
College of Southern Idaho Articulations General Education Breadth Creative Arts (BCA) (Fine Arts)

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College of Southern Idaho Articulations General Education Breadth Creative Arts (BCA) (Fine Arts)
College of Southern Idaho Articulations
General Education
The following courses taken at the College of Southern Idaho will
meet USU General Education requirements. Below the names of the
USU categories, the names of the CSI General Education categories
are shown in parentheses. Course listings with an asterisk (*) are not
part of CSI’s General Education requirements, but are equivalent to
courses approved for General Education at USU. Therefore, these
courses may be applied toward USU General Education requirements.
USU equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
The following designations are solely for purposes of this document,
and are NOT codes used by the College of Southern Idaho. The
designations indicate where CSI places these courses within its
General Education program.
Computer and Information Literacy
Social Science
Communications Literacy (CL1 & CL2)
ENGL 101 (E) English Composition 1....................................................3
[satisfies CL1]
ENGL 102 (E) English Composition 2....................................................3
[satisfies CL1]
ENGL 201 (*) Intermediate Expository Composition..............................3
[satisfies CL2]
Quantitative Literacy (QL)
MATH 123 (M) Math in Modern Society.................................................3
[MATH 1030 (QL)]
MATH 143 (M) College Algebra..............................................................3
[MATH 1050 (QL)]
MATH 160 (M) Brief Calculus.................................................................4
[MATH 1100 (QL)]
MATH 170 (M) Calculus 1......................................................................5
[MATH 1210 (QL)]
MATH 175 (*) Calculus 2........................................................................4
[MATH 1220 (QL)]
Breadth American Institutions (BAI)
ECON 201 (SS) Principles of Macroeconomics.....................................3
[ECN 1500 (BAI)]
HIST 111 (SS) United States History 1...................................................3
[HIST 2700 (BAI)]
HIST 112 (SS) United States History 2..................................................3
[HIST 2710 (BAI)]
POLS 101 (SS) American National Government...................................3
[POLS 1100 (BAI)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Breadth Creative Arts (BCA)
(Fine Arts)
MUSI 100 (H) Music Appreciation..........................................................3
[MUSC 1010 (BCA)]
MUSI 103 (*) Fundamentals of Music....................................................2
[MUSC 1100 (BCA)]
MUSI 108 (H) Survey of Jazz and Pop Music........................................3
THEA 101 (H) Theatre Appreciation.......................................................3
[THEA 1013 (BCA)]
Breadth Humanities (BHU)
ARTS 101 (H) Art History 1....................................................................3
[ARTH 2710 (BHU)]
ARTS 102 (H) Art History 2....................................................................3
[ARTH 2720 (BHU)]
COMM 101 (*) Fundamentals of Oral Communication...........................3
[SPCH 1020 (BHU)]
COMM 102 (*) Interpersonal Communication........................................3
[SPCH 2110 (BHU)]
ENGL 126 (H) Film and Literature..........................................................3
ENGL 175 (H) Introduction to Literature.................................................3
ENGL 215 (H) Survey of World Mythology.............................................3
ENGL 235 (*) Introduction to Shakespeare............................................3
[ENGL 2300 (BHU)]
ENGL 257 (H) Western World Literature 1.............................................3
ENGL 258 (H) Western World Literature 2.............................................3
ENGL 267 (H) Survey of English Literature 1........................................3
ENGL 268 (H) Survey of English Literature 2........................................3
ENGL 277 (H) Survey of American Literature 1.....................................3
ENGL 278 (H) Survey of American Literature 2.....................................3
HIST 101 (SS) Western Civilization 1.....................................................3
[HIST 1100 (BHU)]
HIST 102 (SS) Western Civilization 2.....................................................3
[HIST 1110 (BHU)]
HUMA 101 (H) Introduction to the Humanities 1....................................3
HUMA 102 (H) Introduction to the Humanities 2....................................3
PHIL 101 (H) Introduction to Philosophy................................................3
PHIL 201 (*) Logic and Language..........................................................3
[PHIL 1250 (BHU)]
PHIL 202 (H) Ethics................................................................................3
Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)
AGRI 180 (S) Food System Science......................................................4
ANTH 101 (SS) Physical Anthropology..................................................3
[ANTH 1020 (BLS)]
BIOL 100 (S) Concepts of Biology.........................................................4
[BIOL 1010 (BLS)]
BIOL 120 (S) Environmental Science....................................................4
BIOL 201 + 202 (S) Biology 1 + Biology 2.........................................4+4
[BIOL 1610 + BIOL 1620 (BLS)]
BIOL 227 (S) Human Anatomy and Physiology 1..................................4
