to be accurately
updated on the server, all that is required is to ensure that when the date/time
value is submitted to the server, it adheres to the format as shown in
Table 11-1.
Chapter 11. Content management
Table 11-1 Date/Time datatype and text format
Date/Time datatype
Text format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffffffff
– hh is hours (0-23)
– mm is minutes
– ss is seconds
– yyyy is the year
– mm is the month (1-12)
– dd is the day
– ffffffff is subseconds (optional)
Note: The above format is locale-independent. It must be passed in the above
format regardless of country or language code.
Instead of instructing the user to type in the date/time value in a specific
format, you should provide a more user-friendly interface for entering the date
value. This can be accomplished by enabling the user the select the day,
month and year values in three separate combo boxes and utilizing a hidden
field and some JavaScript code to compose the final date string to be sent to
the server, as shown in Example 11-2.
Example 11-2 Authoring form with date attribute
<input type="hidden" name="myDateProperty" value="">
<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
<td nowrap colspan=4 align="left">Date</td>
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
DateFormatSymbols symbols =
new DateFormatSymbols( request.getLocale() );
String[] months = symbols.getMonths();
int currentMonth = rightNow.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int maxDay = rightNow.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
int currentDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int currentYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR);
<td align="left"><select name="month"><%
for( int i=0; i<(months.length-1); i++ )
String selected = "";
if( currentMonth==i )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>">
<%= months[i] %></option><%
<td align="left"><select name="day"><%
for( int i=0; i<maxDay; i++ )
String selected = "";
if( currentDay==(i+1) )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>"><%=(i+1)%></option><%
<td align="left"><select name="year">
<option selected value="<%=currentYear%>">
<option value="<%=(currentYear+1)%>">
<option value="<%=(currentYear+2)%>">
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="submitForm()">
<script language="JavaScript">
function submitForm()
var month = document.forms[0].month.value;
var day
= document.forms[0].day.value;
var year = document.forms[0].year.value;
Chapter 11. Content management
// validate values for date
// and other fields in the form
// format the date for java.sql.Date.valueOf
document.forms[0].myDateProperty.value = year + "-" + month +
"-" + day;
// submit the form
Sample scenario for customizing authoring templates
Based on the technical information described for authoring templates, we will
now demonstrate how to customize the authoring template based on the YourCo
example. We are going to make modifications to the template files using
WebSphere Studio Application Developer. First, we need to create a project in
Application Developer and import the default template files that we downloaded
in “Download the default template” on page 680.
1. Open WebSphere Studio Application Developer by selecting Start ->
Programs -> IBM webSphere Studio Application Developer -> IBM
Websphere Studio Application Developer.
2. Create a new Web project called YourCoCMTemp to hold the JSPs. Open the
Web perspective if it is not already opened. Select Perspective -> Open ->
Web. Select File -> New -> Web Project.
3. In the Create a Web Project dialog box, enter YourCoCMTemp as the project
name, and YourCoCMTemp.ear as the Enterprise Application project name.
Click Finish.
4. Expand the newly created YourCoCMTemp project. Right-click the
webApplication folder and select New -> Folder. Name the new folder
5. Select the templates folder. Click File -> Import.
6. In the Import dialog, select File system. Then click Next.
7. Click the Browse button next to the Directory drop-down box. Select the
directory where you placed the default template files downloaded from Web
Content Publisher and click OK.
8. Check all four authoring template files: YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp,
YourCoCMNewsEdit.jsp, YourCoCMNewsPreview.jsp, and
YourCoCMNewsShow.jsp. Your window should look like Figure 11-38. Click
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-38 Import default authoring templates to WebSphere Application Developer
First, we’ll take a look at the add and edit events. We would like to divide the data
entry page into two pages (YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp and
YourCoCMNewsMeta.jsp). The user first enters the all the basic information
about the news article on the first page. Then he provides all the metadata for the
article on the second page. Thus the two pages should look like Figure 11-39
and Figure 11-40. The pages for add and edit events look the same except that
data is pre-populated on the edit pages.
The two pages shown in Figure 11-39 and Figure 11-40 use common JSP
techniques to pass information from one page to the another. An intermediate
page, YourCoCMNewsFormValidation.jsp, is used for data validation and page
redirection. When the user clicks Next on YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp, the form is
submitted to the intermediate page YourCoCMNewsFormValidation.jsp. Three
sets of validations are currently implemented on YourCoCMnewsFormValidation:
checking for the mandatory headline field and content field, as well as verifying
the date range for start date and end date. If all the validations pass, the resource
ID is generated and the user proceeds to YourCoMNewsMeta.jsp page to enter
the metadata for the news article; otherwise, the user is redirected back to the
Chapter 11. Content management
YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp page where an error message is displayed. The same is
true for the edit operation. Note that the intermediate form validation page and
the metadata page is shared by the add and edit operations.
Figure 11-39 Add a news article, step 1
Figure 11-40 Add a news article, step 2
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: It is a good practice to generate the unique resource ID by using some
common ID generating routine instead of relying on the user to type in an ID.
Now let’s look at how these pages are actually implemented.
Note: Instead of going through the step-by-step changes of these pages, the
changes are outlined below. These sample pages can be found in the
YourCoCMTemp.war file in the source directory.
1. Open YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp. The page contains information for all the
fields for the YourCoCMNews structured content type. However, we need to
remove the Path, ID, and INTERESTS fields. Search for and delete the
following lines.
<td valign="top" align="right">Path:</td><td valign="top" align="left">
<% String folderPath = request.getParameter("folderPath");
folderPath = (folderPath==null ? "" : folderPath); %>
<INPUT readonly STYLE="width:200px;background:CCCCCC;color:black"
TYPE="text" NAME="PATH" VALUE="<%= folderPath %>" SIZE="25"
<td valign="top" align="right">ID:</td><td valign="top" align="left"><input
name="ID" type="text" style="width:200px" size="25" maxlength="15"></td>
<td valign="top" align="right">INTERESTS:</td><td valign="top"
align="left"><input name="INTERESTS" type="text" style="width:200px"
size="25" maxlength="80"></td>
2. The add page can be called from YourCoCMnewsFormValidation.jsp if any
validation fails. In that scenario, we would need to pre-populate all the fields
with the original values entered. Original values are passed back via the
request object. Thus for every field, you should add code such as the
<td valign="top" align="right">CONFIDENTIAL:</td><td valign="top"
align="left"><select style="width:200px" name="CONFIDENTIAL"><option
value="Y" <%= request.getParameter("CONFIDENTIAL") != null &&
request.getParameter("CONFIDENTIAL").equals("Y") ? "SELECTED" : ""
Chapter 11. Content management
%>>Yes</option><option value="N" <%= request.getParameter("CONFIDENTIAL")!=
null && request.getParameter("CONFIDENTIAL").equals("N") ? "SELECTED" : ""
<td valign="top" align="right">HEADLINE:</td><td valign="top"
align="left"><input name="HEADLINE" type="text" style="width:200px"
size="25" maxlength="80" value="<%= request.getParameter("HEADLINE")==null
? "" : request.getParameter("HEADLINE").toString() %>"></td>
We also need to add the following code to the page to display any error if
there is a redirection from YourCoCMNewsFormValidation.jsp.
//check if it is an error call
boolean error = false;
String errorMsg = request.getParameter("ERROR");
if (errorMsg != null){
error = true;
if (error){ %>
<FONT color="#cc0000"><B>
3. A Browse button would be nice for browsing an image file. Before the </td>
tag for the image cell, enter the following.
<INPUT type="button" onclick="listUrls('IMAGE')" name="IMAGE_url"
The Java script, listUrls, already exists on the default template page.
4. It is a good practice to control user entries by enabling the user to choose
from a pre-defined list. In our scenario, we have changed the location and
department fields from text fields to drop-down lists.
<td valign="top" align="right">LOCATION:</td><td valign="top"
align="left"><select style="width:200px" name="LOCATION"><option
value="all" <%= request.getParameter("LOCATION")!= null &&
request.getParameter("LOCATION").equals("all") ? "SELECTED" : ""
%>>All</option><option value="aus" <%= request.getParameter("LOCATION")!=
null && request.getParameter("LOCATION").equals("aus") ? "SELECTED" : ""
%>>Austin,TX</option><option value="dur" <%=
request.getParameter("LOCATION")!= null &&
request.getParameter("LOCATION").equals("dur") ? "SELECTED" : ""
%>>Durham,NC</option><option value="ny" <%=
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
request.getParameter("LOCATION")!= null &&
request.getParameter("LOCATION").equals("ny") ? "SELECTED" : "" %>>New
York,NY</option><option value="ral" <%=request.getParameter("LOCATION")!=
null && request.getParameter("LOCATION").equals("ral") ? "SELECTED" : ""
5. In order to conform to the date format required by Web Content Publisher, we
would use five drop-downs to enable the user to enter the year, month, day,
hour and minute for the active and stop timestamp for the article. We will
replace code for the date fields with the following.
