
Dixie State College of Utah Articulations General Education Breadth Humanities (BHU) (Humanities—HU)

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Dixie State College of Utah Articulations General Education Breadth Humanities (BHU) (Humanities—HU)
Dixie State College of Utah Articulations
General Education
The following courses taken at Dixie State College of Utah will meet
USU General Education requirements. Below the names of the USU
categories, the names of the Dixie General Education categories are
shown in parentheses. Course listings with an asterisk (*) are not
part of Dixie’s General Education requirements, but are equivalent to
courses approved for General Education at USU. Therefore, these
courses may be applied toward USU General Education requirements.
USU equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
Communications Literacy (CL1 & CL2)
(Communication Skills—CS)
ENGL 1010 (CS) Introduction to Writing................................................3
[satisfies CL1]
ENGL 2010 (CS) Intermediate Writing Selected Topics......................... 3
[satisfies CL2]
Quantitative Literacy (QL)
One of the following courses:
MATH 1030 (MA) Quantitative Reasoning.............................................3
MATH 1040 (MA) Introduction to Statistics............................................3
MATH 1050 (MA) College Algebra/Pre-Calculus...................................4
MATH 1060 (MA) Trigonometry.............................................................3
MATH 1065 (MA) Precalculus with Trigonometry..................................5
MATH 1100 (MA) Business Calculus.....................................................3
MATH 1210 (MA) Calculus I...................................................................5
MATH 1220 (MA) Calculus II..................................................................4
MATH 2210 (MA) Multivariable Calculus...............................................3
Breadth American Institutions (BAI)
(American Institutions—AI)
ECON 1740 (AI) Economic History of the U.S.......................................3
ECON 2020 (SS) Macro Economics......................................................3
[ECN 1500 (BAI)]
HIST 1700 (AI) American Civilization ....................................................3
HIST 2700 + 2710 (AI) U.S. History to 1877 + U.S. History................... 3
Since 1877
POLS 1100 (AI) American Government ................................................3
Breadth Creative Arts (BCA)
(Fine Arts—FA)
ART 1010 (FA) Introduction to Art..........................................................3
ART 1100 (FA) Introduction to Design...................................................3
DANC 1010 (FA) Dance Appreciation....................................................3
FCS 1370 (*) Introduction to Interior Design..........................................3
[ID 1750 (BCA)]
MUSC 1010 (FA) Introduction to Music..................................................3
MUSC 1100 (*) Fundamentals of Music.................................................3
[MUSC 1100 (BCA)]
THEA 1013 (FA) Introduction to Theatre................................................3
THEA 1023 (HU) Understanding Film....................................................3
[THEA 1023 (BCA)]
THEA 1026 (HU) Understanding Film/FYE............................................3
[THEA 1023 (BCA)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Breadth Humanities (BHU)
ARTH 2710 (FA) Art History I.................................................................3
[ARTH 2710 (BHU)]
ARTH 2720 (FA) Art History II................................................................3
[ARTH 2720 (BHU)]
COMM 1020 (*) Public Speaking...........................................................3
[SPCH 1020 (BHU)]
COMM 2110 (*) Interpersonal Communications.....................................3
[SPCH 2110 (BHU)]
ENGL 2130 (HU) Introduction to Science Fiction and Futurism............. 3
ENGL 2200 (HU) Introduction to Literature............................................3
ENGL 2230 (HU) Introduction to Mythology...........................................3
ENGL 2270 (HU) Introduction to World Literature I................................3
ENGL 2280 (HU) Introduction to World Literature II...............................3
ENGL 2330 (HU) Children’s Literature...................................................3
ENGL 2400 (HU) Introduction to American Literature I..........................3
ENGL 2410 (HU) Introduction to American Literature II.........................3
ENGL 2500 (HU) Introduction to British Literature I ..............................3
ENGL 2510 (HU) Introduction to British Literature II .............................3
ENGL 2600 (HU) Critical Introduction to Literature................................3
HIST 1100 (SS) Western Civilization I . .................................................3
[HIST 1100 (BHU)]
HIST 1110 (SS) Western Civilization II...................................................3
[HIST 1110 (BHU)]
HUM 1010 (HU) Introduction to Humanities...........................................3
HUM 1100 (*) Western Civilization I.......................................................3
[satisfies (BHU)]
HUM 1110 (*) Western Civilization II......................................................3
[satisfies (BHU)]
PHIL 1000 (HU) Introduction to Philosophy...........................................3
PHIL 1120 (HU) Social Ethics................................................................3
PHIL 1250 (*) Reasoning and Rational Decisions..................................3
[PHIL 1250 (BHU)]
Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)
(Life Sciences—LS)
BIOL 1010 (LS) General Biology...........................................................3
BIOL 1100 (LS) General Botany............................................................3
BIOL 1610+1615 (LS) Principles of Biology I + Lab..........................4+1
BIOL 1620+1625 (LS) Principles of Biology II + Lab.........................4+1
BIOL 2400+2405 (LS) Plant Kingdom + Lab.....................................3+1
NFS 1020 (LS) Scientific Foundations of Nutrition.................................3
Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)
(Physical Sciences—PS)
CHEM 1010 (PS) Introduction to Chemistry...........................................3
CHEM 1110 (PS) Elementary General/Organic Chemistry.................... 4
CHEM 1120 (*) Elementary Organic/Biochemistry.................................4
[CHEM 1120 (BPS)]
CHEM 1210+1215 (PS) Principles of Chemistry I + Lab....................4+1
CHEM 1220 (*) Principles of Chemistry II..............................................4
[CHEM 1220 (BPS)]
GEO 1010 (PS) Introduction to Geology................................................3
GEO 1020 (PS) Life of the Past.............................................................3
GEO 1040 (PS) Introduction to Dinosaurs.............................................3
GEO 1050+1055 (PS) Geology of National Parks + Lab...................3+1
GEO 1060 (PS) Environmental Geology................................................3
GEO 1080 (PS) Introduction to Oceanography......................................3
GEO 1110 (PS) Physical Geology..........................................................3
Dixie State College of Utah Articulations
GEOG 1000 (PS) Physical Geography..................................................3
GEOG 1020 (PS) Introduction to Weather.............................................3
PHYS 1010 (PS) Elementary Physics....................................................3
PHYS 1040 (PS) Elementary Astronomy...............................................3
PHYS 1360+1365 (PS) Principles of Physical Science + lab.............3+1
PHYS 2010+2015 (PS) College Physics I + Lab................................4+1
PHYS 2020 (*) College Physics II..........................................................4
[PHYS 2120 (BPS)]
PHYS 2210+2215 (PS) Physics for Scientists & Engineers I + Lab...4+1
PHYS 2220 (*) Physics for Scientists and Engineers II.......................... 4
[PHYS 2220 (BPS/QI)]
Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)
(Social Sciences—SS)
ANTH 1000 (SS) Introduction to Anthropology......................................3
COMM 1050 (SS) Introduction to Communication Theory..................... 3
COMM 1500 (*) Introduction to Mediated Communication..................... 3
[JCOM 1500 (BSS)]
COMM 2010 (SS) Media and Society....................................................3
ECON 1010 (SS) Economics of Social Issues.......................................3
ECON 2010 (SS) Micro Economics.......................................................3
FCS 1500 (SS) Human Development Lifespan......................................3
FCS 2400 (SS) Family Relationships.....................................................3
POLS 2200 (*) Introduction to Comparative Politics..............................3
[POLS 2200 (BSS)]
PSY 1010 (SS) General Psychology......................................................3
PSY 1100 (SS) Human Development Across the Lifespan.................... 3
SOC 1010 (SS) Introduction to Sociology..............................................3
SOC 1020 (SS) Social Problems...........................................................3
SOC 1200 (SS) Sociology of the Family................................................3
Depth Education
Dixie State College of Utah does not have depth education
requirements. However, the following courses (which are equivalent
to those approved for USU’s Depth Education Requirements) will fill
Communications Intensive, Quantitative Intensive, and Depth course
requirements at USU. USU equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
Communications Intensive (CI)
ASL 1010 (FL) Beginning American Sign Language I........................... 4
[COMD 3010 (CI)]
BIOL 3010 (*) Biological Evolution.........................................................3
[BIOL 3010 (CI/DSC)]
BIOL 4350 (*) Animal Behavior..............................................................3
[BIOL 4060 (CI)]
COMM 3850 (*) Organizational Communications..................................3
[SPCH 3250 (CI)
COMM 4010 (*) Persuasion...................................................................3
[SPCH 3400 (CI)]
CS 2450 (*) Software Engineering.........................................................3
[CS 2450 (CI)]
ELED 4410 (*) Methods, Strategies & Materials for Lang Arts ESL....... 3
[ELED 4030 (CI)]
ELED 4600 (*) Method/Teach Elem Language Arts...............................2
[ELED 4030 (CI)]
ENGL 2100 (*) Technical Writing............................................................3
[ENGL 3080 (CI)]
ENGL 3230 (*) Literature and Culture....................................................3
[ENGL 5300 (CI)]
ENGL 3350 (*) Writing/Professional Contexts........................................3
[ENGL 3400 (CI)]
ENGL 3720 (*) Editing............................................................................3
[ENGL 4400 (CI)]
ENGL 4500 (*) Methods of Teaching Writing.........................................3
[ENGL 4500 (CI)]
ENGL 4510 (*) Methods of Teaching Literature.....................................3
[ENGL 4510 (CI)]