BIOL 228 (S) Human Anatomy and Physiology 2..................................4
HORT 101 (*) Introduction to Horticulture..............................................3
[PSC 1800 (BLS)]
College of Southern Idaho Articulations
Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)
AGRI 212 (*) Plant Nutrition...................................................................4
[PSC 2010 (BPS)]
CHEM 100 (S) Chemistry in Everyday Life............................................4
CHEM 101 (S) Introduction to Chemistry...............................................4
CHEM 102 (S) Essentials of Organic and Biochemistry........................ 5
CHEM 111 (S) Principles of Chemistry 1................................................5
CHEM 112 (*) Principles of Chemistry 2................................................5
[CHEM 1220 (BPS) + CHEM 1225]
GEOG 100 (S) Physical Geography.......................................................4
GEOL 101 (S) Physical Geology............................................................4
GEOL 102 (S) Historical Geology..........................................................4
GEOL 104 (S) Natural Disasters and Environmental Geology............... 4
PHYS 100 (S) Survey of Physics...........................................................4
PHYS 101 (S) Survey of Astronomy.......................................................4
PHYS 111 (S) General Physics 1...........................................................4
PHYS 112 (S) General Physics 2...........................................................4
PHYS 212 (*) Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2............................ 5
[PHYS 2220 (BPS/QI)])
Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)
(Social Science)
ANTH 102 (SS) Cultural Anthropology...................................................3
ANTH 103 (*) Introduction to Archaeology.............................................3
[ANTH 1030 (BSS)]
COMM 171 (*) Introduction to Mass Communication............................. 3
[JCOM 1500 (BSS)]
CRIJ 103 (SS) Introduction to Law and Justice.....................................3
ECON 202 (SS) Principles of Microeconomics......................................3
GEOG 102 (SS) Cultural Geography.....................................................3
GEOG 200 (SS) World Regional Geography.........................................3
POLS 102 (SS) Introduction to Political Science...................................3
POLS 221 (SS) Introduction to International Relations.......................... 3
PSYC 101 (SS) General Psychology.....................................................3
SOCY 101 (SS) Introduction to Sociology..............................................3
SOCY 102 (*) Social Problems...............................................................3
[SOC 1020 (BSS)]
Depth Education
CSI does not have depth education requirements. However, the
following courses (which are equivalent to those approved for USU’s
Depth Education Requirements) will fill Communications Intensive,
Quantitative Intensive, and Depth course requirements at USU. USU
equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
Communications Intensive (CI)
AGRI 111 + 222 (*) Artificial Insemination of Cattle + Animal.............2+3
Reproduction and Breeding
[ADVS 4200 (CI)]
EDUA 236 (*) Teaching Writing in Schools.............................................3
[ELED 4030 (CI)]
ENGL 202 (*) Technical Communication................................................3
[ENGL 3080 (CI)]
JOUR 222 (*) Advanced Reporting, Layout, and Editing....................... 3
[JCOM 3100 (CI)]
SIGL 101 (H) American Sign Language 1..............................................4
[COMD 3010 (CI)]
THEA 201 (H) Theatre History 1............................................................3
[THEA 3230 (CI/DHA)]
THEA 202 (H) Theatre History 2............................................................3
[THEA 3240 (CI)]
Quantitative Intensive (QI)
CHEM 253 (*) Quantitative Analysis.......................................................5
[CHEM 3000 (QI) + CHEM 3005]
COMS 229 (*) Introduction to Programming C++...................................3
[CS 1410 (QI)]
COMS 250 (*) Data Structures...............................................................3
[CS 2420 (QI)]
MATH 230 (*) Introduction to Linear Algebra..........................................3
[MATH 2270 (QI)]
MATH 253 (M) Elementary Statistics.....................................................3
[STAT 2000 (QI)]
MATH 275 (*) Calculus 3........................................................................4
[MATH 2210 (QI)]
MATH 310 (*) Ordinary Differential Equations........................................3
[MATH 2280 (QI)]
PHYS 211 (*) Physics for Scientists and Engineers 1............................ 5
[PHYS 2210 (QI)]
PHYS 212 (*) Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2............................ 5
[PHYS 2220 (QI/BPS)]
PSYC 217 (*) Statistical Methods...........................................................3
[PSY 2800 (QI)]
Depth Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA)
THEA 201 (H) Theatre History 1............................................................3
[THEA 3230 (DHA/CI)]
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC)
College of Southern Idaho currently has no courses which may be
applied toward the DSC requirement.
Depth Social Sciences (DSS)
ECON 296 (*) International Economics..................................................3
[ECN 3400 (DSS)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
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