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
DateFormatSymbols symbols =
new DateFormatSymbols( request.getLocale() );
String[] months = symbols.getMonths();
currentMonth = rightNow.get(Calendar.MONTH);
currentDay = rightNow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
currentYear = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR);
currentHour = rightNow.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
currentMinute = rightNow.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
startMonth = currentMonth;
startDay = currentDay;
startYear = currentYear;
startHour = currentHour;
startMinute = currentMinute;
stopMonth = currentMonth;
stopDay = currentDay;
stopYear = currentYear;
stopHour = currentHour;
stopMinute = currentMinute;
if (request.getParameter("start_month") != null){
startMonth = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start_month"));
startDay = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start_day"));
startHour = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start_hour"));
startMinute = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start_minute"));
startYear = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start_year"));
stopMonth = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_month"));
stopDay = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_day"));
stopHour = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_hour"));
stopMinute = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_minute"));
stopYear = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("stop_year"));
Chapter 11. Content management
<td valign="top" align="right">START DATE:</td>
<td valign="top" align="left">
<select name="start_year">
<option value="<%=currentYear%>" <%= startYear == currentYear ?
"SELECTED" : "" %>>
<option value="<%=(currentYear+1)%>" <%= startYear == currentYear+1 ?
"SELECTED" : "" %>>
<option value="<%=(currentYear+2)%>"<%= startYear == currentYear+2 ?
"SELECTED" : "" %>>
<select name="start_month"><%
for( int i=0; i<(months.length-1); i++ )
String selected = "";
if( startMonth ==i )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>">
<%= months[i] %></option><%
<select name="start_day"><%
for( int i=0; i<=31; i++ )
String selected = "";
if( startDay ==(i+1) )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>"><%=(i+1)%></option><%
<select name="start_hour"><%
for( int i=0; i<=23; i++ )
String selected = "";
if( startHour ==(i+1) )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>"><%=(i+1)%></option><%
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<select name="start_minute"><%
for( int i=0; i<=59; i++ )
String selected = "";
if( startMinute==(i+1) )
selected = "Selected";
<option <%=selected%> value="<%=(i+1)%>"><%=(i+1)%></option><%
We will do the same for the stop date. Note that for the above code to
compile, you also need to import the appropriate classes to the page. At the
top of the page, enter the following code.
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.text.*"%>Change the title and page name
of the page.
6. Change the target of the form to YourCoCMFormValidation.jsp.
7. All field names are generated using Java bean introspection. Thus, change
the display field names accordingly.
8. If you are using a style sheet for your templates, add the CSS reference to
your page and make sure to import it to Web Content Publisher.
9. Make any other graphical changes as you wish.
Refer to the sample YourCoCMFormValidation.jsp in the YourCoCMTemp.war
file. This page is shared by the add and edit functions. It should validate all the
entries from the user entry forms and redirect the user to the next page. In
addition, if it is an add operation, it should also consist of the unique resource ID
generation routine.
This page is shared by the add and edit functions to allow users to specify any
metadata information about the news article. All the information collected from
the previous form is stored on this page using hidden fields, including the
command field and the beanName field. In our scenario, we use checkboxes to
enable the user to select the categories that the news article relates to. When the
user submits the form, a script will be invoked to assign the hidden variable
INTERESTS with a comma delimited string composed of the values of all the
Chapter 11. Content management
checked items. Then all the input values are submitted to the generic command
servlet /wps/wcp/command for processing.
This page is similar to YourCoCMNewsAdd.jsp except that the fields are always
populated with all the values of the content resource to be edited. The resObj
specified in the following code is used to pre-populate all the form values.
<jsp:useBean id="getResource" class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"
type="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"><% getResource.getResource(request);
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" scope="request" type="YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews"/>
In addition, the command hidden field should be updateItem instead of addItem,
and you need to pass a hidden field to specify the unique resource item
associated with the content resource item that is being edited.
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="updateItem">
<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<%=resObj.getID()%>">
YourCoCMNewsShow.jsp and YourCoCMNewsPreview.jsp
The show page is intended to show the users all the information that is entered
for a piece of content whereas the preview page is intended to show the users
how the piece of content should appear on a Web page. In our sample,
YourCoCMNewsShow.jsp and YourCoCMNewsPreview.jsp are displayed in
Figure 11-41 and Figure 11-42.
To implement these pages, simply insert the following code on the page and use
the getters of the resObj to display any content information.
<jsp:useBean id="getResource" class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"
type="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"><% getResource.getResource(request);
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" scope="request" type="YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews"/>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-41 YourCoCMNews show page
Figure 11-42 YourCoCMNews preview page
Chapter 11. Content management
Install authoring templates
Now that you have created and modified all the authoring templates, you need to
export them to the file system.
1. Export the files from WebSphere Studio Application Developer to the file
system. Select templates folder under YourCoCMTemp project. Select File ->
2. In the Export dialog, select the directory where you would like to export the
files, for instance, c:\wcp\temp.
3. Click Finish.
Then you need to import these files to Web Content Publisher.
1. Log in to Web Content Publisher if you have not already done so. Ensure that
the active project is YourCoCMAuthor. Click the Content tab.
2. Click Files on the left pane and select the templates folder underneath it.
Click Import as shown in Figure 11-43.
Figure 11-43 Import templates in Web Content Publisher
3. In the Import Files dialog, select the File system import radio button. Under
the Server directory field, type the name of the directory where you have
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
exported your templates. Your window should look similar to Figure 11-44.
Click Import.
Figure 11-44 Import Dialog for Web Content Publisher
4. You should see a window similar Figure 11-45 confirming that seven files
were imported to your project.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-45 Confirm file import
Test the authoring templates
All the authoring templates are now set up. You are now ready to test your
authoring templates.
1. Click the Content tab. Select YourCoCMNews under Structured Content.
2. Click
in the right pane to contribute content.
3. The add window as shown in Figure 11-39 comes up.
4. Click Browse. The Search Criteria for File dialog as shown in Figure 11-46
comes up.
Figure 11-46 Search for files in Web Content Publisher
5. Enter %.jpg in the filename field and click Search.
6. A window similar to Figure 11-47 comes up. Select one of the images and
click OK.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-47 Search resource results
7. Fill in the rest of the fields and click Next.
8. You should see a window similar to Figure 11-40. Select a few of the
checkboxes and click Submit.
9. Your new content entry should be listed in the structured content list as shown
in Figure 11-48.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-48 Structured content list
10.Click Edit properties; an edit window similar to the add window should come
up. Make some changes and submit them. The content should be updated.
11.Click Show Details. A window similar to Figure 11-41 should show up.
12.Click the link of the content. A window similar to Figure 11-42 should show up.
Create generation templates
The term generation template is used interchangeably with presentation
template. Generation templates are used to generate views of structured content
and store the output in the form of files which will be ultimately published. The
key advantage of using generation templates is that multiple views of the same
content can be generated in a quick and uniform fashion.
There are two types of generation templates: detail and summary template. Both
of them can be implemented using JSP or XSL. You can use the generation
templates in the sample application for Web Content Publisher as a starter.
These samples can be found in
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: If you are using personalization to display contents, you do not need to
create any generation templates.
Detail templates
Detail templates, as the name suggests, show the detailed contents of an
individual resource as they appear on the published Web site. Most of the time, it
is the same as the preview authoring template so that whatever the content
contributor sees in his preview window will be the same as what is being
published. When you specify a detail template, you will also specify a generation
folder. Once an association is made for detail template generation, whenever an
add, edit or delete operation is performed on the resource, a background process
will be scheduled to update the particular generated file automatically. All
generated files are placed in the folder
generated/class_name/gen_folder/resource_path in Web Content Publisher.
It is also possible to generate a new resource based on the current resource
contents. This will be discussed in “Resource to resource transformation” on
page 723.
When creating detail templates, all you need to do is to use the following code to
obtain a reference to the resObj object and use getters to retrieve the specific
content attribute.
<jsp:useBean id="getResource" class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"
type="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"><% getResource.getResource(request);
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" scope="request" type="YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews"/>
In our sample YourCo internal news scenario, we will be using the same code as
the preview authoring template with the exception that we are removing the
cancel link and changing the reference for any CSS files since the generated file
will be placed in a different directory.
We assume that you have created a new file YourCoCMNewsDetails.jsp,
exported the file from WebSphere Studio Application Developer and imported it
into the templates folder of Web Content Publisher. Please refer to “Sample
scenario for customizing authoring templates” on page 690 if you need
instructions for similar procedures. Now you need to specify the details template
in Web Content Publisher.
1. In Web Content Publisher, select YourCoCMNews under structured contents.
to bring up the templates dialog.
2. Click the Details tab.
3. Click Browse.
Chapter 11. Content management
4. The Search Criteria window comes up. Enter %.jsp for the filename field and
click Search.
5. Select /templates/YourCoCMnewsDetails.jsp and click OK.
6. In the generation folder field, enter yourCoNews and click
should look similar to Figure 11-49.
. Your window
7. Select the checkbox Regenerate content files affected by this type. If this
checkbox is not selected, views for all the file content already stored will not
be generated.
Figure 11-49 Details template page
8. You can preview how the page will look. Click Preview. A form with all the
attributes for the specific content type appears. Click Search. A list of content
instances is shown. Select one of them and click OK.
9. After you are done previewing, click Save.
10.If you click the Files on the left pane of the Content tab, you should find a new
file structure created, as shown in Figure 11-50.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-50 Generated detail files
The detail files generated are named by their resource ID. They are created
under the folder Files/generated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews/yourCoNews.
YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews is the structured content type that is being used
to generate the contents and yourCoNews is the path supplied when you
specify the detail template. You can click each one of them and see how they
Summary templates
Summary templates show the headlines or titles of a resource collection in the
form of a list and enable the user to click a particular item and view the details.
As opposed to detailed templates, generated files are not created automatically.
After an association is made for the summary templates and the resources, the
user needs to explicitly click the Generate button to generate the contents. The
generate summary file will be placed in the
/generated/class_name/gen_folder/target_filename of Web Content Publisher.
To create a summary template, the following code is needed to retrieve the
resource collection of a particular content type.
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResourceList"
<% getResourceList.setRequest(request); %>
Chapter 11. Content management
java.util.Enumeration enumObjs = getResourceList.getResourceList();
if( enumObjs==null )
out.println("<br>getResourceList.getResourceList() returned null object");
Once you get a reference of the collection, you can then iterate through the
resource list and display the appropriate attribute on the summary page as
<% while( enumObjs.hasMoreElements() )
YourClass yourClass = (YourClass)enumObjs.nextElement();
// Retrieve any information from the class and display
// on the page. eg. yourClass.getABC()
If you need to retrieve the folder information of the generated content, the
information can be retrieved by using resObj.get(“PATH”). If you need to know the
name of the generated file, you can get the information by using resObj.getId().
Now we will demonstrate this technique using the YourCo example. We will
create a summary page with a list of internal news headlines. When the user
clicks each of these headlines, the detail page will be shown.
1. Create a new file called YourCoCMNewsSummary.jsp under the templates
folder of YourCoTemp project.
2. Click the Design view.
3. We will now create a table to hold the headlines items. Select Table ->
Table... from the menu bar.
4. In the Insert Table dialog box, enter 2 for the rows field and 1 for the column
field. Click OK.
5. Click the first cell of the table and type YourCo internal news.
6. Select the source tab.
7. Enter the following at the beginning of the code to retrieve a reference of the
resource list.
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.text.*"%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResourceList"
<% getResourceList.setRequest(request); %>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
java.util.Enumeration enumObjs = getResourceList.getResourceList();
if( enumObjs==null )
out.println("<br>getResourceList.getResourceList() returned null
8. Enter the following code highlighted in bold in the second <TR> tag.
while( enumObjs.hasMoreElements() )
YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews yourCoNews =
9. Make any cosmetic changes, as necessary.
Note: As you might have noticed in the getResource() code, a setRequest
method is required to retrieve the content. GetGenericResource and
GetGenericResourceList cannot be used in JSPs outside of the authoring
environment of Web Content Publisher as an authoring-environment request
object is required to set the request properly.
Now that the summary template is created, you need to import the file in the
templates folder for the YourCoCMAuthor project. If you need similar instructions
for importing templates, refer to “Sample scenario for customizing authoring
templates” on page 690.
1. In Web Content Publisher, select YourCoCMNews under structured contents.
to bring up the templates dialog.
2. Click the Summary tab.
3. Click Browse.
4. The Search Criteria window comes up. Enter %.jsp for the filename field and
click Search.
5. Select /templates/YourCoCMNewsSetails.jsp and click OK.
6. In the generation folder field, enter yourCoNews and click
should look similar to Figure 11-51.
. Your window
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-51 Summary template
7. Select the check box Regenerate content files affected by this type. If this
checkbox is not selected, views for all the file content that is already stored
will not be generated.
8. You can then click Preview to see how the summary page would look.
9. Click Save.
10.Select the Content tab. Select YourCoCMNews under structured contents
on the left pane. On the right pane, click Generate.
11.The Generate Items dialog comes up as shown in Figure 11-52. Click
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-52 Generate summary page
12.You should then get a message similar to that shown in Figure 11-53,
confirming that the summary file was generated.
Figure 11-53 Confirmation of summary page
13.Click the folder /generated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews/yourCoNews.
There should be a file called summary.html. Click the file to view the
generated summary page. You should see something similar to Figure 11-54.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-54 Generated summary page
Tip: If the generated file is a JSP file, it will most probably contain Java
scriptlets. The problem in writing templates with Web Content Publisher is that
any JSP or Java code is compiled by the compiler when the generated view is
created. Thus, even though the generated file is still a JSP file, all the dynamic
contents are already interpreted. This problem can be solved by outputting the
JSP code in an out.println statement.
<%out.println("<" + "% out.println(new java.util.Date().toString()); %" +
Web Content Publisher will output
<%out.println(new java.util.Date().toString())%>
11.3.5 Create channel contents
As described in “Syndicated content” on page 650, syndicated contents are
information provided by external parties to be used by licensed parties to provide
content to their users. Syndicated contents are delivered in XML format. Web
Content Publisher supports syndicated contents in Rich Site Summary (RSS)
format, a popular XML format commonly used for describing syndicated
contents. Currently, Web Content Publisher supports RSS V0.91 and V0.92 only.
The version of a channel can be found in the <rss version> tag in an RSS
content file. An example of a RSS channel content is shown in Example 11-3.
Example 11-3 A channel
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN"
<rss version="0.91">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<title>Moreover - IBM news</title>
<description>IBM news - news headlines from around the web, refreshed every
15 minutes</description>
<description>News headlines from more than 4,000 sources, harvested every
15 minutes...</description>
<title>Big Blue Big on Self-Managing Computers</title>
<description>AtNewYork Oct 22 2002 3:02AM ET</description>
<title>IBM's hybrid CPU--do you need it?</title>
<description>ZDNet Oct 21 2002 8:24PM ET</description>
<title>IBM looks to self-healing computers</title>
<description>MSNBC Oct 21 2002 5:18PM ET</description>
In Web Content Publisher, you can use syndicated content by defining channels.
A channel is an XML file in RSS format. Using the Web Content Publisher
interface, you can specify a number of channel sources by and schedule periodic
updates to the channel so that the channel information refreshes periodically by
Channel contents are raw materials for your Web content. What usually happens
is that a preview template is created for Web content administrators to review the
channel contents and retain the ones that could be published. A summary
template is then used to generate the list of approved channel contents to be
shown on the Web site.
We will now guide you through the process of using syndicated contents in Web
Content Publisher.
Chapter 11. Content management
Defining a channel
In order to receive syndicated content, you first need to define a channel. You
can easily find channel sources by doing a simple Web search on RSS.
However, make sure that you read the licensing agreement before using the
syndicated contents. In this example, our channel source is from Moreover.
Note: If you have installed the Authoring server on the same machine as
WebSphere Portal, you might get an error such as
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of the
declaring class. The reason is that Portal Content Organizer, which is
installed as part of WebSphere Portal, uses classes of the same name as
Web Content Publisher. Thus if you have WebSphere Portal installed, you
need to temporarily disable Portal Content Organizer.
To disable Portal Content Organizer, go to <WAS_HOME>/lib/app and make a
copy of wpspco.jar. Then open wpspco.jar using Winzip and delete the six
RssChannel item classes. Then restart WebSphere Admin Server.
1. Click the Administration tab in Web Content Publisher.
2. Select Channel on the left pane.
3. Click
on the right pane to create a new channel.
4. The new channel dialog box comes up. Provide a name for your channel
under Path field. In the channel field, type
5. Click Preview. You should see the channel content similar to Figure 11-55.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-55 Channel contents preview
6. Click Create.
7. The channel should be created and your window should look similar to
Figure 11-56.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-56 Channel list
8. Click the Contents tab. Select the Syndicated Content menu on the left
pane. You should see your newly created channel underneath it. Click the
new channel; you should see a list of contents for the channel as shown in
Figure 11-57.
Figure 11-57 Channel contents
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Channel scheduling
Syndicated content changes as frequently as the content syndicators update
their content. Thus, you should schedule regular updates for your channel.
1. In Web Content Publisher, click Administration tab. Select Channels on the
left pane.
2. Select the channel that you would like to schedule and click
3. The Edit Schedule dialog box comes up as shown in Figure 11-58. Select the
frequency, start date and end date for your schedule and click Save.
Figure 11-58 Scheduling a channel
Preview template for a channel
Preview template is a type of authoring template. For information on authoring
templates, refer to “Create authoring templates” on page 679. Preview templates
for channels are used for the content management team to screen the channel
content to decide whether it should be used for publishing. Any contents that
should not be published can be deleted after previewing. You would code the
preview template in a way similar to how you would code your structured content
preview template in “Create authoring templates” on page 679.
1. In WebSphere Application Developer, open the project YourCoTemp that you
created previously.
2. Right-click the folder template and create a new JSP File called
3. Just like creating a preview template for structured content, you use the
com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource to retrieve the channel content object.
However, instead of casting it to a structured content type, you cast it to
Chapter 11. Content management
com.ibm.wcm.resources.Rsschannelitem. Click source and type the
following code at the beginning of the page.
<jsp:useBean id="getResource" class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"
type="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"><% getResource.getResource(request);
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" scope="request"
4. Once you obtain a reference of the channel content object resObj, you use
the following methods to get the contents.
5. After you have created the JSP, you need to import the JSP file to Web
Content Publisher. Go to the Content tab on Web Content Publisher and
select the templates folder under Files.