HIST 3740 (*) The Emergence of Modern America................................3
[HIST 3760 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 3750 (*) Contemporary America....................................................3
[HIST 3760 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 3870 (*) History of Utah.................................................................3
[HIST 3850 (CI/DHA)]
MGMT 4800 (*) Strategic Management.................................................3
[MGT 4890 (CI)]
PSY 3010 (*) Research Methods in Psychology....................................4
[PSY 3500 (CI/DSS)]
PSY 4300 (*) Introduction to Counseling/Psychotherapy....................... 4
[PSY 5200 (CI)]
SCED 3720 (*) Reading Writing Content Areas.....................................3
[SCED 4200 (CI)]
SPAN 3020 (*) Conversation/Reading Spanish.....................................3
[SPAN 3060 (CI)]
THEA 3720 (*) Theatre History and Literature I.....................................3
[THEA 3230 (CI/DHA)]
THEA 3730 (*) Theatre History and Literature II....................................3
[THEA 3240 (CI)]
Quantitative Intensive (QI)
BIOL 2030 (LS) Principles of Genetics..................................................4
[BIOL 3060 (QI)]
BIOL 2225 (*) General Ecology Lab.......................................................1
[BIOL 3220 (QI)]
BIOL 4505 (*) Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Lab......................... 1
[BIOL 5610 (QI)]
BIOL 4600+4605 (*) Plant Physiology + Lab.....................................3+1
[BIOL 4400 (QI)]
CS 1400 + 1410 + 2420 (*) Fundamentals of Programming +.......3+3+3
Object Oriented Programming + Intro to Algorithm Data Structures
[CS 1400 + 1405 + 1410 (QI) + 2420 (QI)]
FIN 3150 (*) Managerial Finance I.........................................................3
[FIN 3400 (QI)]
MATH 2010+2020 (*) Math for Elementary Teachers I + II................3+3
[MATH 2020 (QI)]
MATH 2210 (MA) Multivariable Calculus...............................................3
[MATH 2210 (QI)]
MATH 2270 (*) Linear Algebra...............................................................3
[MATH 2270 (QI)]
MATH 2280 (*) Ordinary Differential Equations......................................3
[MATH 2280 (QI)]
PHYS 2210 (PS) Physics for Scientists and Engineers I....................... 4
[PHYS 2210 (QI)]
PHYS 2220 (*) Physics for Scientists and Engineers II.......................... 4
[PHYS 2220 (QI/BPS)]
PSY 3000 (*) Statistical Methods/Psychology........................................4
[PSY 2800 (QI)]
STAT 2040 (*) Business Statistics..........................................................4
[STAT 2000 (QI)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Dixie State College of Utah Articulations
Depth Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA)
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC)
ARTH 3030 (*) Medieval Art...................................................................3
[ARTH 4630 (DHA)]
ENGL 3030 (*) Advanced College Writing.............................................3
[ENGL 3040 (DHA)]
ENGL 3201 (*) Genre Studies: Folklore.................................................3
[ENGL 3070 (DHA)]
HIST 3740 (*) The Emergence of Modern America................................3
[HIST 3760 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 3750 (*) Contemporary America....................................................3
[HIST 3760 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 3870 (*) History of Utah.................................................................3
[HIST 3850 (DHA/CI)]
PHIL 3510 (*) Professional Ethics..........................................................2
[PHIL 3520 (DHA)]
SPAN 4550 (*) Iberian Culture and Civilization......................................3
[SPAN 3550 (DHA)]
SPAN 4610 (*) Survey of Peninsular Literature I....................................3
[SPAN 3600 (DHA)]
SPAN 4620 (*) Survey of Peninsular Literature II...................................3
[SPAN 3610 (DHA)]
SPAN 4630 (*) Survey of Latin American Literature I.............................3
[SPAN 3620 (DHA)]
SPAN 4640 (*) Survey of Latin American Literature II............................3
[SPAN 3630 (DHA)]
THEA 3113 (*) Accents and Dialects......................................................3
[THEA 3450 (DHA)]
THEA 3720 (*) Theatre History and Literature I.....................................3
[THEA 3230 (DHA/CI)]
THEA 4390 (*) Costume History............................................................3
[THEA 3570 (DHA)]
THEA 4660 (*) Survey of Period Styles and Decor................................3
[THEA 3050 (DHA)]
BIOL 3010 (*) Biological Evolution.........................................................3
[BIOL 3010 (DSC/CI)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Depth Social Sciences (DSS)
COMM 3190 (*) Intercultural Communication........................................3
[SPCH 3330 (DSS)]
MGMT 3400 (*) Management and Organizations..................................3
[MGT 3110 (DSS)]
PSY 3010 (*) Research Methods in Psychology....................................4
[PSY 3500 (CI/DSS)]
PSY 3120 (*) Cognitive Psychology.......................................................3
[PSY 4420 (DSS)]
PSY 3400 (*) Psychology of Abnormal Behavior....................................3
[PSY 3210 (DSS)]
PSY 3410 (*) Social Psychology............................................................3
[PSY 3510 (DSS)]
PSY 3700 (*) Personality Theory............................................................3
[PSY 4210 (DSS)]
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