State vs. Thomas Woznicki (St. Croix County, Wisconsin)
Thomas Woznicki was charged with six counts of “Sex with Child Age 16 or Older” in 1994, while he was employed with the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The criminal charges were ultimately dismissed.
Thomas Woznicki vs. Dennis Erickson Court Filing (September 1995)
This document in the case of Thomas Woznicki vs. Dennis Erickson was filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court on September 15, 1995. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling in the case of Woznicki v. Erickson established the “Woznicki Notice” precedent, which gives public employees in Wisconsin the right to challenge the release of certain public records.
Thomas Woznicki Reference Letter and Boscobel, WI School Board Minutes
Compare and contrast the contents of the reference letter on the last page with the School Board Minutes on the preceding pages. All documents were obtained from the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district.
Thomas Woznicki and Florence County, Wisconsin School Board Minutes
This document contains School Board Minutes obtained from the Florence County, Wisconsin school district. Note the “Closed Session” Minutes for the School Board meeting held on April 22, 2013, on the third page.
Thomas Woznicki Middle Name Change (James to Suchomel)
Thomas Woznicki appears to have changed his middle name from James to Suchomel at some point in time, although the reason for the apparent change is not clear.
Thomas Woznicki and Boscobel, Wisconsin School District Emails
This document contains numerous emails obtained from the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district, along with the Minutes of a special School Board meeting that was held on July 1, 2014. Note the “Closed Session” portion of the School Board Minutes and the series of emails following the School Board Minutes. Also note the email exchange between Thomas Woznicki and Brian Johnston, Business Manager at the School District of New Richmond, which occurred on June 26, 2014.
Thomas Woznicki Photograph from 1980s (Former WI Teacher and Superintendent)
This photograph of Thomas Woznicki was taken during the 1980s. Thomas Woznicki has been employed with several school districts in Wisconsin as a teacher and, more recently, as the Superintendent of the Florence County and Boscobel school districts in Wisconsin.
Thomas Woznicki Personnel Records (New Richmond, Wisconsin School District)
This document contains selected portions of Thomas Woznicki’s personnel file obtained from the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The complete file is more than two hundred pages in length and may be obtained from the school district upon request. The release of the complete file was disputed in the Wisconsin Supreme Court case of Thomas Woznicki v. Dennis Erickson. The Woznicki v. Erickson ruling established the “Woznicki Rule” precedent, which gives public employees in Wisconsin the right to challenge the release of certain public records after receiving a “Woznicki Notice.” The more recent case of Thomas Woznicki v. Jeff Moberg also pertained to Thomas Woznicki’s personnel records from the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district.
Documents Subpoena re: Thomas Woznicki (St. Croix County, Wisconsin)
The Documents Subpoena pertains to Thomas Woznicki, a former teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The letter on the first page indicates that the subpoena was filed in St. Croix County, Wisconsin.
Correspondence re: Thomas Woznicki Personal and Sick Leave (New Richmond)
This document contains correspondence related to a request apparently made by Thomas Woznicki, a teacher at New Richmond High School in Wisconsin, for a “personal illness day” to attend a dental appointment in Appleton (approximately 250 miles from New Richmond) for a “chipped tooth.” The document includes two letters signed by the Executive Director of the West Central Education Association.
Thomas Woznicki vs. Northern Ozaukee S.D. (Discrimination Complaint)
In 2011, Thomas Woznicki filed a discrimination complaint against the Northern Ozaukee School District in Wisconsin. The complaint alleged that the school district discriminated against Mr. Woznicki based on his arrest record. The complainant, Thomas Woznicki, was represented by Attorney Anne-Marie E. Woznicki, possibly a relative.
Thomas Woznicki and Florence County, Wisconsin School District Emails
This document contains numerous emails obtained from the Florence County, Wisconsin school district, along with copies of letters pertaining to Thomas Woznicki’s employment as Superintendent. Note the email from School Board President Jim Churchill to Superintendent Thomas Woznicki sent on April 23, 2013, along with the subsequent series of emails. Also note the email at the bottom of the third page (sent on November 16, 2012) and the email sent by current Superintendent Ben Niehaus on June 2, 2015.
Thomas Woznicki and Florence County, WI School District Records Compilation
This document contains various records obtained from the Florence County, Wisconsin school district. Note the email from School Board President Jim Churchill to Superintendent Thomas Woznicki sent on April 23, 2013, along with the subsequent series of emails. Also note the email sent on November 16, 2012 and the email sent by current Superintendent Ben Niehaus on June 2, 2015.
Thomas Woznicki Letters re: Formal Reprimand (New Richmond, WI School District)
This document contains two letters written and signed by Thomas Woznicki, a former teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The letters include references to a “formal reprimand.”
This document contains selected portions of Thomas Woznicki’s personnel file obtained from the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. Certain documents have been omitted due to potentially disturbing and/or graphic content pertaining to allegations of misconduct. The complete file may be obtained from the school district upon request. The release of the complete file was disputed in the Wisconsin Supreme Court case of Thomas Woznicki v. Dennis Erickson. The Woznicki v. Erickson ruling established the “Woznicki Rule” precedent, which gives public employees in Wisconsin the right to challenge the release of certain public records after receiving a “Woznicki Notice.” The more recent case of Thomas Woznicki v. Jeff Moberg also pertained to Thomas Woznicki’s personnel records from the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district.
Thomas Woznicki License Review Referral (WI Department of Public Instruction)
This document contains a License Review Referral submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Bureau for Teacher Education, Licensing, and Placement during April of 1994. The referral pertained to Thomas Woznicki, a teacher at New Richmond High School, and was filed by the Superintendent of the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district.
Thomas Woznicki Dismissal (Florence County, Wisconsin School District)
The email on page 4 clearly indicates that Thomas Woznicki was asked to leave the Florence County, Wisconsin school district.
Complaints re: Thomas Woznicki (New Richmond, Wisconsin School District)
This document references “parent complaints, student complaints and concerns as well as faculty concerns” pertaining to Thomas Woznicki, a former teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district.
Thomas Woznicki Employment Application Letters (February 2011 - September 2013)
This document contains copies of numerous letters of application that Thomas Woznicki submitted to Wisconsin school districts between February 2011 and September 2013.
Thomas Woznicki vs. Brian Johnston (New Richmond, Wisconsin)
This is the Summons and Complaint from a lawsuit that Thomas Woznicki filed in 2011, seeking to prevent the release of his personnel records maintained by the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district.
Thomas Woznicki Address Verification (New Richmond and Boscobel School Districts)
This document contains a brief email exchange between Thomas Woznicki and Brian Johnston, Business Manager at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The email exchange occurred while Mr. Woznicki was the Superintendent of the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Note the reason for the address verification specified by Mr. Johnston in the first email, which appears to reference the “Woznicki Rule” notification requirement applicable to public records requests in Wisconsin.