6. Click Import on the right pane.
7. In the Import Files window, select the File system import radio button, and
type the directory where the JSP file resides. Click Import.
8. You should see a message indicating that your file has been successfully
9. Select IBMNews under Syndicated Content. Click
10.In the Authoring tab of the templates window, click Browse for the Template
for preview form.
11.The search criteria window comes up. Type %.jsp in the filename field and
click search.
12.Select the file templates/YourCoCMChannelPreview.jsp and click OK.
13.Your window should look similar to Figure 11-59. Click Save.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-59 Specify channel preview template
14.To view the preview template, click one of the channel contents as shown in
Figure 11-57. You should see the channel information, similar to
Figure 11-60.
Figure 11-60 Channel Preview
15.Click the link and you should see the actual content from the external site.
Summary template for a channel
Summary template is a type of generation template. For more information about
summary template, refer to “Create generation templates” on page 704.
Summary template for a channel is used to show a list of channel contents
available to the reader. The reader can then click a link from the list and view the
Chapter 11. Content management
contents from the external site. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a
summary template for a channel.
1. In WebSphere Application Developer, open the project YourCoTemp that you
created previously.
2. Right-click the folder template and create a new JSP file called
3. Just like creating a summary template for structured content, you use the
com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResourceList to retrieve the list of channel
contents. Click Source and type the following code at the beginning of the
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResourceList"
java.util.Enumeration enumObjs = getResourceList.getResourceList();
String path="";
if( enumObjs==null )
out.println("<br>getResourceList.getResourceList() returned null object");
4. Using enumObjs, you can go through each channel item of type
com.ibm.wcm.resources.RssChannelitem and create a table of contents for
the channel. Your code might look similar to the following.
Example 11-4 YourCoCMChannelSummary.jsp code fragment
<TABLE border="0">
<TD align="left" valign="top"><B>News Story</B></TD>
while( enumObjs.hasMoreElements() )
com.ibm.wcm.resources.Rsschannelitem news =
<TD align="left" valign="top"><U><A href="<%= news.getLINK() %>"><%=
news.getTITLE() %></U>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
catch( Exception exc )
out.println( exc );
5. After you have created the JSP, you need to import the JSP file to Web
Content Publisher. Go to Content tab on Web Content Publisher and select
templates folder under files.
6. Click Import on the right pane.
7. In the Import Files window, select the File system import radio button, and
type the directory where the JSP file resides. Click Import.
8. You should see a message indicating that you file has been successfully
9. Select IBMNews under Syndicated Content. Click
10.Select the summary tab of the templates window, click Browse for the
Template for preview form.
11.The search criteria window comes up. Type %.jsp in the filename field and
click search.
12.Select the file templates/YourCoCMChannelSummary.jsp. Click OK.
13.Type moreOverNews in the generation folder field and click
14.Select the checkbox Generate summary file using this template.
15.Your window should look similar to Figure 11-61. Click Save.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-61 Summary template for channel contents
16.Summary templates need to be explicitly generated. Select IBMNews under
the Content tab.
17.On the right pane, select Generate.
18.The Generate Items window appears. Click Generate.
19.A message indicating that the summary file is generated should be displayed.
Click Cancel.
20.Click the generated folder under the Files folder. You should see a new folder
named com.ibm.wcm.resources.Rsschannelitem. Under this folder, you
should see a folder named moreOverNews similar to Figure 11-62.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-62 Summary file for channel contents
21.Select the moreOverNews folder and click the summary.html file on the
right pane.
22.The summary of the IBMNews channel contents appears. Click each link to
view the actual article.
11.3.6 Resource to resource transformation
Another useful technique is resource to resource transformation. This means that
whenever content for a resource source is created, a corresponding content for
the resource target is generated. This technique could be useful in many
circumstances to create particular types of content automatically. For instance,
YourCo receives syndicated news content from a content syndicator. The
company’s content management team would convert the news information into
the YourCoNews format so that information such as start date, stop date, and
any meta information could be associated with the article. The content team
would first screen the syndicated content, then would add meta information for
the article by editing the content using the authoring templates similar to those
shown in Figure 11-39 and Figure 11-40. Subsequently, the news articles can be
personalized and served to the employee based on the meta information for each
news article.
Resource transformation is done using XSL. We will illustrate how the scenario
described above can be implemented.
Chapter 11. Content management
The first step is to get a sample of the source XML content and the target XML
content. In this example, the source resource content is the syndicated content
and the target resource content is YourCoCMNews structured content. We
assume that you have defined a channel and retrieved syndicated content
through that channel, as well as set up YourCoCMNews structured content and
created some content based on this structured content type. Then you can obtain
the resource contents in XML format by exporting the project.
1. Click the Administration tab.
2. Select Project/Editions from the left pane.
3. Make sure the project that you would like to export is active. In our example,
the active project should be YourCoCMAuthor.
Note: The export utility in Web Content Publisher exports the active project.
So even though you may select a different project, the project to be exported
is still the active project.
To make a particular project active, select the project and click Work On.
4. Click Export.
5. The Export Project window comes up. Select the Export to File System
radio button. Click Export.
Note: All projects are exported to the file system relative to the root path. If
you specify baseline1 in the server directory field and your root path is
c:/wcp/YourCoCMAuthor, the project will be exported to
c:/wcp/YourCoCMAuthor/baseline1. Therefore, do not put c:/temp in the
server directory field since this will create an incorrect directory structure
6. You should see a message window detailing all the files being exported.
7. Open Windows Explorer and go to the project root directory. You should see
the exported project similar to Figure 11-63.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-63 Exported project hierarchy
Note: A sample of the project export can be found in the WebSphere Content
Publisher Project directory.
Under the project root directory, c:/wcp/yourCoCMAuthor, you should see three
directories: WCM-META, WCM-RESOURCES and webApplication.
Each resource (structured content/syndicated content/file content) stored in Web
Content Publisher is associated with a resource meta information file. This meta
information file is an XML file that stores information such as the last modified
date, the file path relative to the project root, access control information, etc.,
associated with a particular resource. A sample of a meta information file is
shown in Example 11-5. All of these meta information files are stored under the
WCM-META folder according to the project hierarchy.
Chapter 11. Content management
Example 11-5 Meta information file for a content resource
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews resourceId="20031028182250">
<metaData name="LASTMODIFIED" type="java.lang.Long">1035847377562</metaData>
<metaData name="PATH" type="java.lang.String">/</metaData>
<metaData name="SHAREDACL" type="java.lang.String">0</metaData>
<metaData name="PROJECTID" type="java.lang.String">21</metaData>
<metaData name="WORKSPACE" type="java.lang.String">base</metaData>
All structured content resources and syndicated content resources are stored
as XML files in the WCM-RESOURCES folder. They are placed in the folder
according to the name of the content type. Each resource is named according
to their corresponding resource ID appended with the file extension .wcp.
Files under the webApplication directory corresponds to the files that you see
under the File folder in Web Content Publisher. All file content and generated
file content is stored in this directory.
In order to create the XSL to transform the content source to the content
target, we now inspect the source content resource and a target content in
the WCM-RESOURCES folder.
Using any text editor, open one of the files with extension .wcp from the folder
IBMNews. The source file content should look similar to the sample shown in
Example 11-6.
Example 11-6 Sample source content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<properties resourceId="Big Blue Big on Self-Managing Computers">
<property name="CHANNELTITLE" type="java.lang.String">Moreover - IBM
<property name="LINK"
<property name="CONTENT" type="java.lang.String">No content stored for this
<property name="CATEGORY" type="[Ljava.lang.String;" array="true">
<property name="DESCRIPTION" type="java.lang.String">Internet News Oct 21
2002 2:49PM ET</property>
<property name="TITLE" type="java.lang.String">Big Blue Big on
Self-Managing Computers</property>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Now open one of the target files with extension .wcp from the folder
Project_Root/WCM-RESOURCES/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews. The target
file should look similar to Example 11-7.
Example 11-7 Target source content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<properties resourceId="20021021162518">
<property name="LOCATION" type="java.lang.String">Durham,NC</property>
<property name="CONFIDENTIAL" type="java.lang.String">Y</property>
<property name="HEADLINE" type="java.lang.String">Dragon has joined our
<property name="INTERESTS" type="java.lang.String"> bus comp cult
<property name="STOP_DT" type="java.sql.Timestamp">2002-10-05
<property name="ID" type="java.lang.String">20021021162518</property>
<property name="DEPT" type="java.lang.String">HR</property>
<property name="ACTIVE_DT" type="java.sql.Timestamp">2002-10-05
<property name="IMAGE"
<property name="CONTENT" type="java.lang.String">A new dragon has joined
our team! Wow!&#13;</property>
8. By looking at the required target format, you should be able to create an XSL
file, for instance resourceTransformation.xsl, to convert the source file to the
target file. Your XSL file should look similar to Example 11-8.
Example 11-8 Resource transformation file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="com.ibm.wcm.resources.Rsschannelitem">
<xsl:apply-templates select="properties" />
<xsl:template match="properties">
<xsl:element name="properties">
Chapter 11. Content management
<xsl:attribute name="resourceId"><xsl:value-of select="@resourceId"
<property name="LOCATION" type="java.lang.String">All</property>
<property name="CONFIDENTIAL" type="java.lang.String">N</property>
<property name="HEADLINE" type="java.lang.String"><xsl:value-of
select="@resourceId" /></property>
<property name="INTERESTS" type="java.lang.String"></property>
<property name="STOP_DT" type="java.sql.Timestamp">2002-10-05
<property name="ID" type="java.lang.String"><xsl:value-of
select="@resourceId" /></property>
<property name="DEPT" type="java.lang.String">All</property>
<property name="ACTIVE_DT" type="java.sql.Timestamp">2002-10-05
<property name="IMAGE" type="java.lang.String"></property>
<xsl:apply-templates select="property" />
<xsl:template match="property">
<xsl:if test="@name='LINK'">
<xsl:element name="property">
<xsl:attribute name="name">CONTENT</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="type">java.lang.String</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:value-of select="." />
In the example above, the resource ID, title and link of the source content is
mapped to the resource ID, headline, and content field of the target content,
respectively. All of the remaining fields other than the interests field in the
target content are required. However, the source content does not provide
such information. Therefore, we have created default values for all these
fields in the XSL.
Note: When you create an XSL, make sure that the datatype of all source
fields maps to the compatible data type of the target fields. Also, ensure the
maximum allowable length of the source field does not exceed the maximum
allowable length of the target field.
9. Now that you have created the XSL file, resourceTransformation.xsl, you
should import the file to Web Content Publisher. Import the file to the
templates folder.
10.Select IBMNews under syndicated content and click
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
11.The templates window comes up. Select the Details tab.
12.Click Browse.
13.In the Search Criteria window, type %.xsl in the filename field and click
14.Select resourceTransformation.xsl and click OK.
15.Type resources under the New generation folder field and click
16.Select the Resource Collection radio button and select YourCoCMNews
from the drop-down menu.
17.Select the Regenerate content files affected by this template checkbox.
Your window should look similar to Figure 11-64. Click Save.
Figure 11-64 Resource to resource transformation detail template
18.Select the Content tab. A new folder, IBMNews, is created under the
YourCoCMNews structured content. All syndicated contents from the
IBMNews channel is transformed and created in this folder. Your window
should look similar to Figure 11-65.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-65 YourCoCMNews structured contents from resource transformation
19.Select one of the newly generated structured content and click Edit
Properties. You should now be able to add meta information to the structured
11.3.7 Publishing contents
In previous sections, we have discussed how to enable users to create contents
via structured contents as well as channel contents. We have also discussed how
detail and summary files of these contents are generated. In this section, we will
focus on publishing these content files to the publishing server from the authoring
Note: As a reminder, Web Content Publisher is made up of two components:
the Authoring Server and the Publishing Server. All the content creation that
we implemented in previous sections are performed on the Authoring Server.
After contents are created, they are published on the Publishing Server.
We first need to create and deploy an empty Web application on the publishing
server using the same context root as the Web Content Publisher project.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Here are the steps to create the Web application.
1. Open WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
2. Select File -> New -> Project.
3. In the New Project dialog, select Web Project, then click Next.
4. In the Project name field, type YourCoCMRuntime. In the Enterprise Application
project name field, type YourCoCMRuntime.ear.
5. Click Finish.
6. Select YourCoCMRuntime project. Select File -> Export.
7. In the Export dialog, select WAR file. Click Next.
8. In the Export Resources to a WAR File dialog box, make sure that
YourCoCMRuntime is selected in the first drop-down list. Click Browse to
select a folder to export the WAR file, for instance,
c:\wcp\YourCoCMRuntime\YourCoCMRuntime.war. Click Finish.
Here are the steps to deploy the Web application.
1. On your publishing server, start WebSphere Administrative Console by
selecting Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application Server V4.0
-> Administrative Console. If the Administrative Console does not start, it
may be because Domino or WebSphere Admin Server is not started.
2. On the WebSphere Administrative Console, right-click Enterprise
Application and select Install Enterprise Application.
3. In the Install Enterprise Application Wizard, select the Install stand-alone
module radio button. In the Path field, browse or type the file location where
you exported the WAR file, for instance
c:\wcp\YourCoCMRuntime\YourCoCMRuntime.war. Type YourCoCMRuntime in
the Application name field. Type /wps/YourCoCM in the Context root for the
Web module. Click Next..
4. Click Next until you reach the Selecting Application Servers window. Click
Select Server.
5. Select WebSphere Portal and click OK.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Finish. You should receive a message dialog indicating that the
enterprise application install has completely successfully.
After you install the enterprise application, you need to regenerate Web server
plugins so that any request for the context /wps/YourCoCM can be routed from
the Web server to WebSphere.
Chapter 11. Content management
1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click your node name. Right-click
and select Regen Webserver Plugin.
2. Stop and restart IBM HTTP Server. Go to Services and select IBM HTTP
Server. Right-click and select Stop. When the HTTP Server is completely
stopped, right-click and select Start.
3. Go back to the WebSphere Administrative Console. Select
YourCoCMRuntime under Enterprise Applications. Right-click and select
Start. You should receive a message indicating that YourCoCMRuntime has
been started successfully.
4. Expand the YourCoCMRuntime folder and select WebModules. You should
see the YourCoCMRuntime Web module on the right pane. Right-click and
select Start. When the Web module is started, you should receive a message
indicating that the YourCoCMRuntime Web module has been started
Next, you need to set up the correct publish paths for the static files.
1. On your publishing server, open the file <WebSphere Portal
Home>\app\WCMPznPublish.ear\WCMPznPublish.war\WEB-INF\web.xml in
Notepad (or any text editor that you prefer).
2. Add a new publish server definition, Publish Server 2, along with its security
constraints and mapping marked in bold in Example 11-9.
Note: You may simply replace your web.xml with this one. However, make
sure that your WebSphere installedApps path is correct. There are two places
where the file path is specified on the web.xml file.
Example 11-9 web.xml for publishing server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
<web-app id="WebApp_1">
<display-name>WCM Publish Web App</display-name>
<description>WCM Publish Web App</description>
<servlet id="Servlet_1">
<description>Pzn Publish Target</description>
<init-param id="InitParam_1">
<init-param id="InitParam_2">
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
<servlet id="Servlet_2">
<servlet-name>PznPublish 2</servlet-name>
<description>Pzn Publish Target</description>
<init-param id="InitParam_3">
<init-param id="InitParam_4">
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_1">
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_2">
<servlet-name>PznPublish 2</servlet-name>
<security-constraint id="SecurityConstraint_1">
<web-resource-collection id="WebResourceCollection_1">
<auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_1">
<description>Users that are allowed to publish and update
<role-name>WCM Publisher Role</role-name>
<user-data-constraint id="UserDataConstraint_4">
<login-config id="LoginConfig_1">
Chapter 11. Content management
<security-role id="SecurityRole_1">
<description>WCM publisher role</description>
<role-name>WCM Publisher Role</role-name>
3. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, select the WCM Publish Web
application, right-click it and select Stop. Once the application is stopped
successfully, right-click again and select Start. The changes made in the
web.xml file are now in effect.
After all the configuration on the publishing server is completed, we need to
specify this publishing server in our authoring environment.
1. Open Web Content Publisher by typing
http://<YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_HOSTNAME>/wps/wcp/index.jsp. Log on as
2. Make sure that the active project is YourCoCMAuthor. Click the
Administration tab.
3. Select Publish Servers in the left pane.
4. Click
to add a publish server.
5. Enter the information of your publish server, for instance,
hruntime. Select the Realm checkbox and type wpsbind for the user ID and
password for the password. Your window should look similar to Figure 11-66.
Click Add.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-66 Adding a publish server
All the setups are now completed. You can take the following steps whenever
you want to publish contents to the publishing server.
1. In Web Content Publisher, click the Content tab.
2. Select
as shown in Figure 11-67.
Note: If you do not see the publish icon, you may not have the authority to
publish. Log in as a cuser who has the permission to publish.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-67 Publish content
3. The Publish Content window comes up. Select the publish server
YourCoCMPublish and click
.Your window should look similar to
Figure 11-68. Then click Publish.
Note: You can choose to publish all the items or only items that have been
changed since the last publish operation.
You can schedule you publish by selecting the Publish content in a
background process radio button and specifying the date and time that such
an operation should be performed.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-68 Publish Content
4. Your should see a window similar to Figure 11-69 displaying all the contents
that are being published.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-69 List of published contents
5. To validate the publish operation, open DB2 Control Center by selecting Start
-> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Control Center.
6. Select the YOUR_CO_NEWS table in the YOURCOCM database. Right-click
YOUR_CO_NEWS and select Sample Contents. You should see all the
structured contents that are being entered.
Note: The database table defined for structured contents is populated only
after you have published the contents. At authoring time, the information is
stored in the WCM database.
7. Open Windows Explorer on the Publishing Server. Go to <WebSphere
HOME>/installedApps/YourCoCMRuntime.ear/YourCoCMRuntime.war. In
this directory, you should see all the files published. Your directory should look
similar to Figure 11-70.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-70 Published content directory structure
8. Open a browser and point to the URL
ated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews/yourcoNews/summary.html. You should see the
YourCoCMNews summary page that you created.
11.3.8 Serving content in the portal
If you have installed WebSphere Portal on the publishing server, you will be able
to display the contents that are published from the Authoring server. There are
two types of contents: static and dynamic.
Displaying static portal content
Static portal content refer to any contents displayed in the portlet by serving
static files from the server. In most cases, these are the files being published
from the authoring server.
There are mainly two ways to display static files, using an IFrame or reading
static contents directly from the files.
Displaying static contents using IFrame
The key advantage to using IFrame to display static HTML pages is that all the
information on the page will be rendered properly without any modifications to
the static page. The drawback is that the look and feel of the page might not
conform to that of the Portal. Also, if the theme is changed, you would need to
manually change the background, for instance, to match the changed theme.
Chapter 11. Content management
Displaying static contents using an IFrame is a relatively simple task. All you
need to do is to create a simple portlet to render a JSP that uses IFrame tags. A
good practice is to make attributes of the IFrame (URL, height, and width)
configurable so that no code change is necessary if any of the attributes need to
be updated. The following steps describe how that is accomplished.
1. In WebSphere Studio Application Developer, create a new portlet
development project. Select File -> New -> Project.
2. In the New Project window, select Portlet development on the left pane, and
Portlet application project on the right pane. Click Next.
3. In the Define the Project project window, enter YourCoCMIFrame for the project
name field, and YourCoCMIFrame.ear for the Enterprise Application project
name as shown in Figure 11-71. Click Next.
Figure 11-71 Create IFrame project
4. Select the Basic portlet radio button. Click Next.
5. Click Finish.
6. Since we would like to make the attributes of the IFrame configurable, we
would like to put the attributes as parameters in portlet.xml. Double-click the
portlet.xml file under the folder web-Application/WEB-INF. Your window
should look similar to Figure 11-72.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-72 portlet.xml configuration window
7. Select Portlet_1 under the Concrete portlet application. Click the Add button
in the Settings section as shown in Figure 11-72.
8. In the parameter field, type pagename. In the value field on the same row, type
the URL of the page that you would like to display. In our example, we would
like to display the summary page that we generated using structured contents
in previous sections, so we type
9. Repeat the two steps above and enter the parameter-value pairs according to
Table 11-2.
Table 11-2 Parameters for portlet settings
10.Save the portlet.xml file.
Chapter 11. Content management
11.Open the MyPortlet.java file by double-clicking MyPortlet.java under the
folder source/portlet.
12.After the comment //Save name in bean, enter the following code to retrieve
the IFrame attributes from the portlet settings and pass them on to the JSP
13.Save the file MyPortlet.java.
14.Open the view.jsp file by double-clicking view.jsp under the folder
15.Select the source tab of view.jsp. Replace all the code with the following.
16.Save the file view.jsp.
Now we can export the WAR file.
1. Select YourCoCMIFrame project. Click File -> Export.
2. In the Select export destination window, select WAR file. Click Next.
3. In the WAR Export window, type (or browse for) the location to export the
WAR file. In our case, we use c:\wcp\temp\YourCoCMIFrame.war
4. Click Finish.
5. You can now install the portlet in WebSphere Portal using the WAR file. For
information on how to install portlets and put them on a page, refer to
Chapter 6, “Portal customization” on page 261.
6. We have put the IFrame portlet on the news page of YourCo. Your page
should look similar to Figure 11-73. Try to click the links and verify that they
are working properly.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-73 IFrame portlet
Note: You can modify the attributes of the IFrame by modifying the portlet
parameters in the administration section of WebSphere Portal.
Displaying static contents by reading static files
Another way to display static contents is to read from a static file and display the
contents being read. The advantage of using this approach is that you have more
control in responding to user actions and managing events. The drawback is that
you need to make changes to your links so that all requests are posted to your
own portlet. We will illustrate how this can be accomplished in the following
We will create two portlets: a news navigation portlet and a news details portlet.
These two portlets are intended to be put on the same page. The navigation
portlet reads its contents from a news headline summary file. When the user
clicks one of the news headlines, a message is sent to the details portlet,
providing the file location information of the specific news article. Then the details
portlet reads the file contents from the location specified and display them on the
Chapter 11. Content management
details portlet. To accomplish this, we first need to create the two portlets and the
corresponding JSPs, then we need to modify our news summary generation
First we need to create a portlet application project in WebSphere Studio
Application Developer.
1. Select File -> New -> Other.
2. The Create new project window appears. Select Portlet development on the
left pane and Portlet application project on the right pane. Click Next.
3. Enter YourCoCMNews in the project name field and YourCoCMNews.ear in the
Enterprise Application project name field. Click Finish.
Secondly, we will create the navigation portlet and the corresponding JSP.
1. Create a new folder called YourCoCM under source directory. Right-click
source and select New -> Folder. Enter YourCoCM as the folder name and
click Finish.
2. Then, create a portlet called YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet. Right-click the folder
YourCoCM and select New -> Other.
3. Select Java on the left pane and Java Class on the right pane. Click Next.
4. In the name field, enter YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet.
5. In the superclass field, browse for or type the value
6. Click Add for the extended interfaces field. A window similar to Figure 11-74
pops up.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-74 Extended interface selection
7. Type ActionListener and select org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event in the
packages list. Click Add. Then click OK.
8. Select the Inherited abstract methods checkbox.
9. Your window should look similar to Figure 11-75. Click Finish.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-75 Create YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet
10.Replace all the import statements with the following.
import java.io.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
11.Add the following doView method. This method retrieves the context of the
source file as well as the name of the source file from the portlet settings and
passes the information to the JSP being called.
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(“/jsp/nav.jsp“, request, response);
12.Fill in the actionPerformed method as follows. This method is being called
when the user clicks one of the news headlines on the nav.jsp page. It then
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
sends a message to all the portlets on the same page with the filename of the
news articles being selected.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException
DefaultPortletAction action = (DefaultPortletAction)event.getAction();
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
DefaultPortletMessage dpm =
new DefaultPortletMessage(request.getParameter("message"));
13.Now we will create the JSP file called by YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet.
Right-click the webApplication folder and select New -> Folder. Type jsp for
the new folder name and click Finish.
14.Right-click the jsp folder and select New -> JSP File.
15.In the file name field, type nav.jsp.
16.Click Finish.
17.Open nav.jsp by double-clicking the file.
18.Replace the code in nav.jsp with the code in Example 11-10. Then save the
file. The code in nav.jsp will be explained later in this section.
Example 11-10 nav.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.*,java.net.*"%>
function viewDetails(url){
document.viewnews.<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value='message' />.value=url;
var prefixURL='<%=response.encodeURL("/")%>';
function getURL(suffix,imgObj){
url = prefixURL + suffix;
imgObj.src= url;
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value='message' />">
Chapter 11. Content management
String generatedFileName = (String) request.getAttribute("newslist");
String publishContext = (String) request.getAttribute("publishcontext");
String path =
java.io.BufferedReader bIn = new java.io.BufferedReader(new
java.io.FileReader(path + generatedFileName));
String in = null;
while ((in = bIn.readLine()) != null)
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("An Error occurred, please check the error log");
We will create the details portlet and the corresponding JSP.
1. Under YourCoCM, create a portlet called YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet.
Follow the same steps as you would to create YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet.
However, instead of selecting ActionListener as the interface to implement,
select org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.MessageListener as shown in
Figure 11-76. Your window should look like Figure 11-77. Click Finish.
Figure 11-76 Extended interfaces selection - MessageListener
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-77 Create YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet
2. Replace all the import statements with the following code.
import java.io.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
3. Add the following doView method. This method retrieves the context of the
source file as well as the name of the source file from portlet settings and
passes the information to the JSP being called.
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(“/jsp/newsdetails.jsp“, request,
4. Fill in the messageReceived method as follows. This method will be called to
process any messages that are received.
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event)
DefaultPortletMessage pm = (DefaultPortletMessage) event.getMessage();
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
Chapter 11. Content management
String pathName = request.getPortletSettings().getAttribute("newspath") +
5. Now we will create the JSP file called by YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet.
Right-click the jsp folder and select New -> JSP File.
6. In the file name field, type newsdetails.jsp.
7. Click Finish.
8. Open newsdetails.jsp by double-clicking the file.
9. Replace the code in newsdetails.jsp with the code in Example 11-11. Then
save the file.
Example 11-11 newsdetails.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.*,java.net.*"%>
if (request.getAttribute("page") != null){
String pathName = (String)request.getAttribute("page");
String publishContext = (String) request.getAttribute("publishcontext");
String path =
BufferedReader bIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path + pathName));
String in = null;
while ((in = bIn.readLine()) != null)
}catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e){
out.println("File not found: " + path + pathName);
}catch (Exception e){
} else {%>
<P>This page shows details of Yourco News Portlet</P>
Finally, we need to modify the web.xml and portlet.xml files.
1. Double-click web.xml under the folder webApplication/WEB-INF. Select the
Servlets tab.
2. Click Add. The Add Servlet or JSP window comes up.
3. Type YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet in the Add servlet field. Click OK.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
4. Click Add in the URL mapping field. Type /yourcocmnewsnav/*.
5. Repeat the two steps above and add YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet. Use
/yourcocmnewsdetails/* as the URL mapping. Your window should look
similar to Figure 11-78. Then save the web.xml file.
Figure 11-78 web.xml for YourCoCMNews
6. Double-click portlet.xml under the folder webApplication/WEB-INF. Select
the Portlets tab.
7. Remove the default portlets that were generated when you created the
project. Click Portlet_1 under the Portlet application and click the Remove
button as shown in Figure 11-79.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-79 portlet.xml for YourCoCMNews
8. Select Portlet application as shown in Figure 11-79 and click the Add
portlet button.
9. The Select Servlet window comes up. Select YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet
and click OK.
10.Change the display name to YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet.
11.Click Add portlet again.
12.The Select Servlet window comes up. Select YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet
and click OK.
13.Change the display name to YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet.
14.Select Concrete portlet application and click Add Concrete portlet.
15.Select Portlet_1 and click OK.
16.Change the display name from New Concrete portlet to
YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet. Also, change the title to Your news navigation.
17.Click Add in the Settings field.
18.Enter newslist in the parameter field and
/generated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews/yourCoNews4Portal/summary.html in
the value field.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
19.Click Add again in the Settings field.
20.Enter publishcontext in the parameter field and /wps/YourCoCM in the value
21.Select Concrete portlet application again and click Add Concrete portlet.
22.Select Portlet_2 and click OK.
23.Change the display name from New Concrete portlet to
YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet. Also, change the title to News.
24.Click Add in the Settings field.
25.Enter newspath in the parameter field and
/generated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews/yourCoNews4Portal/ in the value field.
26.Click Add again in the Settings field.
27.Enter publishcontext in the parameter field and /wps/YourCoCM in the
value field.
28.Save portlet.xml.
You can then export the project and install the WAR file on WebSphere Portal.
You then need to place both portlets on the same page. However, before you can
run the application successfully, you need to create a new summary and detail
template, generate the contents, and publish the generated contents to the
publishing server based on these two newly created templates.
1. Open the YourCoCMTemp project that you created in “Sample scenario for
customizing authoring templates” on page 690.
2. In the templates directory, under the webApplication folder, create a new JSP
file called YourCoCMNewsDetails4Portlet.jsp.
3. Copy the contents of YourCoCMNewsDetails.jsp to
4. Remove all non-body tags, for instance, <!DOCTYPE>, <HTML>, <HEAD><BODY>.
Also remove the style sheet link and all the custom colors. We will be using
the theme and stylesheets supplied by WebSphere Portal.
5. Your code should look similar to Example 11-12. Save the file.
Example 11-12 YourCoCMNewsDetails4Portal.jsp
<%@page import="java.util.*, java.text.*"%>
<jsp:useBean id="getResource" class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"
type="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResource"><% getResource.getResource(request);
<jsp:useBean id="resObj" scope="request" type="YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews"/>
<TABLE border="0">
Chapter 11. Content management
<TD width="30%" valign="top" align="center"><IMG
src="<%=resObj.getIMAGE()%>" border="0" align="top"></TD>
<TD width="70%" valign="top" align="left"><center><font
6. Again, in the templates directory under webApplication folder, create a new
JSP file called YourCoCMNewsSummary4Portlet.jsp.
7. Copy the contents of YourCoCMNewsSummary.jsp to
8. Remove all non-body tags, for instance, <!DOCTYPE>, <HTML>, <HEAD><BODY>.
Also remove the style sheet link and all the custom colors.
9. Replace the code <a href=”<%=yourCoNews.getID()%>.html”> with <a
href=”#” ONCLICK=viewDetails(‘<%=yourCoNews.getID()%>’)>.
The method viewDetails is a Java script that is defined in nav.jsp. When the
user clicks a headline, the corresponding file name will be sent as the
message value to YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet. The method actionPerformed
in YourCoCMNewsNavPortlet will then be called and send a message to
YourCoCMNewsDetailsPortlet. When the messageReceived method is
invoked, the page information will be sent to newsdetails.jsp where the
corresponding news article file will be read and displayed.
10.Your file should look similar to Example 11-13.
Example 11-13 YourCoCMNewsSummary4Portlet.jsp
<%@page import="java.util.*"%>
<jsp:useBean class="com.ibm.wcm.GetGenericResourceList" id="getResourceList"
<% getResourceList.setRequest(request); %>
java.util.Enumeration enumObjs = getResourceList.getResourceList();
if( enumObjs==null )
out.println("<br>getResourceList.getResourceList() returned null object");
<TABLE border="0">
<TD><B>YourCo internal news</B></TD>
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
while( enumObjs.hasMoreElements() )
YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews yourCoNews =
<TD><A href="#"
11.You then need to import these templates into Web Content Publisher. First
export YourCoCMNewsSummary4Portlet.jsp and
YourCoCMNewsDetails4Portlet.jsp to the file system.
12.Open the browser and go to the URL
http://<YOUR_FULLY_QUALIFIED_HOST_NAME>/wps/wcp/index.jsp. Log in as
13.Make sure that your active project is YourCoCMAuthor.
14.Click the Contents tab.
15.Select templates on the left pane and click Import on the right pane.
16.In the Import Files window, select File system import and specify the
directory where you exported the two new JSP files.
17.Click Import. You should get a message indicating that two files are imported
18.Click YourCoCMNews below Structured content. Click
templates for this structured content type.
to specify the
19.Click the Details tab. Click Browse.
20.In the search criteria window, type %.jsp. Click Search.
21.Select templates/YourCoCMNewsDetails4Portlet.jsp and click OK.
22.Select the Generate contents files affected by this template checkbox.
23.In the New generation folder field, type yourCoNews4Portal and click
24.Your window should look similar to Figure 11-80.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-80 Details template page
25.Click the Summary tab. Click Browse.
26.In the search criteria window, type %.jsp. Click Search.
27.Select templates/YourCoCMNewsSummary4Portlet.jsp and click OK.
28.Select the Generate contents files affected by this template checkbox.
29.In the New generation folder field, type yourCoNews4Portal and click
30.Your window should look similar to Figure 11-81.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-81 Summary templates page
31.Click Save.
32.Click the Content tab. You should see a new directory called
yourCoNews4Portal under the folder found when clicking Files->
generated/YourCoCM.YourCoCMNews. Click the yourCoNews4Portal
folder. You should see the summary file and all the details files being
33.Now you need to publish all the newly generated files to the portal server.
to bring up the publish window.
34.In the publish window, select the publishing server and click
. Then click
If you log in to WebSphere Portal and go to the news page of YourCo, you should
see something similar to Figure 11-82. Select one of the news articles on the
navigation portlet on the left, and the details of the news article should be shown
on the detail news portlet.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-82 News page on WebSphere Portal
Displaying dynamic portal content
Dynamic contents means that instead of serving static HTML files to all the
users, contents are selected at runtime. Runtime contents can be retrieved from
the publishing database using JDBC or from the results returned by the
personalization engine. This topic will be discussed in Chapter 10,
“Personalization” on page 501.
11.3.9 Workflow
In most organizations, contents published on a Web site are initiated, created,
modified and approved by various personnel. A workflow process needs to be in
place to automate these sequence of tasks. Web Content Publisher integrates
with Lotus Workflow to provide this functionality. This section walks you through
a scenario in creating a simple workflow using Lotus Workflow Architect, and
highlights the integration points with Web Content Publisher. It is not intended to
be an advanced tutorial of using Lotus Workflow and Lotus Workflow Architect.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Note: This section assumes that you have the workflow knowledge of using Web
Content Publisher.
Before getting into the design details for workflow, it is important to understand
how Web Content Publisher creates a shared authoring environment behind the
scenes. Web Content Publisher uses a Web interface to enable many users to
work in parallel on the same project. Thus it is important to ensure that changes
made by users are retained in their own views and any work in progress is not
viewable by the public. To accomplish this, Web Content Publisher implements
the concept of workspaces. For each project that is created, Web Content
Publisher maintains a base edition for the project. All users working on the
project will then see the contents based on the base edition of the project. When
a task is being assigned to a specific user, all the changes made by the user are
placed into a specific workspace associated with the task. Whenever the user
subsequently chooses to work on the particular task, Web Content Publisher
overlays the workspace of the particular task on the base edition of the project. If
a task is shared by a number of users, the workspace will be overlayed for these
users so that these users have the ability to view any changes in progress as
well. When the task is complete and the changes can be viewed by the public,
you need to promote the content so that the changed content merges with the
base edition of the project. The promotion step is an automated step that is
defined near the end of a process and before the content is published.
We will now demonstrate how to create a simple workflow application using
Lotus Workflow Architect and Lotus Workflow. We assume that you have set up
the Web Content Publisher sample database since we are going to use the user
and user groups created from the sample install of Web Content Publisher. We
will create a simple workflow process that enables anyone to initiate a request for
creating a news article. Then the content contributor will take over and write the
article. Finally, the domain expert will approve and publish the article.
Create a workflow using Lotus Workflow Architect
1. Start Lotus Workflow Architect by selecting Start -> Programs -> Lotus
Workflow Architect -> Lotus Workflow Architect.
2. You should see a window similar to Figure 11-83.
Figure 11-83 Lotus Workflow Architect login
Chapter 11. Content management
3. If the login ID is not WCPAdmin, cancel out of Lotus Workflow Architect. Open
Lotus Domino Administrator and switch the ID to WCPAdmin. Select Start ->
Programs -> Lotus Applications -> Lotus Domino Administrator. Select
File -> Tools -> Switch ID. Then select WCPAdmin.ID from the folder
Lotus/Domino/data. Click Open. Type the password and click OK. Then exit
out of Lotus Domino Administrator. Re-open Lotus Workflow Architect; you
should be able to log in as WCPAdmin.
4. Enter the password for WCPAdmin. Then click OK. Lotus Workflow Architect
should then start.
5. Select File -> Open databases. You should see a window similar to
Figure 11-84.
Figure 11-84 Lotus Workflow Architect data sources
6. This window selects which Lotus Workflow database stores the information of
the workflow to be created. We will use the default database that was created
during installation. Make sure that the server shows your server name and not
local. Click OK.
7. We will now create a new workflow process. Select File -> New process.
8. We will then create a start process, an end process, as well as three
intermediate processes. Select the start activity icon,
, and drop it on the
workspace. Then select the end activity icon,
, and drop it on the
workspace. Select the activity icon,
and drop three of them on the
workspace. Connect them using the process arrows,
. Your window
should look similar to Figure 11-85.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-85 New workflow
9. We will then define each of the activities. In the first activity box, right-click
and select Basic properties.
10.On the owner’s tab, click select to include an activity owner.
11.In the Select activity owner window, select Job property in the drop-down
menu. Then select Initiator and click <<Add to act it to the list on the left.
Your window should look similar to Figure 11-86. Click OK.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-86 Add activity owner
12.In the activity name, type Request a news article. Your window should look
similar to Figure 11-87. Click OK.
Figure 11-87 Basic activity property
13.Repeat Steps 9 to 12 for the next two activities. However, select Content
Contributors under Workgroup instead of Job Property as the owner for the
second activity, and select Domain Expert for the owner for the third activity.
Name the second activity Create a news article and the third activity Review
and publish article. Your window should look similar to Figure 11-88.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-88 New activity flow
14.Then, we need to add the information necessary for Web Content Publisher
to perform workflow and workspace management. The attributes used by
Web Content Publisher are defined in Table 11-3.
Table 11-3 Required attributes used by Web Content Publisher for Workflow
Required attributes
Meaning of attributes
Start the edit session. When you work on
an activity, Web Content Publisher makes
the workspace writable. The workspace
stays writable until you complete the
activity and WCM.EndEdit is called.
End the edit session. Web Content
Publisher makes the workspace read-only
when an activity is completed.
Chapter 11. Content management
Required attributes
Meaning of attributes
Promote the workspace. Web Content
Publisher promotes the workspace when
an activity is completed. Note that this is
usually the same activity that has
WCM.EndEdit. If the activity is a decision,
you might also set WCM.Decision.
Table 11-4 Custom attributes used by Web Content Publisher for Workflow
Custom attributes
Meaning of attributes
The value of this attribute specifies the
positive result of the decision (for example
“Accept”). This is required if the activity is
a decision. This attribute is also used with
WCM.Publish and WCM.Export if they are
specified on an activity that has a
Indicates that this activity is the “Review
Request” activity. This attribute ensures
that the Web Content Publisher user
completing this activity has the authority to
review the request.
Indicates this activity is the “Review
Change” activity. This attribute ensures
that the Web Content Publisher user
completing this activity has the authority to
review the change.
Publish to the specified publish targets.
The value of this attribute is a list of Web
Content Publisher publish targets,
separated by commas or semicolons. If
this attribute is set, Web Content
Publisher will publish to the specified
targets when the activity is completed.
Note that this is a foreground delta
publish. The publish will do nothing if the
publish server does not exist.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Custom attributes
Meaning of attributes
Export to the specified target when the
activity is completed. The value of this
attribute is the target of a Web Content
Publisher Export (either a team stream or
a directory). Use WCM.Export.Type to
specify the type of export. If
WCM.Export.Type is not specified, Web
Content Publisher will export to version
Specify the type of export. This attribute is
used in conjunction with WCM.Export. If
WCM.Export.Type is equal to “filesystem”,
then Web Content Publisher exports to the
file system. Otherwise, Web Content
Publisher exports to version control.
15.Right-click the activity Create a news article and select Advanced
16.Select the Custom tab. Click the New button. In the Name field, type
WCM.StartEdit. In the value field, type Yes. Your window should look similar to
Figure 11-89. Click OK.
Figure 11-89 Add attribute
17.Your advanced properties window should look similar to the following figure.
Click OK.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-90 Advanced activity
18.Repeat Steps 14 to 16 for the Review and publish article activity. However,
enter the values as shown in Figure 11-91 instead.
Figure 11-91 Advanced activity for Review and publish article activity
19.We now need to specify a job owner for the process. Select Process ->
Basic Properties. In the Owners tab, click Select to include the users.
20.In the Select Job Owner window, select Job property from the drop-down
menu. Select Initiator and click <<Add to add Initiator to the left pane. Click
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
21.In the name field of the Basic properties window, type YourCoProcess1.
22.Select the Initiators tab and select the radio button for All.
23.Select the Forms tab and select the radio button Selected. From the
drop-down menu, select Sample Form.
24.Click OK.
25.We can now save and activate the process. Select File -> Save Process.
Then select File -> Activate Process.
26.A window similar to Figure 11-92 comes up. Make sure the target database
name and the server name are correct. Click OK.
Figure 11-92 Activate process
27.Now that the process is in the database on the Workflow server, we need to
update the cache for the workflow process. Open Lotus Domino Administrator
by selecting Start -> Programs -> Lotus Applications -> Lotus Domino
28.Make sure that you are on the server where Lotus Workflow is installed. If you
are on the local database, select File -> Open Server and select the
appropriate server.
29.Select the Files tab. Double-click the file LWF Application R3.0. This is the
Workflow application database.
30.Select Administration -> Cache in the left menu.
31.Select Update Process Cache on the right. You show see the new
YourCoProcess1 workflow process as shown in Figure 11-93.
Chapter 11. Content management
Figure 11-93 Lotus Workflow process
The new workflow process is now in place. We can now verify the workflow
Workflow in Web Content Publisher
1. Log in as tara in Web Content Publisher.
2. Select the Tasks tab.
3. Click New Job.
4. In the Initiate new job window, type in the new job name Create news for HR
dept. Select YourCoProcess1 from the drop-down menu. Your window
should look similar to Figure 11-94. Click Start.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
Figure 11-94 Initiate new job
5. Log out and log in again as dave. Dave belongs to the content contributor
group so we expect the newly created job should now be assigned to Dave.
6. Select the Tasks tab. Click the menu I could own. You should see the job
that is assigned to Dave. Click Work On. In the Work On window that comes
up, enter some comment in the comment box and click +. Then click Work
On. The job is now moved to the I own menu.
7. Upload a new document. Note that the newly uploaded document has an
asterisk beside it, indicating that the document is not viewable by the public.
8. Click Complete. Now the job should be assigned to the domain expert, Rob.
9. Log in as rob and approve and publish the content.
Chapter 11. Content management
11.4 Known problems and workarounds
This section describes some of the shortcomings of Web Content Publisher and
their workarounds.
򐂰 Problem: Cannot display static content in a portlet.
Workaround: You might be using a lower version of Internet Explorer.
Currently, Web Content Publisher only supports Internet Explorer version 5.5.
򐂰 Problem: You get an error: CTAC0065E: Error connecting to workflow
Workaround: Your network connection could be different. Copy and replace
diiop.txt from the Domino directory into the htdocs directory. Stop WebSphere
Application Server. Then restart Domino. After Domino is fully initialized, start
WebSphere Application Server again.
򐂰 Problem: Publish or un-publish articles at specific times. Due to publish
latency, contents cannot start appearing on Portal at precise times.
Workaround: The best approach to presenting and invalidating an article is
to create a start time and end time property within the structured content.
Then the portlet will access the published content database at runtime to
determine whether the content is valid or not.
򐂰 Problem: Web Content Publisher does not support unpublishing.
Workaround: Delete static files and stale data manually from the runtime
򐂰 Problem: After a resource is unregistered, it cannot be re-registered
Workaround: When the resource is unregistered, the resource instances is
not cleaned up completely. The resource instances in the table and the table
that it uses do not get deleted. You can manually clean up the resources.
a. Open a DB2 command window by entering db2cmd on a DOS command
b. Get the ID of the project of which you would like to unregister the resource
by typing GETPROJECTS. Write down the ID of the project of which you want
to un-register the resource.
c. Type GETTABLES project ID to get the list of tables to be deleted. The
project ID is the ID of the project you want to clean up. Write down the
schema name and table name for resource collection(s) and associated
multi-value storage tables for the resource collection(s) you are
d. Unregister the resource from the project via the WebSphere Content
Publisher administration panel.
IBM WebSphere Portal V4 Developer’s Handbook
e. Remove the structured resources associated with the project you are
deleting by entering DELETETABLEDATA schemaName.tableName projectID
for each table in Step c.
f. After the table in Step e indicates that the table is empty and not being
used by other projects, enter DELETETABLE schemaName.tableName
򐂰 Problem: Projects cannot be delete in Web Content Publisher
Workaround: Projects can be deleted by following these steps:
a. Open a DB2 command window by entering db2cmd on a DOS command
b. Get the ID of the project you want to d
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